Senior Project PDF
Senior Project PDF
Senior Project PDF
of Lebanese Universities
Prepared by
Like anything else in life my journey towards achieving this degree was not a one person
I would like to thank my friends and family for their constant support throughout my
academic years. I would like to thank my parents for providing me with the opportunity to
attend Beirut Arab University and achieve this degree.
I would also like to express my appreciation towards both the academic and non academic
staff working at Beirut Arab University especially my supervisor Assistant Professor Dr.
Salma Maroun for her constant support, motivation, knowledge and for challenging us to
become better students and individuals.
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................... 2
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 6
2. Research ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1- Research Problem .................................................................................................................. 7
2.2-Research Questions ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3- Research Objective................................................................................................................. 7
3. Literature Review .................................................................................................................. 9
3.1- Online/Blended Learning Defined .................................................................................... 9
3.2-Benefit of online education on students ............................................................................. 9
3.2.1-Time Management ............................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2-Ease of Access ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3-Individualized Pacing......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.4-Cost Reduction ................................................................................................................... 10
3.3- Importance of Educational Leadership in Online Learning ............................................ 11
3.3.1- Overcoming Barriers to Change Implementation.......................................................... 11
3.3.2- Indicators of Successful Leadership ................................................................................ 11
3.4- Relationship Building and Leadership ............................................................................... 12
3.4.1- Building a Culture of Trust .............................................................................................. 12
4. Research Methodology ........................................................................................................ 14
4.1-Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 14
4.2-Data Collection ...................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.1-Focus Group ....................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.2-Questionnaire ..................................................................................................................... 14 Student Questionnaire ................................................................................................... 14 Interview........................................................................................................ 15
4.3-Data Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1-Focus Group ....................................................................................................................... 15 Student Questionnaire: .................................................................................................. 18 Professors Interview: ..................................................................................................... 29
5. Findings ................................................................................................................................ 31
6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 33
References .................................................................................................................................... 34
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 35
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................. 36
Student Questionnaire: ............................................................................................................... 36
Appendix B: ................................................................................................................................. 38
Professor’s Questionnaire: ......................................................................................................... 38
This research studies the importance and benefit of online education and the role of
leadership in the implementation of online education. A qualitative study was made with
the help of quantitative data collected which resulted in the findings that online education
is both beneficial and welcomed by both the educational institution and the students but
only when properly implemented under proper leadership.
1. Introduction
The reality is that in the 21st century we still teach the same way we did during colonial
times. (Elstad, 2008). The instructor-centric classroom of students listening to lectures and
perhaps taking notes is the image firmly planted in all of us. This outdated methodology
has led to widening gaps in achievement, disenfranchised and bored students. The Internet
and technology turn traditional education upside down. It opens the door to student-
centered, individualized instruction, with increasing opportunities for all students. The
advent of online and blended classrooms is changing the way children are taught. Using
the Internet to create online classrooms is bringing about reforms that have long eluded
traditional settings (Tucker, 2007).
It is self-evident that not all students have been created equal. The natural abilities,
circumstances of birth, and factors affecting motivation and self-knowledge vary for each
learner. In a world of economic strain, increasing workloads for instructors and
administrators, and increasing demands for accountability, how can modern society be
closer to providing individualized education? The answer may be using technology and
access to the Internet which has become a universal source of information. Conversations,
concepts, and learning opportunities that may never have happened under traditional
delivery formats are possible using new technologies (McLeod, Bathon, & Richardson,
2011). Online and blended learning can hold the key to equal educational opportunities.
Virtual programs are not without their issues, however, and their success is determined by
a complex system of educational, political, fiscal, technological, and cultural influences
(Cavanaugh, 2009).
2. Research
2.2-Research Questions
a) In what way is online education more attractive to students than traditional education?
i. H1: Some students work and live far away from the university, so it helps them
manage their time.
ii. H2: Some countries have many safety issues so online education would provide
knowledge and education along with student protection.
iii. H3: Some students might find that the traditional teaching pace does not match
them, might be too slow or too fast, so they can control the pace when studying
b) How can University Leaders and instructors increase the chance of successfully
implementing online education?
i. H1: Build a culture of trust between all the members involved in this change
like students, instructors, and administration.
ii. H2: Involve all affected stakeholders in the process of implementing this
• The rapid change in attitude toward accepting virtual education is confronting
educational leaders with a complex set of problems that they may not have the
knowledge or experience to deal with confidently. It is the intent of this study to
discover how leaders have online programs identified and managed the issues
involved with implementation and to gain insight from their experiences.
• The second party affected in online education are the students. So, data was
collected from the students to understand their position towards online education
and how it might affect their educational experience in their point of view.
