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CA-DATACOM/DB Essentials

Introduction 7
CA-DATACOM/DB Databases 8
Database Names 9
Tables 9
Fields, Keys, and Elements 10
Data Types 10
Numeric Data Types 11
Character Data Types 11
Nils–Missing Values 11
CA-DATACOM/DB Indexing 12
Selecting a Subset of Data 12
Sorting Data 12
Security Features 13
CA-DATACOM/DB Execution Environments 13

This chapter introduces SAS System users to CA-DATACOM/DB. It focuses on the
terms and concepts that will help you use the SAS/ACCESS interface to
CA-DATACOM/DB. It includes descriptions of the following:
3 CA-DATACOM/DB databases, tables, records, and fields
3 CA-DATACOM/DB data types
3 CA-DATACOM/DB security features
3 CA-DATACOM/DB indexing.
If you want more information than this chapter provides on a CA-DATACOM/DB
concept or term, see the appropriate CA-DATACOM/DB documentation. For more
information on CA-DATACOM/DB considerations, see Appendix 1, “Information for the
Database Administrator,” on page 105 and Appendix 2, “Advanced User Topics,” on
page 117.


CA-DATACOM/DB is a database management system (DBMS). Databases are fully
8 CA-DATACOM/DB Databases 4 Chapter 2

A CA-DATACOM/DB database consists of various entity-types, which can occur one

or more times. For example, a database has areas, files, and records. Each data record
in a table has one or more fields. The order of the data records is determined by the
values for the field specified as the Native Key. Each field contains one type of data,
and each record can hold one data value for each field, except that a repeating field can
assume many values.
Note: CA-DATACOM/DB data views are not supported by the SAS/ACCESS
interface to CA-DATACOM/DB. 4
CA-DATADICTIONARY is a central, integrated, and active control facility, which
provides the basis for shared and consistent system resource management. As a
repository for descriptive data, CA-DATADICTIONARY is your tool for
3 managing definitions and syntax
3 enforcing naming conventions
3 creating data relationships
3 managing test and production environments.
CA-DATADICTIONARY allows you to collect information in categories called
entity-types. Any data you enter into CA-DATADICTIONARY are associated with a
category, that is, an entity. For example, DATABASE, AREA, and FIELD are some
specific CA-DATADICTIONARY entities.
Each instance within the entity is an entity-occurrence. For example, defining a
database involves storing information about the database in the DATABASE occurrence.
Each database is listed by its unique name as an occurrence of the DATABASE entity.
Each occurrence has specific attributes such as data type. These attributes enable
you to describe specific properties of each occurrence. For example, you can specify the
type of data that a field contains or whether a key is a Master Key or a Native Key. The
actual information you store for each attribute is an attribute value. In addition,
CA-DATADICTIONARY allows you to define support data, such as aliases,
CA-DATACOM/DB descriptors, text, and relationships.
CA-DATADICTIONARY allows you to have many copies (versions) of the same
occurrence. Each version of an occurrence can have one status at a given time. Only
TEST and PROD are allowed with the SAS/ACCESS interface to CA-DATACOM/DB.
The five status values are
3 PRODuction
3 HISTory
3 INCOmplete
3 QUALified production.
Depending on your site, you may find that using CA-DATADICTIONARY online is
more efficient for some tasks, while other tasks are simpler with batch jobs.
For more information about CA-DATADICTIONARY and other CA-DATACOM/DB
features or administration of CA-DATACOM/DB databases, see the appropriate
CA-DATACOM/DB documentation.

A CA-DATACOM/DB database is a collection of CA-DATACOM/DB tables, organized
within certain CA-DATACOM/DB areas and files. Each table consists of records that
have one or more FIELD entity-occurrences.
CA-DATACOM/DB Essentials 4 Tables 9

You need to know about several types of CA-DATACOM/DB entity-types to use the
SAS/ACCESS interface to CA-DATACOM/DB. The most important entity-types are
databases and records, which contain fields. Fields contain the actual data values,
which are either character or numeric type.
You can define a field as a simple field or a compound field. Fields can also become
keys, and two special keys, the Native Key and the Master Key, are required for each
table. CA-DATACOM/DB generates an index for each key field. Knowing about the
Native Key and the indexes can help you minimize CA-DATACOM/DB processing time
for your view descriptors. In addition, fields can repeat. For more information about
fields, see “Fields, Keys, and Elements” on page 10.
Typically, a database is organized according to the types of data and how you want to
use the data. You must understand and be familiar with your database’s organization
in order to retrieve and update information accurately and efficiently. And you must be
familiar with the organization and contents of the database to create descriptor files for
the SAS/ACCESS interface.
The following sections describe the various CA-DATACOM/DB entity-types that
pertain to the SAS/ACCESS interface to CA-DATACOM/DB.

