Course Guide EDMA 3206 Sem 1 20 - 21
Course Guide EDMA 3206 Sem 1 20 - 21
Course Guide EDMA 3206 Sem 1 20 - 21
Semester 1: 2020/2021
I am Marjorie Ledgister, your Course Coordinator. As you know, open and constant
communication is critical to success in the online learning environment. I therefore urge you
to ensure that you play your part to develop and maintain a very interactive relationship with
your peers and I. I can be reached via email at [email protected]. I trust you
will be fully committed and participate in all activities as we work together to make
COURSE OUTLINE......................................................................................................................................................3
GENERAL INFORMATION.........................................................................................................................3
PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE.........................................................................................................................................4
COURSE COORDINATOR’S EXPECTATIONS........................................................................................................5
COURSE DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................................8
COURSE ASSESSMENT..............................................................................................................................................9
COURSE AIMS............................................................................................................................................................12
COURSE UNITS..........................................................................................................................................................12
COURSE TOPICS........................................................................................................................................................13
COURSE DELIVERY..................................................................................................................................................14
IMPORTANT DATES TO KEEP IN MIND...............................................................................................................15
COURSE DELIVERY SCHEDULE............................................................................................................................16
COURSE ASSIGNMENTS DETAILS &GUIDELINES............................................................................................19
This Course Guide provides an outline of the course, the topics, schedule of lessons along with
the teaching strategies and the assignments. This guide will help you understand the knowledge
and skills you should acquire by the end of the course as well as the specific ways that the
Course Coordinator and e-tutors will achieve that each week. Furthermore, you will see details
of assignments and their due dates so that you may plan from the beginning of the course how
you will be engaged in the course to achieve all set objectives.
This course is assessed through coursework only, so there will be no final examinations or mid-
semester examination. In the orientation week we will discuss the details of the assignments and
the ways in which your previous knowledge and experience along with what you will learn in
the course prepares you for the assignments. The course coordinator will support you as you
work. As you are already aware, in this course you will work as independent learner, though you
are supported in this. It is primarily through engaging in the course units and reflecting on your
learning that you will become more conscious and competent problem solvers who can model
the skills and guide students in investigations and problem solving.
Before we delve into the course materials there are some housekeeping matters which must be
addressed. There are several expectations that I have of you. I am well aware that the majority of
you are studying on a part-time basis but to get the most out of this course, PARTICIPATION is
key. I have noted over the years that some students use this mode of learning to ‘hide in the
shadows’. By the end of this course, however, I would like to have heard each individual’s
‘voice’ loudly and clearly. I also expect that friendships and other meaningful relationships
would be forged as a result of the interaction in the course.
Reading the course material which includes the units, readings associated with the units, E-tutor
presentations amongst other documents, thoroughly in order to contribute meaningfully to the
weekly discussions is another important element of course participation. Additionally, it is
essential to discuss the material with your peers and e-tutor/coordinator in the forums. In your
contributions you are expected to support your insights and opinions as well as critically evaluate
the postings of your colleagues. You should aim at participating daily in these discussions. At
times focus questions or statements will be given but also feel free to start discussions, post
comments or ask questions on the material you have been reading in the relevant sections.
At UWI there is an adage that I am sure by now you have been familiar. It is that you as a
student are ‘reading for your degree.’ In addition to the obvious kind of reading that is expected
at the tertiary level, there is also a need to remain informed of all course related matters by
reading daily the messages posted in the tutor-student forum and the News announcement
forums. I would like to remind you here of the age-old legal maxim which is applicable for
EDMA3206: ignorantia iuris neminem excusat, ignorance of the law excuses nobody.
Please familiarize yourself with the different aspects of The Learning Exchange so that you can
use it optimally. In addition to using the discussion forums and Open Campus email, I would
also like to utilize Skype for communicating with you if and when the need arises. To install
Skype on your computer click the following link: which will provide a
download button. After downloading the software review the Skype tutorials by clicking the
following links:
Please remember to add me (marjoriea8) as well as your classmates to your contacts list. While
the tutorials are useful, I suggest that you experiment with Skype in order to become familiar
with the software.
A detailed course delivery schedule has been provided to keep us on track to completing the
requisite material for this course. I would appreciate it if we could all focus on the unit for the
particular week.
It is expected that all assignments are submitted on or before the due date of submission. Please
note that you will be penalized for late submissions (See course assignment guidelines). Your
assignments must include a cover page with your ID number (student name is optional), course
name & code, date, assignment number and description. A reference section should also be
included where applicable. It is expected that any work submitted should be your personal work.
