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van Gysen et al.

BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674



Validation of the 8th edition UICC/AJCC

TNM staging system for HPV associated
oropharyngeal cancer patients managed
with contemporary chemo-radiotherapy
Kirsten van Gysen1, Mark Stevens1, Linxin Guo1, Dasantha Jayamanne1, David Veivers3, Andrew Wignall3,
Leo Pang3, Alexander Guminski2, Adrian Lee2,4, George Hruby1, Paula Macleod1,2, Alon Taylor5 and Thomas Eade1*

Background: To compare outcomes of high-risk human papilloma virus-related oropharyngeal squamous cell
carcinoma (HPV OPSCC) treated with modern radiation treatment (RT) and daily image-guidance, staged with the
7th versus the 8th Edition (Ed) Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)/American Joint Committee on Cancer
(AJCC) TNM staging systems.
Methods: All eligible patients with HPV OPSCC treated definitively over a 10-year period (2007–2016) at a single institution
were included. Protocols consisting of either RT or chemo-radiation (CRT) (weekly cisplatin or cetuximab) +/− neoadjuvant
chemotherapy for those with bulky disease were used. All patients were Fluorine-18-deoxyglucose positron emission
tomography (FDG-PET) staged at baseline and at intervals for up to 2 years post-treatment. Patients received parotid-
sparing intensity modulated or volumetric modulated arc therapy with simultaneous integrated boost to either 70Gy in 35
fractions or 66Gy in 30 fractions. The overall survival (OS) was determined for each stage using the 7th Ed and subsequently
with the updated 8th Ed staging system.
Results: One hundred fifty-three patients were analysed. Patient stage groupings varied between the 7th and 8th Eds
respectively; Stage I (0.7% vs 64.7%), Stage II (8.5% vs 22.2%), stage III (21.6% vs 12.4%) and stage IV (69.3% vs 0.7%). In the
7th Ed, the 5 year probability of OS for stages I to III was 90%, versus stage IV 85.5%. There was no statistically significant
difference between the staging groups (p = 0.85). In the 8th Ed there was a statistically significant difference in 5 year OS
for stage I and stage II disease (96.9% vs 77.1% respectively; p < 0.0001), but not between stage II and III disease (p = 0.98).
Conclusions: The new 8th Ed UICC/AJCC TNM staging system better discriminates between stage I and Stage
II HPV OPSCC with respect to OS compared with the 7th Ed staging system. Further investigation is required
for stage III or IV patients.
Keywords: Human papilloma virus, HPV, Oropharyngeal carcinoma, Staging, TNM, Radiotherapy

* Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal
North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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van Gysen et al. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674 Page 2 of 8

