Modelling The Meshing of Cycloidal Gears
Modelling The Meshing of Cycloidal Gears
Modelling The Meshing of Cycloidal Gears
2 (2016)
[email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: Cycloidal drives belong to the group of planetary gear drives. The article presents the process of modelling a cycloidal gear.
The full profile of the planetary gear is determined from the following parameters: ratio of the drive, eccentricity value, the equidistant (ring
gear roller radius), epicycloid reduction ratio, roller placement diameter in the ring gear. Joong-Ho Shin’s and Soon-Man Kwon’s article
(Shin and Know, 2006) was used to determine the profile outline of the cycloidal planetary gear lobes. The result was a scatter chart
with smooth lines and markers, presenting the full outline of the cycloidal gear.
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Jerzy Nachimowicz, Stanisław Rafałowski DOI 10.1515/ama-2016-0022
Modelling the Meshing of Cycloidal Gears
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DOI 10.1515/ama-2016-0022 acta mechanica et automatica, vol.10 no.2 (2016)
Fig. 5. Lobe profile in a coordinate system
Modelling the full outline of the cycloidal gear significantly fa-
The last stage of designing the cycloidal gear is determining cilitates the design process of the cycloidal drive. Because
its complete outline. Tab. 3 was created analogously to determin- the cycloidal gear is an extremely important element of the drive,
ing the position of the cycloidal gear lobe. The only difference the precise outlining of the gear’s profile is critical in designing
is that the angle 𝜑 (columnt F), expressed in degrees, was used the drive – it decides on the proper and stable functioning of the
instead of the k point index. device.
The coordinates of the points on the outline curve were calcu- Designing the profile of the cycloidal gear is complex. Due to
lated for full 360°. To determine a very accurate contour of the the complexity of designing of the profile of the cycloidal gear it is
cycloidal gear, the step angle of angle 𝜑 was 0.2°. Column G necessary to use suitable spreadsheets, for example Microsoft
expresses the values from column F in radians. The next column Excel software or other computer aided engineering program like
presents the values of angle 𝛹 for corresponding angles from MathCad, Statistica or other 2D plots generators. After inputting
column G. The values of coordinates 𝐵𝑥(𝜑) and 𝐵𝑦(𝜑) were all demanded data and assumptions they help getting adequate
calculated and listed in columns I and J respectively. calculations. Furthermore, they are helpful in fast changing
The results of the calculations were put in a scatter chart with of parameters in prototypes, which is very comfortable and reduc-
smooth lines and markers, presenting the full outline of the cy- es amount of time needed to designing of cycloidal gear.
cloidal gear (Fig. 6). The main parameters that determine the profile are the eccen-
tricity value, roller radius, as well as the epicycloid reduction ratio.
The precision of the outline depends on the angle step of angle 𝜑.
Due to the complexity of the process it is best to do the calcula-
tions using computer software.
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Jerzy Nachimowicz, Stanisław Rafałowski DOI 10.1515/ama-2016-0022
Modelling the Meshing of Cycloidal Gears
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