Ep of Tbe Ibtlippine, G Upreme Lourt Manila
Ep of Tbe Ibtlippine, G Upreme Lourt Manila
Ep of Tbe Ibtlippine, G Upreme Lourt Manila
~upreme lourt
WHEREAS, the Supre e Court, under Section 5(5), Article VIII of the
198 Constitution, is vested w th the power to "promulgate rules concerning 1
July 17, 200 I and September 24, 002 Resolutions in A.M. No. 0 I-7-0 I-SC (Rules on Electronic
Evidence). I
November 21, 2000 Resolution in .M. No. 004-07-SC (Rule on Ex amination ofa Child Witness) .
WHEREAS, in order o address the effects of the restraint on the
movement and travel of court sers for court proceedings, the Supreme Court
designated pilot courts that ere authorized to conduct hearings through
videoconferencing, both in riminal and civil cases, through several
issuances, 4 specifically indica ed to apply only durilig the duration of the
public health emergency; I
WHEREAS, in crimin 1 cases, there is a need to ensure that the
constitutional rights ofthe accu ed are safeguarded durihg videoconferencing;
and I
Administrative Circular (A.C.) No 37-2020 dated April 27, 2020; OCA Circular No. 93-2020 dated
May 4, 2020; A.C. No. 39-2020 dated May 14, 2020; and A.C. No. 41-2020 elated May 29, 2020.
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on. Maria Theresa Dolores C. Gomez-Estoesta
ssociate Justice, Sandiganbayan
r. Joselito N. Enriquez
)jficer-in-Charge, Manrgement Information
ystems Office
r. Joselito N. Enriquez
)jficer-in-Charge, Management Information
ystems Office
December 9, 2020.
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
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I Associat\Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
I. Preliminary Provision
1. Policy
(b) The presid ·ng judge or justice shall, at all times, supervise
and control the proceed ngs.
2. Definition of Terms
Definition of "Videoconferenci g" under Item Ill, Proposed1 Guidelines on the Use of
Videoconferencing Technology for the Rem te Appearance or Testimony of Gertain PDLs (A.M. No. 19-05-
Based on WI Stat§ 885.52 (2) (20 13 through Act 380).
See Uphaus v. Uyman, 360 U.S. 72 79 (1959); NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415,438 (1963); Sherbert
v. Verner, 374 U.S. 398,406 (1963); Maryl dv. Craig, 497 U.S. 386 (1990) (a State 's interest in the physical
and psychological well-being of child abu e victims may be sufficiently important to outweigh, at least in
some cases, a defendant's right to face his r her accusers in court. That a significant majority of State have
enacted statutes to protect child witnesses om the trauma of giving testimony in child abuse cases attests to
the widespread belief in the importance such a public policy); Stepheri A. Siegel, The Origin of the
Compelling State Interest Test and Strict S rutiny, The American Journal of1Legal History, Oct. 2006, Vol.
48, No. 4,355 - 407. I
Public policy, Black's Law Dictio ary (10 th Ed. for the iPhone and iPad 20 14).
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Based on Sub-item 2, Item II, Pro osed Guidelines on the Use of Videoconferencing Technology for
the Remote Appearance or Testimony o Certain PDLs (A.M. No. 19-05-05-SC). As a policy, PDLs
committed in national penitentiaries are no allowed to be brought outside said penal institutions to appear or
attend proceedings before any court, excep by express authority of the Court (19 November 2013 Resolution
in A.M. No. 13-11-07-SC), resulting in eit er the waiver of their right to be present at any stage of trial, or
the archival of the criminal case and susp nsion of the proceedings "until t~e Court shall have adopted the
appropriate rules governing the continuati n of proceedings where the accused refuses to waive his ( or her
right) to be present" (10 November 2015 esolution in A.M. No. 15-08-07~SC (Re: Administrative Matter
for Agenda Requesting the Transfer of Ven 1e ofPending Case/s Wherein the Accused is Currently Detained
at the National Penitentiary by Virtue ofa onviction in Another Case).
Rule on Juveniles in Conflict wit the Law.
10 Based on Sec. 5BAA, Evidence Audio and Audio Visual Links) Act 1998 (New South Wales):
"Subject to any applicable rules of court, a government agency witness must, unless the court otherwise
directs, give evidence to the court by audio ink or audio visual link from any place within New South Wales."
These can cover forensic chemists and pol' ce officers, especially those who have been re-assigned in other
regions/provinces. 1
Whether locally-based or abroad.
