Personal Change - Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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February 16, 2007

Volume 2, Issue 4

The Magazine for Personal & Global Change

Take an action; change the world.

Welcome to Action Change Vol. 2, Issue 4!

Two new contributors share their stories with us this issue. There are so many
people and organisations working on positive global change now, it’s amazing!
I’m always receiving emails and newsletters from people all over the world
doing similar things, and I love that I can then share all these great ideas with
AC readers! Take care, and have a wonderful and proactive fortnight.
Christine Butler
Editor, Action Change Magazine
Change does not ••••••
change tradition. Contents:
It strengthens it. ! Welcome and Reader Emails (pg 1)
Change is a ! Social Change: A Letter from the Field (pg 2)
challenge and an ! The Good News Global Round up (pg 3)
opportunity; not a ! Personal Change: Sahaja Yoga Meditation (pg 4)
threat. - Prince ! World Wide Five-Minute Actions (pg 5)
Phillip of
! A Novel Approach to Saving Money: Alliance for New Humanity (pg 6)
! Book Review - Einstein’s Business (pg 7)
! The Back Page: Events & Info (pg 8)

Reader Emails

Two roads Have you a comment, suggestion or opinion about the mag? Send it in to
diverged in a [email protected]
wood, and I - I
took the one less Factual and inspiring, as usual. Thanks for the brain food reminder
traveled by, and Laters, love and sweet peace,
that has made all Fitz X
the difference. - (Lisa Fitzgibbon. Oxford England)
Robert Frost **************************************
(1875-1963) You are great - so productive!
American Poet Grameen Bank is a positive development story and given he recently was
awarded the Nobel...
Also the President of Liberia - (Only current woman president in the world) and
has done some excellent policy and law making outlawing rape - (unlike most
world leaders in the "developing" world)
And Chris Gardener (maybe too late) - the guy on whom the "Pursuit of
Happyness" movie is based is an interesting character and story - and retains his
Anyway - just came to mind..
(Deborah Boswell, Sydney)
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In the first of our series of reader letters from the field, Sydney Resident Lawrie Nethery talks about
his life in Cambodia, building charity houses for the Tabitha Foundation.

Each Christmas for the past few years, I pack small bag and head into the poor rural areas of Cambodia
about six hours from Phnom Penh for two weeks to help build houses for the Tabitha Foundation. Tabitha
is a non-denominational charity providing poorer communities with some of the basic building blocks of a
sustainable life – shelter, fresh water and food.

Tabitha provide a simple savings and credit system, similar to micro financing, whereby for every dollar a
poor Cambodian family can save (and that may mean going without rice for a meal or two) Tabitha
matches their dollar and pays them 10% interest. They take a few years to save towards the cost of a new
house (about $US 1,200) or a new well or some livestock or seed.

The system has been specifically designed to encourage their own savings regime and in turn gives them
ownership of their homes. It’s not just a charity handout and gives them dignity and achievement as an
added benefit to the house itself.

Tabitha was set up by a fantastic Canadian lady named Janne Ritskes, who after working in various
charities and NGO’s, realized that Cambodia was her special place. In traditional charity work it can be all
about ‘handouts’. Janne wanted to help people help themselves and thus give them grace and dignity – not
take it away. She’s an amazing person.

Last year we built 13 houses in under three days.

This year, I’ve been involved on two trips in January and we

built another 20 houses. Eight of these were for a small
Moslem Community: quite unusual for Buddhist
dominated (90%) Cambodia. We always work with the local
Khmer people and often have a game with the kids when we finish in a village. If there’s any money left in
‘the kitty’ we then buy a few pigs to help the families get started on their own.

Part of the Tabitha philosophy is to show the locals that they aren’t forgotten, but also to show them that
they can do it for themselves. That’s the key: you put their future in their hands so they aren’t reliant. It’s
rewarding for everyone involved but the important thing to remember is that it’s all about them.

When you consider that Pol Pot slaughtered over 3 million Cambodians only a few years ago these people
really need to see and feel hope from the western world. In our own small way this is what Tabitha gives
them: hope and dignity

Any donations go directly into the “House Building Fund” or you can choose to make a specific purchase
of some pigs or a well etc. Tabitha run a tight ship with extremely low overheads so that every possible
dollar goes where its best needed.

