Абдураимов - RSES 2020
Абдураимов - RSES 2020
Абдураимов - RSES 2020
Abstract. The paper investigates the main properties of the trigger effect in diode-thyristor circuits and
proposes the creation of small-sized thyristor contactless voltage relays, combining in one device a sensitive
system to changes in input voltage and powerful actuators capable of switching large load currents. The
article also discusses a non-contact thyristor relay of alternating current voltage, the load mode of which is
analyzed, taking into account the voltage of the transition to the open state of the thyristor and the formula
for the effective value of the voltage across the load. It is proposed to use the developed such relays as
contactless switching and control equipment, which allow to reliably and quickly control the operating
modes of electrical equipment, regulate the reactive power of capacitor banks, create ring networks,
improve the quality of electricity in distribution networks and reduce capital costs for the construction of a
power supply system.
1.1 Half-wave circuit
The phenomenon of a sharp change in the current in the
circuit with a slight change in the voltage at the input is uin Rload
called the trigger effect[1]. Let us consider the trigger
effect, or in other words, the relay effect in the diode-
thyristor circuit using the example of a circuit when the а)
thyristor VТ is connected in series to the network u
through Rload active resistance, and current is supplied to
the control circuit from the network through the active uRload uin
resistance Rcontrol and the diode VD (Fig.1.a) [2,3].
If you slowly increase the value of the input voltage, π ωt
then at a certain value of Uin, the amplitude value of the 0 π/2 5π/2 3π
control signal will be equal to the thyristor opening
current, at this moment the thyristor VТ opens abruptly
at an angle α = 900 (Fig.1b). A further increase in the
voltage leads to a decrease in the angle α almost to zero,
i.e. the thyristor will carry the full positive half-wave of
Fig. 1. a) Thyristor switching circuit b) Mains voltage and load
current. The voltage value at which the thyristor opens wave forms
abruptly depends on the value of the parameters Rcon. and
Rload Thus, the opening of the thyristor abruptly or the
Were removed the following dependencies Uload= (Icon.)
phenomenon of a sharp change in voltage or current
at constant Uin; Iload = (Uin) at constant control current
across the load in the considered circuit can be called a
Icon.; Uswitch = (Rcon.) which are shown in Fig. 2,3,4.
Oscillograms of the shape of the voltage curves across In the absence of the controlling signal the thyristor is
the load of the considered circuit are shown in Fig. 5. locked in both directions and is under the influence of
source tension. When tension of a source reaches a
Uload V certain value, the thyristor turns on in the moment of /2.
Rload =820 [Ohm] Uin= 210 V At the same time tension on resistance will change a
Uin= 160 V saltus to amplitude value of alternating voltage. Tension
on the thyristor at the time of switching on changes a
Uin= 108 V saltus almost to zero. Current duration via the thyristor
Uin= 56 V and tension on resistance of loading makes a quarter of
Icon. the period. A value of currents is determined by the
following formulas In the absence of the controlling
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 mА signal the thyristor is locked in both directions and is
under the influence of source tension. When tension of a
Fig. 2. Dependence Uload= (Icon) at various input voltages source reaches a certain value, the thyristor turns on in
the moment of /2. At the same time tension on
Iload mА Rload =820 [Ohm] resistance will change a saltus to amplitude value of
alternating voltage. Tension on the thyristor at the time
Rcon4=20 kOhm
80 of switching on changes a saltus almost to zero. Current
Rcon3=15 kOhm duration via the thyristor and tension on resistance of
60 Rcon2=10 kOhm loading makes a quarter of the period. [6,7]. A value of
currents is determined by the following formula
40 Rcon1=5 kOhm
U in max
20 i Sin t I m Sin t , t
Uin R
0 100 200 V
I m 1 Cos
1 1
Fig. 3. Dependence Iload = (Uin) at different control currents I
2 I m Sin tdt
2 (1)
Uswitch V In our situation at 90 о I
30 Rload =820 [Ohm]
The operating value of current:
20 (
I Im
1 1
1 Sin 2 (2)
10 2 2 4
Rcontrol Im
At 90 0 we will get I
0 5 10 20 25 kOhm 2 2
1. P. N. Matkhanov "Basis analysis of electric chains",
the Higher school, M., 1977, p. 271.
2. Kadyrov T. M., Usmanov E. G.,.Abduraimov E.Kh.
Use of numerical and graphic methods of the analysis
nonlinear resistive chains. Materials of the All-
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ASINTEH-2007, – Russia,"Astrakhan university",
2007. Part 2- p.25 - 29.
3. AbduraimovE.Kh., Halmanov D.Kh. Theoretical
analysis of semiconductor circuits. Eurasian Union of
Scientists No. 3, 2019 Russia, pp. 60-63.