Training The Developing Brain Part II - Cognitive Considerations For Youth Instruction and Feedback

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Curr Sports Med Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 May 01.
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Published in final edited form as:

Curr Sports Med Rep. 2015 ; 14(3): 235–243. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000150.

Training the Developing Brain Part II: Cognitive Considerations

for Youth Instruction and Feedback
Adam M. Kushner1, Adam W. Kiefer1,2,3, Samantha Lesnick1, Avery D. Faigenbaum4,
Susmita Kashikar-Zuck2,5, and Gregory D. Myer1,2,6,7,8
1Division of Sports Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio,
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2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA

3Center for Cognition, Action and Perception, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH USA
4Department of Health and Exercise Science, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey,
5Divisionof Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
6Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
7Sports medicine Sports Health & Performance Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
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8The Micheli Center for Sports Injury Prevention, Boston, MA

Growing numbers of youth participating in competitive, organized physical activity has led to a
concern for the risk of sports related injuries during important periods of human development.
Recent studies have demonstrated the ability of Integrative Neuromuscular Training (INT) to
enhance athletic performance and to reduce the risk of sports related injuries in youth. Successful
implementation of INT necessitates instruction from knowledgeable and qualified instructors who
understand the unique physical, cognitive and psychosocial characteristics of youth to provide
appropriate training instruction and feedback. Principles of a classical theory of cognitive
development provide a useful context for discussion of developmentally appropriate methods and
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strategies for INT instruction of youth. INT programs that consider these developmentally
appropriate approaches will provide a controlled, efficacious environment for youth to improve
athletic performance and to reduce risk of sports related injury; thus, promoting a healthy, active
lifestyle beyond an individual’s formative years.

CORRESPONDENCE Name: Gregory D. Myer, PhD, FACSM, CSCS*D, Address: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
3333 Burnet Ave, MLC 10001, Cincinnati, OH 45229, Telephone: 513-636-0249, [email protected].
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Youth are participating in athletic competition at greater numbers than ever before, and this
has led to a growing concern for the risk of sports related injuries during important periods
of human development. (35, 52, 57) As a result, there is a profound need for age appropriate
and evidence–based injury prevention training programs. Accordingly, preparatory training
of youth for formal physical activity is a topic of great interest as the number of program
participants is increasing and these participants are initiating training at younger ages. (2, 27,
42, 52) A professionally designed training program that is based on the principles of
pediatric exercise science and that considers a participant’s level of psychosocial
development may circumvent sports-related injuries and promote favorable performance

Recent studies have demonstrated that Integrative Neuromuscular Training (INT)—a

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conceptual training model that incorporates general and specific strength and conditioning
activities— has the ability to enhance physical fitness and performance and likely reduces
the risk of sports related injuries in youth. (17, 18, 22, 52) INT activities and exercises are
focused to promote the development of neurocognitive processing and visual-motor abilities,
which are further improved by a qualified instructor’s appropriate delivery of corrective
feedback and interventions for identified functional deficits. (52) Evidence strongly suggests
that when implemented appropriately, INT provides physiological and psychological
benefits to a child as he or she transitions to adulthood. (1, 33, 51, 61) We have previously
discussed the principles of human development that must be considered for INT
participation and identified how cognitive and perceptual-motor developments influence the
training of youth. (52) In the present commentary, we attempt to build upon this discussion
by presenting an instructional framework foundation for the design and implementation of
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INT for specific stages of youth development from early childhood through the adolescent


The cornerstone of successful INT implementation is employing knowledgeable instructors,
including physical education teachers and trainers who understand the unique physiological
and psychosocial characteristics of youth, to provide developmentally appropriate training
instruction and feedback to optimize outcomes. (52) It is generally agreed that participants
of structured sport must be able to comprehend and handle the attentional demands of
coaching instructions and rules. (52, 53) This concept holds true for INT programs as well.
A child that is deemed ready for structured sports participation would typically be eligible
for enrollment in INT. (48, 53) Research indicates that the type and frequency of physical
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activity for children as young as 3 years of age can successfully (or unsuccessfully) position
them to progress more quickly through periods of skill acquisition, promote the development
of both cognitive and perceptual-motor control more efficiently, and provide the foundation
for a healthy and active lifestyle well beyond their adolescent years. (7, 13, 28, 48)

