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Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

by Robert Louis Stevenson


Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

1. acquiesce AK wee es to give in, to comply

Synonyms >> accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe Antonym >> to object; to disagree
I was so desperate that I had to acquiesce to his demands.
Derivatives >> acquiescence, acquiescent, acquiescingly, acquiescently
2. allusion uh LOO shun implied or indirect reference; hinting at
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
Her allusion to the literary figure made the point she wanted.
Derivatives >> allusions, allude, alluded
3. amity AM uh tee friendship
Synonyms >>uh Antonym >> hostility
That small town is well-known for its amity; the town has very friendly people.
Derivatives >> amities
4. apocryphal uh PA kra ful of doubtful origin or authenticity, not genuine
Synonyms >> Antonym >> of known origin; genuine
The jury saw through the apocryphal tears of the witness.
Derivatives >> apocryphally, apocryphalness
5. apprehend a pre HEND to seize, arrest, take into custody; to understand; become aware of
Synonyms >> Antonym >> turn loose
Fortunately the police apprehended the man who stole my television.
Derivatives >> apprehender, apprehensible, apprehensibility, apprehension
6. blasphemous BLAS fuh mus irreverent, profane
Synonyms >> Antonym >> sacred; reverent
Telling that sacrilegious joke is blasphemous.
Derivatives >> blaspheme, blasphemed, blaspheming, blaspemer, blasphemousness, blasphemously, blasphemy
7. calamity kuh LAM uh tee a serious event causing distress or misfortune
Synonyms >> cataclysm, catastrophe Antonym >> good fortune
The earthquake in Mexico was a calamity.
Derivatives >> calamitous, calamitously, calamitousness
8. circumscribed SIR kum skribd restricted or limited
Synonyms >> Antonym >> unbounded
The triangle circumscribed the circle.
Derivatives >> circumscribe, circumscribing, circumscription, circumscriptive
9. conflagration kon fluh GRAY shun a large fire
Synonyms >> Antonym >> small flame
Some believe that the earth will be destroyed by a large conflagration.
Derivatives >> conflagrations, conflagrant, conflagrate, conflagrator, conflagratory
10. coquette ko KET a woman who flirts with men without sincere affection
Synonyms >> Antonym >> prude
The young woman flirted coquettishly with the man.
Derivatives >> coquetry, coquet, coquetted, coquetting, coquettish, coquettishly, coquettishness
11. depravity deh PRAV eh tee moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act
Synonyms >> abasement, corruption, debasement, debauchery, perversion, Antonym >> noble behavior
The depravity of vitiation
his behavior shocked everyone.
Derivatives >> deprave, depraver, depravement, depraved

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
12. disinterment dis in TUR munt removal from a grave or tomb
Synonyms >> Antonym >> burial
The family signed a court order for the relative's disinterment.
Derivatives >> disinter
13. disparity deh SPAR eh tee inequality, the condition or fact of being unequal in age, rank, or degree
Synonyms >> Antonym >> similarity
The couple got married even though there was a great disparity in their ages.
Derivatives >> disparate, disparately, disparateness, disparatum
14. duplicity doo PLIS eh tee double-dealing, hypocrisy
Synonyms >> Antonym >> sincerity; single-mindedness
His duplicity was exposed when the girl he was seeing found out he was married.
Derivatives >> duplicitous
15. ebullient eh BUL yunt overflowing with excitement, showing enthusiasm
Synonyms >> Antonym >> staid, stoic
She was ebullient about going to the prom.
Derivatives >> ebullience, ebulliency, ebulliently
16. elicit eh LIS it to bring out a response, to evoke
Synonyms >> educe, extort, extract Antonym >> to inhibit
I would like to elicit your participation in the blood drive.
Derivatives >> elicitable, elicitate, elicitation
17. endow en DOW to provide with income or property, to supply with a talent or quality
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
I plan to endow a million dollars to my former college.
Derivatives >> endowment, endowed
18. enigmatic en ig MAT ik mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling
Synonyms >> abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, equivocal, obscure, recondite Antonym >> clear
The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is an enigma to this day.
Derivatives >> enigma, enigmatical, enigmatically, enigmatize
19. estrange eh STRANJ to alienate, to separate
Synonyms >> disaffect, wean Antonym >> to unite; to join
The necessity to travel in his business may estrange him from his family for a short period of time.
Derivatives >> estranged, estrangedness, estrangement
20. exacting ig ZAK ting demanding, requiring great care
Synonyms >> burdensome, onerous, oppressive Antonym >> indulgent
Concerning the form of the outline, the teacher was very exacting.
Derivatives >> exact, exactable, exactingly, exactingness
21. extraneous ik STRAY nee us not essential or vital
Synonyms >> alien, extrinsic, foreign Antonym >> essential
The extraneous assignments left the student with little time for himself.
Derivatives >> extraneously, extraneousness
22. ferocity fuh ROS eh tee savagery
Synonyms >> Antonym >> mildness
A tiger is an animal that has ferocity.
Derivatives >> ferocious, ferociously, ferociousness
23. florid FLOR id flowery, flushed with color
Synonyms >> Antonym >> plain; simple; pale
His face becomes florid when he gets angry.
Derivatives >> floridity, floridly, floridness
24. gaunt GAWNT very thin, emaciated, angular
Synonyms >> lank, lean, rawboned, spare Antonym >> rotund, corpulent
Prisoners in World War II concentration camps became gaunt from lack of nutrition.
Derivatives >> gauntly, gauntness, gaunty
25. grate GRATE to cause irritation
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to soothe
Her acrimonious comments grate on my nerves.
Derivatives >> grated, grating, grater

