Celpip Task 7

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CELPIP Speaking


Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking

This task could be really interesting and not very hard for most of you.
Because here, you need to talk about your point of view on the question.
There is no right or wrong answer. You have to give your personal opinion,
but at the same time, your speech should be consistent.

This task carries within itself a social Canadian issue, so you have to be
competent enough and also have an ability to express your opinion. It
doesn’t mean you need to be great in the topics of this task, try to be
great in your speaking.

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
Okay, first of all, think of the question and decide you agree or disagree
with it. Then explain reasons behind your opinion in a logical way, give
some examples or details
“Personally, I think…”
“As far as I’m concerned, I really think that…”
“I strongly believe that…”
“In my opinion…”
“I completely agree/disagree with the statement that…”
“First / second / moreover / in addition / besides / finally…”
“For these reasons I think that…”
“That’s mainly why I think…”
“These are the main reasons why I think that…”
“That’s what I think about this question.”
So, start your response with declaring whether your answer is yes”
or “no” for the question, describe your opinion and make some
conclusion at the and by using those patterns above.
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
Doubtless, I’m going to help you to become more confident in this part of the test by
giving frequent topics and general key answers for them. Here we go.

Frequent subjects:
✓ Job or work
✓ Social matter (involvement, volunteering, pollution)
✓ School and education (futuristic advice, prospect, perspective)
✓ Relationships with people
✓ Family (parents, children, marriage)
✓ Health and wellness
✓ Finance and money issue (bank loan, salary decrease, money management)
✓ Direction (public transportation, how to get there)
✓ Hardship (mistake, damage, loss)

So, try to think about and complete your answers on those topics. Also try to make
them more general to use them on your official test.

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
Okay, here I’m giving you my key answers or examples.

If the question is about “How do you think, is that good if …

/ someone wants to do something
/ someone has his opinion or habits
/ someone wants to change something, etc.” you can use the next idea, or general phrases,
“I can’t completely agree or disagree with this statement because, in my opinion, it depends on
every individual person and every individual situation.

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
Okay, here I’m giving you my key answers or examples.

If someone/family/this company/society/ wants to … if it’s legal, that’s okay. Go ahead!

Fortunately, we live in a free country with the responsible government and nice people. And I
strongly believe that everyone has to be peaceful, polite to each other.

I think, no one has the right to press or push you, burst into your personal private life and tell you
what to do or how to live if you don’t ask them about it or let them to do that. You can live your
life that way you want if it doesn’t violate the law, for sure.

Try to abstain from people who are judging you, or force you, who isn’t a nice person. And also
try to be better for others

I’m sure, that we have to live in a harmony with nature, community, in a harmony and love with
each other. And then our life will be much more successful and happy and easy. It’s your life and
only you are responsible for it. Don’t let anybody destroy your life.
More love, people!

That’s what I think about this question.”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about a company and employee.
“As far as I’m concerned, I really think that every company, every employer
has to care about their employees.
Everyone wants to work happily, in a harmony with co-workers, with
management and with a boss. And everyone wants to be heard and

So, in my opinion, if you are a manager, the best way to improve productivity is
to create excellent friendly atmosphere for your workers. Have meetings with
your employees and hear their needs. Forbid any negativity in your office. And
please, never control, or press, or force your employees.

Because, nobody will work efficiently under pressure, with no energy and
passion about the work. Instead, give them tons of motivation and then you
get high productivity, happy workers and the best company.
That’s my point of view about this type of the question.”
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about an unpleasant work.

“Most people I know hate their jobs. Many of them believe it’s meaningless,
mechanical, monotonous, moronic work. And these are not
good thoughts. These are soul destroying thoughts.

The more you think about negative things, problems all the time, the more
negative stuff you attract into your life.

So, at first, what you want to do is just try to do your work the best. Focus on
yourself and your clients, give your clients and your company the best help.
Forbid any negativity in your office.
Turn this process to another level, look at the situation and think… Maybe it’s a
springboard to change something or to change your company or job.
That’s what I think about this question.”
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about working at the retirement age.

“In my opinion, there are not any reasons to keep working people who are by
the retirement age. Definitely, they have a good experience, but I think, now it’s
less important than the modern knowledge that young employees can bring.