3. Literature Review
3.1- Online/Blended Learning Defined
E-Learning is a robust educational distribution method that covers every form of learning
that takes place on the Internet. Online learning offers educators the opportunity to meet
children who might not be willing to participate in conventional schools and encourages
children who choose to operate on their own time and at their own speed.
All online curriculum truly is supposed to do is adapt the guidance to students. Once
students complete their research on their own, they should provide knowledge in a manner
that makes sense to them. This also offers a range of resources for students of varying
thinking types and knowledge. Depending on the course, students can learn to think
objectively as they review and analyze websites, respond to e-mails and engage in online
3.2.1-Time Management
Nowadays people have a lot of things to do in their day. For example, some students work
and study at the same time as MBA students. The flexibility of online education allows
these individuals to better manage their time by giving them control over their study
schedule. For example, a Full-Time employee can study his or her courses online at night
or during weekends after work. By providing students with the option of studying online
this gives them more control over their time in a way that they can make their day more
productive by increasing the efficiency of their time.
3.2.2-Ease of Access
The old practice of sitting with other students in impersonal classroom environments,
combined with professor reading as students hurry to copy text-heavy slides, is rapidly
becoming an outdated method of studying. For older people, this may be a little scary, but
this kind of learning has been going on in one way or another for centuries. The key
distinction is that instead of textbooks and books, students today have access to many more
opportunities across the new digital medium, which is how eLearning simplicity aims to
enhance student involvement and boost student retention.
3.2.3-Individualized Pacing
One of the key benefits of utilizing online learning tools to promote individualized learning
is that students will always work at their own speed when it comes to preparing their
instructional materials. They can devote as much time as they need to, so they can revisit
everything they need anytime they need it. In this way, instructors are able to invest more
time with students on things that really need their focus. In fact, instructors deal with pupils
to a one-on-one level, as opposed to the conventional way of approaching the whole
community. Not only does this make teaching more effective, but it also aims to save both
instructors and students a lot of time. In addition, the freedom from ridicule is a major
advantage offered by such avenues. Students are encouraged to explore their course
materials in a more comprehensive manner and to ask questions more freely. Since the
entire process is based on one-to-one communication, students do not need to be afraid of
making mistakes.
3.2.4-Cost Reduction
Digital schooling should reduce expenses for both schools and graduates. Students could
conserve on gas and other travel expenses when pursuing a full-time job that might not
have been possible with traditional schooling. Although program delivery and equipment
can cost more initially, schools may notice that they will reduce costs due to limited
utilization of staff and increased student-to-faculty ratios. Every company would be
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different and may have to determine the risks and advantages of online education
depending on the circumstance.
Fowler’s (2013) review of the research identifies five barriers to effective policy
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students and leaders have a greater impact on the performance of institutes and students
than the traditional single leader.
For the purposes of this study, it is important to define and be able to identify the meaning
of the term "trust." There are hundreds of opinions, articles, and discussions available
which have their own interpretation of trust. Trust shall be based on 1) respect, 2) openness,
3) reliability and 4) integrity; 5) collaboration; 6) understanding; 7) usefulness to students
(time management/ cost reduction/ individualized pacing/ ease of access).
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Usefulness to Culture of
Students Trust
Understanding Respect
of Online
Collaboration Openness
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4. Research Methodology
This research was conducted in both a qualitative and quantitative method while collecting
and analyzing the data. The data collected from the students was collected in a qualitative
method while analyzing them in a quantitative way by demonstrating them in pie charts to
show that online education is positively viewed by the students. The data collected from
the professors was qualitative and was collected during an interview. The research is
descriptive of the variables from the point of view of the studied sample. Data was for the
focus group was collected from students at Beirut Arab University. The data for the student
questionnaire was collected from thirty-three students from Beirut Arab University and
University of Balamand. A questionnaire was conducted live with four Endowed Chair
Professors at York University.
4.2-Data Collection
4.2.1-Focus Group
The focus group was made up of eight students from Beirut Arab University Tripoli
campus from different faculties (four from the Faculty of Engineering and four from the
Faculty of Science). This focus group was used to determine to see whether students prefer
the use of traditional education only or adding the option of online education and what
variables affect their decision.
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C. Four from the Faculty of Architecture.
D. Ten from the Faculty of Health Science. Interview
An online interview was conducted through skype with Four Professors at York University.
4.3-Data Analysis
4.3.1-Focus Group
During the focus group meeting the students where allowed to set their own online
education variables that they think would affect their educational experience.
The variables and what the students think of them is discussed in the following page.
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Variables Set by Students
Time Efficiency Ease of Access to Decentralizes BAU
Management courses
With Against
The focus group participants suggested and discussed these variables and came up with the
following results.
