Estimates OF: State Domestic Product, Odisha

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(Both at Basic Prices and Market Prices)

Estimates from 2011-12 TO 2014-15, 3 rd Revised Estimate for 2015-16,

2nd Revised Estimate, 2016-17, 1 st Revised Estimate for 2017-18 and
Advance Estimate for 2018-19
With 2011-12 Base





(Base year 2011-12)

Brief Note

The Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Odisha Bhubaneswar has released the Third Revised
Estimates of Gross State Domestic Product, Net State Domestic Product and Per capita Income
for the years from 2011-12 to 2015-16, Second Revised Estimate for 2016-17, First Revised
Estimates for the year 2017-18 and Advance Estimates for the year 2018-19 both at current and
constant prices at base year 2011-12. The key aggregates of State Domestic Product at current
and constant prices are at statement 1.1 and 1.2.
2. The First Revised Estimate for the year 2017-18, Second Revised Estimate of the year 2016-17
and Third Revised Estimates for the years from 2011-12 to 2015-16 have been compiled using
industry wise/ institution-wise detailed information as received from CSO, latest data available
from different stakeholder Departments, analysis of State Govt. Budget, Autonomous Body
Budget, Annual Account Reports of Public Enterprises and latest available Indices, Ratios &
Indicators from Central and State Govt. offices & web sites.
3. The Advance Estimates of State Domestic Product for the year 2018-19 has been compiled
using (i) second advance estimates of Crop production, (ii) Wholesale Price Indices (WPI) and
Consumer Price Indices (CPI) available up to December 2018 (iii) log linear / least square
techniques to forecast growth (iv) Index of Industrial Production as available (v) Implicit Price
Deflator (IPD) (vi) analysis of budget estimate of State and Central Governments (vii) information
on Service Tax, Sales Tax/GST, Tourist arrival, Credit-Deposit, Vehicles on Road, Air Passenger
Traffic, Software exports, Cargo Handlings at Ports, Cost of Construction Index(CCI), Index of
Dwelling etc.. The salient features of the estimates are given below.

Gross State Domestic Product

4. Nominal GSDP or GSDP at current prices for the base year 2011-12 is estimated as Rs.230.99
thousand crore while for the year 2012-13 is estimated as Rs.261.70 thousand crore, for the year
2013-14 is estimated as Rs.296.48 thousand crore, for the year 2014-15 is estimated as
Rs.314.25 thousand crore, for the year 2015-16 is estimated as Rs.328.59, for the year 2016-17 is
estimated as Rs.384.63 thousand crore and for the year 2017-18 is estimated as Rs.434.67
thousand crore exhibiting a growth of 13.30 percent, 13.29 percent, 6.00 percent, 4.56 percent,
17.05 percent and 13.01 percent during the years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17
and 2017-18 respectively.

5. Real GSDP or GSDP at constant (2011-12) prices stands at Rs.243.36 thousand crore, Rs.265.89
thousand crore, Rs.270.67 thousand crore, Rs.292.27 thousand crore, Rs. 340.11 thousand crore and
Rs. 365.40 thousand crore respectively for the years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17
and 2017-18 showing growth of 5.36 percent during 2012-13, 9.26 percent during 2013-14, 1.80
percent during 2014-15, 7.98 percent during 2015-16, 16.37 percent during 2016-17 and 7.44 percent
during 2017-18.

6. As per advance estimates for the year 2018-19 at Constant 2011-12 prices the GSDP is likely to
attain a level of Rs.395.92 thousand crore anticipating a rise of 8.35 percent over the quick estimate for
the year 2017-18. Advance estimate of GSDP at current prices for the year 2018-19 is likely to attain a
level of Rs.486.00 thousand crore anticipating a rise of 11.81 per cent over the quick estimate for the
year 2017-18.

Net State Domestic Product

7. Nominal NSDP or NSDP at current prices for the base year 2011-12 is estimated as Rs.204.23
thousand crore while that for the year 2012-13 is estimated as Rs.233.31 thousand crore, for the year
2013-14 is estimated as Rs.260.98 thousand crore, for the year 2014-15 Rs.274.92 thousand crore, for
the year 2015-16 is estimated as Rs.284.02 thousand crore, for the year 2016-17 is estimated as
Rs.333.77 thousand crore and for the year 2017-18 is estimated as Rs.375.80 thousand crore
registering a growth of 14.24 percent, 11.86 percent, 5.34 percent, 3.31 percent, 17.51 percent and
12.59 percent during the years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18
respectively. As per advance estimates 2018-19, the NSDP at current prices is expected to reach at
Rs.420.05 thousand crore anticipating a growth rate of 11.77 percent over previous year.

The decline in growth of 4.5% (GSDP current) in 2015-16 as compared to constant growth rate of
7.98% for the same year is mainly due to fall in wholesale price compared to base year price in basic
metals, steel, petroleum products etc. in manufacturing sector.

8. Real NSDP or NSDP at constant (2011-12) prices stands at Rs.216.30 thousand crore, Rs.233.12

thousand crore Rs.235.93 thousand crore, Rs. 253.24 thousand crore, Rs.295.88 thousand crore and

Rs.317.61 thousand crore respectively for the years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 and

2017-18 showing growth of 5.91 percent during 2012-13, 7.78 percent during 2013-14, 1.20 percent

during 2014-15, 7.34 percent during 2015-16, 16.84 percent during 2016-17 and 7.35 percent during

2017-18. As per advance estimates 2018-19, the NSDP at constant prices is expected to reach at

Rs.343.49 thousand crore anticipating a growth rate of 8.15 percent over previous year.

Industry-wise Analysis
9. The Gross Value Added (GVA) at current basic prices in different sectors of the economy are
presented in statement 2.1.0 and the percent share & growth over previous year are shown in the
statement 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 respectively. Similarly the GVA at Constant basic (2011-12) prices, the

percent share and growth over previous year are given in the statement 2.2.0, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2

10. The Net Value Added (NVA) at basic prices at current prices in different sectors of the economy are
presented in statement 3.1.0 and the percent share & growth over previous year are shown in the
statement 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 respectively. Similarly the NVA at basic prices at Constant 2011-12 prices,
the percent share and growth over previous year are given in the statement 3.2.0, 3.2.1 and 3.2.2

11. The sluggish growth of 1.80 percent of GSDP during 2014-15 is mainly due to the negative growth
of 7.94% and 9.43% in Mining and Manufacturing Sector respectively.

12. The GSDP of 2015-16 at constant price has shown a higher growth rate of 7.98% because of
increase in growth in Mining Sector (28.83%), Manufacturing (10.66%) and Electricity (20.27%).

13. The GSDP for 2016-17 registered a high growth of 16.37 percent at constant 2011-12 prices due to

higher growth in Crop (27.37%), Mining (31.54%), Manufacturing (29.44%) and Electricity (10.94%).

