Hrs4r - FBK Action Plan 2

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Name Organisation under review: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)

Organisation’s contact details: Human Resources Department: [email protected]

Web link to published version of organisation’s HR Strategy and Action Plan:


Please provide a limited number of key figures for your organisation. Figures marked * are compulsory.


Total researchers = staff, fellowship holders, bursary holders, PhD. students either full-time or part-time involved in research 401
Of whom are international (i.e. foreign nationality) 87
Of whom are externally funded (i.e. for whom the organisation is host organisation) – We indicate here the number of FBK PhD 81
Programs: FBK funds universities for providing PhD grants to be carried on in FBK research centres.
Of whom are women. 84
Of whom are stage R3 or R4 = Researchers with a large degree of autonomy, typically holding the status of Principal Investigator 70
or Professor. Corresponding to FBK CCPL Level 2 and 1 (R1/R2 and T1/T2)
Of whom are stage R2 = in most organisations corresponding with postdoctoral level. Corresponding to FBK CCPL Level 3 (R3,T3). 145
Of whom are stage R1 = in most organisations corresponding with doctoral level. Corresponding to FBK CCPL Level 4 (R4,T4). 61
Total number of students (if relevant). Corresponding to Internships/Stages. 59
Total number of staff (including management, administrative, teaching and research staff). 166

RESEARCH FUNDING (figures for most recent fiscal year) K €, FY 2016
Total annual organisational budget. 44,661
Annual organisational direct government funding (designated for research). 31,153
Annual competitive government-sourced funding (designated for research, obtained in competition with other organisations – 8,726
including EU funding) .
Annual funding from private, non-government sources, designated for research. 4,782
ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE (a very brief description of your organisation, max. 100 words)
FBK is a private research institution inspired by the Constitutional principle of freedom of research, by the non-discrimination rules of the
European Union and by the service of the international research community, devoted to excellence in research in numerous disciplines and
designated to the role of keeping the Autonomous Province of Trentino in the mainstream of European and international research. Each research
area is assigned to a specific centre: Information Technology Centre, Centre for NETworked communities, Centre for Materials and
Mycrosystems, Centre for the Evaluation of Public Policies, Centre for Religious Studies, Italian-German Historical Institute, Centre for
Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics.

Please provide an overview of the organisation in terms of the current strengths and weaknesses of the current policy and practice under the four thematic
headings of the Charter and Code at your organization.

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, established in 2006 under the Laws of the Autonomous Province of Trentino, is a non-profit public interest body,
recognized as a private legal entity. As regards personnel management, selection, and recruitment processes, FBK operates according to privately
defined rules, but as a private body under public control Fondazione Bruno Kessler is required to comply with the principles of transparency,
advertising, and traceability. These principles also inform the recruitment and selection guidelines and procedures.

The proposed HR strategy is based on the HR vision: assure human resource management and skills development, support organizational
change, ensure a positive climate in the workplace, invest in training and growth in FBK human and intellectual capital, and promote trade union

With the “Personnel program plan 2016/2018” , Fondazione Bruno Kessler has adopted an instrument for interpreting, planning, and managing
the most important profiles and dimensions of its human resources, defined as the combination of knowledge, abilities, and skills, on which the
creation of economic, social, and status value depends.

One of Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s strong points in the area of “Ethical and Professional Aspects” is the specific application of the principles of
non-discrimination through the provision and implementation of internal policies that regulate the human resource processes, ensuring the
promotion of diversity and inclusion of workers independently of gender, age, ethnic, national, or social origins, religions or beliefs, sexual
orientation, or language.

The weakest point involves the awareness of the researchers of the financial management of Fondazione Bruno Kessler, deriving from the
traceability of the budgeting decisional processes, disability, political opinions, and social or economic conditions.

