AND8321/D Compensation of A PFC Stage Driven by The NCP1654/5

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Compensation of a PFC
Stage Driven by the
Prepared by Joel Turchi
ON Semiconductor

Circuits for power factor correction have to shape the line too low. Also, the voltage regulation is made more accurate
current that is a low frequency signal. Hence, they are in and a dynamic response enhancer dramatically minimizes
essence extremely slow systems. That is why, the the large deviation of the output voltage that a sharp
compensation of the PFC loop is generally not considered as line/load step would otherwise produce.
a critical step when designing a power supply: “wildly The NCP1654 pinout is intended to ease the replacement
shrink your bandwidth, that’s it!”. Still however, a PFC stage of industry existing circuits.
must be compensated and this unavoidable step should be The NCP1655 is pin to pin compatible to the NCP1653.
properly performed for an optimized operation of the
downstream converter and a satisfactory power factor. PFC Stage Control to Output Transfer Function
This application note shows how a NCP1654 or NCP1655 First, we have to compute the control to output transfer
driven PFC can be compensated by the means of a function (Vout/Vcontrol), where Vout is the output voltage of
systematic method. Reusable for other circuits, this process the PFC stage and Vcontrol, the output of the error amplifier
is practically illustrated through a wide mains, 300 W (that is, our control signal)
application. To do so, we need to:
1. Derive a large signal model of our system. Such a
Introduction representation takes into account the dc and ac
The NCP1654 and the NCP1655 are upgraded versions of components of the signals. The result is a non
the NCP1653. linear representation in particular due to the
With “their father”, they share the control scheme that led multiplication of time varying signals.
to a major leap towards implementation of PFC boost 2. Linearize this system and for this, to consider little
converters operating in continuous conduction mode. variations of each signal around the dc values
Practically, like the NCP1653, they directly control the (obtained in steady state) to derive the small signal
power switch conduction time (PWM) as a function of the model. Practically it models the system response
coil current. Housed in a SO8 package and available in to a perturbation applied to the two input signals
65 kHz, the NCP1654 and the NCP1655 integrate all the (Vin,RMS and Vcontrol) or to the output (Vout). This
features for a compact and rugged PFC stage. Ultimately, as is exactly what our compensation will have to
well as the NCP1653, they lead to an eased and compact PFC control.
implementation. In PFC applications, a good way to build the large−signal
It is worth noting that they have also inherited the model, is probably to inspire of the “loss−free network”
NCP1653 current sensing technique and its associated method developed by Dr Robert Erickson [1] and:
merits. More specifically, this function can be associated to 1. Derive an equation of the power delivered by the
very low impedance current sense resistors for reduced PFC stage as a function as the parameters that
losses and a significant improvement of the efficiency. modulate it, practically, the line magnitude and
Compared to traditional solutions, the efficiency increase Vcontrol. To do so, this power will be averaged
can be as high as almost 1%. over a line period. (Note 1)
Finally, with respect to the NCP1653, the NCP1654 and 2. Represent our system as a current source that
the NCP1655 further incorporate a brown−out detection under Vout provides the computed power.
block to disable the PFC stage when the line magnitude is

1. This approximation (constant power while it has actually a squared sinusoidal characteristics) is acceptable since the PFC regulation
bandwidth is below the line frequency.

© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2008 1 Publication Order Number:

June, 2008 − Rev. 0 AND8321/D

The average power delivered by the NCP1654 is given by the following formula (refer to the data sheet):
K @ (V control * V control(min)) @ V in,RMS 2pR CS @ (R boU ) R boL) @ V REF
P in,avg + with: K + (eq. 1)
V out Ǹ2 @ R @ R
• Vin,RMS is the RMS line voltage
• Vcontrol is the output voltage of the NCP1654/5 error amplifier
• Vcontrol(min) is the minimum output voltage of the error amplifier.
• Vout is the PFC output voltage
• VREF is the internal 2.5 V reference voltage
• RSENSE is the current sense resistor
• RCS is the resistor that sets the current limitation
• RM is the Vm pin resistor
• RboU, RboL are the upper and lower brown−out sensing resistors respectively. Please note that RboU is practically spit
into two or several resistors for safety reasons (due to its connection to the input high voltage rail) (See Figure 7).

