Report For Experiment #7 Work and Energy On The Air Track: Lab Partner: Yifan Guo TA: Benjamin Akers

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Report for Experiment #7

Work and Energy on the Air track

Aleksei Pavlov
Lab Partner: Yifan Guo
TA: Benjamin Akers


The goal of the experiment was to study the work energy theorem using the air track and the
glider in 2 different configurations. In the first configuration the glider slid down the inclined
track and in the second one the glider slid down the horizontal track under the work of additional
weight. The PC app had been used to calculate the displacement over time and from that the
square of the average velocity was calculated and plotted over the average displacement. In
result we got two linear curves with slopes of 2 gsinθ. Knowing the slope, we were able to
calculate the acceleration due to gravity in both cases. The result was g=9.62± 0.11 m/s 2 for the
first investigation and g=10.33± 0.11 m/s 2 for the second.

The goal of the experiment was to study the work-energy theorem and calculate the acceleration
due to gravity in each investigation. The experiment consisted of two investigations with the goal
to observe the gravity force acting in a frictionless glider. During the experiment the following
equipment had been used: the linear air track with the glider and air pulley, a pc application
“PASCO”, motion sensor, small wooden block, a weight with the clip, a paper tape.

In the first investigation the air track was inclined on the height of wooden block and the glider
was able to move down the incline under the force of gravity and we were able to observe the
transformation of energy while the glider moved down. In the second investigation the track was
placed parallel to the ground and perpendicular to the gravity force. In that case we attached a
weight on a paper clip so, that the glider was pulled by a tension in the tape occurred from
gravity force applied to the weight. In this case we were able to study the transformation of
potential energy of one object to kinetic energy of two objects.

Investigation 1

As was mentioned in the introduction, the first investigation consisted of an inclined air track
with the glider sliding on it. The glider sliding down the track experiences the work done on it as
W =F x ∆ x

And if we apply the energy-work theorem to our system, where we do not have losses of energy
due to low friction, we can get an equation of a Work-energy theorem:

W =F x ∆ x =∆ K= m ¿

As the air track was inclined on the angel θ , the force, working on the glider displacement is a
projection of a gravity force on the air track surface. Using the trigonometry we can interpret the
velocity: v =2 gsinθ ( x−x 0 )

To obtain the data we used an application called PASCO capstone and an ultrasonic sensor
mounted on the track. The sensor was tracking the distance between the glider and the origin
with the constant time gap, in other words frequency of 20 Hz. The program gave us the list of
positions of the glider over time(listed in appendix A) and the plot of the position over time.

Because the glider was sliding down the track, bumping into a spring, sliding up and starting
over again, we were able to study one of these motions.
The graph of the displacement over time is listed below:

Position of the glider over time




Position (m)





0.000 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 14.000 16.000 18.000

Time (s)

Picture 1.1 The graph of displacement over time.

To examine the collision better, we took the data between two collisions and made a separate list
of coordinates and time. (Appendix A)

After this, we executed a series of calculations and studies in order to achieve the experiment’s

x n+1 −xn
 We calculated the average velocity by using the following formula: Dt
 We calculated the square of the velocity
 The error fro the velocity squared is:
dv 2 =√ 8 v 2 ( )
x n+1 + xn
x AV =
 We calculated the average position of a glider by using the formula: 2
After calculating this results we have plotted the graph of the velocity squared over the
displacement as a two series: when the glider goes up and when the glider goes down.
f(x) = 0
R² = 0
V^2 vs. X average


f(x) = 0.55 x − 0.38
R² = 0.99
V^2 (m/s)^2






0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.400

X (m)

Picture 1.2. Velocity squared over displacement(x).

In this chart we have two series plotted: blue when the glider moves upwards and red when the
glider slides downward. From that we can determine that the force is different when the glider
moves different directions. That is caused by air resistance and friction that work the same
direction when the cart goes up and different direction when the cart goes down.

The square of the velocity is calculated through the following formula:

v 2 =(2 g sin q )x−(2 g sin q ) x 0

Therefore, the experimental g can be determined from this equation, which is a slope of the
graph divided by 2sin(θ).