Background To date however the HPV OPSCC patients selected to

The last decade has seen a rise in the cumulative inci- validate the 8th Ed Staging Manual have generally received
dence of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma either three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT)
(OPSCC), particularly in white, middle-aged males with or early iterations of intensity-modulated radiation therapy
moderate alcohol and limited smoking exposure. Epide- (IMRT). Systemically-dosed three weekly cisplatin rather
miologically this is due to the increased incidence of than low-dose weekly cisplatin was also commonly used in
high-risk HPV-related cancers (HPV OPSCC) [1, 2]. these protocols. A Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Re-
HPV-positive tumour phenotype is the single most sults (SEER) database study of 3172 patients reported sig-
favourable non-anatomic prognostic factor for OPSCC nificant improvement in cancer specific survival (CSS) and
outcome. HPV OPSCC are highly responsive to treat- reduced toxicity in head and neck cancer patients treated
ment with significantly improved disease-specific and with IMRT compared with those treated with non-IMRT
overall survival, with lower rates of loco-regional failure techniques [13]. We have previously published our IMRT/
and death without failure [3]. HPV OPSCC however has VMAT (volumetric modulated arc therapy) outcomes for
a predilection for early regional lymph node metastases our unit and confirmed excellent survival in our HPV
which adversely skews anatomic-based staging classifica- OPSCC population using low-dose weekly cisplatin or neo-
tion. Approximately 80% of HPV OPSCC patients are adjuvant TPF (docetaxel, cisplatin, fluorouracil) followed by
thus classified with advanced (stage IV) disease when weekly low-dose cisplatin or cetuximab in those patients
using the AJCC 7th Ed staging manual [4, 5]. Paradoxic- with initial bulky (T4 or N3) disease [14].
ally HPV OPSCC have significantly better outcomes In this study we aim to further validate the major T
than HPV-negative stage IV OPSCC. The latter being and N changes proposed by the 8th Ed UICC/AJCC
more commonly associated with significant smoking (> TNM Cancer Staging Manual in a group of patients
10 pack-years) and alcohol exposure [3]. treated with contemporary RT using parotid-sparing
According to Groome at al [6] a staging system should IMRT/VMAT and image guidance with concurrent cis-
stratify so that there is similar survival for each patient sub- platin given weekly.
group (hazard consistency), and should discriminate be-
tween different subgroups (hazard discrimination). The Methods
assigned stage should also estimate prognosis (i.e. have a Study population
high predictive ability) and reliably select an appropriate This study was a retrospective analysis from a prospect-
treatment plan (or clinical trial) for an individual patient. Fi- ively collected, ethics approved, head and neck database of
nally stage groupings should be proportionally balanced to all newly diagnosed patients from 2006 to 2016 at Royal
facilitate statistical analysis, clinical trial planning, and audit. North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia. All patients with
The 7th Ed UICC/AJCC TNM classification of OPSCC ad- biopsy-confirmed, loco-regionally confined p16+ OPC
equately reflects the behaviour of “traditional” head and treated with curative intent, with either RT or CRT, were
neck cancers associated with tobacco and alcohol abuse. included. Patients with T4 disease or initial bulky lymph-
However its development (2003–2009) preceded much of adenopathy received neoadjuvant TPF chemotherapy and
the emerging knowledge of the HPV OPSCC phenotype were also included. All patients were assessed and staged
and as a staging tool the 7th Ed UICC/AJCC Manual is at baseline at a Head and Neck multidisciplinary meeting
poorly predictive of the clinical outcomes for this group. (MDM), attended by head and neck surgeons, radiation
The recently released 8th Ed of the UICC/AJCC TNM oncologists, medical oncologists, pathologists, radiologists
Staging Manual has recognised the prognostic power of and nuclear medicine physicians. All patients were exam-
high-risk HPV cancer status and has attempted to ined clinically and with nasoendoscopic examination and
“bridge the gap” from a population-based anatomic their pathology was reviewed. After diagnosis, all patients
model of disease to a more personalised approach [7]. were staged with a baseline whole body FDG-PET/con-
The 8th Ed has adopted the changes in T and N categor- trast enhanced computed tomography (CT) which was
ies proposed by the International Collaboration on Oro- subsequently reviewed at the MDM. Magnetic resonance
pharyngeal cancer Network for Staging (ICON-S). This imaging (MRI) was performed on patients where local ex-
multicentre cohort study retrospectively examined the tension of tumour needed evaluation. Staging, as per the
outcomes of 1907 non-metastatic (M0) HPV OPSCC pa- 7th Ed AJCC TNM was assigned at the MDM, with all in-
tients treated in Europe and North America [8, 9]. The formation being entered onto a real-time database.
ICON-S staging system has been externally validated by
an Australian group in 279 historical patients [10] and P16 immunohistochemistry
two further studies have retrospectively validated the 8th HPV-mediated carcinogenesis was determined by immu-
Edition TNM staging classification in treated German nohistochemical (IHC) testing (CINtec p16 antibody) for
[11] and Japanese [12] HPV OPSCC populations. over-expression of p16. A positive test was defined as
van Gysen et al. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674 Page 3 of 8