Database Names
Each DATABASE entity-occurrence in the CA-DATADICTIONARY database has a
unique name, from 1 to 32 characters long. A database also has a status (TEST or
PROD) and version associated with it.

A table consists of some number of records, each having one or more fields. The table
name is the name of a RECORD entity-occurrence, up to 32 characters long. Data
records in the table are ordered by the values for an assigned field called the Native
Key. CA-DATACOM/DB permits up to 240 tables in a database. The tables can be
spread across one or more CA-DATACOM/DB areas. When you define a record for a
table, you must define at least one field, one key, and one element for that record.
To create descriptor files for the SAS/ACCESS interface, you must know the name of
the RECORD entity-occurrence (table) and the userid and optional password for
CA-DATADICTIONARY. An access descriptor and its associated view descriptors
pertain to only one table.
Output 2.1 on page 10 illustrates four fields from the table CUSTOMERS. Field
names are shown at the top of the columns. Each row represents the values in a record.
The first field, CUSTOMER, is the Native Key in this table, which causes the records to
be maintained in order by customer number.
10 Fields, Keys, and Elements 4 Chapter 2

Output 2.1 A Sample CA-DATACOM/DB Table


14324742 San Jose CA USA
14569877 Memphis TN USA
14898029 Rockville MD USA
24589689 Belgrade Yugoslavia
26422096 La Rochelle France
38763919 Buenos Aires Argentina
46783280 Singapore Singapore

Fields, Keys, and Elements

Each FIELD entity-occurrence has a name (of up to 32 characters) and specific
attributes, such as the data type. For more information on data types, see “Data Types”
on page 10.
You can define several kinds of fields, as described briefly here.
3 A simple field is a single field.
3 A compound field consists of two or more simple or compound fields. The fields can
be of different data types and lengths; they can also repeat or be within repeating
fields. The fields making up a compound field must be contiguous.
3 A key field allows you to quickly select and sequence data records. A key field can
be any combination of simple and compound fields, up to 180 characters. The
fields in a key do not have to be contiguous.
3 The Native Key is the field that determines the order of the records in a
CA-DATACOM/DB table. Each table must have one Native Key. It can be the
same as the Master Key.
3 The Master Key allows you to prevent duplicate values in a key field and to
prevent changing values in that key. Each record must have one Master Key. It
can be the same as the Native Key.
3 A repeating field is a simple field or a compound field that can occur more than
once. Repeating fields can also be nested within other repeating fields.
3 An element is a unit of transfer between application programs and
CA-DATACOM/DB. It consists of one or more contiguous fields. An element should
contain only those fields that an application program uses at execution time.
When defining an element, group together fields that are frequently accessed
together in applications.

Data Types
A CA-DATACOM/DB field can be any one of a variety of data types; they are all
basically type character or type numeric, as discussed below.
When you create a view descriptor, the ACCESS procedure assigns SAS formats,
informats, and so on, in addition to SAS column names from the CA-DATACOM/DB
CA-DATACOM/DB Essentials 4 Data Types 11

field names. See “ACCESS Procedure Data Conversions” on page 99 for the default SAS
column formats and informats for each CA-DATACOM/DB data type. You can change
the default formats and informats.

Numeric Data Types

Here are some of the numeric types available for CA-DATACOM/DB fields:
B Binary
D Packed decimal
E Extended floating-point
L Long floating-point
N Numeric (zoned decimal)
S Short floating-point
2 Halfword binary (aligned)
4 Fullword binary (aligned)
8 Doubleword binary (aligned)

Character Data Types

Here are some of the character types available for CA-DATACOM/DB fields:
C Character
G Graphics data
H Hex character
K Kanji (same as type Y)
T PL/I bit representation
Y Double byte character set (DBCS)
Z Mixed DBCS and single byte

