Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum

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Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6 (2018) 587-594

doi: 10.17265/2328-2150/2018.06.005

Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum

Janaina Gomes da Silva Cirqueira, Jefferson Luiz Rodrigues Nascimento and Paulo Henrique de Sousa Fernandes
Department of Surgery, Federal University of Uberlandia, Clinical Hospital of Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia - MG,
38402-022, Brazil

Abstract: Liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesodermal origin, which among sarcomas, 10% to 20% are located in the
retroperitoneum. The case presented shows a 50-year-old male patient who initially presented weight loss and abdominal pain in the left
iliac fossa. A tumor mass of hardened consistency was palpated in virtually all the abdomen. An abdominal ultrasound and a computed
tomography of the abdomen were performed and confirmed the tumor mass. An exploratory laparotomy was performed, with removal
of bulky abdominal mass of greasy consistency. A histopathological study of the piece reported myxoid liposarcoma. Clinical and
prognostic features, as well as oncologic outcomes, are well known in this group of patients. The patient has been in the outpatient
clinic for 7 years without tumor recurrence. Computed tomography is the fundamental study for the diagnosis of imaging. The
treatment of choice consists in an aggressive approach aiming the complete resection, which is a major predictor of local and distant
recurrence and survival.

Key words: Myxoid liposarcoma, retroperitoneum, surgery.

1. Introduction over time [4]. It occurs mainly in men between 50 and

60 years [5].
RPSs (retroperitoneal sarcomas) are rare tumors
Pathological characteristics are tumors with uniform
which, among sarcomas, 10% to 20% are located in
round to oval-shaped primitive nonlipogenic
retroperitoneum. The predominant type is liposarcoma
mesenchymal cells and a variable number of small or
(47%), followed by leiomyosarcoma (29%).
signet-ring lipoblasts in a prominent myxoid stroma
Liposarcomas can be divided into: well-differentiated;
with or without delicate arborizing vasculature. Pure
dedifferentiated; myxoid/round cell; and pleomorphic
myxoid liposarcoma are considered low grade. High
[1]. The extent of differentiation, as reflected by
histologic grade was defined as greater than 5% round
histologic grade, remains the most important
cell areas [2].
determinant of clinical course and of ultimate
The diagnosis of retroperitoneal liposarcoma is
prognosis for patients with liposarcoma after resection
generally late because of the retroperitoneal space’s
ability to accommodate a much larger volume of
Myxoid liposarcomas, more commonly, appear in
unchanged tumor mass than the thigh is capable of, for
the extremities of young adults. However,
example. Clinical presentation of liposarcoma located
retroperitoneum may be the primary site. In order to
in the retroperitoneum is different from liposarcomas
characterize myxoid liposarcoma as the primary
of other localities, besides presenting abdominal mass;
retroperitoneum it is necessary to exclude that they are
it may have other symptoms, such as urinary and
not metastatic lesions, since extremity myxoid
intestinal obstruction, to the tumor to reach these
liposarcoma frequently metastizes to retroperitoneum
structures [6].
[3]. The mean annual incidence is of approximately 2.7
The prognosis of retroperitoneal sarcoma, when
cases per 106 people and does not change significantly
compared to other types of sarcomas, is scarce of
Corresponding author: Janaina Gomes da Silva Cirqueira,
evidence. These tumors show great power of invasion
medical student, research fields: trauma and general surgery. and generally reach large dimensions. Resection
588 Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum

surgery is the best healing option, however due to its procedures. He denies smoking and alcoholism.
high degree of malignancy; both local and distant The patient presented with moderate malnutrition,
recurrences still pose a great challenge in the disease associated with the difficulty of feeding due to the
treatment. gastric and intestinal compression promoted by the
Among the challenges of therapeutics, we find the abdominal tumor, which also caused difficulty to
doubt about the real efficacy of the use of ambulation due to the weight of the neoplasia. At
chemotherapy, both adjuvant and neoadjuvant, and examination the abdomen was distended with
radiotherapy, including intraoperative. Within the diminished airflow sounds, palpable mass in the left
surgical part, there is debate about how to determine hypochondrium, right hypochondrium, right iliac
microscopic margins free of disease and how much fossa and umbilical region, the consistency is
surgical aggressiveness impacts on morbidity and hardened. Abrupt decompression, piparote and
mortality. giordano are absent.
The definition of ideal margin is still a matter of Laboratory tests revealed alpha-fetoprotein of 0.609;
discussion. For limb sarcomas it is demonstrated that CA 19-9 of 3.95 and CEA of 0.458. Ultrasonography
tumor resection approaching tissue without disease found a large, heterogeneous hyperechogenic mass
involvement has better local control. This concept of with imprecise limits occupying the entire abdomen,
compartmentalization could be applied to with no free fluid in the cavity. Computed tomography
retroperitoneal sarcoma, where the rim of normal tissue showed a large abdominal mass occupying almost all
corresponds to the adjacent viscera and aponeurosis. In quadrants. There was right renal compression.
the presented case the resection was enlarged, Two biopsies were performed and no conclusive
involving structures not directly invaded by the diagnosis was obtained. We then chose to perform an
neoplasia. Compartmental surgery is something exploratory laparotomy to verify the possibility of
different and has long been advocated by some of the removal of the tumor mass. The hypothesis previous to
sarcoma surgeons who participated in the study. surgery was GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) and
Performing complete compartmental surgery led to a LS (liposarcoma).
3.29-fold decrease in the local recurrence rate During the surgery a giant retroperitoneum tumor
compared with simple complete resection, with a was found adhered to the kidney and right ureter, right
3-year recurrence rate of 10% as compared with 50% colón, hepatic capsule and inferior vena cava,
with standard procedures [4]. occupying the whole abdomen of greasy consistency
Although there are studies that positively correlate (Fig. 1). The tumor was removed in a compartmental
chemotherapy and survival, current chemotherapy is resection with right kidney and right colon. An
not effective and radiation is limited by toxicity to ileal-colon anastomosis was performed with a linear 75
adjacent structures. Thus, complete surgical resection mm stapler. Metallic clips were placed in regions of
remains the most effective modality for selected adhesions of the tumor. Small suture was performed in
primary and recurrent disease [7]. the inferior vena cava and also raffia of the second
portion of the duodenum due to tumor adherence. The
2. Case Report
cavity was drained with a tubular drain. The approach
A 50-year-old man, with a history of weight loss of 6 was done by a xyphopubic incision (Fig. 1).
kg in 3 months, is associated with bulky abdominal The specimen was referred to the pathology. The
mass of rapid growth and mild pain in left flank region macroscopic examination showed a surgical specimen
with no other comorbidities or antecedent of surgical measuring 48 × 36 × 22 cm completely covered by a
Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum 589

cm of larger diameter, apparently affecting the kidney,

and weighing 12.43 kg.
The microscopic diagnosis was histological G2
myxoid liposarcoma in the retroperitoneum. The
resected mass had the following characteristics in the
anatomopathological report: 48 cm in the largest
diameter, capsule, necrosis present in less than 10% of
the tumor area. No vascular or lymphatic invasion was
observed in the sample. The tumor did not infiltrate the
kidney, nor the intestine segments sent.
Patient progressed well after surgery. It was decided
not to perform chemotherapy or adjuvant radiotherapy,
due to the free microscopic margins obtained by the
Fig. 1 Visualization of the tumor after opening the cavit.
surgery and proven by the pathological study of the
part. Outpatient follow-up was initially every three
months, then every six months, and is currently
monitored annually. The imaging examination for
follow-up was tomography, with one of the thoraxes
and one of abdomen performed at each return. Patient
has been under follow-up for 7 years, with no signs of
local recurrence or distance.

