Rotifers in Ecotoxicology: A Review: Terry W. Snell L & Colin R - Janssen
Rotifers in Ecotoxicology: A Review: Terry W. Snell L & Colin R - Janssen
Rotifers in Ecotoxicology: A Review: Terry W. Snell L & Colin R - Janssen
In the past five years the use of rotifers in ecotoxicologial studies has substantially increased . This greater interest
has been due to the central role of rotifers in freshwater planktonic communities, the ease and speed of making
quantitative measurements of mortality and reproduction, their sensitivity to common pollutants, the commercial
availability of cysts, and the existence of reliable, standardized protocols . The main endpoints used in ecotox-
icology studies are reviewed, including mortality, reproduction, behavior, cellular biomarkers, mesocosms, and
species diversity in natural populations . For each endpoint, published studies are cited, along with the compounds
investigated, duration of exposure, and the LC50s, EC50s or NOECs reported . Rotifers have been included as
part of a standardized mesocosm and in several large-scale, outdoor mesocosm studies . A critique of rotifer use
in ecotoxicology is offered and it is concluded that the scientific basis for including rotifers as part of a battery of
ecotoxicological tests is well established .
Table 1 . Summary of acute toxicity studies with rotifers . The LC50s are in mg.1 - 1 .
Test species Chemical Exposure LC50 Reference
(mg-1 -1 )
B, plicatilis free chlorine 30 min 0.18 Capuzzo, 1979a
chloramine 30 min 0 .02
potassium 24 h 22 .2 Persoone et al ., 1989
sodium 24 h 40 .1
pentachlorophenol 24 h 1 .36 Snell & Persoone, 1989a
sodiumdodecyl- " 4 .42 "
free NH3 17 .7
malathion 45 .5 "
copper 0 .13
cadmium 56 .8 "
pentachlorophenol 1 .9 Snell et al ., 1991b
chlorodinitro- 2 .0 "
sodiumdodecyl- 5 .6
dichlorophenoxy- " 598
acetic acid
acetone 75
chloroform 2 .4
phenol > 400
xylene " 496
hexane 156
NaOC1 1 .2 "
diesel fuel 345
free ammonia 38 "
" tributyl tin 0 .30
copper 0 .063 "
mercury " 0.061 "
cadmium 39
zinc > 4.8
nickel > 20
silver 0.12
selenium 17 "
lead > 4.0 "
toluene, hexane, - Ferrando & Andreu-
xylene, benzene Moliner, 1992
trichlorfon 274.9 Ferrando & Andreu-
Moliner, 1991
fenitrothon 8 .87 "
chlorpyrifos 10.7
lindane " 33 .9 "
3,4-dichloroaniline 57 .5
ethanol 36840 Calleja & Persoone, 1992
ethylene glycol " 91319 "
Continued on p. 234
Table 1 . Continued .
Test species Chemical Exposure LC50 Reference
(mg .1 -1 )
B. plicatilis methanol 24 h 49680"
pharmaceutical " - Calleja & Persoone, 1992 ;
compounds Calleja, 1994
Philodina roseola chromate 96 h 5 .5 Shaefer & Pipes, 1973
arsenate 96 h 8 .2 "
P. acutiocormis cadmium 24 h 6 .2 Buikema et al., 1974
cobalt " 27 .8 "
copper " 1 .9 "
lead " 56 .2
" mercury " 1 .0 "
" nickel " 7 .6 "
chromate " 31 .6 "
silver " 5 .3
zinc " 1 .2 "
ammonium " 1140 "
phenol " 382 "
Dicranophorus phenol, 24 h to 6 no Erben, 1978
forcipatus acetophenone, days LC50's
benzene, cumene,
toluene, acetone
Brachionus patulus DDT 48 h Rao & Sarma, 1986
Bs rubens phenol " 600 Halbach et al., 1983
pentachlorophenol 0.16 "
4-chloroaniline " 100 "
4-nitrophenol 6.3
B. calyciJlorus pentachlorophenol 24 h 0.62 Snell & Persoone, 1989b
sodiumdodecyl- " 1 .35 "
free ammonia " 3.21 "
malathion 35.3
copper 0.19 "
cadmium 0.81 "
furadan 2.00 Dad & Kant Pandya,
malataf " 2.66 "
pentachlorophenol " 1 .2 Snell et al ., 1991a
chlorodinitro- 1 .3 "
sodiumdodecyl- " 1 .4 "
dichlorophenoxy- " 117 "
acetic acid
Continued on p. 235
Table 1 . Continued .
