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Pyrogen System - Referance Manual

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty. Ltd. P.O.

Box 694 Hurstville 1481 18 Barry Avenue Mortdale NSW 2223 Australia
Tel: 61 2 9586 3200 Fax: 61 2 9586 32 11 E-mail: enquiries@pyroge.com.au Website: www.pyrogen.com




This manual is issued by Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty. Ltd. and is for use by trained and
authorised personnel only. Unauthorised copying of this manual and its contents and use by
unauthorised personnel is strictly forbidden and may lead to legal action against those who do so.
This document is accurate at time of issue and Pyrogen reserves the right to make changes to its
content from time to time.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty. Ltd.


This Manual is specifically intended for use with Pyrogen Pre-Engineered Fixed Fire
Suppression Systems installed in CNC machines.

Pyrogen systems for total flooding applications shall comply with the requirements of the
following Standards:

- AS/NZS 4487:1997 Australia/New Zealand Standard

Pyrogen Fire Extinguishing Systems; and

- AS/NZS 1851.16:1997 Australia/New Zealand Standard

Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment
Part 16: Pyrogen Fire Extinguishing Aerosol Systems

Those who design, operate, own and maintain these systems should read the entire
Manual. Specific sections would be of particular interest depending on one’s
responsibility. If there should be any questions regarding this manual, please contact
our representatives from the Pyrogen office.

System Design Approval Certificates must be completed and sent to Pyrogen office for
endorsement prior to supply and installation of a Pyrogen Fire Suppression System.

The Pyrogen Fire Suppression System requires minimal maintenance, mainly

supervision of electrical circuitry, however the system should be inspected at regular
intervals to provide maximum assurance that your fire suppression system will operate
effectively and safely. Inspection and maintenance should be conducted in accordance
with the inspection and maintenance schedule included in this Manual.

This Manual is limited for use with Pyrogen Pre-Engineered Fixed Fire Suppression
Systems installed in CNC machines and within the requirements and limitations detailed
within this Manual.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty. Ltd.


Section 1. Terminology…………………………………………………………………...5 of 47

Section 2. Product Description

2.1 What is Pyrogen?…………………………………………………………………….7 of 47

2.2 Pyrogen Chemical Identity………………………………………………………………...8
2.3 Pyrogen Extinguishing Action …………………………………………………………....10
2.4 Pyrogen Application & Limitation………………………………………………….…….12
2.5 Pyrogen Safety Data…………….………………………………………………….…….14
2.6 Pyrogen Environmental Characteristics.………………………………………….…….16
2.7 Pyrogen Technical Characteristics…..………………………………………………….17
2.8 Pyrogen Discharge………………………………………………………………………..18

Section 3. System Supply

3.1 List of Components………………………………………………………………….19 of 47

3.2 Pyrogen Aerosol Module………………………………………………………………...19
3.3 Controller (Fire Panel)…………………………………………………………………….19
3.4 Break Glass………………………………………………………………………………...23
3.5 Thermal Probe Detector…………………………………………………………………..23
3.6 Strobe/Sounder…………………………………………………………………………….24
3.7 Elbow Mounting Unit…………………………………………………………………..…..24

Section 4. System Design

4.1 General……………………………………………………………………………….26 of 47
4.2 Pyrogen EXA-MA-5 Aerosol Module……….………..…………………………………...26
4.3 Enclosure Requirements….………………………………………………………………27
4.4 Pyrogen Service Life………………………………………………………………………29

Section 5. System Operation

5.1 Operation mode……………………………………………………………………..30 of 47

5.2 Operation in Fire Situation………………………………………………………………..30

Section 6. System Installation

6.1 Design & Acceptance Documentation…………………………………………...31 of 47

6.2 System Integrity…………………………………………………………………………...31
6.3 Prior to Installation………………………………………………………………………..32
6.4 Installation Location………………………………………………………………………32
6.5 Mounting…………………………………………………………………. ……………….32
6.6 Electric Wiring……………………………………………………………………………..33

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty. Ltd.

Section 7. System Marking

7.1 Installation & Expiry Date Label…………………………………………………………36 of 47

7.2 Warning & Instruction Sign……………………………………………………………………..36

Section 8. System Commissioning………………………………………………………….37 of 47

Section 9. System Maintenance…………………………………………………………….37 of 47

Appendix a - Approval Documentation

Form 1- System Design Approval Certificate………………………………………………38 of 47

Form 2- Commissioning & Acceptance Testing………………………………………………….41
Form 3- Notice of Completion.……………………………………………………………………..45
Form 4 - Maintenance Check List………………………………………………………….……...46
Form 5 - Annual Maintenance Certificate…………………………………………………. …….47

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


The following definitions apply to this document:

Actuating mechanism: automatic or manual activation leading to the physical discharge

of the extinguishant.

Aerosol: an extinguishant consisting of finely divided solid particles and gaseous matter,
these being combustion products of a solid aerosol-forming compound.

Aerosol-forming compound: a mixture of a solid combustible component, a solid

potassium salt-based oxidant and solid technical admixtures producing fire-
extinguishing aerosol upon activation; contained inside a Pyrogen module.

Aerosol module: same as Pyrogen module

Aggressive environment: where environmental variables such as temperature and/or

vibration undergo cycling at or close to the extreme limits of the Pyrogen module.
Corrosive atmosphere may also be a factor.

Automatic: performing a function without the necessity of human intervention.

Automatic/Manual Switch: a device that can be operated before a person enters a

space protected by Pyrogen fire suppression system to prevent automatic release of fire
extinguishing aerosol. Normal detection sequence is unaffected.

Class A fires: fire involving solid materials, usually of organic nature. Can be further
categorised into surface burning fires and deep-seated fires. Deep-seated fires
smoulder and may combust slowly beneath the surface of the hazard.

Class B fires: fires involving liquids or liquefiable solids.

Class C fires: fires involving gases.

Class E fires: electrically energised fuels.

Class F fires: fats and cooking oils.

Control device: a device to control the sequence of events leading to the release of the

Cooling element: a heat absorbing material contained inside a Pyrogen module.

Design application density (g/m3): the mass of Pyrogen solid aerosol-forming compound
per m3 of enclosure volume required to extinguish a specific type of fire, including a
safety factor.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

Design quantity (g): the mass of Pyrogen solid aerosol-forming compound necessary to
extinguish a fire in a particular risk, including a safety factor.

Extinguishant: aerosol produced from Pyrogen module.

Module: same as Pyrogen module.

Holding time: the period during which the extinguishant is required to maintain a
minimum effective concentration.

Hot Work: grinding, welding, thermal or oxygen cutting or heating and other related
heat-producing or spark-producing operations.

Location drawing: a plan of the risk clearly indicating the as-installed location of all
Pyrogen modules, controls and maintenance isolate switch.

Manual: requiring human intervention to accomplish a function.

Monitoring: the supervision of the operating integrity of an electrical control feature of a


Normally occupied area: an area where, under normal circumstances, humans are

Normally unoccupied area: an area that is not occupied by humans under normal
circumstances but may be entered occasionally for brief periods.

Operating device: any component involved between actuation and release.

