Exome Sequencing in Multiplex Autism Families Suggests A Major Role For Heterozygous Truncating Mutations

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Molecular Psychiatry (2014) 19, 784–790

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1359-4184/14


Exome sequencing in multiplex autism families suggests a
major role for heterozygous truncating mutations
C Toma1,2, B Torrico1,2, A Hervás3, R Valdés-Mas4, A Tristán-Noguero1, V Padillo5, M Maristany5, M Salgado3, C Arenas6, XS Puente4,
M Bayés7 and B Cormand1,2,8

Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, the aetiology of which remains mainly unknown. Family and twin studies provide
strong evidence that genetic factors have a major role in the aetiology of this disease. Recently, whole exome sequencing (WES)
efforts have focused mainly on rare de novo variants in singleton families. Although these studies have provided pioneering
insights, de novo variants probably explain only a small proportion of the autism risk variance. In this study, we performed exome
sequencing of 10 autism multiplex families with the aim of investigating the role of rare variants that are coinherited in the affected
sibs. The pool of variants selected in our study is enriched with genes involved in neuronal functions or previously reported in
psychiatric disorders, as shown by Gene Ontology analysis and by browsing the Neurocarta database. Our data suggest that rare
truncating heterozygous variants have a predominant role in the aetiology of autism. Using a multiple linear regression model, we
found that the burden of truncating mutations correlates with a lower non-verbal intelligence quotient (NVIQ). Also, the number of
truncating mutations that were transmitted to the affected sibs was significantly higher (twofold) than those not transmitted.
Protein–protein interaction analysis performed with our list of mutated genes revealed that the postsynaptic YWHAZ is the most
interconnected node of the network. Among the genes found disrupted in our study, there is evidence suggesting that YWHAZ and
also the X-linked DRP2 may be considered as novel autism candidate genes.

Molecular Psychiatry (2014) 19, 784–790; doi:10.1038/mp.2013.106; published online 3 September 2013
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; exome sequencing; multiplex families; novel candidate genes; rare genetic variants;
truncating mutations