After applying this formula, we were able to calculate g for both curves.

For the blue graph: g=10.17 m/s2 and for the red graph the g=9.05 m/s2 .

The error for the value of g can be determined by the following equation:
δ sin ⁡(θ)
δg= ∗g
sin ⁡(θ)

The error of sin is calculated by this equation:

δh 2 δd 2

δ sin ( θ )= (
) +( )

Where h and d are measured dimensions of the track:

height(cm) 0.0305
dh 0.0005
d 1
dd 0.002
sin 0.0305

In result we get two values of g with the error: blue graph: g=10.17± 0.17 m/ s 2 and for the red
graph the g=9.05 ±0.15 m/s 2.

The average g in this case is g=9.62± 0.11 m/s 2.

2 2
And the error for average g is calculated by this formula: δg (av .)= ( δg 1 ) +( δg 2 )
2 √ 2

Once we got our walue of g we were able to calculate the percent difference between the real
value of g-9.8 m/s^2 and the experimental value with the following formula:

|g known−gexp erimental|
% difference= ´ 100
g known

In result we got the difference of 2% that shows high accuracy and precision of our

Investigation 2

This investigation took place with the same equipment but instead of incline we attached the
weight trough the air pulley and in this case, the weight was putting the glider into motion.

In this investigation the velocity can be determined as:

2m g
v 2= (x−x 0)

Where m’ is a mass of the weight and m is the mass of a glider.

During the experiment we also used a PC application to collect the data and plot displacement
over time.

1.6 Displacement over Time



Displacement (m)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time (s)

Picture 2.1 The graph of displacement over time.

The same as in the first investigation we determined points of the collision and took them in the
separate table.

After applying all formulas from the investigation 1 we were able to get values of v^2 and x
average and plotted these values on the graph below
f(x) = 0
R² = 0
0.35 V^2 VS X average.

f(x) = 1.05 x − 1.09
R² = 0.99


V^2 (m/s)^2




1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35
X average, (m).

Picture 2.2. Velocity squared over displacement(x).

As in the first Investigation, the red line represents the negative velocities, and the blue line
represents the positive velocities.

The weight of the attached mass (that allowed the glider to move) was 56 grams, and the
weight of the glider itself was 377 grams. Taking these values into consideration, we used the
following equation (is in slope- intercept form and gives a value for B that portrays the relation
of gravity and other components) to determine the values for g:

2 m' g 2m ' g
v 2 =( )x−( )x
m+m' m+m ' 0

Following the steps from the investigation one and using the equation above we were able to
calculate values of g for both curves:

blue graph: g=13.70± 0.17 m/s 2 and for the red graph the g=6.96 ±0.18 m/s 2.

After applying the formula for the average g and it’s error we get the final result that is:
The average g in this case is g=10.33± 0.11 m/s 2. And the percentage error is 5%.


For the experiment we have performed two different investigations based on the work-energy
theorem with two different scenarios: glider on the inclined track and a horizontal track and the
glider moving due to the falling mass. By implementing this investigations we were able to prove
work-energy theorem and calculate the acceleration due to the gravity by analyzing and plotting
the square of the velocity over the average displacement.

In addition, the results, we obtained during these investigations were quite precise and accurate
with the error from 2-5 percent from the theoretical value. Moreover, we were able to study and
understand concepts of the work and energy and work-energy theorem.

The experiment can be improved if we had calculated g for each motion period from one
collision to another. We can see that the velocity of glider decreases from one collision to
another and that means that air resistance decreases with decrease of speed and that would
improve our results significantly.


1. As the velocity of the glider increases, does the accuracy of the motion sensor increase
or decrease?

 As the motion sensor measures distance from the object to the sensor by emitting and
receiving an ultrasonic waves, by the time the wave reaches sensor, the object changes its
position. Thus if we imagine a glider traveling with the speed of light, the error of the
sensor would be 100%, because by the time the wave reflects back to the sensor a glider
moves the same distance.

2. In the configuration of Investigation1, for the upwards part of the motion, how does
friction affect the total energy of the glider? How does it affect the total energy for the
downwards part of the motion?