Pyrogen module: a device capable of generating the Pyrogen aerosol extinguishant

when activated either electrically or thermally. Consists of an electrical and/or thermal
activation device, an aerosol-forming compound and a cooling element enclosed within
a corrosion-resistant casing incorporating an end-plate nozzle.

Release: the action leading to the physical discharge or emission of the extinguishant
into the enclosure.

Smouldering: slow combustion of material without visible light and generally evidenced
by smoke and an increase in temperature.

System isolate switch: see Automatic/Manual switch.

Total flooding system: a fixed fire suppression system, which distributes the
extinguishing medium throughout the protected enclosure.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


2.1 What is Pyrogen?

Pyrogen is a self-generated Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Agent, and is one of the most
efficient Halon Alternative products currently available.

The principle of extinguishing action employed by Pyrogen is unique - a special solid

chemical, Pyrogen aerosol-forming compound, when electrically or thermally activated,
undergoes a combustion reaction to produce micron sized dry chemical particles and
gases. Dry chemical particles - mainly potassium carbonates, and gases - mainly
carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapour, mix together into an uniform aerosol, which
represents an actual extinguishing medium.

Before being released into a protected area, the aerosol propels itself through a
Pyrogen cooling element, which absorbs heat, thus ensuring a low temperature
discharge and uniform distribution of the aerosol within the area.

As aerosol is self-generated it requires no pressure cylinders and does not need to be

stored. The aerosol generating chemical reaction provides a sufficient driving force for a
rapid discharge and efficient distribution of the aerosol. No piping is required.

The solid aerosol-forming compound together with the solid cooling element and
activation devices is contained in a small non-pressurised canister with one or two end-
plate delivery nozzles. The canisters are called EXA modules and vary in size
depending on the mass of the solid aerosol-forming compound contained in the module.

EXA canisters are very compact and normally placed inside the protected enclosure.

Operation of the module is either electrical automatic, electrical manual or thermal


Pyrogen aerosol is a whitish gas-like medium that is close in density to air. Small
particle size ensures three-dimensional distribution qualities and long
suspension times.

Pyrogen aerosol is non-conductive and non-corrosive.

As Pyrogen aerosol stays in suspension for extended periods, it can be removed from
the protected area by any airflow. Solid fraction of the aerosol that has settled can easily
be brushed, blown or washed away.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.2 Pyrogen Chemical Identity

The secret to Pyrogen’s power is in two unique formulations contained in Pyrogen

canister - the solid aerosol-forming compound and the solid cooling element.

The solid aerosol element is a thermoplastic mixture consisting of an oxidiser, a

combustible binder and technological additives. The oxidiser is a solid potassium nitrate
(KNO3(s)), the combustible binder is an organic polymer (CnHmNpOq(s)) and technological
additives include an activator of the oxidiser’s decomposition, chemical and mechanical
stabilisers and some other ingredients.

When activated the solid aerosol element undergoes a combustion reaction, which can
schematically be represented as follows:

KNO3 (s) + CnHmNpOq (s) = KHCO3 (s) + K2CO3 (s) + CO2 (g) + N2(g) + H2O (g)

Combustion products mainly consist of potassium carbonates (KHCO3 , K2CO3), carbon

dioxide gas (CO2 (g)), nitrogen gas ( N2 (g) ) and water vapour (H2O(g)) and represent the
actual extinguishing agent.

As the reaction temperatures are high, potassium carbonates are formed in the gas
phase, but as the vapour cools, the potassium carbonates condense to a liquid and then
a solid. As solid potassium carbonates are produced by condensation, the particle size
is very small - approximately from 1 to 10 microns. Micron sized solid particles mix
with the gaseous carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water into a uniform homogeneous gas-
like phase - an aerosol.

Thus, Pyrogen extinguishing aerosol is a suspension of the micron sized solid

particles, mainly potassium carbonates, in the gas mix of carbon dioxide,
nitrogen and water vapour.

Being a combustion product of the aerosol-forming compound, Pyrogen aerosol is hot

upon formation. Although, Pyrogen aerosol is the most effective in terms of the actual
fire extinguishment when in its hottest state, the negative impacts of very high
temperatures are obvious. That is where a second unique formulation - the cooling
element - comes into action. When the hot Pyrogen aerosol passes through the cooling
element, the latest absorbs heat. Application of the Pyrogen cooling element provides
uniform distribution of the aerosol within the area, which certainly contributes to the
reliability and safety of the extinguishment. Moreover, additional amounts of inert gases
are formed due to a thermal decomposition of the cooling element, which contribute to
the effectiveness of the extinguishment.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.3 Pyrogen Extinguishing Action

Pyrogen aerosol is an exceptional fire suppressant.

Pyrogen extinguishing action is achieved primarily by interfering chemically with the fire
reaction. Two chemical mechanisms can be underlined:

1. Removal of flame propagation radicals - “chain carriers” OH, H and O in the flame

As it has been mentioned above, the main component of Pyrogen aerosol - potassium
carbonates - are formed in a gaseous phase. In the flame zone they dissociate
producing potassium radicals K. Potassium radicals are very active and react with the
“chain carriers” OH, H and O removing them from the fire zone, and as such disrupting
the fire reaction.
The chemical action of potassium radicals in Pyrogen is similar to that of bromine
radicals in Halons and can be schematically represented as follows:

K + OH = KOH

KOH + H = K + H2O

2. Recombination of flame propagation radicals - “chain carriers” OH, H and O on

aerosol particle surface:

Gaseous potassium carbonates condense to a liquid and then a solid form producing a
large number of micron sized particles. Being so small, the particles produce a large
surface area, where recombination of “chain carriers” takes place:

O + H = OH

H + OH = H2O

Secondarily, Pyrogen extinguishing action is achieved by lowering fire temperature to a

temperature below which the fire reaction cannot continue (thermal cooling). Several
physical mechanisms can be underlined:

1. Heat absorption via endothermic phase changes:

K2CO3 (s)  K2CO3 (l)  K2CO3 (g)

2. Heat absorption via endothermic decomposition reaction:

2KHCO3 (s)  K2CO3 (s) + CO2 (g) + H2O (g)

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

3. Dilution of the fire combustion zone by the aerosol cloud (additional fuel
molecules cannot participate in the combustion process); physical hindrance to flame
propagation (aerosol particles slow down velocity of a flame front propagation) and etc.

The extremely high surface area of the micron-size aerosol particles increases the
likelihood of radical recombination and heat absorbing reactions, thus ensuring rapid
extinguishment with a small amount of agent.

Pyrogen has the lowest extinguishing concentration known among commercially

available agents - flammable liquids (class B fires) are extinguished at the design
application density of 100 g/m3 compared to 330 g/m3 for Halon 1301.

The high rate of aerosol discharge ensures a tremendous knockdown effect.

Micron sized aerosol particles exhibit gas-like three-dimensional qualities that

allow the agent to rapidly distribute throughout enclosure and reach the most concealed
and shielded locations. Homogeneous distribution is achieved in a matter of seconds,
while long holding times all help to prevent fire re-ignition.

Pyrogen aerosol is suitable for the protection of a variety of potential fire hazards,
including those involving flammable liquids, combustible solids, oils and energised
electrical equipment.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.4 Pyrogen Applications and Limitations

Pyrogen may be used as a fixed fire suppressant system in total flooding (prime
application) and local applications to fight fires of classes A, B, C, E and F.