INTRODUCTION increased mutation rate in autism and correlate with increased

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) represent a group of neurode- paternal age.7,9 However, even the high mutation rate observed
velopmental disorders characterized by impairments in reciprocal (approximately one de novo single-nucleotide variant in the
social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication and exome per autistic child) cannot fully explain the aetiology of the
stereotyped behavioural patterns.1 The prevalence of ASD is disorder, in which additive effects of several gene mutations are
estimated to be around 0.6%, making it one of the most prevalent expected under a multihit model of inheritance.11,12 The exome
disorders in childhood.2 Family and twin studies have provided studies performed to date have focused mainly on de novo
strong evidence that genetic factors have a major role in the variants. Although this approach is useful, it is not sufficient to
aetiology of ASD: the sibling recurrence risk is B20-fold higher uncover the complete pool of aetiological variants, the majority of
than in the general population,3 and the concordance rate is B80– which would be expected to be in the inherited fraction. Several
90% in monozygotic twins versus B10–30% in dizygotic twins.4 studies in singleton and multiplex families suggest a differential
Although in recent years several high-throughput genetic genetic landscape, with families with multiple affected individuals
studies have identified novel ASD genes in idiopathic autism, being more likely to bear inherited events than de novo
the vast majority of the underlying genetic factors remain still variants.13–15 According to the multihit model, we would expect
unknown. In this regard, no mutation or copy number variant mutations in several genes to be at the basis of the disorder.
(CNV) found to be associated with autism accounts for more than Current data show that most aetiological variants would be
1% of cases, which makes the estimation of the number of heterozygous, whereas homozygous or compound heterozygous
independent risk loci extremely high.5 Nowadays, whole exome mutations would be much less frequent.16–18
sequencing (WES) represents a powerful technology for The aim of this study was to uncover new ASD candidate genes
identifying rare single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) that may help by analysing the pool of inherited rare variants in multiplex
to depict the complex genetic architecture of autism and unravel families. We performed WES on 10 families, considering those
some of the missing heritability. Recently, several studies rare variants not present in public or in-house databases that
performed WES in parent–child trios, focusing on de novo were predicted to be damaging and coinherited in the affected
variants.6–10 These studies show that de novo mutations have an siblings.
Department of Genetics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 2Biomedical Network Research Centre on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), Barcelona, Spain; 3Child and Adolescent
Mental Health Unit, Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain; 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Oviedo-IUOPA, Barcelona, Spain;
Developmental Disorders Unit (UETD), Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain; 6Department of Statistics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;
National Centre for Genomic Analysis (CNAG), Barcelona, Spain and 8Institute of Biomedicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Correspondence: Professor B Cormand,
Departament de Genètica, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Avinguda Diagonal 643, Edifici Prevosti, 3a planta, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received 13 February 2013; revised 23 May 2013; accepted 22 July 2013; published online 3 September 2013
Exome sequencing in multiplex autism families
C Toma et al
MATERIALS AND METHODS Statistical and bioinformatic analyses
ASD patients and phenotype assessment We performed Gene Ontology enrichment analysis of our set of selected
In our study, we considered 10 multiplex families with ASD: nine with two variants using the FatiGO software available at the Babelomics suite (http://
affected probands and one with three affected probands. Clinical data are babelomics.bioinfo.cipf.es).25 The database Neurocarta (http://gemma-
summarized in Table 1, and more details are provided in the Supple- doc.chibi.ubc.ca/neurocarta/) was used to identify potential gene–
mentary Information. phenotype relationships in our gene list. The SFARI database (https://
gene.sfari.org/autdb/Welcome.do) was used to obtain an annotated list of
genes involved in autism: genes predisposing to autism in the context of
CNVs analysis with CytoScan HD Array syndromic disorder (category S), strong ASD candidate genes (category 2)
Genome-wide DNA copy number analysis was performed in all ASD and ASD genes with suggestive evidence (category 3).
patients in our study (21 individuals), using the CytoScan HD Array The pool of genes selected in this study was investigated for networking
(Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA). This study was carried out to rule out and gene function relationships using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA)
families with chromosome abnormalities previously reported in autism. software (www.ingenuity.com). IPA computes a score based on the
Details of this study are summarized in the Supplementary Information. probability of finding a given pool of genes in a network from the
Ingenuity’s Knowledge Database by chance (score ¼  log (Fisher exact
test probability)). IPA was also used to assess ‘disease and disorder’
Exome capture and sequencing
associations emerging from our pool of genes using the ‘Top Bio
A total of 41 individuals including 21 probands and their parents were Functions’ category.
processed for exome enrichment using 3 mg of blood genomic DNA. The A multiple linear regression model was considered to assess the relation
TruSeq DNA Sample Preparation kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) and the between the non-verbal intelligence quotient (NVIQ) and the different
NimbleGen SeqCap EZ Human Exome Library v.1.0 kit (Roche, Basel, categories of genetic variants (truncating, non-synonymous damaging,
Switzerland), which targets approximately 20 000 genes corresponding to non-synonymous benign, synonymous). The basic regression assumptions
34 Mb, were used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The (errors are normally and independently distributed random variables) were
resulting exome libraries were applied to an Illumina flowcell for cluster checked to ensure that the model was appropriate. Following a
generation. Paired-end sequencing was performed on a HiSeq2000 conservative approach, to detect the regressors (the different variant
instrument (Illumina) using 76-base reads. categories) significantly related to the response NVIQ, the Bonferroni-
adjusted procedure was considered. For all regressor variables, the sample
Exome data analysis Pearson’s correlation coefficient with the response variable and its
Reads were aligned to the reference genome (GRCh37) using Burrows– significance was calculated. Furthermore, a simulation study was per-
Wheeler analysis with the same option,19 and a BAM file was generated using formed. By Boostrap resampling, 50 new simulated analyses with a sample
SAMtools.20 Polymerase chain reaction duplicates were removed using size of 100 individuals each were computed and the corresponding
SAMtools and custom scripts, and initial single-nucleotide polymorphisms multiple linear regression model was checked.
calling was performed using a combination of SAMtools and Sidrón as descri- A multiple logistic regression model was used to establish the relation
bed previously.21 Statistics for the callability (percentage of the exome cove- between variants status (the non-synonymous variants transmitted to both
red by at least 10 reads with mapping quality X30 and base quality X20) of affected siblings in a family (TR) and those variants not transmitted from
each sample are shown in Supplementary Table 1. On average, individuals parents (NT)) and SIFT, PolyPhen scores.
had 83.5% of the target covered. Common variants, defined as those For details about the multiple linear regression, model adequacy,
present in dbSNP135 with a minor allele frequency X1%, were filtered out. Bonferroni correction, simulation study and multiple logistic regression see
Supplementary Information.
Furthermore, the [0,1]  [0,1] square determined by the SIFT and
Variants selection and validation PolyPhen scores of TR and NT variants was divided into four quadrants
After the common single-nucleotide polymorphisms were filtered out, we according to the pathogenicity thresholds of 0.05 and 0.5 used for SIFT and
selected all variants transmitted from parents to both affected probands, PolyPhen, respectively. We compared the proportion of TR and NT variants
with the exception of family SJD_50, in which we selected variants between the benign (values from 0.05 to 1 for SIFT and 0 to 0.5 for
transmitted to two out of three or to all three affected probands. All PolyPhen) and pathogenic (values from 0 to 0.05 for SIFT and 0.5 to 1 for
untransmitted variants or variants transmitted to only one affected sib PolyPhen) quadrant using the exact binomial test and Fisher’s exact test.
were excluded from the study. In-house and WES false-positive databases The analyses were performed using the R package (http://CRAN.
were also used to filter the pool of variants.22 Our selection included all R-project.org).
truncating mutations (nonsense and indels producing a frame shift), splice
sites and missense variants. Missense variants were included in our
selection only if they were predicted to be pathogenic by SIFT (Sorting RESULTS
Intolerant From Tolerant) or PolyPhen (Polymorphism Phenotyping).23,24
Those variants that passed all filtering steps were validated by performing In this study, we sequenced the exomes of 10 autism multiplex
standard polymerase chain reactions and Sanger sequencing. On average, families and validated 220 rare variants transmitted from each
90.1% of the selected variants were successfully validated. The workflow parent to at least two affected siblings. All selected variants were
followed in this study is summarized in Supplementary Figure 1. filtered for common variants and using in-house databases and

