Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation: Global Leaders - High Tech Solutions - Strategic Partners

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Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation

Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Contracts can be complicated, but are a “must” to protect your company and to make expectations and
responsibilities clear.

Meeting Sites Resource has a proven, methodical system that adds significant value to the site
research, hotel evaluation, negotiation and contract process.
Effective negotiations goes beyond “dates, rates and space” and all hotel contract components, value-
added concessions, hotel fees & surcharges and performance clauses should be part of the negotiation
process. Everything is negotiable; however, it is important to plan, prioritize and to have a specific
negotiations game plan for each meeting. Focus on what adds value to your meeting and the bottom
line, with an emphasis on risk reduction.
Create A Custom Master Hotel Contract Template / Amend For Each Meeting (ready for signature)
 All hotel contract components and clauses
 Value added concessions (must have vs. nice to have)
 Hotel fees and surcharges (eliminate or reduce)
 Performance clauses (do the math and calculate on lost profit, not revenue)
 Legal department liability language (indemnification, insurance, successors and assigns, insurance,
dispute resolution / arbitration, etc.)
 Generate a cost savings / risk reduction report for each meeting (from countersigned contract)
Key Contract Components
Option Date
 Specific date to execute contract by both parties
 If this date cannot be met, receive extension in writing
 If option date is not met, Hotel can release/resell rooms and meeting space
Sleeping Room Block
The number of guestrooms and suites by day by category
Guestroom Accommodations/Sleeping Room Categories
Outline all sleeping room requirements by day including:
 Breakdown of rooms and suites by category
 Meeting group rate by category Example of room categories are:
 Ocean view  Single (one bed)
 Golf view  Double/Double (two beds)
 Garden view  King bedded room
 Pool view  Suites/categories

Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Guestroom Accommodations/Sleeping Room Categories - continued

 Run of House (ROH means a combination of all non-suite room categories. Identify exact
percentage of each room category in contract)
 Staff rooms/Concierge Club/VIP suites/Hospitality suites
 Applicable local and state taxes
Room Rate
Rate charged by hotel for each room category based on single or double occupancy (negotiate flat rate)
Cut-off Dates
Specific date hotel will hold rooms at guaranteed rate
 Specify dates to "review & adjust" room blocks
 Final date to release all unused rooms back to hotel
 Maintain your group rate based on availability
 Adjust room block (increase or decrease) as early as possible
Published Rate Clause (No lower rates offered after contract is signed)
Protects your company if meeting attendees make reservations around group room block (via
Internet/discount web sites/telephone call in)
 No lower rates offered once the contract is signed (excluding airline and wholesale travel rates)
 If the individual is an attendee of the Group’s meeting and has a documented reservation in-house
at the hotel, regardless of the room rate, the Group will receive credit for attrition purposes.
Negotiate eliminate or reduce hotel fees and surcharges

 Resort fee  F&B Surcharges

 Early departure fee  Maid / Bellman
 Parking  Telephone / Internet access
 Health Club  Meeting room rental / set-up charges (complimentary
based on guaranteed room block / minimum F&B / no
sliding scale)
Hotel Check-in/Checkout
 Hotel policy
 Customer requested times for VIPs / Staff
Guestroom Attrition (see mitigated vs. liquidated damages / resell)
The number of sleeping rooms you may release without damages
 Percentage of total room block

Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Guestroom Attrition (see mitigated vs. liquidated damages / resell) - continued