14. In spite of negative growth (33%) in paddy production, the growth of 7.44 percent of GSDP during
2017-18 is due to better performance in Manufacturing and Services sectors.

Per Capita Net State Domestic Product

15. For the purpose of estimation of Per Capita Income, Population Projections compiled on the basis of
Census 2011 have been used. Per Capita Income i.e. Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at
current prices, is estimated at Rs. 48,370, Rs. 54,703, Rs. 60,574, Rs. 63,169, Rs. 64,605, Rs. 75,155
and Rs. 83,769 for the years 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18
respectively. Correspondingly, Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at constant 2011-12 prices, for
the years from 2012-13 to 2017-18 are estimated as Rs. 50,714, Rs. 54,109, Rs. 54,210, Rs. 57,602,
Rs.66,625 and Rs.70,799 respectively.

16. Per capita income as per advance estimates for the year 2018-19 is anticipated to attain Rs.92, 691
and Rs.75, 796 at Current price and Constant price estimate respectively.

17. The per capita income of the state registers a growth of 6.26%, 15.66%, 6.27% and 7.06% in 2015-

16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively.

18. The detailed estimates of Gross State Value Added, Net State Value Added by economic activities

at current and constant 2011-12 prices along with percentage share and growth over previous year are

presented in the statement 2.1.0 to 3.2.2.


Statement 1.1: Key aggregates of State Domestic Product at current prices

(Rs. in Lakh) Growth over previous year (in %)

No. 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.   Gross State Value Added at basic 22,023,169 24,916,295 28,044,263 29,520,164 30,454,874 34,795,574 39,364,430 43,773,794 13.14 12.55 5.26 3.17 14.25 13.13 11.20

2.   Taxes on Products 2,031,089 2,340,292 2,715,614 3,082,180 3,530,009 4,903,375 5,223,069 5,954,744 15.22 16.04 13.50 14.53 38.91 6.52 14.01

3.   Less Subsidies on Products 955,550 1,086,627 1,112,340 1,177,349 1,125,620 1,236,065 1,120,216 1,128,158 13.72 2.37 5.84 -4.39 9.81 -9.37 0.71

Gross State Domestic Product

4.   (1+2-3) 23,098,708 26,169,960 29,647,538 31,424,995 32,859,263 38,462,884 43,467,283 48,600,380 13.30 13.29 6.00 4.56 17.05 13.01 11.81

5.   Consumption of Fixed Capital 2,676,113 2,838,712 3,549,800 3,932,653 4,457,048 5,086,383 5,887,487 6,595,690 6.08 25.05 10.79 13.33 14.12 15.75 12.03

Net State Value Added at basic

6.   19,347,056 22,077,583 24,494,463 25,587,510 25,997,826 29,709,191 33,476,943 37,178,104 14.11 10.95 4.46 1.60 14.28 12.68 11.06
prices (1-5)

7.   Net State Domestic Product (4-5) 20,422,595 23,331,248 26,097,738 27,492,341 28,402,215 33,376,501 37,579,796 42,004,690 14.24 11.86 5.34 3.31 17.51 12.59 11.77

8.   Population (Lakh) 422 427 431 435 440 444 449 453 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02

9.   Per Capita Gross State Domestic 54,708 61,358 68,813 72,205 74,743 86,609 96,893 107,245 12.16 12.15 4.93 3.52 15.88 11.87 10.68
Product (Rupees)
Per Capita Net State Domestic
10.   48,370 54,703 60,574 63,169 64,605 75,155 83,769 92,691 13.09 10.73 4.28 2.27 16.33 11.46 10.65
Product (Rupees)

Statement 1.2: Key aggregates of State Domestic Product at constant (2011-12) prices

(Rs. in Lakh) Growth over previous year (in %)

No. 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.   Gross State Value Added at basic 22,023,169 23,191,892 25,256,176 25,584,002 27,468,720 31,454,295 33,742,279 36,413,495 5.31 8.90 1.30 7.37 14.51 7.27 7.92

2.   Taxes on Products 2,031,089 2,136,425 2,257,786 2,398,864 2,582,115 3,418,002 3,561,345 3,921,464 5.19 5.68 6.25 7.64 32.37 4.19 10.11

3.   Less Subsidies on Products 955,550 991,969 924,810 916,332 823,363 861,625 763,818 742,942 3.81 -6.77 -0.92 -10.15 4.65 -11.35 -2.73

Gross State Domestic Product

4.   (1+2-3) 23,098,708 24,336,348 26,589,153 27,066,534 29,227,471 34,010,672 36,539,806 39,592,017 5.36 9.26 1.80 7.98 16.37 7.44 8.35

5.   Consumption of Fixed Capital 2,676,113 2,706,241 3,276,966 3,473,460 3,903,726 4,422,609 4,778,452 5,243,401 1.13 21.09 6.00 12.39 13.29 8.05 9.73

Net State Value Added at basic

6.   19,347,056 20,485,651 21,979,211 22,110,541 23,564,994 27,031,686 28,963,827 31,170,094 5.89 7.29 0.60 6.58 14.71 7.15 7.62
prices (1-5)

7.   Net State Domestic Product (4-5) 20,422,595 21,630,107 23,312,187 23,593,074 25,323,745 29,588,062 31,761,354 34,348,616 5.91 7.78 1.20 7.34 16.84 7.35 8.15

8.   Population (Lakh) 422 427 431 435 440 444 449 453 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02

9.   Per Capita Gross State Domestic 54,708 57,059 61,715 62,190 66,482 76,583 81,451 87,367 4.30 8.16 0.77 6.90 15.19 6.36 7.26
Product (Rupees)
Per Capita Net State Domestic
10.   48,370 50,714 54,109 54,210 57,602 66,625 70,799 75,796 4.85 6.69 0.19 6.26 15.66 6.27 7.06
Product (Rupees)

Per capita NSDP
Rs. In Crore
80000 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 75796
GSDP At cur 230.99 261.70 296.48 314.25 328.59 384.63 70799
434.67 486.00
GSDP At 20 230.99 243.36 265.89 270.67 66625
70000 64605 292.27 340.11
365.40 395.92
60000 57602
54703 54109 54210

In Rupees
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Per capita NSDP At cur 48370 54703 60574 63169 64605 75155 83769 92691
Per capita NSDP At 201 48370 50714 54109 54210 57602 66625 70799 75796


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Per capita NSDP At current prices Per capita NSDP At 2011-12 prices

GSDP At Market Prices

Rs. in '000 crore


384.63 395.92
400.00 365.40
328.59 340.11
296.48 292.27
300.00 261.70 265.89 270.67
230.99 243.36







201 5-16



GSDP At current prices GSDP At 2011-12 prices

Share Sectors
Share of GSVA across of GSVA 2018-19 (A) Price, 2018-19 (Odisha)
at Current
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
13.06 18.91
Mining and Quarrying 10.74 10.79
Manufacturing 18.47

Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & 17.82 3.70

Other Utility Services 18.47
Construction 6.52
6.52 3.7
Trade, Hotels, Transport, Storage
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
and Communication 17.82
Mining and Quarrying
Financial, Real estate &
Professional Services Manufacturing 10.74
Public Administration etc. 13.06
Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & Other Utility Services
Trade, Hotels, Transport, Storage and Communication
Financial, Real estate & Professional Services
Public Administration etc.