Test species Chemical Exposure LC50 Reference
(mg.1 - ' )
B. calyciflorus acetone 24 h 51 11
chloroform 2 .0
phenol > 150
3,4-dichloroaniline 62
toluene 113 11
hexane 68
xylene 33
benzene > 1000
trichlorofon 47 11
fenitrothion 6 .7
chlorpyrifos 12
NaOCI 0 .37 11
diesel fuel 63
free ammonia 4.6
tributyl tin 0.19
copper 0 .026
mercury 0 .060
cadmium 1 .3
zinc 1 .3 11
nickel 4 .0
silver 0 .0075
selenium 16
aluminium > 3 .0 11
lead > 4 .0
six heavy metals Couiliard et al., 1989
endosulfan 5 .15 Femandez-Casalderrey et
al ., 1992
diazinon 29 .2
methylparathion 29 .2
malathion 33 .7
benthiocarb 6 .50 11
fenitrothion 6 .68 Ferrando & Andreu-
Moliner, 1991
chlorpyrifos 11 .9
parathion 29 .2
lindane 22 .5 11
3,4 dichloroaniline 61 .5 11
toluene, toluene, Ferrando & Andreu-
hexane, xylene, Moliner, 1992
50 MEIC 1 Calleja et al., 1993
chemicals, mainly Calleja, 1994
50 surfactants Janssen et al., unpubl.
Continued on p. 236
Table 1 . Continued.
Test species Chemical Exposure LC50 Reference
B. calyciflorus river sediments 24 h Couillard et al., 1987 ;
Couillard et al., 1989
river sediments - Sloterdijk et al., 1989
surface waters & " h Moses & Wade, 1992
river sediments a&b
industrial effluents Van der Wielen et al.,
effluents, Persoone et al ., 1993
sediments, solid
monitoring wells,
sludges from
water treatment
industrial effluents - Muna et al ., 1994
1 MEIC : Muticentre Evaluation of In Vitro Cytotoxicity.
calibration exercise (Persoone et al., 1992) . The acute The acute toxicity of numerous pure chemicals has
toxicity test with B. plicatilis and B. calyciflorus using been assessed using rotifers . The 24-h LC50s of 28
cysts to obtain test animals was accepted as a standard contaminants including heavy metals and organic com-
test procedure by the American Society for Testing and pounds was reported for B. calyciflorus (Snell et al .,
Materials (ASTM, 1991) . 1991a) . LC50s spanned 5 orders of magnitude from
In recent years, several workers have used B. caly- 0.008 mg 1 -1 for silver to more than 1000 mg 1-1
ciflorus and B. plicatilis for various types of toxicity for benzene . Using the same test protocol, Ferran-
assessments . The toxicity of sediment pore waters and do & Andreu-Moliner (1992) investigated the acute
elutriates of contaminated sediments originating from toxicity of 5 petroleum derivatives to both B. calyci-
the St. Lawrence River have been evaluated with B. florus and B . plicatilis and Fernandez-Casalderrey et
calyciflorus neonates obtained from cultures (Couil- al . (1992) examined the susceptibility of B . calyci-
lard et al., 1989 ; Sloterdijk et al ., 1989) . Moses & florus for various types of pesticides . In another study,
Wade (1992 a&b) have assessed the potential use of the same authors showed that the organochlorine pes-
the cyst-based B . calyciflorus test and a light emitting ticide endosulfan had a 24-h LC50 of 5 .2 mg 1 -1 and
bacterial test (Microtox) for the acute toxicity screen- tended to bioaccumulate in the rotifers during the first
ing of reservoir surface waters and sediments . Similar 24-48 h of exposure, followed by a gradual decrease
comparative studies to assess the use of rotifer toxicity (Fernandez-Casalderrey et al ., 1991) . The use of acute
tests for effluent monitoring were performed by Van der toxicity tests with B . calyciflorus and B . plicatilis as
Wielen et al . (1993) and Muna et al . (1994) . Compre- part of a battery of alternative tests to warm-blooded
hensive evaluation of approximately 400 environmen- vertebrates has been investigated by Calleja & Per-
tal samples using cyst-based toxicity tests (including B. soone (1992) and Calleja et al. (1993) . These authors
calyciflorus) for the toxicity assessment of solid waste assessed the acute toxicity of 50 chemicals (mainly
elutriates, monitoring wells, effluents, sediment pore pharmaceuticals) with a battery of 6 acute toxicity
