An Introduction To The Eturn Riented Rogramming

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An introduction to the

Return Oriented P rogramming

Tradi&onal  Stack  Overflow  

NOP Sled Payload Saved EIP

Tradi&onal  Stack  Overflow  

The simplest stack overflow exploit operates as

1.  Send a payload with a NOP sled, shellcode, and a
pointer to the NOP sled
2.  The pointer to the NOP sled overwrites the saved
return address and thereby takes over the stored
3.  EIP now points to the machine code and the
program executes arbitrary code
•  Very  easy  to  trigger
•  Simple  to  understand
•  Being  able  to  inject  code  means  our  payloads  are    
 powerful  and  flexible  
•  Just  make  the  stack  non-­‐executable
•  Lots  of  problems  with  bad  characters,  buffer  sizes,  payload  
detec&on,  etc.  

Padding system() exit() “/bin/sh”


•  Used primarily to streamline exploitation to

bypass mitigation and situational limitations

•  We want to spawn a shell. Send a payload that

overwrites the saved EIP with the address of
system(), the address of exit(), and a pointer to

•  The system call will return directly to exit()

which will then shut down the program cleanly

•  Pros
▫ Does not need executable stack
▫ Also pretty easy to understand and implement
•  Cons
▫ Relies on access to library functions
▫ Can only execute sequential instructions, no
branching or fancy stuff
▫ Can only use code in .text and loaded libraries
Mi&ga&on  against  these  classical  

v Address  Space  Layout  Randomiza&on  

v No  eXecute  bit  
v There  are  other  protec&ons  but  we  
won't  describe  them  in  this  lecture  
•  ASCII  Armor    
•  Stack-­‐smashing  protec2on  
Address  Space  Layout  

Map your Heap and Stack randomly

– At each execution, your Heap and Stack will be mapped at
different places
– It's the same for shared libraries and VDSO

So, now you cannot jump on an hardened address like in a

classical attack
Address  S pace  Layout  
Randomization  -­‐  E xample  

Two executions of the same binary :

Address  Space  Layout  
Randomiza&on  –  Linux  Internal  
● Heap and Stack areas
mapped at a pseudo-
random place for each
No  eXecute  bit  

NX bit is a CPU feature

– On Intel CPU, it works only on x86_64 or with Physical
Address Extension (PAE) enable

Enabled, it raises an exception if the CPU tries to

execute something that doesn't have the NX bit set

The NX bit is located and setup in the Page Table

No  eXecute  bit  –  P aging  
No  eXecute  bit  –  PTE  Internal  

The last bit is the NX bit (exb)
– 0 = disabled
– 1 = enabled
ROP  Introduc&on  

When Good Instructions Go Bad: Generalizing
Return-Oriented Programming to RISC [1] -
Buchanan, E.; Roemer, R.; Shacham, H.; Savage, S. (October 2008)

Return-Oriented Programming: Exploits Without
Code Injection [2] - Shacham, Hovav; Buchanan, Erik; Roemer,
Ryan; Savage, Stefan. Retrieved 2009-08-12.
ROP  defini&on  
•  Chain  gadgets  to  execute  malicious  code.  
•  A  gadget  is  a  suite  of  instruc&ons  which  end  by  the  branch  
instruc&on  ret  (Intel)  or  the  equivalent  on  ARM.  

– Intel examples: – ARM examples:

pop eax ; ret pop {r4, pc}
xor ebx, ebx ; ret str r1, [r0] ; bx lr

Objective: Use gadgets instead of classical shellcode

A  gadget  can  contain  other  gadgets  

Because x86 instructions aren't aligned, a gadget can
contain another gadget.
f7c7070000000f9545c3 → test edi, 0x7 ; setnz byte ptr [rbp-0x3d] ; c7070000000f9545c3 → mov
dword ptr [rdi], 0xf000000 ; xchg ebp, eax ; ret

Doesn't work on RISC architectures like ARM, MIPS,
Why  use  the  ROP?  
● Gadgets are mainly located on segments
without ASLR and on pages marked as

It can bypass the ASLR
– It can bypass the NX bit
Road-­‐map  a ttack  

Find the needed Gadgets

S tore your gadge ts a ddres s e s on the s ta ck
– You must to overwrite the saved eip with the
address of your first gadget
CALL  and  RET  seman&cs  (Intel  x86)  

●  CALL semantic
ESP ← ESP – 4

●  RET semantic
TMP ← [ESP] ; get the sEIP
ESP ← ESP + 4 ; Align stack pointer
EIP ← TMP ; restore the sEIP
ALack  proce ss  o n  x86  

Gadget1 is executed and returns

Gadget2 is executed and returns

Gadget3 is executed and returns

And so on until all instructions
that you want are executed

So, the real execution is:
ALack  process  on  ARM  

This is exactly the same process but this time using this
kind of gadgets:
pop {r3, pc}
mov r0, r3 ; pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}

On ARM it's possible to pop a value directly in the
program counter register (pc)
How  can  we  find  gadgets?  

