Susaune Khola Hydrology Design

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MICROHYDRO DESIGN TOOLS © 2013 for Microsoft Excel

Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ

By Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar

Worksheets Collaboration Partmers

Conductivity SHPP/GTZ, Nepal
Hydrology Email
Weir Web
Side Intake
Bottom Intake Entec AG, Switzerland
Headrace Canal Email
Headrace Pipe Web
Settling Basin
Penstock & Power Feedback
Loads on Anchor Pushpa Chitrakar
Anchor Block Stability [email protected]
Electrical Help
Machine Foundation Online Manual
Transmission Line Drawings
Loads and Benefits List of Reference
Costing & Financial Analyses
Version: 2013.04 © Small Hydropower Promotion Project 2013 Kathmandu, Nepal
Discharge Measurement by Conductivity Meter
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project Susaune khola pico hydro project
Developer Panchapuri UM
Consultant SNV/N
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar
Meter HANNA Instruments (HI 933000)
Salt Iyoo Noon Water temp: 18 deg C
Given k 1.8 Time intervals 5 sec

Salt Const. (k) 1.8000

Wt. of Salt 300 gm 500 gm 0 gm
Nr of data 23 35 0 1
Baseline conductivity 679 279 0 0
Sum of readings 19436 14366 0 0
Effective Area 19095 23005 0 0
Discharge 28 l/s 39 l/s 0 l/s 0 l/s
Average Discharge 34 l/s

Discharge Measurement by Conductivity Meter: Susaune khola pico hydro project



Salt =300gm, A eff =19095
1600 Salt =500gm, A eff =23005
Salt =gm, A eff =0
1400 Salt =0gm, A eff =0







Discharge Measurement by Conductivity Meter: Susaune ge
k = 33.7 l/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Salt =300gm,Salt =500gm, ASalt =gm, A ,
Time(sec) A eff =0
Date= 2010/10/5, 11deg C, HANNA Instruments (HI 933000), Iyoo Noon, k=1.8, Ave. Discharge = 453.89 l/s
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances:2,2,4, 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project: Susaune khola pico hydro
Developer Panchapuri UM
Consultant SNV/N
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

River name : Susaune khola
Location : Panchapuri-9, Aula chhap
Measured flow for MIP method l/s: 34
Month and day of flow measurement: October 11
MIP region (1 -7) : 2
Area of basin below 3000m elevation A 3000 km2 : 0
Turbine discharge Qd l/s: 20
Water losses due to evaporation/flushing/seepage % of Qd : 5%
Downstream water release due to environmental reasons % of Q lowest : 5%

MIP monthly average discharge Hydest Flood Flows Q as per MGSP =3.279 l/s with 11-month exceedence
Month @ river To plant Return Period (yrs) Flood Discharge (m3/s)
January 7.14 3.45 Daily Instantaneous
February 5.42 3.45 2 - -
March 4.24 3.45 20 - -
April 3.19 2.87 100 - -
May 3.86 3.45
June 23.17 3.45 Discharges (l/s) Designed As per MGSP
July 57.95 3.45 Qturbine (Qd) 20.000 3.279
August 86.93 3.45 Q diverted Qd+Qlosses 21.053 3.451
September 66.65 3.45 Q losses 5% of Qd 1.053 0.173
October 28.98 3.45 Q release 5% of Qlow 0.159 0.159
November 12.56 3.45 Q min required @ river 21.212 3.610

December 9.66 3.45 Q exceedence (month) 5 11

Annual av 25.812 3.403 Q turbine for 11m 3.481

Long Term Average Annual Hydrograph of Susaune khola river, Susaune khola pico hydro

Discharge (l/s)

MIP Flows
80 Q design =20 l/s with 5-month exceedence
Q as per MGSP =3.279 l/s with 11-month







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design of Stone Masonry Weir
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/G Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project Upper Jogmai, Ilam
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

4.0 Weir Section & Forces @ Normal Condition

Height ZZ (m)















XX (m)

Foundation and Soil

Foundation on Soil Coeff of soil at active state (ka) 0.33
Allowable bearing capacity Pall (kN/m 2) 180 Soil Density (kN/m3) 20.000
Coeff of soil at rest (ko) 1 Friction coeff between block and soil m 0.5

Weir Geometry
Length L1 (m) 0.25 Height H1 (m) 3
Length L2 (m) 2 Height H2 (m) 1.5
Length L3 (m) 1 Height H3 (m) 1
Length L4 (m) 0.5 Density (kM/m3) 22
Total length L (m) 3.75 Head above crest during flood, hf (m) 0.500
Material Concrete
Weight Wi Moment (kN-
Forces (kN) LA along XX (m) m)
G1 5.500 3.625 19.938
G2 132.000 2.500 330.000
G3 16.500 0.833 13.750
G4 49.500 0.750 37.125
Water (normal conditions)
W1 5.000 3.625 18.125
W2 45.000 -1.000 -45.000
W3 5.000 0.500 2.500
U1 84.375 -2.083 -175.781

Water (flood conditions)

W1 6.250 3.625 22.656
W2 61.250 -1.167 -71.458
W3 11.250 0.667 7.500
U1 103.125 -2.045 -210.938
S1 1.650 -0.333 -0.550
S2 11.250 0.500 5.625