For class C fires consideration should be given to the use of vapour detection, explosion
venting or explosion suppression systems where an explosion potential may exist, owing
to the possible presence of gaseous, volatile or atomised fuels either before or following
a fire. It may be dangerous, under certain conditions to extinguish a burning jet of
flammable gases without first shutting off its supply.

The design application density required to suppress normal fires involving flammable
gases and liquids at atmospheric pressure shall apply if it can be shown that a
potentially explosive atmosphere cannot exist in the enclosure either before or as a
result of the fire.

Total Flooding Applications: May be used where the hazard is within an enclosure that
will permit the establishment of the required concentration and the maintenance of that
concentration for the required period, for example, for-

 Industrial: enclosed flammable liquid storage, storage tanks & processing areas.

enclosures such as rooms, warehouses, garages, control rooms, engine

rooms, vaults.

enclosed machines, data processing equipment, mining equipment.

enclosed electrical hazards such as transformers, control cubicles,

switchboards, circuit breakers & rotating equipment.

security boxes (ATM, tender & post boxes) & remote locations.

 Marine: machinery spaces, engine rooms.

 Transport: engine compartments.

 Aviation: aircraft dry-bays, cargo compartments, engine nacelles.

For total flooding applications in occupiable areas standard safety operating devices,
such as system isolate switch, warning and evacuation signs and alarms, time delay, etc
shall be incorporated.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

Pre-engineered Systems: Designed and tested for a specific application.

Pyrogen system installed on CNC machines has been specifically tested for the
application and is a pre-engineered system.

Limitations of Pyrogen Systems:

Pyrogen systems are not suitable for fires involving the following:

 Certain chemicals or mixtures of chemicals such as cellulose nitrate and gunpowder,

which are capable of rapid oxidation in the absence of air.

 Reactive metals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium,

uranium, and plutonium.

 Metal hydrides or metal amides.

 Chemicals capable of undergoing auto-thermal decomposition such as certain

organic peroxides and hydrazine.

 Pyrophoric materials such as white phosphorous or metal-organic compounds.

 Oxidising agents such as nitric oxides and fluorine.

Non Enclosed and Local Applications

Where a fire hazard requires a local application, due to the protected area being an
open space or one with high leakage rates, special application and engineering of the
Pyrogen product will be required. In these instances the local main Pyrogen office
should be contacted.

Electrical Machinery/Equipment:

In the event of fire due to electrical hazards, power to the electrical

machinery/equipment must be cut-off prior to operation of the fire protection
system for effective suppression of fire.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.5 Pyrogen Safety Data

Visibility: Pyrogen aerosol produces smoke-like obscuration during and after discharge.

Oxygen Levels: Pyrogen chemically attacks the fire, breaking the flame chain reaction. It
does not extinguish fires by oxygen depletion. After discharge, oxygen levels will
remain at or about normal.

Toxicity: Inadvertent exposure to Pyrogen aerosol should always be avoided.

Toxicological information refers to an inadvertent exposure to the aerosol in the event of
accidental discharge in a non-fire situation.

The main ingredients of the Pyrogen aerosol are solid potassium carbonates, nitrogen
gas, carbon dioxide gas and water vapour. At normal extinguishing concentrations these
products present little health hazard to personnel. However, small amounts of potentially
hazardous by-products of the aerosol-generating combustion reaction, such as carbon
monoxide and nitrogen oxides will be produced. Their actual concentrations depend on
Pyrogen design application density used and type of enclosure under protection. Their
toxicological characteristics depend upon the actual concentrations achieved and
duration of exposure.
Exposure to a Pyrogen design application density of 100 g/m , which is typical for
class B fires in total flooding applications, for up to 5 minutes, is normally
considered to represent a minor risk to personnel and may cause only moderate
local irritation of the upper respiratory tract and to the eyes.

Post Fire Exposure: One of the key advantages of Pyrogen over Halon 1301 and over
some of the replacement agents available, is that Pyrogen does not produce toxic
and highly corrosive halogen acids when exposed to fire or hot surfaces. Safety
requirements dictate, however, that unnecessary exposure to post-fire atmospheres
should be avoided. CAUTION! Venting of the post-fire atmosphere should be to an
open-air area, where possible, to prevent the inadvertent exposure of personnel
to any combustion products of the fire and aerosol-generating reaction.

Thermal Hazard: There is a potential hazard of high temperatures (150C+) of Pyrogen

aerosol at the end-plate nozzle, but within the minimum clearance from the discharge
nozzle as specified for every type of EXA module, the temperature does not exceed 75
C. Those distances should be observed during installation.

Immediately after discharge the modules can be hot, therefore, protective gloves
should be worn before handling modules up to 15 minutes after discharge.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

Hot Work: As naked flame or prolonged exposure to temperatures above 400C may
cause activation of the modules, hot work must not be carried out within the vicinity
of any module. If so they shall be removed prior to any hot work being carried out.

Re-entry: Following the use of Pyrogen, personnel should not enter the protected
area until it has been thoroughly ventilated. Exposure to the fire by-products and
extinguishant mixture should be avoided. Wearing a respirator or other available means
of protection may be required should it be necessary to enter the area before it is fully

Clean-up: Following a system discharge the aerosol particles that have settled should
be wiped, blown, brushed or, if appropriate, washed away. Protective gloves and
goggles should be worn. A respirator or mask may be required.

Large amounts of residue that is allowed to absorb moisture may become electrically
conductive over a period of time.

Dangerous Goods Classification: Pyrogen is a Class 4.1 article in accordance with the
United Nations Dangerous Goods Classification Code.

CoSHH Statement: A product of Pyrogen aerosol-generating combustion reaction is

fine potassium carbonate particles, small enough to be respirated by persons not
wearing RPE. There are no known toxicological long term effects of these soluble
micron sized particles, and physiological effects of deep lung penetration are usually a
concern for insoluble sub-micron particles as they can interfere with pulmonary

However, there are clear European guidelines controlling the exposure of persons to
fine particles, irrespective of their nature. Further information is available in BS EN
481:1993 & BS EN 451:1993, and in CoSHH supportive documents EH40/98 & EH44
and MDHS 14/2.

Noise. The sound output & frequency at the time of activation and during discharge is
similar to that produced by other extinguishing agents. Consequently, no specific
precautions need to be taken.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.6 Pyrogen Environmental Characteristics

Pyrogen does not affect earth’s ozone layer, since it does not contain chlorine or
bromine in its molecular structure.

Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is a calculated ozone depletion per unit mass of
material released relative to a standard, normally CFC-11 (CCl3F).

Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) of Pyrogen is zero.

Contribution of Pyrogen to global warming is negligible, since the only one component
that could contribute to global warming - carbon dioxide - is present in minor quantities
at normal extinguishing concentrations.

Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a calculated change is warming resulting from the
emission of a unit mass of a chemical relative to that of a reference. In the past CFC-11
was often used as a reference; carbon dioxide is now typically used.

The GWP depends on three variables:

1) the integrated infrared radiation absorption spectrum band strength.

