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Conjunctions Exercises

Complete the following worksheet on conjunctions. Use the

following conjunctions to complete the exercises.
(and, but, or, yet, therefore, otherwise, either .... or,
neither .... nor, not only .... but also, so ... that, as .... as,
both .... and, as if, while, as soon as, before, though,
although, after, when, where, why, how, still, till, unless,
until, if, because, since)

01. ______ he is a busy, he spends time with his family.

02. She is ______ intelligent ______ hard working.
03. Raju will play today ______ he gets a chance.
04. You can't succeed ______ you work hard.
05. We must reach there _______ anyone else.
06. Sam is ______ a fool _____ a stupid.
07. I fell asleep _______ I was watching TV.
08. He is ______ intelligent ______ hard working.
09. Samuel was eating food ______ the postman arrived.
10. I was very angry, ______ I didn't argue.
11. She was unhappy, ______ she was rich.
12. I like him very much ______ he is my best friend.
13. I can't believe you ______ you speak the truth.
14. Liola is _____ tall _____ Sweety.
15. We don't know ______ Suma failed in the examination.
16. Suresh is clever _______ proud.
17. I can't attend the meeting ______ I am suffering from
18. This is the village ______ I lived in my childhood.
19. Veda is _____ kind ______ humble.
20. You better keep quiet _______ you will be sent outside.

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