Growth of GSVA across Sectors at Constant Price, 2018-19 (Odisha)


Growth of GSVA Across Sectors at Constant Price , 2018-19 9.1
8.27 8.1
Agriculture, Forestry
8 and Fishing 8.3
Mining and Quarrying 4.3 4.03 4.3
Manufacturing 4 15.7 2.7

Electricity & Other Utility Services 4.0
Construction 2.7
Trade, Transport etc 8.1
Financial, Real estate etc 5.2
Public Admn etc. 9.1

Statement 2.1.0: Gross State Value Added by economic activity at current basic prices

Rs. Lakh
Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and 3,934,537 5,342,867 5,674,967 6,556,959 6,163,541 7,479,869 7,416,353 8,278,845
1.1 Crops 2,555,039 3,750,538 3,802,014 4,436,266 3,765,010 4,807,936 4,456,323 4,929,723

1.2 Livestock 538,911 637,320 729,849 803,496 880,542 1,033,579 1,193,840 1,372,513

1.3 Forestry and Logging 572,223 619,884 784,937 864,086 957,598 938,502 910,116 980,061

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 268,365 335,124 358,168 453,110 560,391 699,852 856,073 996,548

2.        Mining and Quarrying 2,648,738 2,666,989 2,868,392 2,703,161 2,862,080 3,529,320 4,178,143 4,721,515

Primary 6,583,276 8,009,855 8,543,359 9,260,120 9,025,622 11,009,188 11,594,495 13,000,359

3.        Manufacturing 4,116,404 4,212,453 5,168,498 4,724,215 4,654,610 5,859,123 7,161,812 8,083,023

4.        Electricity, Gas, Water Supply 775,701 937,278 1,044,477 1,008,706 1,218,871 1,371,047 1,452,272 1,618,798
& Other Utility Services

5.        Construction 2,059,629 2,074,164 2,314,669 2,393,041 2,370,792 2,481,337 2,716,800 2,854,270

Secondary 6,951,734 7,223,895 8,527,644 8,125,962 8,244,272 9,711,508 11,330,884 12,556,091

Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6.        Restaurants 2,035,854 2,436,044 2,769,620 3,030,218 3,352,591 3,416,624 4,035,985 4,528,102

6.1 Trade & Repair Services 1,838,866 2,218,946 2,533,465 2,782,577 3,082,291 3,119,008 3,701,296 4,144,853

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 196,989 217,098 236,155 247,641 270,300 297,617 334,688 383,249

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 1,347,538 1,560,857 1,771,254 2,048,455 2,256,515 2,547,617 2,886,536 3,272,750
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 179,466 233,719 266,785 343,229 395,207 427,608 482,659 584,896
Transport by means other
7.2 than Railways 819,369 940,402 1,039,368 1,149,260 1,223,740 1,446,605 1,693,732 1,901,392

7.2.1 Road transport 693,450 802,859 892,415 972,267 1,036,673 1,241,659 1,452,875 1,618,508

7.2.2 Water transport 41,962 42,597 42,862 47,988 44,899 42,625 50,420 58,887

7.2.3 Air transport 3,421 7,232 5,311 8,947 17,220 18,185 21,678 24,240
Services Incidental to
7.2.4 Transport 80,536 87,715 98,780 120,058 124,947 144,136 168,759 199,758

7.3 Storage 13,967 15,384 18,233 18,781 20,245 22,431 24,114 26,899

7.4 Communication & Services 334,737 371,354 446,868 537,185 617,323 650,973 686,030 759,563
related to Broadcasting

8.        Financial Services 796,303 910,354 962,328 1,065,147 1,189,094 1,213,883 1,343,597 1,481,762

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional 1,707,147 1,901,721 2,146,627 2,321,999 2,439,614 2,633,373 2,914,327 3,217,972

10.    Public Administration and 863,077 980,808 1,390,657 1,517,496 1,573,618 1,648,344 2,110,921 2,405,892
11.    Other Services 1,738,239 1,892,760 1,932,774 2,150,766 2,373,548 2,615,037 3,147,685 3,310,865

Tertiary 8,488,159 9,682,545 10,973,261 12,134,082 13,184,980 14,074,878 16,439,051 18,217,344

12 TOTAL GSVA at Basic 22,023,169 24,916,295 28,044,263 29,520,164 30,454,874 34,795,574 39,364,430 43,773,794

13 Gross State Domestic 23,098,708 26,169,960 29,647,538 31,424,995 32,859,263 38,462,884 43,467,283 48,600,380

14 Per capita GSDP (Rupees) 54,708 61,358 68,813 72,205 74,743 86,609 96,893 107,245

Statement 2.1.1: Gross State Value Added by economic activity at current basic prices
Percentage Share
Sl. Economic Activity
No. 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)
Agriculture, Forestry and
1.        Fishing 17.87 21.44 20.24 22.21 20.24 21.50 18.84 18.91

1.1 Crops 11.60 15.05 13.56 15.03 12.36 13.82 11.32 11.26
1.2 Livestock 2.45 2.56 2.60 2.72 2.89 2.97 3.03 3.14
1.3 Forestry and Logging 2.60 2.49 2.80 2.93 3.14 2.70 2.31 2.24
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 1.22 1.34 1.28 1.53 1.84 2.01 2.17 2.28

2.        Mining and Quarrying 12.03 10.70 10.23 9.16 9.40 10.14 10.61 10.79

Primary 29.89 32.15 30.46 31.37 29.64 31.64 29.45 29.70

3.        Manufacturing 18.69 16.91 18.43 16.00 15.28 16.84 18.19 18.47

Electricity, Gas, Water Supply

4.        & Other Utility Services 3.52 3.76 3.72 3.42 4.00 3.94 3.69 3.70

5.        Construction 9.35 8.32 8.25 8.11 7.78 7.13 6.90 6.52

Secondary 31.57 28.99 30.41 27.53 27.07 27.91 28.78 28.68

Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6.        9.24 9.78 9.88 10.26 11.01 9.82 10.25 10.34
6.1 Trade & Repair Services 8.35 8.91 9.03 9.43 10.12 8.96 9.40 9.47
6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 0.89 0.87 0.84 0.84 0.89 0.86 0.85 0.88

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 6.12 6.26 6.32 6.94 7.41 7.32 7.33 7.48
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 0.81 0.94 0.95 1.16 1.30 1.23 1.23 1.34
Transport by means other
7.2 than Railways 3.72 3.77 3.71 3.89 4.02 4.16 4.30 4.34

