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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

Win / TheDonald Sign In

Hot BREAKING. Message from President Trump ( 🦅 Trump Tweet 🦅All Posts
posted 1 hour ago by highenergywinning stickied +2622 / -25

Donald J. Trump

4 10 PM · Jan 7, 2021
247.2K 181.7K people are Tweeting about this
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Comments (2566) sorted by: top

▲ Ben45 1 hour ago +951 / -60
891 fuck this video
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +449 / -29
420 Yeah fuck this video
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▲ DrWeeGee 1 hour ago +441 / -7 1/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

434 Elections mean nothing. We are a banana republic

Win / TheDonald
▼ Sign In
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▲ errydaktal 1 hour ago +208 / -50 (edited)
158 I believe he had good intentions but quickly realised he had 0 allies in prospective cabinet
▼ appointments, advisors and the senate. He never had the power that you think the president has
without the support of these people. He could only write executive orders that will never be enforced,
use vetos and make developments that they approved. I believe he was put under duress to write
executive orders that would fuel hope and make election challenges that will fail and bring the biggest
possible anticlimax for his supporters and be the final death blow stab in the back of supporters. Fox
news was the first stab in the back. His presidency turned out to be the complete identification,
demoralisation, cancelling and elimination of the right and any opposition to socialism in the US. He
knew this and had no choice but to do it. His family and his life were clearly threatened if he were to
reveal any of these details, to be truly transparent. The reveal of the fraud and corruption was clearly
permitted by the establishment to bring up the hopes of the right and then have Trump deal a death
blow to them and demoralise them and make them feel helpless to the point they never retaliate or
recoup. Zuckerberg has more power than a POTUS without an administration or the media and he
knows it, and that's why he's exercising it so brazenly.
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▲ UnstoppablePede 1 hour ago +141 / -20
121 you are wrong, he did reveal it. and he fought so hard we stormed the fucking seat of global power
▼ and scared the shit out of them.
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▲ geocitiesuser 1 hour ago +192 / -6
186 They let "us" in. I watched the streams. The police did almost nothing to remove protestors from
▼ the building.
Scared? No, the liberal elite were loving this. The perfect narrative. Dangerous Trump terrorists,
we must impeach orange man now!
It was all a set up to demoralize us.
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▲ Gospeedrcer 1 hour ago +58 / -12
46 Yep, DC was a disaster in many ways
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▲ CantStumpTheTrump 1 hour ago +44 / -0
44 It didn't go far enough to do any good but just far enough to be used to fuck us.
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MAGA_MEME 1 hour ago +30 / -2 (1 child)

▲ Jbsmoover 1 hour ago +15 / -2 (edited)
13 Absolutely Antifa breaking windows. I saw the videos (see Alex Jones for more). The people
▼ doing the damage were not MAGA. They had all the tell-tale signs of Antifa, helmets, knee
pads, recognizable respirators, skinny jeans, all black or dark grey, hoodies, etc., and the way
they were breaking the glass was EXACTLY the same tactics, probably the same PEOPLE 2/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
they were breaking the glass was EXACTLY the same tactics, probably the same PEOPLE
I've seen dozens of times in Portland and Kenosha. We were warned there was a busload of
Win / TheDonald Sign In
them coming in and that they would be wearing MAGA garb, and they did not lie. This was
indeed a setup, and the narrative was all ready to spin. Look how Pelosi and Schumer and

various enemy heads of state immediately chimed in with how Trump has disgraced
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▲ BranchCovidian 1 hour ago +26 / -14
12 I doubt it. It raised morale by showing how easily the Capitol could be stormed, and showing
▼ how much so many Americans despise the corrupt Federal Government and congress. Now,
I'm no strategic expert and have no crystal ball, so I could be wrong, but I think on balance it's
a victory for us.
However, Trump cucking in this video was sad.
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▲ Luckyduck 1 hour ago +13 / -1
12 He had to say that shit. They are getting ready to destroy him so “live to fight another day”
▼ and all that
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▲ HuntersCokeDealer 1 hour ago +7 / -14
-7 You are fucking naive.
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▲ FUJIMO_1977 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 I walked in. There was no storm and we were chill. I think it's only over until the seceding
▼ starts. It's gonna be a long ride but he headed to DeSantis Florida and you can bet Tx is not
long for the usa now. No one will live this way.
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QuranIsToiletPaper 1 hour ago +60 / -42 (6 children)

▲ BestTimeToBAlive 1 hour ago +14 / -1
13 100% yes to this
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▲ KillAllCommies72 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 yeah and then condemned you and said he is going to prosecute you. He is a straight up faggot.
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▲ matpitchu 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 you mean antifa will be prosecuted?
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

▲ Howitzer 1 hour ago +17 / 2 3/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
▲ -Howitzer- 1 hour ago +17 / -2
15 Fuck this post.
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ joker 1 hour ago +14 / -0

“ The reveal of the fraud and corruption was clearly permitted by the establishment

You mean to demoralize us?

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▲ jazpan1 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 I believe he had good intentions but quickly realised he had 0 allies in prospective cabinet
▼ appointments, advisors and the senate. He never had the power that you think the president has
without the support of these people. He could only write executive orders that will never be
enforced, use vetos and make developments that they approved. Fox news was the first stab in the
back. His presidency turned out to be the complete identification, demoralisation, cancelling and
elimination of the right and any opposition to socialism in the US. Zuckerberg has more power than
a POTUS without an administration or the media and he knows it, and that's why he's exercising it
so brazenly.
There fixed it. Don't have to get all conspiratorial.
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▲ Mr-J 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 "elimination of the right and any opposition to socialism" not even close buddy
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▲ Mooma 1 hour ago +46 / -4
42 Child. Gun. Camera.
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▲ lordvon 1 hour ago +18 / -1
17 lin lied about things happening before christmas. now, he seems to be laughing in our faces with
▼ his jokey posts.
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▲ SmolPedeBestPede 1 hour ago +19 / -2
17 Lin said Pence and the other traitors are conspiring to execute Trump. This was probably his
▼ only way out.
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▲ MainAd 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 Always excuses always fairy tales always "i think this was the reason" Propaganda. Time to
▼ exist the USA
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▲ BostonVoter 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Took me 15 minutes to understand your comment. I like it. Did you also notice : 45 seconds into
▼ video the neck Jumps and becomes animated ? 4/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ BurnLootMurder2020 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 As evil as that would be its better than the alternative.
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▲ Firesale 1 hour ago +42 / -0 (edited)
42 I often get asked why I’d want to buy another place in a third world country (no this isn’t a reee liberal
▼ I’m moving, then proceed to never move lmao. Just want to diversify my assets plus there are some
great countries out there. Cheaply, beautiful women, etc.)
Now I realize we live in one. What’s the difference. Oh well I’ll rent my house out for a crazy amount
because that’s what happens to every liberal shithole which is unfortunately apparently the way my
city has turned this election.

But they’ve clearly got him by the balls. He never wanted to have to say this but we know their game.
There will never be a fair election my friends. Can’t even inspect the machines that run it.
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▲ vote_for_MAGA_2020 1 hour ago +38 / -2
36 Yeah, I’m not mad at him. No one in positions of power stood up for him or helped him. Faggots
▼ like Tim Scott buddy-buddy-ed with him to get something out of him, but betrayed him every
chance he got.
I’m not mad at him. He knows the deep state is going to be hounding him for the rest of his life. He
wants to get out of dodge. Yeah, it’s kinda shitty that he threw us under the bus, but hey, we had
some good times! He’s done a damn lot more good than bad.
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▲ sackofwisdom 1 hour ago +9 / -2
7 I'm mad at him. Fuck Trump. He just had to say the word and hundreds of thousands would fight
▼ and give up their life for him and our country.
But he pussied out. Like a bitch.
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▲ novacav 1 hour ago +14 / -2
12 Before Trump, the elections were probably all rigged. Trump broke the Matrix in 2016. It corrected
▼ itself in 2020, but they needed fake Covid and extreme cheating to do it.
Plus now half the country knows about the bullshit, unlike before Trump.
Bummer tho this is, we're in a solid place.
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DeadLivesMatter 1 hour ago +1 / -0 (2 children)

novacav 1 hour ago +12 / -2 (1 child)

bluto36 1 hour ago +7 / -4 (2 children)

▲ QuranIsToiletPaper 1 hour ago +54 / -23 5/86
▲ BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

31 Nah, fuck you.

Win / TheDonald Sign In

Trump Supporters
Our community is a high-energy rally for supporters of President Trump.
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▲ Changed777 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 Man you get alot of downvotes, and I've given you some but Im surprised at how often iagree with
▼ you
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▲ Than0s 58 minutes ago +3 / -0
3 Seriously fuck the idiots who are being defeatist and letting their anger get the better of them.
▼ Yesterday we made them so scared that what we're seeing are the repercussions.
So what do we do now? Follow Trump's lead as he's said this isn't over. We're in a culture and
information war and we need to stand by him more than ever.
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▲ stonetears_anus 1 hour ago +10 / -10
0 What you call high energy is simply a release of all the negative emotions which lead people to go out
▼ and make a difference in the real world.
You're a self-support group dedicated to sitting back and cheerleading communism into the halls of
American government.
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▲ donniedarko 1 hour ago +27 / -0
27 this is so much bigger than trump. why should they rule if nobody voted for them? because they use
▼ force....force is the only language they understand.
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▲ Lilianny 1 hour ago +19 / -29
-10 Yes, F this video. Trump sounds exactly like Bernie!
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▲ Ipray4potus 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 Except Bernie didn't do shut to fight the fraud.
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▲ Ipray4potus 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 And he's a commie!
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▲ b3team 1 hour ago +2 / -1
1 But they both were as exactly as effective at it
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▲ SpaceForceMAGA 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 https://thedonald win/p/11RhKDW3hg/pedes maintain your fucking dign/ 6/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

Win / TheDonald
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▲ Lilianny 1 hour ago +3 / -3
0 That is what I replied to this video on Twitter: "...No matter what, I can call u Bernie now. What's the
▼ difference? Shame. U don't have any right to verbally abuse Bernie. U r not better..."
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deleted 1 hour ago +11 / -143 (5 children)

▲ Gamers4Trump2020 1 hour ago +170 / -7
163 You can tell this wasn't a true message from him to the people. He was instructed to say this. Probably
▼ won't go after his kids or something.
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Porkbut 1 hour ago +54 / -2 (2 children)

tombombadil 1 hour ago +31 / -2 (7 children)

Inertargongas 1 hour ago +64 / -53 (edited) (24 children)

▲ Changed777 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 And Kaylee's press conference...that was crazy she got right out of there. She did NOT like what she
▼ was saying
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Flipbarryfromreddit 1 hour ago +6 / -1 (1 child)

▲ BidenCrimeFamily 1 hour ago +115 / -13
102 Delete it
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▲ DJTrump 1 hour ago +56 / -5
51 Yes please delete it
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▲ Mad_Maximo 1 hour ago +52 / -2
50 Don't worry, Twitter will, along with his whole account.
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▲ 675-EVIL 1 hour ago +48 / -14
34 Good cuz I no longer care. This movement has outgrown Trump.
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▲ Donger-Lord 1 hour ago +16 / -0
16 We must come to realize that we will all be executed if we don’t fight back.
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▲ brianirons1 1 hour ago +3 / -9
6 7/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
-6 Is this something you believe will happen or are you just making noise?
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ CantStumpTheTrump 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Every election before this the phrase has always been "They are coming for us!" but no one
▼ actually ever said they were; just vagaries about passing "reasonable" policies.
This is the first election where the people are saying "They are coming for us!" because the
other side actually said, "We are comin for you."
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▲ 675-EVIL 1 hour ago +18 / -7
11 Good cuz I no longer care. This movement has outgrown Trump.
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▲ lurkwellmyfriends 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 It was never about one person or a cult-of-personality. That said, we owe a lot to POTUS imo. He
▼ tried. He made mistakes, maybe misread things at the end, but he did everything he could for
God Bless him.
This is our fault We the People allowed all this to happen, and now the republic is dead. The next
chapter is here though.
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▲ b3team 56 minutes ago +1 / -1
0 He failed
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▲ FancyBeerCoozyBeer 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 Probably the site too unless they add a minecraft board.
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DonnyJr2024x 1 hour ago +109 / -11 (4 children)

▲ BidenCrimeFamily 1 hour ago +73 / -6
67 Also why does it have a cut/transition? I never remember that in any previous Trump videos.
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▲ sleepy_roger 1 hour ago +38 / -2
36 It's been in a lot of recent ones, look at the Christmas address, and the two he did about voter fraud.
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▲ BidenCrimeFamily 1 hour ago +13 / -0
13 Well then...I was thinking deepfake was a slim chance.
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▲ AnotherPedeInTheWall 1 hour ago +14 / -0
14 Look at the midle of his neck at 2:10 seconds. it completely dissapears for a second. This looks
▼ fake as fuck 8/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ DeplorableCentipede 1 hour ago +18 / -2
16 Yeah, those are the most awkward cuts I've ever seen. Totally unprofessional.
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▲ BidenCrimeFamily 1 hour ago +7 / -1
6 Yeah, I was hoping a deepfake.
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▲ theblackprince 1 hour ago +8 / -2
6 They were like this for the first year or so, always wondered why they had clueless people editing.
▼ Bad camera angles, too.
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▲ Aarrow 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 I've seen about 30 of those same cuts on Trumps long election fraud evidence video.
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▲ diamondsword 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 It's a teleprompter and some parts were probably done multiple times to get it just perfect. Definitely
▼ prefer real Trump over teleprompter Trump.
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▲ KAG_2020_BB 1 hour ago +700 / -225 (edited)

“ "The heinous attack"

Get fucked. Seriously. I am now saying it. FUCK TRUIMP.

