Modelling The Meshing of Cycloidal Gears

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DOI 10.1515/ama-2016-0022 acta mechanica et automatica, vol.10 no.

2 (2016)



*Bialystok University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ul. Wiejska 45C, 15-351 Białystok, Poland

[email protected], [email protected]

received 16 June 2015, revised 11 May 2016, accepted 16 May 2016

Abstract: Cycloidal drives belong to the group of planetary gear drives. The article presents the process of modelling a cycloidal gear.
The full profile of the planetary gear is determined from the following parameters: ratio of the drive, eccentricity value, the equidistant (ring
gear roller radius), epicycloid reduction ratio, roller placement diameter in the ring gear. Joong-Ho Shin’s and Soon-Man Kwon’s article
(Shin and Know, 2006) was used to determine the profile outline of the cycloidal planetary gear lobes. The result was a scatter chart
with smooth lines and markers, presenting the full outline of the cycloidal gear.

Key words: Cycloidal Drive, Modelling, Profile, Planetary Gear, Gear

1. INTRODUCTION and Song, 2008).

Therefore, it was necessary to demonstrate the process
of modelling a toothed gear with a cycloidal profile.
Analysis of the function of the cycloidal transmission indicates
that it is a rolling transmission, in which all elements move along
a circle (Rutkowski, 2014). Because of its specific design, cy- 2. EQUATIONS DESCRIBING THE PROFILE
cloidal gears have many advantages, such as: a wide range OF A CYCLOIDAL GEAR
single stage reductions (even up to 170), making the drive rela-
tively small, high mechanical efficiency, and silent operation.
Moreover, its minimal moment of inertia results in smooth start Modelling a cycloidal gear is possible with equations (1, 2)
and allows fast change of movement direction. The drive also has presented in an article by Shin and Kwon (2006):
a significant overload capacity and reacts quickly to change 𝐵𝑥 = 𝑟 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜑) − 𝑞 ∙ cos(𝜑 + Ψ) − 𝑒 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑁𝜑)
of load (Chmurawa, 2002; Bednarczyk, 2014). 𝐵𝑦 = −𝑟 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜑) + 𝑞 ∙ sin(𝜑 + Ψ) + 𝑒 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑁𝜑) (1)
Cycloidal gear stands out among all gears with its lower mass,
smaller housing and its quietness. These are the advantages where: 𝑟 – distance between the ring gear rollers [mm];
in machines that demand high gear ratio. In the current planetary 𝑞 𝜑 radius of the ring gear roller [mm]; 𝑁 – number of rollers
gears, for getting enough reduction, three drive ratios are needed. of the ring gear; 𝑒 – eccentricity value [mm]; 𝛹 – contact angle
It leads planetary gears to getting bigger and heavier with every between the roller and the lobe of the cycloid gear [o]; 𝜑 – angle
drive ratio added. In cycloidal gears only two drive ratios are between point B and the x axis in the central point of the
needed to get planetary gear reduction with three drive ratios. coordinate system [o].
Moreover, inner clearances helps cycloidal gear to provide super The contact angle between the roller and the lobe of the cy-
precise movement in machinery. cloid gear is determined from the following equation:
Due to their advantages, cycloidal drives are becoming in-
creasingly popular in modern industry, and are used in wood sin[(1 − 𝑁)𝜑]
processing machines, CNC and machine tool workshops, tech- Ψ = 𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑛 [ 𝑟 ] (2)
− cos[(1 − 𝑁)𝜑]
nical head drives, as well as glass and textile machines. 𝑒𝑁
The gears are also used in robot arm joints, hoists and turn- (0° ≤ 𝜑 ≤ 360°)
tables. However, the development and spread of cycloidal drives
In order to determine the curvature profile of the cycloidal
is not as dynamic as in the case of other similar devices. This
gear, the coordinates of multiple B points must be determined,
is because constructing cycloidal drives is not an easy task – their
which form the shape of the gear (Fig. 1). The equations (1, 2)
design is highly complicated, and so is the technology of curved
make it possible to determine the coordinates of point b for any
meshing of planetary gears. Also, producers of machinery which
angle φ. The precision of the profile depends on the step value
uses these type of drives do not share their designs (Chmuraa,
of angle φ the smaller the step is, the corresponding shape
2002; Siczek and Warda, 2008; Yan and Lai, 2002; Feng
is more precise. What is characteristic about these equations
and Litvin, 1996; Kabaca, 2013; Bednarczyk, 2013; Blagojevic
is that there is always one less lobe of the cycloidal gear than
et al., 2012; Hwang and Hsieh, 2007; Meng et al., 2007; Figliolinii
there are rollers in the ring gear.
et al., 2013; Sung and Tsai, 1997; Hong-Liu et al., 2013; Wand