It is therefore also expected that all forms of plagiarism (See the relevant document in the
learning exchange and appendix of this document), which are defined in the Undergraduate
Student Anti-Plagiarism Policy, Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies, April 9, 2011 as
the unacknowledged use of the words, ideas or creations of another, be avoided. For
additional information, click on the Quick Link section in the left hand column of the course
main page.
OC Library
OC Catalogue
Student Handbook
BBC Sessions
It is essential to aim at submitting assignments of the highest quality in terms of use of the
English Language and presentation. Please ensure that proper referencing procedures are
observed. For this course the APA format for referencing will be utilized. If you do not have an
APA manual it may be helpful to browse the following website:
I look forward to working with you during this semester. Remember, Anything worth doing, is
worth doing well!
Marjorie Ledgister
Course Description
This course will expose you to mathematical thinking. Typically, mathematics teachers say they
teach mathematics so that students can learn to solve problems (Van de Walle, Karp, & Bay-
Williams, 2010). New models of research-based teaching reveal that we actually learn
mathematics through problem solving (Van de Walle, Karp, & Bay-Williams, 2010). This model
requires that we question what we have done in the name of mathematics teaching in the past and
how we portray the subject to students. Students may experience more joy, power in thinking
about mathematics and a better understanding of the subject by our use of investigations and
problem solving in appropriate ways (Orton, 2004).
Problem solving and investigations have the potential to equip students so that they will not just
approach problems based on prescribed ways that they are shown without understanding or
having open meaningful ways to solve problems. It is in doing problems that you can learn to
tackle problems conscientiously, try different ways to solve a problem until it is resolved, find
alternative solutions and reflect on it, and also be predisposed to using these tools (The School
Mathematics Project, 1997). Students with different ability levels can access mathematics ideas
and skills through problem solving and investigation.
As a teacher, if you are to use problems and investigations to help students learn mathematics
then you need to understand and experience it for yourself. Further, you need to develop the
predisposition to using problem solving process in your approach to the teaching of mathematics.
In other words, a teacher needs to grow to understand problem solving as a way of teaching and
not merely a way of thinking (Posamentier, Smith, & Stepelman, 2010). Even a simple thing as
students being inclined to trying multiple ways of solving a problem is very important in helping
students learn and use mathematics.
Course Assessment
This course is assessed with 100% course work. This means that there is no final exam.
Assessment for this course will take the following forms:
Assignments are marked using the following Mark Scheme. The lowest pass mark /grade is 50%
Grad % Grad Grade Grade Descriptor
e Range e Definition
wide range of resources. Demonstrates excellent evidence of
original thought, strong analytical and critical abilities;
excellent organizational, rhetorical and presentational skills.
B+ 70 - 3.3 Very Good Demonstrates evidence of very good critical and analytical
74 thinking in most aspects of the course. Very good knowledge
that is comprehensive, accurate and relevant. Very good
insight into the material and very good use of a range of
appropriate resources. Consistently applies very good
theoretical and technical knowledge to achieve the desired
learning outcomes.
B 65 - 3.0 Good Demonstrates good knowledge, rhetorical and organizational
69 skills. Good insight into the material and a good use of a
range of appropriate resources. Good integration of a range of
principles, techniques, theories and evidence.
B- 60 - 2.7 Satisfactory Displays satisfactory evidence of the application of
64 theoretical and technical knowledge to achieve the desired
learning outcomes. Demonstrates sound organisational and
rhetorical skills.
C+ 55 - 2.3 Fair Demonstrates fair breadth and depth of knowledge of main
59 components of the subject. Fair evidence of being able to
assemble some of the appropriate principles, theories,
evidence and techniques and to apply some critical thinking.
C 50 - 2.0 Acceptable Demonstrates acceptable application of theoretical and
54 technical knowledge to achieve the minimum learning
outcomes required in the course. Displays acceptable
evidence of critical thinking and the ability to link theory to
F1 45- 0 Unsatisfacto Demonstrates unsatisfactory application of theoretical and
49 ry technical knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Displays unsatisfactory ability to put theory into practice;
Grad % Grad Grade Grade Descriptor
e Range e Definition
weak theoretical and reflective insight. Unsatisfactory critical
thinking, organizational and rhetorical skills.
F2 40-44 0 Weak Weak overall performance with very limited knowledge and
understanding of the subject. Little evidence of theoretical
and reflective insights. Weak organizational and rhetorical
F3 0-39 0 Poor Overall poor or minimal evidence of knowledge and
understanding of the subject. Displays little ability to put
theory into practice; lacks theoretical and reflective insights.