Ever since it was established as a private body under public control, Fondazione Bruno Kessler implemented a highly structured policy system
based on the principles of transparency, advertising, and traceability. Furthermore, over the years the Fondazione Bruno Kessler strove to adapt
to changing conditions in the work market, adopting measures for constant improvement. All the policies are published and can be referenced
at the FBK website. As regards the articles in the “Recruitment and Selection” section, survey results have revealed a high percentage of
satisfaction among the research community, in particular for the open recruitment process.

As regards “Working Conditions and Social Security”, Fondazione Bruno Kessler is distinguished as an organization committed to Work Life
Balance: since 2009 FBK has been involved in the Family Audit Project, gaining and maintaining certification awarded by the Autonomous
Province of Trentino Government Agency. By signing the "Commitment Document", Fondazione Bruno Kessler has manifested its commitment
to developing and cultivating an organizational culture and policy system promoting a balance of family and work. A number of welfare programs
and projects have been implemented: flexitime (single attendance electronic registration for research staff), mobility for researchers, smart
working among others, as explained at this link.

One of the most critical aspects of this issue is adherence to the principle of career development as described in the gap analysis, and the response
of researchers under this heading in the survey reflects the changes that have occurred in Fondazione Bruno Kessler over the last two years. We
refer in particular to an obstruction to career progression that has hindered the activation of contractual adjustment linked to acknowledgement
of merit. This was despite the fact that during this period Fondazione Bruno Kessler took alternative initiatives to promote career development,
like for example the Mobility Program For Researchers, incentive based policies, and the promotion of a model of roles and professional
development as a practical instrument for orienting personnel policies and human resources.

In the Training and Development category, every year Fondazione Bruno Kessler defines a Learning & Development Plan, following analysis of
training requirements. The plan foresees training initiatives in line with the required skills for the roles and professional development paths in
the research centres. Furthermore, it is important to note that the FBK Statute does not include educational activities as a core mission, and so
it is outside the scope of the Research Centres to provide university level courses or issue degree diplomas/certificates.

Please provide a list of all actions to be undertaken in this HR strategy. The list must be accompanied by an extended version in which the actions are described
in more detail. The overview must contain at least the following headings: Action title – Timing – Responsible Unit – Indicator(s) / Target(s).

Overall, the results of the HRS4R survey reveal a high level of satisfaction regarding the four areas investigated: i) ethical and professional aspects; ii)
recruitment and selection; iii) working conditions and social security; iv) training and development. Opportunities for improvement are identified as a subset
of specific factors: section i) ethical and professional aspects, and section iii) working conditions and social security, together presenting five questions that
score below 3.25 or the 75th percentile of the grading scale. These are specifically questions 3, 5, and 8 for section i) and questions 22 and 24 for section iii).
Of these questions, question 22 stands out (FBK has defined a specific career development strategy for researchers at all stages in their careers, including
researchers on fixed-term contracts). It scores much worst in all respects: the average (2.67) is considerably lower than the next lowest answer (3.09 for
question 24), furthermore 67% of respondents request that the problem be addressed within 6 months or sooner.

Art. 6 Accountability:
“Researchers need to be aware that they are accountable towards their employers, funders or other related public or private bodies as well as, on more
ethical grounds, towards society as a whole. In particular, researchers funded by public funds are also accountable for the efficient use of taxpayers’
money. Consequently, they should adhere to the principles of sound, transparent and efficient financial management and co-operate with any authorised
audits of their research, whether undertaken by their employers/funders or by ethics committees. Methods of collection and analysis, the outputs and,
where applicable, details of the data should be open to internal and external scrutiny, whenever necessary and as requested by the appropriate
Survey Question n3: “FBK provides adequate means for researchers to be aware of the principles of sound, transparent and efficient financial
→ The actions described below in details have the purpose to increase the means researchers have to be aware of the principles of sound transparent and
efficient financial management.