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Jerzy Nachimowicz, Stanisław Rafałowski DOI 10.1515/ama-2016-0022
Modelling the Meshing of Cycloidal Gears


Microsoft Excel was used to make the necessary calculations

in order to determine the profile of the cycloidal gear. The spread-
sheet presents the basic parameters of a cycloidal drive (Fig. 3),
which were then used to determine the additional parameters
of the drive with the corresponding equations (Fig. 4).

Fig. 1. Cycloidal gear parameters: 𝑟 – radius of the ring gear; 𝑞 – radius

of the roller; 𝑒 – eccentricity; 𝜑 – angle between point 𝐵 and the
𝑥 axis in the central point of the coordinate system; 𝐵 – point Fig. 3. Basic parameters of the cycloidal drive required
on curvature profile of the lobe; 𝐵𝑥, 𝐵𝑦 – coordinates of point 𝐵 for the calculations



Fig. 2 presents the outline of the lobe of the cycloidal gear. In

order to form the shape of the lobe, the number of points was set Fig. 4. Additional parameters of the cycloidal drive required
at 𝑘 = 95 with coordinates 𝐵 = (𝐵𝑖𝑥 , 𝐵𝑖𝑦). After determining for the calculations
the positions of all points against the beginning of the coordinate
system, the points are connected with a spline. Equation formulas and the values in individual cells are pre-
As the profile of the cycloidal gear must be very precise, two sented in Tab. 1. When designing the profile of the gear, it is
additional points were added at both ends, whose position was necessary to verify the condition necessary for the drive to work
determined for adjacent lobes of the gear. (cell H3), which was set for conditional formatting. When the
This assumption is presented in equation: condition is met, the background of the cell is green – when the
w ∈ < −2; k + 3 > ∈ C (3) condition is not met, it is red.
The next stage of the design is the determination of the lobe
where: 𝑤 – number of point; 𝑘 – number of points per each lobe profile of the cycloidal gear. To do this, Tab. 2 was created in the
of the gear; 𝐶 – set of total numbers. spreadsheet which determined the coor-dinates of all points com-
prising the lobe outline of the cycloidal gear.
The first column of the table lists the indexes of the B points
which created the profile of the lobe, beginning in cell A19.
The initial value of the index is −2, increased by 1 at each
step, and the final value is 𝑘 + 2, which in this case is 97.
The second column contains the φ angle values in radians.
The next column calculates the Ψ angle corresponding to angle
φ. The coordinates of the points creating the profile of the lobe
are presented in columns D and E.

Fig. 2. Lobe profile outline: B0 , B1 , Bk - successive points creating

the outline of the lobe; B(x0 , x0 ), B(x1 , y1 ) – coordinates
for points B0 and B1 respectively

Tab. 1. Formulas and their use in the calculations

Cell E3 F3 G3 H3 I3
𝑄 factor introduced in
𝑘 number of 𝐵 points drive’s functional
Shin and Know (2006), 𝑁 number of rollers
Definition per each lobe of the condition 𝑑𝜑 angle increase
used in the of the ring gear;
gear (Shin and Know, 2006)
Equation 𝑄 =𝑒∙𝑁 (assumed value) 𝑁 = 𝑧1 + 1 𝑟/(𝑒 ∙ 𝑁) > 1 𝑑𝜑 = 360/(𝑧1 ∙ 𝑘)
Formula = 𝐵3 ∙ 𝐺3 = 95 = 𝐷3 + 1 = 𝐴3/(𝐵3 ∙ 𝐺3) = 360/(𝐷3 ∙ 𝐹3)