He's disrespected everything we've risked our lives for.
Edit: I have a right to dislike Trump for this video. You saw what I saw yesterday. That was not Heinous.
That was not violent and those patriots were not threatening anyone. An unarmed woman, who served for
this country lost her life.
I have been a pede since 2015. I respected Trump for everything he did for us, but he has now abandoned
us and disrespected everything we believe in. I have a right to be angry. He can go fuck himself in this video.
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▲ DJT_JR6544 1 hour ago +391 / -14
377 Yeah this was not heinous. It was morally correct.
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JohnStark 1 hour ago +162 / -4 (3 children)

▲ TheMAGAnificent 1 hour ago +100 / -35
65 He's only addressing those who broke windows and stole hard drives and assaulted officers, not the
▼ other 99.95% that were peaceful.
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▲ Jeffersonian Man 1 hour ago +78 / 11 9/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
▲ Jeffersonian_Man 1 hour ago +78 / -11
67 It's our building we should do with it as we please. Why is stealing hard drives bad? Are
Win / TheDonald Sign In allowed
▼ to hide shit from us?
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▲ Shampagnepapi 1 hour ago +43 / -12
31 That’s like saying it’s okay for BLM to burn down federal courthouses because it’s their building and
▼ they can do as they please
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▲ Pres_Trump 1 hour ago +40 / -3
37 They did. And no one did a damn thing about it so yes, we should be able to do as we please
▼ just like they were.
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▲ braindeadgroup 1 hour ago +9 / -2
7 Trump condemned them too
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▲ rustedpence2 1 hour ago +17 / -1
16 And did jack shit to stop them. They were much worse under his watch than any other
▼ President. He’ll probably do more against the people at his rally than them for “optics”
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▲ Albekrumby 1 hour ago +6 / -1
5 We never burned down a building, we smashed a couple windows (And most of the people
▼ who did smash windows were Antifa, there are videos of Trump supporters Booing the
people smashing windows calling them Antifa and then restraining them from doing more
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▲ basedwesterner 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 Well that’s different.
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 Don’t be foolish. Obviously Trump can’t support this. If the situation was flipped and leftists were
▼ doing this we’d be chewing them out too.
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▲ Pearls_Swine 1 hour ago +49 / -3
46 A criminal organization steals our election and murders our Democracy

Trump: "I was just asking nicely for reform.
Patriots steal said criminal's hard drives and break a window
Trump: "They must be arrested!"
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▲ Cyer6 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 10/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
1 I knew he was going to do this to us. He refused to put up a serious fight for 4 years and allowed all
▼ these snakes into his administration. Always worried about optics and polls.
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ trump_train2020 1 hour ago +19 / -0
19 They were patriots for doing that
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▲ bck- 1 hour ago +18 / -1
17 He should have been more specific then. Because this comes off as a big "fuck you" to the thousands
▼ of people who were there for HIM
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▲ Hugeassdick 54 minutes ago +1 / -1
0 It’s almost like drumpf has a history of throwing absolutely anybody under the bus. It really is quite
▼ amazing you were too fucking stupid to realize that
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▲ BestTimeToBAlive 1 hour ago +2 / -1
1 Exactly!
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▲ jafit 1 hour ago +39 / -10
29 It was a setup, the police let in the Qanon viking crackpots in for a photo op. You can see them waving
▼ them through the barriers in the video.
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▲ Archive_offline 1 hour ago +16 / -9
7 You're referring to the blm member who has been photographed in the same horns and arrested at
▼ blm rallies. False flag. Wise up.
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▲ Tendies_or_GTFO 1 hour ago +9 / -2
7 That's Jake Angeli, the Qanon Shaman....he carried a sign that saids "Q sent me" to those rallies
▼ as an antagonist.
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

▲ Flipbarryfromreddit 1 hour ago +1 / -2
-1 Yes!!! Him! I knew he was a fucking! When I saw him several times in DC I wanted to confront
▼ him...
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▲ DeplorableCentipede 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 And? It doesn't change the fact that those "crackpots" did nothing wrong.
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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

▲ jafit 1 hour ago +1 / -2
Win / TheDonald Sign In
-1 You think the cops waving them all into the building was for Trump's benefit? They fell for an
▼ obvious trap, that's called doing something wrong.
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▲ ParticleCannon 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 Further clarification, it wasn't an attack, they were let in.
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▲ JoseffineBiden 1 hour ago +6 / -2
4 I believe he was talking about antifa attacks that cause the seige of the Capitol, I believe he said
▼ something a few days ago about them being watched very closely on the 6th
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▲ hint 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 No he wasn't dude. Fuck.
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▲ cabbages 1 hour ago +179 / -13
166 This is the most egregious of all. We are without a leader now but we are not alone.
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▲ Klatuverata706 1 hour ago +131 / -5
126 We were without a leader before. The media has always had this wrong. Trump did not create the
▼ movement. Its always been here. Trump was just the part of it that was able to get to the office of the
Take the fraud. Trump didn't convince us of it. We have watched it happen time and time again. Trump
actually pursued them as far as he could.
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ChuckedBeef 1 hour ago +20 / -0 (0 children)

spezisacuckold 1 hour ago +6 / -1 (1 child)

BigAmericanParty 1 hour ago +4 / -0 (0 children)

▲ Porkbut 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 Exactly, this didnt start with Trump, it doesnt end with Trump. He was just the flagpole
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▲ Xuvial 1 hour ago +2 / -0

“ Trump did not create the movement. Its always been here.

Okay, but in that case we better change the name of this website from TheDonald to something else.
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▲ UncomfortableTruths 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 I feel pretty alone 12/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
I feel pretty alone

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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ Lilianny 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 I'm with u. U r not alone.
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 We’ll see. Right now we need to focus on local government. And see what comes.
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▲ Cyer6 58 minutes ago +3 / -0
3 Ok Texas! Here we go.
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▲ CoreyAnder 1 hour ago +133 / -32
101 Time to change the name of this site.
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▲ Seventeen762 1 hour ago +85 / -4
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▲ Flipbarryfromreddit 1 hour ago +32 / -1
31 This. We sacrificed everything over the last 4 for nothing
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▲ hint 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 I would fully favor a new site name that represents the movement.
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▲ westcoasthaze 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Here here. My money WASTED!. My time WASTED.! My energy WASTED.! We now become
▼ and support the CONSTITUTION.
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▲ MichelleOsAdamsApple 1 hour ago +71 / -7
64 Thedonald.gaveup
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▲ ProphetOfKek 1 hour ago +34 / -0
34 Damn dude that hurts
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▲ Lilianny 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 Yes, I agree. I'm here to comfort you guys. I'm with you. Many people are with you.
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ImReallyRich 1 hour ago +11 / -6 (5 children) 13/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

▲ NineteenEightyFour 1 hour ago +15 / -1
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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left_reddit_for_this 1 hour ago +12 / -0 (1 child)

DemonKingzer0 1 hour ago +3 / -0 (1 child)

deleted 1 hour ago +106 / -44

▲ StephTheDeplorable 1 hour ago +66 / -4
62 Seriously. Why bring the patriots there? Why MARCH them down to the capitol building? What the fuck
▼ Trump. They just let them in too. WHY. He seemed apprehensive during his speech yesterday. Did he
know how this was going to go? Why sit there and talk about the fraud that day if you knew? I guess
one protest means election fraud doesn't matter? It's fucking bullshit.
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▲ hint 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 If people would treat as a normal human being instead of a god who knows everything and plays 4D
▼ chess underwater, we wouldn't be asking these questions.
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▲ Jonny 1 hour ago +5 / -2 (edited)
3 He KNOWS he lead us to the capitol. He KNOWS an innocent veteran was shot to death. He always
▼ fucking knows the truth. Why is he pretending????
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▲ 20MagnusKonrad20 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 I can't believe he didn't mention her.
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▲ circle5 1 hour ago +7 / -4
3 He probably thought Mike would come through, then got fucked over by traitor Mike.

The people saying fuck trump are either
1. Shills
2. Succesfully manipulated by you know who
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▲ Arizona_pede 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 You're right, the people saying fuck trump couldn't have possibly just witnessed his concession
▼ speech
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▲ rustedpence2 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Trump is over. The meme is dead.
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Win / TheDonald
QuranIsToiletPaper 1 hour ago +6 / -6
Sign In
0 To peacefully protest, retard.

Just like Trump said from the beginning.
All the innuendos you fools read into "it will be wild" are the product of Lintard brain rot.
Trump Supporters
Our community is a high-energy rally for supporters of President Trump.
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▲ rustedpence2 58 minutes ago +2 / -0
2 And people did protest peacefully, only the Government killed someone and cops started almost all
▼ confrontations.
Where was this hustle when the regular people he was supposed to be for were under attack?
Businesses and lives destroyed forever, and in the end he didn’t stand for them.
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▲ StephTheDeplorable 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I've never listened to Lin. I didn't read into anything. I'm not a Q person. Just a regular small
▼ business owner. Normal citizen. And what I see is that people are angry. No one thought it would
boil over except (according to you) 'retards'? I'd say you're a fucking idiot if you couldn't see the
energy and anger building. Every new piece of evidence that came out and every Rino that turned
their back just built on that anger.
But you don't get the public worked up and angry and then march them down to the capitol and
expect it to go peachy.
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▲ Scharfschutzin 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Dude “will be wild” clearly meant “riot and storm the capital”. There’s no other reasonable
▼ interpretation given the current powder keg we’re sitting on.
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▲ CincyJoe 1 hour ago +54 / -2
52 Exactly. Someone please explain to me what the fuck yesterday was for? I feel like he has completely
▼ bamboozled us. An innocent girl murdered and it's all for nothing.
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▲ Cyer6 55 minutes ago +2 / -0
2 That's just it. He told us to come, that it's going to get "wild." He hardly mentioned it afterward and
▼ didn't say a thing about it in Georgia. What was the objective and where was the directive? We were
conned and duped by this guy.
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▲ Lilianny 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 He and his sons and his sons' women and his campaign team did this for $. Claiming election fraud
▼ brought them millions of donations. I'm sad for you guys. I'm here to tell you guys that people
understand you guys are hurt. I did the same for 911 victims.
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▲ Buff_cousin_Elroy 56 minutes ago +1 / -0 Sign In
1 For real, i dont get it. Why would he have us all move mountains to get to DC for his “wild” event, and
▼ then he just gives up... what a fucking kick in the nuts. Big disappoint.
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▲ QuranIsToiletPaper 1 hour ago +6 / -10
-4 To peacefully protest, retard.

Just like Trump said from the beginning.
All the innuendos you fools read into "it will be wild" are the product of Lintard brain rot.
Trump Supporters
Our community is a high-energy rally for supporters of President Trump.
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▲ rustedpence2 57 minutes ago +3 / -0
3 And people did protest peacefully, only the Government killed someone and cops started almost all
▼ confrontations. Where was this hustle when the regular people he was supposed to be for were
under attack? Businesses and lives destroyed forever, and in the end he didn’t stand for them.
If you can spam, I can spam
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▲ Flipbarryfromreddit 1 hour ago +13 / -6
7 Was Trump in on the setup maybe??? Wtf... he told us to go to the Capitol
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▲ QuranIsToiletPaper 1 hour ago +3 / -7
-4 To peacefully protest, retard.

Just like Trump said from the beginning.
All the innuendos you fools read into "it will be wild" are the product of Lintard brain rot.
Trump Supporters
Our community is a high-energy rally for supporters of President Trump.
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▲ Tendies_or_GTFO 1 hour ago +6 / -1
5 Well, he never called on anyone to break into the Capitol, that was on the people who did that. Not
▼ saying it was right or wrong here, just saying, Trump said come to D.C. for a rally, not to help him cross
the Rubicon. That was always a deranged fantasy.
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▲ Xuvial 58 minutes ago +1 / -0

“ This fucking piece of shit dragged us into DC for what?


Seriously, where did he go after the rally? Why wasn't he at Capitol Hill with us??? 16/86
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▲ Bloodylouver 1 hour ago +112 / -66
46 Yeah, it hurts to say this but fuck you Trump.
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

▲ Changed777 1 hour ago +16 / -31
-15 Don't whine. You be the next Donald Trump then
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▲ NoahGav 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 Yeah, I'll do that right about the time they stop cheating the elections.
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▲ squack567 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 I’ll sign up if I get a Melania
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▲ spezisacuckold 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 There will never be another Donald Trump, primarily because voting no longer matters now.
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▲ highenergywinning [S] 1 hour ago +585 / -186
399 ITS OVER FOLKS. He has conceded
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▲ Julia_J 1 hour ago +229 / -38
191 Has he really?
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▲ MAGA-licious 1 hour ago +225 / -54
171 Sadly yes.
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▲ TheMAGAnificent 1 hour ago +209 / -34
175 Look like Lin Wood is full of crap.

Who knows, maybe 4 years of Biden will show the world that Rumpt truly had a magic wand, and the
world will realize how great Trump is, and usher in a 2024 Trump run.
One can hope. But with falsified election results, what does it matter.
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▲ Stumpycake 1 hour ago +76 / -6
70 I have a hard time believing you. Chinese food is awful. And their penises are so tiny.
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▲ FUCK DemonRATS 1 hour ago +11 / -0 17/86
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▲ FUCK_DemonRATS 1 hour ago 11 / 0
Win / TheDonald Absolutely. He said "reconciliation", I wonder what he means by that Sign In
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▲ Scipio_Americanus 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Read a sci-fi short story by that title once... funny enough, it was about betrayal and wiping out
▼ a group of elite soldiers who were loyal to an emperor.
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▲ remember1776 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 What, you don't like half a cup of oil and tablespoon of MSG in your bowl of noodles??
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▲ blackflame7000 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Let's just fuck all their women and they will regret this invasion in no time
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▲ Stumpycake 1 hour ago +7 / -1
6 Eww. No thanks.
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▲ WinnerPlaysTCU 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Found Swalwells burner
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▲ anothermadscientist 1 hour ago +38 / -2
36 he will be 78 at that time... do you really think he would complete do a full term? And I don't mean
▼ he cant do it, 25th amendment would happen anyway
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▲ trump_lsd 1 hour ago +38 / -0
38 Beijing Biden is 78 now
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▲ Red37 1 hour ago +54 / -1
53 I guarantee Harris finishes his term and will be the “first female president, an inspiration to
▼ girls everywhere that you can go as high as you want by sucking dick”.
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▲ trump_lsd 1 hour ago +16 / -2
14 Yeah most likely. Dark times
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▲ BestTimeToBAlive 1 hour ago +9 / -1

“ an inspiration to girls everywhere that you can go as high as you want by 18/86
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...having your male boss die & give u the job

Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ LivebytheTendies 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 You don't think they know that that by now? Lol
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▲ LostViking1985 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 And: "you will only ever make it to the highest office by being picked by an old white man,
▼ who then gives it to you"
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▲ emperors_apprentice 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 at least it wasn't Hillary. ( i joke)
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▲ Bozoman500 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 Do you think he can make it through a full term?
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▲ trump_lsd 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 In his present state? Nah probably not. Doesn’t mean other 78 year olds couldn’t do it
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▲ youhateamerica 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 And nobody, including Biden, thinks he's going to serve more than a year of his term. He's
▼ either going to step aside willingly or be suicided. Its too much work to keep him from
exposing how senile he is. They'll wait a few months so its not quite so obvious and then
replace him with Kamala.
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▲ BestTimeToBAlive 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 The plan is for his NOT to complete his term
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▲ CA-Patriot 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 not sure he would want to go through all that again.
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▲ DJ_NeckFace 1 hour ago +9 / -0
9 Im sure it was taxing to take THAT many arrows and slings every single day for 5 years.
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▲ Friar_Pede 1 hour ago +26 / -1
25 Anything that is wrong with Biden will be blamed on Trump
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– Sign In
▲ MemeWar2 1 hour ago +63 / -9
54 Give the man a break. He did everything he could do. Just because the election was stolen from
▼ him doesn't take away the fact that he's done so much for us in the 4 years of his Presidency
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▲ spezisacuckold 1 hour ago +33 / -5
28 He very much did NOT do everything he could do. The Insurrection Act and Martial Law are
▼ still on the table.
Abraham Lincoln did more than Donald Trump to preserve the union.
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▲ SmolPedeBestPede 1 hour ago +2 / -1
1 He should have had Pence arrested when he had the chance. Lin Wood knew he was a
▼ traitorous snake. He was warned!!
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▲ tombombadil 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 He has done more to fight for America than anyone since Washington. He is not controlled
▼ opposition. He just doesn't have any other options at this point to remain the president.
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▲ cnctec90 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 Change your name faggot
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▲ PromiseImNotASpook 1 hour ago +2 / -3
-1 Unfortunately this is true. Especially of Conservatives. At the end - Conservatives always
▼ lose.
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 Sadly there’s no such thing as being done with politics. These people have unbelievable control
▼ over our lives. And just walking away doesn’t change that,
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▲ BestTimeToBAlive 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 This is absolute untrue!!

