Swami Vivekananda Youth Icon
Swami Vivekananda Youth Icon
Swami Vivekananda Youth Icon
saint, who has earned the name and fame not only in India but also on other side of sea, a
man who created a cyclonic forces among Indian youth to revive the true spirit of
Vedanta in the mother land, a man who visualised the freedom of India far before, A man
who assured the potential of global leader of India a hundred years before, the list of such
phrase is unending to describe the legacy of such a great man. Even some time I feel
“language cannot endure the weight of words and feelings behind it to describe the legacy
of this man. This man was greatest and the holiest saints that our motherland has ever
begot. He is none other than the majestic Swami Vivekananda- a name that unfolds
invincible positive thoughts, abundant energy and power of concentration - a name that
epitomises the youth of Bharat. This was what I can say is OUR SWAMI
VIVEKANAND. This is not the picture of my mind, but a millions of Indian and World’s
youth have same feelings for this man. He is most accepted, regarded and inspired icon
for the youth of Bharat, because of such a blending of spectacular, unbelievable and
energetic virtues in one man is a rare in the history of evolution of human species. As far
as our Bharat, our mother land is concerned, I don’t think any son of soil, greater than this
man had occupied place in the heart of such large number of youth of India. The youth of
Bharat is under tremendous influence of technology and western life style, the science
and technology has changed the moral of society and youth of Bharat to great extent. The
picture of today’s youth with ears plugged with phones, eyes covered with dark glass,
body bound in tightly skinned clothes and brain jammed with idea of materialistic life is a
common all over nation. But when such so regarded westernized and technology driven
youth sees the picture or photo or stature of Vivekananda for a while, His sub conscious
minds starts thinking about Bharat and its glorious history. His brain starts sparking the
thoughts of nationalism. His hands and feet stop before the Swamiji and for a while his
heads bows down to the feet of great patriotic saint. Why westernisation is not able to
remove or wipe away the love for Vivekananda from young hearts of India. The answer is
that the magnetic force of his radiant thoughts still provides the energy to young life of
Bharat. Which are these thoughts? What is there in these thoughts? What is the element of
attraction in these thoughts? Why even after 150 years of his birth, still, all his works and
word seems to be as fresh as the leaves of ever growing plants. These thoughts created a
new electric fire to stir up a fresh vigour in the national veins. A flock of youth then time
became hypnotized with idea of sacrifice, nationalism and spirituality. Today the impact
of message of Swamiji’s thought is also same. To get the answers of these questions, we
The life story of Swami Vivekananda stars with magical child hood full of courageousness,
confidence, self esteem, razor sharpen intelligence and unbelievable power of mind
concentration. He was born in highly affluent family of Kolkatta city of then Bengal
Presidency on January 12 in the year of 1863. The father was attorney in Kolkatta High court.
The mother was house wife, a devoted worshipper of Lord Shiva and spiritually enriched
woman who had created indubitable impact on the mind and personality of Swami
Vivekananda right form child hood. In later part of life, he was highly influenced by
simplicity and spiritual power of another saint Ramakrishna who later became the Guru of
Vivekananda. His address in the world of parliament of religion at Chicago on September 11,
1893 created a strong wave of victory of Hindu religion on world platform first time. At a
time when Bharat was known mere as a land of famines, poverty, snakes, jungles, slaves and
robbers, he presented an unheard side of Bharat at the prestigious Parliament of Religions and
received huge round of applause for his knowledge of spiritualism, Vedanta, Geeta and other
religions. His marvellous outlook coupled with brilliant knowledge and tolerance for all
He was able to convince religious extremists the true realism of Hindu philosophy based on
Vedanta. He first time in world conceptualized the oneness of all religions and condemned
the all heinous activities to prove and to establish the only greatness of any one religion in the
“No Hindu should become Muslim, nor Muslim to Hindu, but Hindu has to
become better Hindu and Muslim has to become better Muslim, the great souls
and persons are not property of any single individual religion of world, each
The message delivered on 11th September, 1893 in US is still regarded relevant for universal
peace and harmony. After his return to Bharat, He established “Ramkrishna Mission” the
monastery with prime objective of welfare of all; Happiness of all. The idea of ‘Work is
worship” was made the central spirit of this institution undertaking many philanthropic
activity to help the human kind by offering service in the time of needs like, floods,
The youth of Bharat has accepted him as ICON because of his towering personality
embedded with unmatched knowledge concerning with western and eastern world,
spiritualism, Vedas and Geeta made. He is one of the most favourite role models for hundred
thousand youth of Bharat. His message has invincible charm. His teachings and philosophy
about life are based on rationalisation and reflects practicalism; these have been inspiring
millions of youths not only in India but across the world. Many historic figures have also
showered praise on saint’s personality and his contribution in building India. Father of nation
Radhakrishnan are some of the icons of India who have had inspiration from Vivekannada.
