Ethiopian Govt Acct Extension Exam

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Refit Valey University Department of Accounting & Finance


Name;-_________________________________________ID__________________Group ____________
Allowed Time;-1hr Maximum Marks= 50%

1. ________General Ledger helps in order to get detail information about accounts rather than subsidiary
2. _________On FGE Chart of Accounts the number from 1000-1999 refers Asset Accounts.
3. _________Division of Resources in to organizational units helps in order to know the total cost of
4. _________Budget line is the proration of Budget by activity but cost center is by time.
5. _________Under budget cycle multiyear planning is come 1st but Auditing is at last.
6. _________MOFED is public body but MOE federal Agency
7. _________BOFED Is Cost center under MOFED.
8. __________In the case of FGE accounting system CPV/CRV are a source of documents for non –cash
9. ________Using Modified Cash Basis & Double entry system help in order to achieve Cash control
goal .
Part Two: Choose the Best Answer (2points each)
1. ----------Which of the following is not correct ;-
A. Cash control- Double Entry B. Accountability- Maintain General/Subsidiary Ledger
C. Accounting commitment –Cash basis D. Using Impress system of Cash in safe E. None
2. ______Assume on July 7,2017 MOFED Transferred cash which amount 100000 birr to MOE
account and during this Transferring process 1% of Total amount of bank service is charged .
by CBE. The Journal entry on MOFED May be ;-
A. Appropriate Transfer fund -Debit by 100000 B. Cash At Bank Credit by 90000.00
C. Bank service Charge Debit by 10000.00 D. Appropriate transfer fund debit by 90000 E. B&D
3. ______On the above question #2 The Journal entry on MOE may be ;-
A. Appropriate Transfer fund -Debit by 100000 B. Cash At Bank Credit by 90000.00
C. Bank service Charge Debit by 10000.00 D. Appropriate transfer fund debit by 90000 E. B&C
4. ______On the above question #2 MOE is under MOFED;-
A. Cost Centre B. Public Body C. Federal Agency D. A& B E.A&C
5. ________Most of time Peoples of Ethiopia complain ‘’ As there are enough hospitals in Ethiopia but
there is shortage of Medicine in those Hospitals ‘’;-As you are Finance Student how you explain this
gap in terms of Budget policy ;-
A. Lack of Public Expenditure management B. Limiting Expenditure to Revenue & Debt Targets not yet
done C. Balance of Capital & recurrent Expenditure not maintained D. All
6. ________Which of the following is odd;-
A. Paying Salary of Doctors B. Hospitals Construction C. Purchasing Of Medicine for Hospitals
D. Repair & Maintenance of hospital E.None
7. ________Which of the following is not correct ?

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Moti B. (MBA Specializing In Finance)
Refit Valey University Department of Accounting & Finance

A. Annual Fiscal Plan Pagume 1-Tehisas 29 B. Annual Fiscal Planning prepared by MOFED
& Public Body C. Multi –Year Programming Prepared By MOFED & Public Body
D. Multi –Year Planning prepared by MOFED –Approved by Para lama E. None
8. ________Which of the following is not -Correct?
A. Budget →Program →Project →Planning B. Planning→ Program →Project →Budget
C. Planning →Project →Program →Budget D. All
9. _______ Which of the following is in correct structure of Ethiopian Budget structure by
Financial unit ?
A. Federal Agency →Public Body →Sub-Agency →Sub-Sub Agency →Cost center
B. MOFED→MOE→ University→ colleges → Departments
C. Federal →AA City Administration →Bole Sub City →Woreda 21→Kebele 2
D. Federal →SNNPR →Sidama Zone→Shebedeno Woreda→Ayana Kebele E.All F.None
10. ______Which of the Following is not true about Budget ?
A. It Is an Instrument of Resource allocation b/n different competing needs
B. It is an Instrument of Resource allocation b/n similar competing needs
C. It is an instrument Resource allocation b/n different non- competing needs D. All except ‘’A’’
11. _______True about FGE Account Reform Team is; -
A. Established by PMO B. Study and Implementation on country Accounting system
C. Established by MOFED D. Established by Para lama E.A& D F.B&C
Part Three: -WRITING & WORK OUT (20 Marks)

!.Write and explain the correct procedures and process of FGE Budget

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Moti B. (MBA Specializing In Finance)
Refit Valey University Department of Accounting & Finance

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Moti B. (MBA Specializing In Finance)

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