They fucking certified the vote yesterday. He has played every single legal avenue & was
blocked by assholes & traitors every step of the way.
Are you going to be the next traitor that stabs him in the back????
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▲ NTD_NEWS 1 hour ago +17 / -6 Sign In
11 If Lin was lying about this what else was he lying about
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▲ WolfRider 1 hour ago +12 / -2
10 He was lying about everything
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

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▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +72 / -14
58 Yes. You don't literally say "I concede!" He mentioned, twice now (first was in his written statement
▼ yesterday), about a peaceful transition of power and how a different administration will go into power on
the 20th.
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▲ unlimitedpo 1 hour ago +79 / -32
47 Yes, a new administration without Mike Pence and with General Flynn.
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▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +62 / -3
59 I can't agree with this, though I WISH I could. I really do. Trump has, in a crystal clear way imo,
▼ conceded. I hope you're right, but I can't see anymore what you see.
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▲ DeplorableCentipede 1 hour ago +33 / -0
33 Okay, how do you explain "I know you are all disappointed"? If he was transitioning to a new Trump
▼ administration, why would we be disappointed?
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▲ Chestbras 1 hour ago +12 / -6
6 Disappointed that the election process is shit?
▼ Because there are no more elections anymore, that's for sure.
Quarantines and rations, it's the new normal.
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +15 / -0
15 Masks and mandatory vaccinations too.

Think it's bad now?
Wait until next month.
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▲ ThePantsParty 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Don’t be delusional. He said he’s going to work to facilitate a transfer of power. Obviously that 21/86
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g g p y
▼ doesn’t mean to himself.
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ SmolPedeBestPede 1 hour ago +2 / -1
1 Disappointed that Pence was a traitor?
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▲ PEPE4DonaldTrump 1 hour ago +2 / -1
1 Probably the silence up until now?
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▲ logan34 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 Bro you’re delusional wake up fool
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▲ Hairy_Mouse 1 hour ago +11 / -1
10 This is why we aren't in the streets with guns, ripping these motherfuckers from their castles.
▼ Because people are always reading things between the lines that aren't there, and waiting on
some grand plan to unfurl and save us all while we sit here with out thumbs up our asses.
If we want change, we have to bring it ourselves. Great things don't come without courage and
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▲ logan34 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 Agreed change is only coming one way now. At the hands of Patriots willing to sacrifice it all.
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▲ CatLadyJules 1 hour ago +6 / -2
4 That's how I interpreted it too. Hopefully it's true.
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▲ uzi5v2 1 hour ago +6 / -4
2 Please be true!
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▲ DEPORT_DOOMERS 1 hour ago +16 / -3
13 It’s not true, you need to come off of the hopium high
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▲ Porkbut 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 User name is hilarious now
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▲ DEPORT_DOOMERS 1 hour ago +1 / -0
Win / TheDonald Sign In
1 It is hilarious I agree. But you have to be man enough to accept defeat. We’re past the
▼ dooming days, we already lost.
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▲ BeardedNinjaPede 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 He has succumed to that which he fought. May he RIP.
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▲ binford35 1 hour ago +20 / -0
20 I declare... BANKRUPTCY!!
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▲ MikeObamasVeineyCock 1 hour ago +14 / -1
13 Pence is out one way or another
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▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +34 / -0
34 Pence has ruined his career, deservedly so.
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▲ OwnaLib87 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 He doesn’t give af, he just recently announced his plans to retire...
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▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 Lol fuck that. Fuck this. I can't even believe this, like I can, but just... the fuckery of it all.
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▲ Whereami 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Dominion would say otherwise
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▲ Proda 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Has he? Given what transpired , voting doesn't seem to matter, he might get rigged again into
▼ power.
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▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 At the very least, he's lost respect, his image, and support base. Someone also just
▼ mentioned that he's retiring now. A two-faced, lost cause for sure.
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▲ Goldlight 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 a lot of people have
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▲ starboard 1 hour ago +10 / -2
8 23/86
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He didn’t say different he said “new”. That could mean anything. New VP for instance.
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 I just think if this was the case, he would have said it. If it's so top secret, then he wouldn't have
▼ used wordplay like this to begin with. I hope you're right, but I am now fully expecting the Biden
cucks and tyranny to come through on the 20th.
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▲ ThePantsParty 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 He also said transfer of power. Only the president has power so obviously that means to not him.
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▲ starboard 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I’ve always been an optimist not stopping now.
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

▲ Bigmoney223 1 hour ago +42 / -37
5 Because he's going to be bring in lot of new administration and out with the old...
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▲ billClintonIsARapist 1 hour ago +98 / -20
78 Dude... It's over. It's time to prepare for what's to come.
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▲ Donger-Lord 1 hour ago +43 / -2
41 Prepare for war. We must do what this man wasn’t able to do. We must fight the tyrants to the
▼ death, just as our Founding Fathers did 244 years ago.
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▲ DJ_NeckFace 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 This is our fight now. WE MUST DEFEND FREEDOM AND OUR RIGHTS.
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▲ spezisacuckold 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 Prepare to be shipped off to another Endless War in a Middle Eastern shithole under Biden!
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▲ Kozio_ 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 Jan 6th was our only chance
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▲ iDinduNuffin 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Why?
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▲ ProphetOfKek 1 hour ago +2 / -1
1 We have no leader and nor organization. No chain of command. They will isolate us if we
▼ even try to organize and hammer down hard.
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▲ Donger-Lord 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 They did the same thing in 1776, we don’t have a choice. It’s either we fight and die, or we
▼ just die. Better to live the rest of my life on my feet than live a miserable life on my knees.
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▲ Donger-Lord 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 They did the same thing in 1776, we don’t have a choice. It’s either we fight and die, or we
▼ just die. Better to live the rest of my life on my feet than live a miserable life on my knees.
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▲ slangin_paint 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 welcome to China, motherfuckers
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▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +41 / -3
38 No, I can't agree with this anymore, no matter how much I want to. You can check my entire history
▼ before yesterday - always positive, always with full faith and confidence. If that were true (Trump's
new administration), he would have said something about it. He has conceded. You can wait until
the 20th to see it come to light though.
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▲ russiana 1 hour ago +13 / -0
13 I think it's so OOC that I think something's fishy. I'm waiting for the 20th, then I'll believe it is all
▼ over and done.
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▲ TrumpTown 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 I get you, I hope you're right. I really really wish I could wait until the 20th too to see this
▼ through and keep my hopes up, but I just can't anymore. I would love to be wrong. More than
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▲ NotAPuma 1 hour ago +10 / -1
9 I would love that, but this sounded very final... :(
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▲ PlanTruster 1 hour ago +62 / -18
44 Yeah, that was a concession speech. 25/86
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ becray3point0 1 hour ago +53 / -9
44 That is a speech by someone with a gun to his head.
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▲ bejeavis 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 enemies foreign and domestic. there is no gun to head clause in the oath of office. fucking hell
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▲ ProphetOfKek 1 hour ago +3 / -2
1 True and he has zero power to fight.
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▲ DothrakiDani 1 hour ago +32 / -8
24 Yes, I'm sorry...I did not hear, I concede, we lost, he said transition but not transition to biden. Until that
▼ fucking faggots slimey hoof is on a bible and taking an oath on the 20th I believe NOTHING.
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▲ TrumpFarren 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 He’d set fire if he touched a Bible, that’s why it’s supposed to be virtual I think.
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▲ Returningtogod 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 Yeah, like an oath means anything to these people.
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▲ DEPORT_DOOMERS 1 hour ago +8 / -3
5 You need to come off of the hopium
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▲ darkhollow01 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Agreed
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +35 / -11
24 Yup
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▲ Starxteel 1 hour ago +12 / -0
12 "Non-violence non-violence"...good then get fucked.
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▲ TenScoops 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 I'm sure the Chinese commie boots will be non violent too
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▲ RivalPipe 1 hour ago +144 / -8
136 Not like this.

Not like this.
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▲ jubyeonin 1 hour ago +43 / -0
43 I'm angry. Leaders, please stand against these traitors. There must be a few of you left in the country.
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▲ BestTimeToBAlive 1 hour ago +31 / -5
26 Where? The senate? The house? The state legislatures?

Trump is & will always be our godsend. I will love him til the day I die.
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▲ cusp-of-carabelli 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Yes.
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▲ bejeavis 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I'm sorry but the oath of office is pretty explicit. Concession is breaking that oath as far as I am
▼ concerned.
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▲ grenades_and_ham 1 hour ago +24 / -0
24 We're the leaders now, Trump illuminated the path. Prepare.

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the
beginning. - Churchill
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▲ jubyeonin 1 hour ago +5 / -1
4 We cannot organize and we cannot vote. Getting killed means we're violent. We either stick with
▼ those they will call radicals or we are all dead.
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▲ grenades_and_ham 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 I'm sure if you look around, you'll find frens of like mind.
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▲ jubyeonin 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 We should all start using Signal.
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▲ grenades_and_ham 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 You know it. 27/86
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ ChinaFlu 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 His final gift to all of us was to show us how to win. He inspired us all and showed us what America
▼ could be.
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▲ SantaCorazon76 1 hour ago +43 / -22
21 What else was he supposed to do ??
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▲ MAGAMANARFARF 1 hour ago +118 / -5
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▲ Texapede_yallOG 1 hour ago +51 / -4
47 Fucking fight! Agree!
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▲ Julia_J 1 hour ago +14 / -0
14 🙏
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +6 / -1
5 He can’t fight the entire country man. The judges, the Senate, Congress, even the military all
▼ turned.
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▲ Scharfschutzin 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Then muster the fucking militia.
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▲ gamephreak5 1 hour ago +33 / -3
▼ GOVT!!
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 Dude that’s not going to work.
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▲ bejeavis 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I mean kinda should to try though. There is no "only if it is going to work" or "but not if it makes
▼ people angry" clause in the oath of office.
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▲ DJ_NeckFace 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 I mean honestly Id support a legit coup to set this country straight and then run a real election in 1-
▼ 2 years 28/86
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2 years.
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ day221 1 hour ago +3 / -1
2 He would just be impeached. Be real. We just saw how little support he actually had around him.
▼ What, 6 senators voted to object? Give me a break.
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

▲ PlanTruster 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 None of those things give Trump 4 more years. The only option left is to seize the Capitol.......again
▼ but this time with a new constitution
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▲ NZ_needs_a_Trump 1 hour ago +22 / -1
21 A military tribunal where they go through, on national TV the voter registry roles and show how many
▼ people voted illegally. Literally just show the people. If they see it they can't turn away.
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

▲ Modsrqueers 1 hour ago +7 / -3
4 Something. He didnt do shit
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▲ Ironlabel1 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 He had three options, he didn’t want to grow a pair of balls. Period.
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▲ RonPaulWasRight 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 pulls plug
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▲ Darkheartisland 1 hour ago +115 / -6
109 😞😞
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▲ Spirit_matter 1 hour ago +111 / -5 (edited)
106 I just threw up in my mouth while watching this video.

You yesterday I said that today would make 13 days from inauguration, if you're into the occult you'll
know the number 13 signifies death and rebirth I just wasn't sure the death of what..
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▲ bangbus 1 hour ago +72 / -3
69 He honestly looks like a hostage reading a prepared script. Wow.
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Win / TheDonald
Donger-Lord 1 hour ago +10 / -0
Sign In
10 I can’t believe my eyes.
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▲ Flipbarryfromreddit 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 Yep!!! They threatened his family
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▲ CA-Patriot 1 hour ago +9 / -5
4 Maybe a deep fake while they have him locked up somewhere?
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▲ brianirons1 1 hour ago +8 / -2
6 Do you have cement in your skull
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▲ Xuvial 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Many people are saying that this was a deepfaked speech, and it's plausible. They are most
▼ likely holding him and his family hostage.
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▲ DukeDicky 1 hour ago +44 / -8
36 The final betrayal. In a way I've gotten used to defeat after the election, but this makes me feel hollow
▼ inside.
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▲ BlaineBug 1 hour ago +15 / -2
13 Couldn't agree more. Especially with the last 2 months of "it's all under control."
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +5 / -1
4 This isn’t betrayal. We need to be realistic here. Trumps hands are tied. He can’t do much else at
▼ this point. And that incident with the capital forced his hand.
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▲ bejeavis 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Ah so the oath of office is just some fancy ritual that doesn't actually mean anything and isn't
▼ binding.
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▲ LaptopfromHELL 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 The 100% chance Trump will be inaugurated over and over. I feel so stupid and alone.
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▲ Flipbarryfromreddit 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Yep. It’s devastating. All of this for nothing. All of it!
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +40 / -30
Win / TheDonald
10 He went the way of pence Sign In
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▲ bastardcat 1 hour ago +83 / -16
67 Nah, he just finally realized that his legal methods of resolving this are over and he probably
▼ doesn't want more anymore of his unarmed people murdered by the DC goons. Trump has done
his job, he maybe even realized that even his own "military" aren't trustworthy enough to help him
with this, I bet maybe even the fucking Marines are controlled by China at this point.
Remember when Obama said a SEAL team could remove Trump? Good chance he wasn't kidding
and Trump knows it so now he bows out with dignity.
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▲ FuckThisCoup 1 hour ago +59 / -4
55 For an outsider he came in and cracked skulls, exceeded all expectations and blew minds.
▼ Exposed the fraud in a legal way. Trump has done as much as he can. God bless him.
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▲ Trump_Train_101 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 indeed! And didn't have to. he choose to! That's my
▼ president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 He gave us EVERYTHING.

Now we'll take it from here.
America is in the hands of its PEOPLE.
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▲ BubblesPink 1 hour ago +45 / -12
33 Yep, I know everyone is upset but there really weren't any options left for Trump. The left is a
▼ rapid mob right now, they are bloodthirsty and want to destroy Trump. Everyone has abandoned
him and he can't take them all on by himself.
I know without a doubt they would use every method possible to remove him, and it's better to
leave with dignity and maybe run again in 2024 than let the mob destroy him.
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▲ NoCoupForYouTwo 1 hour ago +43 / -1
42 Stop with the 2024. Any idea of a 2024 went with the Georgia Steal the other night.

Next they'll legally repeal the 2nd Amendment with majorities in Idaho and Texas allegedly
voting to repeal it by 2-3% margins.
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▲ VoidWanderer 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 It won't be the 2nd. They now control enough to hold a constitutional convention to repeal
▼ the entire document 31/86
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the entire document.
Win / TheDonald Sign
We are now on our own. Make your own plans, find like minded people in your In and be
ready for the worst.
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +1 / -2
-1 LOL I honestly dare these tyrants to try to repeal the 2nd.

