Weekly Home Learning Plan For ENGLISH 10 Week 2-7, Quarter 1 Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

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Weekly Home Learning Plan for ENGLISH 10

Week 2-7, Quarter 1

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!

9:00 - 9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.


ENGLISH 10 Determine the effect of  Read and understand the lesson on Textual Aids: Usage of Advance The parent can drop
textual aids like advance Organizer and Its Effects on Understanding of the Text on pages 1-2. the output in the
WEEK 2 organizers, titles, nonlinear  Do the following exercises/activities: assigned drop-box in
illustrations, etc. on the the school/barangay
understanding of a text.  Activity 1: Match the figures on the left side to its corresponding identification on the scheduled
(EN10RC-Ia-2.15.2) on the right side by connecting the dots. date of submission.
 Activity 2: Read the text and fill in the diagram below with the advantages
(pros) and disadvantages (cons) of information technology. You may use
keywords, phrases, or sentences in completing the diagram.
 Activity 3: Complete the fishbone map with the causes and effects of bullying
written on the box. Read carefully the result of the research conducted by
the Grade 10 students and analyze each phrases to find out which are the
causes of unreported bullying cases in Armenia Integrated School and which
are the effects of it to the students. Examples are done for you.
 Activity 4: Read the article carefully. Design and illustrate your OWN
advance organizer in the box provided to present the ideas about the three
types of symptoms of COVID-19 which are underlined below.
 Activity 5: Fill out the speech balloons with your personal experience on the
effect of advance organizers as textual aids in understanding the texts read
in previous tasks and answer the question that follows.
 Activity 6: Now, that you have reaped a lot from this lesson kit, it is time for
you to reflect by answering the following questions:

ENGLISH 10 Appraise the unity of plot,  Read and understand the lesson on plot, setting, and characterization on The parent can drop
setting, and pages 1-2. the output in the
WEEK 3 characterization in a  Do the following exercises/activities: assigned drop-box in
material viewed to achieve  Read and study the myth below. After reading the myth, answer the school/barangay
the writer’s purpose. exercises/activities A, B, and C. Read carefully the directions indicated in the on the scheduled
(Quarter 1 Week 3 following exercises/activities. date of submission.
EN10VC-IVc-29)  A. Supply each part given the plot of the story “Orpheus.”
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

B. Draw the setting showing the time, place, and appearances of the

characters in the story “Orpheus” and give a brief description regarding
your drawing.
 C. The characters in the story were characterized directly. As the reader
of the story “Orpheus,” how would you characterize each character
 D. Name any movie that you have already watched. Then, identify the
plot, setting, and characterize the characters. Also, answer the
questions: what is the connection of the plot, setting, and
characterization to one another to achieve the writer’s target goal?, and
what is the importance of the unity of plot, setting, and characterization
to achieve the writer’s target goal?
 Answer the Reflection: Fill out the boxes below with your thoughts. Use the
questions as your guide in reflecting about your learning journey.

ENGLISH 10 Compare and contrast the 

Read and understand the lesson on compare and contrast the contents of
contents of the materials the materials viewed.
WEEK 4 viewed with outside sources 
Do the following exercises/activities:
of information in terms of Exercise/Activity 1: Refer to the alphabets to decode the terms
accessibility and Exercise/Activity 2: Answer the anticipation guide to preview the text you are
effectiveness. (EN10VC-
IVa-15) about to read. On the agree/disagree column, place a check mark (✓) if you
agree and (X) mark if you disagree with the statement.
 Read the excerpt and join the Little Prince’s journey as he discovers
friendship. Get ready to answer the activities that follow.
 Exercise/Activity 3: Answer the following questions comprehensively.
 Exercise/Activity 4: (Imageries) The Little Prince and the fox showed
different characteristics. Describe them by writing phrases/ sentences
that appeal to the senses. Be sure to use words that create mental
pictures/images. Use the graphic organizer below to help you with this
 Exercise/Activity 5: A Quick Share. Cite three (3) real-life lessons
reflected from the encounter of the fox and the Little Prince.
 Exercise 6: Source of Information. At present, online published articles just
like the given article above, Living Up to the Bayanihan Spirit, are becoming
more of a thing, but there are numerous sources of information we can use
depending on our purpose. Answer the crisscross puzzle below to recall
general references or sources of information.
 Exercise/Activity 7: Compare and Contrast. While it is true that the internet is
one of the broadest and easiest sources of information we can utilize for
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