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
26. imperious im PEER ee us extremely overbearing
Synonyms >> domineering, imperative, masterful, preemptory Antonym >> meek
The imperious behavior of the dictator led to his overthrow.
Derivatives >> imperiously, imperiousness
27. incipient in SIP ee unt beginning to come into being, the early stage of something
Synonyms >> Antonym >> waning
He is not able to recognize his own incipient drug problem.
Derivatives >> incipiative, incipiency, incipience, incipiently
28. incongruity in kon GROO eh tee nonconformity, disagreement, incompatibility
Synonyms >> Antonym >> agreement
The incongruity between the two stories led me to doubt the accuracy of either report.
Derivatives >> incongruent, incongruently, incongruence, incongruous, incongrously, incongruousness
29. induce in DOOS, in DYOOS to bring on or to bring about
Synonyms >> cause, effect, influence, persuade, prevail Antonym >> to impede
His personality changes were induced by drugs.
Derivatives >> induced, inducing, inducement, inducer
30. inordinate in OR duh nit exceeding reasonable limits, excessive
Synonyms >> exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate Antonym >> small
It is a sign of trouble when a student has an inordinate number of absences.
Derivatives >> inordinately, inordinateness, inordination
31. inveterate in VET ur it firmly established, habitual, deep-rooted
Synonyms >> Antonym >> readily changeable
Because he had been an inveterate workaholic, he had trouble adjusting his lifestyle when he retired.
Derivatives >> inveterately, inveterateness
32. labyrinthine lab uh RIN thin like a maze, very convoluted and intricate
Synonyms >> mazy Antonym >>
The senator vowed to unravel the labyrinthine welfare bureaucracy.
Derivatives >> labyrinth, labyrinthal, labyrinthical, labyrinthian, labyrinthic, labyrinthically
33. malady MAL eh dee a disease or unwholesome condition
Synonyms >> Antonym >> good health
The poor old woman seems to suffer one malady after another.
Derivatives >> maladies
34. malefactor MAL uh fak tur a criminal
Synonyms >> Antonym >> law-abiding citizen
The candidate for attorney general said that he will see that all malefactors are locked up.
Derivatives >> malefaction, malefactress, maleficence, malefice, maleficent
35. mortify MORE tuh fie to humiliate, to wound pride, to experience shame
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to calm; to soothe
It would simp ly mortify me to have someone say such shameful things about my family.
Derivatives >> mortifyingly, mortifier, mortified, mortifiedly, mortification
36. multifarious mul tuh FARE ee us great in variety, diverse
Synonyms >> Antonym >> limited in variety
He is valuable because of his multifarious talents.
Derivatives >> multifariously, multifariousness
37. muse MYOOZ to ponder
Synonyms >> meditate, ruminate Antonym >>
I have often mused about life on a tropical island.
Derivatives >> mused, museful, musefully, museless, musing
38. obscure ub SKYOOR difficult to see, vague
Synonyms >> abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, Antonym >> clear; apparent
Because the meaning of the play was obscure, I was unable to enjoy it.
Derivatives >> obscuration, obscurative, obscuredly, obscurely, obscurement, obscureness, obscurity
39. obsequious ub SEE kwee us overly attentive, like a sycophant, servile
Synonyms >> slavish, subservient Antonym >> disinterested
I believe that his obsequious behavior toward his grandmother is to ensure being included in the will.
Derivatives >> obsequence, obsequent, obsequience, obsequiously, obsequiousness, obsequity