2) the location of the infrared bands; and

3) the atmospheric lifetime

Global Warming Potential (GWP) of Pyrogen relatively to carbon dioxide is zero.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.7 Pyrogen Technical Characteristics

Chemical Composition of Solid Aerosol-forming Compound

potassium nitrate 60-65 mass %

combustible binder 25-30 mass %
technological admixtures 1-2 mass %

Chemical Composition of Aerosol (at 100 g/m3 design application density)

Aerosol output 3.0 m3

(per 1 kg of the aerosol-forming compound)
potassium carbonates solid 3.3 mass %
nitrogen 70 mass %
oxygen 18.2 mass %
water vapour 1.7 mass %
carbon dioxide up to 2.0 mg/m3
carbon monoxide up to 1.6 mg/m3
nitrogen oxides up to 10.5 mg/m3

Min System Design application density

class B and surface class A fires 100 g/m3

dense cable fires 200 g/m3

Min Particle Size 1 micron

Min/Max Suspension of Aerosol 30 / 60 min
Obscuration high
Toxicity low
Temperature range of application from -50C to + 65C
Humidity range of application 0-98 %, non-condensing

Electric activation: nominal resistance 1.5 – 10.0 Ohms

activation current 400 milliamps
maximum test current  50 milliamps / 5 min
supervisory current less than 5 milliamps
actuation time 2 milliseconds

Dangerous Goods Classification 4.1 class, category C

Service Life 5 - 10 years

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.8 Pyrogen Discharge

Depending on the selected size(s) of EXA modules the discharge of Pyrogen aerosol
lasts from 5.0 to 20 seconds. Such rapid discharge ensures attaining of Pyrogen design
concentration in a very short time upon actuation of the EXA modules.

As Pyrogen does not rely on oxygen depletion to extinguish the fire, the ambient
atmosphere inside the enclosure during and after discharge remains breathable, with
oxygen level remaining approximately at 18-19%.

As Pyrogen does not contain any halogen compounds in its molecular structure, it
does not produce corrosive halogen-acid by-products when in contact with

As Pyrogen’s prime extinguishing action is a chemical interference with a fire chain

reaction, a certain amount of the discharged aerosol will be consumed during
extinguishing process, the actual amount depending on the type and size of the fire as
well as Pyrogen system design parameters. The rest of the aerosol will be left to
prevent any likelihood of fire re-ignition.

Being a suspension of finely dispersed solids in a gaseous medium, Pyrogen aerosol

has a natural ability to stay in suspension for approximately 30-40 minutes after
discharge into a sealed enclosure.

Following this period of natural suspension the remaining aerosol, if not ventilated, will
start settling down due to agglomeration and sedimentation of the micron sized solid
particles. Settled down aerosol forms a dust-like fine fire retardant residue, which is
easily wiped off, brushed, blown or, if appropriate, washed away.

Due to a low extinguishing concentration of Pyrogen aerosol and its very fine structure,
the amount of residue left is minimal.

The actual Pyrogen aerosol is non-conductive and non-corrosive. However, the settled
aerosol residue, being an ionic compound (salt), may become conductive if allowed to
build up in large quantities and to absorb adequate amounts of moisture. Therefore, for
sensitive applications it is recommended that the protected area be ventilated
immediately after post-discharge minimum holding time period.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


3.1 List of Components

Pre-engineered Pyrogen fire suppression system installed on CNC machines consists

of the following components.

1. Pyrogen EXA-MA-5 aerosol module with a single end-plate nozzle;

2. Controller (FireChase CNC detection and activation system)
3. Break Glass with protective cover
4. Thermal Probe Detector
5. Elbow Mounting Unit

3.2 Pyrogen Aerosol Module

Pyrogen products are represented in form of non-pressurised metal canisters, called

EXA modules. Each EXA module contains as a minimum an aerosol element, a cooling
element, an actuation device and one or two end-plate discharge outlets.

Depending on the mass of the aerosol element contained in the module and the
module’s dimensions, EXA modules are classified into small range modules and large
range modules.

Small range modules include EXA-MA-2 and EXA-MA-5 Pyrogen modules. They have
been designed to protect CNC enclosures from 2.0 m 3 up to 5.0 m3.

Most of current CNC machines protected with the pre-engineering Pyrogen fire
suppression systems use EXA- MA-5 module with a single end-plate discharge nozzle.

3.3 Controller (Fire Panel)

A special fire controller manufactured by ARTEK Engineering Pty Ltd is used in

Pyrogen fire suppression systems installed in CNC machines.

A photo of the CNC controller is shown below.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

3.3.1 Electrical Specifications

External power supply: 24VDC, 1.5A capable

Internal standby battery: 12V, 1.3AH

Panel normal current on external power supply: 100mA

Panel normal current on internal battery supply: 40mA

Suppressant module monitoring current: 1mA

Suppressant module discharge current: 1.0A

Battery float charge voltage: 13.75V

Battery charger current limit: 0.8A

Temperature probe end-of-line resistor: 8K2 ohms, 1/4W

External break glass end-of-line resistor: 8k2 ohms, 1/4W

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

Time duration for battery support after external power is switch off: 5-6 minutes

Monitor contact outputs: E-Stop, normally closed, 2 off

Fire System Ready, normally closed, fail-safe
Fire System Fault, normally closed

3.3.2 Mechanical Dimensions

Fascia dimensions: 180mm long, 130mm high

Equipment box dimensions: 153mm long, 103mm high, 83mm deep

3.3.3 Pluggable connectors terminal assignment


1, 2 External power input, 24VDC, 1 positive, 2 negative

3, 4 Temperature probe input, 8K2 end-of-line
5, 6 Manual break glass input, 8K2 end-of-line
7, 8 E-Stop output contact, normally closed, first set. This output is composed
of 3 normally closed contacts in series, being the alarm relay contact of
each input as well as the discharge relay contact.
9, 10 Discharge output
11, 12 Safety door lock input, normally closed


13, 14 Fire System Ready contact output, normally closed

15, 16 E-Stop output contact, normally closed, second set
17, 18 Fire System Fault contact output, normally closed


19, 20, 21 Alarm contact output for monitoring, common, normally open and normally

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

3.3.4 Front panel key switch and LEDs

When the key switch is turned to NORMAL, and provided the safety door is closed, and
there is no fault in the system, the control panel is ready to function.

When the key switch is turned to ISOLATE, the discharge circuit is disabled. The alarm
and fault sensing functions of the control panel are still active. The alarm sounder
volume is reduced to 1/50th when the key switch is turned to this position. DO NOT turn
the key switch back to normal if the OUTPUT ACTIVE LED is lit and the sounder is
operated, indicating an alarm condition is present. Alarm conditions are not latched,
and the panel will go back to normal when the alarm initiating situations are removed.

LED functions when lit:

MACHINE 24V SUPPLY ON: green, external power supply is available to the panel
SAFETY INTERLOCK: amber, safety door is NOT closed, or the key switch NOT on
OUTPUT FAULT: amber, open circuit on suppressant discharge
INPUT FAULT: amber, open circuit on temperature probe or break glass
OUTPUT ACTIVE: red, an alarm condition exists
NORMAL: green, key switch is on NORMAL, safety door is closed and there is no fault
ISOLATE: amber, key switch is on ISOL, discharge circuit is disabled

3.3.5 Operation

The fire panel is switched on by the application of the external 24VDC power supply.
When the external power is present, the 12V battery is under constant-voltage float
charge condition. The battery is used to maintain the panel alive for 5 to 6 minutes after
the external power is turned off. The switch-over from external power to internal battery
power is seamless, and does not involve any relay operation. At the end of the battery
backup period, the panel will be completely switched off, and no current will be drawn
from the battery.