Table 1. Description of the multiplex ASD families included in our study

Family ID (sib pair ID) Sex (years) Phenotype NVIQ Language delay

MT_69 (sib.3–sib.4) M (17)/M (20) Aut/Aut 50/56 Yes/yes

MT_76 (sib.3–sib.4) M (22)/M (29) PDD-NOS/Asp 81/85 Not/not
MT_109 (sib.3–sib.4) M (13)/M (25) Aut/Aut 64/35 Yes/yes
MT_160 (sib.3–sib.4) M (14)/M (11) PDD-NOS/PDD-NOS 68/105 Not/not
MT_28 (sib.3–sib.4) M (16)/M (14) PDD-NOS/Asp 105/107 Not/not
MT_151 (sib.3–sib.4) M (20)/M (11) Asp/Asp 98/92 Not/not
SJD_49 (sib.3–sib.4) M (6)/M (4) Asp/PDD-NOS 129/112 Not/not
SJD_10 (sib.3–sib.4) M (13)/M (10) PDD-NOS/PDD-NOS 105/95 Not/not
SJD_34 (sib.3–sib.4) M (13)/M (9) Asp/Asp 107/139 Not/not
SJD_50 (sib.3–sib.4–sib.5) M (16)/F (15)/M (8) Asp/Asp/PDD-NOS 97/98/95 Not/not/not
Abbreviations: Asp, Asperger syndrome; Aut, autism; F, female; M, male; NVIQ, non-verbal intelligence quotient; PDD-NOS, pervasive developmental disorder
not otherwise specified.
For each family, data are provided for the two or three affected siblings.

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited Molecular Psychiatry (2014), 784 – 790
Exome sequencing in multiplex autism families
C Toma et al
Table 2. Gene-disrupting rare variants shared by the affected sibs in each multiplex family

Family_ID Chromosome Nucleotide positiona Gene AA positionb Effect

MT_109 5 180 477 255 BTNL9 208/535 fs (del-C)

