Example 1: Generation of A Bearing Graph For An Open End Diesel Hammer

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GRLWEAP Standard Examples

Example 1: Generation of a Bearing Graph for an

Open End Diesel Hammer
The echo print of the input data and the numerical output from the Wave Equation
Analysis is contained in the Example 1 Output file both for English and SI Units. Although
it was attempted to limit differences between this example and the corresponding one of
earlier GRLWEAP versions, small input and output modifications may be observed.

1.1 Situation
A 45 ton design-load pile is to be driven through a loose non-cohesive layer
into a dense, coarse sand with gravel. The contractor wants to use an HP
12x53 profile of 40 ft (12.2 m) length and a Delmag D-12 hammer. He uses a
standard 12 x 12 inch (305 x 305 mm) helmet with 2 inches (50.8 mm) of

1.2 Problem
Determine the relationship between blow count and both capacity and stress

1.3 Approach
Since extensive static and dynamic testing will be performed at the site, a
safety factor of 2 is sufficient. A higher safety factor of maybe 2.5 or 3 may
otherwise be appropriate. Using a safety factor of 2, the pile has to be driven
to an ultimate capacity of 90 tons (180 kips) or 801 kN. A curve, called
Bearing Graph, can be constructed for the desired range if capacities of 60,
120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540, and 600 kips (267, 534, 801, 1068,
1334, 1601, 1868, 2135, 2402, and 2669 kN) are analyzed.

1.4 Data Entry

Start the program.

Click on the Units Option if it shows SI when English units are desired or
vice versa.

Click File/New to open a blank Main Input Form and to start the input
wizard. The input wizard will automatically display the necessary input forms,
which include the Job Information, Select Hammer, Analysis Type, Pile Input,
Hammer Cushion, Soil Profile Input, Soil Parameter Input, and Ultimate
Capacity screens, unless the user selects Finish or Cancel. Enter the
following inputs in the corresponding screens if using the input wizard
(recommended) or proceed with the following commands if opting not to use
the input wizard.

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Click Options/Job Information and enter under Project Description the

title of the problem. This title may be up to 40 characters long. You should
also provide or correct other information requested here.

For Hammer Information: click on the desired hammer model (DELMAG

D-12), or move to the desired hammer using the scroll bar if the desired
hammer is not seen in the Hammer List, and then click on the proper hammer
to enter the proper number in the ID number field. You may also directly
type the ID number (ID No. 3) in this field if you know it.

Move to the Pile material box and click on Steel for the pile material. This
will generate pile material defaults for elastic modulus and specific weight. In
the Pile Information box, enter the Length (40 ft or 12.2 m). Enter the
Penetration depth (say also 40 ft or 12.2 m even though that is not a very
practical situation since normally the pile is left out of the ground at least 2 ft
or 0.6 m at the end of driving). This penetration input is, however, only used
for the simple resistance distribution input and therefore not much demand is
placed on its accuracy. Enter the pile Section Area, Toe Area and
Perimeter with F3button (while the cursor is on one of the input fields).
Choose H pile and select HP 12x53. All these parameters will be automatically

(You may set the Coefficient of Restitution for the pile top spring (the helmet-
pile interface) to a value less than the normal default of 0.85 (e.g., 0.8 to
reflect the fact that the pile top surface may be rough cut). The Coefficient of
Restitution for the pile top spring is found under Options/Pile
Parameters/Additional Input and should not be confused with the
coefficient of restitution of the hammer cushion found on the Main Input

Move to the Cushion Information. Pile cushion information is not

applicable for a steel pile.