diffuse (> 75%) tumour expression with at least moderate patient was known to be alive. Within each staging clas-
intensity staining, localised to both the cytoplasm and sification, the group stages were compared using the log
the nucleus [15]. rank test. The 5 year OS were calculated and reported by
stage. Metastasis-free survival curves (Fig. 2) were calcu-
8th edition UICC/AJCC TNM staging system lated using the Kaplan-Meier method for the 8th edition
In the 8th Ed, T category remains the same, except for the TNM staging system.
removal of Cis and the category T4b; however, the nodal To identify survival differences between stages for either
and group categories have been reclassified. Patients with staging classification, and account for potential factors of
clinically involved lymph nodes, ipsilateral and less than 6 age, addition of systemic therapy, and smoking history,
cm in size, whether individual or multiple nodes involved, Cox regression analysis was performed and hazard ratios
are now categorised as N1. Contralateral or bilateral (HR) with 95% CI were reported for each variable. Age
lymph nodes, less than 6 cm in size, are classified as N2. was assessed as a categorical variable (≤60 years vs > 60
Lymph nodes greater than 6 cm indicate worst survival years). Smoking was assessed in the categories of non-
from regional disease and are category N3. Staging groups smoker, ≤10 pack/years and > 10 pack years. Systemic
are as follows: stage I (T1–2,N0–1), stage II (T1–2N2, T3 therapy was assessed individually, including neoadjuvant
N0–2), stage III (T4 or N3), stage IV (M1) [8]. chemotherapy, concurrent cisplatin and cetuximab.
IBM SPSS Statistics version 24 was used in the
Treatment data analysis.
Patients were treated as per standard department proto-
col with parotid sparing IMRT or VMAT as previously
described [14]. Patients with T1 N0 and T2 N0 were Results
treated with RT alone using a dose/fractionation sched- Patient and tumour characteristics
ule of 66Gy in 30 daily fractions [16]. All patients with A total of 153 patients with HPV OPSCC were included.
node positive disease received concurrent CRT with The median follow up was 40.5 months. The median age
70Gy in 35 daily fractions and either weekly cisplatin was 59 years (range, 31–82) and 88.9% of the cohort was
(40 mg/m2) or cetuximab (loading dose 400 mg/m2, then males, 44% were non-smokers. Of the smokers, 16.3%
250 mg/m2 weekly from cycle 2). Those with bulky nodal had less than 10 pack year smoking history, and 17.6%
disease received three cycles of neoadjuvant TPF chemo- had accumulated more than 20 pack years. The primary
therapy followed by concurrent CRT with 70Gy in 35 was in the tonsil in 60.2% of cases and in the base of
fractions and either weekly cisplatin or cetuximab. Pa- tongue in 35.9%.
tients with well-lateralised tumours of the tonsil (> 1 cm
from midline, T1–2) and low nodal burden (N2a, soli-
tary ipsilateral node, < 3 cm) were recommended ipsilat- Treatment
eral neck RT. All other oropharyngeal tumours were 74.6% of patients received systemic therapy, with 68.1%
treated with bilateral neck irradiation. with weekly cisplatin. Neoadjuvant TPF was used in 14
All volumes and plans were reviewed at a weekly head patients (7th Ed: All 14 in stage IV disease, 8th Ed: 3 in
and neck planning meeting to ensure adequate tumour stage I disease (3%), 4 in stage II disease (11.7%), 7 in
coverage, protocol adherence and plan quality. Patients stage III disease (36.8%)).
were reviewed weekly during treatment to manage acute
toxicity and in the weeks following treatment if signifi-
cant toxicity continued. A restaging PET scan was per- Stage
formed 12 weeks post completion of treatment to assess Patient stage groupings varied between the 7th and 8th
for metabolic response [17]. Patients with residual PET- Eds across all stage groups (see Table 1); Stage I (0.7% vs
avid disease or an inconclusive scan underwent a repeat 64.7%), Stage II (8.5% vs 22.2%), stage III (21.6% vs
scan at 16 weeks to assess for resolution of changes. If 12.4%) and stage IV (69.3% vs 0.7%). T category was T1
the 16 week scan remained positive, these patients were or T2 in 74.2% of patients. In the 7th edition, 39.2% of
considered for biopsy and potential salvage surgery. patients were N2b (multiple ipsilateral nodes < 6 cm). In
the 8th edition, 66.9% of patients were classified as N1
Statistical considerations (ipsilateral nodes, < 6 cm) (see Table 2). The predomin-
OS curves (Fig. 1a and b) were calculated using the ant stage shift was from 7th Ed stage IV to 8th Ed stage I
Kaplan-Meier method for the 7th and 8th Ed TNM sta- by 41.2% of patients as seen in Table 3. The next most
ging system with 95% confidence intervals (CI). OS was frequent shifts were from 7th Ed stage III to 8th Ed Stage
calculated from the start of treatment to the date of I and from 7th Ed stage IV to 8th Ed stage II, with 15.7%
death from any cause or the last date on which the of patients in each case.
van Gysen et al. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674 Page 4 of 8

