Kairostech - No-Father of Multilevel Flow Modeling Has Joined Kairos Technology
Kairostech - No-Father of Multilevel Flow Modeling Has Joined Kairos Technology
Kairostech - No-Father of Multilevel Flow Modeling Has Joined Kairos Technology
We are thrilled to announce that Professor Emeritus DTU, Morten Lind (inventor of the
Multilevel Flow Modeling theory) has joined our company to support the exciting
developments and enhancements of the applied Artificial Intelligence in the Kairos
products and solutions.
Prof. Lind has in his career contributed with significant industrial research programs
and publications. His research interests are the application of artificial intelligence and
cognitive science research in automation and control of industrial processes. During the
employment at Risø National Laboratories he was a key contributor to the development
of the Cognitive Systems Engineering framework for design of Human Machine
Interaction for supervisory control. Prof. Lind’s main research contribution is the
development of Multilevel Flow Modeling (MFM). MFM is a method for modeling goals
and functions of complex automated processes within energy and chemical production
systems, which has applications for knowledge based decision support in process and
automation design, fault management, supervisory control.
Research programs
Prof. Lind participated in several EU research programs within advanced IT as a
reviewer, research scientist, and work package leader in ESPRIT (P96 and P2163,
projects, in Nordic nuclear power research programs within automation (1979-1981)
and safety (2003-2005) and in national funded basic research centers on Semiotics and
Human Machine Interaction (1998-2003). Recently he participated in the EcoGrid.dk
project initiated by the Danish TSO Energinet.dk, as a work package leader on systems
architectures for the future Danish power system. He was leading a research project on
agent based power system control within the Danish energy research program (PSO).
Prof. Lind has initiated a research cooperation with Danish Hydrocarbon Research and
Technology Centre (DHRTC) at DTU and Kairos Technology, Norway on MFM
applications for decision support in the operation of oil and gas platforms in the North
Written by Ivan Rott
Ivan is currently Sales Manager for Kairos Technology. He is a dedicated sales manager
where business development and the urge to create the best solution for the customer
needs are some of his passions. After Cybernetics studies at University of Stavanger,
Ivan started his career with HW design, moving quickly to project management and
account management, as customer relations are core interests. Ivan loves an
international working environment and speaks Norwegian, English, French, and some