FUBAR 40K Boarding Actions! Denizens of The Hulk: Tyranids

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FUBAR 40K Boarding Actions!

Denizens of the Hulk

Introduction Gift of Chaos: Pick an enemy infantry figure within Warboss: 19pts.
The thing that makes Hulks dangerous are their 12”. They must make an Armour Save or be turned Warboss in Mega-armour: 22pts.
Denizens. The foul and fearsome occupants who into a melted blob of flesh. Big Mek: 18pts.
have either hitched a ride on the Hulk or made it Wind of Chaos: Counts as a Flamethrower attack.
Lash of Submission [Slaanesh only]: Target an Tyranids
their home base.
enemy unit or vehicle within 24”. They must make Ahead of a hive fleet are a range of hidden
On this page are a number of the most common
an Activation roll or the Aspiring Champion can infiltration forces. Seeking out new sources of
hitchhikers. There is no reason that you cannot
move them 6” in any direction he chooses [except minerals and genetic resources. Many hulks
create your own such as the Slavers.
off the table]. become part of this advance guard.
Note that Eldar and Dark Eldar rarely use Hulks
Nurgle’s Rot [Nurgle only]: Roll one die for each Tyranid organisms may lay dormant for generations
because they have a completely different way of
enemy figure within 6” of the Aspiring Champion. awaiting their hulk to come out of the warp and
travelling around the Universe and don’t need
On a 4+ they take a hit. Resolve as normal. attract boarders.
these mouldering wrecks.
The Denizen player can choose to populate his Hulk Bolt of Change [Tzeentch only]: This can target a The commonest hulk Tyranid is the Genestealer.
with one race, or with a combination from the lists single figure or vehicle within 24”. It counts as a These are fast and deadly, and count as Veterans
below. Light Cannon. Successful hits cannot be Suppressed. with two close combat attacks that hit at +2. Their
chitinous exo-skeleton gives them a 5+ save.
Chaos Space Marines Ork Freebootaz Genestealers cannot be Suppressed.
The forces of Chaos frequently use hulks as bases Ork Freebootazs often infest hulks as they form They ignore the first hit from explosive
from which to raid and terrorize Imperial worlds. excellent bases from which to invade other worlds. decompression and move at normal speed in a
These are the same as Space Marines except: Orks usually deploy in mobs of 12 Orks including a compartment that is decompressing.
1. They have no Scouts. Nob. Ork Boyz are Seasoned. The Nob is a Veteran. Their razor sharp talons can cut through a light
2. They are all Elite. All Boyz in a mob are armed with either a Slugga hatchway or bulkhead if they spend a full turn
3. Chaos Terminators have Power Weapons [Pistol] & Choppa [+1 in Close Combat], or a Shoota doing so.
instead of power fists. [Assault Rifle but with 3FP's and 16” Range only]. Swarms of Rippers also infest hulks that have
4. Squads are led by Aspiring Champions. In a Shoota Mob one Boy can carry a Big Shoota Genestealers on them. There are 3-6 bases of
5. Squads can be dedicated to a Chaos God: [LMG] or a Rokkit Launcha [RPG]. Rippers in a swarm. They are Green and have a 6+
God Effect In a Slugga Mob one boy can carry a Burna save. Each base has two attacks in close combat.
Nurgle +1 to Armour Saves. [Flamethrower that is +1 in close combat as well]. Rippers cannot be Suppressed.
Khorne +1 to attacks in Close Combat. All Boyz have thick hides and are inured to pain and
Slaanesh Attack first in Close Combat. Points Costs
injury, so they benefit from the equivalent of Light Genestealer: 15pts each.
Tzeentch Bolters have 4FP’s. Armour [6+ save]. Ripper base: 10pts each.
An Aspiring Champion is Elite and armed like a The Nob will have 'Eavy Armour which has a 5+
Space Marine Captain. A Champion of any God save. He may also have a Power Klaw [+3 in close Pirates
except Khorne may have two Psychic Powers, a combat]. A Power Klaw can attack vehicles. Not all humans subject themselves to the rule of
Champion of Tzeentch can have three. For every three mobs of ordinary Orks one can be the Imperium, nor are tempted by the lures of
Chaos Space Marines can summon lesser and deployed as one of the following special types: Chaos.