Summantion forces Normal Flood

Sum of moments SM (kN-m) 205.731 153.648
Sum of vertical forces SV (kN) 124.125 106.625
Sum of horizontal forces SH (kN) 30.400 40.400

Overturning: Equivalent distance at which SM acts from critical point

d (m) 1.657 1.441
Eccentricity e, (m) 0.218 0.434
Allowable eccentricity e all (m) 0.625 0.625
Comment on overturning moment Ok Ok

Pressure at base, Pmax 44.621 48.177
Pressure at base, Pmin 21.579 8.690
Comments on bearing Ok Ok

Factor of safety against sliding, FS sl 2.042 1.320
Comment of sliding Ok Not Ok
Design of Orifice Side Intake
Spreadsheet developed by Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar, Engineering Advisor, SHPP/GTZ
Referances: 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project Ankhu HEP
Developer Ankhu Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant HSEC P Ltd
Designed Neeraj Shrestha
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar
Wall Geometry
Coarse Trashrack
Flood Level
Orifice (H*B) Min 100 thick & 1000 wide
walkway Rcc slab
Weir Crest river level 3

h -h
h rf hr h sub h



Gravel Flushing Gate h


River bed hbot

Gravel trap (if needed)

Compacted earth/200mm
stone soling

Trashrack calculations
Input Output
Trashrack coeffieient kt 2.4 2.4
Bar thickness t mm 15.00 Headloss due to friction hf m 0.014
Clear spacing of bars b mm 75.00 Headloss due to bends hb m 0.051
Approach velocity Vo m/s 1.00 Headloss coeff K 1.271
Angle of inclination from horizontal f 75.00 Total headloss ht m 0.065
Flow deviation b deg 90.00 Trashrack coeff, K1 0.8 0.8
Design Discharge Qd cumec 0.300 Surface area A surface m2 0.466
Height of trashrack bottom from river bed ht 0.500 Vertical height h m 1.879
Canal invert level (m) 890.65 Trashrack width B m 0.239

Orifice Calculations for (B = 2H or provided) rectangular canal downstream of orifice

Orifice River
Velocity coeff of orifice c 0.800
0.800 Crest length L m 35.000
Velocity through orifice Vo m/s 1.5 Provided Q flood m3/s
Manning's coeff of roughness 0.012
0.012 Q flood m3/s (Q20 for MHP with Qd>100) -
Downstream submergence depth hsub m 0.100 Used Q flood -
Orifice height H m 1.100 Canal & Spillway
Height of orifice from canal bed h bot m 1.000 Spillway crest height above NWL m 0.100
Provided water depth in the river hr (m) Spillway discharge coeff 1.6
Provided canal width (m) Provided Freeboard h fb1 m 0.500

Normal Condition Flood
Canal witdth d/s of orifice 4.400 Critical depth of water at crest yc m -
1/Slope of canal immediately d/s of orifice 8209864 Provided 1/Slope of canal immediately d/s of orifice 5000
Depth of water in canal hc m 2.200 1/Slope of canal immediately d/s of orifice 5000
Free board in canal h fb m 0.500 Flood head at river hf r = hw+yc m -
Area of orifice A m2 0.200 Head difference dhf -
Width of orifice B m 0.182 Velocity through orifice Vof m/s -
Actual velocity through orifice Vo act m/s 1.500 Q intake Qf cumec -
Canal width Wc m 0.282 Depth of water at canal (hc f) m -
Water level difference dh m 0.179 Spillway
Water depth in the river hr = hc + dh m 2.379 Ls3:Spillway Length: Qf with d/s Obs m -
Height of weir (hw = hr+0.1) m 2.479 Ls4:Spillway Length: Qf-Qd with d/s obstruction m -
Spillway overtopping height h overtop m 0.100
Design of Bottom/Drop Intake
Spreadsheet developed by Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar, Engineering Advisor, SHPP/GTZ
Referances: 6,7,8,12,13 14-Jan-2021 Date
Project Sarbari SHP
Developer Kullu, Himanchal Pradesh, India
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar
Critical Depth Considered
Critical Depth Not Considered

Weir Geometry
Tabl e 3. 4
f or b
c val ues

Input 1 0. 95

River Width flood (Brf) m = 20

River Width (Br) m = 8 ho flood m = 3.000 0. 9

Head/Critical Depth of u/s water (ho)m = 0.226 vo flood m/s = 4

Upstream water velocity (vo) m/s = 1.494 Design Discharge (Qd), m3/s = 2.7
River gradient (i) degrees = 9.462 Trashrack witdth/diameter (t) mm = 60 0. 85

Trashrack gradient (b) deg = 36 Trashrack clearance (a) mm = 30

Contraction coeff (m ) = 0.85 Invert level of crest (masl) 500
Aspect ratio (Length across the river/Breadth along the river) = 3.54647
0. 8

Output 0. 75

c/c distance of trash rack bars d mm = 90 Qo u/s of intake (m /s) normal =

Total head (he) m = 0.340 Qu d/s of intake (m3/s) normal = 0.000
kappa (c ) = 0.749 h d/s normal (m) 0.000
0. 7

velocity head (h) m = 0.170 h flood u/s= 1.906

Correction factor ( c) = 0.146 h d/s flood (m) 1.864
Length of intake (L) m = 2.249 Qof u/s of intake = Br * hof * vof (m /s) = 325.497