research and other purposes, we cannot deny the fact that printed materials
provide loads of validated information too. Using a Venn Diagram, compare
and contrast sources of information
 Exercise 8: Fill in the table to note similarities and differences between a
literary piece you read from its movie you viewed. Make sure you have read
the story and have watched its movie adaptation. (examples: Harry Potter by
J.K. Rowling, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, etc.)
 Answer the Reflection.

ENGLISH 10 Employ analytical listening  Read and understand the lesson on analytical listening in problem solving on The parent can drop
in problem solving (Quarter pages 1-2. the output in the
WEEK 5 1 Week 5 EN10LC-IIe-13.2)  Do the following exercises/activities: assigned drop-box in
 A. Discuss the important terms, such as analytical listening, problem solving, the school/barangay
and analytical listening in problem solving found in this lesson using your on the scheduled
own words, phrases, or sentences to show your understanding about the date of submission.
 B. Listen to the song for two times or more and go over the lyrics to
understand its message. After that, analyze the situations provided below,
then make solutions by citing the line from the song and elaborating your
ideas. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkgkThdzX-8 for the song.
 C. Aside from the song, you will hear news about the Filipinos who became
successful in building their business amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. After
hearing the news, answer the following questions stated below. Use the
ideas you will encounter from the news to come up with your own. Visit the
link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8S_-j4jghA.
 Answer the Reflection

ENGLISH 10 Evaluate and make  Read and understand the lesson on evaluating and making judgements The parent can drop
judgements about a range about a range of texts the output in the
WEEK 6 of texts using a set of  Do the following exercises/activities: assigned drop-box in
criteria e.g. comparing  A. Read the following passages: then, be able to evaluate the aim and mood the school/barangay
arguments on the same of the author by answering the following questions below. on the scheduled
topic, critiquing a short story  B. Evaluate the aim and mood of each literary piece. Also, identify the hidden date of submission.
(Quarter 1 Week 6) meaning of each piece. Write your ideas on the space provided. Give at least
5 strong points. Scoring rubric is provided below for you to be guided
 C. Make judgement on the passage entitled “Overcome an Obstacle to
Succeed” by Eddie Harris. Scoring rubric is provided below for you to be
guided accordingly.
 Answer the Reflection
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

ENGLISH 10 Evaluate spoken texts using  Read and understand the lesson on spoken texts The parent can drop
given criteria, e.g. fluency,  Do the following exercises/activities: the output in the
WEEK 7 tone, cohesion,  For activities A and B - Interview one of your family, relatives, or friends assigned drop-box in
correctness. (Quarter 1 through personal or phone call regarding their thoughts during this COVID-19 the school/barangay
Week 7) pandemic. You can also use a voice recorder if you have to record the on the scheduled
interview proper. Evaluate the interviewee’s response to your questions date of submission.
using the rubrics
 A. Prepare your script and the list of your questions.
 B. Evaluate the interviewee’s response to your questions using the
 C. Refer to this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjjMU1iiMfk (I AM
A FILIPINO by Carlos P. Romulo). Evaluate the speaker using the rubric
presented. Then, inside the thumbs up icon, list the good points of the
 D. Refer to this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLS_YP1uEK8
(Chat with new friends). Evaluate the speakers using the rubric
 Answer the Reflection




9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.

1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.

4:00 onwards Family Time

Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts
for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

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