Several ways to find gadgets
Old school method : objdump and grep
•  Some  gadgets  will  be  not  found:  Objdump aligns  instruc&ons  

•  Make  your  own  tool  which  scans  an  executable  segment  

•  Use  an  exis&ng  tool  
Tools  which  can  help  you  

Rp++ by Axel Souchet [3]

Ropeme by Long Le Dinh [4]

Ropc by patkt [5]

Nrop by Aurelien wailly [6]

ROPgadget by Jonathan Salwan [7]
ROPgadget  tool  

ROPgadget is :
ü  A gadgets finder and “auto-roper”
ü  Using Python
ü  Using Capstone engine
ü  Support PE, ELF, Mach-O formats
ü  Support x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, PowerPC, SPARC and
MIPS architectures
ROPgadget  tool  –  Quick  
● Dis play a vailable gadgets
ROPgadget tool – ROP chain
genera&on  in  5  s teps  
●   Objec&ve  :  

Step  1  -­‐  Write-­‐what-­‐where  gadgets  
–   Write  “/bin/sh”  in  memory  
Step  2  -­‐  Init  syscall  number  gadgets  
–   Setup  execve  syscall  number  
Step  3  -­‐  Init  syscall  arguments  gadgets  
–   Setup  execve  arguments  
Step  4  -­‐  Syscall  gadgets  
–   Find  syscall  interrupt  
Step  5  -­‐  Build  the  ROP  chain  
–   Build  the  python  payload  
Step  1  
Write-­‐what-­‐where  g adgets  
Step  2  
Init  syscall  number  gadgets  
Step 3
Init  syscall  arguments  gadgets  
S tep 4
S yscall gadget
Step  5  -­‐  Build  the  ROP  chain  
Mi&ga&on  against  the  ROP  aLack  

Linux - Position-Independent Executable
– Applies the ASLR on the section .text

Can be bypassed on old specific 32bits-based Linux
– PIC (Position-Independent Code) is used for library
when a binary is compiled with PIE

On Windows, ASLR can include the section
ASLR  –  Entropy  not  enough  on  
certain  old  distribu&on  

Tested on a ArchLinux 32 bits in 2011
– NX enable

ASLR enable

PIE enable

RELRO full

If you don't have enough gadgets :
– Choose yours in the libc Brute-force the
– base address
PIC/PIE  –  Entropy  not  enough  on  
certain  old  distribu&on  

Brute-force the base address

base_addr = 0xb770a000

p = "a" * 44
# execve /bin/sh generated by RopGadget p v3.3
p += pack("<I", base_addr + 0x000e07c1) # pop %edx | pop %ecx | pop %ebx | ret
p += pack("<I", 0x42424242) # padding
p += pack("<I", base_addr + 0x00178020) # @ .data
p += pack("<I", 0x42424242) # padding
p += pack("<I", base_addr + 0x00025baf) # pop %eax | ret
+= "/bin"

PIC/PIE  –  E ntropy  n ot  e nough  
on  c ertain  old  d istribution  

Wait for a few s e conds
$while true ; do ./main "$(./" ; done
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fault
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fau l t
Segmentation fault
ROP  variants  

v Jump Oriented Programming [8]

v String Oriented Programmng [9]
v Blind Return Oriented Programming [10]
v Signal Return Oriented Programming [11]
Jump  Oriented  Programming  

v Use  the  jump instruc&on  instead  of  the  ret one

v “The  aLack  relies  on  a  gadget  dispatcher  to  

dispatch  and  execute  the  func&onal  gadgets”  
v “The  “program  counter”  is  any  register  that  
points  into  the  dispatch  table”  
Jump  Oriented  Programming  
String  Oriented  Programming  

SOP uses a format string bug to get the control flow

SOP uses two scenario to get the control of the application
– Direct control flow redirect

Erase the return address on the stack
– Jump on a gadget which adjusts the stack frame to the attacker-controlled buffer

If the buffer is on the stack → we can use the ROP

If the buffer is on the heap → we cabn use the JOP
– Indirect control flow redirect

Erase a GOT entry
– Jump on a gadget (ROP scenario)
– Jump on a gadgets dispatcher (JOP scenario)
Blind  Return  Oriented  

BROP deals with the ROP and “timing attack”
● Constraints:

The vulnerability must be a stack buffer overflow The

target binary (server) must restart after the crash
● Scan the memory byte-by-byte to find potential gadgets
– Try to execute the _write_ function/syscall to leak more
gadget from the .text section
Signal  Return  Oriented  

Uses the SIGRETURN Linux signal to load
values from the stack to the registers
– Store the values on the stack then raise the

Your registers will be initialized with the stack values
Open  Problems  &  Challenges  

ROP chain mitigation
– Heuristic ROP detection

ROP chain generation via theorem solver
– Use a SAT/SMT solver to build a ROP chain

Gadgets finding via instruction semantics
– Looking for gadgets based on their semantics


•  The  ROP  is  now  a  current  opera&on  and  it's  ac&vely  

used  by  every  aLackers  
•  There  is  yet  a  lot  of  research  around  this  aLack  like:  
ü  ROP mitigation (heuristic, etc...)
ü  ROP chain generation
ü  Smart gadgets finding Etc...
[1]  h ttp://csewe b.ucsd.e du/~hovav/talks/blackhat08.html  
[2]  h ttp://  
[3]  h ttps://  

[4]  h ttp:// e/  
[5]  h ttps://  
[6]  h ttps:// wailly/nrop  
[7]  h ttp://shell-­‐  
[8]  h ttps://  
[9]  h ttps:// _2013/PPREW _2013.pdf  
[10]  h ttp://www.scs.stanford.e du/brop/bittau-­‐brop.pdf  
[12]  h ttp://shell-­‐­‐c hain-­‐genera&on-­‐via-­‐backtracking-­‐and-­‐state-­‐machine.txt  
These  slides  contain  material  by  Jonathan  Salwan  and  ScoL  Hand  

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