7.2.1 Road transport 3.15 3.22 3.18 3.29 3.40 3.57 3.69 3.70

7.2.2 Water transport 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.13

7.2.3 Air transport 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.06

Services Incidental to
7.2.4 Transport 0.37 0.35 0.35 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.43 0.46

7.3 Storage 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06

Communication & Services

7.4 related to Broadcasting 1.52 1.49 1.59 1.82 2.03 1.87 1.74 1.74

8.        Financial Services 3.62 3.65 3.43 3.61 3.90 3.49 3.41 3.39

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional 7.75 7.63 7.65 7.87 8.01 7.57 7.40 7.35
Public Administration and
10.    Defence 3.92 3.94 4.96 5.14 5.17 4.74 5.36 5.50

11.    Other Services 7.89 7.60 6.89 7.29 7.79 7.52 8.00 7.56

Tertiary 38.54 38.86 39.13 41.10 43.29 40.45 41.76 41.62

12 TOTAL GSVA at Basic 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Statement 2.1.2: Gross State Value Added by economic activity at current basic prices
Growth over previous year
Sl. Economic Activity
No. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and 35.79 6.22 15.54 -6.00 21.36 -0.85 11.63
1.1 Crops 46.79 1.37 16.68 -15.13 27.70 -7.31 10.62
1.2 Livestock 18.26 14.52 10.09 9.59 17.38 15.51 14.97
1.3 Forestry and Logging 8.33 26.63 10.08 10.82 -1.99 -3.02 7.69
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 24.88 6.88 26.51 23.68 24.89 22.32 16.41

2.        Mining and Quarrying 0.69 7.55 -5.76 5.88 23.31 18.38 13.01

Primary 21.67 6.66 8.39 -2.53 21.98 5.32 12.13

3.        Manufacturing 2.33 22.70 -8.60 -1.47 25.88 22.23 12.86

Electricity, Gas, Water Supply

4.        & Other Utility Services 20.83 11.44 -3.42 20.84 12.49 5.92 11.47

5.        Construction 0.71 11.60 3.39 -0.93 4.66 9.49 5.06

Secondary 3.92 18.05 -4.71 1.46 17.80 16.67 10.81

6.        Trade, Repair, Hotels and 19.66 13.69 9.41 10.64 1.91 18.13 12.19
6.1 Trade & Repair Services 20.67 14.17 9.83 10.77 1.19 18.67 11.98
6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 10.21 8.78 4.86 9.15 10.11 12.46 14.51

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 15.83 13.48 15.65 10.16 12.90 13.30 13.38
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 30.23 14.15 28.65 15.14 8.20 12.87 21.18

Transport by means other
7.2 than Railways 14.77 10.52 10.57 6.48 18.21 17.08 12.26

7.2.1 Road transport 15.78 11.15 8.95 6.62 19.77 17.01 11.40

7.2.2 Water transport 1.51 0.62 11.96 -6.44 -5.07 18.29 16.79

7.2.3 Air transport 111.39 -26.56 68.48 92.45 5.61 19.21 11.82

Services Incidental to
7.2.4 Transport 8.91 12.62 21.54 4.07 15.36 17.08 18.37

7.3 Storage 10.14 18.52 3.01 7.80 10.80 7.51 11.55

Communication & Services

7.4 related to Broadcasting 10.94 20.34 20.21 14.92 5.45 5.39 10.72

8.        Financial Services 14.32 5.71 10.68 11.64 2.08 10.69 10.28

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional 11.40 12.88 8.17 5.07 7.94 10.67 10.42
Public Administration and
10.    Defence 13.64 41.79 9.12 3.70 4.75 28.06 13.97

11.    Other Services 8.89 2.11 11.28 10.36 10.17 20.37 5.18
Tertiary 14.07 13.33 10.58 8.66 6.75 16.80 10.82
Prices 13.14 12.55 5.26 3.17 14.25 13.13 11.20

Gross State Domestic 13.30 13.29 6.00 4.56 17.05 13.01 11.81
14 Per capita GSDP 12.16 12.15 4.93 3.52 15.88 11.87 10.68

Statement 2.2.0: Gross State Value Added by economic activity at constant (2011-12) basic prices

Rs. Lakh
Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
(3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)
Agriculture, Forestry and
1.        3,934,537 4,558,109 4,368,529 4,711,024 4,111,533 4,908,398 4,508,079 4,880,865

1.1 Crops 2,555,039 3,153,542 2,864,360 3,154,054 2,454,137 3,125,874 2,603,792 2,803,257

1.2 Livestock 538,911 550,337 603,389 581,686 609,794 638,524 686,221 766,568

1.3 Forestry and Logging 572,223 552,477 604,105 638,507 675,204 689,935 686,541 717,381

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 268,365 301,753 296,675 336,777 372,398 454,065 531,524 593,659

2.        Mining and Quarrying 2,648,738 2,596,740 3,097,752 2,851,914 3,674,187 4,832,944 4,855,238 5,063,811

Primary 6,583,276 7,154,850 7,466,281 7,562,938 7,785,720 9,741,343 9,363,317 9,944,676

3.        Manufacturing 4,116,404 3,985,120 4,830,204 4,374,503 4,840,719 6,265,887 7,147,229 8,274,309

4.        Electricity, Gas, Water Supply 775,701 924,884 987,637 919,544 1,105,926 1,226,884 1,296,677 1,348,939
& Other Utility Services

5.        Construction 2,059,629 2,009,633 2,144,855 2,138,636 2,146,416 2,184,977 2,317,385 2,379,854

Secondary 6,951,734 6,919,638 7,962,695 7,432,683 8,093,061 9,677,748 10,761,291 12,003,102

Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6.        Restaurants 2,035,854 2,274,231 2,454,254 2,652,360 3,052,006 3,056,924 3,504,739 3,744,551

6.1 Trade & Repair Services 1,838,866 2,071,553 2,245,248 2,435,870 2,806,083 2,790,780 3,214,335 3,428,014

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 196,989 202,677 209,006 216,490 245,923 266,144 290,404 316,538

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 1,347,538 1,509,441 1,639,446 1,841,387 2,036,711 2,218,909 2,491,707 2,739,408
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 179,466 222,896 247,615 297,269 336,245 339,393 416,912 474,869
Transport by means other
7.2 than Railways 819,369 914,347 966,706 1,045,914 1,123,670 1,282,127 1,461,232 1,625,530

7.2.1 Road transport 693,450 780,615 830,026 884,837 951,901 1,100,484 1,253,438 1,396,334

7.2.2 Water transport 41,962 41,416 39,866 43,673 41,228 37,779 43,499 47,711

7.2.3 Air transport 3,421 7,031 4,939 8,143 15,811 16,117 18,702 19,639
Services Incidental to
7.2.4 Transport 80,536 85,284 91,875 109,262 114,730 127,748 145,593 161,846