The continuity of the wiring to the temperature probe, the manual break glass and the
suppressant discharge are constantly checked for open-circuit fault. The suppressant
discharge is prevented if a fault occurs, as indicated by the amber INPUT FAULT or
OUTPUT FAULT LEDs. The sounder will not operate under a fault condition, but the
FIRE SYSTEM FAULT output contact will change state from closed to open.

The fire system is ready for protection when no fault exists, the key switch is turned to
NORMAL, and the safety door is closed. This is indicated by the green NORMAL LED,
and by the FIRE SYSTEM READY closed contact output. When the safety door is
open, or when the key switch is turned to ISOLATE, the amber SAFETY INTERLOCK
LED will be lit, and the SYSTEM READY contact output is open, indicating the system
is not ready for discharge.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

An alarm condition exists when the temperature probe threshold is exceeded, or when
the manual break glass is operated, producing a short-circuit across their respective
terminals, and indicated by the OUTPUT ACTIVE red LED, and the sounder. The alarm
is not latched, so that if the alarm condition has passed, the panel will go back to
normal. The suppressant discharge will occur instantaneously if the fire system is

The sounder volume is reduced to a very low level, if the key switch is turned to
ISOLATE, and an alarm condition exists with the panel. During periodic tests of the
temperature or the break glass, this low level sound is useful as a reminder NOT to turn
the key switch to NORMAL until the alarm condition is removed.

3.3.6 Maintenance

The fire panel is designed to be as maintenance-free as possible. There are no fuses,

and all external connections are current-limited, so that accidental short-circuits will not
harm the system. The critical alarm sensing and discharge circuitry contains no
electronics. Active components are only used for voltage regulation, fault sensing and
battery backup timing. There is no earthing; the complete system is isolated from the
metal enclosure.

3.4 Break Glass

Manual Break Glass has been designed to manually activate the Pyrogen fire
suppression system prior to fire detection by a Thermal Probe Detector. The Manual
Break Glass has a protective flap to prevent an inadvertent activation of the Pyrogen
system. The Break Glass is connected to the Controller (refer to 3.3 above) allowing
activation of a sounder, shutdown of a ventilation fan and other operation functions
prior to the Pyrogen system discharge.

3.5 Thermal Probe Detector

Thermal probes are used to automatically activate the system in the event of a fire.

Generally, a 302 series automatic heat detectors have been designed for fire detection
with alarm systems.

Probes of 302 series are self-restoring, sealed, shock and corrosion resistant,
nonferrous and of low maintenance. Probes can be mounted horizontally or vertically.
They automatically restore when temperatures drop below their rated values

They have normally open contacts with a resistor wired across the probe wires to allow
monitoring of the circuit by the controller.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

A schematic of wiring diagram for models 302 ET or 302 EPM is shown below.

3.6 Strobe/Sounder

In Pyrogen pre-designed system for CNC machines, the sounder is incorporated inside
the controller (fire panel).

Most of CNC machines have strobes that would produce a signal should the machine
halts. In case of fire or fault the controller would produce a signal to stop the machine.

3.7 Elbow Mounting Unit

Although Pyrogen aerosol EXA module is normally installed inside a protected area, in
CNC machines it is mounted outside on the upper panel (canopy’s top) of the machine
with a custom-made elbow unit being attached to EXA-MA-5. The elbow unit has been
specifically designed to direct the discharged aerosol into the grinding area of CNC
machine. Outside mounting of EXA-MA-5 aerosol module solves a challenging task of
its accommodation inside already clustered CNC machine and allows its easy
installation and maintenance.

A photo of elbow mounting unit attached to Pyrogen module is shown below.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

A schematic of a typical system layout is given below.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


4.1 General

The Pyrogen system of aerosol modules distributed within the risk eliminates the
complications associated with traditional gaseous agent systems. Pyrogen does not
require pressurised cylinders of liquefied gas, traditional pipe and nozzle
networks, or engineered hydraulic calculations to determine nozzle orifices.

The Installer only needs to determine the size and number of Pyrogen modules
required as well as their location within the enclosure.

Since most of CNC machines use one single model of Pyrogen EXA aerosol modules,
specifically EXA-MA-5 model, the design information below refers to this model only.

4.2 Pyrogen EXA-5 aerosol module

4.2.1. Mass and dimensional characteristics

Pyrogen Number of Module Module dimensions, mm Mass of aerosol element,

module discharge mass, kg Length Diameter kg
nozzles (with electrical
EXA- MA-5 1(mono) 3.3 235 (300) 95 0.5

4.2.2. Extinguishing Performance Characteristics

Pyrogen Number Mass of Max protected volume, sealed Aerosol discharge time at
module of aerosol enclosure, m ambient temperature, s
discharge element, Flammable liquids Electrical cables and +50C 20C -50C
nozzles kg and non- smouldering solids
smouldering solids
EXA-MA-5 1(mono) 0.5 5 2.5 6.5 7.5 9

Maximum protected volume is normally calculated using a simple formula:

Maximum volume (m3) = mass of aerosol element (g)/design application density (g/m3)

Pyrogen design calculations refer not to the design concentration of the actual
extinguishing agent - aerosol, but to the design application density, which is mass of the
solid aerosol-generating compound per unit of enclosure volume required to extinguish
a specific type of fire, including a safety factor.

Pyrogen design application density is expressed in g/m 3.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

Pyrogen minimum design application density for Class B fires, involving flammable
liquids such as petrol, diesel, hydraulic oil and automotive distillate is 100 g/m 3.

Pyrogen minimum design application density for Class A surface fires, involving non-
smouldering combustible solids such as wood, textile and ordinary plastics is 100 g/m3.

Pyrogen minimum design application density for Class A non-surface fires, involving
dense cables is 200 g/m3.

Please note that the installed application density in pre-engineered systems Pyrogen
systems, such as in CNC machines, can exceed the minimum design application
density as it already includes compensation for openings, obstructions and other
possible losses of aerosol extinguishing agent.

4.2.3 Discharge Outlet Minimum Clearance

Due to elevated temperatures of Pyrogen aerosol at the discharge outlet, the minimum
clearances from the outlet have been introduced to minimise a potential heat impact
during the discharge. The minimum clearances refer to three different temperature
limitations – 75, 200 and 400C. The maximum limitation of 75C normally refers to the
locations within the enclosure where people may be present. The maximum limitation of
200C refers to combustible materials, while 400C refers to standard equipment
located within the protected enclosure.

Depending on the intended application of Pyrogen system, the appropriate minimum

clearances shall be observed during installation.

