Start Motor Operation

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IMPACT 4.07.

71 07/06/2020

Printed by:Htun Htun Win


Chassis ID Path
3311/Description, Design and function//Starter motor

Model Identity
FH 129563490

Publish date ID/Operation


Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

IMPACT 4.07.71 07/06/2020

Starter motor
For a description of the function of the starter motor and its' specification, see Starter motor, description under group

BBM = Body Builder Module
TECU = Transmission ECU
EECU = Engine ECU
GSECU = GearSelector ECU
LCM = Light Control Module
IMMO = Immobilizer control unit
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number
PTO = Power Take Off

In order for the electronically controlled starter motor to start, it requires information from several other control units and
components. The starter motor will only start if all the requesting control units permit.

When the starter key (S15) is turned to position II, connection PA7 on the VECU (A17) is supplied with voltage. VECU
activates relay K02 via connection PB15, which applies power to all the vehicles control units. When the starter key is
turned to position III, relay K03 is activated via VECU (connection PA11). At the same time a signal is sent from VECU
(if the conditions are fulfilled, see Conditions below) via data links to EECU, so that relay K65 is activated via EECU
connection EB29.

The EECU activates relay K65 (if the conditions are met, see Conditions below) which in turn activates the starter
motor relay, and the starter motor then begins to rotate.

In special cases, e.g. if a remote control for a crane is used, the motor can be started via BBM (A36). In such a case,
the starter key must be in position II. Otherwise the same conditions apply as when starting via the starter key.

As the vehicle is equipped with automatic dip beam, LCM (A27) will monitor the status of the wires between relays K03
and K65. When LCM indicates that there is voltage on these wires, the automatic dip beam is extinguished in order to
give the starter motor all the power from the batteries. When the voltage on the wires disappears, the dim beam is
illuminated again.


The VECU receives the start request from the starter key or the BBM. The VECU then reads the status of the PTO to
see if it is activated (BBM, A36) and if the gearbox is in neutral (TECU, A13E and GSECU, A109). The VECU sends
this information and the start request to the EECU. It is the EECU that takes the decision to implement the start
The EECU then reads the status of IMMO (A20) and the Alarm (A31) to see if engine starting is permitted. For more
detailed information about the anti-theft system, refer to the information concerning the particular function. Note that not
all vehicles are equipped with an immobilizer. The EECU also receives information from the flywheel speed sensor
(B04) and from the camshaft position sensor (B05) that no engine speed is currently registered. Once these conditions
are fulfilled, the EECU activates relay K65.

The EECU also checks if the starter motor overheats. In such a case, the starter motor will not be activated before it
has cooled down. The cooling-down time is calculated from the basis of the current engine coolant temperature.

Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

IMPACT 4.07.71 07/06/2020

If the conditions for starting are not fulfilled, this is shown on the display in the instrument cluster (A03).

Electronically-controlled starter motor

Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

IMPACT 4.07.71 07/06/2020

Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

IMPACT 4.07.71 07/06/2020

1. External start request (e.g. remote controlled crane).

2. PTO status.
External start request.
3. Transmission in neutral.
4. Gear lever in neutral.
5. VECU sends the following information to EECU:
Position of starter key
PTO status.
Request for engine stop
Transmission in neutral.
Gear lever in neutral.
The EECU sends information to the VECU concerning the start status.
6. Alarm status.
7. If the starter key code does not agree with the immobilizer information, the starter motor will not be permitted to
start. The starter motor will be permitted to operate for a certain time while the immobilizer is replying since the
reply can take some time, but the engine will not start.
8. EECU sends information to the instrument cluster concerning start status.
If the starter motor overheats, information on the instrument cluster indicates that a few seconds wait is
required before making another start attempt.
There is an option to prevent the engine from starting if the PTO is engaged. If this option is selected, the
instrument cluster will inform that start is not permitted if an attempt is made to start the engine with the
PTO engaged.
If a mechanical or electrical fault occurs, a fault code will be set.

9. The instrument display.

Copyright to this documentation belongs to the Volvo Group. No reproduction, copying, change, amendment or other similar disposal is entitled without prior written consent by
the Volvo Group
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.


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