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Jyothisha Prajna Semester-I — Examinations- June 2020

205-Predictive Astrology (2 Level)
Max Marks : 100 Duration : 3hrs

Section I 20Marks
Fill in the blanks (Each 1 Mark)
1. 7th and 8th house occupied by malefic planets causes yoga.
2. Navamsha chart represents karma.
3. Ashlesha 4th pada falls in navamsa.
4. Rahu in 7th house may givemarriage.
5. Kuja dosha formed from lagna isstronger than moon and venus.

B Match the following (Each 1 Mark) 5 Marks

1. 64 Navamsha Vainashika.
2. 72 nd Navamsha 3 Navamshas.
3. 88 Navamsha Athma.
4. Lagna Lord Sanghatika.
5. Each drekkana Khara
c Identify True or False (Each 1 Mark) 5 Marks

1. Bitter enemy of 8th lord can cause death in its dasha or anthar dasha.
2. Venus in 4 house from navamsha lagna will give happy married life.
3. Attaining puberty in Jyesta maasa results in suffering from diseases.
4. Vargottama sun gives philosophical attitude.
5. Planets posited in prathyak tara will give auspicious results.

D Select the suitable answer (Each 1 Mark) 5 Marks

1. A planet in fifth navamsha in own house is called panchamsha/putramsha/poorvapunyamsha.

2. For earthy signs navamsha starts from Libra/Taurus/Capricorn.
3. Lagna lord placed in the nakshatra of 2 nd or 11 lord star gives wealth/health/marriage..
4. If a good bhava lord planet occupies nakshatra who own one good and one bad house gives good/bad/mixed results.
5. Chitra star on Monday/Wednesday/Friday will give raise to vishakanya yoga.

Section Il
Write short notes (Each 2 Marks) 10 Marks

1. Planets in 8th lord star.

2. Pushkara Navamsha.
3. Saturn in Capricorn/Aquarius navamsha.
4. Dieties of Drekkanna.
5. Mercury in 4 lord star.
Section Ill
Answer any six questions (Each 5 Marks) 30 Marks

1. Give the results of planet venus in different navamsa.

2. Explain the importance of navamsha while analyzing marriage.
3. Give the combinations for sahacharya yoga with its effect.
4. List out the inauspicious time for attaining puberty.
5. Give the results for lagna lord being posited in 3 lord, 5 th lord and 6 lord nakshatra.
6. Give the results of planets in bhagyamasha, labhamsha and sukaamsha.
7. Explain artha and moksha navamsha and its application in prediction.

Section IV
Answer any 4 questions (Each 10 Marks) 40 Marks

I.Draw the rashi and navamsha chart for the given details below
Asc-2S 14d15m, Sun-2S 21d37m, Moon-OOS 28d35m, Mars-04S Old39m, Mer-03S 12d36m, JupGS 22d02m, Ven-04S
04d10m, Sat-09S lid08m, Rahu-08S 25d12m, Ketu-02S 25d12m.
Also Analyse the timing of marriage and death of the native using 64 th navamsha considering dasa and bukthi.
2. Explain the importance D30 chart in female horoscopy with an example.
3. How to ascertain the eventful years in one's life with the help of navamsha. Explain with the help of your own

4. Explain the results of 7th lord in Poorvashada star, Revathi star and Mrigasira star.
5. Explain vydhavya yoga with an example chart.


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