From Operating Manual /or Spaceship Earth

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visited 'raprobane (pronounced ta-PROB-a-nee) and its magic, awe-inspirio

Adam's Peak (Sr· Kanda), et �l. �e flew figure eigh:s around Adam's Pe�
the Demon Rocle, and Ceylon s highest mountam, P1dumtalagala. A map
Ceylon, including only the loci featured in my story, is on the preceding p�
"I have spent some years thinl�g realistically about engineering undeitak..
ings somewhaL akin to those Arthur Cladce incorporates into this movin
story and can attest to his thorou rh respect of physical laws. In 1951, I de�
signed a free .floating tensegtity ring-btldge to be installed way ou fr:om an:d
around the Earth's equator. Within this 'halo' bddge, the Earth would con.
Spaceship Earth from Operating Manual/or Spaceship Earth
tinue its spinning while the circular bridge would revolve at its own rate. 1
foresaw Earthian traffic vertically ascending to the bridge, revolving and de.
scending at preferred Earth loci. Our little Spaceship Earth is only eight thousand miles in _diameter,
"I think you will be deeply and unforgettably moved by his Taprobane. I which is almost a negligible dimension in the great vastness of
love it." space. Our nearest star-our energy-supplying mother-ship, the
Sun-is ninety-two million miles away, and the next nearest star is
one hundred thousand times further away. It takes two and one-half
years for light to get to us from the next nearest energy supply ship
star. That is the kind of space-distanced pattern we are flying. Our
little Spaceship Earth is right now traveling at sixty thousand miles
an hour around the sun and is also spinning axially, which, at the
latitude of Washington, D.C., adds approximately one thousand
miles per hour to our motion. Each minute we both spin at one
hundred miles and zip in orbit at one thousand miles. That is a
whole lot of spin and zip. When we launch our rocketed space cap­
sules at fifteen thousand miles an hour, that additional acceleration
speed we give the rocket to attain its own orbit around our speed­
ing Spaceship Earth is only one-fourth greater than the speed of our
big planetary spaceship.
Spaceship Earth was so extraordinarily well invented and de­
signed that to our knowledge humans have been on board it for two
million years not even knowing that they were on board a ship. And
our spaceship is so superbly designed as to be able to keep life re­
generating on board despite the phenomenon, entropy, by which all
local physical systems lose energy. So we have to obtain our biolog­
ical life-regenerating energy from another spaceship-the sun.
Our sun is flying in company with us, within the vast reaches of
the Galactic system, at just the right distance to give us enough ra­
diation to keep us alive, yet not close enough to burn us up. And the
whole scheme of Spaceship Earth and its live passengers is so su­
perbly designed that the Van Allen belts, which we didn't even
know we had until yesterday, filter the sun and other star radiation
which as it impinges upon our spherical ramparts is so concen-


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