The amount of noncompliance will be in direct proportion to the amount of dead fools who
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -3

▲ uzi5v2 1 hour ago +24 / -0
24 There is no 2024. You think they’re just going to decide to ease up on the cheating and let him
▼ win?
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▲ bck- 1 hour ago +18 / -0
18 We will never have a fair election again. No one besides Trump has the balls to stand up to
▼ the Democrat rigging machine. We will never have a candidate for us
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 If we're not left with a representative in government then what are we left with?

soap box > jury box > ballot box > ammo box
the last one they can't take away from us. We can only give it away.
And we can use it to reclaim all the others.
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▲ Thep1mp 1 hour ago +12 / -0
12 Lol. There is no 2024. Your vote means nothing now. Do you not understand that?
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▲ ChuckedBeef 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 Well he had over a million people in DC just yesterday to support him, came at his urging.
▼ Many of them were ready to fight and do anything. Don't give me this "he was all alone"
bullshit. He wasn't and we showed him that by putting up with endless abuse for the last 5
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▲ Tendies_or_GTFO 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 No, they weren't ready to fight. Know how I know, because none of the faggots on this
▼ board or any other that said they were going all 1776 on Wednesday did shit. No one but
morons wanted war on American may come to that, but it was clear that we were not
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▲ PresElectXiJinpingJr 1 hour ago +3 / -0
Win / TheDonald Sign In
3 trump is about to be impeached. he has almost no support from any politicians. the impeachment
▼ will be successful this time. he just wants to avoid all the drama of impeachment
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▲ magabirdlady 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 No. Pence is a traitor. He is going to Senile Biden's inauguration.
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▲ GreatestPresidentEvr 1 hour ago +79 / -18
61 "This is only the beginning"

The MAGA movement lives on!
Stay connected, stay vigilant, stay loving pepes <3
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deleted 1 hour ago +51 / -28

▲ DEPORT_DOOMERS 1 hour ago +19 / -2
17 You weren’t lied to, you were cheated
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▲ MemeWar2 1 hour ago +14 / -4
10 How were you lied to?
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▲ America1stAndOnly 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Trump said he would fight and not accept the rigged election.
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -3

▲ GOPnoMore_MAGA 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 so do what? Join the fucking dems? You weak, pathetic fool. You bail now, you were NEVER
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▲ Chestbras 1 hour ago +7 / -1
6 Nobody in jails, pedos and commies everywhere, fuck this.
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▲ deathtodemonrats 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 deport
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▲ TenScoops 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 sure. The Bolshevik commie fucktards will make sure we'll get tamper proof voter ID 33/86
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▼ hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ KillAllCommies72 1 hour ago +3 / -7
-4 oh stop with this faggot shit, he has done nothing but destroy our country. Now literally half the
▼ country doesn't even believe in elections. If this fag was going to give up like this, why not just fucking
concede on the night. Either way our elections are rigged, but at least half the nation wouldn't be
disillusioned. He is a bitch, israel first all the way. He pardoned an american traitor serving a life
sentence for spilling our biggest secrets to israel. Even obama wouldn't pardon him. FUCK TRUMP. I
should have never withdrew my support from the democrats, they know how to fight and win.
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▲ MaxineWaters4Prez 1 hour ago +115 / -30
85 I didn't hear him say that.
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▲ DontTreadOnIT 1 hour ago +56 / -4
52 If you've got a shred of hope, share it with the rest of us.
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▲ GlitchMob2020 1 hour ago +107 / -37
70 He not once mentioned Biden.

This is NOT a concession.
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▲ FallenTemplar 1 hour ago +99 / -14
85 Don't kid yourself. Seriously. He probably didn't mention Biden out of pride because he doesn't
▼ want to say it.
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▲ SpaceAce 1 hour ago +12 / -0
12 Because he knows he legally won. Conceding is only done as an admission of defeat. He
▼ doesn't have to concede just to step down, that's not part of the political process.
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▲ basedBlumpkin 1 hour ago +48 / -11
37 He said a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. Are you retarded?
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▲ Nezmith 1 hour ago +8 / -3
5 Any administration without Pence will be a new administration.
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▲ SodaCracker 1 hour ago +5 / -6
-1 It will be a second term for Trump as the 46th!
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▲ Redditcensorsyouandi 1 hour ago +12 / -24
12 34/86
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-12 Dont be a fucking prick you shit goose
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ JesusMaga 1 hour ago +30 / -4
26 He said there would be a transition to a new administration. That means not trump. If not Biden and
▼ Harris then who?
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▲ SodaCracker 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 A second term is a new administration.
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▲ Flipbarryfromreddit 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 No it’s not... come on man
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deleted 1 hour ago +8 / -3 (edited)

▲ Nezmith 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Wrong. That could mean not Trump, or it could mean not Pence.
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▲ uzi5v2 1 hour ago +12 / -7
5 That’s my take too!
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▲ benjamin_spankline 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Wake up now.
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▲ Mystery_D 1 hour ago +52 / -5
47 I heard "new administration" and "only just beginning"
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▲ NotTheTendies 1 hour ago +66 / -7
59 Technically Trump/Pompeo or Trump/Flynn is a new Administration.

But I admit, I am moving the goal posts too far after this one.
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▲ USA1 1 hour ago +16 / -1
15 Look there is nothing wrong theorizing. However, on Jan 20th, if Biden is inaugurated… then
▼ stop moving them. He has 12 days.
In that scenario, the bright side is, a very very powerful, billionaire, ex-President, is stepping
away from a restrictive government role back into private life.
He can say what he wants. Do what he wants.
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▲ QuickMaths 1 hour ago +6 / 0 35/86
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▲ QuickMaths 1 hour ago +6 / -0

Win / TheDonald6 Sign In

He will have secret service agents breathing down his neck for the rest of his life.
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▲ jslenterprises 1 hour ago +3 / -0

“ He can say what he wants. Do what he wants.

The oligarchs wont allow it

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▲ 3006Springfield 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 I'm sure they threatened the lives of his family. That won't just end when he steps down
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▲ _deleted_ 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 I'll buy you something nice if that happens.
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▲ YoureMyFavPerson 1 hour ago +25 / -5
20 At this point I think we need to stop fooling ourselves.
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deleted 1 hour ago +21 / -6

▲ SodaCracker 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 No dooming allowed pede
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▲ YoureMyFavPerson 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Normally I would agree. GEOTUS just quit on us. Even the mods say they follow Trump at this
▼ point. If GEOTUS can doom, then at this point, so can we. Maybe he has an ace up his sleeve.
I'm not giving up on America though.
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▲ DeplorableCentipede 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 There's no legal process for replacing your VP after the election.
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▲ vv33cl 1 hour ago +33 / -2
31 Find inner peace, don't let the outside distractions of the world destroy your soul
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▲ 1776part2020 1 hour ago +38 / -26
12 He never mentioned Biden, he said smooth transition to new administration (Trump/Flynn). He said
▼ we've only just begun...
He did not say he concedes... Words were chosen very carefully..
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▲ BathouseBarry 1 hour ago +36 / -16
Win / TheDonald Sign In
20 Holy shit.. delusion runs deep
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▲ JoseffineBiden 1 hour ago +14 / -2
12 He never mentioned leaving the White House or conceding, I feel if that were the case he would
▼ give it to us more straight
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▲ 1776part2020 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 Exactly, this wasn't his farewell speech. He had to say what he said to calm down the normies.
▼ Notice he chose his words very carefully... And think about this.. if we do pull this off and stop the
steal, after what we saw, barring it was some inside move scripted between Trump and Pence,
how can we move forward with Pence no matter what?
So if we do believe in President Trump, we would demand a "new administration" to clean house
of Pence
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▲ lordvon 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 why would he say 'i know my supporters are disappointed'
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▲ dixond 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Well, are you disappointed?
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▲ PEPE4DonaldTrump 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Probably because of silence up till now.
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▲ 1776part2020 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Are we not brutally and disgustingly disappointed? Regardless of what happens after this, I
▼ am extremely disappointed, either disappointed in the loss and our scumbag Congress, or
just disappointed in our scumbag Congress.
But right now, I, like every single Trump supporter and freedom loving American patriot, am
extremely disappointed!!!
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▲ thewolf1 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 It's over it's not hard to see. Look at Lin Wood's Parlor that speak volumes. The World leaders
▼ condemned the violence at the capital and honestly it looked bad. Nothing else is going on and
any more causalities can't be a afforded or will be tolerated.There will be no E.O. I'm willing to be
there will be concession speech this week. He going to go out with a whimper.
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▲ uzi5v2 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 Agree with your take. More to come.
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▼ BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
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Win / TheDonald

Sign In
▲ darkhollow01 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 Agreed 👍
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▲ Covfefe_Baby 1 hour ago +12 / -12
0 oh shut up already. ENOUGH
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deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

▲ Wankerton 1 hour ago +49 / -5
44 He did say our incredible journey is only just beginning.
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▲ WarpedSage 1 hour ago +42 / -4
38 It's been clear to most sane people he wants to make a long term Trump based interest group in the
▼ GOP to supplant The Federalist Society.
If it makes you feel better, Trump tends to get even with people.
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▲ Behind_Blue_Lines_II 1 hour ago +39 / -2
37 Pretty fuckin moot considering we dont have free and fair elections. The fix is in. RIP America
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Fixed elections in some counties not all obviously otherwise there would have never been a run
▼ off and te démocrates wouldn’t have lost so many seats.
I understand you guys are upset, but thinking the Dems have some universal control on votes is
just silly.
Now more then ever we need to prepare for our next move.
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▲ f_bastiat 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Breed, and raise your kids right guy. That's all we have left.
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +13 / -0
13 Because after all that fraud and three branches of government betraying the Constitution and
▼ American people we should totally believe that votes even matter.
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▲ HiddenDekuScrub 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 This.
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▲ JesusMaga 1 hour ago +29 / -2 38/86
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▲ g g
27 I’m sure the cabal marching us towards oblivion will be an incredible journey that is only just begging.
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ TenScoops 1 hour ago +5 / -1
4 Dying in a communist concentration camp with "Covid" will be an incredible experience
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▲ FuckThisCoup 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 What I'm starting to understand is that our role now is to grow some balls and understand that the
▼ movement has to continue without having Trump in the White House. The fraud has been exposed
and we should all thank our lucky stars that the miracle of 2016 occurred at all. We really shouldn't
have stood a chance. Trump's incessant middle finger up the ass of the elite for the last 4 years has
been like a FUCK YOU bukkake on the establishment the entire time. So now we know the left is
smarter than we thought, and their deception and psyop power is limitless.
Sometimes it's powerful to understand that it's okay not to have a light at the end of the tunnel. Real
adversity is real. In retrospect, it's feels silly to have thought that Mike Pence would save the day
There isn't a human alive who could accomplish what Trump has. He's an iconoclast and has given
us all a shot in the arm and a father figure for a nation, and I don't think we've had that since Teddy
Roosevelt. Personally, I am exited to see what the man will do next regardless of what it is. And
personally, I'm going to get my shit together and seek conservative leadership where I can find it, and
develop myself such that I can provide it myself. If Trump can somehow continue to lead this
movement, I'll be right there.
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▲ fponick 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 What you said was golden. thank you. 🔑🔒🔐
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▲ FuckThisCoup 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Thank you for being a Pede. We all have our moments and feed off of each other's dragon
▼ energy. This site is my favorite place in the world and I've never felt more proud of a community.
The mods and the posters of this site are what makes America great, and will again. There's no
shortage of people here willing to make a sacrifice in the name of freedom.
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▲ Russian_ambassador 1 hour ago +11 / -5
6 How? By having fucking china rule us as a vassal state? He fucked us, without even dinner.

Knowing the danger, and 330 million lives he took the deal to go to Florida. He cucked on the china
virus, playing god dang boomer optics games again. Let the covid and voter fraud go without fighting.
Fuckin coward
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▲ StephTheDeplorable 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 It was to placate us. Hope is the only thing keeping many from burning it all down. He lost control of
▼ the people and he was forced to say what was needed to calm us down. It's all bullshit. The traitors
won and Trump will slink quietly away until forgotten. I'm pissed and disappointed and have no hope.
Th t li thi t If thi h th I'll b li it h it h I' l t 39/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
That line means nothing to me. If something happens then I'll believe it when it happens. I've lost
Win / TheDonald
faith. Sign In
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▲ VoidWanderer 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Except now you have millions of angry people who have no one to keep us in check. I already
▼ have plans for my way of dealing with the communists when I have opportunities. How many are
going to take that route and how many are now going to say "fuck this, if I'm labeled a rioter I might
as well show them how it's actually done."
I would rather see millions of people finally do what they've needed to do with no chains of "but the
optics" and "but muh moral high ground" than to see us roll over and die under communism. Let
the ember of hope die out and be replaced with the same fire that gave us our first revolution.
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▲ BasedFatTails2 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Goddamn...this sums it up well
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▲ concernedLEAF 1 hour ago +58 / -15
43 Also didn't say anything about backing his supporters, he just cucked
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▲ oshead 1 hour ago +24 / -5
19 He probably went to the military and they said no. Doesn't mean he cucked.
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▲ Russian_ambassador 1 hour ago +15 / -9
6 And all he gave is a speech on the 6th, no orders... First POTUS I'VE voted for in nearly a decade, he
▼ let us down. Voted for Ron Paul in 2012 as a write in and gave up on voting, like many others, voted
for the first time in 2020 in a long time, and now this.
We've put it out there, our lives, and this is our repayment.
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▲ Rightisright 1 hour ago +6 / -2
4 Think about what he gave up. Think about how far he brought this country.
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▲ Tendies_or_GTFO 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Lol, you put YOUR life out there? You ungrateful, insufferable cunt. Dude gave up a lifestyle that
▼ was the envy of even the rich and famous to get into the dirtiest business there is to try and save a
country he clearly loves. He did what he felt he could. That was by far the most effective
Presidency in my lifetime for American values. Fuck you and your repayment. He stopped Hillary
Clinton from being President and at the very least, gave us 4 more years of avoiding he gulags.
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▲ Moniie 1 hour ago +6 / -2
4 His supporters knows where he stands, he doesn’t have to repeat it everyday. Antifa actually broke
▼ the law yesterday......
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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
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Win /–TheDonald Sign In

▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 He did mention his supporters.
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▲ vote_for_MAGA_2020 1 hour ago +23 / -10
13 He’s not gonna actually say it (thank goodness)

Read between the lines dude.
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▲ DontTreadOnIT 1 hour ago +13 / -4
9 That's appears to be the message...
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▲ Sea_Still 1 hour ago +377 / -6
371 We will be officially living under an illegitimate Government soon

I feel like puking
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▲ Slick_Willys_Willy 1 hour ago +163 / -0
163 We already are friend.
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▲ ViduusMAGA 1 hour ago +82 / -0
82 And have been...
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▲ bobobob 1 hour ago +41 / -0
41 Trump woke a lot of people up to that fact
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Since 1913
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▲ Liberty_or_Death 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 This right fucking here

And honestly since the EVA 1887.
We will take this country back. I guarantee you. REGULATORS MOUNT UP.
Let's get to work boys. There is much MAGA to be done.
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▲ IllKissYourBoobies 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Woo! 41/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

That's a solid reference.
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +128 / -1
127 "time for unity" no thanks trump. Liberty or death
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▲ trismegistus 1 hour ago +27 / -0
27 This is the way.
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▲ TenScoops 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 unity with swamp goblins... hmm nice
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▲ Liberty_or_Death 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 You rang?