Action title and description Timing Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s)

A1 - Financial Literacy for Researchers: Training Q1 HR & Indicator: number of participants and courses.
Initiative aimed at familiarizing researchers with the 2018- Accounting and Target: December 2019
Q4 2019 Financial All researchers
principles of sound, transparent and efficient financial

A2 - Reorganizing sources: Raising awareness of Q3 Secretary Indicator: percentage of policies/procedures

internal and external policies. Action: Reorganizing 2018- General reviewed.
sources and simplifying the representation of Q4 2019
regulations and internal policies/procedures. Target: 100% by December 2019.
All researchers.
A3 - Procedure for budget Planning: Q1-Q3 Secretary Indicator: publication and presentation of the
Formalizing a procedure for budget planning: 2018 General, approved procedure.
establishing times and deadlines, subjects involved, Accounting and Target: October 2018
and defining appropriate cascade procedures. Financial All researchers.
A4 - Budget Reporting: Q1-Q3 Data office Indicator: release of a pilot version of the dashboard
FBK Data Driven: launch of the Data Office project in 2018 by year 1.
FBK, which will focus on restructuring the research
support services and evolving the corresponding IT Target: October 2018
systems. The objective is to improve efficiency and All researchers
enable decision making based on accurate, relevant
and timely data - at all levels and for all FBK roles. One
of the products of the project will be a shared
representation of the budget, through a dashboard
available to, and easily understandable by all
researchers. Currently only management have access
to the budget. Researchers will be directly involved in
test procedures for implementation.
ART. 8 Dissemination, exploitation of results:
“All researchers should ensure, in compliance with their contractual arrangements, that the results of their research are disseminated and exploited, e.g.
communicated, transferred into other research settings or, if appropriate, commercialised. Senior researchers, in particular, are expected to take a lead
in ensuring that research is fruitful and that results are either exploited commercially or made accessible to the public (or both) whenever the opportunity
Survey Question n. 5: “FBK ensures that the activities of the researchers are disseminated and exploited (e.g. transferred into other research settings or, if
appropriate, commercialized)”.
→ The actions described below in details have the purpose to increase the means researchers have to enhance the dissemination and exploitation of
research results.

Action title and description Timing Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s)

A5 - Mission Based Report: Q1-Q4 Secretary Indicator: validation of the instrument and model by
The organization’s accountability instrument in 2018 General the Board of Directors.
relation to stakeholders. This combination of Target: December 2018
documentary data on the activities of FBK is supported All researchers
with explanatory content to assist the reading and
interpretation of the data. The structuring of these
materials is foreseen to include a series of self-standing
documents, each one intended for a specific cluster of
stakeholders, and designed for easy usability.

A6 – Training Promotion Skills: Enhancing Skills for Q1 HR (L&D Plan) Indicator: percentage of participants.
Promoting Research Results: raising awareness 2018- HIT, Target: December 2019
through training initiatives (giving operational tools, Q4 2019 Communication All researchers
providing detailed guidelines for writing dissemination Unit

A7 – HIT Strategy: Q1 HIT and Indicator: Number and quality of patents
In order to reinforce local and international 2018- Secretary commercialized and sold, amount of business
partnerships, FBK will invest in strengthening their Q4 2019 General generated in the industrial field, number of start-ups
strategy for promoting and maximizing research launched.
results through an evolution of AIRT team, named HIT
(Hub Innovation Trentino): a non-profit consortium Target: December 2019
that aims to promote and maximize the results of All researchers
research and innovation in the Trentino region in order
to encourage the development of the local economy. It
focuses on catalysing innovation, technological
transfer, and opportunity scouting on national,
European and international levels, regarding the
theme of intelligent specialization directly for his
members and indirectly for the Autonomous Province
of Trentino.

