Corporate Strategy

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Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate

social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their
stakeholders. CSR is generally understood as being the way through which a company
achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives, while at the same
time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. In this sense it is
important to draw a distinction between CSR, which can be a strategic business management
concept, and charity, sponsorships or philanthropy. Even though the latter can also make a
valuable contribution to poverty reduction, will directly enhance the reputation of a company
and strengthen its brand, the concept of CSR clearly goes beyond that.

Similarly, economists Donald Siegel and Donald Vitaliano examined the theory that firms
strategically engage in profit-maximizing CSR. Their analysis highlights the specific
attributes of business and types of CSR activities that make it more likely that “socially
responsible” actions actually contribute to profit maximization. They conclude that high-
profile CSR activities are more likely undertaken when such activities can be more easily
integrated into a firm’s differentiation strategy.

Corporate strategy

It is widely believed that high-value brand is particular important to company to operate its
business. The high-value brand should include the good company performance relate to
sustainability issues, it reflect a level of company corporation social responsibility, while poor
performance was exposed by media or consumers. According to Business in the Community
(2007) survey, it indicated that 86 per cent of customers that they have positive image of a
company if the company is doing something to make the world become a better place. When
the pollution issues of Coca-Cola were exposed to public, the company ignores the existed
problem and denied to improve these situations. As a result, the public have negative image of
the behaviour in company and reject to purchase products spontaneously. Under this
circumstance, Coca-Cola has to consider sustainable project to resolve a series of issues, in
order to improve company brand reputation. In other word, the main drivers that force Coca-
Cola to change are public pressures. Such as the consumers, media, the government and other
pressure groups, which drive the company to adjust projects and devote to improve company
reputation in India. These projects mainly consider environment area, such as water shortage,
underground pollution and irrational water use.

When Coca-Cola suffered the reputation crisis in the India and America, the economical and
societal influences continue to affect the development of corporation. On this occasion,
company recognizes that improving their reputation and handling social and environmental
problems are significant in their company goal success. In order to achieve the successful goal
and enhance brand reputation, the corporation should plan Corporate Social Responsibility as
one part of development strategies for a long term.


If you’re a business owner, the days of operating solely for profit are gone. Whilst this is
obviously still important, many companies now focus largely on corporate social

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when a company operates in an ethical and

sustainable way and deals with its environmental and social impacts. This means a careful
consideration of human rights, the community, environment, and society in which it operates.
This article outlines the importance of corporate social responsibility, and the benefits that
sustainable and ethical practices can bring to your business.
Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility
It’s incredibly important that your company operates in a way that demonstrates social
responsibility. Although it’s not a legal requirement, it’s seen as good practice for you to take
into account social and environmental issues.

Social responsibility and ethical practices are vital to your success. The 2015 Cone
Communications/Ebiquity Global CSR study found that a staggering 91% of global
consumers expect businesses to operate responsibly to address social and environmental
issues. Furthermore, 84% say they seek out responsible products wherever possible.

As the above statistics show, consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of social
responsibility, and actively seek products from businesses that operate ethically. CSR
demonstrates that you’re a business that takes an interest in wider social issues, rather than
just those that impact your profit margins, which will attract customers who share the same
values. Therefore, it makes good business sense to operate sustainable.

Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility

The benefits of CSR speak volumes about how important it is and why you should make an
effort to adopt it in your business.

Some clear benefits of corporate social responsibility are:

 Improved public image. This is crucial, as consumers assess your public image when
deciding whether to buy from you. Something simple, like staff members volunteering an
hour a week at a charity, shows that you’re a brand committed to helping others. As a
result, you’ll appear much more favourable to consumers.
 Increased brand awareness and recognition. If you’re committed to ethical practices,
this news will spread. More people will therefore hear about your brand, which creates
an increased brand awareness.
 Cost savings. Many simple changes in favour of sustainability, such as using less
packaging, will help to decrease your production costs.
 An advantage over competitors. By embracing CSR, you stand out from competitors in
your industry. You establish yourself as a company committed to going one step further
by considering social and environmental factors.
 Increased customer engagement. If you’re using sustainable systems, you should shout
it from the rooftops. Post it on your social media channels and create a story out of your
efforts. Furthermore, you should show your efforts to local media outlets in the hope
they’ll give it some coverage. Customers will follow this and engage with your brand
and operations.
 Greater employee engagement. Similar to customer engagement, you also need to
ensure that your employees know your CSR strategies. It’s proven that employees enjoy
working more for a company that has a good public image than one that doesn’t.
Furthermore, by showing that you’re committed to things like human rights, you’re much
more likely to attract and retain the top candidates.
 More benefits for employees. There are also a range of benefits for your employees
when you embrace CSR. Your workplace will be a more positive and productive place to
work, and by promoting things like volunteering, you encourage personal and
professional growth.

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