Length (L' ) m = 1.819 Q in flood m3/s = 7.318

Intake length across the river (b) m = 7.975 Quf d/s of intake (m /s) = 318.178

Area of intake (A=L' *b) m2 = 17.935

Side Intake Orific =1.1x0.18
Spreadshee 0 0 WALL GEOMETRY
0 300

WALL (mm)
500 300
500 800 2500
800 800
800 300 ###
1800 300 1800 2400 Crest =893NWL =893 ### NWL =892 ### 1500
1800 1300 1800 ### 0 2779.186 2679 ### 2100 2500 ###
2100 1300 2100 ### 1800 2779.186 2679 ### 3100 2500 ###
2100 300 2100 2400 500
3100 300 1800 2400
3100 0 Canal =890.65 0




0 0 3100 300
3500 300 BASE ( mm)

1300 3100

Bottom Intake Weir Geometry

Top =500 Top =498.68 NWL =500HFL =501.Trashrack Width =1.82
0 0 3119.344 0 0 2048.273 4822 1300 1821.831 1300 0 5500

500 0 3119.344 500 1300 2048.273 3728 3119.344 500 3119.344 0

WALL (mm)
1000 1821.831 3419.344 500 3119.344 500 2363.541
1300 1821.831 3719.344 0 3419.344 500 2363.541
1300 0 3919.344 0 3719.344 500 2363.541








BASE ( mm)
Canal Design: Proposed design and optimum canal sections
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project Sisne Small Hydropower Project
Developer Gautam Buddha Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar
Type and Name Intake Canal Tailrace Main2 Main3
Flow (m3/s) 0.185 0.145 0.145 0.145
Roughness coefficient (n) 0.02
0.02 0.017
0.017 0.02
0.02 0.02
Sectional Profile Rectangular Trapezoidal Semicircular Triangular
Side slope N (1V:NHorizontal) 00 0.5
0.5 00 0.5
Length of the canal (m) 20 40 150 120
1/Canal slope (s) 77 200 30 72
Channel Depth/diameter D (m) 0.300 0.525 0.300 0.300
Freeboard FB (m) 0.300 0.250 0.150 0.150
Channel Width (B) m 0.500 1.000 0.400 0.400
Channel Drops di m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Channel Drops Horizontal length hi m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Desired velocity Vo (m/s) 1.000 1.500 1.500 1.500

Side slope d (degrees) 0.000 63.435 0.000 63.435
Canal slope S 0.01299 0.00500 0.03333 0.01389
Total depth H (m) 0.600 0.775 0.450 0.450
Chainage L (m) 20.000 60.000 210.000 330.000

Present canal
Area A m2 0.150 0.663 0.035 0.060
Top Width T (m) 0.500 1.525 0.400 0.400
Wetted Perimeter P (m) 1.100 2.174 0.471 0.671
Hydraulic Radius r (m) 0.136 0.305 0.075 0.089
Calculated flow (m3/s) & remarks 0.226 high 1.249 high 0.057 low 0.071 low
Comment on freeboard ok low ok ok
Velocity V m/s 1.233 0.219 4.103 2.417
Critical Velocity Vc m/s & Remarks 1.72 Ok 2.06 Ok 0.93 Not Ok 1.21 Not Ok
Headloss hl (m) 0.260 0.200 5.000 1.667
Total headloss Hl(m) 0.260 0.460 5.460 7.126
Critical dia of sediment d crit (mm) 19.481 16.769 27.500 13.665

Optimum canal
Area Ao m2 0.1850 0.0967 0.0967 0.0967
Top Width T (m) 0.6022 0.7636 0.9949 0.4867
Critical Velocity Vc m/s & Remarks 1.74 Ok 1.11 Not Ok 0.98 Not Ok 1.4 Not Ok
Hydraulic Radius ro (m) 0.1505 0.1180 0.1244 0.1088
Channel Depth/diameter Do (m) 0.301 0.236 0.497 0.218
Freeboard Fbo (m) 0.150 0.263 0.150 0.150
Total depth Ho (m) 0.451 0.498 0.647 0.368
Channel Width Bo (m) 0.602 0.528 0.995 0.487
Canal Slope 0.0050 0.0112 0.0145 0.0173
Headloss hlo (m) 0.100 0.449 2.175 2.079
Total headloss Hlo(m) 0.100 0.549 2.724 4.803
Critical dia of sediment d crito (mm) 8.271 14.584 19.834 20.736
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 2,4, 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project: Susaune khola pico hydroLocation: Jogmai
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar


Economic life (years) 15

Diversion flow Qd (m3/s) 0.160 U/S Invert Level (m) 1950.00
Flow in each pipe Qi (m3/s) 0.160 % head available or headloss hlt (m) 95.00%
Gross headHg (m) 7.000 Entrance Type 0.8 0.8
Bending radius (r/d) 0.3 0.3
Headrace pipe
Pipe Material HDPE Exit (Yes/No) Yes
Welded / Flat rolled if steel NA No of pipes 1.00
Rolled if steel NA Bending angle 01 20.00
Type if steel NA Bending angle 02 4.00
Burried or exposed Burried Bending angle 03 6.00
Type of valve 0 Bending angle 04 20.00
Non standard ultimate tensile strength (UTS) N/mm2 0 Bending angle 05
Estimated pipe diameter d(mm) 282 Bending angle 06
Provided pipe diameter d(mm) 260 Bending angle 07
Min pipe thickness t (mm) NA Bending angle 08
Provided pipe thickness t (mm) 3.0 Bending angle 09
Pipe Length L (m) 140.000 Bending angle 10

2.40 k t b Vo f b Q H
2.40 6.00 20.00 1.00 60.00 0.00 0.160 3.00

Expansion Joints
Tmax (deg) T installation Tmin 1st Pipe length(m) 2nd Pipe L (m) 3rd Pipe L (m) 4th Pipe L (m) 5th Pipe L (m)
40 20 4 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00

Min Submergence CGL=1.5v^2/2g
hf hb H coeff H S B
0.0213 0.0000 0.4174 0.0213 0.8006 0.23 1.39 0.69

Turbulent loss coefficients

K inlet 0.80 K bend 05 0.00 K bend 10 0.00
K bend 01 0.16 K bend 06 0.00 K valve 0.00
K bend 02 0.13 K bend 07 0.00 K exit 1.00
K bend 03 0.13 K bend 08 0.00 K others
K bend 04 0.16 K bend 09 0.00 K Total 2.37

Pipe Area A (m2) 0.053 U/S Invert Level (mAOD) 1950.000
Hydraulic Radius R (m) 0.07 D/S Invert Level (mAOD) 1943.000
Velocity V (m/s) 3.01 Is HL tot < HL available OKAY
Pipe Roughness ks (mm) 0.06 Friction Losses hf (m) 3.82
Relative Roughness ks/d 0.00023 Fitting Losses hfit (m) 1.10
Reynolds Number Re = d V /Vk 687032 Trashracks and intake loss (m) 0.02
Type of Flow Turbulent Total Head Loss htot individual (m) 4.94
Friction Factor f 0.0153 % of H.Loss of individual pipe 70.56% Ok
Expansion Joints (mm) 0.0E+00
EJ number 1 2 2 4 5
dL theoretical 0 0 0 0 0
dL recommended 0 0 0 0 0
dL for expansion 0 0 0 0 0
dL for contraction 0 0 0 0 0
Settling Basin Design
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 2,4, 6,9,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project: Susaune khola pico hydro Location: Jogmai
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Q flood 0.000 Sediment swelling factor S = 1.50

Manning's number M (m1/3/s) 1/n= 50.000 Volume of sediment storage V (m3) = 15.12
Design discharge Qdesign (m3/s) = 0.421 Sediment depth Hs (m) = V/Asi 0.63
Flushing discharge Qflush (m3/s) = 0.034 Inlet approach conveyance Canal/Pipe = Canal
Total discharge Qbasins (m /s) =3
0.455 1/Bottom slope of SB Sf (1:50 to 1:20) = 50.00
Particles to settle d (mm) = 0.300 Outlet approach conveyance Canal/Pipe = Pipe
Trapping efficiency n (%) = 85% Water level at inlet NWL (m) = 1950.00
water temperature t (oC) = 15 h flush below the base slab (L<6m) 1.70
Fall velocity w at 15 deg C (m/s) = 0.037 Number of basins N 1.00
Sediment concentration Cmax (kg/m3) = 2 Spillway crest height above NWL m 0.05
Flushing Frequency FI (hours) = 8 Spillway discharge coeff 1.60
Surface area / basin Asi (m2) 85 % = 24.000 Provided Freeboard h fb1 m 0.30
Basin transit velocity Vt (m/s) = 0.241 Discharge coeff for pipe as orifice (2.76 if L <6 m) 2.76
Bulk Sed density G (kg/m3) = 2600 Drawdown discharge % of design discharge 1.00

Discharge per basin Qbasin (m3/s) = 0.455 Water depth of inlet canal hc1 (m) = 0.50
Max section width for hydraulic flushing B (m) = 3.258 Outlet canal width /canal diameter Bc2 (m) = 0.50
Width used B (m) = 2.500 Water depth of outlet canal hc2 (m) = 0.30
Inlet canal width /canal diameter Bc1 (m) = 1.000 Provided Length of the basin Lact (m)= 0.00

Length of basin L (m) (Idel L = 9.6) = 10.000 Pipe does not need a straight approach! ***
Aspect ratio (4<=AR<=10) 4.000 Head over outlet weir h overtop (m) = 0.23
Min. water depth Hi (m) = 0.755 Approach inlet velocity vi1 (m/s) = 0.91
X-sectional area / basin Ai (m2) = 1.888 Approach outlet velocity vi2 (m/s) = 3.03
Wetted perimeter / basin Pi (m) = 4.010 1/Energy gradient during operation So = 15763.86
Hydraulic radius Ri (m) = 0.471 d 50 during operation (mm) = 0.33
Normal WL @ basin h b m = 1.385 Depth of water during flushing yfi (m) = 0.12
Straight inlet transition length at 1:5 (m) = 3.750 d 50f during flushing (mm) = 49.32
Straight approach canal length (m) = 10.000 Length of an Ideal Basin (m) = 10.00