MT_109 6 28 962 882–886 ZNF311 632/666 fs (del-TTCTT)
MT_109 11 133 712 408 SPATA19 137/167 Nonsense
MT_109 19 11 943 225c ZNF440 412/595 Nonsense
MT_151 1 152 883 252 IVL 327/585 fs (del-G)
MT_151 3 113 652 385c GRAMD1C 413/662 Nonsense
MT_151 4 17 606 229–232 LAP3 400/519 fs (del-TGGG)
MT_151 7 99 489 859 TRIM4 477/500 Nonsense
MT_151 8 144 642 836 GSDMD 158/484 Nonsense
MT_151 X 100 503 119 DRP2 432/957 Nonsense
MT_160 8 10 557 940–941 C8orf74 282/294 fs (ins-C)
MT_160 8 101 936 203–204 YWHAZ 220/245 fs (ins-T)
MT_160 12 75 892 479 GLIPR1 209/266 Nonsense
MT_28 2 114 392 641c RABL2A 78/238 fs (del-G)
MT_28 10 91 162 622–623 IFIT1 197/478 fs (ins-A)
MT_69 3 49 274 079 CCDC36 52/594 Nonsense
MT_69 8 67 813 550 C8orf45 579/681 fs (del-G)
MT_69 11 2 339 146–147 TSPAN32 319/320 fs (del-TC)
MT_69 11 114 577 559c FAM55B 529/559 Nonsense
MT_69 15 42 154 996 SPTBN5 2419/3674 Nonsense
MT_69 22 26 890 166–169 TFIP11 700/837 fs (del-AGAT)
MT_76 5 38 412 639–642 EGFLAM 462/1017 fs (del-AAGT)
MT_76 5 74 882 867 POLK 415/870 fs (del-A)
MT_76 10 88 703 106 MMRN2 479/949 Nonsense
MT_76 19 7 965 639–640 LRRC8E 745/796 fs (del-CA)
SJD_10 8 131 921 998 ADCY8 532/1251 Nonsense
SJD_10 11 34 167 721–722 NAT10 949/953 fs (ins-A)
SJD_10 12 54 756 741 GPR84 299/396 fs (del-G)
SJD_10 22 18 609 783 TUBA8 346/449 Nonsense
SJD_34 1 160 143 953 ATP1A4 682/1029 Nonsense
SJD_34 11 121 028 796 TECTA 1518/2155 Nonsense
SJD_34 19 53 644 208–209 ZNF347 626/840 fs (del-AA)
SJD_49 13 20 796 930–931 GJB6 231/261 fs (ins-T)
SJD_49 19 10 610 629–633 KEAP1 27/624 fs (del-TGCCC)
SJD_50 15 76 225 440–443 FBXO22 402/403 fs (del-ATAA)
SJD_50d 17 71 205 688 FAM104A 202/207 Nonsense
Abbreviations: AA, amino acid; del or ins, deletion or insertion followed by the nucleotides involved; fs, frame shift.
Positions are indicated according to the GRCh37/hg19 assembly of the UCSC Genome Browser (genome.ucsc.edu). bAmino acid position altered by the
mutation/full polypeptide encoded by the transcript. cRare variants already described in dbSNP 137. dMultiplex family with three probands: variant found in
two out of three affected.