The only saint in the India has got the nick name of “patriotic saint”. The Bharat was the life
for him. The Bharat was flowing in the veins and artery of his body. His hearts while beating
chanted Bharat, Bharat. Once upon a time, a follower asked to Swamiji, How can I love you?
Swamiji replied: “Love India and Serve India” This was his love for our mother land. In his
“You must conquer the world and nothing less than this that is my idea. The
present young class of India whose only joy is calling their fore father ‘fool’,
their teacher hypocrites and their scripture ‘a lie’, requires the inspiration from
foreigners, this blind dependence on foreigners, this slave like weakness, this
“Give up the awful disease that is creeping into our national blood, the ides of
ridiculing everything, the loss of seriousness. Give that up. Have a faith and
Nobel laureate Ravindranath Tagore had once said on this saint “If you want to know India,
read Vivekananda, in him everything is positive and nothing is negative”. While Mahatma
Gandhi wrote Swami Vivekananda's writings need no introduction from anybody. They make
their own irresistible appeal. Gandhi after his visit to Belur Math, requested by youth to
comment on Vivekananda; once told “ My love to nation become 1000 fold after through
India’s independence in hundred thousand ways. Youth are made committed to create
revolutionary force to build up Bharat. Subhas wrote on swamiji “A yogi of the higher
spiritual level in direct communion with truth, who had for the time being consecrated his
whole life to moral and spiritual uplift of India, That is how I would describe him. If he had
been alive, I would have been at his feet. The foundation of the present freedom movement
fold mission: Nation building and world moving. He alternated between intense nationalism
and broad internationalism. Once during his tour to western world he wrote:
“Doubtless I do love India, but every day my sight grows clear”. “What is India
called as Man”. There is one basis of well being, social, political or spiritual to
These words of Swamiji are fuelling burning desire of an average global citizen for
international peace and harmony. Today policy makers and peace talker diplomats of world
realize the need of borderless world. We need treaty not for independence of nations, but of
interdependence of all nations. This is time to shake off ancient and orthodox prejudice of
territorial dominancy and we all have to work for building earth. The world is one. Humanity
is one. No nation or political state can pursue its self interest aggressively. "It is time to read
Vivekananda again". Maybe some of his enthusiasm and vigour to bring about a
transformation — in the way we relate to one another, think and act — will motivate those
among us who need just that little bit of inspiration to start ticking right
Youth of Bharat today talks about meaning of money, they don’t talk about meaning of life.
They are under influences of materialistic idealism of western world. The sacrifices, service
and devotion become distant words of dream. This is evident from rising rate of juvenile
suicide, high level of alcoholisms, wide spread psychological depression, vandalism and
crime. All ultimately has destroyed the vigour of youth of India and world. Many of them
fell themselves as burnt out cases. Most of them have settled down to some kind of
comfortable and adjustable life. They didn’t find any long lasting solution from so called
their mentor, guru, teacher or role model. The confused and aimless youth of India needs
leaders who have future in their bones. They want their ideal prophet with true realism. They
wants leader who has eternal guiding light and life torch to fight vagary of time and future.
Under such circumstances. Vivekananda message exhorts the young to "arise" and "awake",
to reject all doctrines and dogmas that are based on superstition and prejudice. Instead, he
encourages youngsters to mine the wisdom of ancient philosophy and tradition. In spite of his
fondness for drawing on ancient thought to aid modern living, he was hugely popular,
The most important quality that draws all sincere youth to Swami Vivekananda is his
absolute fearlessness. He used to say: “ Fly from evil and terror and misery and they will
follow you. Face them and they will flee”. Vivekananda advocated body- building and
exercise to help boost one's morale and strength. He said: "It would be better to play football
than read the Gita..." and the statement was a powerful metaphor for the way the current time
wants youth of Bharat to evolve — fearless, strong and independent in the right sense. This is
Vivekananda saw the world as a gymnasium where one learns to become strong and fearless.
