Using of Medicinal Plants2016

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Pedroza-Escobar D1*, Sevilla-González MDLL1, Escobar-Ávila EAD2

and Serrano-Gallardo LB2
1 Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Sección de estudios de posgrado e investigación de la Escuela
Superior de Medicina.
2 Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Departamento de bioquímica y farmacología del Centro de
Investigación Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina Unidad Torreón,
Ciudad de México, México.
Email: [email protected]
Received-17.07.2016, Revised-29.07.2016
Abstract: The using of traditional medicine in the world is well recognized to treat different health problems, which is
evidenced by the variety of natural and plant products available on the market and the presence of markets specialized in
trading medicinal plants. The aim of this study was to interview a group of people living with HIV on using of medicinal
plants. Participants (n = 86) were grouped into those who frequently use medicinal plants (n = 51) and those who do not use
any type of complementary medicine (n = 35). We found that all study participants had used complementary therapies to
treat diseases before being diagnosed reactive to HIV, and a high proportion of these participants turn constantly to the using
of medicinal plants to supplement their anti retroviral treatment in order to maintain and improve their health and quality of

Keywords: Medicinal plants, People, HIV


I nfection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus

(HIV) remains a public health problem,
particularly for population groups that have been
This work took place in Mexico City, according to
the Helsinki declaration. A sample (n=86) of people
living with HIV were invited to participate in this
strategically identified as groups with high-risk study. All people reported being in anti-retroviral
practices among them: men who have sex with men treatment. Those who agreed to participate in this
work said they understood the purpose of the study
(MSM), transgender people (Trans), sex workers and
and signed the informed-consent, later a semi-
injecting drug users (UNAIDS,2016;, structured interview was performed, in which
2016). knowledge addressed was: a) Sexual and
When people living with HIV receive anti-retroviral reproductive health, b) Sexually transmitted
treatment, infection is not a problem that triggers infections, c) HIV and AIDS, d) Anti-retroviral
death in short time; that is, the life expectancy of therapy, and e) Using of alternative treatments.
people living with HIV on anti-retroviral treatment People were grouped into those who frequently use
increases. However access to treatment is limited for medicinal plants (n=51) and a group of people who
various reasons such as: economic resources, do not use any type of complementary medicine
treatment distribution strategies, diagnosis strategies, (n=35).
The systematization of qualitative information was
strategies incorporating those affected to health
based on the frequencies of the responses provided
services, retention strategies for affected people in
by the people. Statistical analysis was performed
health services, adherence-to-treatment strategies
using the X2 test and Binomial test to assess whether
among many other causes. For these reasons and
the frequencies of the people in both study groups
others, people living with HIV whether or not they
were produced with the same odds; Median test was
are on antiretroviral treatment, often used
performed to assess whether the medians of the
complementary remedies to maintain and improve
variables of both groups were equal, and the Mann -
their health and quality of life (Cho et al., 2006).
Whitney U test to assess whether the distribution of
The using of traditional medicine in the world is well
the variables is the same between the two study
recognized to treat various health problems, which is
groups. All tests with a significance level of p < 0.05
evidenced by the variety of natural and plant
A series of quantitative variables obtained from
products available on the market and the presence of
laboratory tests are also reported. ANOVA test was
markets specialized in trading medicinal plants. The
conducted to assess whether the means of the
aim of this study was to interview a group of people
variables were different, with a significance level of
living with HIV on using medicinal plants.
p < 0.05

*Corresponding Author
Journal of Plant Development Sciences Vol. 8 (7) : 311-314. 2016

