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Article 1: How to Write an Introduction to a Research Paper.

1. What is a Research Paper Introduction?

A Research Paper Introduction is the initial part of a research paper and the part that a reader is likely to
read first (at least when focusing deeply and reading your paper in detail). Hence, definitions, notions,
and some other important information required for understanding the paper are presented/listed here.
Introduction is the hardest part of paper to write first. The introduction of writing is going to set out the
rationale, which is what a research will be based around. It is important that makes the beginning of the
research paper interesting and engage with the readers from the first line.

2. Writing an Introduction to a Research Paper – What to Include

 Introduce the topic.

 Create some context and background.
 Tell the reader about the research you plan to carry out.
 State the rationale.
 Explain why the research is important.
 State the hypothesis.

3. What are the parts of introduction in research?

The introduction of a research paper may contain a few other parts/ elements such as the chief goal(s)
and objectives of the research, a brief but informative outline of the following content, explained,
concept definitions, a brief history of the research into the topic, recent related discoveries, etc.

4. Start with Announcing the Topic

The topic is basically the fundament of any writing. It’s better to begin with outlining the topic. How to
start a research paper intro is just state the topic and add some connected with topic issues. This is a
perfect strategy to intrigue the reader. It is recommended to start with general info and then narrowing
down to some concrete aspects. Try not to deepen into a state of things in the beginning, but explain
the view on the topic. If use some difficult expressions in the central part of an essay, make them clear
to any reader and point out their connection with the topic.

5. Review the Literature

To developing statement in the main body, it will need some literature sources to refer to. Dont neglect
modern time scholars that are being deeply concerned about the issue or opinion you stated and dont
neglect using online plagiarism checker to make sure your paper is original.

6. Stress on Rationale
The rationale is the key element of the beginning. The rationale serves as an indicator of both – the
importance of your essay and attitude to the issue. The rationale should be laconic and precise to show
the reader the significance of your research.

7. State the Thesis

Thesis statement marks the conclusive part of the introduction for research paper or research summary
and transition to the actual research. This sentence supports all the things that written before and
collects all the ideas in a logical and concise saying. The thesis is what runs through the complete essay,
that’s why the intro where a thesis is stated sets the tone for the entire paper. The thesis should give
general info on topic, be engaging and precise and reflect the significance of raised issue.

8. Conclude with the Outline

When all important work is done, it's time to outline the structure of the research paper. An
outline is a short paragraph, which consists of 3 or 4 sentences and represents your plan of the
entire paper. You can also look for examples of introductory essays to get some ideas.

9. Writing Tips for Students Who Want to Know All About Introduction

So how do you write an intro to a research paper?

• Define and Explain the Concept

This includes any jargon or terms that you think are important to know before reading your
findings and analysis.

• Start with Quotation

You want to attract the attention of your readers from the start. This will help make the image in
the reader's head, and they will remember this when they read your work.

• Communicate Your Structure

This will allow the reader to easily navigate between different parts and make sure everything
makes sense. All papers must be compiled to ensure that the reader understands everything that
is happening and makes your findings valuable.

Salma: write summary start from the definition of paper introduction until state the thesis of paper.
Veggy: write summary start from the conclude with the outline until writing tips for student.

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