 As the force of Friction is not conservative force, it decreased the total energy of the
glider when it moves upwards. The same can be applied to the downward motion. The
only difference in the force of friction is that during the upward motion it points the same
direction with the projection of gravity and in downward motion points opposite

3. For the configuration of Investigation 1, draw force diagrams for all the forces on the
glider including friction, for both the cases of upwards and downwards motion.
 Upwards
 Downwards
4. For the configuration of Investigation 2, what is the acceleration of the glider if m  goes
to ∞?
 The acceleration of the glider from the weight is : g= . And if the mass m’
(m+m' )
increases, the total acceleration of the system decreases
5. For the configuration of Investigation 2, what is the change in potential energy from
the moment of release to the moment of collision with the bumper? Considering the
kinetic energy of the system just before it crashes into the bumper, what is the change
in total
 As the glider travels on the inclined track, the change in the kinetic energy equals to the
∆ m v2
change in the potential energy: mg ∆ h= , or in other words
∆ m v2
=mgl∗sin ( θ )=0.113 J .
Appendix A

A complete data from the experiment 1:

Run #1 Auto
(m) Time (s)
0.184 0.000
0.184 0.050
0.185 0.100
0.186 0.150
0.189 0.200
0.192 0.250
0.196 0.300
0.201 0.350
0.206 0.400
0.213 0.450
0.220 0.500
0.228 0.550
0.237 0.600
0.246 0.650
0.256 0.700
0.267 0.750
0.279 0.800
0.292 0.850
0.305 0.900
0.319 0.950
0.334 1.000
0.350 1.050
0.366 1.100
0.383 1.150
0.401 1.200
0.420 1.250
0.439 1.300
0.459 1.350
0.479 1.400
0.501 1.450
0.523 1.500
0.546 1.550
0.569 1.600
0.594 1.650
0.619 1.700
0.644 1.750
0.673 1.800
0.700 1.850
0.727 1.900
0.756 1.950
0.785 2.000
0.815 2.050
0.845 2.100
0.876 2.150
0.907 2.200
0.939 2.250
0.972 2.300
1.006 2.350
1.040 2.400
1.075 2.450
1.110 2.500
1.146 2.550
1.183 2.600
1.220 2.650
1.257 2.700
1.296 2.750
1.337 2.800
1.304 2.850
1.273 2.900
1.244 2.950
1.215 3.000
1.187 3.050
1.160 3.100
1.133 3.150
1.108 3.200
1.083 3.250
1.059 3.300
1.035 3.350
1.013 3.400
0.991 3.450
0.970 3.500
0.950 3.550
0.930 3.600
0.911 3.650
0.893 3.700
0.876 3.750
0.860 3.800
0.844 3.850
0.829 3.900
0.814 3.950
0.801 4.000
0.788 4.050
0.776 4.100
0.764 4.150
0.754 4.200
0.744 4.250
0.735 4.300
0.727 4.350
0.719 4.400
0.712 4.450
0.705 4.500
0.700 4.550
0.695 4.600
0.691 4.650
0.688 4.700
0.685 4.750
0.683 4.800
0.682 4.850
0.682 4.900
0.682 4.950
0.683 5.000
0.685 5.050
0.687 5.100
0.690 5.150
0.694 5.200
0.699 5.250
0.704 5.300
0.710 5.350
0.717 5.400
0.724 5.450
0.733 5.500
0.741 5.550
0.751 5.600
0.761 5.650
0.772 5.700
0.784 5.750