EXA module Minimum clearance from the discharge Heat released

outlet, m during discharge,
75C 200C 400C kJ
EXA- MA-5 1.2 0.5 0.3 422

4.3 Enclosure Requirements

4.3.1 Enclosure Height Limitations

The Pyrogen extinguishing agent, being a hot aerosol, has a tendency to rise upward
on its release due to buoyancy forces. As such, the aspect of spatial distribution needs
to be addressed. This requires that a height limitation for the protected enclosure be set
for each individual Pyrogen module:

Pyrogen EXA modules Maximum enclosure height, m

EXA-MA-5 3.0

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

4.3.2 Discharge Pressure Relief Venting

Like all total-flooding agents, Pyrogen aerosol is most effective when used in an
enclosed risk area. Therefore, the area of non-closable openings shall be kept to a
minimum. The presence of unclosable openings in the ceiling should be avoided.

Similar to gaseous total flooding systems application of Pyrogen in standard building

type enclosures requires venting arrangements to relieve pressure build-up due to the
discharge of the large quantities of the gas-like aerosol.

The table below has been prepared to simplify the design calculations for the minimum
venting area and maximum weight loading. All calculations refer to a single Pyrogen
EXA module and lowest aerosol discharge times (at +50C ambient temperature).

Pyrogen Strong building enclosures Medium to light enclosures

module (concrete, brick): P=600Pa (timber frame, compressed fibre,
etc): P=400Pa
Min vent Vent area Max Min vent Vent area Max
area, m size, mm weight area, m2 size, mm weight
load, kg load, kg
EXA-MA-5 0.0222 149X149 1.33 0.0272 165X165 1.09

Due to the design specifics of the CNC machine the installation of Pyrogen EXA-
MA-5 unit in CNC machine does not require provision of any additional pressure
venting. Pressure relief is effected via an existing non-closable ventilation
horizontal slot.

4.3.3 Minimum Holding Time

Upon Pyrogen discharge a minimum holding time of 3 minutes should be allowed, for
fires involving flammable liquids (class B fires) and non-smouldering combustible solids
(class A surface fires).

For fires involving electrical cables and smouldering solids the minimum holding
time should be extended to 10 minutes.

To ensure the requirements for the minimum holding time period are complied with the
following should be observed.

1. Integrity of the enclosure. The enclosure should not have large uncloseable

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Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2. Pressure relief vents. Pressure relief vents should be of an appropriate type to

ensure maximum possible containment of the Pyrogen aerosol within the enclosure
during and after its discharge.

3. Air-handling systems. Air-handling systems serving the protected area should

generally be shut down or isolated by dampers. In CNC machine a ventilation fan
stops and an automatically operated main vent closes prior to Pyrogen
discharge leaving only a non-closable ventilation horizontal slot (refer to 4.3.2
above) used for pressure relief venting during and after discharge.

4. Services within the enclosure. Any services within the enclosure, such as fuel valves
and pumps, heating appliances and others which if left running would impair the
efficiency of Pyrogen, shall be shut down prior to or simultaneously with the release
of the extinguishant.

4.4 Pyrogen Service Life

The Service life of Pyrogen fire suppression system is a period from the date of
installation to expiry date. The service life depends on the ambient conditions inside the
protected area and conditions of modules’ use.

Operation conditions Service life - 10 yrs Service life - 5 yrs

Temperature range From 0 º C to + 40 º from - 50 º C to 0 º C;
C from + 40 º C to +65 º C
Humidity range 0 – 90 % Above 90 %
Environments which subject the No Yes
system to continuous or intense
Exterior situations exposed to the No Yes
sun, ultraviolet radiation, wind,
rain, or salt spray
Corrosive atmospheres No Yes
Abnormally dusty or moisture- No Yes
laden atmospheres

A durable and easily accessible during maintenance installation and expiry dates label
shall be attached to the EXA module prior to installation. The label shall contain the
date of the module’s installation and the expiry date.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


5.1 Operation Mode

The operation of a Pyrogen fire suppression system installed in CNC machine is

electrical automatic with an option of electrical manual. The Controller/Fire Panel is set
in Automatic Mode. Manual operation could be achieved by using a Break Glass.

5.2 Operation in Fire Situation

In fire situation the sequence of events is as follows:

I. Automatic Operation

a) Fire is detected by a Thermal Probe Detector;

b) Sounder is activated, the ventilation fan is stopped and the main ventilation
vent is closed;

c) CNC machine stops;

d) Pyrogen system is activated.

II. Manual Operation

Should manual activation is selected to override detection by the Thermal Probe

Detector the sequence of events is as follows:

a) Fire is visually detected;

b) Operator lifts a flap on the Manual Break Glass and firmly presses the Break

c) Manual Break Glass sends a signal to the Controller;

d) Sounder is activated, the ventilation fan is stopped and the main ventilation vent
is closed;

e) CNC machine stops;

f) Pyrogen system is activated.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


6.1 Design & Acceptance Documentation

a) Form 1 - System Design Approval Certificate

Please refer to Appendix A - form 1.

Pyrogen System Design Approval Certificate is to be completed by the contractor prior

to installation. A copy of the certificate shall be forwarded to Pyrogen Office or the
Pyrogen Distributor and, where required, to an appropriate authority.

b) Form 2 – Commissioning and Acceptance Test Report

Please refer to Appendix A – form 2.

The installed Pyrogen system is to be commissioned by the contractor in accordance

with the Commissioning Check list. On completion and acceptance of the
commissioning, the installation contractor shall issue a commissioning test report in
accordance with Form 2. A copy of the report shall be forwarded to the Pyrogen Office/

c) Form 3 – Notice of Completion

Please refer to Appendix A – form 3.

Shall be completed by the installation contractor following the commissioning check. A

copy of the form shall be forwarded to the Pyrogen Office/Distributor.

d) Form 4 – Maintenance Check List

Form 5 - Annual Maintenance Certificate

Please refer to Appendix A – forms 4 and 5.

Shall be completed by the installation contractor after regular annual maintenance of

the installed system. A copy of each form shall be forwarded to the Pyrogen

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

6.2 System Integrity

It is important that prior to the installation of the EXA module the integrity and
resistance of the electric activation circuit for each EXA module is checked with the use
of a digital multi-meter. The maximum test current shall not exceed 50 milliamps for a
period of 5 minutes. The monitoring current shall not exceed 5 milliamps.

Resistance of the electric activation circuit shall be within 1.5-10.0 Ohms.

It is also important to check earth fault of every EXA module. Earth fault resistance
must not be less than 0.1 MOhm.

6.3 Prior to Installation

Before commencing the installation:

System components

Ensure completeness of the Pyrogen system, including accessories. Please refer to the
completed System Design Approval Certificate (form 1, Appendix A) for identification.

EXA-MA-5 aerosol module

Check that there is no sign of corrosion on the module’s casing and that a plastic
membrane covering a discharge outlet is intact.

Service life labels

Attach the installation and expiry date label to EXA-MA-5 module. Ensure the service
life is in accordance with the system’s operation conditions (refer to 4.4).

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

6.4 Installation Location

The Pyrogen EXA module should be installed in the best possible position to ensure:

- Pyrogen aerosol is mixed evenly and contained within the protected area;

- Minimum clearance form the discharge outlet as specified in 4.2.3 is observed;

- Pyrogen module is not directed towards sensitive or delicate instrumentation;

- Possible exposure to high temperatures (above +50C) or high humidity is

- Close proximity to exit or potential human exposure areas or outlets is avoided;

- Close proximity to unavoidable non-closable openings is avoided;

6.5 Mounting

The EXA-MA-5 module is mounted to the CNC machine via an elbow unit. Ensure the
EXA-MA-5 module is firmly and reliably attached to the elbow unit and the elbow unit is
firmly attached to the CNC machine.