Incomplete breadth and depth of knowledge on substantive
elements of the subject. Little or no evidence of critical
engagement with the material. Responses are affected by
irrelevant sources of information, poor organizational and
rhetorical skills.
Course Aims
Course Units
Proofs Unit 5
Mathematical Modelling Unit 6
Course Delivery
This course will be delivered over thirteen (13) weeks using the following strategies: discussion
forums, Blackboard Collaborate sessions, reading the course notes, doing problems and
reflecting on them. The main course material will be delivered in a course package comprising
Units and Readings.
Each week you will be provided with guidance on particular topics to focus on, but you must
also be prepared to independently work through all the of your course material.
You will be expected to participate in your online groups with your e-tutor or instructor. In this
environment you will be expected to participate in the discussion forums at least once every day
with an original post and a critical response to a colleague. During the Blackboard Collaborate
sessions scheduled for this course the Course Coordinator will review the content of the Units
and address any queries on course assessment or any other issues pertaining to the course.
You will be expected to participate in your online groups with your e-tutor or instructor. This
participation (not just logging in and lurking) should be frequent, at least every two days.
Feedback, which is key in educational practice, will be given on material posted in the
discussion forums within a 48-hour period. Details for feedback on course assignments have
been outlined in the course schedule. This will usually be given within 2 weeks of assignment
submission dates.
ALL your readings and resource materials are available online within the course forums.
Articles have been carefully selected and the readings are supplemented by Unit notes that are
provided for each unit of this course.
Start Date Main Topic Specific Objectives: At the end of the Important Dates
week students should be able to: & Activities
Start Date Main Topic Specific Objectives: At the end of the Important Dates
Week week students should be able to: & Activities
Start Date Main Topic Specific Objectives: At the end of the Important Dates
Week week students should be able to: & Activities
15 Exams & Semester
This course is assessed with 100% course work. There is no mid-semester examination or final
exam for this course. Consequently all assignments are to be considered as exam material and for
all coursework whether discussion forums, presentations or essays you should either cite the
sources you use. The reference style to be used is APA. Plagiarism of any form or manner will
not be tolerated.
Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date unless there is some justified reason,
for which a cover letter must be provided (a doctor’s certificate must be provided to justify
lateness or non-participation due to illness). If you have difficulty uploading assignments then
you need to immediately contact a technician at your local site so that he/she can guide you to a
solution. In any case please submit all assignments on time or discuss with your e-tutor, before
the due date, any difficulties you have.
1. Late Submission: Submission of a late assignment will accrue a penalty unless prior approval for
late submission is obtained. An assignment may be submitted after the due date but the following
penalties will apply.
2. Extensions may be applied prior to the due date of an assignment for but appropriate evidence
must be produced if an extension is to be considered. It is not a guarantee that applying for an extension
will result in the extension being granted.
ID number
Course name and code
Assignment # & Description
Tutor name
Date of submission
4. Ensure that your work is properly organized (double spaced, font: New Romans, font size: 12)
and that the solutions with all relevant workings/explanations are included in your submission.
5. You are to submit an Accountability statement along with your assignment. Non-submission of
this document with your uploaded assignment will result in a 5% deduction from your final mark on the
Assignment 1 (30%) (Units 2-4)
DUE DATE: November 1, 2020 @ 11:55p.m.
Task A:
Solving Mathematical problems are regarded as a vital part of the mathematics curriculum as it
enhances the students’ mental skills and boost creative thinking.
With reference to the above statement and using relevant literature discus the importance of
problem solving in making a difference in one’s career and everyday living.
600 words (8 marks)
Task B: (i)
Instructions: Read the problem below carefully and respond fully to the question which follow.
Paula hangs cards on a board in her bedroom in order to remember her appointments. She uses
Task B (ii):
(a) Present a different strategy to the one presented in task A for solving the problem above.
(16 marks)
Important ideas.
Feelings especially when you get stuck on a problem.
Verifications of results or reasoning.