Our modern society needs more enthusiastic people, energetic people, people
who can communicate with intelligence and passion, who can create new
technologies, who can build teams and use the newest knowledge.

But, on the other hand, we don’t want to throw out any employee because of
their age and replace them with a younger one. Many people enjoy working
longer or they simply need to work. I think we have to find suitable ways to
support and help them.
That’s my point of view on this type of the question.”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about additional holidays.
“I absolutely agree with the statement that people need more holidays.
Doubtless, who doesn’t like holidays?

There is sound psychological advice that the more we work hard – the
more we have to rest. Our brain needs to rest, our body needs to relax and our
soul needs to refresh.

These days most people work full-time jobs, very often they have overtime jobs
and it’s really stressful. That’s why there are so many people with depression,
with different kind of diseases or other troubles.

Some people have to carve out high-quality family or personal time because of
their jobs. So, I think holidays are the best time to spend with your family and
friends, to have a good talk and enjoyment.
That’s what I think about this type of the question. ”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about salary increasing.
“We always want to have more, to get more things, more money, bigger
house and so on. And everyone wants to earn a good living.

In general, the more salary increase – the more expensive life becomes;
the higher prices.

On the other hand, decreasing salary is not good for the population.
Nobody wants to be poor and get a low payment for high-quality work.

So, in my opinion, the solution is that we have to improve and grow in

things what we do. Always try to invest in yourself, take courses, study
more, get a degree, or at least, read more and learn by yourself. Be a
champion in your career. And then you can easily find a super, high-
income job. Then you will succeed.
That’s my point of view on this type of the question.”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about money management.
“We always want to have more, to get more things, more money, a bigger
house and so on. Probably we earn a good living, but at the end of the month
we have no money left, we can’t let us buy something that we really want and
we feel unhappy.

The reason is – we don’t know how to manage our money. A big part of
our budget goes to our liabilities: credits, mortgage and so on. We have to
think about how to get rid of it faster or learn how to operate our income in the
right way.

The simplest way, in my mind, is we need to simplify our life and start enjoying
it. For example, if you want to go on vacation somewhere, you want to plan it
and try to allocate money for your trip. Take, let’s say, 10% from each of your
paychecks and set aside. Then, after a while, you will enjoy your vacation time!
That’s what I think about this question.”
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about your job vs. your family.

“We always want to have more, to get more things, more money, a bigger
house and so on. We want to be more successful in life, we work harder
and just get more fear and stress instead of happiness.

Some people have to curve out high-quality family or personal time

because of their jobs. I think it’s not normal. Of course, you need to work to
earn a living but don’t let your job to own you. Simplify your life, spend
more time with your family and people you love, be happy with your job
and try to make happy people around you. That’s the real life.

Don’t try to get more and become depressed, don’t destroy the
relationships with your family, put your happiness in the first place and
then your work.
That’s my point of view on this type of the question.”
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about relationships between parents and children.
“I cannot completely agree or disagree with the statement that parents have the
right to tell their children how to live, because I think, it depends on every
individual person and every individual situation.

What I really believe is that parents have to support their children, appreciate their
choice and become the best friends for them during all life. Your parents are the
closest people for you, they are your family. We need to support each other, help
each other and always love.

Definitely, your mother and father can give you advice or tell you their point of
view on your own life, but only you decide whether to accept it or not. Only you are
responsible for your future and for your life. And I absolutely admit that there can’t
be any businesses between those people. Only love and care.
That’s what I think about this question.”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about the education system.

“What I really believe is that we have to change our education. I’m not
suggesting that we have to throw out everything that schools do now, but
I’m suggesting we have to try different things and look what works.
Now, our schools are focusing on tests and they are preparing people for
more school, not for real life.
We’re not living in 19-th or 20-th century anymore. We’re not preparing
kids for factories now. We need kids and adults who can communicate,
who can stand up in front of a group and communicate with intelligence
and passion. People who can create things, who can build teams, who are
experts and leaders, who know how to find knowledge and use it. Not just
memorize things and take tests.
We need education that is focusing on the human being and prepare
people for real life.
That’s my point of view on this type of the question.”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about health and weight loss.
“We have to live a healthy life. I think that the most diseases we have today are
because of our poor diet and low activity. And that’s not only my opinion. There are
many scientific researches about this.