A8 – FBK Communication Strategy: Q1-Q4 Communication Indicator: number of initiatives for public
Enhance FBK’s communication strategy towards some 2019 Unit dissemination of research results to the context of CISA
specific targets, primarily schools and education: project (events, conferences, exhibitions, etc.) and the
young students, teachers, and school principals, number of students involved in FBK Junior.
through the FBK junior project 2018. Another
dissemination initiative will be the inclusion of specific Target: December 2019
actions for “Communicating Science” in the three-year General public and specific target of interest.
Strategic Plan. The project goal for CISA (Citizens for
Science) is to promote the scientific maturity of
citizens, not only through a wide range of public
opportunities in which Fondazione Bruno Kessler
researchers take the leading role, but also encouraging
citizens to take active part in research activities.
Art.11 Evaluation/appraisal systems:
“Employers and/or funders should introduce for all researchers, including senior researchers, evaluation/appraisal systems for assessing their professional
performance on a regular basis and in a transparent manner by an independent (and, in the case of senior researchers, preferably international)
committee. Such evaluation and appraisal procedures should take due account of their overall research creativity and research results, e.g. publications,
patents, management of research, teaching/lecturing, supervision, mentoring, national or international collaboration, administrative duties, public
awareness activities and mobility, and should be taken into consideration in the context of career progression”.
Survey Question n8: “FBK regularly uses transparent evaluation/appraisal systems for assessing researchers’ professional performance”.
→ The actions described below in details have the purpose to reinforce and implement transparent evaluation/appraisal systems for assessing researchers’
professional performance.
Action title and description Timing Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s)

A9 – Permanent VQR:
The action would involve implementing a Permanent Q1 RESEARCH Indicator: number of updates per year on FBK Internal
VQR (Quality Evaluation Research Project), which aims 2018- ASSESSMENT Website and tracking visualization stats.
at evaluating the results of scientific research. A Q4 2019
permanent VQR would involve regularly sharing There are bibliometric and non-bibliometric sectors.
bibliometric and non-bibliometric indexes on the FBK For non-bibliometric we would make use of peer
website. review
The aim is to implement a continuous
monitoring/performance evaluation tool for the Target: December 2019
research centres, strongly inspired by the VQR model All researchers
and also serving as a valuable preparation exercise.

A10 – Researcher Digital Folder: Q1 Data Office, Indicator: percentage of integration of data types from
2018- Research different platforms in use, percentage of integrated
Creating an organic system of individual performance Q4 2019 Assessment, management tools (career, education, management,
indicators. Implementing a collection process for HR publications, etc.).
relevant individual info useful for evaluation. Recap of
an individual researcher's folder (possibly integrated Target: 50% by December 2019.
with career path, roles, and skills). Creation of a dossier All researchers
containing the information, periodically updated with
associated policy. The implementation will involve
researchers directly with testing.

Art. 28: Career development:

“Employers and/or funders of researchers should draw up, preferably within the framework of their human resources management, a specific career
development strategy for researchers at all stages of their career, regardless of their contractual situation, including for researchers on fixed-term
contracts. It should include the availability of mentors involved in providing support and guidance for the personal and professional development of
researchers, thus motivating them and contributing to reducing any insecurity in their professional future. All researchers should be made familiar with
such provisions and arrangements”.
Survey Question n22: “FBK has defined a specific career development strategy for researchers at all stages of their career, including researchers on fixed-
term contracts”.
→ The actions described below in details have the purpose to reinforce and implement a structured career development strategy for researchers.

Action title and description Timing Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s)

A11 – Career Progressions: Reactivate career Q1-Q3 HR Indicator: Number of Progressions from Total POE
progressions for 2017-19 (ref. to art. 28 Gap Analysis 2018 Availability (see art. 28 Gap Analysis for details).
for details).
Target: October 2018
All researchers on permanent contracts.

A12 – Career Paths and Roles: Skills and professional Q1-Q4 HR - IT Support Indicator: Percentage of research staff mapped in
paths: mapping roles and career paths and 2018 terms of career path and role assignment.
implementing career management tool, with cascade Percentage of agreement of researchers with their
to technical and soft skills training. professional paths and assigned roles.

Target: 100% by December 2018.

All researchers on fixed term and permanent contracts.