For the Hammer Cushion, a cross-sectional Area of 283.5 square inches or

1829 square centimeter, an Elastic Modulus of 280 ksi or 1930 MPa, and a
cushion material Thickness of 2 inches or 50.8 mm was specified by the
contractor. If no values were known then press F3 (while the cursor is on one
of the input fields of the Hammer Cushion) either for help to find the
appropriate hammer cushion tables to retrieve data that is recommended by
hammer manufacturers or their distributors. (Note: the cushion thickness
must be consistent with the elastic modulus input. If the cushion consists of 1
inch Conbest and 1 inch aluminum, then the modulus for an
aluminum/Conbest sandwich and a 2 inch cushion thickness may be entered.
Alternatively, the Conbest modulus itself together with a 1 inch thickness may
be specified. Indeed, the aluminum may be ignored since it is much stiffer
than the Conbest). The Helmet Weight (2.15 kips or 9.6 kN in our example)
may also be found in these tables if it is not known for a particular driving

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Move to Soil Parameters . These are average shaft values and individual
toe values for quake and damping.Shaft Quakesare almost always 0.1
inches or 2.5 mm.Toe Dampingis almost always 0.15 s/ft or 0.5 s/m. The
Toe Quake may increase with the size of piles but in our example of a 12
inch (305 mm) the toe quake rule of D/120 (actually only recommended for
very dense or hard soils, otherwise D/60 would be better) leads to the
standard quake of 0.1 inches or 2.5 mm. This is strictly applicable only for a
plugged H-Pile; however, for an unplugged H-Pile, the standard toe quake
recommendation is also 0.1 inches or 2.5 mm.Shaft Damping depends on
the soil type. For non-cohesive soils, the recommendation is 0.05 s/ft or 0.16

Finally, move to the Shaft Resistance to define percentage and distribution

of shaft resistance. An estimate of shaft resistance percentage was based on
static geotechnical methods and soil boring information. This analysis
indicated that the pile will drive through very loose sands into a hard
material, and it is therefore anticipated that shaft resistance will only be 10%
of total capacity, when the desired ultimate capacity is reached at 40 ft
depth. Use the slider switch or type 10 in the Percentage field. Triangular
resistance distribution is reasonable. To enter the distribution, choose
Variable Resistance Distr. from the Soil Resistance Distribution Option
drop-down box. The Variable Resistance Distr. page will automatically
appear. If you choose to return to this page after returning to the main
screen you may go to View/Resistance Distr., Pile 1 Input Form or click
on the icon. Enter 0.0 for Relative Distr. corresponding to the depth at
the top of the pile and enter a 1.0 at the bottom of the pile.

Move to the Ultimate Capacities box and enter up to 10 different capacities

as discussed earlier.

This completes the input. However, you may now wonder whether more data
is required. To check whether or not all important data has been submitted,
click Options/Check Status. If the answer is "Input file appears to be
complete", you may move to saving the file and analyzing the data. If not,
then another message will indicate the missing information.

1.5 Save Input File

Click File/Save Input File As and then specify file name and path as for
standard Windows operations.

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1.6 Analyze
Click File/Analyze Input and a Window will open that gives some
information on the analysis progress. Once the analysis is finished, exit this
window by pressing any key to continue.

1.7 Produce Output

Click View/Output or and then Numeric results which produces

important numerical output information. Study this output thoroughly (you
may print it for ease of inspection). If all input information has been correctly
interpreted and properly reflected in the input check portion of this file, you
may close this window and click on Bearing Graph. Immediately, the
bearing graph graphical and numerical results will be displayed. Under View
you may modify the Ranges (or scales) to obtain the figure shown below.
Note: suppose you want to analyze another situation, e.g., a different
hammer, hammer setting, pile length, .... and you want to plot the two
results together in one bearing graph, proceed as follows: after generating
the first graph as discussed, click on File, Read 2nd File, and then find that
additional file and open it. Both bearing graphs will now be displayed

Bearing Graph Figure: Example 1

1.8 Discussion of Results

It may be concluded that driving the pile to an ultimate capacity of 90 tons
(180 kips or 801 kN) requires a blow count of less than 50 bl/ft (160 bl/m).
The maximum compressive stress will be well below 25 ksi (172 MPa). These

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are all acceptable values: a moderate blow count and a compressive stress
well below yield. Note, confirmation of the actual bearing capacity should be
done some time after pile installation by either static testing or dynamic
testing using a Pile Driving Analyzer® during restrike.

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