My family is preparing. We will work this system till the bitter end. Let's go!
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▲ BitchBoyBiden 1 hour ago +24 / -0
24 Stop paying taxes. I sure am.
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▲ cusp-of-carabelli 1 hour ago +9 / -0
9 This right here. They can’t spend my money if I don’t give it to them.
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▲ Turtle 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Yes they can. They just print more and yours becomes worth less.
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▲ Packman928 1 hour ago +9 / -0
9 Me too.
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▲ Moniie 1 hour ago +9 / -0
9 No we won’t. There are millions of us. Take the country back.
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▲ abstr4ct 1 hour ago +362 / -16
346 the military left him. its over.
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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
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▲ onetyonealpha 1 hour ago +152 / -8
144 Only those in power. Some of us would legit take a bullet for the man.
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▲ MAGAMANARFARF 1 hour ago +77 / -0
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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +23 / -2
21 And they just left without changing anything...
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▲ Tartarian-Kingz 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 Remember all the larpers talking about doing something on the 6th then the only thing they did was
▼ sing the pledge of allegiance and go home?
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▲ eat15pizzas 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 he ordered them to leave
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▲ DoubleBased 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Because he left them. If he would have walked into Congress, they would have all followed.
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▲ westcoasthaze 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 This. A protest is just a mob without a leader.
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 Many of which weren’t armed and weren’t soldiers. Trumps not looking to throw our lives in the meat
▼ grinder.
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▲ basedwesterner 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Why didn’t he lead the people after he said he would?
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▲ Xuvial 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 But where was he? Why wasn't Trump at Capitol Hill yesterday with us? He said he would walk with
▼ us...
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▲ UncomfortableTruths 1 hour ago +3 / -3
0 A million Larpers
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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ onetyonealpha 1 hour ago +29 / -3
26 So be it. He may not take one for us, but he still did what he could. I could never ask a fellow
▼ American to go as far as I'm willing to go for some, but I can damn sure ask them to go as far as they
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▲ Moniie 1 hour ago +12 / -4
8 He gave up his life for this country. He doesn’t have to physically take a bullet
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▲ onetyonealpha 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 based
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▲ TOPDAWG22 1 hour ago +31 / -1
30 that girl did and he just pissed on her body and called her a law breaker.
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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +8 / -2
6 Which is true, she broke laws. Revolutions are done by criminal hands for moral good.
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▲ 20MagnusKonrad20 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 He could have at least said her name.
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▲ Maga0351 1 hour ago +13 / -1
12 I would have too if he had asked a few hours ago. We did everything he asked, we stayed patient; we
▼ trusted he would never stop fighting for us. He sold everyone in DC out so fast.
He told us the election was stolen. He told us to go to DC to do something about. He told us it was
going to be wild. He jazzed everyone up at a rally. He sent everyone to the capitol building. He
immediately sold out his most ardent supporters without batting an eye. He then immediately hands
over the keys of the empire to the globalist. He vows that he will make sure his followers are brought to
justice, but not a single fucking election fraudster will.
I’m don’t believe Trump was betraying us the whole time. He fought for us the whole time, but he
betrayed us pretty hard in the end.
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▲ VoidWanderer 55 minutes ago +2 / -0
2 He made the cowardly decision most people would. "I choose my family over what is right."

I don't have a wife and kids and was betrayed by both women I ever got close enough to to try that,
so I don't have that problem. I however have seen so many people here make the "but muh job and
family!" argument so many times that I know there are plenty of cucks that will do the exact same
thing as he just did. I understand why they would, even if I don't agree that it's the right thing to do.
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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

Win /–TheDonald
▲ AuntTifa 52 minutes ago +1 / -0 Sign In
1 In the end, is all that really matters.
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▲ mickeymantle 1 hour ago +5 / -3
2 you're an idiot if you would take a bullet for donald trump, no offense.
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▲ onetyonealpha 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 K.
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▲ BidenCrimeFamily 1 hour ago +28 / -2
26 I mean...did they?
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▲ Stumpycake 1 hour ago +20 / -6
14 In the world of make-believe maybe. But if you know, you know. And this dude doesn't know.
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▲ theblackprince 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 OFC they did. Many on here have said it for months, even years, and got downvoted. You really think
▼ the MILITARY isn't ripe for corruption? Read Smedley Butler's book published in 1935 and Colonel
Hackworth's About Face.
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▲ YouAreAllDelusional 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 YES stop embarrassing yourself.
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▲ Ralphusthegreatus 1 hour ago +13 / -0
13 The brass was never with him. They didn't get to the top by being honest.
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▲ FreedomCrayon 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 I've been trying to tell folks here that for awhile. I served and still work around officers and top brass
▼ from virtually all the branches. Most are cucked, power-hungry pieces of shit. They hate him and they
absolutely hate us.
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▲ littleman 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 All the good ones get chased off by the bureaucracy and bullshit.
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▲ Behind_Blue_Lines_II 1 hour ago +7 / -2
5 Trump made Critical Race Theory Proponent, Chris Miller Acting SoD, AFTER Nov 3.

W hi h f l i ? 45/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
Was this the fatal appointment?
Win / TheDonald
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▲ Goldlight 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 probably a lot of appointments
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▲ remember1776 1 hour ago +3 / -1
2 this is the most likely occurrence.
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▲ MAGAconvert 1 hour ago +354 / -27
327 “My campaign pursued every legal avenue.”

So now it’s time to pursue illegal ones.
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▲ AmericanJawa 1 hour ago +167 / -2


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▲ Hagedorn_No_Cuck 1 hour ago +36 / -3
33 Damn straight!
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▲ TAIWANNUMBERONE 1 hour ago +146 / -1
145 He actually didn't. Why were there no marshals watching the polls?
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▲ Julia_J 1 hour ago +41 / -1
40 Right?!
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +21 / -1
20 Apparently he thought after talking about fraud all year that they wouldn't do it or something.
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▲ ProphetOfKek 1 hour ago +20 / -0
20 He thought the courts would actually listen rather than all the “no standing, laches, moot” bs.
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +12 / -0
12 The death of America was yesterday, and buried today.

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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

▲ NvrTRUMPersRLeftists 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
Win / TheDonald Sign In
1 He thought he could count on his court appointments and nominees.
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▲ Maga0351 1 hour ago +10 / -1
9 Trump is the chief law enforcement officer. No one in the DOJ would listen? Keep firing people until they
▼ do. Fire everyone for the justice department? Then walk to ruby freemans house and arrest her
yourself. Take AF1 to illhan Omar’s and arrest her yourself.
GET ONE FUCKING ARREST DONE. He seems intent to make that one arrest his own supporter he
sent into the capital.
Absolutely pathetic.
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▲ Stevo182 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Because of the consent decree the democrats and republicans came to years ago about republicans
▼ not being able to have armed security at polling places for fear it intimidated minorities.
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▲ Porkbut 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Probably some bullshit legal challenge about jurisdiction, they all just manipulate the system anymore i
▼ wouldnt necessarily put that on him
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▲ Killerko 1 hour ago +83 / -1
82 While the opponent used every illegal avenue imaginable..
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▲ ImReallyRich 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Alinsky: make your opponents play by their own rules
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▲ FreedomCrayon 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Yup. You can't win by the rules when your opponent doesn't play by them.
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▲ soapyballotjurybox 1 hour ago +79 / -0
79 It’s incredible. Hundreds of affidavits, videos, audio recordings, data. The evidence is insurmountable but
▼ no way to hear it. There was no day in court. That’s what’s most incredible.
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▲ ProfessorOak 58 minutes ago +2 / -0
2 If he wasn't willing to go all the way, he should have never had all those people stick their necks out for
▼ him. Everyone who signed an affidavit, every witness, every protestor will all be ruined.
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▲ theblackprince 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 All of that will soon be deleted if it hasn't been already. It'll be a figment of our imagination so far as the
▼ deep state is concerned. 47/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ Tellman125 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I don't believe he means what he's reading in that video -
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▲ trumpwon213 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Crackpot layers listening to Q got us here.
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▲ sentient-potato 1 hour ago +10 / -20
-10 His legal team simply wasn't good enough.
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▲ Loiuzein 1 hour ago +34 / -0
34 Horseshit. The courts just threw everything out without looking at it.
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deleted 1 hour ago +4 / -2

▲ CharlieBrownNZ 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 The crony federalist society appointed them, Trump was just stupid to go along with them.
▼ Robert Barnes has been right all along.
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▲ Ballind 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 A few Jews and their affirmative action pets didn't care about the rule of law. His legal team was the
▼ best
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▲ Porkbut 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Fuck Jenna Ellis, should have replaced her with Sidney day 1
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▲ BasedFatTails2 53 minutes ago +1 / -1
0 God no. Sidney is the biggest grifter in the country.
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▲ Porkbut 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 What do you base that on sherlock?
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▲ fdagasfd 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Wasn't connected enough. I'd guess the smartest lawyers in the world wouldn't be heard.
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▲ trumpistheman2020 1 hour ago +17 / -1 48/86
▲ BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

16 Fuck all of this but this gave me a good laugh lol thanks
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ Scomo 1 hour ago +316 / -5
311 Voting dosnt matter.
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▲ TheWestDeclines 1 hour ago +142 / -1
141 But cheating does.
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▲ IMMORTAN_TRUMP 1 hour ago +39 / -1
38 Just remember this the next election, anytime you get a mail in ballot sent to your address for someone
▼ else, fill it out for whichever candidates you'd like.
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▲ KnoxHarrington 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 We're going to need to be way more proactive than that.
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▲ Brock 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Oh no, they'll arrest "you". If "you" cheat, you go to jail. Only they can cheat.
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▲ Silent_Trumper 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 No no no, that could fetch a pretty penny
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▲ Chestbras 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 So, don't vote. Seize the voting process.
▼ Then cheat.
It's the only way.
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▲ Jonny 1 hour ago +32 / -2
30 I hate to say it but you're right. Our lives are going to be at the whim and wishes of the deep state from
▼ now on. They have complete control over us now.
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▲ CaptainButthurt 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Always have been
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Unlikely, guys the deep state wanted Trump out so they could get back to business as usual.

But their control is immense. And we need to realize this. Fighting them is not going to be easy.
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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

▲ Taqiyya_Mockingbird 1 hour ago +19 / -0
/ TheDonald Sign In
The other V word does though. That genie isn’t going back on the bottle.
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▲ BADGERPEDE 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 What's the other V word?
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▲ dixond 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Violence
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▲ NoTimeToBleed 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 I’m afraid to ask now
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▲ plez 1 hour ago +14 / -0
14 Illusion of choice. Always has been...
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▲ Cirruspede 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I was such a believer in our system and was absolutely certain the constitution and legal process was
▼ strong enough to withstand the fraud. I was so wrong and it's rocked my world.
It most definitely was an illusion and as much as I hate it I can at least thank Trump for exposing it to so
many of us.
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▲ sentient-potato 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 It really doesn't.
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▲ Russian_Troll_Bot 1 hour ago +297 / -6
291 Donald, blink twice if they're holding you hostage.
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▲ LoobintheToobin 1 hour ago +60 / -3
57 Tripple blink if you’re a deep fake hack. I thought he was locked out of these sites
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▲ FuckTheOtherSide 1 hour ago +41 / -5
36 And he's in Texas. This video doesn't even look real. And it's 720p.
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▲ LoobintheToobin 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 And now captchas are back. They are trimming hard to demoralize us. I’m going to withhold
▼ judgement and wait to see what happens.
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F kTh Oth Sid 1 h +3 / 0 50/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
▲ FuckTheOtherSide 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Exactly. I've been psychologically fucked with in the past under Obama. Hacked, fucked
Win / TheDonald Sign with
In in
▼ public.... Long story (but watch the beginning of Shadow Gate & it'll describe the apparatus behind
what happened to me in ~2015).
I have a heightened sense for deception.....
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▲ hint 1 hour ago +2 / -3
-1 You people have completely lost it wtf. He never went to Texas too. It was a lie.
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▲ Friendly_B 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT. It's real low res and it doesn't look like him. The mouth is different. It
▼ looks like an actor making his movements.
What kind of world are we living in?
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▲ FuckTheOtherSide 54 minutes ago +3 / -0
3 We've been living in a world where deep fakes exist. If they're going to use it with Trump, right now
▼ would be the time.
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▲ America1stAndOnly 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 That's the only thing giving me any hope at this point. I've said that January 20th is the final day and I
▼ still stand by that, but shit, shit is fucking bad right now.
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▲ EllipticCurveBall 1 hour ago +10 / -1
9 Look at his mouth, looks robotic
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▲ terablelizard 1 hour ago +7 / -1
6 Yeah his mouth looks enlarged at odd times. Not like i haven't been studying this man's face for hours
▼ upon hours because news networks never cut away.
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▲ RevelationNow 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 We know what you’ve really been up to “studying his face for hours”... shame, shame 🤣
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▲ Friendly B 1 hour ago +3 / 1 51/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
▲ Friendly_B 1 hour ago +3 / -1
2 It does look fake.
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ TheDoomer603 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 deepfake maybe he's being held prisoner
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▲ 23zulu 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 Holy shit, is this the sam rtb from Reddit?
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▲ bck- 1 hour ago +305 / -16
289 Wow, what an absolute punch in the gut. He says it's going to be wild, and when it gets wild, he calls it a
▼ heinous attack and middle fingers to his supporters that he told to be there.
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▲ Toughsky_Shitsky 1 hour ago +108 / -4
104 Thousands exerted time, money, and emotion on his request to travel to DC and let their voices be heard
▼ in support of fair elections and in support of Trump .. only to get a rusty sheave in the back when they act
like free people in a free nation.
Nothing left to say, really .. is there?
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▲ bf4truth 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 yeah, fuck that

always wondered if trump was a deep state plant
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▲ Mintap 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 It makes a difference.
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▲ magadom 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 y'all believed in him for like 5 years LMAO
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▲ Tartarian-Kingz 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 The same trump that wont stfu about israel, speaks about every race and ethnicity in America except
▼ white people....
Remember the snake poem?
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▲ Texapede_yallOG 1 hour ago +59 / -1
/ TheDonald Sign In
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▲ Kentastic 1 hour ago +34 / -0
34 Really feel let down. Just when the pot was about to boil over.
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▲ rlbigfish 1 hour ago +14 / -2
12 To be fair, he was banking on Pence.
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▲ SwarmIntel 1 hour ago +16 / -6
10 This forums fault for spinning the phrase "will be wild" out of all definition.