7.3 Storage 13,967 14,039 14,304 13,838 15,730 19,927 20,983 22,329

Communication & Services

7.4 related to Broadcasting 334,737 358,160 410,822 484,366 561,067 577,462 592,580 616,679

8.        Financial Services 796,303 898,381 929,172 1,018,384 1,102,057 1,115,223 1,160,574 1,203,022

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional 1,707,147 1,770,647 1,889,542 2,002,383 2,154,941 2,294,074 2,439,722 2,586,098
Public Administration and
10.    863,077 923,056 1,249,332 1,340,689 1,434,156 1,480,835 1,883,910 2,054,902
11.    Other Services 1,738,239 1,741,648 1,665,455 1,733,178 1,810,066 1,869,239 2,137,019 2,137,736

Tertiary 8,488,159 9,117,405 9,827,201 10,588,381 11,589,938 12,035,204 13,617,672 14,465,717

12 TOTAL GSVA at Basic 22,023,169 23,191,892 25,256,176 25,584,002 27,468,720 31,454,295 33,742,279 36,413,495

13 Gross State Domestic 23,098,708 24,336,348 26,589,153 27,066,534 29,227,471 34,010,672 36,539,806 39,592,017
14 Per capita GSDP (Rupees) 54,708 57,059 61,715 62,190 66,482 76,583 81,451 87,367

Statement 2.2.1: Gross State Value Added by economic activity at constant (2011-12) basic prices
Percentage Share
Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)
Agriculture, Forestry and
1.        Fishing 17.87 19.65 17.30 18.41 14.97 15.60 13.36 13.40

1.1 Crops 11.60 13.60 11.34 12.33 8.93 9.94 7.72 7.70

1.2 Livestock 2.45 2.37 2.39 2.27 2.22 2.03 2.03 2.11

1.3 Forestry and Logging 2.60 2.38 2.39 2.50 2.46 2.19 2.03 1.97

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 1.22 1.30 1.17 1.32 1.36 1.44 1.58 1.63

2.        Mining and Quarrying 12.03 11.20 12.27 11.15 13.38 15.36 14.39 13.91

Primary 29.89 30.85 29.56 29.56 28.34 30.97 27.75 27.31

3.        Manufacturing 18.69 17.18 19.12 17.10 17.62 19.92 21.18 22.72

4.        Electricity, Gas, Water Supply 3.52 3.99 3.91 3.59 4.03 3.90 3.84 3.70
& Other Utility Services

5.        Construction 9.35 8.67 8.49 8.36 7.81 6.95 6.87 6.54

Secondary 31.57 29.84 31.53 29.05 29.46 30.77 31.89 32.96

Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6.        Restaurants 9.24 9.81 9.72 10.37 11.11 9.72 10.39 10.28

6.1 Trade & Repair Services 8.35 8.93 8.89 9.52 10.22 8.87 9.53 9.41

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 0.89 0.87 0.83 0.85 0.90 0.85 0.86 0.87

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 6.12 6.51 6.49 7.20 7.41 7.05 7.38 7.52
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 0.81 0.96 0.98 1.16 1.22 1.08 1.24 1.30

Transport by means other

7.2 than Railways 3.72 3.94 3.83 4.09 4.09 4.08 4.33 4.46

7.2.1 Road transport 3.15 3.37 3.29 3.46 3.47 3.50 3.71 3.83

7.2.2 Water transport 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.13

7.2.3 Air transport 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.05

Services Incidental to
7.2.4 Transport 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.43 0.44

7.3 Storage 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

7.4 Communication & Services 1.52 1.54 1.63 1.89 2.04 1.84 1.76 1.69
related to Broadcasting

8.        Financial Services 3.62 3.87 3.68 3.98 4.01 3.55 3.44 3.30

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional 7.75 7.63 7.48 7.83 7.85 7.29 7.23 7.10
Public Administration and
10.    3.92 3.98 4.95 5.24 5.22 4.71 5.58 5.64
11.    Other Services 7.89 7.51 6.59 6.77 6.59 5.94 6.33 5.87

Tertiary 38.54 39.31 38.91 41.39 42.19 38.26 40.36 39.73

12 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Statement 2.2.2: Gross State Value Added by economic activity at constant (2011-12) basic
Growth over previous year
Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)
Agriculture, Forestry and
1.        Fishing 15.85 -4.16 7.84 -12.73 19.38 -8.16 8.27

1.1 Crops 23.42 -9.17 10.11 -22.19 27.37 -16.70 7.66

1.2 Livestock 2.12 9.64 -3.60 4.83 4.71 7.47 11.71

1.3 Forestry and Logging -3.45 9.34 5.69 5.75 2.18 -0.49 4.49

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 12.44 -1.68 13.52 10.58 21.93 17.06 11.69

2.        Mining and Quarrying -1.96 19.29 -7.94 28.83 31.54 0.46 4.30

Primary 8.68 4.35 1.29 2.95 25.12 -3.88 6.21

3.        Manufacturing -3.19 21.21 -9.43 10.66 29.44 14.07 15.77

4.        Electricity, Gas, Water Supply 19.23 6.78 -6.89 20.27 10.94 5.69 4.03
& Other Utility Services

5.        Construction -2.43 6.73 -0.29 0.36 1.80 6.06 2.70

Secondary -0.46 15.07 -6.66 8.88 19.58 11.20 11.54

Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6.        Restaurants 11.71 7.92 8.07 15.07 0.16 14.65 6.84

6.1 Trade & Repair Services 12.65 8.38 8.49 15.20 -0.55 15.18 6.65

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 2.89 3.12 3.58 13.60 8.22 9.12 9.00

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 12.01 8.61 12.32 10.61 8.95 12.29 9.94
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 24.20 11.09 20.05 13.11 0.94 22.84 13.90

Transport by means other
7.2 than Railways 11.59 5.73 8.19 7.43 14.10 13.97 11.24

7.2.1 Road transport 12.57 6.33 6.60 7.58 15.61 13.90 11.40

7.2.2 Water transport -1.30 -3.74 9.55 -5.60 -8.37 15.14 9.68

7.2.3 Air transport 105.53 -29.75 64.86 94.18 1.93 16.04 5.01
Services Incidental to
7.2.4 Transport 5.90 7.73 18.92 5.00 11.35 13.97 11.16

7.3 Storage 0.51 1.89 -3.25 13.67 26.68 5.30 6.42

Communication & Services

7.4 related to Broadcasting 7.00 14.70 17.90 15.84 2.92 2.62 4.07

8.        Financial Services 12.82 3.43 9.60 8.22 1.19 4.07 3.66
Real estate, Ownership of
9.        Dwelling & Professional 3.72 6.71 5.97 7.62 6.46 6.35 6.00
Public Administration and
10.    Defence 6.95 35.35 7.31 6.97 3.25 27.22 9.08