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DOI 10.1515/ama-2016-0022 acta mechanica et automatica, vol.10 no.2 (2016)

Tab. 2. Equation formulas for cycloidal points

18 𝒌 𝝋 𝜳 𝑩𝒙 𝑩𝒚

𝐴𝑇𝐴𝑁((𝑆𝐼𝑁(−11 43,64 ∙ 𝐶𝑂𝑆(𝐵19) − 4 −43,64 ∙ 𝑆𝐼𝑁(𝐵19) + 4

19 -2 ∙ 𝐵19))/(1,818 − 𝐶𝑂𝑆(−11 ∙ 𝐶𝑂𝑆(𝐵19 + 𝐵20) − 2 ∙ 𝑆𝐼𝑁(𝐵19 + 𝐵20) +
∙ 0,344498
∙ 𝐵19))) ∙ 𝐶𝑂𝑆(12 ∙ 𝐵19) 2 ∙ 𝑆𝐼𝑁(12 ∙ 𝐵19)

Tab. 3. Equation formulas for the full outline

18 𝛗 [o] 𝛗 [rad] 𝚿 𝑩𝒙(𝝋) 𝑩𝒚(𝝋)
𝐴𝑇𝐴𝑁((𝑆𝐼𝑁(−11 ∙ 𝐺19))
43,64 ∙ 𝐶𝑂𝑆(𝐺19) − 4 −43,64 ∙ 𝑆𝐼𝑁(𝐺19) + 4 ∙
19 0,2 𝑅𝐴𝐷𝐼𝐴𝑁𝑆(𝐹19) ∙ 𝐶𝑂𝑆(𝐺19 + 𝐻19) − 2 𝑆𝐼𝑁(𝐺19 + 𝐻19) + 2 ∙
(1,818 − 𝐶𝑂𝑆(−11
∙ 𝐶𝑂𝑆(12 ∙ 𝐺19) 𝑆𝐼𝑁(12 ∙ 𝐺19)
∙ 𝐺19)))

The results of the calculations were put in a scatter chart with

smooth lines and markers, presenting the outline of the cycloidal
gear lobe (Fig. 5).

Fig. 6. Full outline of the cycloidal gear

Fig. 5. Lobe profile in a coordinate system
Modelling the full outline of the cycloidal gear significantly fa-
The last stage of designing the cycloidal gear is determining cilitates the design process of the cycloidal drive. Because
its complete outline. Tab. 3 was created analogously to determin- the cycloidal gear is an extremely important element of the drive,
ing the position of the cycloidal gear lobe. The only difference the precise outlining of the gear’s profile is critical in designing
is that the angle 𝜑 (columnt F), expressed in degrees, was used the drive – it decides on the proper and stable functioning of the
instead of the k point index. device.
The coordinates of the points on the outline curve were calcu- Designing the profile of the cycloidal gear is complex. Due to
lated for full 360°. To determine a very accurate contour of the the complexity of designing of the profile of the cycloidal gear it is
cycloidal gear, the step angle of angle 𝜑 was 0.2°. Column G necessary to use suitable spreadsheets, for example Microsoft
expresses the values from column F in radians. The next column Excel software or other computer aided engineering program like
presents the values of angle 𝛹 for corresponding angles from MathCad, Statistica or other 2D plots generators. After inputting
column G. The values of coordinates 𝐵𝑥(𝜑) and 𝐵𝑦(𝜑) were all demanded data and assumptions they help getting adequate
calculated and listed in columns I and J respectively. calculations. Furthermore, they are helpful in fast changing
The results of the calculations were put in a scatter chart with of parameters in prototypes, which is very comfortable and reduc-
smooth lines and markers, presenting the full outline of the cy- es amount of time needed to designing of cycloidal gear.
cloidal gear (Fig. 6). The main parameters that determine the profile are the eccen-
tricity value, roller radius, as well as the epicycloid reduction ratio.
The precision of the outline depends on the angle step of angle 𝜑.
Due to the complexity of the process it is best to do the calcula-
tions using computer software.

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Jerzy Nachimowicz, Stanisław Rafałowski DOI 10.1515/ama-2016-0022
Modelling the Meshing of Cycloidal Gears

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