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A. Pre-Hearing Pr parations
four (24) hours efore the scheduled hec;i,ring so the court may
notify the substit te counsel. The unauthorized sharing of the
invitation or link ay be considered a contempt of court.
a. Full name;
b. E-mail addres ;
c. Contact numb r;
d. Scanned copy of a government-issued ID bearing his or her
photograph and signatu e; and
e. Interest in atte ding the videoconferencing hearing. 13
Based on OCA Circular No. 166- 020 dated 9 October 2020 (Public Access to Videoconferencing
Hearings). 1
The court may ask the public who wish to attend the videoconferenping hearing for their interest in
doing so, considering that the public is no part of the definition of "participants" under these Guidelines,
which is based on the Wisconsin statute. 1
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The court shall h :ve the discretion to refuse access if it finds that
the information given is erroneous or fictitious. It may, likewise,
exclude the public whe the evidence to be adduced is of such nature
as to require their excl sion in the interest of morality or decency 14 or
when a child witness ill testify. 15 The court inay immediately order
an individual's remov 1 from a videoconferenbing hearing to protect
and preserve the dignit and solemnity of the proceedings.
B. Hearing Proper
Court of Tax Appeals ju tices, with prior permission from the Presiding
Justices, may likewis conduct videoconferencing from remote
locations. For trial cou judges, with prior permission from the Office
of the Court Administr tor (OCA), they may preside or attend from
remote locations, prov <led they do so withiri their court's judicial
Sec. 2, Rule 135, Rules of Court. I
Sec. 23, A.M. No. 00-4-07-SC (R le on Examination of a Child Wi~ess).
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It shall form part of the ecords of the case, appending thereto relevant
electronic documents t ken up or issued during the hearing. An
encrypted master copy hall be retained by the court, while a backup
copy shall be stored in a safe location. Litigants' and their counsel may
be allowed to view the r cording upon application with and approval of
the court. The court ste ographer or other recotder authorized for the
purpose shall, nonethel ss, still transcribe ste~ographic notes to be
attached to the records o the case.
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unresolved despite eff rts to fix the same, the court may altogether
discontinue the procee ings. The same action shall be taken when
matters arise warrantin the physical appearance of a litigant or witness
in the courtroom. In 11 cases, the reason/s for the suspension or
discontinuance shall be eflected in an order to be issued by the court.
C. Presentation of vidence
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4. Location of c unsel for PDLs and CICL. -At the option of
PDLs and CICL, whic choice shall be made on record at the start of
the videoconference, th ir counsel may be physically present with them
at the jail facility or etention center, in court, or in other remote
locations. PDLs and ICL and their counsel shall be provided with
facilities or means to pri ately communicate with each other throughout
the videoconferencing.
5. Certificate of rraignment. - It is sufficient that the clerk of
court issues a certificat on that the accused was arraigned, personally
entered a plea of guilty or not guilty, or refused to enter a plea, as the
case may be.
The same require ents for the contents of the motion under Item
II (2)(a) of these Guidel"nes shall apply, with the1additional requirement
that the concerned emb ssy or consulate of the Philippines
has allowed
the use of its facilities r videoconferencing. }Vhen the assistance of
an interpreter is neede in the videoconferen~ing, the movant shall
secure the services oft e official interpreter of the Philippine embassy
or consulate.
4. Embassy o consulate to be furnished with a copy of the
court order. - Should t e court grant the motionlor videoconferencing,
it shall also furnish the oncemed Philippine embassy or consulate, by
the fastest means availa le, a copy of the said otder.
V. Facilities, Equipment nd Training for Video~onferencing
Jail facilities and etention centers shall li~ewise ensure that they
have sufficient eq ipment and facilities appropriate for
videoconferencing, eve when such proceedings need to be conducted
simultaneously by diffe ent courts. :
All prior Supreme Cou issuances inconsistent with these Guidelines
X. Posting
XI. Effectivity
To guarantee the right of litigants and protect the court records, the
court shall follow these pr cedures on the record at the start of each
videoconferencing hearing:
1. Justice/Judge should i ntify the persons appearing remotely and then
Based on the Waukesha County ( ounty) Video Appearance Colloquy (Wisconsin Supreme Court
Planning and Policy Advisory Committe9 and Videoconferencing Subcommittee, Bridging the Distance:
Implementing Videoconferencing in _I Wisconsin, August 2017, Appendix C, available at
h s://www.wicourts. 0 ov/courts/committees/docs/ acvidconf. d and T elephonic and Vide Hearings
Colloquy, United States istrict Court of 1Maine (available at
h s://www.med.uscourts. ov/o t/sites/de ault/files/COVID-
19 Tele honic and Video Conference S ri t. df).
1. "If, at any time, d ring this hearing you -vvrould like to speak with
your lawyer, plea e let the court know and I/we will give you the
opportunity to pr· ately confer with him/~er.
4. Identify for those appe ring from a remote location any person in the
courtroom who may no be visible to them. 1f1the litigant or counsel
wishes to see a particul r individual, the court shall accommodate the
request if appropriate.
5. Determine on record w ether the equipment to be used and the remote
location(s) meet the mi imum standards for vi~eoconferencing under
the Guidelines approve by the Supreme Court. 1