Consumption of sugary food and drinks, fast food, trans fats, all of that junk stuff is
not healthy and helpful for our bodies. We are limited in good macro- and
micronutrients. That’s why there are so many overweight people, diabetic people
and allergic people. That’s why we have high risk of cancer and heart attack.

Let us consider another very important factor – movement. Our bodies like moving,
running and doing lots of exercises. We have to be more active, more energetic.

So, we should eat healthy and clean food, add more fresh vegetables and fruits to
our meal, consume good portions of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and
unsaturated fat. And, of course, increase our active life.
That’s what I think about this question.”
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about connecting between people in social media.
“We cannot live for ourselves alone. A thousand fibers connect us with our
fellow men.
Connection is very important for us. And in these days, we have many
opportunities to connect with people all over the world. We’ve gotten a chance to
find more new friends online. And that’s great!

In modern society, many people are very busy; it becomes really hard to find good
friends in real life.

But there are the internet, forums and social networks. Yes, you cannot hug your
friend on the other side of the display, but you can have a real person to
communicate with and share emotions. And who knows, maybe some days you will
meet face-to-face.
That’s my point of view about this type of question.”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about taking pictures of celebrities by paparazzi.
“On the one hand, some celebrities like to be conspicuous all the time, even if
they swear and yell at a photographer.
On the other hand, I think nobody has a right to burst into your private
personal life if you don’t ask them or let them to do that.
Famous stars are humans as well. They also need to relax after their hard
work and tours. They also want to spend time with their families and
So, in my opinion, we have to be polite to them, understand their feelings,
and let them live their own lives. Obviously, we see what happened with
princess Diana and her friend where they were trying to run away from the
paparazzi. Isn’t it too high price for one picture? I think journalists have to
learn from that lesson.
In modern society, when we become hyper-competitive we may lose touch
with honor, decency, and humanity, and we almost always lose touch with
each other.
That’s my point of view about this type of the question.”
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about the economy and ecology.
“We are destroying the planet Earth, because we are consuming too
Our economies are too big, our population is too big, our companies are
too big. Our planet is being destroyed. We have many environmental
problems, such as big population, global warming, climate changing,
pollution, and so on. We have to do something to protect the planet
Earth. We need smaller economies, more local economies, more green

We all know that people are suffering everywhere in the world because
of bad ecology. Why the ecology becomes bad? Oh, it’s just because our
economy and people consume too much: water, green forests, and many
other natural resources. We are polluting our planet.

I think we must do something on an economic and government level.

That’s my point of view about this type of question.”
Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250
CELPIP Speaking
If the question is about free transportation.
“In my opinion, if the government can implement free public transportation for its
population - that would be great.
What I really believe is that the transportation should be free for people with special
needs (because we don’t want to lose touch with humanity), for retired people (because
they deserve it), and for children (because they are our future and they can’t earn a
On the other hand, I think the transportation can’t be free. There are some
First, because the transport infrastructure is hyper expensive and takes a long time to
Second, providing free transportation would be a huge part of the budget. And the
government needs to manage many other important services.
That’s what I think on this type of question.”
Now, I would like to show you how you can remake this text for another similar
question. For example, if the question is about free education, you can use the same
text, but just replace a few phrases (that’s the main idea I’m trying to deliver for you).
“In my opinion, if the government can implement free education for its population - that
would be great.

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking
What I really believe is that education should be free for people with special
needs (because we don’t want to lose touch with humanity), for talented people
(because they deserve it), and for smart students from low income families
(because we have to give them a chance).
On the other hand, I think the education can’t be free. There are some reasons:
First, because the education infrastructure is hyper expensive and takes a long
time to build.
Second, providing free education would be a huge part of the budget. And the
government needs to manage many other important services.
That’s what I think about this type of question.”

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

CELPIP Speaking

As you have probably noticed, I often used the same or similar

phrases and sentences in many answers for different questions.
That’s because I wanted to show you that the answers may be
general and fit well for many topics. That’s the point.

So, I gave you my version, my point of view about those

questions. Of course, you can agree or disagree with me, or have
your own thoughts. So, think about it, make your speech/answers
or supplement my examples with your ideas and details.

Daljeet Singh @ 98149-27250

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