11.    Other Services 0.20 -4.37 4.07 4.44 3.27 14.33 0.03

Tertiary 7.41 7.79 7.75 9.46 3.84 13.15 6.23

Prices 5.31 8.90 1.30 7.37 14.51 7.27 7.92

13 Gross State Domestic

Product 5.36 9.26 1.80 7.98 16.37 7.44 8.35

14 Per capita GSDP 4.30 8.16 0.77 6.90 15.19 6.36 7.26
Statement 3.1.0: Net State Value Added by economic activity at current basic prices

Rs. Lakh
Sl. No. Economic Activity
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 3,655,362 5,020,904 5,303,737 6,140,445 5,706,523 6,976,066 6,928,859 7,735,068

1.1 Crops 2,323,278 3,484,350 3,490,503 4,084,682 3,380,092 4,384,315 4,063,683 4,495,372

1.2 Livestock 528,869 625,383 716,080 789,281 867,277 1,019,399 1,177,461 1,353,683

1.3 Forestry and Logging 565,936 612,933 777,013 855,629 948,939 929,579 901,464 970,743

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 237,279 298,238 320,140 410,853 510,214 642,772 786,252 915,270

2.        Mining and Quarrying 2,254,986 2,234,557 2,457,251 2,307,232 2,396,774 2,989,027 3,538,523 3,998,712

Primary 5,910,349 7,255,461 7,760,988 8,447,677 8,103,297 9,965,092 10,467,383 11,733,780

3.        Manufacturing 3,273,608 3,459,143 4,067,727 3,475,553 3,129,081 4,085,134 4,993,402 5,635,695
Electricity, Gas, Water Supply &
4.        Other Utility Services 581,075 703,118 761,680 650,312 825,011 917,017 971,344 1,082,724

5.        Construction 1,963,596 1,966,117 2,174,138 2,252,190 2,230,017 2,337,405 2,559,209 2,688,705

Secondary 5,818,279 6,128,378 7,003,544 6,378,055 6,184,109 7,339,555 8,523,955 9,407,123

Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6.        Restaurants 1,982,274 2,370,054 2,689,608 2,939,663 3,207,792 3,256,583 3,847,450 4,316,341

6.1 Trade & Repair Services 1,794,251 2,162,611 2,463,946 2,703,294 2,957,741 2,981,254 3,537,826 3,961,792

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 188,023 207,443 225,663 236,369 250,051 275,329 309,625 354,549

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 1,074,690 1,257,367 1,368,697 1,616,123 1,792,202 2,021,937 2,293,165 2,600,794
related to Broadcasting
7.1 Railways 139,537 188,886 211,485 275,905 318,802 342,003 386,033 467,802
Transport by means other than
7.2 Railways
651,717 750,917 805,397 911,060 975,862 1,166,442 1,365,589 1,533,236

7.2.1 Road transport 551,673 641,618 694,430 768,707 824,556 1,000,673 1,170,896 1,304,381

7.2.2 Water transport 28,152 26,062 23,822 30,485 27,284 24,411 28,875 33,724

7.2.3 Air transport 910 4,070 2,594 5,976 14,191 14,681 17,500 19,569

7.2.4 Services Incidental to Transport 70,981 79,167 84,551 105,892 109,830 126,678 148,318 175,562

7.3 Storage 11,922 13,201 15,393 15,769 17,000 18,728 20,134 22,459
Communication & Services
7.4 271,514 304,363 336,423 413,389 480,538 494,764 521,409 577,297
related to Broadcasting
8.        Financial Services 783,729 894,227 946,268 1,045,499 1,164,783 1,185,387 1,312,057 1,446,978

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional Services 1,520,729 1,674,815 1,873,545 1,997,025 2,089,836 2,240,841 2,479,916 2,738,300

10.    Public Administration and 666,151 762,906 1,089,498 1,200,884 1,262,192 1,294,745 1,658,091 1,889,785
11.    Other Services 1,590,856 1,734,373 1,762,316 1,962,584 2,193,615 2,405,050 2,894,926 3,045,003

Tertiary 7,618,428 8,693,743 9,729,931 10,761,779 11,710,420 12,404,544 14,485,605 16,037,202

12 TOTAL NSVA at Basic Prices 19,347,056 22,077,583 24,494,463 25,587,510 25,997,826 29,709,191 33,476,943 37,178,104

13 Net State Domestic Product 20,422,595 23,331,248 26,097,738 27,492,341 28,402,215 33,376,501 37,579,796 42,004,690

14 Per capita NSDP (Rupees) 48,370 54,703 60,574 63,169 64,605 75,155 83,769 92,691

Statement 3.1.1: Net State Value Added by economic activity at current basic prices
Percentage Share
Sl. No. Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 18.89 22.74 21.65 24.00 21.95 23.48 20.70 20.81

1.1 Crops 12.01 15.78 14.25 15.96 13.00 14.76 12.14 12.09

1.2 Livestock 2.73 2.83 2.92 3.08 3.34 3.43 3.52 3.64

1.3 Forestry and Logging 2.93 2.78 3.17 3.34 3.65 3.13 2.69 2.61

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 1.23 1.35 1.31 1.61 1.96 2.16 2.35 2.46

2.        Mining and Quarrying 11.66 10.12 10.03 9.02 9.22 10.06 10.57 10.76

Primary 30.55 32.86 31.68 33.01 31.17 33.54 31.27 31.56

3.        Manufacturing 16.92 15.67 16.61 13.58 12.04 13.75 14.92 15.16

4.        Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & 3.00 3.18 3.11 2.54 3.17 3.09 2.90 2.91
Other Utility Services

5.        Construction 10.15 8.91 8.88 8.80 8.58 7.87 7.64 7.23

Secondary 30.07 27.76 28.59 24.93 23.79 24.70 25.46 25.30

6.        Trade, Repair, Hotels and 10.25 10.74 10.98 11.49 12.34 10.96 11.49 11.61

6.1 Trade & Repair Services 9.27 9.80 10.06 10.56 11.38 10.03 10.57 10.66

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.93 0.92 0.95
Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 5.55 5.70 5.59 6.32 6.89 6.81 6.85 7.00
related to Broadcasting
7.1 Railways 0.72 0.86 0.86 1.08 1.23 1.15 1.15 1.26

Transport by means other than

7.2 Railways 3.37 3.40 3.29 3.56 3.75 3.93 4.08 4.12

7.2.1 Road transport 2.85 2.91 2.84 3.00 3.17 3.37 3.50 3.51

7.2.2 Water transport 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.09

7.2.3 Air transport 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

7.2.4 Services Incidental to Transport 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.47

7.3 Storage 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06

Communication & Services

7.4 related to Broadcasting 1.40 1.38 1.37 1.62 1.85 1.67 1.56 1.55

8.        Financial Services 4.05 4.05 3.86 4.09 4.48 3.99 3.92 3.89

9.        Real estate, Ownership of 7.86 7.59 7.65 7.80 8.04 7.54 7.41 7.37
Dwelling & Professional Services
10.    Public Administration and
Defence 3.44 3.46 4.45 4.69 4.85 4.36 4.95 5.08