He dared to attempt to revamp all that was rotting in Indian society, and to enrich and learn
from all that was noble. I think magnetic, magical and multi dimensional power of thoughts
has made Gandhi, Subhash, Tagore, Nehru, Kiren Beddy, Golvekerji and APJ Abdul Kalam
"Jiva is Shiva", he would often say, encapsulating all Vedantic thought in that simple
precept that conveyed the importance of treating all humans as equals. The roadmap to
Narayana was through "Daridra Narayana", or service to the poor and the needy. Nirvana was
not an escape route to personal salvation; it was a goal to be achieved through collective
social up lift. He guides the youth of Bharat towards serving of other with selflessness and
dedication. He wants: “Blending of high intellectual with holistic personality inspired for
“Kill self first if you want to succeed”. Be the servant, if you will rule. That is the
real secret. “Our best work is done, our greatest influence is exerted, when we
are without thought of self”. Such a man becomes a world mover for whom this
What is there in today’s picture! Young executive, bureaucrats, public servants, or leaders are
ego centric. They only work for status symbol, promotion, honours, titles, awards and
position of power. But if we follow our youth icon words “If you want to leads first serve
other unselfishly”. His dynamism and motivation wake up the youth from a self-induced
Vivekananda's days as a wandering monk shaped his social vision as he came into contact
with ground realities in a diverse India. This was to inspire Mahatma Gandhi later to go on a
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That's why he felt the need to inspire the young to stir them to act.
Today’s most of problem of youth are due to their secret fear to face the unknown face the
complexities of life, face misery, face struggle, face competition and face diseases, insecurity,
“courage”. Furthermore one swamiji work to his disciple (Sarlabala Ghosh): “Tell me how
much you have suffered and I will tell you how great you are”.
away. Cowards never wins, only way is to fight against fear and troubles if we
What a wonderful words, a words full of explosive energy and vitalizing vigour. Can any
Indian/Bharatiya thought youth remain immune to such a powerful thought No, no, no, never
today nor tomorrow. In his letter to Mysore Maharaja wrote inspiring words. These words
“Vanities of life are transient, but they alone line who live for others, rest are
He wanted the youths not to be coward but be the lion in jungle of life. He said:
“Ask nothing, want nothing in return; give what you have to give; it will come
back to you. Be not a beggar. Nature want us to react, to return blow for blow,
cheating for cheating, lie for lie, to hit back with all our energy. But super divine
power tells us not to hit back, to keep control and to remain unattached”.
I think there is on any remedy better than word to highly modernize, westernized and techno-
savvy youth grooping here and there in search of peace and happiness. Thought of
Vivekananda are positive and not negative, holistic not individualistic, elevating, emerging,
strengthening and glorifying youth with success. He also says: “If you do not allow one to
become a lion, he will become a fox”. He warned the leaders, teachers and guardians of
“Teach your selves, teach everyone his/her real nature, call upon the real nature
of soul and see how it awakes power, purity, potential and everything that is
excellent will come”. When this sleeping soul is roosed to self conscious activity”.
He advised youth of India to follow ideas of Mahavira, Hanuman and Guru Gonind Singh.
He wanted hundred thousand young men and women, fired with zeal of holiness, fortified
with eternal faith in lord and nerved to lion courage by sympathy for poor, the fallen and
downtrodden, will go over length and breadth of the world, preaching gospel of salvation,
gospel of help and humanity, gospel of social upliftment and gospel of equality and liberty.
Swamiji expressed eternal faith in the youth if India by saying (Madras, 1847):
“My faith is in younger generation, modern generation, out of them will come my
Today also his message inspires young budding India irrespective of their caste, color and
professional workaholic. It becomes source of fire for nationalism for students, teachers,
educators, scientist, technocrats, beurocrates, politicians, rulers and thinkers. He still provides
fuel to fire for confidence building, self sacrificing and nation building youth slowly but
steadily emerging in all part of India. For sincere and young souls, vivekananda is always
charming, young but aged with wisdom of time and with world shaking dynamism.
Moorless in cyberspace and shackled by technologies like multimedia messaging, the youth
today are sorely in need of an icon they can look up to. In fact, this is a good time to revive
Vivekananda's message to the West was that we in India were in possession of an enduring
and altruistic philosophical legacy that was crucial to keep humans connected not only with
one another but also with their environment. He highlighted the unique and redeeming
features of Indian culture, but he was also aware that India was slipping in basic socio-