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
40. odious OH dee us deserving hate or contempt
Synonyms >> Antonym >> respectable
Pornography is an odious business.
Derivatives >> odiously, odiousness, odium
41. pedantry PED un tree act of showing off learning in a manner that is needless and unimaginative
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
The teacher's lectures are a demonstration of pedantry without scholarship.
Derivatives >> pedantic, pedantical, pedantically, pedanticism, pedant
42. peevish PEE vish fretful, obstinate
Synonyms >> Antonym >> tranquil; peaceful
With a peevish gesture, Jane slammed the book shut.
Derivatives >> peevishly, peevishness, peeve, peeved
43. penitent PEN eh tunt showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing, repentant
Synonyms >> compunctual, contrite, remorseful Antonym >> unrepentant
He became penitent when he realized that his prank resulted in serious injury.
Derivatives >> penitence, penitency, penitential
44. perennial puh REN ee ul lasting for many years
Synonyms >> constant, incessant, perpetual, unremitting Antonym >> annual
The Dallas Cowboys were often a perennial favorite to win the Super Bowl.
Derivatives >> perennially
45. prodigy PROD eh jee one with exceptional talents or powers; an extraordinary accomplishment
Synonyms >> Antonym >> ordinary occurrence
Mozart was considered a child prodigy since he had great musical talents at a very early age.
Derivatives >> prodigies
46. propriety pruh PRY eh tee correct conduct
Synonyms >> Antonym >> indecorum
Those who attend the club meetings should conduct themselves with propriety.
Derivatives >> proprieties
47. reconcile REK un sile to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to alienate
The family will never be the same until Mom and Grandma reconcile their differences.
Derivatives >> reconcilability, reconcilable, reconcilableness, reconcilably, reconcileness, reconcilement, reconciliate
48. repress reh PRES to restrain, to hold back
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to release
I feel that I need to repress my desires for him since he obviously does not like me.
Derivatives >> repressed, repression, repressive, repressiveness
49. reprove reh PROOV to scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent
Synonyms >> admonish, castigate, chastise, chide, rebuke, reproach Antonym >> to approve; to applaud
A teacher sometimes needs to reprove a student for talking during class.
Derivatives >> reprovable, reprovingly, reproving, reproved, reproves, reproof
50. reputable REP yuh tuh bul having a good reputation
Synonyms >> Antonym >> disreputable; notorious; infamous
The Better Business Bureau said that the company was reputable.
Derivatives >> reputability, reputably, reputation, reputative, reputatively, repute, reputed, reputedly, reputeless
51. ruminate ROO muh nate to consider for a long time at a slow pace, to ponder
Synonyms >> meditate, muse, ponder Antonym >> to consider fleetingly
We will have to go elsewhere if you ruminate about your decision for a long period.
Derivatives >> ruminatingly, ruminator, ruminative, ruminant, ruminantly
52. sedulously SEJ uh lus lee very diligent, accomplishing with painstaking care
Synonyms >> assiduous, industrious Antonym >> haphazardly
It is very heartwarming when I can get a student to sedulously complete an assignment.
Derivatives >> sedulous, sedulity, sedulousness
53. transcended tran SEND ed surpassed, exceeded
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
His actions in the crisis transcended the call of duty.
Derivatives >> transcend, transcendence, transcendency, transcendent, transcendental, transcendentalistic

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
54. transparent trans PARE unt quality of being able to be seen through, clear
Synonyms >> limpid, translucent Antonym >> opaque
Glass is a transparent substance.
Derivatives >> transparently, transparentness, transparency
55. trifling TRY fling not significant, frivolous
Synonyms >> Antonym >> important; significant
Some think that watching MTV is a trifling experience.
Derivatives >> trifle, trifled, trifling, trifles
56. unobtrusive un ob TRUE siv not readily noticeable, inconspicuous
Synonyms >> Antonym >> noticeable; obvious
He is very unobtrusive sitting over there in the corner.
Derivatives >> unobtrusiveness, unobtrusively
57. vicarious vie KARE ee us experienced through imagined participation in another's activity
Synonyms >> Antonym >> firsthand
Many people who watch football experience a vicarious release of aggression.
Derivatives >> vicariate, vicarism, vicariously, vicariousness
58. vigilant VIJ uh lunt very alert, watchful
Synonyms >> Antonym >> unconcerned; inattentive
I have been vigilant in trying to find the thief.
Derivatives >> vigilance, vigilantly, vigilantness, vigil
59. volatile VOL uh til quickly changeable, easily vaporized
Synonyms >> Antonym >> static; unchangeable
Because of his volatile temper, one must use caution in dealing with him.
Derivatives >> volatileness, volatility, volatilization, volatilizable, volatize
60. whets HWETS stimulates, sharpens
Synonyms >> Antonym >> stifles; dulls; suppresses
The smell of fresh bread always whets my appetite.
Derivatives >> whet, whetted