It is understood that not all children will begin and progress through physical training
programs at the same chronological age or stage of development due to disparities in

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genetics, abilities, resources, education, and opportunities. (23, 53) As previously

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mentioned, there are neurodevelopmental thresholds (or milestones) that a child must reach
before they can begin and progress through INT. (14, 52) For instance, a child must have the
intellectual capacity to comprehend instruction and feedback and to maintain attention
during training. Sufficient proprioceptive abilities and intellectual capacity is required prior
to INT for the child to appropriately respond to corrective feedback to improve deficiencies
in form, strength and mechanics. Beyond limitations to INT outcomes, if a child were to
begin INT before reaching these developmental thresholds, their safety could potentially be
put at risk when training in a high-risk environment. (14, 21) A strong point in favor of this
argument is an American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) statement that states, when
summarized, children are not developmentally ready for swimming lessons until the age of
four. (73) It is thought that children below this age may lack both substantial neuromuscular
control and the ability to comprehend basic instruction. Swimming, in this example, has
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relatively complicated instructions and requires honing the coordination between complex
motor actions and breathing; and the environment can be hazardous if the individual is not
of sufficient developmental maturity and appropriately supervised. Prior to the achievement
of necessary developmental thresholds, whether due to insufficient strength and
neuromuscular control or an inability to understand instructions, risk of injury during
activities such as swimming may be increased. Although INT lessons are not classically
instructed in high-risk environments such as swimming pools, the AAP statement supports
the notion that children younger than the age of four may lack important developmental
abilities to comprehend instructions to support training outcome potential and safety.


The present commentary expands upon our previously published review by drawing
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primarily from principles of Piaget’s classical theory of cognitive development. (24, 52, 63,
66) Although more contemporary theories have expanded considerably on the complex
gene-environment interactions that determine the course of human development,
developmental psychologist Jean Piaget’s work nevertheless provides a useful context for a
discussion of developmentally appropriate methods for the implementation and instruction
of youth INT programs. (63) Refer to Figure 1 for the relationship of Piaget’s developmental
stages to the training stages discussed in this commentary. It is important to note that the
ages that make up each of the proposed developmental training stages are only guidelines
along a continuum, and that the perceptual-motor and cognitive development of each
individual child may be more important for determining the child’s preparedness for
initiation of and progression through INT.
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These principles are instilled here to formulate the context of INT implementation across the
spectrum of childhood through adolescence. This framework suggests broad guidelines for
instruction and feedback to optimize training outcomes through different phases of a child’s
physical and cognitive development (Figure 2). The reciprocity between cognitive and
motor development requires such a discussion, given that cognitive development strongly
depends on the child’s capacity for movement skill acquisition, (24) just as motor
development depends heavily on intellectual capacities. (62) The following sections explain

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and provide examples of advised developmentally appropriate activities, instruction

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methods, and feedback strategies to conduct a successful INT program for youth.

Preoperational Stage Ages 2–6
Youth in the early childhood stage can greatly benefit from introduction to and regular
participation in physical activity prior to their development of physical and cognitive
capacities necessary for INT. The United States Department of Health and Human Services
guidelines indicate that pre-school centers are targeted resources to help influence beneficial
motor skill and primal strength development. (71) Instead of organized sports during the
pre-school years, it is encouraged to create regular, enjoyable opportunities for children to
engage in informal games and physical play activities that enhance basic motor skills and
that allow them to explore their movement capabilities within various environmental
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contexts. (28, 47, 48) It is the authors’ contention that the general promotion of 60 minutes
of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is too general and a non-specific
prescription for children. The current recommendations do not describe the type and
frequency of activities or exercises, especially for strength training, in which a child should
participate to best promote a lifelong healthy and active lifestyle. The United States Physical
Activity Guidelines for Americans and the World Health Organization guidelines provide a
detailed prescription for duration, frequency, and intensity of aerobic physical activity
recommendations, but only provide generalized recommendations for muscle-strengthening
activities to be performed 3 times a week. (72, 74) While others make no mention of
muscle-strengthening activities, (12) some academic societies now include noteworthy
recommendations for the development of fundamental movement skills, although they do
not provide prescriptive details for resistance exercise. (5, 70)
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Concomitant with the limited detail on motor skill and strength prescription guidelines, there
is also limited focus on the type of movement as it relates to the development of prerequisite
motor skills in youth participating in training and sport. The type of movement or activity is
critical to support the development of essential fundamental motor skills. (56, 69) However,
the prescription of any type of physical activity for children should be within the limits of
their physical and cognitive abilities to facilitate skill development, promote enjoyment, and
ensure safety. (16)