Tabitha Donations:

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The Good News Global Round Up

Sydney’s Chinese community are cutting their water use in conjunction with Sydney Water by installing
new water-free wok stoves in their restaurants. The stove controls the amount of water that is poured over
the woks while they are still hot so there’s no need to constantly wash and cool each wok with running tap
water in between each dish. Sydney Water believes this will cut water use by half, saving 8000 litres/day.
(Story from The Weekend Australian Feb. 3-4, 2007)


“We're sure you'll be delighted to learn that after many months of quiet effort, ministry for peace has
secured enough support in the UK Parliament to set up an official All-Party Parliamentary Group on
Conflict Issues. The purpose of the group, as formally stated in the Parliamentary Register, is 'To
encourage dialogue, on the basis of expert information and opinion from across the political spectrum, on
issues relating to conflict; especially on the practical means to prevent, transform and resolve violent
conflict.’” (From Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace)


“The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Atlantic Canada
Opportunities Agency, today announced that Canada will contribute $1.5 million to support the northern
Uganda peace process between the Government of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance
Army being held in Juba, South Sudan. With this contribution, Canada will become
the largest bilateral supporter of these critical peace talks. (From Global Alliance for
Ministries and Departments of Peace)


The burqini, the world’s first lifesaving costume for Muslims, was unveiled at
Cronulla beach on the 4th of February. The red and yellow uniform of surf lifesavers
was designed as a collaborative effort between Australia’s first Muslim lifesavers
and the Surf Life saving Association of Australia (SLSA).
(From Wentworth Courier 7/2/07)


“ The city is striving to be Australia’s first carbon neutral Council by achieving a 100 per cent reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions. Tenders are being sought to offset Council greenhouse gas emissions through
cost effective energy reduction measures, the use of renewable energy and other offset mechanisms. In
2005/06, Council purchased 10 per cent green power and has committed to purchase 20 percent in
2006/07.” (From Sydney City News February ’07)


The organisation Action for Rural Rejuvenation (ARR) has been working in India’s poor rural areas
bringing life and hope back to village life. The group’s creator, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, has introduced
games such as volleyball, which has “brought housewives out of their homes and broken down the cultural
barriers of caste”, while inter village tournaments have linked communities together. The group is also
supporting actions such as health care and sanitation, yoga, free medicines and building community
gardens. It is hoped that in this heavily populated area that has also been plagued with disease, that this
integrated mind/body/spirit program will bring back a sense of pride for the people and their communities.
(From Global Village News,
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All around the globe, somewhere near you in fact, people are gathering each
week to learn and practice Sahaja yoga meditation. One of the great things about
this meditation, is that it’s offered completely free of charge. Lyn from the The
Sahaja Yoga Collective of Australia gives us a run down of the meditation
practice, and how the free meditations work.

Interested in learning how to meditate? "Man in his search for

joy and happiness is
We can all do with less stress in our lives. Sahaja Yoga meditation is very easy running away from the
Self, which is the real
to learn and is offered free of charge. You’re welcome to join us to experience
source of joy… now a
the peace it can offer. method has been found to
What is Meditation? Meditation is best understood as a state of 'mental silence' tap the Divine power."
in which one is fully alert and aware but free of the unnecessary thoughts or Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
worries that lead to many of life's daily stresses. This state of silence occurs
spontaneously when one learns how to focus on the experience of the present moment, leading to a state of
peace and calm. Through a simple process, known as Self-Realisation (kundalini awakening) this
meditation state can be quickly established, maintained and, most importantly, enjoyed!
About Sahaja Yoga Meditation: Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation which brings a breakthrough in
showing how to achieve ‘thoughtless awareness’. It was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and
has now spread worldwide. As the potential to find peace inside and experience the true Self is innate in
every human being, it cannot become the commodity of any business and cannot be paid for. Shri Mataji
states "We cannot pay for our spiritual evolution." Sahaja Yoga classes are free.
Nobel Peace Prize nomination: When Shri Mataji was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Claes
Nobel, Chairman of the United Earth Organisation, declared: "Shri Mataji's discovery brings genuine hope
to humanity."
How can it be free? People who have experienced its benefit show others how to meditate. It’s that
simple. Whether in the public, community and business sectors, Sahaja Yoga meditation is available
without cost to the general public and to many schools, universities, hospitals, community centres,
immigration detention centres and major corporations.
Our weekly meetings show you how to experience true meditation. You will also learn how to meditate at
home and how to keep in balance. The techniques are easy to learn and practice. Beginners and
experienced meditators are welcome. You can join in at any time – just come along. No prior knowledge
is necessary, everything is explained.
What to expect: There are practical sessions, video talks by Shri Mataji, and guided collective meditations
to enjoy, in a relaxed atmosphere. It's meditation based, not 'exercise' yoga. No postures or special clothing
are required and chairs are provided.

