Modeling Irrigation With FIS
Modeling Irrigation With FIS
Modeling Irrigation With FIS
Irrigation is defined as replenishment of soil
water storage in plant root zone using methods This research was carried out by students from
other than natural methods such as precipitation [1]. two departments, civil and environmental
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
General view of the final simulation
FUZZY SIMULATION OF SYS. INPUTS Control Regulation (WPCR) Turkey provided the
standards for irrigation water quality, in which
Water Quality (WQ) simulation with fuzzy permissible limits for SAR, EC, pH and other
logic. All the studies pertaining to assess the quality elements are specified, and from those acceptable
of water for irrigation consider two parameters, limits it helps to create the membership functions
namely Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and for our simulated Water Quality system in fuzzy
Electrical conductivity (EC). In this project we logic and at the end we were able to use specified
considered pH as a third variable to optimize the membership functions in the final fuzzy simulation
irrigation more accurately. The Water Pollution which will provide us optimized irrigation.
General view of a simulation for Water Quality
The membership functions are created on the different parameters that are important to control
basis of already done research work in this area and the irrigation water quality and vary from place to
by consultation with our teachers. There are place so, it is difficult to develop a standard model
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
that will be suitable for all water sources. In such main problem related to irrigation water quality
circumstances it is the need of hour to develop the which refers to the total amount of dissolved salts
various models by keeping all the factors in view but does not indicate which salts are present. High
and fuzzy logic provide a good solution in such level of salts in the irrigation water reduces water
situations. availability to the crops and causes yield reduction.
Above a certain threshold, reduction in crop yield is
Electrical conductivity (EC). Salinity is a proportional to the increase in salinity level.
measure of the Total amount of salts in the water is
known as salinity and if high than permissible range The salinity effects are generally evidenced by
causes to reduce water availability to the crop and reducing transpiration rates and proportionally
affect the yield. Electrical conductivity (EC) or related growth, and producing smaller plants. The
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) tests are two means salinity also alters the soil ability to retain nutrients,
of measuring salinity and EC is a helpful and thus suppressing plant growth [12].Different crops
reliable tool for the measurement of water salinity vary in their tolerance to salinity and therefore have
or TDS. The total amount of TDS should be used different thresholds and yield reduction rates [13].
together with SAR.The properties of the soil, the The most common parameters used for determining
ground water and the landscape interact with the the irrigation water quality, in relation with its
salinity of the irrigation water to either increase or salinity, are EC and TDS. In this study conductivity
decrease the salinity hazard [11].The salinity is a ranges from 479- 1208 µmho/cm.
Membership functions selected for Electrical Conductivity (EC) simulation.
pH. It is an index of hydrogen ions dissolved form and make them more readily
concentration (H+) in water and defined as –Log available. In irrigation process normal pH range is
(H+) and ranges from 0 to 14 where, lower than 7 is from 6.5 to 8.4. The pH ranges of obtained data
considered to be acidic and higher than 7 is from Sakarya River are 7.61-8.63. Unusually low
considered to be basic while pH of 7.0 is considered pH may cause acceleration of corrosion in irrigation
to be neutral. In irrigation water quality could be systems while pH above 8.5, causes to form
basic that mainly affects the availability of nutrients insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium, leaving
while acidic water is also important to know how sodium as leading ion in the solution. Alkaline
quickly irrigation is required, to keep the metals in water intensifies solidity of soil [14].
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Membership functions selected for pH simulation.
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Membership functions selected for Sodium Absorption Ration (SAR) simulation.
The sodium problem is reduced if the amount SAR was calculated from the data obtained from
of calcium plus magnesium is high as compare to Sakarya River and found it ranges 2.35-14.50 in
sodium. This relation is called the sodium this study.
adsorption ratio (SAR) and it is a calculated value The combination of EC,pH and SAR as inputs in
from the formula: Mamdani fuzzy inference system basis on literature
�� reviews, international and local standards, expert’s
� = advices and was found important parameters to
√ assess the output water quantity with accuracy.
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Water Quality Fuzzy system rules.
Field Capacity (FC) simulation with fuzzy to over irrigate which may cause leaching and
logic. Field Capacity (FC) is the amount of water in lodging of soil layers [21]. It is measured in height
the soil layer that can be easily used by the plant for inch per ha, where height inch times hectare that is
its growth different from gravitational water and 100 m3. Hence in the simulation in order to keep the
wilting point which are the amounts of water in the use of SI units a range from 0 to 300 cubic meters
soil layer but which can’t be used by the plant for was used as FC is ranging from 0 to 300 cubic
its growth [21]. The FC for irrigation is very meters in crisp sets and correspond to low, middle
important because it is the one giving the idea of and high in fuzzy sets.
how much water to be added to the soil in order not
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Membership functions selected for FC
Water quantity (discharge) simulation with be with same membership functions too .With river
fuzzy logic. This index gives the information on the engineering discharge quantifyingmethods; water
amount of water available from the source that will which is not flooding the upland of the channel
be used to irrigate. If the amount is very low, low, have to be between 0-500 m³/s.
medium, high or very high then the irrigation will
Fuzzy simulated Water Quantity
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION showed precise and reliable resultsand those results
will be helpful in decision making. The output of
MATLAB Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) was the system was the optimized irrigation, the
applied in present study to optimize irrigation by membership functions were defined by the help of
using three inputs and one output variable. literature review and experts advices in the field. A
Different membership functions were given to FIS set of 53 system rules and surface view were
for evaluation of results.FIS Tool of MATLAB presented. The fuzzy simulated irrigation water
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
(Fig.9), FIS rules (Fig.10 and Fig.11) and the FIS rules surface review (Fig.12) are shown below.
Fuzzy simulated irrigation water.
FIS rules.
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
FIS and rules and output minimums
FIS rules on a surface view
by PSP Volume 25 – No. 1/ 2016, pages 325-336 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
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