Informal physical activity, such as play, allows children to advance verbal and non-verbal
communication skills through interaction with peers, while they develop rudimentary motor
skills. Adults should emphasize enjoyable experiences of physical activity for young
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children as this is imperative to promote and fortify the child’s affinity for future physical
activity and exercise. Further, it is important for adults to provide increased supervision to
children under the age of four during any physical activity because they may lack an
awareness of their physical capabilities and a rational understanding of the inherent dangers
of their environment. During unsupervised physical activity, including play, youngsters’
curiosity and unfamiliarity with the physical world may increase the potential for injury;
therefore, adult supervision should be available and vigilant when appropriate. (21, 32)

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Typically, children under six years of age are still acquiring basic neuromotor, language, and
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cognitive skills, in combination with foundational motor skills such as postural control and
basic locomotor (e.g., gait) coordination. (62) As children develop the necessary cognitive
and perceptual-motor skills necessary for stable movement patterns, exposure to informal
games and activities that mimic INT training progressions can reduce apprehension for
future training exercises. For example, classic children’s games such as “hopscotch” and
“leapfrog” can introduce children to simple plyometric movements that can lay formative
locomotor groundwork prior to teaching formal plyometric drills and techniques. It is
estimated that children near the end of the preoperational stage, typically around 6 years of
age, have developed the physical and cognitive abilities to run smoothly, skip, hop on one
foot several times, and throw a ball. (3, 8, 60). It is also conceivable that children who have
been exposed to more frequent physical activity may exhibit critical improvements in
endurance and motor coordination during the early childhood stage. (14) These physical
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improvements, in conjunction with neurodevelopmental milestones, are important

prerequisites for the child to begin INT participation with competence and confidence. (8)

An individual during the early childhood stage is quite egocentric. (63) That is, the child
regards their needs and desires as their primary center of focus and holds a more narrow
perspective of the world. (60, 63) The child also exhibits little regard for the vantage,
interests, or beliefs of others and maintains a relatively short attention span with limited
selective attention. (63) Given the egocentric nature of children at this point in cognitive
development, they can become easily frustrated when their demands and desires are not
immediately met. (63) It is essential that instructors and supervisors present physical
activities and games in a fun and captivating manner to fulfill children’s attentional and
motivational needs in order to acquire optimal focus and engagement. Children may also
lack the ability to internally manipulate and transform information in a logical way;
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therefore, prompting instructions by asking the child to “play” or “pretend” may facilitate
desirable performance and outcomes. (63) Instructing children to mimic familiar poses, such
as those of animals, may assist them in learning prerequisite fundamental movement form in
games and activities before initiating formal exercise (Figure 1; Early Childhood Stage). For
example, a child can be instructed to crouch down like a frog or stand on one foot like a
flamingo. Teachers and trainers must be versatile and creative to present fun, captivating and
safe activities for young children to informally practice fundamental motor and
communication skills.