11.    Other Services 8.22 7.86 7.19 7.67 8.44 8.10 8.65 8.19

Tertiary 39.38 39.38 39.72 42.06 45.04 41.75 43.27 43.14

12 TOTAL NSVA at Basic Prices 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Statement 3.1.2: Net State Value Added by economic activity at current basic prices
Growth over previous year
Sl. No. Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 37.36 5.63 15.78 -7.07 22.25 -0.68 11.64

1.1 Crops 49.98 0.18 17.02 -17.25 29.71 -7.31 10.62

1.2 Livestock 18.25 14.50 10.22 9.88 17.54 15.51 14.97

1.3 Forestry and Logging 8.30 26.77 10.12 10.91 -2.04 -3.02 7.69

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 25.69 7.34 28.34 24.18 25.98 22.32 16.41

2.        Mining and Quarrying -0.91 9.97 -6.11 3.88 24.71 18.38 13.01

Primary 22.76 6.97 8.85 -4.08 22.98 5.04 12.10

3.        Manufacturing 5.67 17.59 -14.56 -9.97 30.55 22.23 12.86

4.        Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & 21.00 8.33 -14.62 26.86 11.15 5.92 11.47
Other Utility Services
5.        Construction 0.13 10.58 3.59 -0.98 4.82 9.49 5.06

Secondary 5.33 14.28 -8.93 -3.04 18.68 16.14 10.36

6.        Trade, Repair, Hotels and 19.56 13.48 9.30 9.12 1.52 18.14 12.19
6.1 Trade & Repair Services 20.53 13.93 9.71 9.41 0.79 18.67 11.98

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 10.33 8.78 4.74 5.79 10.11 12.46 14.51
Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 17.00 8.85 18.08 10.90 12.82 13.41 13.42
related to Broadcasting
7.1 Railways 35.37 11.96 30.46 15.55 7.28 12.87 21.18
Transport by means other than
7.2 Railways 15.22 7.26 13.12 7.11 19.53 17.07 12.28

7.2.1 Road transport 16.30 8.23 10.70 7.27 21.36 17.01 11.40

7.2.2 Water transport -7.42 -8.60 27.97 -10.50 -10.53 18.29 16.79

7.2.3 Air transport 347.14 -36.25 130.35 137.46 3.45 19.21 11.82

7.2.4 Services Incidental to Transport 11.53 6.80 25.24 3.72 15.34 17.08 18.37

7.3 Storage 10.72 16.60 2.45 7.81 10.16 7.51 11.55

Communication & Services
7.4 related to Broadcasting 12.10 10.53 22.88 16.24 2.96 5.39 10.72

8.        Financial Services 14.10 5.82 10.49 11.41 1.77 10.69 10.28

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional Services 10.13 11.87 6.59 4.65 7.23 10.67 10.42

10.    Public Administration and 14.52 42.81 10.22 5.11 2.58 28.06 13.97
11.    Other Services 9.02 1.61 11.36 11.77 9.64 20.37 5.18

Tertiary 14.11 11.92 10.60 8.81 5.93 16.78 10.71

12 TOTAL NSVA at Basic Prices 14.11 10.95 4.46 1.60 14.28 12.68 11.06
Net State Domestic
13 Product 14.24 11.86 5.34 3.31 17.51 12.59 11.77

14 Per capita NSDP 13.09 10.73 4.28 2.27 16.33 11.46 10.65

Statement 3.2.0: Net State Value Added by economic activity at constant (2011-12) basic prices
Rs. Lakh
Sl. No. Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 3,655,362 4,259,737 4,050,611 4,369,442 3,750,190 4,521,581 4,164,460 4,508,229

1.1 Crops 2,323,278 2,907,474 2,599,028 2,869,312 2,156,170 2,810,003 2,340,678 2,519,987

1.2 Livestock 528,869 539,280 591,186 569,448 597,909 626,090 672,859 751,641

1.3 Forestry and Logging 565,936 546,025 597,087 631,243 667,553 682,230 678,874 709,369

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 237,279 266,958 263,310 299,439 328,558 403,259 472,050 527,233

2.        Mining and Quarrying 2,254,986 2,185,032 2,721,218 2,510,952 3,284,777 4,388,702 4,408,947 4,598,348

Primary 5,910,349 6,444,769 6,771,829 6,880,394 7,034,967 8,910,284 8,573,407 9,106,577

3.        Manufacturing 3,273,608 3,259,701 3,798,066 3,251,093 3,476,764 4,675,367 5,332,990 6,173,974
Electricity, Gas, Water Supply &
4.        Other Utility Services 581,075 699,196 722,380 599,174 753,113 824,185 871,069 906,178

5.        Construction 1,963,596 1,906,551 2,012,619 2,008,004 2,015,148 2,045,918 2,169,899 2,228,392

Secondary 5,818,279 5,865,449 6,533,064 5,858,271 6,245,025 7,545,469 8,373,959 9,308,544

6.        Trade, Repair, Hotels and 1,982,274 2,212,037 2,381,396 2,572,856 2,922,488 2,916,081 3,413,144 3,652,957
6.1 Trade & Repair Services 1,794,251 2,018,505 2,182,013 2,366,272 2,694,657 2,669,563 3,134,615 3,348,293

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 188,023 193,532 199,383 206,584 227,832 246,518 278,530 304,663

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 1,074,690 1,218,465 1,261,676 1,451,286 1,621,040 1,755,229 1,972,083 2,169,106
related to Broadcasting
7.1 Railways 139,537 180,852 197,142 238,713 269,757 266,366 327,205 372,692

7.2 Transport by means other than 651,717 732,897 749,876 824,723 893,264 1,028,024 1,171,527 1,303,401
7.2.1 Road transport 551,673 626,277 646,812 695,258 754,027 881,359 1,003,857 1,118,300

7.2.2 Water transport 28,152 25,544 22,172 27,355 24,777 21,171 24,376 26,736

7.2.3 Air transport 910 3,995 2,416 5,369 13,013 12,977 15,058 15,812

7.2.4 Services Incidental to Transport 70,981 77,081 78,477 96,742 101,447 112,518 128,236 142,552

7.3 Storage 11,922 11,981 11,723 11,211 12,846 16,684 17,568 18,695
Communication & Services
7.4 related to Broadcasting
271,514 292,735 302,935 376,638 445,173 444,154 455,783 474,318

8.        Financial Services 783,729 882,747 913,891 1,000,968 1,080,947 1,090,704 1,135,059 1,176,573

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional Services 1,520,729 1,557,935 1,641,435 1,724,828 1,858,865 1,967,695 2,092,622 2,218,173

10.    Public Administration and 666,151 713,663 968,442 1,054,332 1,150,586 1,160,166 1,475,957 1,609,922
11.    Other Services 1,590,856 1,590,586 1,507,477 1,567,606 1,651,075 1,686,058 1,927,595 1,928,243