Note: CA-DATACOM/DB does not support date types. If you store dates in a
CA-DATACOM/DB numeric field, identify the representation with a SAS date format in
the DB Content field in your descriptor files. 4

Nils–Missing Values
Missing values in a CA-DATACOM/DB table are referred to as nil values or simply
nils. Nil values for both character and numeric type data are blanks, that is, HEX
(40)s. All fields of a key must contain blanks for a value to be nil. There are no valid
packed decimal or zoned decimal nil values. Optionally, you can specify binary zeros for
nils (see “System Options” on page 115).
In the SAS System, nils are referred to as missing values. CA-DATACOM/DB and
the SAS System handle missing values differently, but the interface view engine takes
care of the differences. See “Missing Values (Nils)” on page 121 for a discussion of the
12 CA-DATACOM/DB Indexing 4 Chapter 2

An Index Area is required for each CA-DATACOM/DB database. CA-DATACOM/DB
creates an index entry for each key value in each record. The indexes allow you to
retrieve records quickly based on the record’s contents.

Selecting a Subset of Data

A database would not be very efficient if all records had to be accessed when you
needed data from only some of them. Therefore, you can specify selection criteria to
identify those parts of the CA-DATACOM/DB table that you want to access.
Selection criteria contain one or more conditions that values must meet. Typically, a
condition consists of a field name, an operator, and a value, but you can also compare
the values of two fields or give a range of values. Conditions can be combined with AND
(&) or OR (|).
Here are some sample conditions.
lastname eq ’Smith’

part=9567 & onhand>2.0e+6

For the SAS/ACCESS interface to CA-DATACOM/DB, you can include a WHERE
clause in a view descriptor to specify selection criteria or you can include a SAS WHERE
clause in a SAS program. Or you can include both WHERE clauses. The interface view
engine translates WHERE clauses into CA-DATACOM/DB selection criteria.
Note that the WHERE clause for a view descriptor and the SAS WHERE clause have
some differences. For more information on WHERE clauses and a description of the
syntax, see “WHERE Clause in a View Descriptor” on page 91 and “Deciding How to
Specify Selection Criteria” on page 121.

Sorting Data
Records in a CA-DATACOM/DB table are maintained in order by values in the
specified Native Key. In a SAS/ACCESS view descriptor, you can provide a different
Default Key for the view, and the records will then assume the order of your specified
Default Key. You can also specify a SORT clause, which consists of the keyword SORT
followed by one or more field names, separated by commas. You can specify ascending
or descending order for each sort key; the default is ascending order. For example,
sort state, city, lastname desc
In addition, you can specify data order in a SAS program using a SAS BY clause.
Note, however, that a SAS BY clause overrides a SORT clause stored in a view
descriptor unless the SAS procedure includes the NOTSORTED option. In this
situation, the SAS BY clause is ignored, and the SORT clause in the view descriptor is
For more information on SORT clauses, see “SORT Clause in a View Descriptor” on
page 97.
CA-DATACOM/DB Essentials 4 CA-DATACOM/DB Execution Environments 13

Security Features
The CA-DATADICTIONARY database is protected by userids, passwords, and locks.
You must give the correct userid and optional password to the SAS ACCESS procedure
so the procedure can obtain CA-DATADICTIONARY information for creating an access
descriptor. CA-DATACOM/DB also has security interfaces to packages such as RACF.
In addition, you can develop your own security program through a user exit in the
interface view engine.

CA-DATACOM/DB Execution Environments

When you access a CA-DATACOM/DB database, you can work in either a Single
User execution environment or a Multi-User execution environment. In a Single User
environment, each user has a copy of CA-DATACOM/DB and has exclusive use of the
The SAS/ACCESS interface to CA-DATACOM/DB runs only under a Multi-User
environment. In a Multi-User environment, many databases can be accessed from many
regions concurrently, with exclusive control at the logical record level. Only one copy of
CA-DATACOM/DB is required to handle all regions. Recovery is centralized for all
14 CA-DATACOM/DB Execution Environments 4 Chapter 2
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc., SAS/
ACCESS Interface to CA-DATACOM/DB Software: Reference, Version 8, Cary, NC: SAS
Institute Inc., 1999. pp. 170.
SAS/ACCESS Interface to CA-DATACOM/DB Software: Reference, Version 8
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
ISBN 1–58025–545–0
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
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software by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227–19
Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987).
SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513.
1st printing, October 1999
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