Another consideration prior to INT is that children often develop perceptual-motor and
cognitive processes at a rapid and somewhat irregular rate. (65) This is a particularly
important consideration during activities that probe a child’s reaction times, mental
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processing speeds, and attentional limitations. At this age, children’s mental processing
speeds and reaction times are relatively slower; hence, they may perform better if they are
conscious of a planned event (e.g., if they are aware of where a ball will land, they will be
more likely to catch it) rather than unanticipated or unplanned events. (7) Priming a child
during the early childhood stage with appropriate informal physical activities to stimulate
motor and cognitive development may improve their ability to achieve optimal motor
capacity later in life. (48)

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Early Concrete Operational Stage Ages 7–9

Introducing INT during the late childhood stage brings many critical advantages. Most
importantly, children at this developmental stage will learn and execute novel, basic
movements with more ease, given their relatively higher neuroplasticity compared to older
children and adolescents. (52) The early refinement of movement patterns may allow for
more efficient advancement through the early stages of INT, (52) and this may enable a
child to advance to more complex and intense exercises at younger ages than their less
experienced peers. (53) Unlike other pathologies that can be treated pharmacologically,
there are no medications to treat deficiencies in movement skills. Instead, an intervention
strategy that includes resistance and motor skill training at this stage of development may
prevent the eventual upsurge in neuromuscular deficiencies and high risk behaviors that can
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propagate during this critical period of life and ultimately lead to negative health
consequences such as obesity. (26, 34)

A study by Benguigui and Ripoll provided evidence that training athletes as young as 7
years of age could improve their skills and techniques to match those of older children. (6)
This study showed that adaptations from training can be acquired at young ages once certain
cognitive and neurodevelopmental thresholds have been reached. (6) These findings make a
strong case that advanced training can be beneficial for children even at this early stage.
More specifically, researchers reported that the addition of 12 minutes of INT to physical
education class positively influenced measures of motor performance in children who were
in this stage of development. (17)

Generally by 7 years of age, improved cognitive, biological, and neuromuscular abilities

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make it possible for children to participate in both structured and spontaneous physical
activity, with a direct relation between the child’s level of development and their
preparedness for more advanced physical activities such as INT. Musculoskeletal and
nervous system development during this stage facilitates gross motor patterns that are more
similar to that of an adult. (38, 60) Movement patterns may become more refined, graceful,
and rhythmic, and biological maturation leads to improved posture, balance, and reaction
speed. (28, 29) Gender differences at this stage are still not and will not substantially
differentiate until the onset of puberty, which comprises rapid transformation and
development. (29, 34) Children in this developmental time point also have improved
cognitive abilities such as an expanded vocabulary, improved memory, enhanced visual
acuity, an improved auditory sense, and heightened motor control. (13, 28, 29, 68) They are
better able to integrate visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive cues at more sophisticated
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levels. (13, 28, 29, 68) INT exercises should be planned, structured, repetitive, and
appropriately progressed to improve or maintain components of fundamental mechanics and
physical fitness. (9) However, starting INT at this level comes with a few caveats in order
for the program to be most beneficial.

Instructions and rules can be more complex but still must be explicit and relatable to the
task. Immediate feedback is imperative at this stage because these children still do not have
a strong memory capacity or attention span. Children will also not have much experience

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with training and physical activity and thus rely on coaching instruction and cuing to obtain
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correct form and technique. (52) Children still tend to think in discrete extremes (e.g., black
or white, right or wrong) and such extremes can be utilized for instruction (e.g., demonstrate
gross errors in demonstrated movements). Furthermore, INT relies heavily on appropriate
and immediate feedback from a qualified professional to correct and instill proper form and
technique. Children may quickly become frustrated and/or angered when they are not able to
perform a task correctly. Thus, it is important to use feedback that emphasizes praise for
good effort (as opposed to perfect execution) so that the experience is positive, rewarding,
and enjoyable. INT feedback should remain mostly positive to reinforce correct technique,
form, and effort as many children struggle with criticism. (60, 68) Reinforcement may prove
more beneficial as a feedback strategy to instill a behavior compared to constructive
criticism or punishment.

Individual training may be advantageous to maximize focus and effort during early exposure
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to planned exercise, despite limitations to social interaction among peers. However, in many
cases, group training is more likely due to limited resources. In this case, groups should be
kept to fairly small numbers (2–6 per group) to support children to maintain focus and to
allow the instructor to provide adequate supervision and to supply sufficient feedback to
each participant. (60, 68) It is essential that children consistently demonstrate proper
fundamental technique before moving on to more advanced or intense exercise variations
and progressions (e.g., unanticipated challenges or events).

