Feature Article: Ordon Everidge

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or most of those involved in a construction agreement, • There will be a 60-day “time standard” for case completion,
arbitration remains the ultimate way to resolve dis- i.e., settlement or award within 60 days of the confirmation
putes, even if mediation is now encouraged before of the arbitrator’s appointment, unless otherwise agreed.
turning to formal arbitration. Although the American • A special pool of arbitrators, who are prequalified to serve on
Arbitration Association (AAA) has been a leader in this field, it an expedited basis, will be established.
had been several years since any review of policies and rules had • There is an expedited arbitrator appointment process, with
been initiated, so it was considered desirable to solicit input from party input expected.
as broad of a base as possible. Functioning under the organiza- • Unless otherwise agreed, a mandatory “preliminary tele-
tion’s national [US] construction dispute resolution committee, a phone conference” with the arbitrator and the interested par-
55-member task force was established in June 1994 to review ties will be held.
rules, policies, panels, education, training, and outreach. This • There will be no discovery, “except in extraordinary cases,”
committee developed a mission statement with the goal of with an exchange of exhibits to take place at least 2 business
“improving AAA services and helping the AAA to be more respon- days before the hearing.
sive to the needs of the construction industry.” • There is a presumption that cases involving less than $10,000
The task force was chaired by Bill Reiner, a San Francisco- can be heard based on documents only; when no party’s
based architect and member of the American Institute of claim exceeds $10,000 (excluding interest and arbitration
Architects’ document committee. Other task force members costs), the case may be resolved by the submission of docu-
came from a large cross section of very experienced practitioners ments only to the arbitrator.
who were divided into subcommittees, as appropriate. • A hearing within 30 days of the arbitrator’s appointment is
On November 7, 1995, the executive committees of AAA now a requirement.
accepted the final report of the task force, and the recommenda- • In most cases, a single day of hearing is expected.
tions were implemented in the spring of 1996. This article high- • An award will be produced in no more than 7 days after the
lights the most salient alterations to the rules contained in the hearing.
final report (and now incorporated in the Revised Construction • There will be compensation for arbitrator service, at a standard
Industry Arbitration Rules, effective April 1, 1996), together with rate (to be determined by a regional advisory committee),
recommendations that may affect arbitrator panels, nonbinding although for claims not exceeding $10,000, arbitrators will
alternate dispute resolution (ADR), and outreach and develop- customarily serve for 1 day of hearing without compensation.
ment. • There will be restrictions on the response time from the date
of demand for arbitration or counterclaim, which should
speed up the process.

There are some sweeping changes aimed at speeding up the Regular Track
process and giving arbitrators more authority. In addition, there This is for cases involving claims between $50,000 and $1
are now three specified categories of cases—fast track, regular million. Highlights include the following.
track, and large, complex case track, all of which have separate
procedures. • More party input will be solicited into the AAA’s preparation
of lists of proposed arbitrators.
• Liberal amendment of claims or counterclaims will be per-
Fast Track mitted; a party may at any time before the hearing increase
This is for cases involving claims of less than $50,000 or decrease the amount of claim or counterclaim.
(although even in cases above $50,000, parties are encouraged to • There will be express arbitrator authority to control the dis-
follow these procedures). The highlights of the new rules are covery process.
described below. • An arbitrator’s authority to control the hearing will be broad
in nature.

