2021 Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship: 1 Eligibility Requirements・・・applicants must satisfy all below

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*We accept inquiries and applications only from the students of Tohoku University.

2021 Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship

1 Eligibility Requirements・・・applicants must satisfy all below
1) Undergraduate Student (3rd or 4th year), Graduate Student or Doctoral Student as of April 2021. (must have at
least one year of remaining term)
2) Someone who doesn't receive other scholarships from April 2021.
3) Someone who has not received the Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship in the past.
4) Someone who does not plan to go abroad for six months or longer during the Scholarship period regardless of
whether it is on the leave of absence or not.

2 Scholarship Period, and Amount

Undergraduate: ¥120,000/Month - 2 years max.
Graduate/ Doctoral: ¥150,000/Month - 2 years max. for Graduate, 3 years max for Doctoral.

3 Number of applicants to be nominated from School of Engineering

Unlimited (1applicant per country)
4 Documents to be submitted
1) Application form (Attachment 1, 5 pages in total, PC typed, signed by the applicant)
※ Avoid any changes in format, page numbers, missing words or parts.
※ English version will only be accepted when the applicant is a student in English course, otherwise use Japanese version
writing in Japanese.

2) Transcripts from undergraduate, through the most recent one available. (Copies are accepted)
※ Calculate your GPA from 2019 transcript.
※ If a transcript containing grades from 2019 is not available, an explanation letter must be submitted.
3) Certificate of Enrollment (or letter of acceptance if you are enrolling in April 2021)
4) A Copy of Residence Card (both sides)
5) Personal Information Form for Privately-Funded International Students
6) Statement of Household Finances
※ 5) and 6) are not necessary if submitted after October 2020.
7) Letter of Recommendation (Attachment 2)
※ Submit when the recommendation from the school of engineering is confirmed.
※ Leave GPA section blank if a transcript from 2019 is not available. Recommendation must include comments on the

5 Application forms
Available from International Affairs Section by Email ([email protected]).
Send an email stating your name, student ID, Name of English course you are enrolled in.
6 Submit the documents to;
International Affairs Section, School of Engineering (Center Hall 3F) by December 24, 2020

*Those who have been awarded other scholarships for 2021, and those are in the process of application (including
direct application) are not eligible to apply.
*President Fellowship recipients are eligible to apply, however, are not eligible for tuition exemption for
scholarship period if awarded.
*This form does not need to be submitted, if you have submitted anytime in October 2020 or thereafter.

Personal Information Form for Privately-Funded International Students

1. Information of yourself
Undergrad. (year: ) / Undergrad. research student
Status Master’s Course (year: ) / Doctoral Course (year: ) / Student ID No.
Grad. Research student

Department and Major Supervisor

Name Married/Single
(Chinese characters: )
Date of birth /month /date /year (Age: ) Nationality
University (school)
Date of graduation/completion: /month /year
attended before
Tohoku Univ.

Status Period
Enrollment history From /month /year to present
in Tohoku Univ.
(in order from From /month /year to /month /year
most recent)
From /month /year to /month /year

University House Katahira University House Aobayama

University House Sanjo (Ⅱ・Ⅲ) University House Nagamachi
International House Sanjo 1 International House Sanjo 2

Residence International House Higashi-Sendai

(circle) Prefectural/municipal apartment

(Address: )
Private apartment
(Address: )

2. Family Information (Include family members in your home country)

*If your spouse is a student, write the name of the school, and year level.

Name Relationship Age Country of Occupation and Place of Employment,

Residence or Name of School Attending
*This form does not need to be submitted, if you have submitted anytime in October 2020 or thereafter .

Statement of Household Finances

Undergraduate (year: ) /
Affiliation Master's (year: ) / Doctoral (year: )/
ID No.
Grad. Research student


Household Finances
* Write your average monthly household finances for the period from October
2019 through September 2020 in the section below.
* If enrolled in April 2020, provide information for the period from April 2020
through September 2020.
*Ensure that the total of your income and expense are equal.
Remittances from family yen Tuition yen

From own savings yen Rent yen

Living Expenses
Scholarships yen yen
(Food, Utilities etc.)
Other ( ) yen Other ( ) yen


Additional Comments
*If there are any financial situations to be emphasized, fill out the below section.

*This form does not need to be submitted, if you have submitted anytime in October 2020 or thereafter .

Scholarships Received
* Have you received any scholarships to date? YES / NO (circle)
If YES, write the details below.
Amount monthly/yearly
Period received Name of scholarsip

_______ ________
(Month) (Year) to
yen monthly/yearly
_______ ________
(Month) (Year)

_______ ________
(Month) (Year) to
yen monthly/yearly
_______ ________
(Month) (Year)

_______ ________
(Month) (Year) to
yen monthly/yearly
_______ ________
(Month) (Year)

_______ ________
(Month) (Year) to
yen monthly/yearly
_______ ________
(Month) (Year)

Tuition Waiver (Exclude a research student period)

* Circle where appropriate

Semester 1 Full Half Not Approved

2020 Academic
Semester 2 Full    Half     Not Approved     In application

Semester 1 Full Half Not Approved

2019 Academic
Semester 2 Full Half Not Approved

Semester 1 Full Half Not Approved

2018 Academic
Semester 2 Full Half Not Approved

Tips on Applying for Scholarships
Education and Student Support Department
Student Exchange Division
International Education Section

1. Before applying
-Read the application guidelines carefully to determine whether or not you meet the
requirements. Be sure to take note of any obligations for scholarship recipients in addition
to the application requirements and details of the award. (E.g. mandatory attendance at
conferral ceremonies and exchange events, submission of periodic assignments to the
scholarship organization, etc.)
-Make sure you have all the required documents on hand. In particular, many students forget
to submit academic transcripts from their previous curricula.
-If you have applied to other scholarship organizations via either university recommendation
or direct application, you cannot apply for any further scholarships, even if you do not yet
know the results of your other applications. (Except in cases where both scholarships permit
receipt of multiple scholarships at the same time.)
-Screening methods vary depending on the organization. If there is an interview, note the travel
expenses, location, date/time etc., and be sure you will be able to attend.

2. Application documents
-Do not reuse documents from previous applications, even if you are applying to extend a
current scholarship. Always prepare new documents.
-Do not use erasable pen (e.g. Frixion); always fill out application forms with a black ballpoint
pen. (Application documents written in erasable pen cannot be submitted to the scholarship
-During the screening process, your application documents will greatly influence the
impression you give. Fill out all forms neatly so that they are easy for the evaluators to read.
-If you make a mistake, do not use corrective tape/fluid or cross out the mistakes. Prepare a
new form instead.
-Do not abbreviate your undergraduate/graduate school's name; enter the full name.
-Be sure to read and follow all notes and instructions on filling out the forms.
-As a matter of courtesy, fill in at least 70-80% of the space provided for each short-
answer/essay question.
-After you have finished, double check your application to make sure that no items are blank.
In particular, enter answers even for items not applicable to you, e.g. "None" (or "0" for
amounts) etc.
*If outputting data from Excel, check to make sure all characters fit within the provided
3. Other
-If you have any questions about the application requirements or how to fill out the forms,
please inquire with the person who handles scholarships for your department. Do not try to
individually contact the scholarship organization.
-Note that recipients of the President Fellowship or other scholarships that pay tuition may not
be able to apply for a tuition exemption for the duration of that scholarship. Be sure to check
with the person who handles scholarships for your department.
-If you plan to apply for a scholarship directly (without going through the university), or to
extend a scholarship, you must contact the person who handles scholarships for your
department and inform them beforehand.

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