waters, and sewage treatment sludges was recently tests and constructed models, using multivariate statis-
completed by by Persoone et al . (1993) . These authors tical techniques, for predicting human acute systemic
concluded that cyst-based toxicity tests with rotifers toxicity based on the aquatic animal tests . (Calleja
and crustaceans, in general have a sensitivity which is (1994) concluded that a battery of standardized aquat-
comparable to that of the conventional acute toxicity ic non-vertebrate tests (including the acute rotifer test),
test with Daphnia sp . combined with a set of physico-chemical properties of
the test compounds, has the same or better ability to
identify compounds capable of causing human toxic- stress also changed the reproductive tactics of B . patu-
ity as conventional rodent acute tests . Van Leeuwen lus by shifting maximum reproductive values to older
et al . (1992) used several species of rotifers together age classes .
with 17 other aquatic species, to examine quantitative The need for rapid, inexpensive methods for esti-
structure-activity relationships (QSARs) for predicting mating chronic toxicity led to modification of these
the no-effect concentrations at the ecosystem level of techniques for quantifying rotifer population growth
102 narcotic pollutants . rates . Snell & Moffat (1992) devised a 2 day popula-
tion growth test using r as endpoint . The test with B.
Reproduction calyciflorus at 25 ° C encompassed 33% of the lifespan
and captured > 90% of the total contribution to r . Two
The measurement of rotifer reproductive rates has a thirds of the reproduction was attributable to parental
long history in aquatic ecology . Consequently, the females and 1/3 to F1 females . The parameter r was
application of reproductive measurements as toxico- a sensitive measure of toxicity as it was reduced in a
logical endpoints was relatively straightforward . Most dose-dependent manner with all toxicants investigated .
applications have used static or static-renewal cul- Based on the analysis of the acute/chronic ratios of 11
tures . Asexual reproduction has been quantified using chemicals, Snell & Moffat found evidence of chronic
life table techniques on isolated females or population toxicity for only five compounds . The rotifer proto-
growth parameters have been estimated from log-phase col required 70% less effort to quantify reproductive
populations (Table 2) . In a few papers carrying capac- effects of toxicity than the standard USEPA method
ity (K) was used as an endpoint. with Ceriodaphnia .
Interest in using rotifers in ecotoxicological studies Janssen et al . (1994a) investigated the effects
was stimulated by Halbach and his colleagues (Hal- of temperature and food level on the demographic
bach et al ., 1981 ; Halbach et al ., 1983 ; Halbach, 1984) . response of B . calyciflorus to four toxicants . They
They were the first to point out that rotifer population found that LOECs increased about 4-fold as food con-
dynamics could be used to amplify small, sublethal centration increased from 5 x 10 4 Nannochloris ocula-
effects and developed deterministic population dynam- ta cells ml - I to 10 6 cells ml- 1 . These authors pointed
ics models to predict the growth of laboratory popula- out that laboratory toxicity tests are typically conduct-
tions under toxic stress . Halbach (1984) advocated the ed at much higher food levels than those occurring in
use of a descriptive model for ecotoxicological tests natural environments . They argued, however, that the
based on B . rubens and B. calyciflorus populations . high laboratory food levels might not be important for
He used r and K as endpoints as well as the frequency general screening purposes since the change in LOECs
and amplitude of population oscillations . The data sug- typically was less than 0 .5 an order of magnitude over
gested that this latter parameter was the most sensitive a 4-fold food range . In a second paper, Janssen et al .
