Herb Yearly Calendar - Jekka
Herb Yearly Calendar - Jekka
Herb Yearly Calendar - Jekka
Yearly Calenda
This calendar assumes that the herb garden is situated in an area where the average date of
the major frost in spring is April 1st and an average date for the first frost is October
20th, Gardeners with different frost dates can adjust this calendar accordingly. But as any
gardener knows, you cannot be precise. Each year is different, wetter, windier, hotter, drier,
colder. So use this calendar as a general guide. 1
chamomile, tansy, caraway,
Chives, mint, tarragon.
borage, fennel.
Containers Check seeds that have been
left outside from the
Keep watering to a
minimum. Clean old pots previous autumn for the
ready for the spring purpose of stratification. If
they are starting to
germinate, move them into
Garden a cold greenhouse.
Nothing to do other than
keep an eye on the garden Root Cuttings
Mint, tarragon, bergamot,
ensure no damage is
being caused by the weather.
chamomile, hyssop, tansy, j
This is a good time to start
mound layering on old sages
or thymes.
Tidy up all the pots, trim old
Everything should be
growth to maintain shape.
Start liquid feeding with
growing quickly now. The
annuals will need thinning;
seaweed. Repot if necessary.
tender and
Pot up new plants into
half-hardy plants should be
containers for display later
in the season.
hardened off under a cold
frame or beside a warm wall.
Garden A watch must be kept for a
Clear up all the winter sudden late frost; basil is
debris, fork the garden over especially susceptible. Move
and give a light dressing of
April month’s sown seeds; pot up, container specimens into
or harden off before bigger pots or top dress with
bonemeal. If your soil is
Suddenly there are not planting out. new .soil.
alkalineand you gave it a
good dressing of manure in enough hours in the day.
This is the main month for Softwood Cuttings Fresh Herbs Available
the autumn, now is the time
sowing outdoors, as soon as Rue, mint, sage, Nearly all varieties.
to dig it well in.
soil conditions permit. It is
.southernwood, winter
Remove black plastic, weed
also now possible to prune savorv', thymes, horehound, Cultivation
and place a cloche over
back to strong new shoots lavender, rosemary, cotton Seed Outside in the Garden
important sowing sites a
the branches of any shrubs lavender, curry. Keep sowing coriander, dill,
week before sowing to raise
the soil temperature and that have suffered in winter. chervil, parsley, sweet
Root marjoram, basil, and any
keep it dry.
Fresh Herbs Available Sweet cicely, fennel, mint. other annuals you require to
Toward the end of the
month, if the major frosts Angelica, lemon balm, bay, maintain crop.
borage, caraway, chervil, Division
are over, you can cut
chives, fennel, hyssop, Pennyroyal, chives, lady’s Seedlings
lavender back and into
lovage, pot marjoram, mints, mantle, salad burnet, Prick out and pot on or
shape. This is certainly
parsley, pennyroyal, tarragon. plant otit any of the previous
advisable for plants 2 years
old and older. Give them a peppermint, rosemary, sage, month's seedlings.
winter savory, sorrel, thyme, Containers
good mulch. Equally, sage
tarragon, lemon thyme. You should be able to put all Softwood Cuttings
bushes of 2 years and older
containers outside now; Miirjorams, mints,
would benefit from a trim - all
beginning to join up so that die back. It is already time to material for potpourris, and cuttings of box, cotton i
little further weeding will be think of next year and to collect seeds for sowing next lavenders, etc., in cold frames,
needed. Many plants are start collecting seeds. Take year. under cloches or in plastic
now reaching perfection. cuttings of tender shrubs as tunnels for hedge renewal in
spare shoots become Fresh Herbs Available the spring.
Fresh Herbs Available available. All.