Training may be most beneficial if instructions are short, explicit, and are comprised of
basic vocabulary, as these children typically still have a relatively limited vocabulary and
struggle to comprehend complex sentences. (60, 65) Children in the late childhood stage are
also developing their cognitive ability to remember and recall basic information. For this
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reason, children in this stage are less likely to recall previous training sessions and specific
technique criteria. (14, 36) Thus, it may be important to repeat many of the instructions to an
exercise, drill, or game each time children are expected to participate. It can also be
beneficial to ask the children about rules and objectives through simple questions to fortify
comprehension and recall. Accordingly, songs, rhymes, and other mnemonic devices may
assist with the retention of information for this age group, (60) while excessive background
noise or employing several instructors to deliver directions can contribute to confusion for
the child. (38) It may be advantageous to assign verbal instruction to one trainer that can
speak clearly and at an appropriate volume for the environment. Background music or sound
effects may prove detrimental during instruction and should be minimized or removed
altogether, as this can lead to further distraction or confusion for the child.
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Physical cuing (e.g., promoting correct form via physical manipulation or stimuli) may
facilitate desirable training outcomes, as children in this stage tend to respond well to these
prompts, in contrast to verbal cuing (Figure 2; Late Childhood Stage). (60) Drills and
exercises may be further enhanced for this age group through the integration of visual aids
and props, such as colored cones or place markers for starting and ending positions. Verbal
cues may be difficult for children in this stage to comprehend especially if they are focused
on a concurrent physical task. To improve verbal communication, strategies that utilize
relatable models or common analogies may prove useful as children of this stage are better

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able to make connections between words and movements. The advantage is that such terms
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and analogies may be more relatable for a young child than classic anatomic or
biomechanical terminology often used in training for older athletes.

Children in the late childhood stage are developing the ability to use inductive logic to better
understand events and their outcomes. (36, 63) However, these children may still be
predominantly “in the moment” thinkers. (28) That is, the immediate present is of utmost
importance to them and, as a result, they may have difficulty understanding longer-term
objectives of activities or exercises (e.g., health or performance related outcomes from
training). (43, 63) Thus, motivation will most often originate from present, task-specific
enjoyment rather than from the future benefits of neuromuscular training. (63) These
children may also have difficulty with self or peer performance comparisons. (28, 29)
Therefore, it may be advantageous to have the child focus on the present scenario and to
avoid prompting these children to attempt to make comparisons for instructive purposes.
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Comprehensive training with task and exercise variety has shown to be beneficial for both
injury prevention and future physical performance of children. (17, 47) Specifically, the
National Association for Sport and Physical Education Guidelines for Participation in Youth
Sport Programs suggest that delayed sports specialization provides enhanced opportunities
for more well-rounded psychological and social youth development. (11, 31, 45) As a result,
youth may be less drawn to a “specific sport culture” that is more focused on winning rather
than the long-term physical development of the athletes. (31, 39, 40, 45) In addition to
psychosocial benefits, children in late childhood who participate in multiple sports can gain
expanded exposure and practice to various general and specific skills sets. Diverse sports
participation, along with INT to enhance muscle strength and to support motor skill
development, may reduce the likelihood of sports-related injuries, especially repetitive
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movement injuries, in young athletes. (31, 45) It is not surprising that many elite athletes at
the collegiate and professional level participated in a variety of sports during childhood and
early adolescence. (44)

While ensuring safety in the training environment is important at all stages of development,
it should be an especially strong point of emphasis at this stage. Improved cognitive abilities
and creativity may lead some children to believe that they are skilled beyond their actual
capabilities. As a result, exercises and activities should be appropriately prescribed and
closely monitored to reduce training injury risk. (21, 55) Extra care and attention are needed
when children exercise in a room with adult training equipment, as accidental injuries (e.g.,
dropping weights and pinching fingers) have been reported. (21, 55) Additionally, as
children are still honing their motor skills, they may have limited control over the direction
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or force they inflict on an object (e.g., throwing or kicking a ball). (29, 67) Thus, it is
important to maintain appropriate safety precautions, as flying objects can be harmful to
other children and adolescents in a large group training session.