Cost Engineering Vol. 38/No. 11 NOVEMBER 1996 19

• AAA will provide the arbitrator’s compensation policy with • Overall panel quality will be monitored by regional advisory
the biographical information sent to the parties. committees.
• A revised demand form and a new answer form are now pro- • There will be increased efforts to recruit owners as arbitra-
vided that will cross-reference these new rules and be tors.
deemed to be incorporated as part of their arbitration agree- • A uniform training program with periodic supplemental
ment. training will be established.
• More flexibility and control are provided to the arbitrator to • Rates of pay should be sufficient to attract highly-qualified
direct documentary exchange and the identification of any persons.
• The arbitrator is given more authority to expedite proceed-
ings and may control the order of proof or exclude cumula- NONBINDING ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION
tive or irrelevant testimony or evidence. The arbitrator will
entertain motions, including those that dispose of all or part The American Arbitration Association will increase efforts to
of a claim. promote nonbinding ADR, such as partnering, mediation, and
• The arbitrator will provide a concise, written breakdown of dispute review boards. This will be achieved by the following
the award, and if required by the parties before the appoint- actions.
ment, or if the arbitrator deems it appropriate to do so, the
arbitrator will provide a written explanation of the award. • Research the dispute-prevention and resolution needs and
• The arbitrator may be requested to correct the award for any desires of all participants in the construction process on an
“clerical, typographical, technical, or computational errors” ongoing basis.
and now has the authority to correct technical errors on the • Develop a menu of services that will respond to these needs
award. in the most just, speedy, and economical manner.
• Identify and train a cadre of neutrals and administrators to
provide these services.
Large, Complex Case Track • Use ingenuity to make desirable innovations without an
This track is for construction cases involving claims of at least excessive investment of capital or additional administration.
$1 million. • Exploit and facilitate the use of computer and online com-
munication technology.
• The use of procedures in cases involving claims of more than
$1 million is now mandatory.
• There will be a highly-qualified, trained panel that will be OUTREACH AND DEVELOPMENT
compensated at its customary rate.
• Cases will be heard by either one or three arbitrators, as To increase the use of the AAA’s dispute-resolution services,
agreed to; if the parties cannot agree, then three will hear the the following suggestions were proposed.
• A mandatory preliminary hearing will be held with the arbi- • A list of neutrals will be published.
trator(s) to identify procedural issues, including uncontested • The organization intends to send user surveys to clients as
facts, the extent of discovery, expert witnesses, and a well as to attorneys.
timetable of the hearing. • The use of regional construction advisory committees will be
• Broad arbitrator authority is provided to order and control expanded.
discovery, including depositions. • Greater participation in industry trade groups will be encour-
• There is a presumption that hearings will proceed on a con- aged.
secutive-days or block basis to maximize efficiency.
• The arbitrator is given authority to direct the recording of
hearings, the costs being borne equally by both parties. ost of the results of the task force’s report will be


Several recommendations for improving the quality of arbi-

M felt in applying these new rules and procedures.
The recommendations for fast-track cases (less
than $50,000) were aimed at dramatically speed-
ing up the process and now contain a “suggested 60-day time
standard”—a total of 60 days from the confirmation of the arbi-
trators were accepted, including having a minimum of 10 years of trator’s appointment to the issuing of an award (extensions of time
construction-industry experience. An attorney panelist must will be limited). The task force report addresses many prior criti-
devote approximately half of his or her practice time to construc- cisms and attempts in many ways to improve the service to users
tion. The changes listed below also were accepted. and to make the process more user friendly by expediting it,
encouraging more written explanations of awards, and obtaining
• There will be mandatory training for all new arbitrators and feedback from participants.
retraining every 3 years for all panelists. This article has not attempted to identify all of the numerous
• Panelists’ applications will be approved by regional construc- editorial modifications made to the rules. However, the net effect
tion advisory committees. of all of these changes can be summarized as follows:

20 Cost Engineering Vol. 38/No. 11 NOVEMBER 1996

• having a smaller, more select panel of arbitrators with the Standard Arbitration Clause: any controversy or claim
appropriate experience and training; arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach
• in fast-track cases, a more expeditious procedure will be fol- thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by
lowed that takes fewer days and results in a speedy award; the American Arbitration Association under its
• in larger cases, more control and flexibility will be given to Construction Industry Arbitration Rules, and judgment
the arbitrator; on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be
• more written explanations of awards; entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
• the mandatory use of procedures in large, complex cases;
• the use of the latest technology, especially e-mail, whenever This clause would ensure the application of the rules identified
possible and appropriate; and above; however, even if an arbitration clause were not included in
• generally, make AAA more user friendly and responsive to an agreement, parties can nevertheless by agreement submit to
industry needs, and provide a service that responds in a “just, resolve any dispute by incorporation of the above rules. Any such
speedy, and economical manner.” revision should be in writing and in a form that is clear and unam-
biguous, samples of which can be obtained from any AAA office.
The Revised AAA Construction Industry Arbitration Rules
(effective April 1, 1996) should be studied in detail by any party
to an arbitration or by those drafting arbitration or mediation Gordon Beveridge is a vice president with Hanscomb Inc. (a
clauses in contract documents. national [US] construction management company) in San
The following suggested clause is extracted from the AAA Francisco, and is a member and panelist of the American
Construction Industry Arbitration Rules (April 1, 1996) for possi- Arbitration Association. He is also a member of AACE
ble inclusion into any agreement: International.◆ Back to Table of Contents

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