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org

Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

by Robert Louis Stevenson

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson

These words which appear in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" have been identified as words that
SAT has used in past tests. They are listed here in alphabetical order.

1. acquiescence 21. extraneous

2. allusion 22. ferocity
3. amities 23. florid
4. apocryphal 24. gaunt
5. apprehension 25. grate
6. blasphemies 26. imperious
7. calamity 27. incipient
8. circumscription 28. incongruous
9. conflagration 29. induce
10. coquetry 30. inordinate
11. depravity 31. inveterately
12. disinterred 32. labyrinths
13. disparity 33. maladies
14. duplicity 34. malefactor
15. ebullition 35. mortify
16. elicited 36. multifarious
17. endowed 37. musing
18. enigmas 38. obscure
19. estranged 39. obsequiously
20. exacting 40. odious

These words which appear in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" have been identified as words that SAT has used
in past tests. They are listed here in order of appearance in the short story.

1. reprove 21. disinterred 41. prodigy

2. reputable 22. induce 42. endowed
3. coquetry 23. gaunt 43. reconcile
4. florid 24. grate 44. imperious
5. apocryphal 25. ruminated 45. duplicity
6. proprieties 26. elicited 46. exacting
7. estranged 27. sedulously 47. inveterately
8. labyrinths 28. allusion 48. perennial
9. inordinate 29. amities 49. multifarious
10. obscure 30. mortify 50. incongruous
11. apprehension 31. peevishly 51. extraneous
12. transparency 32. maladies 52. vigilance
13. unobtrusive 33. malefactor 53. vicarious
14. pedantry 34. incipient 54. depravity
15. repress 35. volatile 55. penitence
16. ferocity 36. whetted 56. obsequiously
17. musing 37. disparity 57. blasphemies
18. trifling 38. enigmas 58. acquiescence
19. conflagration 39. ebullition 59. calamity
20. odious 40. transcendental 60. circumscription

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Vocabulary Test 1

Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.

Exercise A

________ 1. acquiesce a. restricted or limited

________ 2. allusion b. of doubtful origin or authenticity, not genuine
________ 3. amity c. irreverent, profane
________ 4. apocryphal d. to give in, comply
________ 5. apprehend e. a woman who flirts with men without sincere affection
________ 6. blasphemous f. to seize, arrest, take into custody; understand
________ 7. calamity g. implied or indirect reference, hinting at
________ 8. circumscribed h. a serious event causing distress or misfortune
________ 9. conflagration i. friendship
________ 10. coquette j. large fire

Exercise B

________ 11. depravity k. to alienate, separate

________ 12. disinterment l. overflowing with excitement, showing enthusiasm
________ 13. disparity m. moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act
________ 14. duplicity n. to bring out a response, to evoke
________ 15. ebullient o. to provide with income, to supply with a talent or quality
________ 16. elicit p. double-dealing
________ 17. endow q. removal from a grave or tomb
________ 18. enigmatic r. mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling
________ 19. estrange s. demanding, requiring great care
________ 20. exacting t. inequality, the condition of being unequal in age or rank

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Vocabulary Test 2
Directions: Choose the letter of the definition that best fits the meaning of the word in bold type.