Spilling of excess water

Vertical Flushing pipe
Diameter for flood d1 m = 0.000 Diameter for load rejection (u/s flood bypass) d1 m = 2 x 0.43

Freeboard m 0.300 Spillway length for Qd (under operation) 0.00
Spillway overtopping height h overtop m 0.125 llway length for Qd (load rejection & u/s flood bypass) 6.43
Spillway length for Qf (flood and non operational) 0.000llway length for Qd (d/s obstruction & full hovertop-50) 3.18

Combination of vertical flushing pipe and spillway Flood and non operational (Qf)
Vertical flushing pipe diameter d1 m 0.30 Flood discharge passing through vertical pipe 0.000
No of vertical flushing pipe 1.00 Spillway length for the remaining discharge m 1.00
Spillway length used (m) 1.00

Flood and Under Operation (Qf- Qd) Load Rejection (Qd)

H overtopping 0.00 H overtopping 0.262
Discharge passing through vertical pipe 0.00 Discharge passing through vertical pipe 0.240
Discharge passing over spillway 0.00 Discharge passing over spillway 0.215

Flushing of water and sediment Calculate Gate Rating Curves

Flushing pipe and orifice diameter Gate Relative Discharge
d for incoming flow and draw down m 0.35 Opening Gate OpeninigOne basin
d for incoming flow only (empty state) m 0.40 Hg Hg/H1 Q
incoming flow only (empty state & with y flushing) m 0.39 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.033 0.024 0.128
Gate 0.067 0.048 0.251
Buoyance weight of the gate W kgf 300.00 0.100 0.072 0.369
Gate Opening B, (m) 1.00 0.133 0.096 0.484
Gate Opening H (m) 0.50 0.167 0.120 0.597
Submerged area of th gate A m2 0.50 0.200 0.144 0.707
Water surface to cg of submerged area h m 1.14 0.233 0.168 0.816
Coeff of static friction mu 0.90 0.267 0.193 0.922
Lifting force F kgf 810.84 0.300 0.217 1.027
H. of water (H1) 1.39 0.333 0.241 1.129
0.367 0.265 1.230
Designed Cross Section 0.400 0.289 1.328
1 0.433 0.313 1.423
0.467 0.337 1.516
1 0.500 0.361 1.606

Forebay cum settling basin (one basin)
Penstock diameter m 0.41
Penstock velocity m/s 3.45
0 Submergence depth of penstock pip 0.91
Height of pipe above the base slab 0.30
0 Min. pond depth m 1.62
Effective thickness of penstock mm 3
FS for air vent (5 burried, 10 expose 10
Young's modulus of elasticity E N/m 200000
Penstock inlet gate (Yes/No) No
0 Air vent diameter mm Nominal
Gradual Expansion of 1:5 half of Gr expansion
1.000 Width 2.5m Flushing cone/spillway O

Gradual Expansion 1 in 10 (1:2 for MHP) L =10

Spillway 0.300
0.500 Water depths 0.76m & 0.96m
Sediment depth 0.63m Slope 1:50
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances:2,4, 5,6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project: Jhankre mini-hydropower Location:
Developer Himal Power Limited
Consultant BPC Hydroconsult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Project: Jogmai I
Location: Ilam Economic life (years) 15
Diversion flow Qd (m3/s) 0.235 WL @ forebay or U/S Invert Level (m) 1657.00
Flow in each pipe Qi (m3/s) 0.235 % head allowable headloss hlt (m) 5.00%
Gross head (from forebay) Hg (m) 54.91 Cumulative knowm efficiency (g,t,tr,others) 63.94%
Turbine type (CROSSFLOW/PELTON) Crossflow
1 10%
Valves (Sperical/Gate/Butterfly)
Taper (Yes/No)
0.3 0.3
No of CF units
Direct Coupling (Yes/No) No Exit (Yes/No) No
Closure time T sec 60.00 Non standard ult. tensile strength (UTS) N/mm2 0
Number of units 3
Penstock pipe:
Pipe Material (STEEL/HDPE/PVC) Steel Safety factor for lower pipes (0 for default) 2.5
Welded / Flat rolled if steel Welded Entrance Type 0.5
Rolled if steel Rolled Entrance with gate and air-vent (Yes/No) No
Type if steel (UNGRAGED/IS) IS Bending radius (r/d) (1/2/3/5/1.5)
0.45 0.45
Burried or exposed Exposed Bending angle 05 26.00
No of pipes 1.00 Bending angle 06
Bending angle 01(degrees) 23.00 Bending angle 07 0.00
Bending angle 02 9.00 Bending angle 08 0.00
Bending angle 03 10.00 Bending angle 09 0.00
Bending angle 04 16.00 Bending angle 10 0.00
Penstock diameter d=>d estd, d act (mm) 326 330 Pipe thickness t=>t min, t act (mm) 3.0 3.0
Pipe Length L (m) 111.500 Roughness coefficient (ks) 0.060
Trashrack Submergence
Clear Approach Angle of Flow Design depth @
thickness, spacing, b velocity, Vo inclination, f deviation, b discharge, Q trashrack, h
Trashrack coefficient, kt t(mm) (mm) (m/s) (deg) (deg) (m3/s) (m)
2.40 2.40 6.00 20.00 1.00 71.56 0.00 0.235 0.70
Expansion Joints
Tmax (deg) T installation Tmin 1st Pipe length(m) 2nd Pipe L (m) 3rd Pipe L (m) 4th Pipe L (m) 5th Pipe L (m)
40 20 4 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00

e@ Submergence
Bend loss, Headloss Total headloss, Surface area, S trashrack penstock, h @ penstock, h
Frictional headloss, hf (m) hb (m) coeff H(m) (m2) width, B (m) min (m) min (m)
0.0233 0.0000 0.4572 0.0233 1.0734 1.45 1.49 0.58

