Socio-Economic Profile of Duck Farmers and Duck Management Practices in Rajshahi Region

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Socio-economic profile of duck farmers and duck management practices

in Rajshahi region

MB Alam1, ABMS Uddin2, MAZH Bablu3, MHK Kamaly4, MM Rahaman5

Rajshahi WASA, Rajshahi 6203, Bangladesh; 2Zila Parishad, Natore, Bangladesh; 3Upazila Agriculture Office,
Tanore, Rajshahi, Bangladesh; 4Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka,
Bangladesh; 5Department of Agriculture Extension Education, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

The present study was conducted to determine the socio-economic profiles of the duck farmers and to
investigate the management practices of duck farming and to identify the problems of duck farming in
two upazilas of Rajshahi district namely: Bagmara and Tanore during the period from April to May 2012
by using a pre-tested questionnaire. Socio-economic profile of the duck farmers like age, education,
family size, occupation, marital status, farm size, training received, annual income and management
practices particularly housing, feeding, breeding, cleaning, disposal of diseased/dead birds, vaccination
program, veterinary services followed by the farmers were investigated during the research. A total of
100 duck (50 from each upazila) were selected randomly for this study. The results reveal that most of
the respondent farmers were young (60%) having secondary level of education (69%). Family size of
the most of the farmers (57%) were small (size 4.53 persons) and majority of the farmers (75%) were
marginal (0.021-020 hectare). Most of the farmers were medium income group (57%) with mean
annual income of Tk. 200500. About 42% farmers had training on farming of different duration (7 to 30
d). Highest proportion of the duck houses were made of tin-shed (74%) having necessary floor space
for ducks. The data obtained illustrated that majority of the farmers (74%) used sufficient
supplementary feed to their ducks. About 65% of the farmers reared Deshi ducks in their farms. Most of
the farmers (70%) cleaned their farm houses regularly. About 73% farmers separated their diseased
duck from healthy ones. It was also found that most of the farmers (89%) buried their dead ducks
under soil. Data indicated that majority of the farmers (67%) had partial idea about duck diseases. The
highest proportion of the farmers (72%) followed vaccination program strictly. About 71% farmers
consulted with village doctor. Nearly 51% farmers had low level of knowledge about duck farming. In
the present study 10 problems were identified out of which low price of duck meat and egg made
ranked as most serious problems. If the problems are addressed properly, the duck raising could be
more profitable business in Bangladesh.

Key words: Socio-economic profiles, management practices, duck farming, Rajshahi region
Bangladesh Animal Husbandry Association. All rights reserved. Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 2012. 41 (2): 96-105

Introduction opportunities for the rural farmers and landless

women and could be produced within a short time
As a species next to chicken, duck production at reasonable cost. Duck production has some
plays an important role in the rural economy of unique advantages such as: 1)Duck rearing is
Bangladesh. According to a report of Food and profitable and simple in management, 2) Ducks are
Agricultural Organization, the position of less hazardous bird (3) They have more disease
Bangladesh with respect to duck meat and egg resistance capacity than other poultry birds, (4)
production is 11th and 4th respectively among the They have longer economic egg-production life, (5)
Asian countries (Pingel 2011). Duck farm serves Duck eggs are heavier and get a better price, 6)
dual purpose – egg and meat. Duck comprises of Ducks are good forager and hence need less food(7)
about 16% (42.68 million) of the total poultry Duck meat is very delicious and is preferred by the
population (270.71 million), occupying second people, (8) The birds do not need elaborate housing
place next to chicken in the production of table and (9) Ducks act as biological means of pest control
eggs in the country (Bangladesh Economic Review by eating snails and other crop pests. There are
2010). It contributes a major source of animal good number of beels, ponds and other natural
protein in Bangladesh. Like chicken duck provides wetlands facilitating duck rearing in Rajshahi. For
hard-cash income and creates employment the above advantages, duck production is getting

1Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Alam et al. (2012) Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 41 (2): 96- 105

popularity day by day in this region. Rajshahi is a educational institution. According to the level of
northern district of Bangladesh situated on the bank education the farmers were classified into three
of the river Padma. So, a great potentiality of duck categories namely: primary, secondary and above
raising exists in northern areas of Bangladesh like secondary.
Rajshahi. In this investigation an attempt was made
Family size
to study the existing duck management system in
selected areas of Rajshahi district. The objectives of The family size was measured by the total number
the study were to determine the socio-economic of members in the family of a respondent. The
profiles of the duck farmers, to investigate the family members included the respondent
present management practices of duck farming him/herself, wife and husband, children and other
and to identify the problems of duck farming. dependent members who live and eat together. A
unit score was assigned for each member of the
Materials and Methods family. On the basis of the number of family
members, the respondent farmers were classified
Two upazilas in the district of Rajshahi namely: into three categories namely: small, medium and
Bagmara and Tanore were selected purposively due large.
to comparatively higher concentration of duck farms
in these areas. Another reason was- that no study of Occupation
this kind was conducted previously in this region. Occupation is a means or ways by which a man
According to the information supplied by District earns some money for his livelihood. The
Livestock officer, Rajshahi, there are 160 duck farms respondent under investigation has various
(Bagmara 85 and Tanore 65) in the study area. A occupations other than duck farming activities.
total of 100 farmers (50 from each upazila) (46% of These are- (1) duck farming, (2) agriculture, (3)
total farms) constituted the sample of the study. For service and (4) business.
the collection of primary data, direct interview
method was followed using pre-tested questionnaire. Marital status
Data were collected both from primary and The marital status of the respondent farmers was
secondary sources. The secondary data sources four types namely: married, unmarried, divorced
constituted government documents, related and others (widow, abundant etc.)
literatures, books, journals, newspapers, articles,
theses, and web sites. The data were collected Farm size
during April to May 2012 by trained data collectors, The farm size was measured by the area of raised
subsequently processed and analyzed according to land in which the household of the respondent had
the objectives of the study. Descriptive statistics its entire dwelling including homestead, area
such as mean, percentage, range, standard under cultivation and others (Sarker 2005). It
deviation and ranking were used to describe the was expressed in hectare. The total area of land
indicators of the study. The data were analyzed by thus obtained has been considered as farm size of
using the SPSS software. the respondent. Depending on the farm size, the
duck farmers were classified into five categories
Measurement of socio-economic profile of the
namely: landless, marginal, small, medium and
duck farmers and management practices followed
large followed by the rules of Department of
in duck farms are described below:
Agriculture Extension, Government of the People’s
Age Republic of Bangladesh.

Age of a respondent was measured in terms of Training received

year from birth to time of taking interview. A unit
Training brings a positive change in working
score was assigned for each year of one’s age. On
efficiency of human life. Training received was
the basis of age (years) the farmers of the study
measured by the total number of day attended by
area were classified into three groups namely:
the respondent in different training programs in
young, middle-aged and old.
his life arranged by any organization. A score of
Education level 1(one) was given for each day of training
attended (Sarker 2005). On the basis of training
Education is defined as a process of changing
score, the respondent farmers were classified into
human behavior in a desired direction. It was
four categories namely: No training, short
measured in terms of one’s year of schooling. One
training, moderate training and long training.
score was given for passing each level in an

Duck farming in Rajshahi region

Annual family income Prevention and control of Disease

Annual family income of a respondent was Cleaning of duck house: The respondent farmers
measured by taking the sum of income earned in were asked whether they clean their poultry farm
a year by the respondent himself and other regularly or not. The responses were of three
members of the family in a year from different types-(1) regular cleaning, (2) irregular cleaning
sources like crop, livestock, fisheries and some and (3) not at all.
other non-agricultural sources (business, service
Disposal of Diseased ducks: The respondent
etc.). It was expressed in thousand (‘000’) Taka.
farmers were asked whether they separate
Depending on the level of income the farmers
diseased duck or not. The responses were two
were classified into three categories namely: low,
types namely-(1) yes and (2) no.
medium and high income.
Disposal of dead ducks: In the study area the
Management is a combined effort of daily process of disposal of dead duck is of two types
activities in any institution or any organization or namely: buried and thrown away.
any factory or any farm. In duck farms,
management includes housing, staff position, Farmers’ idea about duck disease: The respondent
feeding, sanitation, and disease control in poultry was asked whether they have idea about duck
farm. The measurement of management practices disease or not. The answers were two types
is given below. namely: clear idea and partial idea.