3. Discussion
Neoplasia is an increasingly common condition in
the medical environment. With population aging, the
Fig. 2 Excision of the mass in block with surrounding incidence is expected to keep rising. Among the most
tissues. Tumor + right colon + terminal ileum.
common are prostate, lung and colon/rectum in man;
thin transparent membrane, allowing a lobulated mass and breast, lung and colon/rectum in women [8]. This
to be seen (Fig. 2). In one of the extremities a segment case report is a rare neoplasm, usually more common in
of the small intestine, measuring 35 cm in length and 5 specialized medical centers, which do not appear
cm in diameter, has its distal and proximal edges routinely, like the others previously mentioned.
sutured by metal clasps, terminal ileum, measuring 18 However, as for all neoplasias, early diagnosis is a
cm in length, 5 cm of greater perimeter and cecum and prognostic factor, it is necessary to know and know
ascending colon measuring 17 cm in length and 6 cm in how to conduct rarer cases.
perimeter, vermiform appendix measuring 7 cm in Liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of adipocytes.
length and 0.8 cm in diameter. In one of the poles of the Among sarcomas, it is the most common soft tissue in
neoplasia, we can see a deformed kidney measuring 13 adults. The main site of origin is the thigh (13-60%),
× 8 × 2.5 cm with a ureter measuring 15 × 0.4 cm. In while retroperitoneum is involved in 10% to 36% of
the sections, there is extensive encapsulated, yellowish, cases. The most common histological subtype is
soft tissue neoformation with areas of gelatinous aspect, myxoid LS (56.2%) [9]. The mean annual incidence of
of probable necrosis and fibrous traces measuring 48 retroperitoneal sarcomas was 2.7 cases per 10 (6)
590 Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum

people and did not change significantly over time (2.6 Surgery is the “gold standard” treatment for
in 1973 vs. 2.8 in 2001, p = 0.92) [10]. retroperitoneal sarcomas. These are challenging tumors
Retroperitoneal/intra-abdominal sarcomas should be to treat, being surgical resection the only modality
conducted by multidisciplinary teams with expertise in capable of providing a cure. Most patients with
sarcomas. Even if it is a rare condition, the approach liposarcoma have no symptoms until the tumor is large
taken should follow the available evidence, which, and impinges on neighboring structures, causing
although scarce, shows that it is possible to achieve tenderness, pain, or functional disturbances [13]. In the
success, with increased disease-free survival, as case reported, at the time of diagnosis the abdominal
portrayed by the above case. mass was already 40 centimeters in its largest diameter
Soft tissue sarcomas manifest with abdominal pain and the symptomatology was poor, being only
and bulky masses found in the imaging examination. abdominal pain. The retroperitoneal space is where the
Computed tomography and/or nuclear magnetic liposarcoma is detected later, due to the greater
resonance are recommended in all guidelines. A biopsy capacity of accommodation of this anatomical region
is not necessary before surgery, except in cases where [14]. There is little hope of improving the rate of early
neoplasms other than sarcomas are suspected. Biopsy detection. No screening options are reported in any
is indicated for patients who are candidates for studies.
chemotherapy and/or preoperative radiotherapy, and In the CT of the total abdomen of the patient, a
Image-guided core needle biopsy is preferred [11]. heterogeneous mass is observed, the myxoid
Computed tomography and/or nuclear magnetic component has a lower attenuation than the soft tissues.
resonance imaging of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis is Within the tumor it is possible to observe hypodense
indicated, evaluating the feasibility of resection of the septa, fat pockets with evident attenuation, and in some
tumor and the existence of metastases. For resectable cases calcifications (Fig. 3).
tumors, the surgery can be indicated directly, without Although it is indicated for all patients with
the biopsy diagnosis, as was done in the case described, suspected retroperitoneal sarcoma, computed
already doing wide margin, in order to obtain favorable tomography presents limitations in relation to the final
cancer margins. The diagnosis is made through the diagnosis. Because of fat attenuation it is not possible
pathology, and the main differential diagnoses are to distinguish, through imaging, liposarcoma from
GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor), desmoid tumors other soft tissue tumors. Sometimes this tumor may
and other sarcomas, which include liposarcoma and appear in the images in cystic form [15]. Therefore,
osteosarcoma, for example. immediate pathological diagnosis is essential, as in the
In the postoperative period, a strict follow-up is case of Image-guided core needle biopsy, so that in the
indicated, due to the high rates of relapse, both local surgical procedure, the entire affected portion can be
and distant. Abdominal and pelvic computed resected leaving a safety margin. In conducting this
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are used case, we performed two image-guided core needle
every 3-6 months for 2-3 years, then every 6 months for biopsies, and a conclusive diagnosis was not possible.
the next 2 years, then annually [12]. For the patient of The risk of a needle tract metastasis after core needle
this case, we performed the follow-up with chest and biopsy for retroperitoneal sarcoma is very low but not
abdomen tomography. During the first year, the zero. Local recurrence rate is not altered after doing a
follow-up was done every four months. During the core needle biopsy [16].
second and third years, the follow-up was done Survival is directly related to the status of the
semiannually, and subsequently annually. surgical margin. It is a consensus among the studies that
Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum 591