greater Daemons. These appear next to the squad 1. ‘Ard Boyz are Ork boyz with ‘Eavy Armour. Many Pirates are outlawed Rogue Traders or
that summoned them. Daemons cannot be 2. Skarboyz are Veterans. Inquisitors who went a step too far. As a result they
Suppressed. 3. Kommandos. These have any cover save they can be just as dangerous as any other Hulk Denizen.
A squad of ten lesser Daemons are Veterans with a enjoy one level higher. All Pirate Crews have a Captain. He will be Elite,
5+ armour save. They get +1 in close combat but wear Heavy Armour and/or a Refractor Field giving
4. Hulkbustaz. These are armed with Sluggas and
have no ranged weapons. him a 4+ save against any weapon. He will be
special hulkbusta bomz [Breaching Charges]. They
A Greater Daemon replaces a Chaos Space Marine armed with the equivalent of a Storm Bolter (LMG)
can have two Rokkit Launchas.
when it appears. It is a huge monster that is Elite and have a Power Weapon. He may swap this for a
and that gets four attacks at +4 in close combat. It Some Orks like to deploy squads of 10- 20 Grots to
divert fire, tie up the enemy and generally cause a Power Fist.
has an armour save of 3+. His Officers (first mate etc.) will be Veterans, have
Chaos Space Marines can also be supported by nuisance. These are Green and are armed with Grot
Blastas [Pistols]. They are led by an Ork Runtherd heavy armour, bolt pistols and cutlasses or
Chaos Crew. These count as Seasoned, but are boarding axes.
[counts as an Ork Slugga]. If so they count as
only armed with Pistols or Combat Shotguns. They The Crew will be the vilest scum one can imagine.
Seasoned until they take a casualty.
have no armour. They deploy in mobs of 5-10 Many will be quite mad and as a result impervious
If there are three or more mobs on the table they
figures. to pain. In game terms they are Seasoned and have
can also deploy a Warboss. He is Elite and has a Big
Points Costs Shoota [LMG], a Power Klaw and 'Eavy Armour. He a 5+ armour save regardless of what they are
Chaos Space Marine: 22pts each. can choose to have Mega-armour [2+ Save] instead. actually wearing.
Plasma Pistol for Sergeant +5pts. Instead of a Warboss the force can be led by a Big Most will be armed with a Laspistol or Autogun, and
Heavy Bolter or Flamer: +5pts. Mek. This is a Veteran ork in ‘Eavy Armour who has carry a Cutlass or Boarding Axe. One in six may
Terminators: 32pts each. a Kustom Force Field giving all Orks within 6” a 5+ carry either a Heavy Stubber (HMG), a Meltagun, or
Chainfist: +5pts. Cover Save, and a Kustom Mega Blasta [Light AT a Breaching Charge.
Reaper Autocannon: +10pts. Cannon]. The crew deploy in gangs of 5-10 figures, led by an
Aspiring Champion: 30pts. Note that Orks cannot be suppressed by fire, they Officer, or perhaps the Captain himself.
Aspiring Champion (Tzeentch): 32pts. must take casualties instead. Grots take all Some Pirate Captains also board hulks accompanied
Lesser Daemon Squad: 80pts. casualties as suppression until all figures are down, by a captured or tame Astropath. This is a
Greater Daemon: 25pts. further hits then cause casualties. Veteran, with a Laspistol, no armour and one of the
Chaos Crew: 7pts each. following psychic powers: Doombolt (Chaos), Force
Points Costs Dome, Machine Curse or Quickening.
Combat Shotgun: + 3pts per figure.
Ork Slugga Boyz Mob: 90pts.
Psychic Powers - Chaos Burna: +5pts. Points Costs
An Aspiring Champion of Chaos can choose his Ork Shoota Boyz Mob: 101pts. Pirate Captain: 20pts.
powers from the list below. Big Shoota or Rokkit Launcha: + 5pts. Pirate Officers: 13pts each.
All powers require a successful Expertise check Power Klaw for Big Nob: +5pts. Pirates: 8pts each.
before they work. ‘Ard Boys Mob: 101pts. Heavy Stubber or Breaching Charge: +5pts.
Doom Bolt: Counts as a Light AT Gun attack with a Skarboyz Mob: 112pts. Meltagun: +10pts.
range of 18”. Kommando Mob: 112pts. Astropath: 20pts
Warptime: The Aspiring Champion can reroll his Hulkbustaz Mob: 124pts.
dice to hit when firing and in close combat. Grotz Mob: 38pts for 10 grots + Runtherd or 68 for
20 grots + Runtherd.
© Craig Cartmell [FUBAR elements]. All other names and concepts remain the exclusive copyright of Games Workshop Ltd.

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