Turbulent loss coefficients K Total 2.00

K inlet 0.50 K bend 05 0.26 K bend 10 0.00
K bend 01 0.25 K bend 06 0.00 K valve 0.30
K bend 02 0.20 K bend 07 0.00 K taper 0.06
K bend 03 0.21 K bend 08 0.00 K exit 0.00
K bend 04 0.23 K bend 09 0.00 K others 0.00

Pipe Area A (m2) 0.086 U/S Invert Level (mAOD) 1657.00
Hydraulic Radius R (m) 0.08 D/S Invert Level (mAOD) 1602.09
Velocity V (m/s) 2.75 Is HLtot < HL available OKAY
Pipe Roughness ks (mm) 0.060 Friction Losses hf (m) 1.91
Relative Roughness ks/d 1.818E-04 Fitting Losses hfit (m) 0.77
Reynolds Number Re = d V /Vk 795032 Trashracks and intake loss (m) 0.02
Type of Flow Turbulent Total Head Loss htot individual (m) 2.70
Friction Factor f 0.0147 % of H.Loss of individual pipe 4.92% Ok
Factor of Safety
Young's modulus of elasticity E N/mm2 200000 Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) N/mm2 410
Thickness 3.000 H total for unit Crossflow(m) 54.91
Diameter (mm) 330.000 t effective (mm) 0.77
Net Head (m) 52.207 Minimum t effictive for negative pressure (mm) 3.46
Wave Velocity a (m/s) 974.732 Comment on thickness NA, No gate
Critical time Tc (sec) *2 = Closing time T 0.23 Ok Safety Factor (S) 3.50
K if crossflow turbine Kcf 0.00009 Check on Safety Factor Ok
Hsurge for one unit Crossflow(m) 0.523 Air vent diameter d vent (mm) 121.10
Hsurge for instanteneous closure of all unit closure of Crossflo 272.893 H total capacity of the specified pipe (m) 76.80
Lengths (max & actual) of the specified pipe (m) 155.949 111.500 H static capacity of the specified pipe (m) 76.80

Turbine efficiency as per MGSP 65.00% Electrical Power as per MGSP GL (kW) 63.29
Available shaft power(kW) 74.32 Electrical Power based on Hnet (kW) 60.18
Reqd.'Turbine Capacity (+10%) (kW) 81.75 Power for known cumulative eff (kW) 76.95

Expansion Joints (mm) Coeff of linear expansion /deg C 1.2E-05

EJ number 1 2 2 4 5
dL theoretical 4 6 9 11 13
dL recommended 9 13 17 22 26
dL for expansion 5 7 10 12 14
dL for contraction 4 6 8 10 12
Forces on Anchor Block Block # & type 2 Convex
Small Hydropower PromotioSpreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project Susaune khola pico hydro project
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Consultant EPC Consult Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Particulars Upstream Central Downstream Design Discharge, Q (m3/s) 0.37
Pipe dimensions Unit Weights (kN/m ) 3

Diameter (Di) 0.39 0.39 Mild Steel 78.5

Thickness 0.006 0.006 Water 9.81
Shaddle Spacing & number 4.00 7 4.00 RCC 25
Anchor Block 22
Elevations 818.000 Soil
Bearing capacity (kN/m2) 200
Horizontal Distance (m) 2.000 53.712 f 30 0.5236
gs 20
Vertical angles, a & b (deg) 0.0000 27.7832

Location of Expansion Joint 2 2 Heads (m)

Forebay WL 835.000
D/S Expansion Joint : Yes Yes Tot.Transient Length (m) 511
Tpot Pipe Len (forebay to AB 56.388
Output Total Surge Head 96.360
Weight of pipe, Wp (kN/m) 0.586 0.586 Static Head 17.000
Weight of water, Ww (kN/m) 1.172 1.172 Surge Head ± 10.63
Total weight, W (kN/m)) 1.758 1.758 Total (H) 27.633
Velocity, v (m/s) 3.097 3.097 Youngs Modulus of Elasticity 2.1E+11
Vertical angles, a & b (rad) 0.000000 0.484908 Coefficient of Linear Expansion (a)

1. Perpendicular component of Wt of pipe and water act perpendicular to the pipe CL along the anchor faces

F1=dead weight of half of anchor saddle pipe perp to pipe
3.516 3.516
F1u (kN)=wu*lmu/2*COS(a): F1d (kN)=wd*lmd/2*COS(b)
F1 u F1 d
F1 perpendicular to pipe 3.516 3.110
F1 axial 0.000 -1.639
Fixed end moment = wl^2/8 for proped cantilever FEM.
FEMu (kN-m)= Restoring moment: FEMd (kN-m)= Overturning moment
FEM 2.344 -2.344