Fig. 3 Tomography of the patient showing large volume mass with heterogeneous density.

surgery remains the best curative alternative for depending on the anatomical location), even when not
resectable tumors, and incomplete resection is indicated infiltrated. This shift towards a more aggressive
only to relief the symptoms in unresectable cases [7, approach was not accompanied by any significant
17-19]. Median survival was 72 months for patients additional surgically related morbidity [20]. In some
with primary disease, 28 months for those with local cases it is necessary the intervention of several surgical
recurrence, and 10 months for those with metastasis. teams to resect the tumor, as in this case in which the
For patients with primary or locally recurrent tumors, tumor affected large noble areas of the circulation, such
unresectable disease, incomplete resection, and as vena cava, and also a part of the renal system as in
high-grade tumors, the survival time was significantly the ureter case.
reduced [7]. Other factors that interfere in disease-free survival
The determination of the ideal margin is the target of are tumor grade, microscopic margin status, and tumor
several analyzes, since this is the factor that most size. No significant difference in overall survival was
interferes in the overall survival. The surgical observed for the histological subtype, neoadjuvant
technique changed at the beginning of the 21st century, chemotherapy or neoadjuvant radiation [21].
from a simple excision of the tumor mass (approach The data available in the literature on both
only of areas with tumor) for a systematic excision of preoperative and postoperative radiotherapy are
the mass in blocks with surrounding tissues (for controversial. Preoperative radiotherapy is
example, the kidney, part of the colon and the psoas, advantageous for radiosensitive subtypes in which
592 Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum

tumor shrinkage allows complete surgical resection that the best predictor of local or distant recurrence is
[11]. The myxoid liposarcoma is a radiosensitive type, compartmental surgery with free microscopic margins.
in the case reported, despite the large size of the tumor The favorable evolution of the patient happened due to
it was possible to obtain margin with the block radical surgery, since in this case the complete
resection surgery, for the reason of the non-indication elimination of the primary tumor was possible.
of preoperative radiotherapy. Some studies show that a Therefore, complete surgical resection should
combination of preoperative radiation, surgical continue to be the main tool for the treatment of
resection and intraoperative radiation produces retroperitoneal liposarcomas, with emphasis on block
excellent local control of the disease for retroperitoneal excision, seeking negative microscopic margins.
sarcomas, but has no effect on overall survival [22, 23]. In the presented case, there is a survival of 7 years,
Postoperative radiotherapy should be considered for evidencing an excellent prognosis in relation to the
large and deep tumors that are incompletely resected, cases described in the literature. Thus, when surgery
especially if adjacent to vital structures that may reaches good resection margins, survival tends to
restrict further surgeries in the future. In the increase considerably. After surgery, the patient did not
management of this case, although it was a large and present local recurrences or distant metastases, which
deep tumor, it was decided not to perform adjuvant demonstrates that the surgical resection reached
radiotherapy, since the margins were free in the negative microscopic margin with block excision,
anatomopathological result. In addition, for compatible with the data discussed.
retroperitoneal sarcomas, as in the case, there is little
4. Conclusions
evidence of benefits to the local control rate, with the
use of adjuvant radiotherapy [24]. Patients who have The present study demonstrates that, despite the high
undergone compartment resection or amputation do not degree of malignancy of the retroperitoneal
require adjuvant irradiation, assuming that the margins liposarcoma, and due to the lack of evidence on the real
are clear [11]. role of adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies, surgery
For adjuvant chemotherapy the data are even less remains the main treatment of these neoplasias. When
stimulant, since a real benefit of the use in soft tissue resection with free margins is possible (even dealing
sarcomas is not bought. The use of doxorubicin and with bulky tumors and multivisceral resections, as is
ifosfamide in soft tissue resected sarcoma showed no the case), survival increases considerably.
benefit in relapse-free survival or overall survival [25].
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