endpoint. Halbach's group was developing approaches (1994b) showed that life table experiments for B . caly-
to investigating toxicant effects on competition among ciflorus at 25°C could be abbreviated to 4 days and
brachionids and Asplanchna predation at the time of retain good estimates of r . By day four, 95% of r was
Halbach's untimely death. Kooijman & Metz (1984) determined and the correlation coefficient between r
also modelled rotifer population dynamics for the use determined after four days and that of the full life table
in ecotoxicology . Using B . rubens, they showed that (- 8 days) was 0 .98 (P < 0 .01) . The LOECs for four
the effect of toxicant stress on rotifer populations is toxicants were the same whether the four day or full life
strongly dependent on their feeding status . table estimates of r were used . The parameter r was not
Rao & Sarma (1986) examined DDT toxicity to always the most sensitive endpoint ; Ro sometimes had
B . patulus using a life table approach . They measured a lower LOEC . These authors described a 3 day popu-
all of the traditional population parameters including lation growth test to estimate r that is similar to that of
r, net reproduction (R0), life expectancy, and genera- Snell & Moffat (1992) . The main differences are test
tion time (T), as well as reproductive value (Vi ) and duration (3 vs . 2 days), food level (1 vs . 3 x 10 6 N. ocu-
residual reproductive value (V,*,) . All parameters but T lata cells ml -1 ), and source of algae (live cultures vs .
significantly declined with increasing DDT concentra- agar disks) . Recent observations have suggested that
tion, however, reproductive parameters were affected the lower food level is better for either test since algae
at lower levels than survivorship . Three-fold lower can interact with toxicants altering their effects . Also
food levels reduced EC50s by about 70% . The DDT log-phase algae cultures yield higher quality cells than
Table 2 . Toxicity assessment using reproduction endpoints . The "end" column indicates the population growht endpoint ;
the "exp" column indicates the duration of toxicant exposure . NOEC is the no observed effect concentration in mg 1- I
and EC50 is the toxicant concentration where 50% inhibition occurs . All data are for females . "Life" is exposure for
the entire lifespan (H 7 days), K is carrying capacity .
Test species Chemical End Exp NOEC EC50 Reference
B. plicatilis pentachlorophenol r 48 h 0.5 - Juchelka & Snell, 1995
" 125 - "
copper 0 .01 "
cadmium "
free ammonia r life 2 .1 13 .2 Yu & Hirayama, 1986
chlorine r 48 h 1 - Capuzzo, 1979
chloramine " 1 _ ..