Housing Vaccination program followed in duck farm: The

respondent was asked whether they follow regular
Type of house: Total housing type was three-(1) vaccination program in their duck farm or not. The
soil-made (2) bamboo-straw-made, and (3) tin- answers were two types namely: regular, irregular
shed. and not at all.
Floor space for ducks: The standard floor space for Veterinary services during disease outbreak: The
ducks is 1.5–2.0 square feet. On the basis of respondents were asked which type of veterinary
standard floor space the respondents were classified services they take during the outbreak of disease
into two categories namely: sufficient and in their duck farm. The types of treatments were -
insufficient. (1) veterinary doctor, (2) village doctor and (3)
Ventilation: Ventilation is of two types. One is no veterinary services.
sufficient and another is insufficient. Depending Knowledge about duck farming
on ventilation facilities the farm houses were
classified into two categories namely: sufficient The knowledge of duck farming of an individual
and insufficient ventilation. farmer refers to the level of awareness,
understanding and skill of various aspects of duck
Feeding management farm practices. It was measured by computing a
Sources of feed: There were two types of feed duck farming knowledge score based on some
used in duck farm. These were-(1) natural questions on different aspects of duck farming. The
(scavenging) and (2) supplemented feed. questions included items on remembering,
understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and
Quantity of feed: Quantity of feed supply in duck creating. A score of 2 (two) was assigned for a
farm is of two types. One is sufficient and another question of remembering and understanding,
is insufficient. Questions for rest four dimensions were assigned a
Use of feed ingredients: There were three types of score of 3 (three). Each item contains 5 questions.
feed ingredients used in the sample duck farm of Full marks was given for satisfactory answer from
the study area namely: (1) mixed feed, (2) paddy the respondents; half or two-third mark for partial
and wheat and (3) paddy alone correct answer and zero mark for wrong or no
answer. In this way the total score was measured
Breed used in duck farm which could be varied from 0 to 80. Zero indicates
no knowledge while 80 indicates highest knowledge
There were mainly three types of duck breed in
about duck farming. Depending on obtained score of
the study area. These were: Deshi, Khaki
knowledge the participant farmers were classified
Campbell and Zinding.
into three categories namely: low, medium and high
level of knowledge.

Alam et al. (2012) Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 41 (2): 96- 105

Ranking the constraints to duck farming small family size was the highest (57%) followed
by medium (31%) and large family (12%). It is
The participant duck farmers were asked to give
also seen from the table that average family size
weight on 10 selected problems depending on their
(4.53) was smaller than that of national level
intensity (low=1, medium=2 and high=3). Final
(4.90) (BBS 2001).
rank order of the selected problems was done based
on total weighted score of each problem. Total score Occupation
was determined by the formula followed by
Mozumdar et al. (2009). The formula is given below. The occupation of the participant farmers are
shown in Table 1. From the table it is evident that
Total score = Number of respondents × Intensity most of respondent farmers (50%) had farming
of problem (High + Medium + Low) as their main occupation followed by agriculture
= n 3 ×3+ n 2 ×2+ n 1 ×1 (32%), business (13%) and service (5%). The
participant duck farmers had some subsidiary
Where, n3, n2 and n1=Number of respondents giving occupation which helped them in earning some
high (3), medium (2) low weight (1) respectively. extra income.
On the basis of total weighted score these
problems were finally ranked as, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Marital status
and so on respectively out of 10. Marital status of the farmers is shown in Table 1.
From the data presented in the table, it is seen
Results and Discussion that majority of the duck farmers (68%) were
married followed by unmarried (17%), divorced
Socio-economic profiles of the respondent farmers
(13%) and others (widow, separated etc.) (2%).
are described below:

Age Farm size

The mean age of the farmers was 34.48 years The farm size of the respondent farmers ranged
with standard deviation 8.94. On the basis of age from 0.03 hectare to 2.00 hectare. The mean
(years) the farmers of the study area were farm size was 0.18 hectare with standard
classified into three groups namely: young, deviation 0.24. Depending on the farm size the
middle-aged and old. Data presented in Table 1 duck farmers were classified into five categories
indicate that the majority of the farmers (60%) in followed by the rules of Department of Agriculture
the study area were young followed by middle- Extension, Government of the People’s Republic of
aged (38%) and old (2%) respectively. Bangladesh as shown in Table 1. Data furnished in
Table 1 represent that the highest proportion of
Education the respondent (75%) were marginal farmers
followed by small farmers (15%) and medium
Education scores (schooling year) of respondent
farmers (10%). Proportion of large and landless
farmers ranged from 3 to 14 with mean 7.40. The
farmers was zero.
standard deviation value was 3.05 for the duck farmers
of the study area. According to the level of education Training received
the farmers were classified into three categories
namely: primary, secondary and above secondary. Sometimes local Livestock Department and NGOs
Data presented in Table 1 express that the highest arrange training for the poultry and dairy farmers.
proportion of farmers (69%) belonged to secondary The information about training received by the
level followed by primary (23%) and above secondary respondent farmers is shown in Table 1. On the
(8%) level of education respectively. basis of training score the respondent farmers
were classified into four categories namely: no
Family size of the farmers training, short training, moderate training and
long training. Data presented in Table 1 indicate
The family size of the participant farmers ranged
that highest proportion (58%) of the farmers had
from 2.00 to 7.00 numbers for the duck families.
no training. Only 22%, 17% and 3% farmer had
The mean family size of the participants was 4.53
moderate, short and long training respectively.
with standard deviation 0.82. On the basis of the
However, average duration of training of the
number of family members, the respondent
above mentioned farmers were 3.92 d.
farmers were classified into three categories
namely: small, medium and large. Data show that

Duck farming in Rajshahi region

Annual income depending on ventilation facilities the farm houses

were classified into two categories namely:
Annual income of the respondent farmers ranged
sufficient and insufficient ventilation. From the
from Tk. 60000 to Tk. 360000. The mean annual
data furnished in Table 2 it was seen that most of
income of the farmers was Tk. 205000 with
the duck (74%) houses had sufficient ventilation.
standard deviation Tk. 74010. Depending on the
The ventilation facilities of rest of the duck houses
level of income, the farmers were classified into
were insufficient (26%).
three categories namely: low, medium and high
income. From Table 1 it is seen that most of the Feeding management
farmers (57%) were medium income group
followed by low (32%) and high (11%) income Feeding management is the most important factor
group. in duck farming. Because, feed cost is the highest
cost among all other production costs. Efficient
Duck housing system in the study area are management in feeding duck saves production
described below: cost that increases net return from duck farm.
Type of house However, feeding management is described in the
following sub-section.
In duck farming, proper housing is an important thing.
Houses protect duck from bad weather and predator Sources of feed
animals. In the study area, mainly three types of duck
There were two sources of feed considered for
houses were found which are shown in Table 2. From
feeding ducks in the study area. These were:
the table, it is evident that most of the houses were
natural (scavenging) and supplemental feed.
tin-shed (74%) followed by bamboo-straw made
Supplemental feed was produced by the farmers
(15%) and soil made (11%). Rahman et al. (2009)
themselves or collected by the farmers from the
found almost similar result regarding type of duck
market. Duck farmers collected various feed
houses in coastal region of Noakhali and Lakshimpur
ingredients (paddy, wheat bran, broken rice, rice
district of Bangladesh. This might be the due to the fact
polish etc.) and prepared a mixed feed in their
that tin-shed houses are permanent and long lasting.
farm premises. The respondent farmers opined
Cost involvement is not so high. So, most of the
that in mixed feed system they were confirmed
participant farmers were encouraged to make low cost
that all the feed ingredients and nutrients were
shelter for their ducks. Another reason was that the
present in mixed feed. But in scavenging feeding
tin-shed houses are more secured and hygienic for
system they were not sure about the presence of
all nutrients in required proportion. However,
Floor space for ducks most of the farmers (74%) gave supplementary
feed to their ducks (Table 3). The rest 26%
Floor space is an important factor for duck farming. farmers depended only on natural feed. Rahman
Higher stocking density hampers growth et al. (2009) observed somewhat different result
performance of poultry (Mendes et al. 2004). The on feed supplementation. They showed that
standard floor space for ducks is 1.5–2.0 square 61.5% farmers gave supplementary feed
feet. On the basis of standard floor space the (additional feed) to their ducks in the coastal
respondents were classified into two categories areas. The reason might be that coastal region is
namely: sufficient and insufficient (Table 2). In the a good source of natural feed on which a
study area most of the farmers ensured sufficient considerable portion of farmers (38%) were
floor space (75%) for their ducks. Only 25% farmers depended.
did not maintain standard floor space due to poor
knowledge and management inefficiency in duck Quantity of feed
Quantity of feed is very important factor in duck
Ventilation in duck house farm management because sufficient feed is
required for optimum growth. On the other hand,
Ventilation permits natural air and light in the misuse of feed increases production cost. So,
duck houses that enhance growth of duck. It standard amount of feed should be supplied
should be used as a major management tool to regularly. The amount of feed per duck per day
provide the optimum healthy environment for depends on age. It starts from 20-30 gram feed (at
duck. Due to lack of testing facilities with modern the age 1st week) d which increases gradually to
equipments, natural ventilation (sufficient air 110–130 gram feed per duck per day after laying
movement) was observed by open eyes. However, commences. Depending on the quantity of feed