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Late Concrete Operational Stage Ages 10–11

Preadolescence constitutes the years of development between childhood and adolescence.
Preadolescents have an improved ability to think in terms of the past, present, and future.
(24, 63) An instructor can take advantage of this developmental milestone to maximize
positive training outcomes. To instill correct technique, it is recommended that an instructor
review previous exercise performances during subsequent sessions. Corrective feedback
from instructors will become more essential as preadolescents are more likely to understand
verbal feedback and will be more capable of self-adjusting form and technique. Youth in this
stage may still remain sensitive to negative performance comparisons with their peers and
may become easily discouraged or embarrassed. It is important to reinforce positive
performance to enhance self-confidence and continued participation in physical activity.
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For preadolescents, motivation for training is now a hybrid of fun-oriented and goal-oriented
activities. Many individuals in this age group are able to comprehend the benefits of
training; however, the benefits may not provide the necessary incentives for full
engagement. Feedback should be delivered through a well-balanced combination of praise
and constructive criticism. Youth in this stage of development have more fully developed
cognitive processes, such as heightened intellect, self-correction, comparison and the ability
to understand the purpose behind consequences. (60) However, preadolescents may have
limited experience with constructive criticism in physical activity, so it is important to
carefully and systematically introduce this method of feedback into their training instruction.
For those athletes new to constructive criticism during training, it can be beneficial to first
provide positive feedback on what the athlete did correctly during an exercise before
delivering constructive criticism on technique criteria that require improvement. In addition,
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a positive tone should be used when relaying constructive criticism to convey

encouragement rather than disappointment.

Preadolescents may also begin to showcase capabilities to self-correct their own technique.
These athletes can greatly benefit from watching an instructor demonstrate desired technique
to compare to their own technique to target criteria to improve (Figure 1; Preadolescence
Stage). Moreover, supplementary instructive methods such as using mirrors and videos may
prove useful as preadolescents can begin to self-adjust their performance to improve
movement and functional strategies. As young athletes in this stage are just beginning to
learn and apply these self-corrective methods, coaches and trainers may further assist the
athlete by pointing out the area of most concern or using guided questions to help the athlete
focus on specific criteria.
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Owing to the earlier mastery of fundamental movement skills and development of adequate
levels of muscular strength, preadolescents can engage in more advanced INT exercises.
Preadolescents may also benefit from increased exposure to more intense bouts of physical
activity, but only if a qualified instructor is confident that an individual’s fundamental
movement technique is correct and consistent. (25, 26, 48) It is also recommended to begin
to use challenges and variations in training to advance motor coordination and cognitive
abilities, such as reaction drills. (54) Advanced motor skills in combination with enhanced

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cognitive abilities will allow preadolescents to better execute these complex, dynamic
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movements. The complexity of prescribed exercises is often dependent on the

developmental level and training age of the athlete. (52) Despite vast improvements in
physical and cognitive abilities during this stage, progressions to more intense exercises
must still be regulated by an individual’s ability to consistently demonstrate correct form
and technique of a precursor exercise. For example, before an individual is instructed to
perform intermediate levels of plyometric exercises such as broad jumps or low-level depth
jumps, the athlete should demonstrate a mastery of takeoff and landing mechanics during
beginner level plyometric exercises such as wall jumps and squat jumps. (10, 54)