All. Fresh Herbs Available
Fresh Herbs Available Cultivation Lemon balm, basil, bay,
Cultivation All. Seed Outside in the Garden or borage, caraway, chervil, j
marjoram, summer savory, Chervil, angelica (if seed is savory. pennyroyal, peppermint, |
winter savory, and any others set),borage, chervil, rosemarys, sages, winter
you wish to replace, or keep coriander, dill, lovage, Softwood Cuttings savory, sorrels, the thymes. |
Cuttings Softwood Cuttings scented geraniums, balm of Seed Outside in the Garden or
With all the soft new growth Wormwood, scented Gilead, pineapple sage, Greenhouse \
available, this is a very busy geraniums, lavenders, the myrtles. Angelica, chives, coriander,
month for cuttings. Make thymes. parsley, winter savory.
sure you use material from Containers
nonflowering shoots. Layering If you are
going away, make Softwood and Semi-ripe
Rosemary. sure you ask a friend to Cuttings
Softwood Cuttings water your containers for Rosemary, the thymes,
All perennial marjorams, all Containers you. tarragon, the lavenders, rue,
mints, rosemary, all sage,
all Keep an eye on the watering the cotton lavenders, the
variegated lemon balm, as the temperatures begin to Garden curry plants, box.
tarragon (French), all rise. Give box, cotton lavender,
thymes. and curry, their second Division Bergamot.
Garden clipping and trim any
Division Thymes. Cut all lavenders back after established plants that are Containers
flowering to maintain shape. looking unruly. Maintain Toward the end of this month
Layering Rosemary. If this is the first summer of watering of the new herb take in all containers, and
the herb garden and the garden and keep an eye on protect tender plants like bay
Containers plants are not fully mints, parsley, and comfrey, trees, myrtles, and scented
Plant up annual herbs into established it is important to which need water to geraniums.
containers to keep near the make sure they do not dry flourish. There is no real
kitchen. Basil, sweet out, so water regularly. Once need to feed if the ground Garden
marjoram, etc.. established, many are has been well prepared, but At the beginning of the
tolerant of drought. if the plants are recovering month give the shrubby herbs
Garden from a pest attack they will their final clipping (bay,
If you must plant basil in the Harvest benefit from a foliar feed of lavender, etc). Do not leave it
garden, do it now. Nip out Drying liquid seaweed. too late or the frost could
the growing tips of this Lemon balm, horehound, damage the new growth.
year’s young plants to en- summer savory, hyssop, Harvest Put basil into glasshouse or
courage them to bush out. tarragon, thyme, lavender. Drying kitchen. Top dress bergamots
Trim cotton lavender Thyme, sage, clary sage, if they have died back.
hedges if flowers are not Dyeing and Potpourris marjoram, lavender. If lemon verbena is to be
required and to maintain Lavender, rosemary. kept outside, make sure it is
their shape; clip box hedges Freezing getting adequate protection.
and topiary shapes as Seed The mints, pennyroyal.
needed. A new herb garden Caraway, angelica. Harvest
should be weeded Oils Drying or Freezing
thoroughly to give the new Basil. Dandelion (roots), parsley,
plants the best chance. marigold, clary sage,
Seed peppermint. .
Bay, elder, hyssop, cotton through winter, like parsley, sweet cicely, hops (old entering its dormancy
lavender, southernwood, chervil, lemon thyme, salad seed), sweet violet. period, it does not mean you
lavenders, the thymes, curry, burnet. Dig up some French Sow in trays, cover with can put your feet up and
box. tarragon, pot up in trays for glass and leave outside in a watch television.
forcing and protection. cold frame or corner of the Remove all the dead
Root Cuttings Check the pH of alkaline garden where they cannot growth that falls into other
Tansy, pennyroyal, the soilevery third year. Dress get damaged. plants, add more protective
mints, tarragon. with well-rotted manure to a layers if needed. Wrap the
depth of2-4in (5-lOcm) Containers terra-cotta or stone
Division and leave the digging until Cut back on all watering of ornaments if you live in
Alecost, the marjorams, the following spring. Dig container-grown plants. Give extremely cold conditions.
chives,lemon balm, lady’s over heavy soils; add them all a prune, so that Bring bay trees in if the
mantle, hyssop, bergamot, manure to allow the frost to they go into rest mode for temperature drops too low.
camphor plant, lovage. penetrate. the winter. Keep an eye on the plants
you are forcing in the
Back row: Curly wood sage Teucrium scorodonia ‘Crispum’; lawn Garden greenhouse - you will need
chamomile Chamaemelum nobile ‘Treneague’; front row:
This is the time for the final your fresh green stuffing for
Variegated meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria variegata\ houseleek
tidy up. Cut back the the turkey.
Sempervivum tectorum; dwarf maijoram Origanum vulgare
‘Nanum’ remaining plants, lemon