Alam et al. (2012) Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 41 (2): 96- 105

supplied by the farmers to their ducks daily, the diseased duck is separated at once from the flock
feed sufficiency was recorded. Table 3 represents and proper care is taken then the whole farm will be
the feed sufficiency in duck farms under study. protected from contagious diseases. All duck farms
From the table, it is illustrated that most of the should maintain this rule strictly. But slight deviation
farmers (71%) supplied sufficient feed to their of this rule was found in the study area. Table 5
ducks. Only 29% farmers did not supply sufficient indicates that majority of the farmers (73%)
feed. This might be due to lack of proper followed this rule. Only 17% farmers did not
knowledge about duck farming. Another reason separate their diseased ducks from the healthy
might be that these farmers had a tendency to ones. The rest 10% farmers utilized their diseased
earn more profit with minimum cost. ducks for domestic consumption.

Use of feed ingredients Disposal of dead ducks

Good quality feed ensures optimum growth. Use Deaths of ducks are normal phenomena in duck farm.
of various feed ingredients improves the quality of Dead duck should be disposed of very carefully. It is a
feed. Table 3 represents the use of feed common practice to burry or burns the dead duck.
ingredients in the ration of duck. From the table it During burning bad smell is spread out. For this
is illustrated that most of the farmers (64%) reason, the system of burying the dead duck is widely
supplied mixed feed to their ducks followed by used. In most cases (89%), this principle was
paddy (20%) and wheat and paddy alone (16%). followed in the study area (Table 5). But 11% farmers
This might be due to lack of proper knowledge of the study area did not follow this rule. They threw
about feeding management in duck farming. away the dead ducks outside. The reason is the lack
of proper knowledge. The lack of awareness on the
Type of breed used in duck farm impact of throwing dead birds elsewhere might be a
Type of breed used in the duck farm is shown in reason.
Table 4. The table indicates that most of the farmers
Table 1. Socio-economic profile of the participant
reared Deshi duck (65%) followed by Khaki
Campbell (23%) and Jinding (12%) in their farms.
Some farmers collected day-old ducklings from Characteristics Category % Mean
dealers who are agents of various hatcheries while Young (up-to 35) 60
Age (year) Middle-aged (36-50) 34
some other produced duckling in their houses. ±8.94
Old (Above 50) 6
Highest availability of Deshi duck all over
Education Primary (1-5) 23
Bangladesh excepting Haor Area (Netrokona, 7.40
(schooling Secondary (6-10) 69
Kishoreganj and Sunamganj district) was reported ±3.05
year) > secondary (>10) 8
by Department of Fisheries and Livestock Small (Up-to 4) 57
Information in June 2011. Family 4.53
Medium (5-6) 31
size(no.) ±0.82
Large (Above 6) 12
Cleaning of farm house Agriculture 32
Service 5
Regular cleaning is a part and parcel of duck farm Occupation --
Business 13
management. Regular cleaning protects the farm Farming 50
houses from outbreak of disease. It also keeps Married 68
the farm environment healthy. Table 5 represents Unmarried 17
Marital status --
the cleaning practices followed in the farm houses Divorced 13
of the study area. From the table, it is found that Others 2
most of the farmers (70%) cleaned their farm Landless (upto-0.02) 0
Marginal (0.0210.20) 75
houses regularly. On the other hand, 21% Farm size 0.18
Small (0.21-1.00) 15
farmers did not clean their farms regularly. A few (hectare) ±0.24
Medium (1.01-3.00) 10
portions of farmers (9%) never cleaned their farm
Large (Above 3.00) 0
houses. Irregular cleaning and failure to cleaning No training 58
might be due to lack of knowledge and/or a sort Short (1-7) 22 3.92
of negligency. Training (day)
Moderate (8-15) 17 7.28
Long (> 15) 3
Disposal of diseased ducks Low (60-106) 32
Annual 205000
Medium (107-150) 57
Disease may occur at any time in any duck farm, so income (Tk.) ±74010
High (151-360) 11
disposal of diseased duck is very important. If