If you are interested in learning how to enjoy the peace of meditation, come along. Sahaja Yoga weekly
meetings are offered free of charge, throughout Australia and the world.

Details: of free weekly meetings:

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World Wide Five - Minute Actions!

Wanna save the world but don’t have much time? Click on one of these actions and
make a difference in just a few minutes. Think how good you’ll feel!


“The federal election is coming and campaigns are already in full swing. With more than 160,000 of us, we
have the power to influence party rooms and press galleries and fight for the issues we care about. GetUp
staff are off to Canberra as Parliament reconvenes. And if we all take a minute now to email our friends
about GetUp, we will grow to 200,000-strong in time for key, agenda-setting meetings with politicians
from all parties. So the most significant action you can take today isn't signing a petition or writing your
MP - it's inviting a friend, colleague or Australian living overseas to join GetUp. The person who invites
the most friends to join GetUp will win the chance to visit Canberra with GetUp this year, to work the halls
of Parliament House - all expenses paid. And if that's not to your liking, we have a pack of great film
tickets to give away. Email your details and the number of people you've told about GetUp to
[email protected].” (From Get Up)

Their new system makes it easier than ever - just click on the link below.


On Friday 23 February 2007, ICEE (International Centre for Eyecare Education) will conduct “National
Sunnies for Sight Day”. All schools, clubs and workplaces across Australia are invited to participate. The
money raised from this day will be used to support ICEE's blindness prevention projects in countries in
great need of eyecare eg: Sri Lanka, East Timor, Malawi and Indigenous Australia.

The 2007 campaign has introduced a new funky look as well as some extremely fun merchandise items
including: kaleidoscopes, pens, microfibre wipes and emery boards.

Schools and preschools are encouraged to register online and make a donation. In return students, teachers
and children can wear their sunnies for the day or design their own fun pair of glasses. Workplaces and
clubs order your merchandise kit today. Each kit is valued at $170 and contains 20 microfibre wipes, 15
pens, 10 emery boards and 5 kaleidoscopes. Kits are available on consignment or pre-pay. If you pre-pay
for one of the sunnies merchandise kits you are eligible to go into the draw to win a holiday for two people
to Fraser Island.

Go to for more info, to buy merchandise, and to register.

(From the ICEE)


Go to for all your info on climate campaigns around the globe, to
coincide with Global Climate Days of Action. This site is a central point for all activities on climate
control, so if you’re into demonstrating, this is the site for you. From here you can also help build support
in your own country for the big protests in December that will dovetail the United Nations Climate Talks in
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Joke Time: A Novel Approach to Saving Money

Three engineers and three accountants are traveling by train to a conference. At the station, the three
accountants each buy tickets and watch as the three engineers buy only a single

"How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?" asks an accountant.

"Watch and you'll see," answers an engineer.

They all board the train. The accountants take their respective seats but all three engineers cram into a
restroom and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around
collecting tickets. He knocks on the restroom door and says, "Ticket, please."

The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and
moves on.

The accountants saw this and agreed it was quite a clever idea. So after the conference, the accountants
decide to copy the engineers on the return trip and save some money (being clever with money, and all
that). When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the
engineers don't buy a ticket at all.

"How are you going to travel without a ticket?" says one perplexed accountant.

"Watch and you'll see," answers an engineer.

When they board the train the three accountants cram into a restroom and the three engineers cram into
another one nearby. The train departs. Shortly afterward, one of the engineers leaves his restroom and
walks over to the restroom where the accountants are hiding.

He knocks on the door and says, Ticket, please."

Author Unknown (from [email protected] newsletter)

A Worthy Cause: Alliance for New Humanity

Deepak Chopra is founding member of the Alliance for New Humanity, an international social organisation
based on the premise that as everything is connected, our well-being is the well-being of everyone.

Singer Ricky Martin is also a founding member, and the organisation has a board of directors, as well as
patrons and advisors.

Their Mission: To connect people who, through personal and social transformation, are committed to
creating a just, peaceful, and sustainable world, reflecting the unity of humanity.

‘News for a New Humanity’ is their newsletter and you can subscribe to it free from the site.