Our system can then be represented by a current source (Iout = (Pin,avg/Vout)) that charges the bulk capacitor. C which is loaded
by a resistor R that simulates the load. This leads to the following large−signal model:

P in,avg ǒ Ǔ
K @ V control * V control(min) @ V in,RMS

I out + + R
V out V out 2 +

Figure 1. Large signal model of the PFC stage

(R is the Load Equivalent Resistance and C and rC are Respectively the Capacitance and the Series Resistor of
the PFC Output Capacitor − Bulk Capacitor)

Considering small variations for Vcontrol, Vin,RMS and Vout, one can derive the following small−signal equivalent schematic:


I1 I2 r2 R

Figure 2. Small Signal Model of the PFC Stage

(R is the Load Equivalent Resistance and C is the PFC Output Capacitor − Bulk Capacitor)

In Figure 2:
• I1 is a current source that models the Iout variation produced by small Vcontrol variation v control.

dl out K @ V in,RMS
ƞ ƞ
I1 + @v + @v (eq. 2)
dV control control 2 control
V out

• I2 models the Iout variation that results from a small variation of Vin,RMS.
dl out ƞ
K @ V control * V control(min) Ǔ ƞ
I2 + @v + @v (eq. 3)
dV in,RMS in,RMS in,RMS
V out 2

• r2 models the Iout variation that results from a small variation of Vout (Note 2).
V out 2 R
r2 + + (eq. 4)
2 @ P in,avg 2
Here, we do not consider the input voltage variations. Hence, ( v in,RMS = 0) and the current source I2 cancels. If in addition,
we note that R/3 is the resistance equivalent to that of R wired in parallel with R/2, Figure 2 simplifies as follows:

I1 R/3

Figure 3. Small Signal Model Where the Line Variations are Not Taken Into Account

The bulk capacitor (including the series resistor “rC”) in parallel to the load (“R”) leads to the following impedance:
R R 1 ) ǒs @ r c @ CǓ
Z + ǒC ) r cǓ ø + @ (eq. 5)
3 ǒ
3 1 ) s @ ǒr ) RǓ @ C
c 3
As the capacitor series resistor (“rC”) is small compared to R, the precedent formula simplifies as follows:
1 ) ǒs @ r C @ CǓ
Z^ @ (eq. 6)
3 1 ) s@R@C

Hence, the transfer function is:

V out K @ R @ V in,RMS 1 ) ǒs @ r C @ CǓ
+ Z @ I1 + @ (eq. 7)
V control 3 @ V out 2 1 ) s@R@C
Thus, we have:
• The following pole:
f RC +
2p @ R @ C
• A zero due to the series resistor of the bulk capacitor:
f ESR +
2p @ r C @ C
• A static gain that is dependent on the line and load levels:
+ 20 @ log ǒK @ R @ V in,RMS

3 @ V out 2
2. When we compute:
dI out −2K @ (V control * V control(min)) 2 @ I out 2 @ v out
ƞ ƞ ƞ
I3 + @ v out + @ v out + * @ v out + *
dV out V out 3 V out R
we note that I3 is simply the current of the resistor (R/2) places across ( v ). That is why a resistor r2 = (R/2) simulates the impact of Vout
variations on the bulk capacitor charge current.

Output to Control Transfer Function

The NCP1654 embeds a transconductance error amplifier (OTA).
Hence, the OTA output current (Icontrol) is:

I control + G EA @ ƪ R fbL @ V out

R fbL ) R fbU
* V REF + G EA @
R fbL @ ƪV out * V out,nomƫ
R fbL ) R fbU
(eq. 8)

• RfbU is the feed−back upper resistor. Please note that RfbU is practically spit into two or several resistors for safety
reasons (due to its connection to a high voltage rail) (See Figure 7).
• RfbL is the feed−back lower resistor.
• Vout,nom is the regulation level of the output voltage.
• GEA is the trans−conductance gain of the error amplifier (200 mS typically)
The precedent section shows that the power stage exhibits one pole and one zero that we have to compensate. A type 2
compensator that brings two poles and one zero (as portrayed by Figure 4) is the recommended solution.

