Accounting Concept Refers To The Basic Assumptions and Rules and
Accounting Concept Refers To The Basic Assumptions and Rules and
Accounting Concept Refers To The Basic Assumptions and Rules and
The following points highlight the significance of business entity concept :
l This concept helps in ascertaining the profit of the business as only the
business expenses and revenues are recorded and all the private and
personal expenses are ignored.
l This concept restraints accountants from recording of owner’s private/
personal transactions.
l It also facilitates the recording and reporting of business transactions
from the business point of view
l It is the very basis of accounting concepts, conventions and principles.
This concept assumes that all business transactions must be in terms of
money, that is in the currency of a country. In our country such transactions
are in terms of rupees.
Thus, as per the money measurement concept, transactions which can be
expressed in terms of money are recorded in the books of accounts.
The following points highlight the significance of money measurement
l This concept guides accountants what to record and what not to record.
l It helps in recording business transactions uniformly.
l If all the business transactions are expressed in monetary terms, it will
be easy to understand the accounts prepared by the business enterprise.
l It facilitates comparison of business performance of two different
periods of the same firm or of the two different firms for the same
The following points highlight the significance of going concern concept;
l This concept facilitates preparation of financial statements.
l On the basis of this concept, depreciation is charged on the fixed asset.
l It is of great help to the investors, because, it assures them that they
will continue to get income on their investments.
l In the absence of this concept, the cost of a fixed asset will be treated
as an expense in the year of its purchase.
l A business is judged for its capacity to earn profits in future.
l This concept requires asset to be shown at the price it has been acquired,
which can be verified from the supporting documents.
l It helps in calculating depreciation on fixed assets.
l The effect of cost concept is that if the business entity does not pay
anything for an asset, this item will not be shown in the books of
l It helps in making the accounting information more objective.
l It provides that the transactions should be recorded only when goods
are delivered to the buyer.
l It helps in knowing actual expenses and actual income during a
particular time period.
l It helps in calculating the net profit of the business.
l It guides how the expenses should be matched with revenue for
determining exact profit or loss for a particular period.
l It is very helpful for the investors/shareholders to know the exact
amount of profit or loss of the business.