B. calyciflorus pentachlorophenol r 48 h 0 .11 0 .27 Snell & Moffat, 1992
" 25 59 "
dimethyl phenol 2 8 .6 "
trinitrotoluene " 2 .3 4 "
" 20 99 "
cadmium " 0.04 0 .07 "
copper " 0 .02 0 .026 "
chromium " " 2 2 .9 "
diazinon 8 11 "
chlorpyrifos 0 .23 0 .36 "
2,4 D " 58 128 "
pentachlorophenol mictic 48 h 0 .03 Snell & Carmona, 1994
cadmium " 0 .02 "
" naphthol " " 0 .40 - "
naphthol r 0 .40 "
chlorpyrifos mictic 0 .20 "
pentachlorophenol r 72 h 0.8 - Janssen et al ., 1994
dichloroaniline " 20 -
copper " 0.005 "
lindane " 10 "
dichloroaniline r life 2.5 - Ferrando et al., 1993
lindane " 10 "
methylparathion r life 1 Femandez-Casalderrey et al .,
pentachlorophenol K 28 d 0.1 - Janssen, 1992
dichloroaniline " 2.5 - "
copper " 0.0025 -
" " - "
lindane <10
B . rubens dichloroaniline r life 1 - Kooijman & Metz, 1984
. dichromate " 10 -
pentachlorophenol r life 0 .1 - Halbach, 1984
B . patulus DDT r life 0.015 0.016 Rao & Sarma, 1986
11 1. K 15 d 0.020 Rao & Sarma, 1990
algae reconstituted from disks . Consequently, lower effect of toxicants on sexual reproduction has recently
food levels can be used when algae are obtained from been examined in B . calyciflorus by Snell & Carmona
log-phase cultures . (1994) . They showed that relative effect of four tox-
All of the above work has investigated the effect icants was greater on the mictic rate than the amic-
of toxicants on amictic (asexual) reproduction . The tic reproductive rate . Mictic rate was measured as
Table 3 . Toxocity assessment using behavioral endpoints . The end column indicates the endpoints ingestion rate
(ing) or swimming activity (swim) ; the exp column indicates the duration of toxicant exposure . NOEC is the no
observed effect concentration in mg I -1 and EC50 is the toxicant concentration where 50% inhibition occurs . All
data are for females .
Test species Chemical End Exp NOEC EC50 Reference
B. plicatilis free chlorine ing 30 m 1 .0 Capuzzo, 1979
chloramine 11 11
- 1 .0 "
benthiocarb ing 0 .3 - Hirata et al ., 1984
pentachlorophenol ing 60 m 0 .5 - Juchelka & Snell, 1995
phenol 250
cadmium 30
copper 0.1
mercury 0 .01
naphthol 8
chlorpyrifos 0.3 - "
free ammonia swim 15 m - 2 .3 Snell et al ., 1987
B . calyciflorus 3,4 dichloroaniline ing 5 h 30 41 .2 Ferrando et al., 1993
lindane 2 8 .5
pentachlorophenol 0 .5 1 .9
copper 0 .012 0 .034
phenol ing 30 m 250 - Juchelka & Snell, 1994
dimethyl phenol 6
xylene 30
cadmium 0 .25
chromium +6 1
mercury 0 .1
naphthol 0 .63
chlorpyrifos 0 .25
endosulfan ing 5h 1 .25 - Femandez-Casalderrey et al.,
diazinon 1 .25 3 .11
copper swim 3h 15 6 Janssen et al., 1993
pentachlorophenol 2 .1 0.5 Janssen, 1992
dichloroaniline 45 .5 - "
lindane 16 .7 5
hatching cysts, and 30 females ml -1 were exposed in than the gut passage time when radiotracers are used
5 ml with no rotation at 25 ° C . Control filtration and to quantify feeding . Even when algal cells are indi-
ingestion rates were 5 .6 ± 0 .7 pl female -1 hr-1 and vidually counted, it is possible that some algal cells
1602 ± 142 cells female -1 hr 1 , respectively. Increas- pass through the alimentary canal intact, resulting in
ing toxicant concentrations reduced these rates in a an underestimate of ingestion rate . For this reason,
dose-dependent manner. Rotifer densities of 10, 20, and the high variance associated with hemocytometer
and 30 ml -1 had no effect, but when female density counts, other approaches to estimating toxicant effects
was 50 ml -1 , a 55% lower ingestion rate was observed . on feeding rate are advisable .
