ST/MW: 9 To 940 AND 1115 To 1235.: School of Business and Economics
ST/MW: 9 To 940 AND 1115 To 1235.: School of Business and Economics
ST/MW: 9 To 940 AND 1115 To 1235.: School of Business and Economics
Department of Management
Course Name:
Human Resources Management
Course Code
MGT 351
& Section No:
Semester: SPRING 19
Course Description Human resource management has always been a vital element in modern organization locally or
globally. More and more businesses are realizing the importance of HRM today than ever. Managers
can be equipped with enough resources like capital, information, machinery etc. but still may fail to
accomplish the goal because they fail to bring in the right talent in required for the job. On the other
hand, a manager with very limited resource may do the same job much effectively because he/she had
the right “people” for the job at the right time. This means the success of a manager lies in getting the
job through others.
This course is designed around the terms and concepts and modern theories and HR practices that are
well in practice today and are playing a major role in organizations. Major topics in this course include
an understanding of HRM, external and internal factors affecting the HRM, HR planning, job analysis,
job design, recruitment and selection, HR training and development, performance appraisal and
compensation, labor relation, and labor disputes, and finally collective bargaining issues. This course
will offer a firm understanding of employer, employees, organization, our society, our business
practices, ethics, and discrimination in the job from different angles. Ample examples will be provided
and a number of case incidents will be discussed for better understanding of the subject.
Course Objectives At the end of the course students will have firm understanding of the HRM terms and
concepts and practices.
Students will learn how to apply the knowledge gained from this course in real world.
Students will learn how to think critically and dissect a controversial topic pertaining HRM
and debate their points of views.
Students will learn about public speaking as they demonstrate their debating skill.
Students will learn how to dissect a complicated case and prepare a report professionally.
Student Learning and Outcome:
Upon the successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate effective written and oral communications skills (project)
2. The ability to appreciate a global perspective (Case Study)
3. Ability to apply terms and concepts into practicality
Other Resources:
Reference Text:
Human Resource Management, Lloyd L. Byars and Leslie Rue, 13 th edition, September, 2010
Journals and Online Magazines:
Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Asian Business studies.
Teaching Methods:
Extensive lectures will be given on every topic followed by real life examples using local companies and MNCs.
Summary of the lectures will be available through lecture modules. Students are highly encouraged to take notes
carefully. The lectures will be highly interactive. Small cases will be analyzed in group setting using workshop format.
Students will be encouraged to participate in discussion and share their ideas regarding the case problem.
Course Plan:
Class Topic
Class 1 Introduction to the course
Class 2 Topic 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management
Class 3 Topic 2: Job analysis
Class 4 Topic 2 continuation and debate team formation
Class 5 Topic 3 : Personnel planning and recruiting/ Debate topic allocation with schedule
Class 6 Topic 3 cont. , Project team, organization submission & Discussion
Class 7 Topic 4 : Employee testing and selection
Class 8 Topic 4 continuation & Mid 1 Review
Class 9 Midterm 1
Class 10 Topic No. 5 : Interviewing + Debate 1
Class 11 Continuation of topic 5 & Orientation & Training,
Class 12 Continuation of topic 6, Debate 2
Class 13 Developing Managers, Debate 3
Class 14 Continuation of developing managers,
Class 15 Managing Quality and Productivity, Debate 4
Class 16 Continuation and Mid 2 Review
Class 17 Midterm 2
Class 18 Topic No.9: Establishing pay plan, Debate 5
Class 19 Pay for performance & Financial Incentive
Class 20 Benefits and Services, Debate 6
Class 21 Special Topic: Guaranteed piece-work incentive calculation, Debate 7
Class 22 PF Calculation , Report Submission + Case Analysis 1
Class 23 PF Calculation continued, Case Analysis 2
Class 24 Global Perspective and ethics & Final Review
TBA Final Exam
Midterms and final exam will comprise of MCQ, true/false and short questions. The syllabus of the final
exam will not be comprehensive.
Group Project:
There will be a group project based on the topics covered in the class and it will test the research and
report writing skills of the students. There will be a maximum of 8 groups in the class. So the number of
members per group will depend on the total number of students in the class, but standard size will vary
from 5 to 6 members per group.
Report Submission:
The report of the group project has to be submitted at a date discussed and declared in class. All the group
members will have to participate in the project work and contribute in report writing. The guideline
provided by the instructor has to be followed strictly while writing the report. Also, groups will be penalized
in case of late submission of the report. Refer to report guidelines for more details.
The penalty for late submission is 30% per day up to 3 days, which includes weekends.
Debate Sessions:
There are debates in this course. Students will form group of three students and the group will debate
against another group regarding a vital issue pertaining to the HR area or other important business issues
of today. Faculty will be the moderator for each debate session and these sessions will be arranged during
the last half hour of class time. It means there will be a one hour lecture followed by half an hour debate.
Based on the performance of the team a group may outperform another group or they may even end up
getting the same grade if they are too close. Faculty will judge those. More instructions will be given in due
time. Faculty will select the debate topics and will assign them to groups well in advance. Refer to debate
guidelines for more details. Debates will be announced days ago, missed cases will NOT have a makeup,
and you must be in class to receive mark.
time. Students need to demonstrate their learning into application in this exercise. Cases will be
announced days ago, missed cases will NOT have a makeup, and you must be in class to receive mark.
Makeup Policy:
There will be strictly no makeup exam under any circumstances. No alternative arrangement (such as
comprehensive final) will be made for missed exams. Makeup only allowed with medical documents, if
student was admitted in a hospital. Only with medical documents provided, there might be a makeup for
medical reasons, given approval from department chair. There is no scope of makeup exam except for
serious causes like death in the family or contagious diseases where a student is ill for considerable number
of days. In that case a special permission will be required from the Program Department signed by the Chair
of the Management/ Dean of School of Business and Economics, program verifying the cause of makeup
Academic Misconduct:
Academic misconduct, dishonesty and plagiarism will be dealt with utmost strictness and punitive
measures and will be dealt as per NSU policy and may lead upto an F grade or expulsion as per NSU Policy,
depending on the severity. Students are advised not to copy directly from any resources. Any form of
cheating in the exams will not be tolerated and strict actions will be taken according to NSU academic
Students with Special Needs:
North South University will provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate and reasonable
accommodation to students who have disabilities/special needs that may affect their ability to participate
in course activities or meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their
instructor to ensure that their needs are met. The University through its Special Need section will exert all
efforts to accommodate special needs.
Grading Scale:
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F
93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 67 60 <60
** The instructor reserves the right to change the above outline at her discretion. Topics may be altered or
reorganized at any point of the semester if necessary.
Students should read the course outline thoroughly and consult with the instructor in case of any
confusion or query. Any changes will be communicated in class, through RDS SMS or through Google
You are provided two slots of office hours on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please
follow those hours, I will be occupied with research and other activities even if I am in my office
before or after these hours, so you are only allowed to visit during office hours, however, if
there is an emergency, send me an email and ask for an appointment.
All the best