 Guarantee 80% of your room block. This will allow 20% guestroom attrition up to your meeting date
 Hotel to mitigate damages by reselling rooms/ credit Customer account
 Hotel to use participants list to include in total room pickup numbers
 If attrition compensation due, hotel entitled to lost profit, not lost revenue (75% guestrooms; 35%
food and beverage)
 Method and timetable for compensation to hotel
Room and Space Block Review (if contracting 2 plus years out)
 Never sign a long term contract stating “rates to be negotiated”
 Define a formula in contract to establish a fair rate structure
 Match lowest group rate offered to other groups during same period
 Cancellation without damages if agreement can not be reached at least 18 months out
 Current lowest group rate/maximum percentage increases for future years (2%-5%)
 If hotel quality deteriorates, customer may cancel meeting without penalty
Value Added Concessions
Prioritize for each meeting based on specific needs and meeting value
 Group rate honored 3 days prior & post  Complimentary / discounted food & beverage
meeting dates functions
 Discount on staff rooms  Complimentary / discounted parking
 Complimentary rooms ration/ cumulative  Discount off printed banquet menus
(start 1 per 40)
 Complimentary suites  Discount off printed AV prices
 Suite upgrades by category  Waive / discount resort fee
 Club floor upgrades at group rate  Complimentary entry to health / fitness club
 Complimentary/discounted hospitality suites  Complimentary signage outside each
 VIP Transportation meeting room / meal function / speaker ready
 VIP in-room amenities  No charge for signage, easels, tables,
 Late check-out for VIPs / staff podiums, risers, lecterns, wastebaskets,
recycle baskets
 Discount off Master Account (for larger  Complimentary acceptance & storage of
meetings or payment at departure) boxes / product / materials 3 days prior to
 No early departure fees  Complimentary / discount Internet fees
Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Bellman / Maid Gratuities

 Bellman gratuities and maid gratuities will be added to the master account (specify exact amount)
 Bellman and maid gratuities will be made at the discretion of attendees
Method of Reservation / Cutoff Date
 Agreed upon date to have rooming list to the hotel (generally two to three weeks)
 Company to provide rooming list on or before cutoff date (list payment type, complimentary room
assignments, staff rooms, VIP upgrades)
 Guests call hotel direct/pay via credit card
 Room and tax to master account; guest pays own incidentals
 Guests pays room, tax and incidentals via credit card
Payment / Deposit / Billing
Determine how and when rooms and services will be paid:
 Individual reservations
 Company Check
 Credit card
 Master account
 Deposit formula (flat fee, one night deposit, percentage of projected revenue)
 No deposit due to hotel if guests pay for sleeping rooms via credit card
 Will hotel place deposits in escrow account?
 All advance deposits applied to master account
 Establish timetable for final payment of master account
 Final payment 30 days after you receive corrected master account
 Adjustments for accounting errors
 Billing arrangements
 Interest / late charges
No Additional Charges
 No fees or mandatory charges to guest folio or Master Account unless specifically stated in contract
Food & Beverage Guarantee
Outline details for all meal/social function activities:
 Specify all group events/setup and use times/number of guests
 Additional room requirements (AV, head table, dance floor, theme props, etc)
 Allowable percentage reduction/date
 Percentage that hotel will overset for each event
 Guarantee total minimum food & beverage/allowable attrition
Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Audio/Visual Electrical Requirements

 Be sure fees for lighting and other fees that may be incurred for electrician, equipment and other
support personnel or equipment is provided in the contract
 Know all fees that could pertain to your meeting
 Ask if hotel is union. If so, ask how union labor will support your meeting and what are the costs
involved (including overtime criteria)
 No fee if you bring in your own AV / production supplier
Function Space
Outline all meeting and event space as confirmed in request for proposal (RFP) and/or site inspection
 Detail specific room(s), dates & times
 No room change (without your approval)
 Define "break-out" rooms
 Approval of other social functions in adjoining rooms/foyer areas
 Complimentary meeting/event space based on percentage room pickup and F&B minimum
 No “sliding scale” or room rental based on room block guarantee and F&B minimum
No Walk/Relocation
“Walking” confirmed reservations occur when hotel is oversold
 Relocation clause/financial responsibility if your guests are “walked” when hotel over sold
 Guest relocated to hotel of similar/better quality at hotel’s expense
 Hotel to provide transportation / priority wait list to return / suite upgrade based on availability
Cancellation (see mitigated vs. liquidated damages/resell)
In the event meeting is cancelled or postponed:
 Cancellation clause in every contract
 Compensation if reasons are other than termination/ Force Majeure
 Determine a fair formula: Flat fee, percentage of room night revenue or sliding scale or percentage
of total revenue
 "Anticipated Lost Revenue" defined, not to exceed the profit margins of the hotel (75% sleeping
rooms, 35% F&B / do the math)
 Establish criteria and methods that hotel will recoup revenues against the cancellation fee
 Identify a specific timetable for another meeting(s) can be booked without damages
 Define cancellation compensation if hotel defaults and does not honor your contract
 Always include resell clause (avoid liquidated damages only)
 Conduct hotel audit to verify rooms resold/credited to account (eliminate rooms out of service/under

Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation Strategies
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Resell Clause
Plan in advance and know how damages are to be eliminated or reduced.
 The issues and details of sleeping room attrition and meeting cancellation are of utmost importance
and spelling out specific compensation and responsibilities is a must.

 Generally, when a hotel contract is not honored (breached), the non-breaching party is entitled to
lost profit, not lost revenue. Since lost revenue is difficult to calculate in advance, the courts allow
the two parties to agree in advance on an amount or formula to be stated in the contract. It is best
for damages to be stated on a sliding scale, with the amount increasing as the meeting dates get
 A liquidated damage is a guaranteed dollar amount or specific formula to calculate a dollar amount.
Liquidated damages must not be unreasonable or it could be deemed as a penalty if the case goes
to court or arbitration (hotel not obligated to resell rooms / credit company).
 Mitigated damages hold the hotel accountable to try to resell sleeping rooms, Food & Beverage and
other services. This duty to mitigate damages calls for the hotel to immediately try to replace
business and minimize (or eliminate) compensation by the customer.
 Although this is the legal requirement, it is recommended placing a resell clause in the contract to
make responsibilities clear.
 The other important issues are when compensation to the hotel is due and conducting an audit with
the hotel after the meeting dates to determine if there is a credit due to your account.
 Provide provision that the damages due (or part of) can be applied to future meeting (include
specific timeline)
Liquidated vs. Mitigated Damages
Once an organization signs a contract with a hotel, assuming non-performance is not related to Force
Majeure (occurrences out of Organization’s and Hotel’s control), there will be damages due…the key is
the language and intent in the performance clauses and specific formula(s) to calculate damages, along
with specific dates when damages are due.
Liquidated damages calls for a specific dollar amount or formula to calculate a specific dollar amount to
be paid to the hotel in the event of non-performance. Damages collected by the hotel cannot be
excessive, or they could be deemed a penalty. As an example, you contract with a hotel for 100 rooms
at a $200.00 room rate ($20,000) and $5,000 group Food & Beverage ($25,000 total contract value), if
the hotel seeks $45,000 in cancellation damages, this would be considered a penalty and not allowed
by hospitality law. With liquidation damages, the hotel is not obligated to resell rooms and credit the
Mitigated damages are the Hotel’s responsibility to resell sleeping rooms, meeting and event space and
contracted services, to reduce, or better yet, eliminate damages to the hotel. Back to the example of
the 100 contracted sleeping rooms, say the contract called for 15% allowable Attrition (guarantee 85
rooms) and you actually utilize 70 rooms, you must pay for the 15 room shortfall. You would then
instruct the hotel to conduct a rooms inventory audit by night, to determine total hotel occupancy (less
rooms under renovation/out of service). If the hotel sells all but four rooms, then four rooms are all you
are obligated to pay (on lost profit not lost revenue).
Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

The agreement by Customer and Hotel to indemnify each other for own negligence
 Reciprocal protection for both the group and hotel
 Both parties mutually indemnify, defend and hold harmless against, claims of
 Many indemnification clauses are one-sided and it is a good idea to have your attorney review this
clause (or create one for you)

Americans with Disabilities Act

 Required by law – must be stated in contract
Claims & Disputes
Agreement on procedures if Customer and Hotel cannot agree on performance damages
 Parties attempt to resolve dispute over a period of at least 30 days before resorting to formal
dispute resolution
 If parties cannot resolve dispute, they will submit matter to a mutually agreed upon arbitrator with
final decision binding

