Earned Value CheatSheet

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Earned Value ChetSheet

Basics Calculation Comments

PV The planned time-phased value of the work MS Project: BCWS – Budgeted cost of the work scheduled
that is scheduled
EV Earned value is simply percent complete EV = % Complete MS Project: BCWP – Budgeted cost of the work performed
times its budgeted cost of the work * PV
AC Actual cost of the work completed MS Project: ACWP – Actual cost of the work performed
BAC The total planned value of the project Budgeted cost at completion
CV Cost variance adjusted budget costs to the CV = EV - AC Negative number indicates over budget. Positive number indicates under budget. Need to
actual spent costs know % over budget to indicate magnitude.
CPI Cost performance index is a measure of cost CPI = EV / AC A value less than 1 indicates a cost overrun. A value greater than 1 indicates cost savings.
efficiency on a project CPI = .90 means “we are only earning 90 cents of planned work for each dollar spent.”
Found on the EV Cost Indicators Table in MS Project.
TCPI To complete performance index TCPI = The amount of value each remaining dollar must earn for the project to stay within budget.
(BAC - EV) / A number greater than 1 means there is more work than there is budget left. A number less
(BAC - AC) than 1 means there is less work than there is budget left. Found on the EV Cost Indicators
Table in MS Project.
SV Schedule variance: How much work that has SV = EV - PV Negative number indicates work that was suppose to be done at this time has not been done.
been done compared with how much should Positive number indicates work that was not suppose to be done by this time has been
have done at this point in time accomplished. SV = -1,000 means $1,000 worth of work that was scheduled to be done at
this time has not been accomplished.
SPI Schedule performance index is a measure of SPI = EV / PV A value less than 1 indicates that work on the project is behind schedule. A value greater
schedule efficiency on a project than 1 indicates work on the ahead of schedule. SPI = 1.10 means “$1.10 worth of work has
been accomplished for each $1 worth of scheduled work.” Found at MS EV Schedule
Indicators Table.
Critical Path Look at current activity on the critical path or Compare the planned early start of most recent critical activity with the actual start.
most recent milestone to see if it is on Alternative compare most recent milestone date and actual milestone date.
PCIB Percent complete in terms of budget PCIB = EV / BAC What percentage of work has been completed to date based on planned budget. A good
indicator of how much of the project has been completed. Not available in MS Project.
PCIC Percent complete in terms of expected costs PCIC = AC / What percentage of work has been completed to date based on revised estimates of total
EACe project costs. Preferred when you have confidence in revised estimates and or budget is not
fixed. Not available in MS Project.
EACf Forecasted estimate cost at completion EACf = Gray & Larson refer to this as FAC or EACf. If we continue to earn ?? (CPI) on the project,
AC + [(BAC - how much will the total cost be? Reliability increases as PCIB or PCIC increases.
EV) / CPI]
EACe Revised estimate cost at completion EACe = AC + ETC equals the revised estimates for remaining work. Only valid if revised estimates have
ETC been entered.
VAC Forecasted cost variance VAC = BAC - Positive number indicates that the project will be completed under budget. A negative
EACf number suggests that it will be completed over budget. Gray & Larson refer to it as VACf.
Preferred on large projects and when it is not practical to obtain valid revised estimates.
VACe Revised estimate cost variance VACe = BAC - EACe Positive number indicates that the project will be completed under budget. A negative number suggests
that it will be completed over budget.

Extracted from Gray & Larson, “Project Management – The Managerial Process”, Teachers Manual, 4e, 2008 LB

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