2. Axial frictional force of pipe on saddle supports transferred to anchor

F2 (kN)= ±m*w*L'*cos a 0.25
US Pipe Length, L' (m): 2.00
F2 (kN) = ± 12.305 +ve for expansion

3. Hydrostatic Pressure at Bend due to the vector difference of static pressure & acting towards IP
Pu (kN) = F3u =PI/4*dui^2*Ht*g 32.38 a F3

Pd (kN) = F3d =PI/4*ddi^2*Ht*g 32.38

F3 = 2*P*sin((b-a)/2) 15.549 b
4. Component of weight of pipe (wp) along the pipe L'

F4u= wp*active arm L’*sin(a) F4d= wp*active arm L’*sin(b)

F4 0.000 0.546 F4=w sin a

F4=w sin a

5. Thermally (expansion/contraction) induced axial force ( if no EJ provided)
F5 (kN)=pi()*Dmean*t*E*a*Dt + Expansion, - Contraction
Condition Tmax Tinstallation Tmin
Temp at oC 40 20 4 F5
F5 expansion 0.000 0.000
F5 contraction 0.000 0.000

6. Axial friction within Expansion joint seal due to the movement against the circumferential pressure
F6=±PI()*D*W*H*g*m + Expansion, - Contraction
m for rubber packing 0.25 Seal width, W (m0.16
Static Pressure at Exp, Ps (m) 17.000 17.93 F6
F6 F6
Dynamic Pressure at Exp, Pd 10.256 11.06
Pipe Movement
Total (AH) 27.256 28.992
F6 (kN) =± 13.507 13.939

7. Axial hydrostatic pressure on exposed end of pipe in Expansion Joint

F7 1.996 2.059 F7 p F7

8. Dynamic pressure at the bend due to the vector difference of momentum - Q*r *Vo F8
Q*r * Vi
F8 = 2.5*(Q^2/d^2)*sin((b-a)/2) P8= mV =Q*r*Vi Q*r * Vi

P8 (kN) 1.146 1.146 Q*r *Vo

F8 0.540 Vector difference of momentum

at bend (mvi -mv o )

9. Axial (small diameter) force on Reducer F9

Reducer: No No
p F9
Location & Diameter: 3.00 0.40 4.00 0.40
St. Head 17.00 18.86
Dyn. Head 10.63 10.98
F9 (kN) 0.000 0.000

10 Axial drag of flowing Water (friction of flowing water) (not considered in MHP)
F10=g*PI()*Dupi^2/4*DH(Exp to block)
F10 (kN) 0.000 No 0.000 No

11 Axial (u/s slope) force due to soil pressure upstream of the block
F11 =gs*hs^2/2*cos f*ka*B F11

ka= (cosi-sqrt(cosi^2-cosf^2))/(cosi+sqrt(cosi^2-cosf^2)) 0.333 Width, B(m) 2

hs = soil depth = hu 1.8
F11 21.600 Yes @ 1/3 of hs 0.6

12 Vertical force due to the weight of the block

F12 =gblock*Vol of block
Vol of block 16.191
F12 356.202 Yes


@ bend Total @ bend Total

1 Summation of total horizontal forces SH (kN) 16.551 38.151 -10.41 11.19

2 Summation of total vertical forces SV (kN) -16.554 339.648 -3.56 352.64
3 Summation of total moment forces SM (kN-m) 0.000 0.00
Anchor Block Stability
Small Hydropower PromotioSpreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project Susaune khola pico hydro project
Developer Mansarawar Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EHS
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Input Output
Upstream depth, Hu (m) 3.3 Concrete volume of Anchor Bloc 16.191
Downstream depth, Hd (m) 2.25 Weight of block, Wb (kN) 356.199
Width, W (m) 2 Centre of gravity XX 1.405
Length, L (m) 3
g anchor (kN/m3) 22 Anchor Block Section
m 0.5 3.0
Height Y (m) '


Penstock 2.0
Bend at (X), (m) 1
Bend at (Y), (m) 2.15
Diameter, d (m) 0.458
Upstream angle, a (deg) 13 0.5
Length X (m) '
Upstream angle, b (deg) 25 0.0
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Upstream depth hfu (m) 1.8 Active earth pressure coeff, Ka 0.3715
Soil friction f, (deg) 30 F Pa Fx Fy
g soil (kN/m3) 20 Soil force 23.455 22.853 5.276
Bearing Capacity, SBC (kN/m2 200 Acting at (m) 0.6

Forces (with soil pressure and block weight)

Forces with earthpressure & anchoYes Overturning Bearing Sliding
Net Forces
Expansion @ bend SM @ O 563.303 P max 72.681 172.63
SH (kN) 53.180 30.327 d 1.632 P min 42.406 Ok
SV (kN) 345.260 -16.215 eccentricity e, Ok 0.132 Ok
e allowable 0.500