Warning! Loose mounting may result in EXA- MA-5 module being propelled out of
the elbow unit or its detachment from the CNC machine during system discharge.

6.6 Electric Wiring

The following minimum requirements to the electrical wiring should apply:

- Cables should be fire-resistant. Conductors should be of copper, each having a

cross-sectional area of not less than 1 mm 2, or if stranded, not less than 0.5
mm2. Should there be any possibility of the mechanical damage, the cables shall
be enclosed into a plastic or metal conduit. All cabling shall be grounded in
accordance with standard requirements.

- A standard power source that provides at least 2 Amp current and 24 Volts
voltage shall be used. The power source shall have a backup power supply.

For CNC installation a backup power supply is already incorporated inside the
Controller. Due to specific design requirements for CNC machines the backup
power supply to the Controller is disconnected 5 minutes after the CNC
machine shutdown.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

The wiring procedure should be as follows:

- Install electrical wiring;

- Install and connect such devices as strobe/sounder, manual break glass,

Controller, detectors, etc;

- Connect a miniature filament lamp with 12 Volts voltage and current up to 50mA
in place of EXA module;

- Ensure the manual break glass has a protective flap to avoid the accidental

- Connect the circuit to a power supply;

- Activate the system. All devices shall operate and the lamp shall glow. Should
the system fail to operate properly, disconnect the power supply, check
connections between the devices, reconnect the power supply and try again;

- Reset the system. The lamp shall be switched off;

WARNING! Prior to connecting EXA module ensure the wires leading to the
module are not carrying voltage. Connection of EXA module(s) should always be
the last function in electrical wiring procedure.

- Disconnect the lamp and connect the EXA module in its place. Install EXA
module in accordance with the installation recommendations;

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Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd
From control panel

Diagram 6 - 4 -- 2RMDT Connector Assembly and Wiring for Pyrogen Connectors

Tightened with screws


2 2 3 Note: Only pins 1 & 2 are
1 4
utilized for connection


CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


7.1 Installation and Expiry Date Label

The following label is “filled in” and affixed to every module used in the system by the
installation contractor.


INSTALLED DATE: ________________

EXPIRY DATE: ________________

Pyrogen expiry date depends on the ambient conditions inside the protected area and
conditions of use of the system. Please refer to 4.4 for the guidelines on establishing the
correct expiry date for a specific installation.

After filling out these details the installer places the clear protective self-adhesive film
over the front of the label and attaches the label onto the module adjacent to the body

7.2 Warning & Instruction Signs

The following (or similar in wording) Warning and Instruction Sign shall be firmly
attached to a CNC machine by the installer on completion of Pyrogen installation.







CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


The completed Pyrogen installation shall be commissioned in accordance with

Commissioning Checklist attached in Appendix A (Form 2).

On completion and acceptance of the commissioning procedure, the installation

contractor shall issue a Notice of Completion in Appendix A (Form 3).

Commissioning should be carried out by trained and authorised personnel only.


The user of the installation should ensure that the system is in good working
order at all times. The user should carry out monthly inspections of the fire
suppression equipment. This should include looking out for obstruction of the discharge
nozzle, extension/alteration of the protected enclosure, openings left unclosed that were
not catered for during design, and that the position and orientation of the Pyrogen
modules remain in the designed position.

The installation should be inspected at least once a year by an authorised

inspector. The inspection plan should include all components of the system and parts
of the premises necessary for the effective operation of the system.

A system maintenance log should be kept and status of every maintenance visit is
recorded. For a typical system maintenance report refer to the attached Maintenance
Checklist in Appendix A (Form 4).

Periodic check-up is required for electrical circuitry of Pyrogen system. The

following steps shall be undertaken:

If the control system is designed to transmit alarm signals to a remote manned centre,
always ensure that the link is disabled, or in the event that disabling the link is not an
option, it would be essential to notify the centre before undertaking the test. Occupant of
the premises should also be notified that the system test might result in the sounders
being activated.

WARNING! Prior to the start of ANY maintenance work, always ensure as the first
step, that the wiring to the Pyrogen module has been electrically isolated. Failure
to do so may result in unwanted spurious discharge.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

The maintenance procedure is as follows.

1) Disconnect the wiring at the EXA module. This is extremely important to ensure
that the module has not inadvertently been left connected.

2) Connect a miniature filament lamp with 24 Volts voltage and current up to 50 mA in

place of EXA module.

3) Connect the circuit to a power supply.

4) Activate the system. All devices shall operate and the lamp shall glow. Should the
system fail to operate properly, disconnect the power supply, check connections
between devices, reconnect the power supply and try again.

5) Reset the system. The lamp shall be switched off.

WARNING! Prior to connecting EXA module, ensure the wires leading to the
module are not carrying voltage. Connection of EXA module should always be the
last function in electrical wiring procedure.

6) Disconnect the lamp and connect the EXA module in its place. Install EXA modules
in accordance with installation recommendations.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd




Must be completed by the contractor prior to Pyrogen installation. A copy of

the certificate shall be forwarded to the Pyrogen Key
Representative/Distributor and, where required, to an appropriate authority.

Forms an integral part of Pyrogen Warranty Card to be completed upon Pyrogen installation and
sent to a local Pyrogen Key Representative/Distributor.


Company name:.............................................................................................................
Contact person:...........................................................................................................


Company name:.............................................................................................................
Contractor’s name:...........................................................................................................


CNC machine (model, identification):…………………………………………………………


Occupancy: unoccupied.................................
normally unoccupied.................
intermittently occupied..............

Number of entrance doors/inlets used by personnel…………

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


Flammable liquids and non-smouldering solids undergoing surface combustion (Class B

and surface class A fires)..............................................................................................

Electrical cables and smouldering solids (Class E and non-surface Class A





6.1 Ambient conditions inside the protected enclosure

Maximum estimated temperature during a hot season, C…………………………

Minimum estimated temperature during a cold season,C…………………………
Vibration: high…, medium……, low…….., nil…….

6.2 System service life expectancy, years……………………

6.3 Enclosure dimensions

Height, m………………………………………………………………………………………..
Length, m.................................................................................................................……
Width, m..................................................................................................................…….
Gross volume, m3 ………………………………………………………………………………
Add for exhaust and inlet ducts, m3 ………………………………………………………….
Deduct non-removable non-penetrable solid structure, m3 ………………………………..

Design Net volume, m3 …………………………………………………………………….

6.4 Pyrogen EXA modules

Type and number of EXA modules selected:

EXA-MA-5; ……….unit(s)
EXA-MA-2; ……….unit(s)

Height limitation for the selected EXA modules, m………………………………..

Total flooding quantity (mass of the aerosol-forming compound in combined EXA

modules), g………………………………

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

6.5 Minimum clearance from discharge outlet

Temperature at the minimum clearance: 75 C; 200C; 400 C (circle the selected

Minimum clearance for selected EXA modules:

EXA-MA-5 ……………….m
EXA-MA-2 ……………….m

6.6 Pressure relief venting

- Installed vent(s): Installed vent area, m2…...;

Type of vents(s)…………;
Size and number of vents………………………………mm x mm;
Total max weight load………………………………………..kg
Location of vent(s)…………………………………………………


a) Automatic Electrical ………………………………………………………………

b) Manual Electrical…………………………………………………………………..