Duck farming in Rajshahi region

Farmers’ Idea about duck disease note that a few numbers of farmers (10%) were
very much reluctant in maintaining vaccination
The level of idea of the respondent farmers about
program. They never use vaccine in their farms.
duck diseases is shown in Table 5. The data
This might due to the fact that they have no
contained in the table indicate that major portion
training on poultry farming.
of the farmers (67%) had partial idea about duck
diseases. On the other hand, 33% farmers had Veterinary services during disease outbreak
clear idea about duck diseases. The reason behind
it is lack of training facilities for the farmers. When disease occurs in the farm, the duck
farmers have to need services from veterinary
Vaccination program followed in duck farm doctors. But in the study area most of the farmers
(71%) took veterinary services from village doctor
Prevention is better than cure. This popular
(Table 5). Only 18% farmers consulted directly
principle is mostly used in duck farms. All the
with veterinary doctors for the treatment of their
duck farmers have to follow strictly a vaccination
diseased ducks. There were some farmers who
schedule. Vaccination protects the birds from
never consulted with doctor (11%) for medication
diseases and saves production cost. The
of their diseased ducks. The reason might be that
information collected on vaccination program
for consultation with veterinary doctor the farmers
followed by the respondent farmers is shown in
had to come at upazila veterinary hospital and
Table 5. From the table it is evident that about
pay fee to the doctors, which was costly. In
72% farmers vaccinated their ducks regularly. On
addition, it is also time consuming for them.
the other hand, 18% farmers did not follow
vaccination program regularly. It is interesting to

Table 2. Duck housing system

Bagmara (n=50) Tanore (n=50) Mean (n=100)

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Percent
Tin-shed 36 72 38 76 74
Bamboo-straw made 8 16 7 14 15
Soil and others made 6 12 5 10 11
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Floor space
Sufficient 38 76 37 74 75
Insufficient 12 24 13 26 25
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Sufficient 38 76 36 72 74
Insufficient 12 24 14 28 26
Total 50 100 50 100 100

Table 3. Duck feeding management

Bagmara (n=50) Tanore (n=50) Mean (n=100)

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Percent
Sources of feed
Only Scavenging 12 24 14 28 26
Scavenging and supplementation 38 76 36 72 74
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Quantity of feed
Sufficient 33 66 38 76 71
Insufficient 17 34 12 24 29
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Feed Ingredients
Paddy 11 22 9 18 20
Wheat + paddy 9 18 7 14 16
Mixed feed 30 60 34 68 64
Total 50 100 50 100 100

Alam et al. (2012) Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 41 (2): 96- 105

Knowledge about duck farming diseases than chicken. Mahmud (1998) reported
lower price of duck meat and egg, lack of credit,
The level of knowledge of farmers about duck
scarcity of feed in dry season, lack of proper
farming is shown in Table 6. Depending on
treatment and medicine etc. were serious problem
obtained score of knowledge, the participant
in duck farming in Haor region of Bangladesh.
farmers were classified into three categories
namely: low, medium and high level of
Suggestions for solving the problems
knowledge. Data presented in Table 6 show that
the highest proportion of farmers had low (50%) To overcome the existing problems in duck
knowledge followed by medium (32%) and high farming and to make this business more profitable
(18%) level of knowledge about duck farming. some suggestions were made based on the
The mean score of knowledge was 56.08 with comments of the respondent farmers, duck
standard deviation 6.53 in the study area. Lack of related businessmen and livestock experts. The
sufficient training facilities might be the reason for suggestions were:
highest proportion of the farmers having low
knowledge about duck farming. 1) To reduce feed price

Table 4. Type of breed used in duck farm Duck farming is one of the potential components
of poultry industry in Bangladesh. So, for the
Breed Bagmara Tanore Mean national interest, the government should provide
(n=50) (n=50) (n=100) financial support to the farmers. Since most of the
Freq. % Freq. % % farmers complained about higher price of feed and
Deshi 33 66 32 64 65 day-old-chicks, the government intervention is
KC 10 20 13 26 23 needed to stable the market of production inputs
Zinding 7 14 5 10 12 in the study area. Good number of feed mills and
Total 50 100 50 100 100 hatcheries from where poultry farmers can
KC, Khaki Campbell purchase feed and chicks with reasonable price
should be established through government and
Problems in Duck Farming non-government initiatives.