were predicted to be pathogenic. The pool of validated variants is Table 3). Several genes in this category such as CYFIP1, SCN1A,
listed in Supplementary Table 2. Most (83%) are missense DNM2, FLNB, GABRA4, P2RX4, PJA2 and SV2B have been described
changes, whereas variants predicted to cause protein truncation in autism or are involved in neuronal functions. Several GO
(nonsense mutations and frameshift indels) accounted for 16% of biological processes were over-represented in our study and some
the total. Variants altering canonical splice sites or start codons of them may be relevant for autism, such as ‘Neuronal tube
were less represented, at 0.5% each (Supplementary Figure 2). All development’ (P ¼ 0.044) and ‘Regulation of action potential’
these variants were heterozygous, none of them was homozygous (P ¼ 0.044) (Supplementary Table 4). In addition, we used IPA to
or compound heterozygous, and no gene was found mutated in analyze the ‘Top Bio function’ category of ‘Diseases and disorders’
more than one family. Truncating mutations represent remarkable and found that ‘Developmental disorders’ and ‘Neurological
events in the exome and may pinpoint potential candidate genes diseases’, among others, were the most significant groups related
for a disease. Interestingly, in our study this kind of mutation to the genes in our study (Supplementary Table 5). The Neurocarta
represented a substantial proportion of the whole pool of variants, database was used to build a map of psychiatric phenotypes
with 20 indels and 16 nonsense mutations (Table 2). previously linked to these genes (Figure 1). The majority of genes
Chromosomal rearrangements and previously described fully were associated with autism, but also with epilepsy, dyslexia,
penetrant deletions were ruled out in the affected probands, by intellectual disability, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and
karyotyping and through a CNV study. This analysis, followed by schizophrenia.
experimental validation, revealed six inherited CNVs present in We also investigated the possible correlation between the
five sib-pairs identifying the following genes: COL4A3-MFF, FHIT, severity of the mutations and intellectual disability, by using the
MRPL36-NDUFS6, CTNND2, GRM1 and ASAH1 (Table 3). Structural NVIQ. NVIQ was assessed in our sample of 21 affected siblings,
variants spanning the genes FHIT and CTNND2 had previously with scores ranging from 35 to 139 and a mean of 91
been described in autism.14,26 (Supplementary Figure 3). A multiple linear regression model
To establish whether the pool of variants selected in our exome was applied with NVIQ as a response variable and truncating, non-
study was enriched in potential ASD susceptibility genes, we synonymous (damaging and benign changes according to SIFT
conducted a Gene Ontology study. Cellular component analysis and PolyPhen) and synonymous variants as regressor variables.
showed ‘Cell junction’ to be a significantly enriched category after The results showed that only truncating variants contribute
applying multiple testing corrections (P ¼ 0.043) (Supplementary significantly to NVIQ (P ¼ 0.007). Furthermore, truncating variants

Molecular Psychiatry (2014), 784 – 790 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Exome sequencing in multiplex autism families
C Toma et al
Table 3. Validated CNVs shared by the affected sibs in each multiplex family

Ind_ID Chromosome Mina Maxa Cytoband Type Size (kb) Genes

SJD_34.3–34.4 2 228 149 569 228 193 389 q36.3 Gain 43.82 COL4A3, MFF
MT_109.3–109.4 3 60 478 959 60 572 752 p14.2 Loss 93.793 FHIT
MT_76.3–76.4 5 1 742 845 1 849 924 p15.33 Gain 107.079 MRPL36, NDUFS6
SJD_34.3–34.4 5 11 619 568 12 183 983 p15.2 Gain 564.415 CTNND2
SJD_49.3–49.4 6 146 309 359 146 373 644 q24.3 Loss 64.285 GRM1
SJD_50.3–50.4 8 17 908 916 17 946 695 p22 Loss 37.779 ASAH1
Abbreviation: CNV, copy number variant.
Positions are indicated according to the GRCh37/hg19 assembly of the UCSC Genome Browser (www.genome.ucsc.edu).

The list of 220 genes harbouring rare predicted pathogenic

mutations (Supplementary Table 2) and genes found in the CNV
study (Table 2) were considered together and analysed by IPA to
identify canonical networks that may suggest interactions of
potential ASD candidate genes. The best scoring network was
obtained after considering only direct interactions (score ¼ 89)
(Figure 3). It is noteworthy that this network included genes
previously involved in autism or other psychiatric disorders such as
YWHAZ gene was the most interconnected node in this network.
Furthermore, when the protein–protein interaction analysis was
performed with an additional 43 ASD genes from the SFARI Gene
Figure 1. Genes identified in our study that have already been database (Categories S, 2 and 3), the score of this network improved
associated with autism or with other psychiatric conditions (score ¼ 106). YWHAZ was again the main node and interacted
according to Neurocarta (http://gemma-doc.chibi.ubc.ca/
neurocarta/). ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD, directly with TSC1 and CYFIP1, two ASD genes found to be mutated
autism spectrum disorder; EP, epilepsy; SCZ, schizophrenia; DYS, in our study, and also with other ASD genes from the SFARI list such
dyslexia; ID, intellectual disability. as UBE3A, DISC1, MET and TSC2 (Supplementary Figure 6).

