Fog Convolver Manual

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Table of Contents
1. Fog Convolver..................................................................3
1.1 Specifications.................................................................3
1.2 Installation.....................................................................3
1.3 Registration................................................................... 4
2. Features........................................................................... 4
2.1 Parameters.................................................................... 4
2.2 Parameters Lock.............................................................5
2.3 Preset Browser...............................................................5
2.4 Saving Presets................................................................5
2.5 Randomizer....................................................................6
2.6 Global Settings...............................................................6
2.7 Exporting WAVs..............................................................8
2.8 Importing IR folders........................................................8
3. End.................................................................................. 8
3.1 Credits.......................................................................... 8
3.2 EULA............................................................................. 8
3.3 Thank You......................................................................9

AudioThing – Fog Convolver 2

1. Fog Convolver
Fog Convolver is a convolution plugin that applies the sonic character of an
impulse response to another sound in real time.

An impulse response is a recording of the output that is caused by an acoustic

space or electronic gear when an impulse is played (electric spark, starter
pistol shot or the bursting of a balloon).

Fog Convolver can be used to add reverberation, create special effects, and
apply an acoustic impulse captured from audio equipment.

T h e factory bank features more than 250 impulse responses made from
spaces, analog and digital equipment, organic sources, and more.

1.1 Specifications
• 250+ Impulse Responses
• Lightweight real time Convolution Engine
• Preset system with randomizer
• Formats: VST, AU, and AAX (32/64bit)
• Platforms: OSX, Windows

1.2 Installation
• Double click on the DMG image FogConvolver.dmg
• Right click on the package FogConvolver.mpkg and click open
• Follow the instructions to install the plug-in(s)

• Extract FogConvolver.rar
• Run FogConvolverSetup.exe
• Follow the instructions to install the plug-in(s)

AudioThing – Fog Convolver 3

1.3 Registration
In demo mode the plugin will output silence for 3 seconds every 30 seconds.
To register it, you should have a valid license file (fogconvolver_license.atl).
Click on the More button and then choose Registration.
A popup window will open, click on Load License File... and locate your license
file (fogconvolver_license.atl).

2. Features
2.1 Parameters
Stretch Changes the speed (and the pitch) of the Impulse Response.
Also known as Size for generic convolution reverbs.
Gain Increases or attenuates the volume of the Impulse Response

Pre Delay Applies a delay in ms before the convolution.

It's an essential parameter for reverbs effects that can give
clarity to the attack of the sound and change the perception of its
Start Cuts the Impulse Response from the start
End Cuts the Impulse Response from the end

Fade In Applies a fade at the beginning of the Impulse Response

In Curve Changes the Fade In curve from linear to exponential
Fade Out Applies a fade at the end of the Impulse Response
Out Curve Changes the Fade Out curve from linear to exponential

HighPass Attenuates the low frequencies in the Impulse Response

LowPass Attenuates the high frequencies in the Impulse Response

Dry The amount of dry signal

Wet The amount of wet signal

AudioThing – Fog Convolver 4

2.2 Parameters Lock

When the lock near the Preset Name is locked, loading a preset will only
update the Impulse Response file without loading the preset parameters.
Useful if you want to retein the same parameters while browsing through the
presets. This option is also available from the Global Settings.

2.3 Preset Browser

You can add or remove a Bank or Category by using the +/- buttons at the
bottom of the browser.

You can also select multiple categories by holding Ctrl/Cmd when clicking. This
will update the preset list showing only the desired presets.

You can use the search box in the bottom right corner to further narrowing the
preset list.

To load a preset you can click on the preset list or you can choose it from the
preset menu in the top bar.

2.4 Saving Presets

You can save a preset by clicking on the Save button in the top bar.
A new section appears in the browser where you can edit all the preset details.

The Categories and Bank fields are updated by clicking on the lists on the left.

AudioThing – Fog Convolver 5

When you save the preset the path to the Impulse Response will be relative to
the preset path.
This is usefull if you want to move your Impulse Response bank(s) to another

For new banks we reccomend to have a main folder with two sub-folders, one
with the name of the bank and one for the samples.

2.5 Randomizer
It is possible to randomize all the parameters in the
interface by clicking on the Random button in the top

Right-clicking on a parameter will show the Randomizer


Lock/Unlock Random Decides if the parameter can be randomized

Lock All No parameters will be randomized
Unlock All All parameters will be randomized

2.6 Global Settings

To access the Global Settings click on the button labeled More and then

AudioThing – Fog Convolver 6

Fast IR Load / If you are experiencing high CPU loads while tweaking
Parameters Update the parameters in the interface, you can turn off the
Fast Load/Update option.
Update Parameters Update the parameters only when releasing the mouse.
on Mouse Release This can avoid annoying clicks/pops in the audio while
turning the knobs.
Load IR only (lock When enabled loading a preset will only update the
parameters) Impulse Response file without loading the preset
parameters. Useful if you want to retein the same
parameters while browsing through the presets.
This option is also available from the lock near the
Preset Name in the top bar.

Impulse Response
Auto Gain Convolving two signal with high gain may result in a
very loud output sound. If Auto Gain is enabled, the
result output will be much more natural.
Limiter on Convolved It will limit (hard clip) the convolved signal.
Signal It's reccomended only if Auto Gain is off.

Show fade curves When enabled the waveform window will show the Fade
In and Fade Out curves.
Show additional It will show additional information in the bottom part of
information the interface such as Update Time, IR Samplerate, IR
size, and Head Block Size.
Show Preset Browser Disabling it will hide the preset browser making the
interface smaller.

FFT Settings
In order to provide fast and real-time convolution, the process is divided in two
blocks, and it is possible to set the buffer for each block. It's reccomended to
keep the head block size smaller than the tail block size for better CPU

If you choose Head Block Auto Size, the Head block size will be calculated
using your DAW buffer settings.

AudioThing – Fog Convolver 7

Start/End Units
You can choose which units to use for the Start and End knobs, between
Percentage (%), Milliseconds (ms) and Samples. You can fine-adjust the Start
and End values, especially if you have Samples selected, by double clicking on
the value boxes in the GUI.

2.7 Exporting WAVs

If you want to use the edited Impulse Response outside Fog Convolver you can
export it in two ways:
• Drag the waveform from the plugin to your DAW arrange.
• To save it to a file, click on the button labeled More and then Export
WAV. Choose were to save your file and then wait for the confirmation

2.8 Importing IR folders

If you already have other Impulse Response banks, you can import them as
• Click on the button labeled More and then Import IR Folder. (You can
also click on the Plus button at the bottom of the Bank list and chose
Import IR Folder from there.)
• You can now browse to your IR folder and click to Open.
• You will see your IR Folder inside the Bank list.

If you organize your IRs in sub-folders, each one will be imported as a

Category. After that you can add tags, author details, and rating by manually
saving each preset.

3. End
3.1 Credits
Concept & Sound Design: Carlo Castellano
Design: John Gordon (vstyler)
Programming: Carlo Castellano

3.2 EULA
Please visit to review this product EULA.

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3.3 Thank You
Thank you for buying AudioThing Fog Convolver! We hope you will have as
much fun using it as we had making this product. For help or any question,
feel free to mail us: [email protected]

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