Fig. 1 a and b (left to right): Kaplan Meier curves demonstrating probability of overall survival of patients with HPV associated oropharyngeal cancer
according to a 7th Edition TNM staging system with no significant difference between any stage groups and b 8th Edition TNM staging system with a
statistically significant difference between stage I and II (p < 0.0001), but not between stages II and III. The 5 year probability of overall survival was 96.9%
for stage I, 77.1% for stage II and 60.3% for stage III
van Gysen et al. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674 Page 5 of 8

Fig. 2 Kaplan Meier curve demonstrating probability of metastasis free survival in patients with HPV associated oropharyngeal cancer according
to 8th Ed TNM staging system with a statistically significant difference between stages I and II (p < 0.002), but not between stages II and III

Survival 66.8% for stage II and 56.7% for stage III. There was a
7th Ed TNM staging statistically significant difference between stage I and II
In the 7th Ed, the 5 year probability of OS (Fig. 1a) for ((p < 0.002), but again no difference between stage II and
stage I/II or III was 90%, and stage IV 85.5%. There was III (Fig. 2).
no OS difference between the staging groups (p = 0.85).
Multivariate analysis
8th Ed TNM staging Age did not have an impact on survival (HR = 0.431,
There was a statistically significant difference between 5 95% CI = [0.153, 1.214], p = 0.111). Smoking pack years,
year OS (Fig. 1b) for stage I and stage II disease (96.9% when divided into ≤10 pack years and > 10 pack years
vs 77.1% respectively) (p < 0.0001). Stage III patients had had no effect on OS (HR = 2.18, 95% CI = [0.363,
60.3% probability of OS at 5 years, there was no signifi- 13.074], p = 0.394). There was no difference found be-
cant difference between stage II and stage III disease tween use of either neoadjuvant TPF, or concurrent cis-
(p = 0.98). platin or cetuximab and their impact on OS. (TPF vs
Cisplatin: HR = 1.411, 95% CI = [0.308, 6.462], p = 0.658;
Metastatic disease Cetuximab vs Cisplatin: HR = 1.807, 95% CI = [0.221,
The 5 year probability of metastasis free survival accord- 14.815], p = 0.581).
ing to the 8th Ed TNM staging was 92.3% for stage I,
Table 1 Number (and %) of patients in each stage group as defined The 8th Ed UICC/AJCC TNM staging system recognises
by the 7th and 8th Edition TNM staging systems HPV OPSCC as a separate disease entity. While there have
Stage 7th Ed TNM. Number (%) 8th Ed TNM Number (%) been challenges associated with adapting an anatomical
I 1 (0.7%) 99 (64.7%) classification system to incorporate personalised biological
II 13 (8.5%) 34 (22.2%) markers, the aim has been to more accurately reflect the
III 33 (21.6%) 19 (12.4%) superior survival outcomes that are seen in these patients,
IV 106 (69.3%) 1 (0.7%)
improve prognostication and potentially guide treatment
decisions. We used our single institution data to validate
Total 153 153
the utility of the new staging system in a cohort of patients
van Gysen et al. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674 Page 6 of 8