were correlated with lower NVIQ scores (correlation coefficient Several exome sequencing reports of autism trios have been
r ¼ –0.517, P ¼ 0.016; Figure 2) and explained 26% of NVIQ published in the past few years. These studies have enabled the
variance in our ASD sample (r2 ¼ 0.267). A simulation study identification of novel candidate genes for ASD by focusing on de
including 50 new simulated analyses of 100 individuals each novo variants. Despite these encouraging results, de novo variants
obtained the same results as in the original sample (for more represent probably o5% of autism risk variance,8 and hence
details see Supplementary Information, Supplementary Table 7 inherited rare variants may account for a considerable proportion
and Supplementary Figure 8). of the missing heritability in autism. Here we present findings from
We subsequently investigated whether truncating mutations the exome sequencing of 10 multiplex families, in which only the
might have a major role in autism aetiology by comparing the inherited rare variants shared by the affected siblings in a family
number of those that were cotransmitted (Table 1) with those that and predicted to be pathogenic were considered. The resulting list
were not transmitted (Supplementary Table 6). We found a of about 220 identified genetic variants was assessed for GO
significant difference, considering the total number of rare enrichment analysis and networks of gene interactions (IPA).
variants, between disrupting mutations that were transmitted to These approaches identified interesting categories related to
affected probands (16 nonsense variants and 20 frameshift indels) developmental disorders or involving neuronal functions, and
and those not transmitted (9 nonsense variants and 9 frameshift revealed plausible interactions with previously reported ASD
indels) (Fisher’s exact test, P ¼ 0.015; Supplementary Figure 4). genes. In our study, we identified a substantial number of genes
Subsequently, we investigated the potential contribution to already associated with autism or with other psychiatric
ASD of rare non-synonymous variants predicted to be pathogenic, conditions, suggesting that there is a common genetic
by comparing the group of transmitted (TR) single-nucleotide background for psychiatric disorders.27,28 The most interesting
variants with those that were not transmitted (NT). A multiple finding emerging from our study suggests a major role for
logistic regression analysis (fitted logit model) was performed to truncating mutations in autism. We found that those probands
investigate whether the scores given by SIFT and PolyPhen with a higher number of heterozygous disrupting mutations are
were able to discriminate the single-nucleotide variants in relation those with lower NVIQ scores. In addition, we found more
to their TR or NT status, but the results were not significant truncating mutations that were transmitted and shared between
(SIFT P ¼ 0.122; PolyPhen P ¼ 0.811). To further test the possible the affected sibs (36 mutations) than those that were not
relation of the non-synonymous variants with the disease, transmitted (18 mutations). Interestingly, Iossifov et al.9 analysed
we plotted all missense changes against the PolyPhen scores exome data and described a twofold higher rate of disrupting de
(X axis) and SIFT scores (Y axis) (Supplementary Figure 5) to novo mutations in affected probands compared with unaffected
determine whether there was any difference in the proportion of siblings. Also, a very recent WES study on inherited homozygous
variants predicted to be pathogenic (PolyPhen scores40.5 and or compound heterozygous loss-of-function mutations found a
SIFT scoreo0.05) between the TR and NT groups. No significant twofold enrichment in autism compared to a control group.18
differences were detected (two-sided exact binomial test, Such data suggest a genetic model for autism based on the
P ¼ 0.47). cumulative contribution of truncating alleles and other rare

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited Molecular Psychiatry (2014), 784 – 790
Exome sequencing in multiplex autism families
C Toma et al

Figure 2. Distribution of the average number of rare variants per proband for each interval of non-verbal intelligence quotient (NVIQ) in four
variant categories: (1) truncating mutations, which include nonsense and frameshift mutations; (2) non-syn damaging, non-synonymous
mutations predicted to be damaging by SIFT or PolyPhen; (3) non-syn benign, non-synonymous mutations predicted to be benign by SIFT and
PolyPhen; and (4) Syn, rare synonymous variants. The pool of rare variants considered are those inherited by two or three affected sibs in a
family. Multiple linear regression analysis of these data showed that the number of truncating variants contributes significantly to NVIQ
(P ¼ 0.007). In contrast, the contribution of the other mutation types was not significant (P40.385). The correlation coefficients between NVIQ
and each mutation type with their significances are also presented.

Figure 3. Protein–protein interaction analysis (Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, IPA) including all genes found to be mutated in our study. Only
direct interactions among proteins were considered. Proteins in grey or colour represent genes identified in our study, with red indicating a
previous association with autism, green with epilepsy and blue with schizophrenia. Proteins depicted in white are those not present in our
study. Upregulatory effects are represented by outward pointing arrows, downregulatory effects are represented by outward ticks, and
circular arrows indicate homotypic interactions.

