JSA-Road Crossing of 6'' Pipeline
JSA-Road Crossing of 6'' Pipeline
JSA-Road Crossing of 6'' Pipeline
Task: Road Crossing of 6’’ Pipeline along ROW KP 1,3, 5 Issuer: Ghaith YOUNSI
-Non-qualified employees -Provide the qualification documents for the employees, which
1- Work Organization
related to lifting, lowering, laying operation
-No adequate and sufficient
supervision -Provide sufficient and adequate supervision
2-Mobilize equipment -Equipment operators shall use a banksman when they have
an obstructed view to rear
-Contact with hot material -Burning torch shall be fitted with safety handle
5-Coating -Chemical substance
-Heat -Do not use lighters, special ignition tools to be provided
-Good housekeeping
6-Pipe check: Use of holiday detector -Electricity -Only qualified person to perform the task
-Ensure banksman
7- Excavate or Trench -Falling objects -Good open trench signalization (Proper sign / warning notice
shall be used to delineate the edge of excavation).
-Inspection by Competent Person following rainstorm
-Open Trench
-Proper access -ladder / stairway/ ramp