Fucking ridiculous.
Trump has never indicated in the slightest that he is anything but peaceful.
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▲ StephTheDeplorable 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 What else does 'will be wild' mean? And 'we are going to fight and keep fighting'? The election was
▼ being stolen right in front of us. Nothing was working. They wouldn't even LOOK at the evidence. After
blm and antifa burn down our cities and execute our patriots and there is no justice. Just BILLIONS of
dollars in cash handed over to these scum-sucking bottom feeders. NO ONE is arrested for election
fraud when it is RIGHT THERE on video. We have names and NO ONE is held accountable. People
are PISSED! WHERE IS THAT ENERGY SUPPOSED TO GO?! Did they expect people to just go -
"Oh ok. Darnit. They won't even give us a chance to make sure it was fair. Shucks. Welp, better luck
next time! Thanks for the memories Trump. <3"
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▲ SwarmIntel 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 Wild as in how he might describe his rallies, high energy etc.

It does not mean storm the fucking capitol lol.
That is categorically NOT what Trump had in mind.
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▲ Chestbras 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 So the new information that he promised is that peace does not work, the only authority is violence? k
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▲ dixond 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 This is absolute truth.
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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Stand back and stand by to our militia? No, that was an order to be ready to fight.

(Someone) got to him and his life is now personally in danger.
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Win /–TheDonald
▲ SwarmIntel 1 hour ago +1 / -0 Sign In
1 No it wasn't. That's just Trump speaking without thinking. And I don't mean that as an insult to him.
▼ It's what he does, he just riffs, shoots from the hip, it's why we like him.
He said stand back and stand by, probably just didn't want to lose the political support by outright
condemning them.
The point is, what Trump says and how this forum interprets his words, is off by a factor of at least 1
Trump is, and always has been, a peaceful man. He uses "fighting talk", but it's not meant to be taken
He didn't see that coming last night. I guarantee it shocked him.
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▲ Captainlizard 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 All of the larping and smooth brains kept downvoting reality as dooming and promoting bullshit that he
▼ was going to assemble people to arrest and kill democrats. This is totally their fault for setting
themselves up to be disappointed. They really expected Trump to ask them to go out and start killing
people and DIDNT expect him to step down after the congress certifies the corrupt election.
If this was going to be stopped, it had to be stopped before yesterday. Sensible people knew that.
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▲ MustBeTrump 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 He used to encourage supporters to punch protestors during his rallies.
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deleted 1 hour ago +286 / -37

▲ noxousx 1 hour ago +130 / -47
83 Are you shitting me? He fought until the end. It's not his fault are country is plagued with corruption from
▼ local officials all the way to the top.
Don't blame him, that's ridiculous. He's done more for this country than any president will in your lifetime.
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▲ rockettails 1 hour ago +61 / -1
60 I mean he could have pardoned both Assange and Snowden day 1 if he really wanted to liver punch the
▼ deep state.
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▲ Benzy8919 1 hour ago +18 / -0
18 He still can
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▲ rockettails 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 Sure. But he had four years to do it but did not. Instead he made sure his boys were all pardoned
▼ ASAP. Obviously the guy has to do what he has to do. Electing him was not a mistake. But I don't
see how the next 13 days is any different than any other day in the past four years where he could
have If it was something he wanted to do it would already be done 54/86
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have. If it was something he wanted to do, it would already be done.
Win / TheDonald
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▲ hint 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 yeah. Well 2 weeks left to see if he actually gives the big fuck you to deep state.
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▲ rockettails 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 The key to happiness is to have rock bottom expectations when it comes to the actions of
▼ others lol
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▲ christianknight 56 minutes ago +2 / -0
2 he wont do it,and I shudder at the suspected reason
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▲ blukid 1 hour ago +31 / -1
30 Completely true. Trump has fought his heart out these past 4 years and fuck everyone saying anything
▼ else. Trump is a single and imperfect man who went up against the entire system while being
surrounded by traitors and rats. Trump knows that if he pursues any more legal efforts, they will
continue to come after him and his family and won’t stop until they are either dead or in jail. Trump blew
the lid off the entire operation and showed us just how fucking corrupt things are.
Don’t be sad that it ended, be happy that it even happened.
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Fought to the end? He rolled over!
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▲ CharlieBrownNZ 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 When giving up he has turned around and shot the patriots supporting him. I don't give a duck if it was
▼ under duress, its a coward move.
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▲ thetenman 1 hour ago +42 / -1
41 We do not need Trump. He needed us. We did what we needed to do yesterday, without him. Hold the
▼ line.
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▲ DeplorableCentipede 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 We need a leader of one kind or another, and now we have none.
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▲ dougkeenan 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 He wasn't going to last forever, nobody does. Time will provide.
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▲ thetenman 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Check out they knew this was going to happen. 55/86
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g y g g pp
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ oilybohunkofshit 1 hour ago +12 / -0
12 Yeah. He called them out, people taking time off work, spending their money, and he totally fucked them.
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Well-.p...
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deleted 1 hour ago +2 / -0

▲ Evspra 1 hour ago +224 / -3 (edited)
221 "healing and reconciliation" what??????????

spez: this must be the demoralization stage.
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▲ Kenrailae 1 hour ago +172 / -1
171 No, sir. I've been branded a deplorable, a racist, a xenophobe, a sexist, a conspiracy theorist and a
▼ terrorist.
Why? Because I believe in you and in the constitution. Our founding fathers understood that blood is the
cost of freedom. We cannot have peace and reconciliation with those who view us as subhumans here to
be ruled and not equals here to build a nation with.
I will not reconcile with those who do not seek reconciliation, only subjugation.
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▲ EllipticCurveBall 1 hour ago +32 / -0
32 Half of my friends have abandoned me because I supported Trump.
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▲ DemsFuckKids 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 Faggots
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▲ Silent_Trumper 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 change supported to support please!!! don't give up on freedom
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 I won't abandon you. I will stand with you to the bitter end.
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▲ Friendly_B 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 All of us have been there. That's not going to change. They didn't abandon you because you support
▼ Trump, they abandoned you because they're going on a trip to the far far Left and we won't join them.
THEY are the ones burning bridges.
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Win /–TheDonald
▲ Baefag69 1 hour ago +1 / -1 Sign In
0 Has this journey been worth it? Honest question, Im surrounded by people who support my beliefs
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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 xenophobe? Absolutely. Fucking immigration lovers.

sexist? Get fucked, just cause we know women's biblical place and that trannies aren't women doesn't
make us sexist, and if it does then sure.
deplorable? With fucking honor if that's what it takes to fight (them).
conspiracy theorist? Absolutely, I consider all avenues and choose the one that follows evidence even if
it's against MSM "facts".
terrorist? Only if white men scare you.
racist? Hell no, men of faith of all colors can be equally based.
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▲ TrannyClaus 1 hour ago +115 / -8
107 It’s abundantly clear he was strong armed to say shit like this. So clear

He didn’t turn his back on us. He was always just one man.
God bless trump for he woke millions of people up.
He’s not perfect. He is literally just a man. A man. Not a demigod. No special powers.
He ran for President as a 70 year old billionaire when he could have bought his own island and relaxed
forever with his insanely hot wife. But he fought for us.
From the beginning the onslaught onto him started. He did everything in his power for us. But again; the
swamp is deep and he’s one man.
Not for a second do I think he means all of what he said so literally but he probably HAD to say that
otherwise they remove him from office and look how bad that makes US and our movement look going
forward. “ MUH terrorists who had their leader removed from office”
Be mad. Be angry. Be sad....but don’t shit on and turn your backs on Trump.
Love all y’all and God bless!
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▲ muy_libre 1 hour ago +39 / -2
37 Thank you for writing this. Too many people in our movement disown people at the drop of a hat. Now
▼ people are abandoning Trump for this one video? Like the past 5 years meant absolutely nothing. Fuck
that. Trump is/was a great President.
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +9 / -0
9 They feel abandoned by Trump.
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deleted 1 hour ago +6 / -3

▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +1 / -0 57/86
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1 Too many people are weak minded. Sadly this site has started to feel a bit too much like reddit.
Win / TheDonald
▼ People here who go on and on about being Patriots and Civil War are crying way too muchSign In
over a
few losses.
We took a beating this time around. No doubt about it. But we’ve had much worse happen.
Trump started something huge and I’ll always be thankful to him for it. He did what he could to fight
this and he lost.
It sucks but the dude was never going to be President forever.
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▲ Pearls_Swine 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 This.

Trump is acting completely out of character in this video. Trump had joked about paying protester's bail.
He told the PB "stand back and stand by". The very last thing he said on Nov 6th was "this is what
happens when you cheat patriots".
He then disappears for a day and comes back having done a 180.
My heart hurts for this country. My heart hurts for Trump.
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▲ rockettails 1 hour ago +10 / -0 (edited)
10 Personally I viewed him as a stopgap at worst, hero at best. Him not taking things that should have
▼ been day 1 stuff (like key pardons of Assange and Snowden) kind of set the tempo. Obviously we loved
the ride because of all the irrational hate and seethe he attracted. This has always been more than
Trump. The anger at career politicians didn't just disappear. If anything it's stronger. But it's headless
now (for now and the foreseeable future).
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▲ eat15pizzas 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 he could had refused to say the part that insulted us
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▲ ProphetOfKek 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 For a man surrounded by snakes, he did amazingly well.
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +47 / -0
47 What he means is "standby peacefully while they kill you or else you're in american"
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Scripted speech. Nothing new there.
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▲ SomeBloodyMinger 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 That's a phrase right out of Biden's own mouth. I can't believe this shit. He expects the people to heal and
▼ reconcile after ALL the left has done to him?
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– josiborg 1 hour ago +226 / -6
▲ / TheDonald
Win Sign In
Do I even want to listen?
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– ▲ KAG_2020_BB 1 hour ago +362 / -61
301 Nope. He essentially sticks the middle finger to all the pedes that risked their lives and protested
▼ yesterday PEACEFULLY.
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– TrannyClaus 1 hour ago +66 / -34

No, not the million or so- just the ones who stormed the capitol
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– ▲ ParticleCannon 1 hour ago +40 / -1
▼ “ stormed

I take it you saw headlines instead of watching footage

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– The_CPMO 1 hour ago +6 / -0

To fight against theft. They work for us.
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– Tartarian-Kingz 58 minutes ago +2 / -0

No one stormed anything dumbass the cops literally let them in!!!
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– GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -0

Might as well be a finger to all of us.
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– deleted 1 hour ago +10 / -13

– GetCucked 1 hour ago +2 / -1

Faux supporter
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– jpower 1 hour ago +41 / -18

Not quite. I'm convinced he's only speaking about those who acted wrongly
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i5 2 1 h +18 / 13 59/86
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– uzi5v2 1 hour ago +18 / -13

Win / TheDonald
Exactly we know for a fact there were ANTIFA plants. Sign In
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– ▲ WinnerPlaysTCU 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 How many acted wrongly though? In reality only a small few broke, stole or damaged anything. And
▼ even fewer had physical altercations with cops
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– ▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +3 / -2

1 Everyone saying this refuses to even point that out in their speeches.
▼ I disagree. He's talking about all of us. Even the ones who weren't there. Just like Biden. Just like the
rest of the left. Just like the Republican party.
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– Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +84 / -67

Trump stabbed us in the back
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– ▲ Twitter 1 hour ago +48 / -28
20 Trump never stab us in the back everyone else did he was the only one fighting for us, get the fuck
▼ out of here with that noise.
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– MichelleOsAdamsApple 1 hour ago +11 / -0

He literally just conceded the country to a guy owned by China, what the fuck would you call it?
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– DoctorDrJay 1 hour ago +14 / -19

stfu you twitter bot.
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– ▲ PickleSticks 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 You can only fight so hard with both hands tied behind your back. He exposed the corrupt, I don’t
▼ expect him and his family to be a martyr.
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– Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +1 / -1

Yup. Now we're all getting enslaved. Sad.
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– ▲ Goldlight 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 nah he just gave up, I don't blame him but it's disappointing 60/86
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nah he just gave up, I don t blame him but it s disappointing
▼ the time to act was probably 20 years ago for some type of coup, now it's the hard partSign In
Win / TheDonald
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– ▲ Benzy8919 1 hour ago +2 / -2

0 Fuck you. Nobody in the world could have done what this man has done. U antifa piece of shit get
▼ outta here
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– ▲ Benzy8919 1 hour ago +4 / -4

0 Fuck you. Nobody in the world could have done what this man has done. U antifa piece of shit get
▼ outta here
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– ▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +5 / -1

4 You can hate me all you want. I don't care anymore. We faught this hard just to give up to
▼ pedophile terrorists right at the end. Call me antifa all you want. I'll die with my constitution
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– ▲ ViduusMAGA 1 hour ago +15 / -3

12 I won’t exactly say that. He’s been consistently against lawlessness.
▼ I’m not saying what we did yesterday was wrong but it is against what he said about BLM/antifa all
He does have a point. Despite emotions the real path forward is to cleanup and take control of our state
elections to protect the future.
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– Loiuzein 1 hour ago +5 / -0

We have no legal recourse and we have no route to legal recourse.
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– deleted 1 hour ago +1 / -0

– highenergywinning [S] 1 hour ago +57 / -0

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– Jon888 1 hour ago +42 / -1

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– bubbadubs 1 hour ago +40 / -1

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Win / TheDonald Sign In
– Khryn 1 hour ago +39 / -0

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▲ DJT_JR6544 1 hour ago +203 / -2
201 One man stood tall above the rest, and he paid dearly for it.
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +63 / -0
63 He tried to take them on alone.

They can't take all of us.
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▲ GodDamnedEngineer 1 hour ago +2 / -0
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deleted 1 hour ago +253 / -53

▲ Bloodylouver 1 hour ago +95 / -2
93 I finally see you are right.. America first will never die
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▲ WinnerPlaysTCU 1 hour ago +30 / -7
23 He didn’t cuck. He has nothing left. The entire government and military abandoned him. If this video is
▼ even real, it makes sense. Even if it’s heartbreaking and maddening
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▲ deanieboi 1 hour ago +9 / -1
8 As frustrating as it is seeing this, part of me doesn't even blame him. Five years ago he was just some
▼ billionaire who wanted to make his country great again. Since then, he has been constantly demonized
and betrayed by everyone. Even his own fcking VP actively betrayed him to side with the commies.
Despite all this, I know America First has outgrown Trump, and will live on after him. Keep your rifle by
your sides, boys.
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▲ Ballind 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 He has us. The 60% of the nation that knows he won will fight if he simply calls for it. Instead he
▼ concedes.
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▲ RPD2 1 hour ago +4 / -0 (edited)
4 I share the resounding disappointment with this video. Like it's come from a twisted parallel universe with
▼ a different Trump. Like election fraud wasn't even a thing. 62/86
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I'm beginning to think Trump is perhaps just a basic civ nat, just like Pence, after all. He doesn't know what
Win / TheDonald Sign In
is truly at stake. He's a million times better than the rest, but maybe that just ain't enough.
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▲ Westonian 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Fuck off, traitor. Seriously. He's one fucking man. Storming the capitol building accomplished nothing, they
▼ fucking let us in to make us look like the bad guys. Nearly everyone around him has stopped supporting
him. What do you want him to do, declare marshal law only to be told "no" from the entirety of military
Trump's incredible leadership of this country was on the same level of the founding fucking fathers. And he
was betrayed by those he thought he could trust. And you're going to leave him, too?
Fuck off.
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▲ GetCucked 1 hour ago +3 / -2
1 The irony of a faggot named trump train 2020 saying trump cucked.