Molecular Psychiatry (2014), 784 – 790 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Exome sequencing in multiplex autism families
C Toma et al
pathogenic variants, coupled with rare structural variants, in which Interestingly, a recent WES study reported the same mutation
the impact of common variants may be less important than (E432*) that we found in DRP2 in one autistic family, which was
previously thought.29 Most genes with truncating mutations absent from a large cohort of controls.18
found in our study have an unknown function and none have This work represents one of the first comprehensive studies of
previously been described in autism. Among these, YWHAZ and multiplex families with ASD by exome sequencing. Similar to other
DRP2 may be considered as strong novel ASD candidate genes. studies using WES technologies, known limitations should be
The NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) database (http:// considered. First, the coverage of the exome fraction was not
evs.gs.washington.edu/EVS/) was used to verify the frequency of complete (83.5% of target sequence covered on average); thus, it
disrupting mutations in these genes in about 6500 individuals. No is possible that we missed disease-causing mutations. Second,
truncating mutations were listed in either YWHAZ or DRP2. we used stringent criteria to filter false-positives, and as a
The YWHAZ gene, encoding a postsynaptic protein, is the most consequence we may have missed true aetiological variants that
intriguing candidate in our study. The protein physically interacts were not considered as being pathogenic. Third, we considered
with numerous ASD gene products such as TSC1, TSC2, DISC1, only variants shared by affected probands, although aetiological
UBE3A and CYFIP1 (Supplementary Figure 6). YWHAZ belongs to variants transmitted to only one child are also likely to contribute
the highly conserved 14-3-3 protein family that comprises seven to the disease. Fourth, repetitive elements or variants located on
isoforms (b, g, e, Z, z, s, y) involved in signal transduction by non-coding sequences were not explored in our study. Finally, the
binding specific pSer/pThr motifs. These proteins are involved in a sample under study comprises only 10 families.
wide range of processes including cell cycle, transcription, In conclusion, our data suggest that inherited disrupting
neuronal development, migration and neurite outgrowth. mutations in multiplex families may have a major role in the
Although ubiquitously expressed, expression levels are highest aetiology of ASD. We highlight novel potential ASD candidate
in the brain.30,31 The members of this family have been associated genes such as YWHAZ and DRP2. Further WES studies of inherited
with several neurodevelopmental disorders, syndromes or rare variants in larger ASD samples are warranted to corroborate
psychiatric diseases. Deletions of the contiguous YWHAE and these results and to gain more insight into the missing heritability
PAFAH1B1 genes are responsible for two distinct Mendelian of ASD.
disorders depending on the size of the deletion: isolated
lissencephaly and Miller–Dieker syndrome.32 Duplications
encompassing only the YWHAE gene are associated with a CONFLICT OF INTEREST
distinct phenotype involving autism and other behavioural The authors declare no conflict of interest.
symptoms.33,34 This gene has also been strongly associated with
schizophrenia and found to be downregulated together
with other 14-3-3 isoforms in the prefrontal cortex of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
schizophrenic patients.35,36 Other 14-3-3 members have also We are grateful to all families for their participation in our study. We thank Patricia
been associated with psychiatric phenotypes: heterozygous micro- Romarı́s (Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa) for contributing to clinical
deletions encompassing YWHAG and HIP1 were associated with delineation of patients and Lara Nonell and Eulàlia Puigdecanet (Servei d’Anàlisi de
epilepsy, learning difficulties and intellectual disability,37 whereas Micorarrays, IMIM-Hospital del Mar, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona) for their
YWHAH was associated with bipolar disorder.38,39 Recently, Cheah contribution to the CNV studies. Exome sequencing services were provided by the
et al.40 reported that YWHAZ knockout mice show neurobeha- National Centre for Genomic Analysis (CNAG). CT was supported by the European
vioural and cognitive deficiencies, and aberrant development of Union (Marie Curie, PIEF-GA-2009-254930) and BT by AGAUR (FI grant). Financial
support was received from ‘Fundació La Marató de TV3’ (092010), ‘Fundación Alicia
the hippocampus with migratory defects of pyramidal cells and
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on the Molecular Psychiatry website (http://www.nature.com/mp)

Molecular Psychiatry (2014), 784 – 790 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited

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