Table 2 Patient and tumour characteristics treated with image guided IMRT/VMAT and (predomin-
Characteristic Number (%) antly) weekly cisplatin chemotherapy.
Age Median: 59 The updated 8th Ed UICC/AJCC TNM staging system
Range: [31, 82]
classifies the majority of HPV OPCC patients into stage I
or stage II disease. In contrast 69.3% of our cohort was
Sex Male: 136 (88.9%)
stage IV in the 7th Ed, with 86.9% of patients being down-
Female: 17 (11.1%) staged to stage I or II in the 8th Ed. Similar results have
Smoking status Non-smoker: 68 (44.4%) been reported in previous validation series, which have all
< =10 Packs/year: 25 (16.3%) demonstrated a large migration from stage IV to stage I or
> 10–20 Packs/year: 18 (11.8%) II disease [10–12]. One difference in our analysis were the
> 20 Packs/year: 27 (17.6%)
low numbers of new stage III patients (12.4%) as com-
pared to previously published series (23.3% in the Brisbane
Unknown: 15 (9.8%)
series and 20.7% in a German study) [10, 11]. In the 8th
Primary site Tonsil: 92 (60.2%) Ed, stage III is defined as either N3 disease or cT4 disease.
Base of tongue: 55 (35.9%) Of our 153 patients, only 3.3% were N3 and 6.6% were T4.
Oropharynx: 1 (0.7%) Our cohort were also more likely to be light (< 10 pack
Other: 5 (3.2%) year) or never smokers (60.7%) and from higher socio-
T stage 7th Ed/8th Ed T1: 47 (30.7%)
economic groups. According to the 2011 Census from the
Australian Bureau of Statistics, our Area Health Service
T2: 67 (43.8%)
was recorded as the most advantaged Local Government
T3: 29 (19.0%) Area in the state of New South Wales, and the second
T4a: 9 (5.9%) most privileged in Australia overall [18]. Our better-
T4b: 1 (0.7%) educated, higher socio-economic status patients thus may
N stage 7 Ed N0: 17 (11.1%) have been more likely to present prior to developing bulky
N1: 27 (17.6%)
neck disease. Alternatively our definition of N3 disease
may have been influenced by the staging FDG - PET. The
N2a: 16 (10.5%)
latter identified individual nodal avidity even in patients
N2b: 60 (39.2%) with clinically confluent masses. It was our MDM group
N2c: 28 (18.3%) consensus to N stage individual lymph nodes within dis-
N3: 5 (3.3%) tinct neck levels on FDG-PET even when total lymph
N stage 8 Ed N0: 17 (11.1%) node mass may have measured > 6 cm.
N1: 103 (66.9%)
Our results confirm that in patients treated with con-
temporary RT, and predominantly de-escalated chemo-
N2: 28 (18.3%)
therapy, the 8th Ed staging system demonstrated a
N3: 5 (3.3%) statistically significant difference in OS between stage I
Systemic therapy Nil: 39 (25.4%) and stage II patients. There was no difference however
Weekly Cisplatin: 85 (55.6%) seen for stage II versus stage III patients. This may be
Cetuximab: 10 (6.5%) reflective of a chance effect due to the low number (n =
Neoadjuvant TPF: 14 (9.2%)
19) of stage III patients or alternatively improved real
outcomes due to treatment intensification (e.g. neoadju-
vant TPF followed by CRT) rather than a failure of the
new staging system.
A previous Australian group included 279 HPV OPSCC
patients with a median follow up of 62 months and 3rd
weekly chemotherapy [10]. At 3 years, their results dem-
Table 3 The number (and %) of patients migrating by stage onstrated a significant OS difference between stages I and
from the 7th to the 8th edition TNM staging system II, but no initial difference in either OS or loco-regional
Stage 8Th Edition TNM control between stages II and III; significant divergence
I II III IV became evident with longer follow up, supporting the hy-
7 Edition TNM I 1 (0.7%) pothesis that failures in HPV OPSCC tend to be both dis-
II 11 (7.2%) 2 (1.3%) tant (rather than local) and delayed [19]. A German
III 24 (15.7%) 8 (5.2%) 1 (0.7%)
validation study examined a cohort of 150 HPV OPSCC
patients treated predominantly with upfront surgery
IV 63 (41.2%) 24 (15.7%) 18 (11.8%) 1 (0.7%)
followed by adjuvant risk-adapted (C)RT [11]. Those
van Gysen et al. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674 Page 7 of 8

