Cell Structure & Function Objectives

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Cell Structure & Function

1. Explain the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and be able to
distinguish each type under the microscope.
2. Compare and contrast animal and plant cells and be able to distinguish each type
under the microscope.
3. Identify the following structures on the slides and explain the functions of each:
plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, cell wall, and plastids
(including chloroplasts and amyloplasts).
4. Examine the diversity in cell size and shape.
5. Properly prepare and view wet mount slides under the microscope.


In today’s lab you will be examining a variety of different cell types using the compound
microscope. All cells have certain common features, including a fluid-filled cytoplasm
surrounded by a plasma membrane, DNA (genetic material) and ribosomes (for protein
synthesis). Some cells, including the prokaryotes, fungi, plants, and certain protists, also
have a cell wall that lies outside the plasma membrane and functions in protection and
structural support.

Biologists recognize two major categories of cell types – the prokaryotes and the
eukaryotes. Prokaryotes lack a membrane-bound nucleus, have few or no organelles and
are smaller than eukaryotes. Prokaryotes include organisms in the Domains Bacteria and
Archaea. Organisms in Domain Eukarya (protists, plants, fungi and animals) have
eukaryotic cells. These cells have a membrane-bound nucleus that houses their DNA and
contain extensive internal organelles (“little organs”) that perform specific functions. As
you complete this lab, note the size and structural differences between the prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells you observe.

A tremendous amount of diversity exists within each category of cells. Differences occur
in size, shape, and presence and number of various organelles and other structures. Each
cell’s structure correlates with its specific function. You will be examining several
different plant and animal cell types to explore eukaryotic cell diversity. Plant cells have
a cell wall composed of cellulose and a large central vacuole that stores water, pigments
and wastes. Various plastids are also present, which produce or store various products.
Chloroplasts perform photosynthesis, using light energy to produce carbohydrates.
Other plastids include the amyloplasts, which store starch. Animal cells lack cell walls,
plastids, and a central vacuole, but share many other common organelles with plants,
including mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and cytoskeleton.
Most of these shared structures will not be visible in the slides we examine today.
Plant Cells – Epidermal Leaf Peel

Prepare a leaf peel of Tradescantia or another available plant using the following
1. Obtain a clean slide and a cover slip.
2. Break off a portion of a plant leaf and make a small nick on bottom surface of the
leaf with a razor blade. Use forceps to gently pull up a portion of the epidermis.
(It should be very thin and mostly transparent).
3. Place the peeled leaf on the slide and add one drop of water to the surface.
4. Holding the cover slip at an angle on the edge of the drop of water, slowly lower
the cover slip down on top of the water. There should be minimal air bubbles if
done correctly.
5. Gently wipe the bottom of the slide before loading it on the microscope if any
water has escaped the cover slip.

Examine the leaf peel at scanning, low and high power. Note the shape of the cells, the
cell wall and the chloroplasts. What is the function of these structures?

You will also see paired, distinctly shaped cells known as guard cells scattered on the
surface of the leaf. Guard cells surround and control the opening of pores called stomata
(singular: stoma) on the leaf surface that allow gas exchange. Are the stomata on your
specimen open or closed? Can you see chloroplasts in the guard cells?

Using what you learned in the microscope handout, estimate the size of the plant cells
and record your estimate here _________________________.

Draw a few of the Tradescantia cells in the space below, labeling the cell wall,
cytoplasm, and chloroplasts.

Plant Cells – Potato

Potatoes are modified underground stems used for carbohydrate storage. Starch is stored
in organelles called amyloplasts, which will be visible under the microscope after
staining the potato with iodine.

Prepare a stained wet mount of a potato using the following method:

1. Obtain a clean slide and a cover slip.
2. Using a scalpel cut a very thin slice of a potato and place on the slide.

3. Add a drop of iodine solution and apply the cover slip as described above.

Examine the potato tissue at scanning, low and high power. Iodine stains the starch a
purple or blue-black color. Note the cell shape and the presence of amyloplasts. Estimate
the size of the potato cells. ___________________.

Are chloroplasts present? Why?

Draw a few potato cells in the space below, labeling the cell wall, cytoplasm, and

Animal Cells – Human Cheek Cells

The tissue that lines your cheeks contains multiple layers of flattened cells that are
constantly sloughing off as you eat and drink. The layered nature of these cells serves to
protect the underlying tissue against this abrasion. New cells are constantly being
produced in the lower layers to replace those that are lost.

Prepare a cheek smear slide of your own cells using the following method:
1. Obtain a clean slide and a cover slip.
2. Gently rub the inside of your cheek with a toothpick and smear the collected fluid
onto the slide. Discard the toothpick in the trash.
3. Add a drop of dilute methylene blue stain to the slide and cover with the cover

View the slide at scanning, low and high power. Note the cell shape, plasma membrane,
cytoplasm, and nucleus. Estimate the size of your cheek cells. ____________________.

Draw a few cheek cells in the space below, labeling the nucleus, plasma membrane and

**When you are finished with the cheek slide, place the cover slip in the glass disposal
and put the slide in the container of bleach at the instructor bench.**

Animal Cells – Neurons

Examine the prepared slide of neural tissue and note the large neurons. Neurons are the
primary cells of the nervous system. They communicate with each other via electrical
and chemical signals that are sent and received via cellular processes that project outward
from the main cell body.

Note the large cell bodies and the long, slender cellular processes of the neurons. Near
the center of each cell body is a spherical nucleus. Within the nucleus is a darkly stained
nucleolus. What is the function of this structure?

Estimate the width of the neuron cell body _______________________.

Surrounding the neurons are smaller, darkly stained support cells called glial cells.
Compare the size and shape of the neurons and the glial cells.

Draw your observations in the space below, labeling the neuron cell body, nucleus and
cellular processes.


Examine the prepared slide of bacteria. You will need to view the cells on high power.
Bacterial cells typically come in one of three shapes: spheres (coccus), rods (bacillus), or
spirals (spirillum). You will see all three shapes on your slide.

Note the size of the bacterial cells. How does it compare to the eukaryotic cells you
examined earlier?

Do these cells have nuclei?

Draw your observations in the space below.

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