RfbU Error Amplifier




Figure 4. Type 2 Compensation

One can calculate the control function of our type 2 compensator:
V control 1 ) s @ R1 @ C1
+ (eq. 9)
Icontrol s(C1 ) C2) @ ǒ1 ) s @ R1@C1@C2Ǔ

Hence, substitution of the Icontrol expression into the precedent equation leads to:
V control R fbL 1 ) s @ R1 @ C1
+ @ (eq. 10)
V out R fbL ) R fbU @ ǒ1 ) s @ R1@C1@C2Ǔ
G EA C1)C2

RfbL and RfbU are the feedback resistors that scale down the output voltage for regulation. Hence, in steady state:
R fbL
V REF + @ V out,nom (eq. 11)
R fbL ) R fbU
• VREF is the NCP1654/5 2.5 V reference voltage.
• Vout,nom is the output regulation level.
Finally, if C2 << C1, Equation 10 simplifies as follows:
V control 1 ) ǒs @ 2p @ f z1Ǔ
V out s @ 2p @ f p0 @ ǒ1 ) s @ 2p @ fp1Ǔ

f z1 +
2p @ R 1 @ C 1
f p1 +
2p @ R 1 @ C 2
f p0 +
2p @ R 0 @ C 2
V out,nom
R0 +

Closing the Loop

We need then to position the poles and zeroes of the compensator so that the open loop gain crosses zero dB at the crossover
frequency fc with a (−1) slope and the wished phase margin.
We have the choice between several techniques to define our compensation network like the “k factor” method from Dean
Venable or the manual placement presented in Christophe Basso book [5]. Here, we propose to simply compensate our PFC
stage by systematically forcing a (−1) slope for the open loop gain up to the crossover frequency. It can be done as follows:
1. Select the crossover frequency fc, that is, the frequency at which the open loop gain drops to 0 dB. It is generally
admitted that it should be in the range of half the line frequency at high line (we will see that the crossover frequency
peaks at high line). Actually fc must be as low as possible to obtain a near unity power factor. This is because any
ripple on the error amplifier output generates some distortion of the line current. On the other hand, a low crossover
frequency leads to a slow response to load or line variations. So, if your power factor specification is not very
stringent, it is wise to increase fc with the benefit of better dynamic performance. Generally speaking, fc equal to half
the line frequency at high line is a good starting point.
2. Position the zero of your compensation at the frequency of the pole: (fz1 = fRC) so that they cancel each other.
3. Place fp1 so that it cancels the zero produced by the ESR of the bulk capacitor: (fp1 = fESR). If (fESR) is a very high
frequency zero, you should clamp (fp1) to half the switching frequency for a good filtering of the switching noise.
This pole filters the high frequency noise:

ǒ f p1+
f SW
4. The poles and zeroes of the power stage are cancelled by the zero and pole of the compensator. Hence, the open loop
gain only depends on the pole at the origin fp0 that forces a (−1) slope and on the static gain. In other words, the gain

ǒ (G(f)) dB + (G 0) dB * 20 @ log ǒ ǓǓ
f p0

To obtain the wish crossover frequency, we then need to choose (fp0) so that:

ǒ 0 + (G 0) dB * 20 @ log ǒ ǓǓ
f p0

Ultimately, this leads to the following equation giving fp0 as a function of fc and G0:

ǒf p0 + fc @ 10 *
(G 0)dB

20 Ǔ
Please note that using this method, the phase margin asymptotically tends towards 90°, which must ensure a very stable
operation. Now, if you want to shorten the recovery time of the output voltage after a load step, you can decrease the phase
margin to for instance 75°, for an optimized performance. To do so, you can play with the high frequency pole following the
procedure shown in [4]. Practically, this pole is placed at a lower frequency so that the phase shift it produces can alter the phase
margin measured at:
f p2 + fc @ tan(F m)
Where F is the desired phase margin.

At which load and line voltage should we compensate our PFC stage?
As shown in section 1, there are two parameters that depend on the load and line conditions:
• The static gain (G0) is proportional to line magnitude (Vin,RMS) and to the load equivalent resistance (R)
• The pole fRC of the power stage is inversely dependent on:
R f RC +
2p @ R @ C
The compensation method that is proposed, suppose:
• The pole fRC is canceled by the compensator zero
• The pole at the origin by the compensator is set as a function of the static gain.
Let’s assume that we design our compensator for full load conditions: R = Rmin. The compensator zero (fz1) is then computed
for R = Rmin. At this load, fz1 perfectly cancels the power stage pole (fRC). At any other load, its frequency is too high to cancel
fRC. As a consequence, the loop gain will be attenuated as follows:

DG dB + 20 @ log ǒ Ǔ
f RC
f z1
+ 20 @ log ǒ Ǔ
R min
(eq. 12)

On the other hand, we know that the static gain is increased as follows:

ǒDG 0Ǔ
+ 20 @ log
K @ R @ V in,RMS

3 @ V out 2
Ǔ * 20 @ log ǒ K @ R min @ V in,RMS

3 @ V out 2
Ǔ + 20 @ log ǒ Ǔ R
R min
(eq. 13)

Finally the two gain variations cancel! Simply, we switch from Figures 5 and 6.
A change in the load does not shift the crossover frequency. So, for instance, we can choose to make the computation at full

Gain (dB)
Gain (dB) −40 dB/dec
−20 dB/dec −20 dB/dec

0 dB 0 dB

f RC + f z1 f ESR + f p1 f f RC f z1 f ESR + f p1 f

Figure 5. Figure 6.