0.797 5.800
0.810 5.850
0.824 5.900
0.838 5.950
0.854 6.000
0.870 6.050
0.886 6.100
0.903 6.150
0.921 6.200
0.940 6.250
0.959 6.300
0.980 6.350
1.000 6.400
1.022 6.450
1.044 6.500
1.066 6.550
1.089 6.600
1.113 6.650
1.138 6.700
1.163 6.750
1.189 6.800
1.216 6.850
1.242 6.900
1.270 6.950
1.298 7.000
1.330 7.050
1.312 7.100
1.288 7.150
1.265 7.200
1.242 7.250
1.221 7.300
1.200 7.350
1.179 7.400
1.160 7.450
1.141 7.500
1.123 7.550
1.105 7.600
1.089 7.650
1.073 7.700
1.057 7.750
1.043 7.800
1.029 7.850
1.016 7.900
1.003 7.950
0.991 8.000
0.980 8.050
0.970 8.100
0.960 8.150
0.951 8.200
0.943 8.250
0.935 8.300
0.928 8.350
0.922 8.400
0.917 8.450
0.912 8.500
0.908 8.550
0.905 8.600
0.902 8.650
0.900 8.700
0.899 8.750
0.899 8.800
0.899 8.850
0.900 8.900
0.901 8.950
0.904 9.000
0.907 9.050
0.910 9.100
0.915 9.150
0.920 9.200
0.926 9.250
0.933 9.300
0.940 9.350
0.948 9.400
0.956 9.450
0.966 9.500
0.976 9.550
0.987 9.600
0.998 9.650
1.011 9.700
1.023 9.750
1.037 9.800
1.051 9.850
1.066 9.900
1.081 9.950
1.097 10.000
1.114 10.050
1.131 10.100
1.150 10.150
1.168 10.200
1.188 10.250
1.208 10.300
1.229 10.350
1.250 10.400
1.272 10.450
1.294 10.500
1.320 10.550
1.321 10.600
1.301 10.650
1.281 10.700
1.262 10.750
1.244 10.800
1.227 10.850
1.210 10.900
1.194 10.950
1.179 11.000
1.165 11.050
1.151 11.100
1.138 11.150
1.125 11.200
1.114 11.250
1.103 11.300
1.092 11.350
1.083 11.400
1.074 11.450
1.066 11.500
1.059 11.550
1.052 11.600
1.046 11.650
1.041 11.700
1.036 11.750
1.032 11.800
1.029 11.850
1.027 11.900
1.025 11.950
1.024 12.000
1.023 12.050
1.024 12.100
1.025 12.150
1.026 12.200
1.029 12.250
1.032 12.300
1.035 12.350
1.040 12.400
1.045 12.450
1.051 12.500
1.057 12.550
1.064 12.600
1.072 12.650
1.081 12.700
1.090 12.750
1.100 12.800
1.111 12.850
1.122 12.900
1.134 12.950
1.147 13.000
1.160 13.050
1.174 13.100
1.188 13.150
1.204 13.200
1.220 13.250
1.237 13.300
1.254 13.350
1.272 13.400
1.290 13.450
1.310 13.500
1.329 13.550
1.311 13.600
1.294 13.650
1.278 13.700
1.263 13.750
1.248 13.800
1.234 13.850
1.221 13.900
1.208 13.950
1.196 14.000
1.185 14.050
1.175 14.100
1.165 14.150
1.156 14.200
1.147 14.250
1.139 14.300
1.133 14.350
1.126 14.400
1.121 14.450
1.116 14.500
1.111 14.550
1.108 14.600
1.105 14.650
1.103 14.700
1.101 14.750
1.101 14.800
1.100 14.850
1.101 14.900
1.102 14.950
1.104 15.000
1.107 15.050
1.110 15.100
1.114 15.150
1.118 15.200
1.124 15.250
1.130 15.300
1.136 15.350
1.144 15.400
1.152 15.450
1.161 15.500
1.170 15.550
1.180 15.600
1.191 15.650
1.203 15.700
1.215 15.750
1.228 15.800
1.241 15.850
1.256 15.900
1.271 15.950
1.286 16.000
1.303 16.050
1.321 16.100
1.320 16.150
1.306 16.200
1.291 16.250
1.278 16.300
The data for one set of motion in the investigation 1:

Position Time
1.337 2.800
1.304 2.850
1.273 2.900
1.244 2.950
1.215 3.000
1.187 3.050
1.160 3.100
1.133 3.150
1.108 3.200
1.083 3.250
1.059 3.300
1.035 3.350
1.013 3.400
0.991 3.450
0.970 3.500
0.950 3.550
0.930 3.600
0.911 3.650
0.893 3.700
0.876 3.750
0.860 3.800
0.844 3.850
0.829 3.900
0.814 3.950
0.801 4.000
0.788 4.050
0.776 4.100
0.764 4.150
0.754 4.200
0.744 4.250
0.735 4.300
0.727 4.350
0.719 4.400
0.712 4.450
0.705 4.500
0.700 4.550
0.695 4.600
0.691 4.650
0.688 4.700
0.685 4.750
0.683 4.800
0.682 4.850
0.682 4.900
0.682 4.950
0.683 5.000
0.685 5.050
0.687 5.100
0.690 5.150
0.694 5.200
0.699 5.250
0.704 5.300
0.710 5.350
0.717 5.400
0.724 5.450
0.733 5.500
0.741 5.550
0.751 5.600
0.761 5.650
0.772 5.700
0.784 5.750
0.797 5.800
0.810 5.850
0.824 5.900
0.838 5.950
0.854 6.000
0.870 6.050
0.886 6.100
0.903 6.150
0.921 6.200
0.940 6.250
0.959 6.300
0.980 6.350
1.000 6.400
1.022 6.450
1.044 6.500
1.066 6.550
1.089 6.600
1.113 6.650
1.138 6.700
1.163 6.750
1.189 6.800
1.216 6.850
1.242 6.900
1.270 6.950
1.298 7.000
1.330 7.050
The data calculated for the investigation 1:

Velocity V^2 d(V^2) Xav. d(x av.)

-0.660 0.436 0.037 1.321 0.0007071
-0.620 0.384 0.035 1.289 0.0007071
-0.580 0.336 0.033 1.259 0.0007071
-0.580 0.336 0.033 1.230 0.0007071
-0.560 0.314 0.032 1.201 0.0007071
-0.540 0.292 0.031 1.174 0.0007071
-0.540 0.292 0.031 1.147 0.0007071
-0.500 0.250 0.028 1.121 0.0007071
-0.500 0.250 0.028 1.096 0.0007071
-0.480 0.230 0.027 1.071 0.0007071
-0.480 0.230 0.027 1.047 0.0007071
-0.440 0.194 0.025 1.024 0.0007071
-0.440 0.194 0.025 1.002 0.0007071
-0.420 0.176 0.024 0.981 0.0007071
-0.400 0.160 0.023 0.960 0.0007071
-0.400 0.160 0.023 0.940 0.0007071
-0.380 0.144 0.021 0.921 0.0007071
-0.360 0.130 0.020 0.902 0.0007071
-0.340 0.116 0.019 0.885 0.0007071
-0.320 0.102 0.018 0.868 0.0007071
-0.320 0.102 0.018 0.852 0.0007071
-0.300 0.090 0.017 0.837 0.0007071
-0.300 0.090 0.017 0.822 0.0007071
-0.260 0.068 0.015 0.808 0.0007071
-0.260 0.068 0.015 0.795 0.0007071
-0.240 0.058 0.014 0.782 0.0007071
-0.240 0.058 0.014 0.770 0.0007071
-0.200 0.040 0.011 0.759 0.0007071
-0.200 0.040 0.011 0.749 0.0007071
-0.180 0.032 0.010 0.740 0.0007071
-0.160 0.026 0.009 0.731 0.0007071
-0.160 0.026 0.009 0.723 0.0007071
-0.140 0.020 0.008 0.716 0.0007071
-0.140 0.020 0.008 0.709 0.0007071
-0.100 0.010 0.006 0.703 0.0007071
-0.100 0.010 0.006 0.698 0.0007071
-0.080 0.006 0.005 0.693 0.0007071
-0.060 0.004 0.003 0.690 0.0007071
-0.060 0.004 0.003 0.687 0.0007071
-0.040 0.002 0.002 0.684 0.0007071
-0.020 0.000 0.001 0.683 0.0007071
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.682 0.0007071
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.682 0.0007071
0.020 0.000 0.001 0.683 0.0007071
0.040 0.002 0.002 0.684 0.0007071
0.040 0.002 0.002 0.686 0.0007071
0.060 0.004 0.003 0.689 0.0007071
0.080 0.006 0.005 0.692 0.0007071
0.100 0.010 0.006 0.697 0.0007071
0.100 0.010 0.006 0.702 0.0007071
0.120 0.014 0.007 0.707 0.0007071
0.140 0.020 0.008 0.714 0.0007071
0.140 0.020 0.008 0.721 0.0007071
0.180 0.032 0.010 0.729 0.0007071
0.160 0.026 0.009 0.737 0.0007071
0.200 0.040 0.011 0.746 0.0007071
0.200 0.040 0.011 0.756 0.0007071
0.220 0.048 0.012 0.767 0.0007071
0.240 0.058 0.014 0.778 0.0007071
0.260 0.068 0.015 0.791 0.0007071
0.260 0.068 0.015 0.804 0.0007071
0.280 0.078 0.016 0.817 0.0007071
0.280 0.078 0.016 0.831 0.0007071
0.320 0.102 0.018 0.846 0.0007071
0.320 0.102 0.018 0.862 0.0007071
0.320 0.102 0.018 0.878 0.0007071
0.340 0.116 0.019 0.895 0.0007071
0.360 0.130 0.020 0.912 0.0007071
0.380 0.144 0.021 0.931 0.0007071
0.380 0.144 0.021 0.950 0.0007071
0.420 0.176 0.024 0.970 0.0007071
0.400 0.160 0.023 0.990 0.0007071
0.440 0.194 0.025 1.011 0.0007071
0.440 0.194 0.025 1.033 0.0007071
0.440 0.194 0.025 1.055 0.0007071
0.460 0.212 0.026 1.078 0.0007071
0.480 0.230 0.027 1.101 0.0007071
0.500 0.250 0.028 1.126 0.0007071
0.500 0.250 0.028 1.151 0.0007071
0.520 0.270 0.029 1.176 0.0007071
0.540 0.292 0.031 1.203 0.0007071
0.520 0.270 0.029 1.229 0.0007071
0.560 0.314 0.032 1.256 0.0007071
0.560 0.314 0.032 1.284 0.0007071
0.640 0.410 0.036 1.314 0.0007071