“Deepak Chopra has committed to reach the first million people so that we can take that evolutionary leap.
Let us harness our resources and be part of that first million to reach the critical mass - and we too then
can re-write the story for a new humanity. Let Creativity and Caring be our mantra.”
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Book review from the Institute of Noetic Sciences

Einstein's Business: Engaging Soul, Imagination, and Excellence in the Workplace,
edited by Dawson Ph.D. Church

Released January 2007

Business today is at the forefront of social change and personal transformation. While past generations saw
organizations consuming people and the environment in their soulless quest for ever-increasing profit and
growth, a new generation of business leaders has a fresh new vision. Today's companies, schools, and
nonprofits are run differently, think differently, and engage human creativity at a whole new level.

Einstein's Business is a primer for twenty-first century leadership. Fifty of the most innovative and brilliant
authorities of our time show that business leaders can be activists, improving society and the environment
without sacrificing income or growth. The old divides between profit and principles—and between
individual good and the good of the organization—are seen for the fallacies they are, as organizations that
ignite the creativity of teams and individuals thrive and prosper to a degree that the hidebound company of
yesterday could not have imagined. And when well-led, empowered people get together, an engaged
community emerges, leading to breakthrough thinking and new innovations that hold the promise of a
better society and a healthier world.

In bite-sized chunks of five to ten pages, the chapters of this anthology give you the information, the
examples, and—best of all—the inspiration to lead meaningful change in your organization. Einstein's
Business guides you into reimagining your workplace as the place of your dreams—then gives you the
tools to get there.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." —Albert Einstein more info and view all contributors to buy the book

I think one of our biggest challenges is to look at our way of thinking, and see if there might be a way
to serve ourselves even more powerfully by ending the myth that there is somewhere to get to–that
there is something else that needs to be done, that there is all this brokenness that needs to be fixed,
that there is something–I think part of our healing has to come from just standing and being still and
claiming a healed world, claiming a healed humanity, claiming a healed self. - Julia Butterfly Hill,
environmental activist
(From the Institute of Noetic Sciences February newsletter

Don't just question authority, Don't forget to question me. - Jello Biafra
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The Back Page

CHANGE WORLD EVENTS: 16th to 2nd March 2007 YEAR OF THE PIG:
MAGAZINE Australian Organ Donor Awareness 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983
The Magazine for Personal
and Global Change
Week 1995 2007
18-24th February 2007
For all correspondence, The pigs are the nicest and most
subscriptions and ur_services/aodr/awareness_week.shtml deferential of all. And this makes
contributions write to: Chinese/Tibetan New Year: The Chinese others to think that pigs are
year 4705 obstinate and stuck-up. But as a
E-Mail: Throughout February 2007
[email protected] matter of fact, Pigs are very benevolent. The go out of their
.html way to make their family and
National Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) friends pleased. But many a times
We’re on the Web!
20 February 2007 this very trait of theirs works
See us at: against them. They so much get International Mother Language Day involved in their own world that
21 February 2006 they stop socializing. This also hampers their future so much so
IDEAS BLOG National 'Sunnies' for Sight Day that they become myopic of the
23 February 2007 opportunities that can make their
See World Wide Actions for Info life better. Besides, Pigs are born
Business Clean Up Day intellectuals and have great fire for
27 February 2007 wisdom. They are also passionate
Unless stated, all copy is lovers of luxury. When it comes to
©2007 Christine Butler. You’re
welcome to use any of my
ess-clean-up-day.html luxury their sole motto is the
material if the source is more…. the better.
recognised. I’d also appreciate
an email notifying me of (From
where it has been reprinted.

The mission of Action Change
is to present a wide range of About Action Change Magazine
ideas, techniques and opinions
for our readers to make active Action Change Magazine’s mission is to inspire people to take action to make
changes in their lives. The positive change in their lives and on the planet, and to provide resources to
opinions of the writers are help them make those changes.
printed with the understanding
that our readers choose to Submissions in a positive style are
take personal responsibility for
the choices they make in
welcome on the topics of personal and
relation to advice given in the global change. See the Contributor’s
magazine. Readers need to Guidelines and Mission Statement on
consult their health care the website for more information.
professional before embarking
on any lifestyle change. While
we make every effort to make
If you know of anyone who would be
sure information is correct at interested in reading or submitting to
time of printing, facts may the magazine, please forward it on.
change as new information They may then subscribe via email or
emerges. the website.

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