Drills that begin to incorporate unplanned or unanticipated reactions to stimuli can be

initiated during this developmental stage. It is important to recognize that maturation will
significantly vary during this age, as individual children mature at different chronological
ages and rates. Therefore, it is imperative that qualified trainers continually monitor training
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progressions in conjunction with the individual’s current capabilities and skills. Game-like
situation drills and simulations can be useful and stimulating for training; however, it is
important to incorporate a variety of scenarios from many sports and not to over-specialize
too early in an athlete’s career. Involvement in competitive sports often begins to increase in
duration from childhood, but sport specialization is still not recommended as it may reduce
motor skill development potential and may increase risk of injury. (11, 17, 47) Formal
competition should not overshadow opportunities to develop fundamental motor skills,
enhance physical prowess, improve decision-making skills, and expand problem-solving
skills necessary for participation in various sports and physical activities. (60) If a
preadolescent has engaged in a variety of appropriate training activities, before and during
maturation, they may be better poised to capitalize on the combination of consolidating
factors that support motor skill performance during their post-pubertal training years. (48)
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Formal Operational Stage Ages 12–18
Adolescence is characterized by accelerated developments in physical growth, motor skills,
and higher order cognitive functions. (28, 29, 60) Individuals in this stage are undergoing
puberty, which can result in greater variability of physical development and abilities. (29,
59, 60) Given the acute hormonal changes experienced during this stage, appropriately
prescribed training will promote greater neural and anatomical adaptations of the
neuromuscular system. (19, 37, 58, 59) Collectively, these changes may enable post-pubertal
youths to generate greater overall force that enhances the performance of foundational motor
skills, such as running and jumping. (15)
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Gender differences significantly increase during adolescence as well. (28) Specifically,

males will have greater improvement in tasks that require muscular strength, whereas
females progress more in tasks that require balance and control. (28, 29, 59, 60) Throughout
adolescence, males are more likely to advance in motor power performance (e.g., vertical
jump) than females. (28) Thus, a benefit of INT participation, especially for female athletes,
is greater gains in motor power performance than those who have not. (25, 26,41, 49, 64)

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In addition to traditional resistance training exercises (e.g., squatting, deadlifting, pressing,

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and pulling), weightlifting movements (e.g., clean and jerk, snatch) and plyometrics can
serve as safe and effective exercises for pubertal youth for the development of muscular
strength and power. (69) It is essential that those responsible for instructing weightlifting
movements and jumping activities to school-age youth possess sufficient practical
experience teaching these exercises to adolescents, a recognized professional certification,
and a level of knowledge commensurate with a college degree in exercise science or
physical education. While less experienced fitness professionals can assist in the
organization of youth programs, it is desirable that professionals are equipped with the level
of expertise to provide technical instruction that is needed for more advanced INT
programming. (20, 48)

In adolescence, the use of more technical direction can be employed for training, given the
cognitive capabilities of these athletes. (58) Directions can be primarily verbal, although
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visual aids such as instructor demonstration or videos may still be needed for more complex
exercises and drills (Figure 1; Adolescence Stage). (46, 50, 56, 69) Improved vocabulary
and comprehension of biomechanical terminology allows for instructors to articulate their
intentions to adolescents more easily. All details of an activity or drill may not have to be
explicitly expressed for every repetition and the athlete can take part in activities that
requires them to process short directions and adapt on the fly. These activities may more
closely resemble sports that involve fast pace play that necessitates efficient reactions and
appropriate physical responses. The use of symbols, signs, and code words can be used with
mature athletes who are better able to think abstractly and multitask to offer communication
in real-time during an activity. These methods can add complexity and elements of
unpredictability to exercises and drills for the improvement of reasoning and reaction ability.
For example, an instructor could indicate desired direction changes during a drill with hand
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signals. Improved mental capacity may also improve an athlete’s ability to recall
performances from previous training sessions, and this may allow an individual to progress
more efficiently through exercise progressions. (30, 58) Furthermore, evidence-based
programming from a qualified instructor can improve the effectiveness and outcome
potential of an INT program for adolescents, especially if such a program can be
regimentally designed for participants who are more mature and self-motivated.