Apendix A (investigation 2):

Run #1 Auto
Position (m) Time (s)
0.384 0
0.382 0.05
0.382 0.1
0.381 0.15
0.381 0.2
0.382 0.25
0.384 0.3
0.388 0.35
0.393 0.4
0.399 0.45
0.407 0.5
0.416 0.55
0.427 0.6
0.439 0.65
0.453 0.7
0.468 0.75
0.484 0.8
0.502 0.85
0.521 0.9
0.542 0.95
0.564 1
0.588 1.05
0.613 1.1
0.641 1.15
0.669 1.2
0.698 1.25
0.729 1.3
0.761 1.35
0.794 1.4
0.829 1.45
0.865 1.5
0.902 1.55
0.941 1.6
0.98 1.65
1.022 1.7
1.064 1.75
1.108 1.8
1.153 1.85
1.201 1.9
1.248 1.95
1.296 2
1.349 2.05
1.301 2.1
1.265 2.15
1.233 2.2
1.201 2.25
1.174 2.3
1.149 2.35
1.127 2.4
1.107 2.45
1.09 2.5
1.075 2.55
1.062 2.6
1.052 2.65
1.045 2.7
1.04 2.75
1.037 2.8
1.037 2.85
1.038 2.9
1.041 2.95
1.045 3
1.05 3.05
1.056 3.1
1.064 3.15
1.073 3.2
1.084 3.25
1.095 3.3
1.108 3.35
1.123 3.4
1.138 3.45
1.155 3.5
1.172 3.55
1.191 3.6
1.212 3.65
1.235 3.7
1.258 3.75
1.282 3.8
1.308 3.85
1.336 3.9
1.311 3.95
1.293 4
1.277 4.05
1.263 4.1
1.252 4.15
1.243 4.2
1.237 4.25
1.232 4.3
1.231 4.35
1.231 4.4
1.233 4.45
1.236 4.5
1.24 4.55
1.246 4.6
1.253 4.65
1.262 4.7
1.271 4.75
1.283 4.8
1.295 4.85
1.308 4.9
1.325 4.95
1.322 5
1.311 5.05
1.302 5.1
1.295 5.15
1.291 5.2
1.288 5.25
1.288 5.3
1.29 5.35
1.293 5.4
1.297 5.45
1.303 5.5
1.309 5.55
1.317 5.6
1.327 5.65
1.321 5.7
1.316 5.75
1.312 5.8
1.311 5.85
1.312 5.9
1.315 5.95
1.318 6
1.323 6.05
1.324 6.1
1.321 6.15
1.32 6.2
1.321 6.25
1.323 6.3
1.325 6.35
1.323 6.4
1.324 6.45
1.325 6.5
1.324 6.55
1.325 6.6
1.325 6.65
1.325 6.7
1.325 6.75
1.325 6.8
1.325 6.85
The data for single series of movement:

position time v v^2 Xave dxave d(V^2)

1.349 2.05 -0.96 0.9216 1.325 0.000707 0.054306
1.301 2.1 -0.72 0.5184 1.283 0.000707 0.040729
1.265 2.15 -0.64 0.4096 1.249 0.000707 0.036204
1.233 2.2 -0.64 0.4096 1.217 0.000707 0.036204
1.201 2.25 -0.54 0.2916 1.1875 0.000707 0.030547
1.174 2.3 -0.5 0.25 1.1615 0.000707 0.028284
1.149 2.35 -0.44 0.1936 1.138 0.000707 0.02489
1.127 2.4 -0.4 0.16 1.117 0.000707 0.022627
1.107 2.45 -0.34 0.1156 1.0985 0.000707 0.019233
1.09 2.5 -0.3 0.09 1.0825 0.000707 0.016971
1.075 2.55 -0.26 0.0676 1.0685 0.000707 0.014708
1.062 2.6 -0.2 0.04 1.057 0.000707 0.011314
1.052 2.65 -0.14 0.0196 1.0485 0.000707 0.00792
1.045 2.7 -0.1 0.01 1.0425 0.000707 0.005657
1.04 2.75 -0.06 0.0036 1.0385 0.000707 0.003394
1.037 2.8 0 0 1.037 0.000707 0
1.037 2.85 0.02 0.0004 1.0375 0.000707 0.001131
1.038 2.9 0.06 0.0036 1.0395 0.000707 0.003394
1.041 2.95 0.08 0.0064 1.043 0.000707 0.004525
1.045 3 0.1 0.01 1.0475 0.000707 0.005657
1.05 3.05 0.12 0.0144 1.053 0.000707 0.006788
1.056 3.1 0.16 0.0256 1.06 0.000707 0.009051
1.064 3.15 0.18 0.0324 1.0685 0.000707 0.010182
1.073 3.2 0.22 0.0484 1.0785 0.000707 0.012445
1.084 3.25 0.22 0.0484 1.0895 0.000707 0.012445
1.095 3.3 0.26 0.0676 1.1015 0.000707 0.014708
1.108 3.35 0.3 0.09 1.1155 0.000707 0.016971
1.123 3.4 0.3 0.09 1.1305 0.000707 0.016971
1.138 3.45 0.34 0.1156 1.1465 0.000707 0.019233
1.155 3.5 0.34 0.1156 1.1635 0.000707 0.019233
1.172 3.55 0.38 0.1444 1.1815 0.000707 0.021496
1.191 3.6 0.42 0.1764 1.2015 0.000707 0.023759
1.212 3.65 0.46 0.2116 1.2235 0.000707 0.026022
1.235 3.7 0.46 0.2116 1.2465 0.000707 0.026022
1.258 3.75 0.48 0.2304 1.27 0.000707 0.027153
1.282 3.8 0.52 0.2704 1.295 0.000707 0.029416
1.308 3.85 0.56 0.3136 1.322 0.000707 0.031678
1.336 3.9 -0.5 0.25 1.3235 0.000707 0.028284
1.311 3.95          

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