Tertiary 7,618,428 8,175,433 8,674,317 9,371,877 10,285,002 10,575,933 12,016,461 12,754,972

12 TOTAL NSVA at Basic Prices 19,347,056 20,485,651 21,979,211 22,110,541 23,564,994 27,031,686 28,963,827 31,170,094

13 Net State Domestic Product 20,422,595 21,630,107 23,312,187 23,593,074 25,323,745 29,588,062 31,761,354 34,348,616

14 Per capita NSDP (Rupees) 48,370 50,714 54,109 54,210 57,602 66,625 70,799 75,796

Statement 3.2.1: Net State Value Added by economic activity at constant (2011-12) basic prices
Percentage Share
Sl. No. Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 18.89 20.79 18.43 19.76 15.91 16.73 14.38 14.46

1.1 Crops 12.01 14.19 11.82 12.98 9.15 10.40 8.08 8.08

1.2 Livestock 2.73 2.63 2.69 2.58 2.54 2.32 2.32 2.41

1.3 Forestry and Logging 2.93 2.67 2.72 2.85 2.83 2.52 2.34 2.28

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 1.23 1.30 1.20 1.35 1.39 1.49 1.63 1.69

2.        Mining and Quarrying 11.66 10.67 12.38 11.36 13.94 16.24 15.22 14.75

Primary 30.55 31.46 30.81 31.12 29.85 32.96 29.60 29.22

3.        Manufacturing 16.92 15.91 17.28 14.70 14.75 17.30 18.41 19.81
Electricity, Gas, Water Supply &
4.        Other Utility Services 3.00 3.41 3.29 2.71 3.20 3.05 3.01 2.91

5.        Construction 10.15 9.31 9.16 9.08 8.55 7.57 7.49 7.15

Secondary 30.07 28.63 29.72 26.50 26.50 27.91 28.91 29.86

6.        Trade, Repair, Hotels and 10.25 10.80 10.83 11.64 12.40 10.79 11.78 11.72
6.1 Trade & Repair Services 9.27 9.85 9.93 10.70 11.43 9.88 10.82 10.74

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.93 0.97 0.91 0.96 0.98

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 5.55 5.95 5.74 6.56 6.88 6.49 6.81 6.96
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 0.72 0.88 0.90 1.08 1.14 0.99 1.13 1.20
Transport by means other than
7.2 Railways 3.37 3.58 3.41 3.73 3.79 3.80 4.04 4.18

7.2.1 Road transport 2.85 3.06 2.94 3.14 3.20 3.26 3.47 3.59

7.2.2 Water transport 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.09

7.2.3 Air transport 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05

7.2.4 Services Incidental to Transport 0.37 0.38 0.36 0.44 0.43 0.42 0.44 0.46

7.3 Storage 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06
Communication & Services
7.4 1.40 1.43 1.38 1.70 1.89 1.64 1.57 1.52
related to Broadcasting
8.        Financial Services 4.05 4.31 4.16 4.53 4.59 4.03 3.92 3.77

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional Services 7.86 7.61 7.47 7.80 7.89 7.28 7.22 7.12

10.    Public Administration and

Defence 3.44 3.48 4.41 4.77 4.88 4.29 5.10 5.16

11.    Other Services 8.22 7.76 6.86 7.09 7.01 6.24 6.66 6.19

Tertiary 39.38 39.91 39.47 42.39 43.65 39.12 41.49 40.92

12 TOTAL NSVA at Basic Prices 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Statement 3.2.2: Net State Value Added by economic activity at constant (2011-12) basic prices
Growth over previous year
Sl. No. Economic Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (3rd R) (2nd R) (1st R) (A)

1.        Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 16.53 -4.91 7.87 -14.17 20.57 -7.90 8.25

1.1 Crops 25.15 -10.61 10.40 -24.85 30.32 -16.70 7.66

1.2 Livestock 1.97 9.63 -3.68 5.00 4.71 7.47 11.71

1.3 Forestry and Logging -3.52 9.35 5.72 5.75 2.20 -0.49 4.49

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 12.51 -1.37 13.72 9.72 22.74 17.06 11.69

2.        Mining and Quarrying -3.10 24.54 -7.73 30.82 33.61 0.46 4.30

Primary 9.04 5.07 1.60 2.25 26.66 -3.78 6.22

3.        Manufacturing -0.42 16.52 -14.40 6.94 34.47 14.07 15.77

Electricity, Gas, Water Supply &
4.        Other Utility Services 20.33 3.32 -17.06 25.69 9.44 5.69 4.03

5.        Construction -2.91 5.56 -0.23 0.36 1.53 6.06 2.70

Secondary 0.81 11.38 -10.33 6.60 20.82 10.98 11.16

6.        Trade, Repair, Hotels and 11.59 7.66 8.04 13.59 -0.22 17.05 7.03
6.1 Trade & Repair Services 12.50 8.10 8.44 13.88 -0.93 17.42 6.82

6.2 Hotels & Restaurants 2.93 3.02 3.61 10.29 8.20 12.99 9.38

Transport, Storage,
7.        Communication & Services 13.38 3.55 15.03 11.70 8.28 12.35 9.99
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 29.61 9.01 21.09 13.00 -1.26 22.84 13.90

Transport by means other than
7.2 Railways 12.46 2.32 9.98 8.31 15.09 13.96 11.26

7.2.1 Road transport 13.52 3.28 7.49 8.45 16.89 13.90 11.40

7.2.2 Water transport -9.26 -13.20 23.38 -9.42 -14.56 15.14 9.68

7.2.3 Air transport 338.87 -39.53 122.25 142.39 -0.28 16.04 5.01

7.2.4 Services Incidental to Transport 8.59 1.81 23.27 4.86 10.91 13.97 11.16

7.3 Storage 0.49 -2.15 -4.37 14.59 29.88 5.30 6.42

7.4 Communication & Services 7.82 3.48 24.33 18.20 -0.23 2.62 4.07
related to Broadcasting
8.        Financial Services 12.63 3.53 9.53 7.99 0.90 4.07 3.66

Real estate, Ownership of

9.        Dwelling & Professional Services 2.45 5.36 5.08 7.77 5.85 6.35 6.00

10.    Public Administration and

Defence 7.13 35.70 8.87 9.13 0.83 27.22 9.08

11.    Other Services -0.02 -5.23 3.99 5.32 2.12 14.33 0.03

Tertiary 7.31 6.10 8.04 9.74 2.83 13.62 6.15

12 TOTAL NSVA at Basic Prices 5.89 7.29 0.60 6.58 14.71 7.15 7.62
Net State Domestic
13 Product 5.91 7.78 1.20 7.34 16.84 7.35 8.15

14 Per capita NSDP 4.85 6.69 0.19 6.26 15.66 6.27 7.06


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