Chapter 3: Competing in Global Markets: Learning Goals

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Chapter 3: Competing in Global Markets

Learning goals

After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Explain the theories of comparative and absolute advantages

2. Illustrate the different strategies used in reaching global markets and explain the pros and
cons of each of them
3. Explain the forces that affect trading in global markets
4. What are the different forms of trade protectionism

Learning the Language

Listed below are important terms found in the chapter. Choose the correct term for each
definition and write it in the space provided.

Absolute advantage Embargo Joint venture

Balance of payments Exchange rate Licensing
Balance of trade Exporting Multinational corporation
Common market Foreign direct investment North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA)
Comparative advantage Foreign subsidiary Tariff
Contract manufacturing Free trade Trade deficit
Countertrading General Agreement on Trade protectionism
Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Devaluation Import quota World Trade Organization
Dumping Importing

1. A tax known as a _____________ is imposed on imports.

2. The practice of selling products in foreign countries at lower prices than the charge for the
same products in producing country is known as________________

3. A country has a(n) ______________ when it has a monopoly on the production of a specific
product or is able to produce it more efficiently than all other countries.

4. The difference between money coming into a country and money leaving the country plus
money-flows from other factors such as tourism, foreign aid, military expenditures and
foreign investment is the ______________

5. A(n) _____________ is a complete ban on the import or export of a certain product or when
all trade with a particular country has been stopped.

6. When there is a limit on the number of products in certain categories that can be imported,
a(n) _______________ has been established.

7. An unfavorable balance of trade, or _______________ occurs when the value of a country’s
imports exceeds that of its exports.

8. A nation’s _______________________ is the ratio of exports to imports.

9. The ________________ is the value of one currency relative to the currencies of other

10. A country is involved in _______________ when it is buying products from another country.

11. In a _________________ a partnership has been formed in which two or more companies,
often from different countries, have joined to undertake a major project.

12. A global strategy known as ________________,is one in which one allows a foreign
company to produce its product in exchange for a fee.

13. The European Union is an example of a _______________________ a regional group of

countries that have no internal tariffs, a common external tariff and a coordination of laws to
facilitate exchange between countries. It is also known as a trading bloc.

14. A company is involved in ______________when it is selling products to another country.

15. An organization that manufactures and markets products in many different countries and has
multinational stock ownership and multinational management is a(n) _______________

16. The theory of ________________ asserts that a country should sell to other countries those
products that it produces most effectively and efficiently, and buy from those other countries
those products that it cannot produce as effectively and efficiently.

17. Also known as outsourcing, _____________ occurs when a foreign country produces private-
label goods to which a domestic company then attaches its brand name or trademark.

18. Lowering the value of a nation’s currency relative to other currencies is known as

19. There is __________________ when the movement of goods and services among nations
occurs without political or economic obstruction.

20. The use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services is considered to
be _________________, which advocates believe will allow domestic producers to survive
and grow, producing more jobs.

21. A complex form of bartering known as_____________ occurs when several countries
trade goods for goods or services for services.

22. Many countries today are involved in __________________ , which is the buying of
permanent property and businesses in foreign nations.

23. A __________________ is a company that is owned in a foreign country by another

company called the parent company.

24. This organization, known as the __________________ , replaced the GATT agreement
and was assigned the duty to mediate trade disputes among nations.

25. The agreement known as the __________________ created a free trade agreement
between the United States, Canada, and Mexico

26. The agreement signed in 1948 called the __________________ established an

international forum for negotiating mutual reduction in trade restrictions.

Multiple Choice – Circle the Best Answer

1. Selling products to another country is known as

a. Importing
b. Trade protectionism
c. Comparative advantage
d. Exporting

2. All of the following are reasons for countries to participate in foreign trade except
a. It is just as easy to start a business overseas as it is in the home country
b. No nation can produce all of the products its people want and need.
c. Even if a country were self-sufficient, other nations would seek to trade with
that country in order to meet the needs of its own people.
d. Some nations have resources, but not technological know-how; while others
have know-how, but lack resources.

3. The idea that countries should produce and sell goods that they produce most
effectively and efficiently, and buy goods that other countries produce most
effectively and efficiently is known as
a. Absolute advantage
b. Free trade
c. International marketing
d. Comparative advantage theory.