treated with definitive CRT, received either three weekly patients were achieved with combined modality therapy.
cisplatin or a combination of fluorouracil and mitomycin Our data supports relative de-escalation with weekly in-
C. Despite this treatment heterogeneity, our comparative stead of 3rd weekly cisplatin dosing, particularly in new
end-results demonstrated very similar conclusions; a sig- stage I and II disease patients.
nificant OS difference between stages I and II, but not
stages II and III. Our reported 5 year OS rates were com- Conclusion
parable for each stage however (stage I: 96.9% vs 94.4%, The 8th Ed UICC/AJCC TNM staging system appears to
stage II: 77.1% vs 77.5 and stage III: 60.3% vs 63.9%). A better stratify early stage HPV OPSCC patients with re-
Japanese validation study [12] of 111 patients with HPV gard to OS following definitive treatment with contempor-
OPSCC, with a median follow up of 41 months and ary RT and daily image guidance compared with the 7th
treated predominantly with CRT with either platinum or Ed staging system. Further investigation is required to bet-
docetaxel based chemotherapy, demonstrated a statistical ter understand the stage III cohort and to determine
difference in OS between stages II and III, but not be- which patients may be suitable for de-escalated treatment.
tween stages I and II when using the 8th Ed. They reported
3 year OS as 90.9% for stage I and II and 70.2% for stage 3DCRT: Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy; AJCC: American Joint Committee
III. The authors of these four separate analyses agreed that on Cancer; CI: Confidence intervals; CRT: Chemo-radiation; CSS: Cancer specific
the 8th Ed was a better discriminator of OS in HPV OPSCC survival; CT: Computed tomography; Ed: Edition; FDG-PET: Fluorine-18-deoxyglucose
positron-emission tomography; HPV OPSCC: Human papilloma virus-related oropha-
than the 7th Ed, however, the variation in results between ryngeal squamous cell carcinoma; ICON-S: International Collaboration on
these studies suggests that further refinement of the 8th Ed Oropharyngeal cancer Network for Staging; IHC: Immunohistochemical;
is required, or that larger validation project is needed. IMRT: Intensity-modulated radiation therapy; MDM: Multidisciplinary meeting;
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; OPSCC: Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma;
HPV-mediated carcinogenesis in the current study was OS: Overall survival; RT: Radiation treatment; SEER: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
confirmed by immunohistochemistry testing for diffuse End Results; TPF: Docetaxel, cisplatin, fluorouracil; UICC: Union for International Cancer
nuclear-pattern over-expression of the tumour suppressor Control; VMAT: Volumetric modulated arc therapy
protein p16, a cyclin-dependent kinase 2A [15]. In those
patients with high-risk HPV OPSCC, the rate of HPV We thank Mary-Anne Brancato for assisting in the preparation of this report.
negativity has been reported to be between 5 and 20%, due
to amplification of p16 unrelated to HPV, usually second- Authors’ contributions
Each author acknowledges that he or she participated sufficiently in the
ary to epigenetic or genetic silencing [3, 20]. In a publica- work to take public responsibility for its content and have approved of the
tion from the Netherlands, 12.4% of 388 HPV OPSCC submitted version. KVG had original idea for research, design of the work,
were HPV-DNA negative and demonstrated significantly made a substantial contribution to acquisition and interpretation of data
and drafted the work. MS made a substantial contribution to the design of
worse 5 year OS compared with HPV positive tumours the work, data acquisition and was a major contributor in revising the
[21]. This reflects previously reported data that patients manuscript. LG performed the statistical analysis. DJ contributed to data
with co-tested p16+/ HPV- tumours had worse overall sur- acquisition and substantially revised the manuscript. DV contributed to data
acquisition and substantially revised the manuscript. AW contributed to data
vival compared with p16+/ HPV+ disease [22]. While these acquisition and substantially revised the manuscript. LP contributed to data
patients represent a small proportion of the patient popula- acquisition and substantially revised the manuscript. AG contributed to data
tion, it is worth considering their impact on the perform- acquisition and substantially revised the manuscript. AL contributed to data
acquisition and substantially revised the manuscript, GH substantially revised
ance of the 8th Ed TNM staging system in future studies. the manuscript. PM made a substantial contribution of acquisition of data.
There are a number of limitations to this study. The AT contributed to data acquisition and substantially revised the manuscript.
small numbers of stage III patients, and the limited TE contributed substantially to the design of the work, analysis and
interpretation of the data and was a major contributor in revising the
number of patients treated with neoadjuvant chemother- manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
apy make it difficult to make any conclusions regarding
HPV OPSCC and the role of upfront chemotherapy. Funding
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
Due to their excellent response to RT, a number of stud- public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
ies are investigating the potential to de-escalate HPV
OPSCC treatment, with the goal of maintaining disease Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and analysed during the current study are available from
control, but reducing morbidity. The current standard of the corresponding author on reasonable request.
care in HPV OPSCC remains radiotherapy with concur-
rent cisplatin, as two recently published randomised trials Ethics approval and consent to participate
comparing the use of cisplatin and cetuximab concur- This study was a retrospective analysis from a prospectively collected, ethics
approved, head and neck database. Written informed consent was obtained
rently with radiotherapy in HPV OPSCC reported worse from all patients to participate in the database. The ethics committee that
tumour control with cetuximab and no benefit in terms of approved the study was the Northern Sydney Local Health District Research
toxicity [23, 24]. The potential to de-escalate however re- Office and the reference number is RESP/15/255.

mains a pertinent question for clinical trials, but it should Consent for publication
be noted that the excellent outcomes in many stage I Not applicable.
van Gysen et al. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:674 Page 8 of 8

Competing interests http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mediareleasesbyCatalogue/4DC6126

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