Rotifers were allowed to feed for 5 hr, exposed to tox- Another approach to quantifying rotifer ingestion
icant the entire feeding period. The problem with this rate and its response to toxicity was described by
approach is that a 5 hr exposure far exceeds the gut pas- Juchelka & Snell (1994). These authors used fluores-
sage time for B . calyciflorus. Starkweather & Gilbert cently labeled, 2 pm microspheres and image analy-
(1977) showed that ingested food passes through the sis to quantify ingestion in B. calyciflorus. Neonates
alimentary canal of this species in about 20 min . It is hatched from cysts were exposed to toxicants for 1 hr in
especially important to set the feeding interval lower the absence of algae at 25 ° C . Microspheres were added
and rotifers were allowed to feed for 5 min. Feeding firm its relationship to the SP60 family. A method was
was stopped by anesthetization with tricaine . Rotifers described to extract mRNA, bind it to a nitrocellulose
were placed on a microscope slide and an image was membrane, and hybridize it with a 32P labelled 345 by
captured at 50 x magnification . An image analysis probe obtained from PCR. The procedure is called a
system was used to quantify gut fluorescence which dot blot which can be autoradiographed and the extent
permitted calculation of the ingestion rate . Ingestion of hybridization quantified . These techniques are now
rates of the microspheres were similar to those report- being applied to investigations of toxicant stress in B.
ed for live algae . Correlation between ingestion rate plicatilis and B . calyciflorus .
and reproductive rate for 4 toxicants revealed good The use of in vivo enzyme activity has been recog-
correspondence between these parameters, supporting nized as a useful tool for characterizing the response
the ecological significance of this endpoint . of aquatic invertebrates to toxicant stress (Janssen &
Persoone, 1993 ; Janssen et al ., 1993) . This technique
Biomarkers has been applied to rotifers using the esterase enzyme
(Moffat & Snell, 1994 ; Burbank & Snell, 1994) . The
There has been substantial interest in cellular biomark- general procedure is to hatch neonates from cysts and
ers as sublethal indicators of toxicity . Several expose them to a toxicant for one hour . Then a spe-
approaches have been taken with aquatic animals and cial non-fluorescent substrate is added which releases
two have yielded promising results . The first charac- a fluorescent product upon cleavage by intracellular
terizes the abundance of stress proteins and the second enzymes . Rotifers readily take up the substrate from
quantifies in vivo enzyme activity. The stress response the medium and fluorescence localizes at sites in the
is a highly conserved alteration in gene expression rotifer where there is esterase activity . The fluorescence
associated with a variety of stressors (Sanders, 1993) . produced the by esterase can be quantified using a flu-
The rotifer B . plicatilis expresses a typical stress orometer or by image analysis. The technique works
response when exposed to heat or some chemical stres- with B. plicatilis and B. calyciflorus, and other enzymes
sors (Cochrane et al ., 1991) . These authors have quan- like phospholipase A2 also can be quantified (Burbank
tified the abundance of a 58 kD stress protein that is & Snell, 1994) .
part of the SP60 family of stress proteins (Table 4) . Ini-
tial experiments used labeling of all newly synthesized
proteins with 35 S-methionine to investigate which pro- Mesocosms
teins were up-regulated after mild heat shock . At 32°-
45°C, the synthesis of SP58 protein was increased Since rotifers are one of the major zooplankton groups
several fold over control levels at 25°C . SP58 abun- in freshwater communities, it is not surprising that the
dance was quantified after electrophoretic separation, effects of various types of contaminants on their pop-
Western blotting, and probing with a heterospecific ulation dynamics has been studied intensively, in both
polyclonal antibody for SP60s . Neonate B. plicatilis laboratory and field mesocosms . Taub et al . (1989)
females hatched from cysts were exposed to 25 pg proposed a standardized aquatic laboratory microcosm
1` copper (10% of the 24-h LC50) for 18 h and a test in which Philodina along with algae and crus-
5-fold increase in SP58 abundance was observed . A taceans, all originating from laboratory monocultures,
similar exposure to 30 µg 1 -1 of tributyl tin (10% of are placed in 3 liter containers and exposed to various
24-h LC50) resulted in a 4-fold induction of SP58 . concentrations of a test compound . At regular intervals
Exposure to several other toxicants failed to induce throughout the 60 day exposure period, the population
SP58, including ZnC12, HgCl2, AlC1 3 , sodium arsen- densities of each species are measured and the impact
ate, sodium azide, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and pen- of the compound on the different members of this gno-
tachlorophenol . tobiotic test system is evaluated . A similar experimen-
Cochrane et al. (1994) described another approach tal design, including 2 species of green algae, a fila-
to estimating changes in gene expression during s tress . mentous cyanobacterium, 5 species of bacteria, a cili-
i n rotifers . Rather than protein abundance, they mea- ate protozoan, an aquatic oligochaete, and two rotifers
sured the amount of mRNA following stress . They (Phidodina and Lepadella) were used to screen the tox-
used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to ampli- icity of 6 environmental contaminants (Sugiura, 1992) .