Reflections on memorable moments and how you positively benefited from the
Organize your work so that each of the four aspects is clearly discernible. Marks will be
deducted if these instructions are not followed. Support your views with relevant literature
The student The student The student The student The student
response: response: response: response: response:
Task B • offers a partially
Each solution • offers a • offers a correct answer to the • offers a • gives an
(X 2) correct solution generally problem. correct incorrect
and is well correct solutions with response with
supported by solution, but • may contain flaws no supporting no work shown.
well-developed contains minor indicating an evidence or
and accurate flaws in incomplete explanation. • offers no
explanations. reasoning or understanding of the mathematical
computation. task or concept. • offers little or understanding
• gives no supporting of the problem.
evidence that • gives • may show faulty detail
an appropriate evidence that reasoning leading to conveying
problem- an appropriate weak answers or limited
solving strategy problem- conclusions. understanding.
was selected solving strategy
and was selected • may demonstrate • contains
implemented and unclear numerous
and contains no implemented, communications in errors in
errors but may writing or diagrams. computation
contain minor and reasoning
• is clearly arithmetic or • May demonstrate a and detracts
organized and algebraic errors poor understanding from the
focused, and that do detract of relevant overall quality
shows a from the mathematical of
mathematical overall quality procedure and the response.
understanding of the student concepts.
of the task or response. • provides
concept. vague
• is clearly interpretation
• Contains focused, well- to the solution/
sufficient work organized, but explanation,
to convey neglects some indicating little
thorough aspect of the or no
understanding complete mathematical
of the problem. solution to the understanding
problem. of the task or
• Lacks
detail to
of the task or
concept to
warrant a 4.
Excellent Good Fair description & Poor or non-
Reflection description & description & analysis of Existent
analysis of analysis the process of solving description &
the process of of the process the problem analysis
solving the of solving the of the process
problem problem of solving the
28 scaled up to 30
Assignment 2 (30 %)
To be done in groups of twos or threes
(Units 5-6) DUE DATE: Nov 23, 2020 @ 11:55 p.m. ECT.
Students working in either groups of 2 or 3 of their choosing will complete two tasks: a proof
task & a mathematical modeling task.
Task A:
Proofs Prove that:
(i) If two numbers are both not even, then their product is not even.
(ii) Vertically opposite angles are equal.
(iii) For every integer x and for every integer y, if x is odd and y is odd then x + y is even.
Present a detailed write up of a solution the mathematical modelling problems given below.
Note: Clearly define all variables and assumptions used in creating your model.
Rubrics For Assignment 2 (30%)
4 3 2 1
The proof is entirely The proof requires The student has An attempt is
self contained and the reader to fill in some elements of made at a
requires no outside missing steps and the needed proof response but little
reference or inference infer minor elements. but would require a or no
for reconstruction. With sufficient lot of additional understanding of
Formal language background or instruction. the problem is
appropriate for proof reference materials Revision is needed shown.
is used, necessary such as the original before an outside
accompanying text problem, the reader could
diagrams are present reader could follow reconstruct the
and the step by step the step by step problem from the
process/reasoning is process, but lack of proof. Gaps or
efficient and clear. clarity may require errors in reasoning
more work than may be present.
necessary on the
reader’s part for
36 scaled down to 30
Task A:
Plan, carry out, and evaluate one Grade 10 problem solving session with a mixed ability class or
small group (3-5) of learners (if you are not a practicing teacher). You will plan the lesson
utilizing a problem solving approach to learning (note that you are not teaching problem solving)
and teach the contents of your plan to the entire class. It is important to choose the problem to
be used carefully. You are to incooperate the information from activity 7.1.2 as it relates to the
specific things that the teacher can do in:
the initial phase just after presenting the problem to students,
during working on the problem, and
wrapping up the problem solving process.
Note: All material made reference to in the lesson plan should be included in the appendix
of your submission. The appendix does not count towards the word limit.
Task B:
Prepare a reflection and evaluation of the problem solving session. Discuss in particular:
the effectiveness of the (i) chosen problem for the meeting the needs of a diverse group of
learners (ii) specific things that the teacher incooperated in the initial phase just after
presenting the problem to students, during working on the problem, and wrapping up the
problem solving process. Each aspect must be specifically discussed.
specific aspects of the session that went well
specific challenges encountered and how they were or could be addressed in subsequent
lessons where problem solving is the focus.