Faux supporter
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▲ flyover_deplorable 1 hour ago +216 / -30
186 Don't watch. It's a concession. ☹☹Fuck. It's been fun Pedes.
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +95 / -9
86 Goodbye america 🥺
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▲ BruhMoment13 1 hour ago +43 / -0
43 God Save America, like for real
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▲ intellectual-darkweb 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 It is NOT a concession. Why all the doomers? This ain’t over. Mark my words. Never count Trump
▼ out. Military incoming.
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 Burn America for her sins... 60 million plus dead babies. We deserve this.
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +14 / -0
14 Yep.
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▲ NotQuiteHuman 1 hour ago +43 / -4
39 Don't quit, even if he did. This is America; we are not followers of a king, but kings each and every one.
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Win / TheDonald
Gingerbreadtoast 1 hour ago +26 / -2
Sign In
24 Wrong, we are followers of one King! God! And he is on our side
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▲ gamephreak5 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 We're not following Pedo Joe, no matter what! He's illegitimate!
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Stop paying taxes under religious exemption.
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▲ Mixxy 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 Christ will win.
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Taking His sweet time...
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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 not without the GEOTUS
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▲ Mixxy 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 In the end, he did not have the stomach to do what he needed to do. We will find someone who
▼ does, and they will lead us.
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Doesn't feel like it.

One thing is for sure, I don't accept the "He puts leaders in positions of power"
If that's the case, he put a Pedophile and Pro Abort in power... sounds to me more like He lets us
choose our destiny.
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▲ Nezmith 1 hour ago +15 / -3
12 He said nothing new in regards to concession.
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▲ ProphetOfKek 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Because he basically already conceded in all but those words earlier online.
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▲ Nezmith 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Until he specifically says he concedes to BIden, I don't see it. We can still logically transition to a new
▼ administration that is headed by Trump and someone else other than Pence and be correct in calling
it such I don't think that after yesterday anyone had any hopes for Pence remaining as part of his 64/86
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it such. I don t think that after yesterday anyone had any hopes for Pence remaining as part of his
administration, correct?
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ Bloodylouver 1 hour ago +30 / -20
10 That’s not a concession that’s a bending over and taking it. I bet you that pussy will be at Bidens
▼ inauguration. He didn’t even mention alisha Babbitt. What a coward.
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▲ jennyfrutex 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 Her name was Ashli. At least spell it correctly.
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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 She thought she was leading a charge, she didn't realize everyone around her were pussies that
▼ would stop after the first shot.
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▲ Friendly_B 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 I kind of think it's one "t" in Babbit also, right?
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▲ trismegistus 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Ashli not alisha
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▲ RealFletchYoung 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 I’m guessing he didn’t because he’s trying to calm the nation. It’s not about Trump any longer though,
▼ the amount of support and love for him from this country is off the charts, and we were forced through 5
years of lies, false accusations, and torment from the media. They didn’t just attack him, they attacked
us through him.
What we saw yesterday wasn’t just Antifa in the capitol and there were patriots inside (stupidly, I almost
went in but thought better of it) , outside was a massive protest. We made our voices heard and yet they
still didn’t listen to what we were saying. America finally said to them FAAFO to their faces, in their
Trump may have stood down .....but after this summer and the covid hoax, and the scam elections I
don’t think this genie is going back in the bottle.
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▲ ProdigalPlaneswalker 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Ashli...
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▲ BigMikesIke 1 hour ago +1 / -1
0 Unhinged
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▲ friedchicken 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 I’m not convinced this is it. 65/86
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I m not convinced this is it.
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ bastardcat 1 hour ago +183 / -23
160 Quick, ban the OP for being a doomer! lmfao
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▲ Darkheartisland 1 hour ago +102 / -8
94 Trump is the doomer now.
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 He doomed us all.

"Oh the people will fight for me in a civil war!"
People start fighting for him in a civil war
"No! Bad! You don't represent me!"
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▲ circle5 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Trump plays 4d chess, and it’s tough when the swamp, media, his own party, foreign governments,
▼ AND people who are supposed to support him but are succesfully brainwashed, work against him
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▲ VoteCyborgTrump2040 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 Made me chuckle.
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▲ ThisTrainHasNoBrakes 1 hour ago +4 / -0
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▲ ElBravoTheAmazing 1 hour ago +156 / -5
151 Wow... game over folks. Game over. It was fun while it lasted. See you in the Gulags frens. So disappointing.
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▲ one3five 1 hour ago +49 / -0
49 i'll share my crust of moldy bread with you if you promise to give me a sip of your parasite-infested water
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▲ ScottButNotBaio 1 hour ago +20 / -1
19 Fuck that, Imma go out shooting
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▲ TripleBlack 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Yup. I don't have a collection of ARs and mags by my bedside for decoration.
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▲ Tartarian-Kingz 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Ima go out chainsawing because i still dont own a gun 66/86
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1 Ima go out chainsawing because i still dont own a gun.
Win / TheDonald

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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 in minecraft, right?
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▲ Crestfallen_Warrior 1 hour ago +22 / -0
22 See you In The gulags , fellow pede. I’ll help you break big rocks in to smaller rocks before our organs get
▼ harvested. Gut wrenching.
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▲ Silent_Trumper 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I don't want my guts wrenched out again
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▲ logan34 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Gulags aint happening liberty or death motherfuckers
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Amen. You can catch me going out in a blaze of glory.
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▲ Ebbie8708 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 They will have to drag my cold dead, filled with billet holes body out before they send me to the gulag
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▲ SatanicSoros 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Sucks
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▲ muhlum24 1 hour ago +148 / -3
145 F for the republic.
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▲ CheckSix 1 hour ago +37 / -0
37 F
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▲ diamondsword 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 big F
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▲ ethan123 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 F
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▲ AmericaFirstMAGA88 1 hour ago +24 / -0 67/86
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24 F
Win▼/ TheDonald Sign In
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▲ Crestfallen_Warrior 1 hour ago +23 / -1
22 F
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▲ noillegals 1 hour ago +18 / -0
18 f
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▲ DIARRHEA_FIGHT 1 hour ago +17 / -0
17 F
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▲ AsapBobandi 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 F
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▲ goodatlife123 1 hour ago +147 / -11
136 Our incredible journey is only just beginning
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▲ concernedLEAF 1 hour ago +91 / -3
88 Incredible journey of censorship and cuckery
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▲ GoingCamaro 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Internment camps...
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +59 / -0
59 Trump opened our eyes. He showed us what they're doing for us. What these bastards have in store for
▼ us.
We'll take it from here.
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▲ Donger-Lord 1 hour ago +29 / -0
29 I will always remember Trump for bringing me toward the light and letting me see the evil for what it is.
▼ Now, we must take matters into our own hands.
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 We're unleashed. Trump was standing between us and them just as much as he was standing before
▼ them and us.
Their greatest mistake will be removing that barrier.
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▲ dadwasasmallbusiness 1 hour ago +1 / -0
Win / TheDonald
1 And to think how many of us were Bernie cucks in 2016 🥴 Sign In
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▲ slimcoat 1 hour ago +28 / -4
24 Yeah no, that line is horseshit.
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▲ 85Dacudo 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Honestly I never expected this to be easy.

So I’m not going anywhere.
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▲ WOMP_WOMP_FAGGOT 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 I was going to say I expect this "journey" to only include a lot of tweets about corruption without any
▼ action...but big tech won't even allow him to do that anymore.
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deleted 1 hour ago +2 / -1

▲ gingeunhinge 1 hour ago +19 / -3
16 There's hope for better things ahead still

It will be ok
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▲ the_mcgee 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 name one.
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▲ gingeunhinge 1 hour ago +7 / -1
6 Anything is possible, man. The movement isn't dead- you can't kill this kind of spirit. He could end up
▼ declassifying everything. He may have bargained for something. There may actually be a civil war or
secession in which we can win our nation back. We can still win the culture back.
This does not end with Trump. We should not deify him nor sanctify him. He was one of us, and he
happened to get farther than all of us. This is just the beginning.
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▲ VirgibilWoods 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 I don’t know. I sincerely don’t know. Just please don’t give up hope. Keep praying. We can get
▼ through this.
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▲ DontTreadOnIT 1 hour ago +9 / -0
9 That had better not mean wait for 2024.
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▲ Moniie 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 69/86
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4 It’s not about presidential races. We can literally take it from HERE
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ DeplorableCentipede 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 I think it's quite likely that Trump will try to run again in 2024 if they haven't arrested him by then.
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▲ 85Dacudo 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 For one thing it means stop donating to these traitor RINOs.
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▲ Jon888 1 hour ago +131 / -10
121 That's the end. No support. Hopes for a new party is slim.
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▲ DennyCrane 1 hour ago +52 / -3
49 I’m registering as an independent.
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deleted 1 hour ago +40 / -3

▲ EllipticCurveBall 1 hour ago +30 / -1
29 I'm never voting again. It's rigged and now will never be fixed. It's done. RIP America 1776-2020, at
▼ the hands of Mike Pence
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▲ GoingCamaro 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 At the hands of us do nothings as well.
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▲ Ironlabel1 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Same
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▲ wtsnaks 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Still vote local, thats where you can still make change to fight the globalists.
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▲ BADGERPEDE 1 hour ago +5 / -1
4 They'll find a way to make you vote democrat.
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▲ MikesBigJockstrap 1 hour ago +5 / -1
4 I am too. Not like our votes fucking matter anyway.
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▲ 85Dacudo 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 You people give up way too easily. 70/86
p p g p yBREAKING. yMessage from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ LoobintheToobin 1 hour ago +17 / -0
17 No affiliation
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▲ slimcoat 1 hour ago +9 / -0
9 I already have.
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▲ sentient-potato 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 Same. I was independent forever, switched to R in 2016, now I'm switching back permanently.
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▲ DennyCrane 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 Only downside is not being able to vote against rinos in the primary.
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▲ sentient-potato 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 If I really need to I can switch to R for the primaries, but I don't even trust that that will make a
▼ difference anymore. It's not for a while so I have time to think about it.
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▲ TD_Covfefe_Crusader 1 hour ago +35 / -0
35 Political parties are irrelevant now.
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▲ BruhMoment13 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 I would say doomer, but yes
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▲ FreedomCrayon 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Have been for awhile, tbh. It's just waaaaay more obvious now.
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▲ MaverickRobot 1 hour ago +20 / -3
17 No, the hour for a new party is alive. We have momentum there.
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▲ russiana 1 hour ago +7 / -1
6 You had momentum until this video
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▲ MaverickRobot 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Trump had momentum until this video.

MAGA is more than Trump.
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▲ SecondProtectsFirst 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
Win / TheDonald
1 MAGA is now a terrorist organization according to the government. We got baited. Sign In
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▲ Ironlabel1 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Lol new party .... with what votes.... lol votes don’t count anymore. Have you missed some things in the
▼ last month.
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▲ ObamasLooseButthole 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Let's say we make a new party. None of us would get elected because they own the voting machines.
▼ Have you not been paying attention this entire time?
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▲ Grond999 1 hour ago +14 / -0
14 A new party won't get enough votes ever. The system is rigged.
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▲ 85Dacudo 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 We don’t need a new party. We need a unified front. Right now we have people in the GOP we need to
▼ replace. Same with our Senate. What we need to do is clean house.
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▲ Grond999 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Any party besides the Dems faces Dominion and a rigged system.
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▲ RivalPipe 1 hour ago +125 / -4
121 Not like this. Not like this.
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▲ FamburgerHelper 1 hour ago +27 / -0
27 Sorry, Switch.
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▲ magadom 55 minutes ago +2 / -0
2 matrix is tranny shit. switch is literally a tranny.
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▲ FamburgerHelper 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Hence the name.
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▲ Meseems 1 hour ago +124 / -14
110 He's trying to save his ass.. they now want to impeach and remove him from office so he cannot ever run
▼ again.
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▲ MilleniumCentipede 1 hour ago +143 / -12 72/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
▲ p g
131 What does it matter? Why would anyone vote for him after this? Patriots stood up for him, the swarmed
Win / TheDonald Sign In
▼ DC for him and he is throwing them all under the bus.
He is spitting on the grave of the patriot who paid the ultimate price FOR HIM. SHE WAS MURDERED

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▲ bakuuu 1 hour ago +85 / -1
84 Why did he even ask people to come to dc??? That question has still not been answered. He threw his
▼ most loyal followers under the bus and vanished
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▲ DRKMSTR 1 hour ago +22 / -1
21 Because everyone else turned on him. He's alone.

Flynn will be prosecuted again. Courts will be packed DC will be a state Trump will be imprisoned
China will rule over us
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▲ Election_Quotes 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 I think he may have thought pence would deliver. He found out last minute he wouldn’t, so the party
▼ he planned turned into something else
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▲ HighEnergy_Centipede 1 hour ago +7 / -4
3 Because he is PART of the PSYOP.
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▲ GoingCamaro 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 I mean I gotta hand it to them... a four year psyop is impressive.
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▲ GetCucked 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Most of his most loyal followers didnt go once it was clear you could not be armed. Most of the people
▼ who showed up were old or families. It was his most loyal peaceful activists, sure.
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▲ Wtf_socialismreally 1 hour ago +30 / -3
27 Conceding to the swamp is the ultimate end to that.

This demoralized millions.
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▲ 85Dacudo 56 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Nothing more we can do.

We fought and we lost. What does next is up to us to decide.
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▲ memberdis 1 hour ago +6 / -2
H i
“ i i h f h i h id h li i FOR HIM SHE WAS 73/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

He is spitting on the grave of the patriot who paid the ultimate price FOR HIM. SHE WAS

Truth. Can't believe I'm saying it but: FUCK TRUMP.

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▲ ObamasLooseButthole 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Those are words I never thought I'd agree with.
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▲ kwall2020 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 he just flushed his legacy down the toilet. could've been the greatest president in history, now just a
▼ historical footnote. I guess they were right that he was just a showman
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▲ Meseems 1 hour ago +3 / -1
2 Agreed, he threw his base under the bus to save himself... disappointing.
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▲ Kriegson 1 hour ago +27 / -1
26 Yep, he's using their exact same lines and rhetoric. "Time for healing, peace and calm". IE "Go back to
▼ sleep, pretend this never happened."
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▲ EllipticCurveBall 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 He's too old to run again. The Military must have abandoned him
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▲ Genericwhitemale 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Impeach him for what exactly?
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▲ Meseems 1 hour ago +10 / -0
10 Inciting a coup, violence, etc... they're find something and everyone will vote on it, even if it's a lie.

It will be very fast, could be done in a few hours, they are out for blood. How dare we made them
uncomfortable yesterday?
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▲ Loiuzein 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Yes.
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▲ theblackprince 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 They impeached him last time for inquiring about Biden's illegal activities in Ukraine with the Ukrainian
▼ president...
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▲ billClintonIsARapist 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 74/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
He probably struck a deal to be left alone after the 20th.
/ TheDonald
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▲ DennyCrane 1 hour ago +109 / -8
101 I feel used. Toyed with. Jacked around.
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▲ kwall2020 1 hour ago +5 / -1
4 your feelings are accurate. I guess everyone can now be unified in their disgust for trump
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▲ SatanicSoros 1 hour ago +10 / -6
4 We were always just pawns for one man to obtain power
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▲ mikejones 1 hour ago +103 / -8
95 It's over. Trump handing it back to the swamp.
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deleted 1 hour ago +74 / -1

▲ invalid_data 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 Oh he tried, that's why they destroyed the soul of this country to get him out and then stab him
▼ repeatedly in the back.
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▲ 85Dacudo 53 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Agreed. He did what he could. And I appreciate what he accomplished.