________ 1. an extraneous task

a. difficult b. unrealistic c. unessential d. simple
________ 2. the ferocity of a beast
a. strength b. savagery c. looks d. temperament
________ 3. a florid face
a. flushed with color b. angry countenance c. angular d. disgusted
________ 4. a gaunt face
a. round b. thin c. happy d. depressed
________ 5. a grating sound
a. pleasing b. disonant c. disgusting d. irritating
________ 6. imperious behavior
a. attentive b. important and dignified c. overbearing d. rude
________ 7. an incipient problem
a. established b. embarrassing c. complex d. beginning
________ 8. incongruity in answers
a. accuracy b. disagreement c. dishonesty d. respect
________ 9. to induce vomiting
a. dislike b. stop c. bring about d. analyze
________ 10. an inordinate amount
a. excessive b. insufficient c. undetermined d. desired
________ 11. an inveterate gossiper
a. hated b. habitual c. careful d. unladylike
________ 12. a labyrinthine debate
a. extremely long b. mazy and intricate c. loud and accusing d. dignified
________ 13. to suffer from a malady
a. broken heart b. verbal attack c. accident d. disease
________ 14. to confront a malefactor
a. lawyer b. unfortunate circumstances c. criminal d. intricate math problem
________ 15. to mortify a friend
a. humiliate b. honor c. bury d. gossip about
________ 16. multifarious talents
a. musical b. unlawful c. interesting d. diverse
________ 17. muse about a problem
a. ask advice b. to ponder c. ignore d. try to solve
________ 18. an obscure answer
a. intelligent b. thorough c. vague d. silly
________ 19. obsequious behavior
a. respectful b. servile c. uncalled for d. rude
________ 20. an odious occupation
a. contemptible b. pleasant c. smelly d. expensive

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson

Vocabulary Test 3
Exercise A

Directions: Select the word that best completes the following sentences

pedantry peevish penitent perennial prodigy

propriety reconcile repress reprove reputable

1. When you try to show off your knowledge like that, it's mere ___________; it's needless,
unimaginative, and certainly unimpressive.

2. Mozart was considered a child _____________ since he had great musical talents at a very
early age.

3. If you buy your clothes from a _____________ store, you can usually return them for a full
refund if you find some fault in them after taking them home; that is one way they keep such a
good reputation.

4. Jonathan stomped out of the room with a ______________ look on his face; anyone could see
that he was being obstinate about doing what the teacher asked.

5. If you intend to go to the reception, you must conduct yourself with utmost ____________; I
would not want to be embarrassed by your improper behavior in such a setting.

6. The mother tried to gently ____________ her child for his misbehavior, but she later resorted to
corporeal punishment to get his attention.

7. The woman's _____________ tears were indicative of her feelings of regret for her actions; she
was repentant in every sense of the word.

8. The family will never be the same until Mom and Dad are able to __________ their differences;
until they resolve their ridiculous dispute we all will suffer.

9. Some psychoses are due to the fact that people try to ___________ unpleasant things that
happened to them in their childhoods.

10. My mother likes to plant only _____________ flowers since they continue to bloom every year
and don't have to be replanted like annuals do.

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson

Vocabulary Test 3
Exercise B
Directions: Select the word that best completes the following sentences

ruminate sedulously transcended transparent trifling

unobtrusive vicarious vigilant volatile whets

1. I was most annoyed with his _________ comments; I cannot stand to listen to frivolous talk.

2. The woman got some sort of _________ pleasure from her daughter's activities in the sorority;
she seemed to be living her life through her daughter's experiences.

3. The man really remained quite ___________ while at the party; I expected him to be loud and
obnoxious, but he was actually inconspicuous the whole time.

4. I need some time to ____________ before I make my decision; it sometimes takes me a long
time to consider all my choices.

5. You will have to be _________ if you want to catch the thief; only if you are very watchful and
very alert will you be able to see him at his work.

6. Even though the glass was __________, it was difficult to see through it clearly since it was so

7. The student ______________ approached her assignment; much to my pleasure, all her work
was done with painstaking care and diligence.

8. Because of his _____ temper, one must use caution in dealing with him; you can never predict
how he will behave since he is so changeable.

9. The smell of fresh bread always _________ my appetite; even if I am not hungry at the time, it
stimulates my appetite.

10. The results we got on the project __________ even my expectations; I never dreamed we
would surpass the goals we had set for ourselves.

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Vocabulary Test 1

1. d 2. g 3. i 4. b 5. f 6. c 7. h

8. a 9. j 10. e 11. m 12. q 13. t 14. p

15. l 16. n 17. o 18. r 19. k 20. s

Vocabulary Test 2

1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c 7. d

8. b 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. b 13. d 14. c

15. a 16. d 17. b 18. c 19. b 20. a

Vocabulary Test 3

Exercise A Exercise B

1. pedantry 1. trifling
2. prodigy 2. vicarious
3. reputable 3. unobtrusive
4. peevish 4. ruminate
5. propriety 5. vigilant
6. reprove 6. transparent
7. penitent 7. sedulously
8. reconcile 8. volatile
9. repress 9. whets
10. perennial 10. transcended

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc. www.layingthefoundation.org

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