4. When the value of exports from a country exceeds the value of imports into that
country there is a:
a. Trade deficit
b. Balance of payments
c. Favorable balance of trade
d. Unfavorable balance of trade

5. The difference between money coming into a country from exports and money
leaving a country due to imports, plus money flows from other factors, is known as
a. Balance of trade
b. Free trade
c. Balance of payments
d. Trade deficit

6. In global trade, the term “dumping” refers to:

a. A situation that exists when a country exports more than it imports

b. The buying of permanent property and businesses in foreign nations
c. The practice of selling products in a foreign country at lower prices than those
charged in the producing country.
d. A foreign company’s production of private label goods to which a domestic
company attaches its own brand name

7. In recent years the Nestle company (a Swiss company) has acquired several U.S.
firms, such as Carnation which now operates in the U.S. as a(n):
a. Exporter.
b. Subsidiary
c. Licensing agent
d. franchise

8. Coke and Pepsi often enter foreign markets by allowing a foreign manufacturer to use
their trademark and pay them a royalty for that right. This is an example of
a. A joint venture
b. Exporting
c. Licensing
d. A strategic alliance

9. In franchising to foreign markets, companies such as McDonald’s and KFC have had
a. Be careful to adapt to the countries they are attempting to enter.
b. Find franchisees with money they can afford to lose if the franchise fails
c. Be sure not to alter their products for the foreign countries so that consumers
know exactly what they are getting.
d. Find opportunities for joint ventures, as franchising doesn’t seem to work in
foreign markets.

10. Multinational corporations:

a. Are typically extremely large corporations
b. Are companies that simply export everything they produce
c. Do not necessarily have manufacturing capacity in other nations
d. Are predominantly small companies that export their products to many
different countries.

11. Guillermo Martinez was concerned that his new boss, Donald Darr didn’t know his
job very well. Donald is continually asking Guillermo and the other workers in the
company’s plan in Mexico City to give him their opinions before he makes a final
decision. Guillermo’s concern stems from ______________ differences between
Donald and him.
a. Economic
b. Cultural
c. Language
d. Regulatory

12. The makers of Whirlpool washers and other electrical appliance manufacturers need
to be concerned about the kind and availability of electricity in the global
marketplace. If there were a compatibility problem, it would be the result of a
_______________ difference.

a. Cultural
b. Technological
c. Economic
d. Societal

13. A low value of the Egyptian Pound (EGP) would mean

a. The Egyptian Pound is worth more when purchasing a foreign made good
b. An EGP could be traded for less foreign currency than normal
c. You could trade in your money for gold
d. Costs of foreign manufacturing would be higher

14. When Egypt devalued the Egyptian Pound, the EGP became ____________ valuable
relative to other currencies.
a. More
b. Less
c. Equally
d. Significantly more

15. Using government regulations to limit the import of goods and services is called:
a. Mercantilism
b. Regulating the balance of trade
c. Global marketing
d. Trade protectionism

16. When the Vietnamese government imposes a tax on imported electronics products to
help their relatively young electronics industry compete in the global marketplace,
a(n) ____________________ is being levied.
a. Protective tariff
b. Import quota
c. Embargo
d. Revenue tariff

17. The EU is an example of a trading bloc, or a _____________ which has a common

external tariff, no internal tariffs and the coordination of laws to facilitate trade
between member countries.
a. Strategic alliance
b. Common market
c. Joint venture
d. Multinational Export Assistance Center

True or False

1. ____ When Egypt is buying less from the United States than it is selling to the United
States, a favorable balance of trade exists for Egypt.

2. ____ In general, it is better to have a favorable balance of trade.

3. ____ An example of contract manufacturing is when Dell contracts with a computer

company to manufacture PCs, on which Dell puts the Dell name

4. ____ One disadvantage of licensing is the cost to the company of licensing its product
or trademark (the licensor) to the foreign firm (the licensee)

5. ____ Export Assistance Centers serve the role of matching buyers and sellers from
different countries and of providing other services to ease the process of

6. ____ Religion is an important element of a society’s culture and should be considered

in making many business decisions.

7. ____ A sound global philosophy is “always assume that what works in one country
will work in another”

8. ____ Trade protectionism is based upon the idea that barriers will help domestic
producers grow and create more jobs.

9. ____ Non-tariff barriers can be just as detrimental to free trade as tariffs.

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