As for the input voltage, it also changes the static gain but there is no change in the poles and zeroes position. So, the open−loop
gain is (DG0) shifted and the crossover frequency fc is higher at high line than low line:
(V in,RMS) HL
(f c) HL + (f c) LL (eq. 14)
(V in,RMS) LL
• (fc)HL is the high line crossover frequency.
• (fc)LL is the low line crossover frequency.
• (Vin,RMS)LL is the lowest line RMS voltage.
• (Vin,RMS)HL is the highest line RMS voltage.
As the ratio is generally 3 between low and high line levels in a wide mains application, with the NCP1654/5, we can expect
a ratio of 3 between the corresponding crossover frequencies:
(f c) HL + 3 @ (fc) LL (eq. 15)

Finally, it seems reasonable to choose the crossover frequency to be targeted at high line and based on this
selection, compute the compensation network for high line, full load.

Let’s illustrate the process in the following application:
• Universal Mains: Vin,RMS varying from 90 to 265 V.
• Line Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
• Output Voltage Wished Level (Vout,nom): 390 Vdc
• Output Power: 300 W
• Output Capacitor: 180 mF / 450 V, ESR resistance: 500 mW
• Switching frequency: 65 kHz
The way of designing such a PFC stage is discussed in AND8322/D [3]. From it, we can deduce the following:
2p @ R CS @ (R boU ) R boL) @ V REF 2p @ 3.6k @ 6682.2k @ 2.5
K+ + ^ 689 A (eq. 16)
Ǹ2 @ R @ R Ǹ2 @ 47k @ 82.5k @ 0.1
At high line and full load (R = 500 W),

(G 0) dB + 20 @ log ǒ K @ R @ (V in,RMS) HL

3 @ V out 2
Ǔ + 20 @ log ǒ 689 @ 500 @ 265
3 @ 390 2
Ǔ + 46dB (eq. 17)

Then, we can start the above presented process to close the loop:
1. Crossover Frequency at High Line: Let’s choose it in the range of half the line frequency. As the specification
indicates two line options (50 Hz or 60 Hz), let’s use the lowest one: (fc = fline/2 = 25 Hz). We will then compute the
compensation network with (fc = 25 Hz) at high line.
2. Position the zero of your compensation at the frequency of the pole of the power stage: fz1 = fRC so that they cancel
each other.
1 3
f z1 + + f RC + (eq. 18)
2p @ R1 @ C1 2p @ R @ C
R1 @ C1 + ³ R1 + (eq. 19)
3 3 @ C1
3. The frequency of the zero resulting from the bulk capacitor ESR is: fESR = ((1)/(2p @ rc @ C)) = ((1)/(2p @ 500m @
180m) ` 1.8 kHz, This frequency is far below the switching frequency so we simply have to place fp1 so that it
cancels fESR without any clamp below ((fSW)/(2)) consideration: fp1 = ((1)/(2p @ R1 @ C2)) = ((1)/(2p @ rc @ C),
where rc is the ESR of the bulk capacitor.
Then: R1 @ C2 = rc @ C → C2 = ((rc @ C)/(R1))
4. The poles and zeroes of the power stage are cancelled by the zero and pole of the compensator. Hence, the open loop
gain only depends on the pole at the origin fp0 that forces a (−1) slope and on the static gain. In other words, as
previously explained, to obtain the wished crossover frequency, we need to choose (fp0) so that G0:
ǒf p0 + fc @ 10 *
(G 0)dB

20 Ǔ
1 (G 0) dB

C1 + @ 10 20 (eq. 20)
2p @ f c @ R 0
Where as previously indicated:
V out,nom 390
R0 + + ^ 780 kW (eq. 21)
V REF @ G EA 2.5 @ 200m
Finally in our application:
1 (G 0)dB
1 46
C1 + @ 10 20 + @ 10 20 + 1.6 mF (eq. 22)
2p @ f c @ R 0 2p @ 25 @ 780k
Let’s choose C1 = 1.5 mF:
R@C 500 @ 180m
R1 + + + 20 kW (eq. 23)
3 @ C1 3 @ 1.5m