Taking these people out is going to be a long game.
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▲ Mixxy 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 It's not over. We will find a new leader, and we will come back stronger than before, and angrier. Take a
▼ rest, God knows we all need one right now. But when you return, be ready to do whatever it takes to save
our future. And never forget what they took from you.
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▲ 23zulu 1 hour ago +3 / -9
-6 Negative
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▲ goodatlife123 1 hour ago +97 / -12
85 Is he conceding??? Wtf
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▲ BigAlCalifa 1 hour ago +90 / -8
82 He fought so hard for so long and then just went out with a whimper. Weird and really sad. Lost a lot of faith
▼ in Trump with this ending. 75/86
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p g
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Win / TheDonald Sign In

▲ soapyballotjurybox 1 hour ago +61 / -2
59 Jan 6th was so bizarre. I guess there really was no plan the entire time
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▲ OldschoolMAGA1 1 hour ago +25 / -28
-3 Welcome to the real world. You larping idiots cost us a lot.
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▲ Tartarian-Kingz 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 This
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Your a moron.
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▲ cjcivicx 53 minutes ago +0 / -0
0 Yep. All the Billy Badass McRambos talking shit on here the last few months folded like bitches when
▼ the bullets came out.
Yeah yeah, I know, I wasn't there, im a coward, reeee...
I also wasn't saying "I'm gonna kill me some Commanysts on Jan 6th!" , like a LARPING fuckwad,
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▲ Texapede_yallOG 1 hour ago +16 / -0
16 It is weird
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▲ Jaybird91 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 What is there to say? Eventually when you have the entire government apparatus against you. The
▼ apparatus of the most powerful nation in history, you have no choice.
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▲ 85Dacudo 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Nothing more could have been done, the writing was on the wall honestly.
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▲ kwall2020 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 seems like the fight was never real if you give up like this at the end
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▲ QuranIsToiletPaper 1 hour ago +95 / -20
75 LARPers BTFO.
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▲ BasedMedicalDoctor 1 hour ago +19 / -0 76/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
19 Like the rest of us have been screaming for years
Win▼/ TheDonald Sign In
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▲ OldschoolMAGA1 1 hour ago +15 / -0
15 The larpers have called us doomers, and here we are.
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▲ BasedMedicalDoctor 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 Well we are definitely more sane. They’ll come around.
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▲ Toollespaulhero 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 No they won’t because they’re crazy.
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▲ BasedMedicalDoctor 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 It’s just stages of denial. They bought the Q shit and the fear mongerers on our side for a while.
▼ It’s gonna take a bit.
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▲ Archive_offline 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 But you didn't DO anything, did you - might as well have been larping too. Like every gun owner.
▼ America as a whole is a bunch of larping faggots at this point. We don't deserve a second amendment
anymore if we won't use it.
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▲ BasedMedicalDoctor 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Because I understood most politics are theater and our side spins and fear mongers too. We aren’t
▼ actually facing communism. As you’ll soon realize.
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▲ JohnMiller2020 1 hour ago +63 / -2
61 What now?
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▲ RivalPipe 1 hour ago +49 / -0
49 Like the runners following Forrest Gump.
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▲ TripleBlack 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 US: Stop he going to say something.

Trump: ...
US: ?
Trump: I'm pretty tired.... I think I'll go home.
US: What do we do now?
Trump Voice Over: Just like that, my political days were over.
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Win▲ frikinjasmine 1 hour ago +36 / -9
/ TheDonald Sign In
27 Nothing it’s over. Don’t even vote again. What’s the point?
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▲ RonPaulWasRight 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Okay DNC trainee.
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▲ Benghazi1776 1 hour ago +19 / -1
18 1000 years of darkness

Could be worse of course
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▲ donaldo_dil_trumpini 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 the good thing about communism is that survives like a parasite, now what happens when parasites
▼ can't feed of others anymore, the system alone roughly lasts 10 years.
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▲ GreatBambino 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 So it begins.
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +15 / -0
15 We take our country back.
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▲ MAGALogic 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 That is correct.
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▲ 23zulu 1 hour ago +11 / -3
8 It’s fake
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▲ Nice_n_tangy 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 Well, intentionally vague.
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▲ AnotherPedeInTheWall 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Nah man, look at his neck at the 2:10 second mark
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▲ ModsBanPaleos 1 hour ago +67 / -6
61 We got fucked
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +19 / -3
16 We'll make them pay 78/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
16 We ll make them pay.

Win / TheDonald
Remember, they answer to us. Patriots showed them that yesterday. Sign In
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▲ Archive_offline 1 hour ago +6 / -1
5 Did they? We got shot and got nothing.
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▲ TrannyClaus 1 hour ago +74 / -15
59 I bet he was forced to “denounce” the “violence”.

But yeah... God love him but it’s over y’all.
We need to cope.
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▲ diamondsword 1 hour ago +15 / -0
15 Same. I still love Trump. He really had no choice but to do this. Hell, there was a serious risk of the 25th
▼ amendment being used to remove him.
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▲ blukid 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 This. Trump knows that if he pursues any more legal efforts, they will either impeach him, use the 25th,
▼ or pursue legal prosecution. Trump needs to protect himself and his family and it’s quite obvious that
this statement was written by someone else and that Trump was forced to say it.
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▲ diamondsword 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Yup. It's sad to see people abandoning Trump like this, after everything he said and how he was the
▼ bastion of nationalism and Americanism.
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▲ GottaMakeANewOne 1 hour ago +2 / -1
1 forced by whom lol he's the President
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▲ j_dog 1 hour ago +63 / -6
57 They got to him
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▲ Notpennysboat 1 hour ago +27 / -0
27 As soon as we heard that he was heading to the white house instead of the capitol, that's when they
▼ brought him in the back and said he's through.
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▲ logan34 1 hour ago +4 / -1
3 Probably threatened to make his children and children’s children suffer. He had no choice.
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▲ 23zulu 1 hour ago +1 / -6
/ TheDonald
Nope Sign In
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▲ DarkestBeforeTheDon 1 hour ago +56 / -2
54 The steal is complete.
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▲ ObamaBinladin 1 hour ago +89 / -40
49 Still didn't hear concede.
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +51 / -9
42 He conceded. Pedophile biden is going to start rounding up anyone who isn't trans and then enslaving the
▼ rest of us.
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▲ lokiodinson 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 He's gonna hand it off to Kamala. She will probably do unspeakably evil things.
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▲ Proofmr2 1 hour ago +34 / -1
33 i mean. he said a new admin is taking office on the 20th with a peaceful transfer...not sure what else that
▼ would mean lol
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▲ Nice_n_tangy 1 hour ago +21 / -12
9 His new administration.
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▲ Two_Scoops__ 1 hour ago +11 / -2
9 This
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▲ Bucktooth34 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 The one without Pence.
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▲ TeflonDon4eva 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 It is or it is not
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▲ hint 57 minutes ago +1 / -1
0 How long can you keep up the delusion. This is just sad.
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▲ RedEnsign4Trump 1 hour ago +3 / -3
0 bro come on
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– / TheDonald Sign In
▲ SodaCracker 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 He will no longer be 45 but 46..that's a new administration.
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▲ Proofmr2 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 he would still be 45 in his second term. honestly im holding out for the 20th for sure, but this video
▼ looks bad.
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▲ Tellman125 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Consider that he didn't say the standard concession things, like: "It was a hard-fought race but now
▼ it's over; the people have spoken, we must respect the will of the people, I will congratulate Joe Biden
as a worthy opponent, and now we must all put aside our differences for the greater good of the
country." None of that shit.
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▲ MAGA_ALL_DAY 1 hour ago +19 / -3
16 I noticed that too. It was more of a "Well we tried everything without pissing half the country off and
▼ starting a war."
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▲ nirvana1989 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 He told us its been honor to have been our President pretty sure it's over guys.
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▲ rockettails 1 hour ago +6 / -2
4 lol bro
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▲ Captinhowdy45 1 hour ago +55 / -6
49 Well thats it folks.
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +24 / -10
14 No. It's just begun.
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▲ Captinhowdy45 1 hour ago +6 / -0
6 I mean for Trump he straight said a new administration is incoming. I don't mean we shouldn't continue
▼ to fight for America. It is just gonna be that much harder.
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▲ disgruntled_patriot 1 hour ago +14 / -0
14 This was never going to be easy.

But OUR ENEMIES are out numbered. Patriots showed them yesterday that they cannot contend
with US.
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p p p py

Win / TheDonald
– Sign In
▲ Captinhowdy45 1 hour ago +5 / -0
5 God speed patriot. Hopefully we continue to out number them.
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▲ Mixxy 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 It'll be like the Obama years except now we're smarter, we're angrier, and there's ten times more
▼ of us than there were before.
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▲ Captinhowdy45 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 God speed patriot. Hopefully we continue to out number them.
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▲ ObamasLooseButthole 53 minutes ago +1 / -0

“ Patriots showed them yesterday that they cannot contend with US.

By letting them kill one of us and then going home in an orderly fashion while fist bumping the cops
on the way out of the door. Yeah, we sure showed them.
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deleted 1 hour ago +55 / -8

deleted 1 hour ago +47 / -2

▲ Lenny_Kravitz2 1 hour ago +37 / -3
34 That would be the Antifa fucks. The people that were allowed into the capital building and walked around
▼ were completely legal.
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▲ ViduusMAGA 1 hour ago +12 / -0
12 Yeah I feel sorry for the old couples just strolling in and taking photos.
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▲ The_CPMO 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 They let people in. You don't commit a crime when they let you in. Video is there
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 55 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 The government doesn't care. They're going to end us whether the facts are on our side or not.
▼ Once they are through with us they'll be throwing the trans, gays and libtards on the gulags right
behind is.
Unless we 1776 2.0. we can still do that. The optics don't matter. It's still an option and we don't
need a president to tell is whether we can or cannot do it. It's the only box left still.
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▲ President Elect KeK 1 hour ago +3 / 0 82/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
▲ President_Elect_KeK 1 hour ago +3 / -0
3 That would also be every single legislator who voted for electors he knew to be not legit.Sign In
Win / TheDonald
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▲ MakeAmericaWinAgain 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Yeah fucking right. Biden/Harris will lock us all up
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▲ Bloodylouver 1 hour ago +14 / -1
13 He just lost most support
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▲ 85Dacudo 54 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Unlikely, I hate that he’s doing this. But I see why he’s doing it.
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▲ Wanderlust 1 hour ago +8 / -0
8 "This is only the beginning."
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +7 / -0
7 We're perfectly within the consitution too
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▲ GreatestPresidentEvr 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Apparently, not everyone who breaks the law does pay. Not under Trump's administration.
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▲ unbeknownst 1 hour ago +48 / -4
44 Well, it was fun while it lasted.
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▲ trumpledoresarmy 1 hour ago +10 / -1
9 Maybe the real America First was the low black unemployment numbers we got along the way.
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▲ Toollespaulhero 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 America first in debt while sending money to every country on the planet that’s for sure.
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▲ MichelleObamasBulge 58 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 men starting businesses in their wives’ name women starting businesses!
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▲ RockstarEnergy612 1 hour ago +44 / -3
41 I'm not upvoting this
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▲ pup1pup 1 hour ago +6 / -0 83/86
▲ BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

6 To downvote, click on the gear icon in the top right corner and go to "Settings". Then turn "Community
Win / TheDonald Sign In
▼ Styling" off. Hit save.
Then downvote this crap.

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▲ MichelleObamasBulge 57 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 There’s no need. It needs to be seen. An upvote isn’t a stamp of approval. It’s for visibility
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▲ BigAlCalifa 1 hour ago +37 / -1
36 BARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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deleted 1 hour ago +59 / -23

deleted 1 hour ago +36 / -1

▲ Behind_Blue_Lines_II 1 hour ago +3 / -1
2 we'll know for sure if he's not arrested or exiled after the 20th
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▲ Crestfallen_Warrior 1 hour ago +1 / -0
1 Ok, George
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▲ SneedsFeedAndSeed 1 hour ago +11 / -0
11 Enjoy being governed by the CCP, faggot.
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▲ GlitchMob2020 1 hour ago +48 / -16
32 Not a concession.

He didn't congratulate Biden.
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▲ Nice_n_tangy 1 hour ago +25 / -2
23 Exactly. This does not have the content of a concession speech. I think it's intended to sound conciliatory
▼ though.
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▲ HartianX 1 hour ago +16 / -0
16 Smooth and peaceful transition of power, serving as your president has been an honor, how do those not
▼ classify?
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▲ Guitarscientist 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 because it can be interpreted to mean many things, including that he did not concede. needs to say it 84/86
1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!
because it can be interpreted to mean many things, including that he did not concede. needs to say it
▼ specifically if that was his intention.
Win / TheDonald Sign In
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▲ GlitchMob2020 1 hour ago +13 / -1
12 He said this is only the beginning.

If Trump doesn't remain President, this is the fucking END.
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▲ Nancypelosisoldliver 1 hour ago +3 / -1
2 Don't worry, Its coming.
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▲ QuranIsToiletPaper 1 hour ago +2 / -0
2 Trust muh plan, Biden's inauguration is all part of The Plan.

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▲ Millennium 1 hour ago +30 / -3
27 Well, there you have it. :/
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▲ mikejones 1 hour ago +28 / -2
26 He is addressing the capital! Outraged!
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▲ FastMike 1 hour ago +27 / -1
26 WTF............................................!!!!!!!!!!??????????????
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deleted 1 hour ago +26 / -2

▲ TD_Covfefe_Crusader 1 hour ago +13 / -0
13 It's over politically.
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▲ MetallicOpeth 1 hour ago +24 / -1
23 Fuck...
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▲ JoeBidensBrain 1 hour ago +26 / -6
20 its over folks
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▲ Mixxy 1 hour ago +4 / -0
4 The age of Trump may be over, but America First lives as long as we keep fighting. Take a rest, but come
▼ back angry and ready to take back what is rightfully yours.
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1/7/2021 BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First!

▲ / TheDonald
CanadianTrump 1 hour ago +22 / -2
Sign In
20 GG
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▲ bipartisexual 1 hour ago +5 / -1
4 no re
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▲ phil_d_snutz 1 hour ago +2 / -2
0 jajajaja
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▲ keyboardwarrior1 1 hour ago +21 / -2
19 Wtf
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▲ FearDaNazgulz 1 hour ago +18 / -3
15 Nope, I still have hope til the 20th. Call me stupid, or whatever. Still my President. Jesus is still King. Fight
▼ me.
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▲ Kekmanchoo 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
1 Much respect. I said that this morning. Not feeling it now tbh.
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▲ QuranIsToiletPaper 56 minutes ago +1 / -1
0 OK. You're stupid.
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