A13 – FBK PhD Program: Enhancement of doctoral Q4 PhD Staff Team Indicator: Number of prePhD calls and contracts
paths in FBK: PhD Program process definition, prePhD& 2018- started per year. Number of doctoral programs funded
Studentship offers to increase interest and awareness Q4 2019 by FBK.
in the programs, Welcome Office Support. Number of visas/residence permits required for PhD.

Target: December 2019

All candidates interested in a research career.
A14 – National Scientific Qualification: Q1-Q4 Research Indicator: Number of applications per year. Percentage
Support of Fondazione Bruno Kessler for Applications 2019 Assessment of qualifications accepted.
for National Scientific Qualifications, an action in
favour of researchers’ career development. Target: December 2019
The campaigns are conducted every 4 months. All researchers.
Abilitation lasts 6 years.

A15 – Double Appointment: Sponsorship of Double Q1-Q4 Secretary Indicator: Number of double appointments activated.
Appointment programs aimed at encouraging the 2018 General
passage of FBK tenured researchers to the academic Target: December 2018
world. All researchers on permanent contracts.

ART 30: Access to career advice:

“Employers and/or funders should ensure that career advice and job placement assistance, either in the institutions concerned, or through collaboration
with other structures, is offered to researchers at all stages of their careers, regardless of their contractual situation”.
Survey Question n24: “FBK offers career development advice and job placement assistance, either in the institutions concerned, or through collaboration
with other organisations”.
→ The actions described below in details have the purpose to reinforce and implement job placement assistance for researchers.
Action title and description Timing Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s)

A10 – Researcher Digital Folder: Q1 Data office- Indicator: percentage of integration of data types from
Integrate into a single, user-friendly platform the data 2018- General different platforms in use, percentage of integrated
relevant to each researcher; allowing data display and Q4 Secretary management tools (career, education, management,
extraction regarding their career and professional 2019 HR publications, etc.).
development (see Action 10).
Target: 50% by December 2019.
All researchers.
A16 – Experience@FBK Certificate: Q1-Q4 Indicator: Percentage of Experience@FBK produced.
For outbound trajectories, implementation of a 2019 HR - Data Office
process that allows Fondazione Bruno Kessler to certify - Target: December 2019
a researcher’s experience and acquired skills Secretary All researchers
(extracting data from their digital folder). Researchers General
can use the document as a support for job applications
to research institutes/companies.

General Action for raising awareness regarding C&C

Action title and description Timing Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s)

A17 – HRS4R on FBK Books: Once the HRExcellence Q1-Q2 Editorial Office - Indicator: Publishing and updating the material on FBK
Logo is awarded to Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK 2018 HR Books.
Books will publish the work carried out for certification
on a dedicated website. Target: July 2018
All researchers


As the establishment of an Open Recruitment Policy is a key element in the HRS4R strategy, please also indicate how your organisation will use the Open,
Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment Toolkit and how you intend to implement/are implementing the principles of Open, Transparent and Merit-Based
Recruitment. Although there may be some overlap with a range of actions listed above, please provide a short commentary demonstrating this implementation.

If your organisation already has a recruitment strategy, which implements the principles of Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment, please also cite
the web link where this strategy can be found.

Actions addressing the implementation of Open, Transparent, Merit-Based Recruitment principles:

FBK implements a well-structured Recruitment process, as described in the OTM Checklist and in the Gap Analysis section dedicated to
Recruitment. Below we report a list of actions already implemented by FBK, in line with the principles of Open, Transparent, Merit- Based


Every appointment request is submitted using an authorization form, completed by the hiring manager with all information relevant to the
appointment (position, level, budget), and channelled through the relevant directors for approval. Each appointment request generates an open
international call for applicants with only a few exceptions (e.g. for contracts of less than 11 months duration).