Be sure to support your views with relevant literature
Word Limit: 2000 words
CRITERIA 0 1 2 3
Falls significantly Does not meet Meets basic Proficient
below expectations expectations
Lesson Plan
Knowledge of Does not show The lesson plan The lesson plan The candidate's
Students any evidence of demonstrates a demonstrates an performance
knowledge in this partial but adequate demonstrates
area; The lesson is inadequate understanding very good or
developmentally understanding of the excellent
inappropriate for of the developmental understanding
most students to developmental needs of the of the
whom it will be needs of the students she or developmental
taught. The lesson students she or he teaches. One needs of the
fails to include he teaches. The or two elements students she or
any plans for lesson fails to of the lesson he teaches. All
differentiation for include may be components of
students with adequate plans inappropriate the lesson are
varying needs. for for the students appropriate for
differentiation to whom the the students to
for students lesson will be whom the lesson
with varying taught. The will be taught.
needs. lesson includes The lesson
adequate plans includes
for detailed plans
differentiation for
CRITERIA 0 1 2 3
Falls significantly Does not meet Meets basic Proficient
below expectations expectations
for students with differentiation
varying needs. for students with
varying needs.
Instructional Does not show Instructional Instructional Instructional
Planning: any evidence of objectives are objectives are objectives are
Appropriate planning in this inadequate, included in the clearly stated
Instructional area inappropriate, or lesson plan and and are entirely
Objectives irrelevant. are, for the most appropriate for
part, appropriate the lesson.
for the lesson.
Instructional Does not show The plan for The lesson plan The lesson plan
Planning - any evidence of learning includes a includes a
Description of planning in this activities and complete and complete and
Learning area the specific adequate highly detailed
Activities things that the description of list of learning
teacher can do learning activities,
in the initial activities. The outlining what
phase just after plan for both students
presenting the activities is of a and teacher{s}
problem to reasonable will do for each
students; during length for the activity listed.
working on the time period The plan for
problem, and allotted for the activities is of a
wrapping up the lesson. reasonable
problem solving The problem length for the
process are chosen is time period
vague and may appropriate. allotted for the
be difficult to lesson. The
understand; may The inclusion of lesson plan
be inappropriate the specific includes enough
(far too long or things that the detail that any
too short) for teacher can do educated adult
the amount of in the initial would be able to
time allotted for phase just after follow the
the lesson. presenting the lesson and teach
problem to it as intended by
students; during the teacher
working on the candidate.
problem, and
wrapping up the The problem
problem solving chosen is
process is appropriate. The
partially inclusion of the
appropriate. specific things
that the teacher
CRITERIA 0 1 2 3
Falls significantly Does not meet Meets basic Proficient
below expectations expectations
can do in the
initial phase just
after presenting
the problem to
students; during
working on the
problem, and
wrapping up the
problem solving
process is
Instructional Does not show The lesson plan The lesson plan The lesson plan
Planning - any evidence of does not include includes the use includes the use
Technology planning for the adequate use of of appropriate of appropriate
use of technology technology by technology for technology for
the teacher or instruction, or instruction, and
students. the lesson the lesson
includes includes
activities that activities that
engage pupils in extend pupils'
the use of knowledge of
technology for technology for
learning. learning.
Assessment Does not show Assessment of The lesson plan The lesson plan
any evidence of students' provides provides
assessment of learning is appropriate appropriate and
learning inadequate or assessments of exceptionally
inappropriate students' well-designed
for the lesson knowledge or formative and
performance. summative
assessments of
knowledge or
Reflection x2 No reflection and The Written The document Written
evaluation on reflection & contains a reflection &
teaching this evaluation lacks moderately evaluation
lesson is present. depth and thoughtful self- includes all
thoughtful reflection and components and
consideration of evaluation. All shows
what transpired required thoughtfulness
during the components are and deep
CRITERIA 0 1 2 3
Falls significantly Does not meet Meets basic Proficient
below expectations expectations
lesson. not included. reflection on the
This quiz will contain 10 multiple choice/short answer items – 1 mark each. Each student will
Online Participation 10 %
Asynchronous discussion boosts learning as you share your ideas, perspectives, and experiences
with your group. You develop and refine your thoughts through the writing process, plus
broaden your classmates’ understanding of the course content. Online participation for units 1, 3,
4, 5 will be graded. You will be expected to provide an original contribution to the posted
prompt and provide a critical response to a classmate. All questions will be taken from the unit
Criteria Unacceptable Acceptable Good Excellent
0 Points 1 Point 2 points 3 points
Original Posting Post no original Post adequate Posts well Posts well
post original post with developed original developed original
superficial thoughts post that addresses post that fully
and preparation all aspects of the addresses and
task; lacks full develops all aspects
development of the of the task.
Follow-Up Postings Posts no follow up Posts shallow Elaborates on an Demonstrates
responses to contribution to existing posting analysis of others’
others. discussion (e.g., with further posts; extends
agrees or comment or meaningful
disagrees); does observation. discussion by
not enrich building on
discussion previous posts.