On the basis of total weighted score these 2) Maintaining stability in the market price
problems were finally ranked as, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Low price of meat and egg and its frequent
and so on problem respectively out of 10. Lower
fluctuations discourage the duck farmers and the
price of duck egg and meat (1st problem), higher
related businessmen. Price stabilization should be
price of feed (2nd problem) and lack of training
ensured for the producers and other stakeholders.
(3rd problem) were found to be the three main
The smuggling of eggs from neighboring country
problems in duck farming in the study area (Table
should be strictly prohibited for the interest of
7). Most of the farmers (85%) opined that lower
thousands of duck farmers.
price of duck products (meat and egg) greatly
affect profit margin from duck farming and they 3) Providing regular training for the farmers
ranked this problem as 1st out of 10 selected
problems. Rahman (2009) also observed higher Since most of the farmers had low technical
price of feed and lower price of duck meat and knowledge about duck farming, intensive training
egg as vital problems in coastal area. About 77% on farm management, duck diseases and its
and 75% farmers identified that higher price of control should be provided by Department of
feed and lack of training respectively as very Livestock Services. So, short training programs on
serious problems for their business. Outbreak of these topics may be arranged by government and
disease, inadequate veterinary services, irregular non-government authority. If training is provided
supply of duckling, lack of sufficient capital price properly, good management will be ensured that
fluctuation of duck egg, problem of theft, and will make duck farming more profitable.
environment pollution were other important
problems which were ranked as 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 4) Ensuring veterinary services
8th, 9th and 10th problems respectively out of 10. In order to provide necessary veterinary services
Though it was observed that outbreak of disease to the duck farmers, the government should
is an important problem in poultry sector establish new veterinary care centers with
especially in chicken farming (Roy 2000) but duck adequate machineries, vaccines, medicines and
farmers of the study area ranked it as technical staffs, so that they can provide free
comparatively less serious problem (4th), because veterinary services to the farmers.
ducks are comparatively more resistant to

Duck farming in Rajshahi region

Table 5. Prevention and control of diseases in farm house

Bagmara (n=50) Tanore (n=50) Mean (n=100)

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Percent
Cleaning practice
Regular 34 68 36 72 70
Irregular 10 20 11 22 21
Not at all 6 12 3 6 9
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Diseased ducks
Separation and treatment 35 70 38 76 73
No separation 9 18 8 16 17
Consumed 6 12 4 8 10
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Dead birds
Buried 46 92 43 86 89
Thrown away 4 8 7 14 11
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Idea about disease
Clear idea 15 30 18 36 33
Partial idea 35 70 32 64 67
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Regular 34 68 38 76 72
Irregular 10 20 8 16 18
Not at all 6 12 4 8 10
Total 50 100 50 100 100
Veterinary services
Veterinary doctor 10 20 8 16 18
Village doctor 34 68 37 74 71
No consultation 6 12 5 10 11
Total 50 100 50 100 100

Table 6. Knowledge level of farmers about duck farming

Knowledge level Bagmara(n=50) Tanore(n=50) Mean(n=100)
Frequency Mean±SD Frequency Mean±SD Frequency Mean±SD
Low-40-50 24(48) 56.86±6.61 26(52) 55.31±6.45 50(50) 56.08±6.53
Medium-51-60 18(36) 14(28) 32(32)
High-61-70 8(16) 10(20) 18(18)
Total 50(100) 50(100) 100(100)
Figures in parenthesis indicate the percentage values