fy small segments of the SP60 gene . A 345 base Various outdoor multispecies test systems have also
pair fragment was amplified and sequenced to con- been described . Recently, the impact of mixtures of the
Table 4 . Summary of toxicity studies with rotifers using cellular biomarkers . The end column indicates the
endpoints abundance of the 58 kD stress protein (SP58) or esterase enzyme activity (ester) ; the exp column
indicates the duration of toxicant exposure, NOEC is the no observed effect concentration in mg 1 - I and
EC50 is the toxicant concentration where 50% inhibition occurs . All data are for females .
Test species Chemical End Exp NOEC EC50 Reference
B. plicatilis copper SP58 18 h 0.013 - Cochrane et al., 1991
tributyl tin 11
pentachlorophenol ester 60 m 0.3 - Moffat & Snell, 1994
tributyl tin 0 .012
copper 0 .01
mercury 0 .02
zinc 2 .5
free chlorine 1 .1
B. calycii lorus pentachlorophenol ester 45 m 0 .1 - Burbank & Snell, 1994
phenol 5
dimethyl phenol 120
naphthol 30
xylene 120
cadmium 0 .025
copper 0.025
mercury 0.005
diazinon 5
chlorpyrifos 2
agricultural pesticides atrazine and bifenthrin on fresh- became extinct and only cyclopoids and rotifers per-
water community responses were studied by Hoagland sisted .
et al . (1993) . From the experiments conducted in 5500
liter tanks containing natural plankton assemblages and
a fish species (bluegill), these workers concluded that Natural populations
the population density of various rotifer species after
an initial increase, was adversely affected by atrazine Numerous studies have been published assessing the
and bifenthrin concentrations of 156 and 287 jig I -t , effects of various types of pollution on natural zoo-
respectively . Similarly, Liber et al. (1992) examined plankton communities . It is beyond the scope of this
the effects of a commercial formulation of 2,3,4,6- review to summarize all of these works . A few exam-
tetrachlorophenol (Diatox) on zooplankton abundance ples of recent work in this area are given below .
in a set of mesocosms . They concluded that several Rotifers have been used as indicators of general water
zooplankton species were adversely affected at 1 .5 mg quality by Ramadan et al. (1963), Sladecek & Tucek
1 -t Diatox and that rotifers were more sensitive than (1975), and Sladecek (1983) . Changes in zooplank-
the macrozooplankton. Most published field studies ton community structure caused by acidification of
examine the effects of pesticides because of the envi- Adirondack lakes (New York, USA) was studied by
ronmental concerns about the toxicity and persistence Siegfried & Sutherland (1992) . These authors conclud-
of these products, their strict regulation, and manda- ed that increasing lake acidity generally reduced the
tory field testing . A concise, non-exhaustive overview number of zooplankton species present . The density
of recent reports using rotifers in mesocosm studies is of two generalist species, however, one of which was
given in Table 5 . Havens (1992a, b) used in situ meso- the rotifer Keratella taurocephala, increased in rela-
cosm experiments to assess the impacts of acidification tive importance in the acidic lakes . Keller et al. (1992)
on the function and structure of algal and zooplank- investigated the changes in zooplankton composition
ton communities . He observed decreasing zooplank- during experimental neutralization and early reacid-
ton biomass and productivity with decreasing pH . At ification of an Ontarian lake (USA) . They observed
pH levels of 5 .5-4 .5, nearly all crustacean herbivores decreased abundance of the acidophilic rotifers K
Lindane (alfa &
Tetrachlorophenol limnocorals abundance Liber et al ., 1992
(diatox) '(0 .75-1 .5 mg 1 -1 )
Fenvalerate in situ enclosures abundance Day et al ., 1987
(125 m 3 ) 1 (0 .05-01 µg 1 -1 )
organic piscicide outdoor tanks abundance Jana et al., 1987
(Brassica latifolia)
taurocephala and Ploesoma lenticulare and increased Critique of rotifer use in ecotoxicology
abundance of K. cochlearis, Polyarthra sp ., and other
species after neutralization . Four years after neutral- In general, the performance of ecotoxicity tests is mea-
ization, however, K. taurocephala densities increased sured by their ecological relevance, reproduciblity,
as average lake pH decreased to approximately 5 .5 . reliability, robustness, and sensitivity (Calow, 1993) .