A. Time Management: Six out of eight found that online education can better
help them manage their time. These students said that by using online education
they could better manage their time because some courses are too easy, but
attendance is mandatory. They also said that if all the courses are available for
them online, they can study harder and finish their required test material ahead
of time which would give them more time to work on projects or focus on other
aspects of their lives. Also, some of the students that we talked with work part-
time after class for several reasons (gain experience/financial issues). So, by
implementing online education these students think that it would greatly benefit
them because they would be able to better manage their time between studying
and working without one affecting the other.
B. Efficiency: Four out of eight found online education more efficient than
traditional education. These students found that online education is more
efficient because now the number of students per course is not limited as usual
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so closed courses and time conflicts would significantly decrease thus
improving efficiency and preventing students from carrying courses to other
academic years. Also, students would not have to worry about reaching the
university in certain conditions like the one we are currently going through that
resulted in the university to close its doors for months. If online education were
available at BAU these students would have continued their courses online
without being negatively affected by the conditions of the country in which they
reside in.
C. Ease of Access to Courses: Seven out of eight found that online education is
easier to access than traditional education. These students said that it would be
easier for them to access their course material and lectures if they were available
online rather than must attend class or print them at the university`s library.
Also, these students also found that by having lectures available for them at
demand online, these students would not have to worry about missing a class
which would impact their understanding of the course.
D. Decentralizes BAU: Three out of eight found online education better because
it might help decentralize BAU Tripoli from Beirut`s control. These students
hope that by offering online education they can get rid of the centralization that
governs BAU Tripoli by BAU Beirut. Some students suffer because of this
centralization, for example when the instructor at BAU Beirut adds a question
to the test that was not given by the instructor in Tripoli. So maybe these online
courses can be specific to a certain campus thus decentralizing BAU.
17 | P a g e Student Questionnaire:
Here are the results of the student questionnaire:
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• Question Number Two:
Yes No Other
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• Question Number Three:
Yes No
Figure 6 Is it costly for you to reach the university from your home
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• Question Number Four:
Yes No Other
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• Question Number Five:
Yes No
Figure 8 Would you choose a university over another university if it offered the option of online education?
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• Question Number Six:
Figure 9 Online education would help you better manage your time
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• Question Number Seven:
Yes No
Figure 10 Do you think implementing online education would attract more working students to your university?
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• Question Number Eight:
Yes No
Figure 11 Do you think students would neglect their responsibilities once given the freedom of online education?
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• Question Number Nine:
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• Question Number Ten:
Figure 13 Does your university have the intellectual and technological tools needed for online education. ( No).
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Some of the required Both the students and
technology is available like instructors can learn how
Moodle. to use this technology.
Figure 14 Does your university have the intellectual and technological tools needed for online education. (Yes).
28 | P a g e Professors Interview:
1. Question Number One:
There are several benefits that come from online education some are: ability to
access course material from anywhere at any time, making the complex life that
students live easier(work and other extracurricular activities) and students ability
to study at their own individualized pace.
2. Question Number Two:
We take several factors into consideration such as student satisfaction, percentage
of graduation and the change in class grade point average. As well as the feedback
from the instructors.
3. Question Number Three:
No, we believe that one person alone cannot lead such change without the
involvement of others, and if this person is capable of that and does such an action
then once this person leaves everyone would be lost. During such changes we try
to involve everyone related to this change like the administrative staff, instructors,
and students. To properly lead such a change, we need to have the collaboration
and trust of all the people affected by this change to eliminate any ambiguity and
4. Question Number Four:
We meet as a group almost every two to four weeks to make sure that everything
is working properly and discuss if any course of action is needed.
5. Question Number Five:
Our university’s approach to leadership has an emphasize on relationship building
and friendship. We try to give the students a parental feeling where they can go to
us if there is any issue, they want to discuss without having to worry. Using this
approach, we have gained the trust of our students and their cooperation. Our
approach with the instructors is more formal and focused on meeting the demands
and needs of both the instructors and the students.
6. Question Number Six:
Yes, we do. Using online education students can better manage their time, study at
their own pace because some students can barely keep up in class and others find
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class to be too slow for them. Also, online education teaches students responsibility
where they are responsible for their courses.
7. Question Number Seven:
The institution started implementing online education in a slow process. Before
implementing anything, all students were invited to attend a conference in the
auditorium where we explained everything regarding this change to the students
and answered all their questions to both clear any uncertainty and gain their
cooperation in this difficult process. We started with the qualitative courses that
where easier to implement. We had several tutorials for both the instructors and
students on how to properly use this technology. Then we gave them online classes
while on campus to make sure that they got everything right. After all students and
instructors used these in qualitative courses for an academic year, we implemented
them in quantitative courses. We also made special office hours for online students
that did not understand a certain part of their course so that they can come and learn
this small part in person.