Table 7. Problems faced by duck farmers

Problems Intensity of problems Total score Rank order
High(3) Medium(2) Low(1)
Lack of sufficient capital 56(56) 27(27) 17(17) 239 7th
High price of feed 77(77) 13(13) 10(10) 267 2nd
Low price of duck egg and meat 85(85) 15(15) 00(00) 285 1st
Outbreak of disease 55(55) 45(45) 00(00) 255 4th
Inadequate veterinary services 67(67) 20(20) 13(13) 254 5th
Lack of training 75(75) 15(15) 10(10) 265 3rd
Irregular supply of duckling 55(55) 38(38) 7(7) 248 6th
Price fluctuation of duck egg 30(30) 50(50) 20(20) 210 8th
Problem of theft 28(28) 47(47) 25(25) 203 9th
Pollution of environment 17(17) 20(20) 63(63) 154 10th
Figures in parenthesis indicate the percentage values

Alam et al. (2012) Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 41 (2): 96- 105

5) Regular supply of ducklings the local Livestock Department or Non-

government Organizations (NGOs) take initiatives
In case of non-availability of ducklings at the time
for intensive training for the farmers then their
of need, proper steps should be taken by the
management efficiency will be increased to a
government to give incentives to private
greater extent which can make duck farming a
hatcheries to continue their production and supply
profitable enterprise in Bangladesh.
of ducklings throughout the country.

6) Sufficient credit supply References

To solve the insufficiency of working capital, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) (2001).
government and private banks and other financial Bangladesh Population Census Report 2001:
institutions should grant credit to the duck Community Series: Zila Rajshahi. Planning
farmers and related businessmen on easy terms Div., Ministry of Planning, Government of
and conditions. This type of financial support will the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
help the farmers and other stakeholders to P. 61–62.
expand their business. The respondent farmers Department of Fisheries and Livestock
will be able to buy modern equipments and make Information, Annual Livestock Compilation,
better housing facilities for their birds. June (2011). Dhaka: Ministry of Fisheries
and Livestock, Government of the Peoples’
7) Prevention and control of diseases Republic of Bangladesh. P. 102–111.
Finance Division, Bangladesh Economic Review
Since disease infestation appeared to be severe
(2010). Ministry of Finance, Government of
problem causing mortality of ducks, necessary
the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
preventive measures should be taken thorough
P. 92–93.
vaccination program. All types of duck vaccines
Mahmud, MAA (1998). An Economic Analysis of
should be made available at the door steps of the
Duck Raising in Some Selected Haor Areas
farmers. Preparation of duck vaccines is not so
of Kishorganj District. MS Thesis, Dept.
costly for the government. So, government can
Agril. Econ. Bang. Agril. Univ. Mymensingh,
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J (2004). Effect of Stocking Densities and
Season on Growth Performance,
Socio-economic profile of the respondent duck Environmental and Thermoregulatory
farmers and management practices followed in Parameters and Carcass Yield of Broiler
duck farming were the main focus of the present Chicken, Proc. Worl. Poult. Congr., 8–13
study. Most of the farmers were young having June 2004, Istanbul Convention Exhibition
small family size with secondary level of Centre, Istanbul, Turkey.
education. Fifty per cent of the farmers had duck Mozumdar L, Farid KS, Ahmed JU and Rahman
farming as their main business. Majority of the MW (2009). Broiler Farming: An Approach to
respondent were marginal farmers having a Improve Rural Livelihood. J. Bangladesh
medium level of annual income. The overall Agril. Univ. 7: 395–402.
management practices were good in both Pingel Heinz (2011). Waterfowl Production for
Bagmara and Tanore upazila. Most of the farmers Food Security. Lohman Information. 46: 34–
have made comparatively low cost but durable 37.
tin-shed houses for their ducks. Majority of the Rahman MM, Khan MJ, Chowdhury SD and Akbar
farmers ensured sufficient floor space, proper MA (2009). Duck Rearing System in
ventilation, and required feed for their ducks. At Southern Coastal District of Bangladesh.
the same time most of the farmers with partial Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 38: 132–141.
idea about duck disease maintained cleaned Roy BC (2000). Identification of Constraints of
atmosphere and followed regular vaccination Raising Broiler of Small Flock Size and
program in their farm houses. It was found that Determination of their Remadial Measures.
highest proportion of the farmers disposed off MS Thesis, Dept. of Poultry Sci., Bang. Agri.
their diseased/dead birds correctly. However, the Univ., Mymensingh, Bangladesh. P. 34–50.
findings of the present research indicate that duck
farming has a great potentiality in this region. If


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