Construction and Remodeling

Does not allow hotel to conduct renovations that impact your meetings
 Hotel to notify group if any construction, maintenance, remodeling, repairs that may be in effect
over your meeting/room block dates
 Group has right to cancel without penalty and/or receive compensation if construction,
maintenance, appearance or noise affects meeting
 Group reserves right to request construction, maintenance, repairs to be stopped during their
meeting dates (state specific meeting dates in contract)
 If group does cancel due to construction, maintenance and repairs, all deposits will be returned to
group in full within 30 days

Change in Management/Termination
 Allows company to terminate contract without liability if hotel changes management company,
franchise or if foreclosure occurs

Breach by Hotel/Termination
 Hotel liable to company all direct and indirect costs (including attorney fees) if hotel fails to provide
sleeping rooms, meeting space and services as contracted

Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Force Majeure/Termination
Allows company to cancel meeting based on factors out of your control
 Specific terms and conditions which either group or the hotel can cancel the meeting without
financial responsibilities
 Events out of control of parties including but not limited to flood, earthquake, fire, war, terrorist
attacks, World Health Organization (WHO) alerts, curtailment of transportation, labor strikes and
government regulations
 Anything that makes it impracticable, illegal or impossible to perform
 If Customer still elects to conduct meeting, no attrition, food and beverage guarantees apply
 Addresses liability issues in the event the hotel or company enters into bankruptcy or foreclosure
Compliance with Laws
 Verify that the hotel will be in full compliance with all government laws and regulations
Successors and Assigns
 Identifies commitments in event the company or Hotel is sold; assigns assets
Key Clauses For Your Legal Department Review
 Indemnification
 Insurance
 Dispute resolution / arbitration
 Successors and assigns
 Bankruptcy
Hotel Inventory Audit (in the event of cancellation / attrition / performance damages)
In the event of performance damages, audit process includes:
 Request a hotel room inventory / occupancy report by night
 Verify how many rooms were resold (individual or group, regardless of room rate)
 Verify how many rooms by night were out of service due to renovation or repair
 If attendees made their own hotel reservations (versus rooms on master), provide hotel with an
electronic registration list to cross reference against all in-house guests over the meeting dates
 Capture any pre or post room nights
Plan and Think Before You Ink - Contract Tips:
 All hotel contracts are negotiable (plan and prioritize before you negotiate)

 A thorough and well designed contract is essential for a successful meeting

Strategic Hotel Contract Negotiation
Global Leaders • High Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners

Plan and Think Before You Ink - Contract Tips: Continued

 Stay away from vague phrases such as ample, reasonable, to be assigned, appropriate, etc.

 All meeting and event space to be assigned by day (if a hotel will not assign specific space, they
are not considered a candidate)

 There is no contract until both parties have signed the document

 Written changes on the contract with date and initials represent a counteroffer

 Discuss areas of dispute and counter offers in an open and honest manner

 Negotiate an option date to sign and return the contract

 In the event of changes to the meeting dates, room block, suites, meeting space or hotel
services, create a hotel contract addendum, detailing changes and secure mutual signatures.

Planners can add significant value to their meetings and the bottom line when they have a negotiation
strategy that includes quality advance planning, a focus on meeting goals and objectives, an
understanding of their meeting value and leverage and prioritized their hotel and contract components.
Please contact me if you have questions or if you need a strategic partner for future meeting needs.


MSR Professional Services

Global Site Research & Hotel Contract Negotiations / Custom Contracts / 24/7 SMM Technology (No cost or
fee to you)

Strategic Meeting Management Services (Fee Based)

 Professional On-site Staffing (SOS)
 On-line Registration & Housing
 Meeting & Event Planning
 Custom Workshops / SMM Consulting
 Advanced Meeting Technology Solutions (Sourcing, Meeting Consolidation / Leveraged Spend / SMM
Jennifer Brown, CMP, SMMC
Meeting Sites Resource
(949) 250-7483 ext. 315
[email protected]

Global Leaders • High-Tech Solutions • Strategic Partners .

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