8. Question Number Eight:
The students have a strong bond with their institution because of the way we
interact with them. We always have some sort of event going on that includes both
the students and both the academic and non-academic staff which resulted in a
positive atmosphere where everyone can feel comfortable. Our institution gives the
sense of being at home by creating a family atmosphere.
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5. Findings
Two research questions were written in the research segment each with its own set of
hypotheses. And the conducted research served as a tool to prove if these hypotheses were
right or wrong.
My first hypothesis in the first research question regarding how online education helps with
time management was confirmed where in both the focus group and student’s questionnaire
found that it helps them better manage their time and responsibilities.
My second hypothesis in the first research question regarding how online education would
provide the students living in unsafe countries with knowledge and protection
simultaneously was confirmed in both the focus group discussion where students found
that online education is easy to access for anyone with a computer and internet access
without having to attend the class in person so the students wouldn’t have to risk their lives
in unsafe countries to attend the class and wouldn’t miss the given material if they were
unable to attend.
My third hypothesis in the first research question regarding the pace of teaching in class
was confirmed in the student’s questionnaire. Where students answered that it is hard for
them to follow the pace of teaching in all courses so online education here would solve this
issue by having the material available online and each person studying at his or her own
My first hypothesis in the second research question regarding how a culture of trust can
help in the implementation of online education was confirmed in the Professors interview.
The leadership style that the Professor used resulted in the creation of a culture of trust
between students and the institution which made the students believe in this institution and
cooperate in this change.
My second hypothesis in the second research question regarding how a involving all
affected stakeholders in the process of implementing this change is something leaders can
do to make sure that implementation is successful was confirmed in the Professors
interview. Since the institution involved the students in the process from day one. Where
they invited the students into the auditorium to provide them with all the information
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regarding this change and answered all their questions. Also, they conduct meetings with
instructors to see if they are experiencing any issues or if any course of action is necessary.
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6. Conclusion
After conducting this research, we can conclude that online education is positively viewed
by students and was both welcomed and demanded by most of these students. Online
education seems to be a positive change that should be implemented in all educational
institutions but only when accompanied by proper leadership which proved earlier in this
research to be the biggest factor in the success of this change. Without proper leadership
the implementation of online education might not succeed, and it might even cause better
than harm to the institution and the students. As seen in York University where online
education was implemented successfully because of their leadership style and approach
when implementing such a change. All stakeholders of this institution should be involved
in the implementation of online education under the guidance of proper leadership.
Influence by
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Handford, V. & Leithwood, K. (2012). Why teachers trust school leaders. Journal of
Educational Administration, 51 (2), p 194-212. Emerald Group Publishing. doi:
Leithwood, K., Harris, A., and Hopkins, D. (2008). Seven strong claims about
successful school leadership. School Leadership and Management, 28(1), 27-24.
Leithwood, K., Mascall, B., Strauss, T., Sacks, R., Memon, N., & Yashkina, A. (2007).
Distributing leadership to make schools smarter: Taking the ego out of the system.
McLeod, S., Bathon, J. M., & Richardson, J. W. (2011). Studies of technology tool
usage are not enough: A response to the articles in this special issue. Journal of
Research on Leadership Education, 6(5), 288-297.
Yin, R. K. (2009). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
Spillane (2005) used the phrase distributed leadership to describe the “interactions
between leaders, followers, and their situation” (change make it as if I wrote it).
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List of Figures
List of Figures:
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Appendix A
Student Questionnaire:
1. What is your first impression of online education?
a) Important
b) Necessary
c) Unnecessary
2. Would you use online education if it were available?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other
3. Is it costly for you to reach the University from your home?
a) Yes
b) No
4. Do you find the pace of teaching in class hard to follow?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other
5. Would you choose a university over another university if it offered the option of
online education?
a) Yes
b) No
6. Online education would help you better manage your time:
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
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7. Do you think implementing online education would attract more working students
to your university?
a) Yes
b) No
8. Do you think students would neglect their responsibilities once given the freedom
of online education?
a) Yes
b) No
9. Barriers facing online education:
10. Do you think your university and instructors are equipped with the intellectual and
technological tools required for the implementation of online education? Explain.
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Appendix B:
Professor’s Questionnaire:
1. What results and benefits have you considered to be most important and relevant to
your institution from using online / blended learning?
2. How do you measure the outcomes of your online / blended learning programs?
3. During changes like these are you the only ones leading and responsible for such
5. How are you going to describe your approach to leadership and interaction with
your instructors and students?
7. How did the institution that you worked to implement online education?
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