Electric power supply:

Main…………………..; Emergency……………

Fire Panel:

Model and designation……………………...

Supervision module………………………….

System isolate switch/stop gas unit (quantity and location)…………

Time delay device……………………………
Detectors and bases (type and quantity)……………………...
Warning signs (quantity and location)………………………....
Instruction signs (quantity and location)……………………….



CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


Criteria for Acceptance

The completed Pyrogen system shall be commissioned in accordance with this

Commissioning Checklist. On completion and acceptance of the commissioning, the
installation contractor shall issue a commissioning report.



TEST 1: To be conducted whenever a new EXA module is installed on a machine.

This verifies the module electric activation circuit is within specification.

Ensure that the Pyrogen EXA module is secured in a soft jaw vice, that there are no
flammable substances within 700mm of the outlet side of the module and that there are
no personnel within 2 metres of the outlet side of the module. Alternatively, this test can
be conducted with the module secured in its mounting frame on the machine. Again,
insure there are no personnel near the outlet side of the module.

Using a digital multimeter that is capable of measuring more than 10MOhm and does
not provide a monitoring current of more than 5mA, check the resistance of the electric
activation circuit in EXA module. The resistance shall lie between 1.5 and 10.0 Ohms,
between pins 1 and 2.

Check the earth fault resistance is no less than 100Kohm, between pin 1 and the
housing and pin 2 and the housing.

If the resistance values are not as specified the modules must be rejected. Repeat the
tests for replacement modules. If the resistance values are as specified record the serial
number of the module and the manufacture date.

Record the installation date and the expiry date of the module (the expiry date is the
installation date plus ten years). Indelibly mark these dates on the module.

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Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

Insert the module in its mounting elbow and check that it is held securely when the
clamp is tightened. Do not connect the module plug as this stage. Retain this tests
sheet in the machine folder.

When all other tests are complete and the machine is fully installed, check that there is
no voltage on the module line (pins 1 and 2) and plus the connector into the module.

TEST 2: Verify the correct operation of the FireChase System Controller.

NOTE: If machine does not perform e-stop, check that fire system e-stop is not linked
CAUTION: Ensure module is not connected, connect and use a12V filament testing
bulb instead.
 Open or close door as per table for each test.
 Toggle isolate key switch as per table for each test.
 The battery back up will only be available for 5 minutes.
 The LED’s and sounder are on the front of the Controller.
 Pins 1 and 2 are on the EXA module connector.
 PLC warnings will be displayed on the machine control panel display.
Check that all the results listed in the tables below are true and tick each OK box:

2.1: Short circuit the line that the break glass switch is on. This can be done by using
the test key supplied with the switch. (Refer to manufactures notes for instructions)

Door Isolate Power LEDs on Alarm Test PLC OK
position Switch Sounder Lamp Warnings
(3 types alarm)
Closed Normal Power Supply, On On Fire
Output Active
Open Normal Power Supply, On Off Fire
Output Active
Closed Isolate Power Supply, 1/50th Off Isolate
Interlock, Fire
Output Active,
Closed Normal Battery Output Active, On On Fire
Open Normal Battery Interlock, On Off Fire
Output Active
Closed Isolate Battery Interlock, 1/50th Off Isolate
Output Active, Fire

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

2.2: Check that the wire integrity monitoring functions of the fire controller are working.
In turn, disconnect the various lines as shown in the table. Restore wires after each test.
Verify that the results are as shown in the table below and tick the OK boxes if so.

Door Isolate Power LEDs on Test PLC OK
position Switch Lamp Warnings
(3 types alarm)

Closed Normal Power Supply, Input fault Off Fault

Disconnect break switch
(Fire System Terminal 6)
Disconnect probe line Supply, Input fault Off Fault
(Fire System Terminal 4)
Disconnect module test lamp Supply, Output fault N/A Fault
Activate machine explosion Supply, Output Active On Fire
hatch E-stop and short circuit
the break glass switch line
Closed Normal Battery Normal, stays on for 5 Off Fault
Isolate fire controller supply minutes Isolate

TEST 3: To check that the machine heat probe functions correctly.

Using a heat gun and a hand held temperature probe, determine the temperature at
which the contacts of the machine fitted heat probe close. This should lie between 90ºC
and 100ºC

Verify that when the machine heat probe contacts close the results in the table below
are true. Tick (√) the OK box if so.

Door Isolate Power LEDs on Alarm Test PLC OK
position Switch Sounder Lamp Warnings
(3 types alarm)
Closed Normal Power Supply, On On Fire
Output Active

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd

TEST 4: Check that the Pyrogen aerosol extinguishing fire system label is fitted to the
machine sliding door and that it is clearly visible.


TEST 5: Verify that the system design approval certificate for the machine is valid. E.g.
The canopy volume and area of unclosable openings must be as stated.



The fire system controller batteries should be disconnected during


Pyrogen warranty card to be completed upon the installation of the EXA

module (test 1). A completed system design approval certificate, the
warranty card and a copy of these tests (1 to 5) to be sent to Pyrogen
Office/Distributor/Supplier. The originals to be kept in the machine folder.

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd




I (name of installer).......................................................................................

of (company).....................................................................hereby certify that

we have completed on (date)……………………………………………………….....at

(name/address/identification of protected area)……….........................................or
on CNC machine………………………. Type……………………Serial No………….

a PYROGEN Fire Suppression System installation in accordance with the requirements

detailed in the System Design Approval Certificate.

Commissioning test(s) were conducted by.................................................


Commissioning test(s) were witnessed by..................................................


This notice of completion shall have the following attached :

a) System Design Approval Certificate

b) Commissioning Check List

Signature of installer............................


CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd


Maintenance Contractor…................................................................................................
1 Electrically isolate Pyrogen module.  
2 Confirm the module is secure, undamaged and free  
from corrosion
3 Check that module’s nozzle is unobstructed within the  
specified minimum clearances
4 Confirm all electrical wiring and connections are intact  
5 Open the manual release point enclosure  
6 Check that instruction and warning signs are legible  
7 Inspect power source condition  
8 Inspect emergency power source (back-up battery)  
9 Inspect controls for shut off valves. Inspect for - 
damage, corrosion, accessibility and test correct
10 Check the post fire ventilation facilities are functional. - 
11 Check that the expiry date of Pyrogen module will not - 
occur within the next 12 months and report to the
12 Check the module’s electric activation circuit. Follow - 
steps 1-6 in Section 9.
13 Check that all system controls are returned to normal - 
and system is “on line”
14 Reconnect Pyrogen module. - 
15 Record all inspections and necessary rectification’s - 
16 Inform owner - 
Signed:............................................ Date:........................................

CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13
Pyrogen Technologies (AUST) Pty Ltd




I ..............................................................................
(name of Service Person)


hereby certify that we have completed the Annual Maintenance on

(type and serial number of CNC machine)



in accordance with the attached Maintenance Checklist.

Signature of Service Person....................................


CNC Manual: Pyr-02 Issued: November 2013

Revision No.: 11/13

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