In order to advertise positions internationally, the FBK recruitment team make use of a structured list of channels: Euraxess, Eures, PAT portal,
Employment Agency, Gender Sensitive Channels (Systers Network, Women in Research, Donne e Scienza), along with other ad hoc channels such
as Researchgate, Linkedin. Tenure track positions are also advertised in specific channels for scientific sectors (e.g. IIIE, Science, JobsAcUK).

When it is necessary to ensure adequate time is available for applicants to gather relevant documentation, and ensure sufficient call exposure,
they are advertised for a minimum of 21 calendar days (as per Province of Trentino rules).


Appointments on contracts longer than 11 months must be published and candidates must follow the selection process as per FBK Recruitment
guidelines and procedures. The name of the winner for each call is published on the FBK website in the section “Selection Results”, together with
the number of interviews held. As per Art. 4 L.P. n. 04/2014, citizens and interested candidates can request information about the selection
procedures, depending on their entitlements, by submitting a formal query to [email protected], with the details of the regulations governing
such requests available at the FBK website.

Merit Based:

The HR recruitment team ensure that candidate evaluations are based on the requirements set out in the job description. The selection
committee apply the same evaluation grid for all candidates, reflecting the criteria mentioned in the call. Selection Committee members, at the
time of appointment, are informed of internal procedures, and in particular the Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Recruitment.

Further Actions: after completing the FBK Gap Analysis the FBK HRS4R committee decided some measures could be taken to improve FBK
OTM-Recruitment Strategy. In particular, we will be implementing the following actions:

1. In order to maximise visibility of the attractive working conditions for researchers at FBK, we will insert a link to the welfare page in each job

2. In order to emphasise the experience creativity, independence, and mobility of candidates, we will be including these traits as standard in
each evaluation grid.

4. IMPLEMENTATION (MAX. 1 PAGE) Please provide an overview of the expected implementation process.
Do you have an implementation committee and/or steering group regularly overseeing and monitoring progress?
The HRS4R Process Committee together with the Working Group will be monitoring the indicators outlined in the action plan GANTT under T1
and T2 as described in the GANNT table. The person responsible for the actions will be gathering information throughout the implementation
phase, in order to assess the applicability and effectiveness of the planned actions. In order to allow adjustments, a Revision moment (R) is
inserted 12 months into the implementation phase, giving the Working Group and the HRS4R Process Committee the possibility to gather and
assess the progress and efficacy of the actions.
How do you involve the research community, your main stakeholders, in the implementation process?
The actions outlined in the plan will be implemented with the members of the specific areas indicated, and the indicators will involve the entire
research community, given that most actions have “all researchers” as the main target. For some of the actions, it will be necessary to ask the
researchers to participate in a pilot phase so that the committee can receive their opinions first hand and make changes accordingly. In this
respect, it will be ensured that the Governance is involved and constantly up to date with the progress of the actions. After obtaining certification,
we will be regularly update the FBK HRS4R website with the GANNT so that anyone can access the data and progress status.
Is there evidence of any alignment of the HRS4R with organisational policies?
FBK recognizes the research profession and researcher autonomy (Article 59 CCPL), with reference to the "European Charter of Researchers" and
the "Code of Leadership for Researchers ". Furthermore, our Recruitment guidelines and procedures indicate the C&C as reference documents
for the CCPL (Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s Collective Labour Agreement).
The HRS4R is set as one of four goals assigned by the Institutional Governance to CASSR (11 Administration Services Supporting Research).
Therefore each service must cascade within the team and choose one responsible person who, together with the Working Team and HRS4R
Committee, is responsible for implementation, indicator monitoring, and document maintenance.
How do you expect to prepare the internal and external review?
The persons responsible for each action in collaboration with HRS4R Committee are responsible for measuring the indicators and preparing the
final documentation for internal analysis. We plan to submit another survey at the end of the implementation phase, in order to assess any
changes since the start of the project, and collect data for the internal analysis. Following the assessment, based on the external experts’
feedback, FBK will implement a revised action plan, with revised indicators and targets, in order to prepare for an external review.

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