Principles of Marketing Q2 M1 November 9, 2020
Principles of Marketing Q2 M1 November 9, 2020
Principles of Marketing Q2 M1 November 9, 2020
Setting Goals
As you complete understanding this lesson, you are expected to acquire the
following competencies:
Distinguish between strategic and tactical marketing planning in terms of
objectives and processes.
Analyze the elements of macro- and micro-environment and their influ-
ence to marketing planning.
Define marketing research, its importance to a business enterprise and
identify the steps in marketing research .
Strategic Marketing
To gain a competitive edge in marketing for manufacturing, you need a thor-
ough understanding of your target customer’s demographics and buying habits. To
decide what your business goals are, you must be up-to-date on industry trends
and your competitive position. Once you’ve formulated your goals, you need to de-
velop a strategy to achieve those goals. Strategic planning involves recognizing the
threats and opportunities presented by the industry. What are the strengths and
weaknesses in manufacturing? Does your company have the strength and financial
capability to tackle those threats and grab those opportunities? Strategic mar-
keting considers the long-term goals of your company such as expanding your busi-
ness, exploring new demographics, or creating a new brand. Therefore, it needs
the insight of your financial department who can analyze if you have adequate
funds to realize your goals.
Tactical Marketing
While strategic marketing looks at the goals of the company, tactical mar-
keting focuses on the details to achieve that goal. With a strategy in place, the ac-
tions or tactics needed to reach your goal can be set into motion.
Macro Environment
Macro environment factors which consist of external forces. These external
environment factors are uncontrollable and the company finds it hard to tackle the
external factors. Elements of macro-environment of marketing are:
Demographic Environment
Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, destiny, lo-
cation, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics. This is the very im-
portant factors that help the marketer to divide the population into different mar-
ket segments and target markets. Demographic data also helps in preparing geo-
graphical marketing plans, age, and sex-wise plans.
Economic Environment
Economic Environment is those macro factors that affect consumer buying
power and spending patterns. It includes the level of income, policies, and nature of
an economy, economic resources, trade cycles, distribution of income and wealth.
When the income of a family or country changes it also changes the buying behav-
ior and spending pattern of the family or country.
Natural Environment
Natural environment involves the natural resources that are needed as inputs
by marketers or they are affected by marketing activities. So marketers should be
aware of several trends in the natural environment.
Technological Environment
Technological forces are perhaps the most dramatic forces which are chang-
ing rapidly. These macro-environmental forces create a new product, new markets
and marketing opportunities for marketers.
Political Environment
It includes government actions, government legislation, public policies, and
acts which affect the operations of a company or business. These forces may affect
an organization on a local, regional, national or international level. So marketers
and business management pay close attention to the political forces to judge how
government actions which will affect their company.
Cultural Environment
Cultural factors in heritage, living styles, religion, etc. also affect a company’s
marketing strategy. Social responsibility also becomes part of marketing and slowly
emerged in marketing literature. Socially responsible marketing is that business
firms should take the lead in eliminating socially harmful products.
Micro Environment
The micro-environment refers to the forces that are close to the company
and affect its ability to serve its customers. It influences the organization directly
Demographic Environment. Elements of micro environment of marketing are:
Marketing Channel
The second component includes the marketing channel firms that cooperate
to create value: the suppliers and marketing intermediaries (middlemen, physical
distribution firms, marketing-service agencies, financial intermediaries).
Types of Market
The third component consists of the five types of markets in which the organ-
ization can sell: the consumer, producer, reseller, government, and international
The fourth component consists of the competitors facing the organization.
Businesses should device plans to perform better than their competition.
Organizational Objectives
The fifth component consists of all the public’s that have an actual or poten-
tial interest in or impact on the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives: finan-
cial, media, government, citizen action, and local, general, and internal publics.