Adolescents, compared to children in other stages, have an improved ability to compare their
performance to that of their peers and to their own previous training sessions to identify their
own strengths and weaknesses. (30, 58) At this age, athletes become more proficient at self-
correction in real-time, and can readily identify correct and incorrect technique. (46, 56, 69)
This capability is due to a host of cognitive and perceptual-motor factors, including the
Author Manuscript

athlete’s more finely tuned proprioceptive senses. (30, 58) However, specific and timely
feedback from an instructor is still beneficial to the athlete’s development and improvement.
(47, 60) One negative consequence of improved self-awareness is that adolescents may tend
to be overly concerned with self-image. (28) Anxiety over perceived comparisons among
peers could hinder an athlete’s motivation for participation in group training. (4, 60) It may
be beneficial to arrange individuals in small groups that take ability, training-age, and
gender into consideration to generate less emotionally pressured environments for training.
(4) In addition, athletes that initiate INT at an earlier age may be less self-conscious of their

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performances during group training than athletes that initiate INT during adolescence.
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Furthermore, co-ed training may add elements of distraction and heightened self-
consciousness as well, and this can further hinder optimal training scenarios. However,
delving into gender specific guidelines exceeds the scope of the current discussion and,
regardless, such gender related differences may not greatly affect programming at this stage
of development.

Feedback for adolescents can move further along the spectrum of praise to constructive
criticism. Athletes can now understand the implications for constructive criticism and the
purpose of its usage. For adolescent athletes who have developed more slowly, it may still
be worthwhile to use praise to promote motivation and continuation of training participation.
As reasoning abilities become more sophisticated, some adolescents may disagree and argue
with adults’ instruction or perspectives. It should be understood that this attitude is a
normative transition to independence and a need to feel in control. Providing an adolescent
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the opportunity to choose from a range of acceptable options rather than insisting on a
particular approach is much more likely to lead to cooperation with less resistance.

At this stage of development, many youth have acquired essential cognitive capabilities for
analytical problem-solving and abstract patterns of thought. (28) These individuals will
generally understand the underlying rationale for the selection and utility of exercises, and
they will have a greater ability to comprehend health and wellness education. Qualified
instructors can assist in the education of athletes on strategies to instill positive habits that
promote health and wellness for lifelong physical activity. For example, older adolescents
can be taught how to program workouts and how to safely perform specific exercises in
absence of an INT instructor. Moreover, by using and sharing evidence-based reasoning to
support intentions for exercise selection, instructors can promote an improved understanding
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and acceptance of exercise science in youth.

At this stage, motivation of older adolescent athletes has moved along the continuum from
child-like motives (e.g., entertainment) to more mature performance related goals (e.g.,
personal records). Some adolescents will be self-motivated to train to improve their
performance, while others may need to be educated on how exercises directly relate to
improved athletic performance, especially for more complex exercises. It is also important
to recognize that adolescents are still considered to be part of the youth population, so
instructors should still attempt to make training entertaining and enjoyable to promote
affinity for continued physical activity.

Many adolescents showcase more specific athletic talents and unique skill-sets during this
stage. (28, 29) Continued participation in different activities and sports is encouraged;
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however, adolescents who have developed strong fundamentals and a variety of physical
skills may consider sports specialization to focus more on these sport-specific skill-sets.
Nonetheless, diversification likely enhances long-term performance and reduces injury risk
throughout adolescence. (11, 28,29,31, 45, 60)

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Training youth for competitive physical activity in a method that enhances performance,
reduces injury risk, and ultimately promotes a lifetime of physical activity is an exceedingly
complex process. Throughout a young athlete’s development, one must not only carefully
consider their changing perceptual-motor system, but also its complex relation to the
developing brain. Factors such as the individual’s cognitive and motor capabilities for
learning movement patterns, and also the motivation for training at each developmental
stage must be well understood for successful implementation of training programs and
interventions. Qualified professionals who are cognizant of the physical and psychosocial
uniqueness of children and adolescents are needed to successfully instruct INT programs to
address the myriad challenges that arise throughout youth sport participation. The
appropriate utilization of INT that appreciates age-appropriate instruction and feedback
strategies throughout the developmental years provides a controlled and effective
Author Manuscript

environment for youth to enhance their skills to improve athletic performance and reduce the
risk of sports related injury. Most importantly, it provides a foundation for a healthy, active
lifestyle beyond the formative years.

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Figure 1.
Relationship of Piaget’s developmental stages to the youth training stages
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Figure 2.
Training strategies relative to motivation, cuing and feedback associated with each stage of
youth development.
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