The effects of eutrophication on zooplankters in The ecological relevance of rotifers as test animals
general, and rotifers in particular, have been inves- was discussed in the introduction . The reproducibility
tigated in a long-term study by Maley et al . (1988) . of acute tests with B. calyciflorus and B . plicatilis has
From 1969 to 1975 they observed a marked decline in been extensively documented . For example, Snell et
both crustacean and rotifer biomass and species diver- al . (1991a) tested 28 chemicals on B. calyciflorus and
sity after fertilization of an experimental oligotroph- found intralaboratory coefficients of variation ranging
ic lake . Balvay & Laurent (1990), however, noted from 2 .4 to 49% and averaging 10-15% for repeated
an overall net increase in rotifer abundance resulting tests . Similar results were obtained for B. plicatilis,
from an increase in eutrophication-tolerant species and with coefficients of variation of 1 .7 to 28% (Snell et
colonization by new species, despite the disappear- al ., 1991b) . These high intralaboratory reproducibil-
ance of eutrophication-sensitive species . Green (1993) ities have been confirmed by other workers (Ferran-
examined rotifer diversity and dominance in freshwa- do & Andreu-Moliner, 1991 ; Janssen et al ., 1993 ;
ter communities and devised means to relate domi- Calleja et al ., 1993) . Interlaboratory reproducibility
nance to environmental stress and pollution . was examined in a large intercalibration exercise using
cyst-based tests (Persoone et al ., 1992) . The coefficient
of variation for copper tested by > 170 labs in Europe
and North America ranged from 28-68%, which is the requirements to be useful in ecotoxicological test-
comparable to that found in much smaller intercalibra- ing. Cyst-based rotifer acute tests with these species are
tion exercises with other invertebrates . already accepted as standard methods (ASTM, 1991) .
Reliability in ecotoxicological terms is the ability to Other protocols based on reproduction, behavior, and
set up a test at will using test animals of known quality cellular biomarkers have been published and are being
and to successfully complete it with high probablity used by several labs . The scientific basis for the accep-
(Calow, 1993) . The use of rotifers hatched from cysts tance of rotifers as part of a battery of ecotoxicological
makes rotifer tests among the most reliable of any tests is well established .
aquatic invertebrate, because problems associated with
culturing of test animals are eliminated . The costs of
cyst-based tests are up to 50% less than conventional References
tests (Persoone, 1991) . The commercial availability of
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community. Hydrobiologia 259 :195-201 .
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sample volumes and bench space, year-round avail- community of Shivbari temple tank, Bikaner, 1993 . J . Ecobiol.
ability of test animals (cysts), and highly standardized 5 : 5-8 .
test procedures. Balvay, G . & M . Laurent, 1990 . Long-term quantitative evolution
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A major consideration for the acceptance of a new 162-175 .
test is its comparative sensitivity with conventional Barbhuyan, S . I . & A . A. Khan, 1992 . Studies on the structure and
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