Let’s choose R1 = 20 kW:

rc @ C 500m @ 180m
C2 + + + 4.5 nF (eq. 24)
R1 20k
Let’s choose C2 = 4.7 nF:
With the computed C2, the phase margin is in the range of 90°. If you target a lower one for a faster recovery of the output
voltage after a load step, you can position the high frequency pole at a lower frequency level. Practically, the high frequency
pole must meet the following equation:
f p2 + fc @ tan(F m) (eq. 25)

And then:
C2 + (eq. 26)
2p @ f c @ R1 @ tan(F m)
For instance, if you target a 45° phase margin:
C2 + ^ 0.32 mF (eq. 27)
2p @ f c @ R1 @ tan(45)
A 330 nF capacitor would then be a good choice.

The following table summarizes the main equations useful to compensate a NCP1654/5−driven PFC stage. Refer to Figure 7
for the meaning of the computed components.

Components Formulae Comments

Power delivered by the PFC K @ (V control * V control(min)) @ V in,RMS VREF is the internal 2.5 V PWM reference, RCS
stage P in,avg + is the resistor that dictates the maximum coil
V out current together with RSENSE (current sense
resistor), RboU and RboL are the upper and
Where: 2p @ R CS @ (R boU ) R boL) @ V ref lower brownout resistors respectively, RM is
K+ the resistor that sets the maximum power of
Ǹ2 @ R @ R the PFC stage. AND8322/D shows how to
M boL @ R SENSE compute these elements.
Error Amplifier G EA + 200 ms

Internal Voltage reference for V REF + 2.5 V



Static Gain at Full Load, High
Line (dB)
(G 0) dB + 20 @ log ǒ ǒ
K @ R min @ V in,RMS
3 @ V out 2
Ǔ The static gain is line and load dependent. In
PFCs that unlike the NCP1653/4/5, do not
feature any feed−forward, G0 even varies as a
function of the square of the line RMS level.
The static gain is calculated at full and high line
as as necessary to compute our compensation
Pole 3 Pole resulting from the bulk capacitor and the
f RC + PFC load equivalent resistor.
2p @ R @ C
Zero 3 Zero produced by the series resistor (ESR) of
f ESR + the bulk capacitor.
2p @ r c @ C
Crossover Frequency at High f line The crossover frequency moves as a function
Line ǒf cǓ of the line amplitude (see below).
HL + 2

Variation of fc with respect to (V in,RMS) Subscript “HL” stands for “high line”. Subscript
the line amplitude HL “LL” stands for “Low line”. In wide mains
(f c)HL + (f c) LL
(V in,RMS) LL application, we have a ratio in the range of 3
between (fc)HL and (fc)LL.
R0 V out,nom Equivalent resistor that sets the pole at the
R0 + origin (fp0) together with C1.
V REF @ G EA Vout,nom is the regulation level of the output
voltage (390 V typically).
C1 1
(G )
0 dB FB
C1 + @ 10 20
2p @ f c @ R0 Feedback pin

R1 R@C
R1 + C1

C2 rc @ C
C2 1 + or
1 C21 leads to 90° phase margin, C22 to a lower
C2 2 + one (Fm) if wished. C22 must be higher than
2p @ f c @ R1 @ tan(F m) C21.

L1 D1
+ +


IN +
− C


Filter RCS

RboU2 1 GND DRV 8


2 VM VCC 7

3 CS FB 6

4 BO Vcontrol 5

Figure 7. Generic Application Schematic (with NCP1654)

In this schematic, for the sake of a realistic representation, the brown−out and feedback upper resistors are split
into two parts: (RboU = RboU1 + RboU2) and (RfbU = RfbU1 + RfbU2).

The paper presents a systematic approach to compensate your NCP1654/5 PFC stage. Such a process is useful to optimize your
PFC stage particularly when you seek for the best trade−off between power factor quality and dynamic performance.
Ultimately, it must ease and improve design of the whole power supply.

1. “Fundamentals of Power Electronics” by Robert W. Erickson
2. Venable, H. Dean. “The K Factor: A New Mathematical Tool for Stability Analysis and Synthesis”.
Proceeding Powercon. 10 March 1983
3. AND8322/D, “Four Key Steps to Design a Continuous Conduction Mode PFC Stage Using the NCP1654”, by
Patrick Wang,
4. AND8314, “Key steps to design a post−regulator driven by the NCP4331”, by Joel Turchi,
5. “Switch−Mode Power Supplies − Spice Simulations and Practical Designs”, by Christophe Basso, McGraw−Hill

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