RESULT AND DISCUSSION medicinal plant given the uncertainty of possible

interactions with conventional anti-retroviral
All study people reported having used treatment.
complementary therapies to treat their ailments at The main characteristics and laboratory variables of
some point in their lives, including plant remedies, the people were compared as shown in Table 2,
homeopathy, microdosis and bach flowers. They also differences among people who reported frequent
reported the combination of different treatments.
using of medicinal plants and who reported refrain
Focusing on the using of medicinal plants highlights
its popularity to complement the anti-retroviral from using of medicinal plants were analyzed, no
treatment and treatment of other health problems significant differences between the variables
such as anxiety, depression, discomfort and general analyzed were found; however, it is important to note
pain. The selection of medicinal plants is based on that a significant p value for CD4 T cells when
recommendations from close relatives such as comparing groups was found. As we found greater
parents or grandparents, followed by variability in CD4 T cells counts of people who
recommendations from friends and peers (people
frequently use medicinal plants compared to who do
who are also living with HIV) and finally by
recommendations from sellers of medicinal plants. not use as shown in Table 2 and Figure 1 (p=0.028)
The main plants that reported the people of this work and based on the answers provided in the interview,
according to Table 1 were: we believe that people who have low and high CD4
T cells accounts are those more likely to resort to the
Plants with immunomodulatory properties using of medicinal plants in order to increase their
a) Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia). It is concentrations of CD4 T cells or avoid to down
noteworthy that although people from this study have
according to what they themselves referred to the
reported the using of this plant, the available
scientific literature is controversial as to whether or interview.
not there is evidence of drug interactions (Moltó et
al., 2012; Moltó et al., 2010). CONCLUSION
b) Ginseng (Panax ginseng). Other studies support
its using by people living with HIV (Takeda & We found that all people in this study had used
Okumura, 2015; Chung et al., 2014; Sung et al., complementary therapies to treat diseases before
2009; Sung et al., 2005). diagnosis of being reactive to HIV, and a high
c) Neem (Azadirachta indica). Other studies support proportion of these reports turn constantly to the
its using by people living with HIV (Pedroza- using of medicinal plants to supplement their anti-
Escobar et al., 2016; Pathak et al., 2013). retroviral treatment in order to maintain and improve
their health and quality of life. They also reported
Plants with anti -inflammatory properties
frequent use of medicinal plants to treat any health
d) Arnica (Arnica montana). People in this study
only reported the using of homeopathic preparations problems. It is noteworthy that within the limitations
of this plant. of this study is its design, which was retrospective
e) Horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). cross-sectional and that the using, frequency and
f) Calendula (Calendula officinalis). dosage of medicinal plants reported by participants
was self-reported, so the results of this work should
Plants with calming properties be interpreted with caution as there are well-
g) Flor de azahar (Citrus sinensis). documented reports of interactions between products
h) Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis). of plants and anti-retroviral drugs. However it is
i) Chamomilla (Matricaria recutita).
noteworthy that the main products avoided by those
People interviewed said avoiding products derived
interviewed are those derived from grapefruit and St.
from grapefruit or St. John's wort, as they have been
informed by peers and doctors of drug interactions John's wort, which allows us to conclude that the
between grapefruit and St. John's Wort with anti retro development of further research on potential
viral drugs. interactions between plant products and anti-retro
Finally of the people interviewed, a group of viral medicines is necessary.
participants (n=35) reported not currently using any

Table 1. Principal findings of the interview between study groups.

Question Frequency (Percentage)
Have you ever used complementary medicine? (n=86)
Yes 86(100)
No 0(0)
What kind of complementary medicine have you ever used? (n=86) -Multiple
answers are possible-
Medicinal plants 86(100)
Homeopathy 19(22)
Microdosis 5(6)
Bach flower 5(6)
Other 13(15)
Combinations 17(19)
Are you currently using medicinal plants? (n=86)
Yes 51(59)
No 35(41)
Why? (n=51) -Multiple answers are possible-
Keep and improve my health 42(82)
Anxiety 36(71)
Depression 28(55)
General pain 15(29)
Who recommended it to you? (n=51)
Family 25(49)
Friends and peers 20(39)
Sealer 6(12)
What plants have you used lately? (n=51) –Common names are not mentioned since the interview was
realized in Spanish.
Echinacea angustifolia, Panax ginseng, Azadirachta indica, Arnica montana, Aesculus hippocastanum,
Calendula officinalis, Citrus sinensis, Valeriana officinalis, Matricaria recutita.

Table 2. Statistics of study groups.

Variable Group of people using Group of people not using medicinal plants P value
medicinal plants (n=51) Mean (n=35) Mean + SEM (Median)
+ SEM (Median)
Men (n=…) 44 31
Women (n=…) 0 1 0.084a,
Trans (n=…) 7 3 0.106b
Age 39.62+1.35(40) 39.31+1.94(38) 0.085c,
CD 4 T cell 517.88+47.62(576) 423+14.75(434) 0.111c,
Viral load 40789.29+21721.85(0) 8888.74+3751.50(0) 0.231c,
Leucocytes 6.54+0.24(6.27) 6.28+0.25(5.98) 0.478c,
Glucose 97.47+3.06(94) 95.77+2.08(96) 0.678c,
0.816d, 1.00e
Cholesterol 188.84+6.62(179) 176.09+6.18(174) 0.183c,
Difference comparing each variable between both groups a) X Test, b) Binomial Test, c) ANOVA Test, d)
Mann-Withney U Test, e) Median Test. * significative p value <0.05

Fig. 1. Box plot of CD 4 T cells between study groups

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Pathak GP, Vineet S, Gurdeep S and Amitoz K.

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All people interviewed in this study who made the medicine for house-hold remedy against various
development of this research possible. human and animal ailments: Review, World journal
of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, 2(5):
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