Contraction SM @ O 473.281 P max 55.866 160.22

SH (kN) 16.66 -6.19 d 1.477 P min 50.947 Ok
SV (kN) 320.44 -41.03 eccentricity e, Ok 0.023 Ok
Turbine Selection
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,7,8,12,13 14-Jan-2021
Project Susaune khola pico hydro
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Discharge (l/s) 150 Gear ratio at turbine 1
Gross head (m) 69 Gear ratio at generator 2
Hydraulic losses 15.94% No of turbines/generators 1
Max turbine output kW 67.89 Total number of jets if Pelton n 2
Turbine rpm 600 Specified turbine Pelton
Cd 0.96 Cu 0.46

Net head m 58.001 Generator with gearing rpm 1200

No Gearing With Gearing

Sp speed of runner rpm (no gearing) 37 Sp speed of turbine 18
Pelton (12-30) => (Ns 17-42) Pelton Pelton (12-30) => (Ns 17-42) Pelton
Turgo (Ns 20-70) => (Ns 28-99) Turgo Turgo (Ns 20-70) => (Ns 28-99) **
Crossflow (Ns 20-80) Crossflow Crossflow (Ns 20-80) **
Fracis (Ns 80-400) ** Fracis (Ns 80-400) **
Propeller or Kaplan (Ns 340-1000) ** Propeller or Kaplan (Ns 340-1000) **

Jet velocity Vj (m/s) 32.38

Nozzle diameter, Dn (mm) 54.85
Pitch circle diameter, PCD (mm) 493.94
Selection of Electrical Equipment
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZSpreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,7,8,12,13 14-Jan-2021
Project Susaune khola pico hydro
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Discharge (m3/s) 0.235 Power factor 0.8
Gross head (m) 54.910 Safety factor of generator 1.3
Overall plant efficiency (%) 63% Phase 3
Temperature (oC) 30 Type of Generator 1 1
Altitude (m) 1500 Over rating factor of MCCB 1
ELC correction factor 0.83 Over rating factor of cable 1
Frequency of the system (Hz) 50 No. of poles 4
Capacity of used generator (kVA) 0 Rated rotor speed if induction generator N (rpm) 1450
Delta 89%

Pe Electrical output (active power) (kW) 79.75 Ok

Temp.factor 1.05 Altitude factor 0.96
Capacity (kVA) 154.24 Actual available capacity (kVA) 160.00
Synchronous rotational speed Ns (rpm) 1500

ELC capacity (kW) 79.75 Calculated Ballast capacity 1.2*Pe =95.7(kW) 3x32
Cal ballast capacity of ELC-Extention (kW)=89 3x30
Rated Voltage (V) 400 Irated for Cable & MCCB (A) at Generator side 230.95

Rating of MCCB (A) 143.89 Calculated size of MCCB (A) 143.89

Actual available size of MCCB (A)
Rating (A) 230.95 Size of 4-core cupper armoured cables 150
Turbine and Generator Machine Foundation
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Revision 2006.05
Project Upper Jogmai, Ilam
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Machine Foundation Section Machine Foundation Plan

Height ZZ (m)

1.8 2.8
1.6 2.4

YY (m)
1.4 2.2
1.2 1.8
0.8 1.2
0.6 0.8
0.2 0.2




















XX (m)
XX (m)

Gross head hg (m) 51.00 Design Discharge Qd (m3/s) 0.150
Surge head hs (m) 50.00

Foundation Penstock
Foundation on Soil Diameter dp (m) 0.300
Allowable bearing capacity Pall (kN/m 2) 180 Material mild steel
Friction coeff between block and soil m 0.5 Centreline above PH floor hp (m) 0.300
Length L (m) 3.2 Turbine Pit
Bredth B (m) 2.5 Length of opening Lo (m) 0.450
Height H (m) 1.5 Bredth of opening Bo (m) 0.500
Material of foundation Concrete Height of opening Ho (m) 1.000
Density of foundation (kM/m3) 22 Height of tailrace canal Htr (m) 0.500

Electro-mechanical XX (m) YY (m)

Weight of turbine Wt (kN) & cl position 2.943 0.625 1.250
Weight of generator Wg (kN) & cl positio 3.434 2.025 1.250

Weight Wi Lever Arm LA (m)
Forces (kN) LA along XX LA along YY
Force due to h total of 101 m, Fh (kN) 70.036 1.800
W1 33.000 3.000 1.25
W2 27.225 2.575 1.25
W3 193.875 1.175 1.25
Sum of moments SM (kN-m) 282.455 199.530
Sum of vertical forces SM (kN) 260.477 260.477

Equivalent distance at which SM acts from critical poin LA along XX LA along YY
d (m) 1.084 0.766
Eccentricity e, (m) 0.516 0.484
Allowable eccentricity e all (m) 0.533 0.417
Comment on overturning moment Ok Not Ok

Pressure at base LA along XX LA along YY
Pmax 64.038 70.379
Pmin 1.081 -5.260
Comments on bearing Ok Not Ok

LA along XX LA along YY
Factor of safety against sliding, FS sl 1.860 1.860
Comment of sliding Ok Ok
Transmission and Distribution System:

Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTSpreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar

Referances:2,4, 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project: Susaune khola pico hydro Power factor 0.8 Cable Summary
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd Voltage systems 11000 Type Length(km)
Consultant EPC Consult 400 Squirrel 4.73
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar 230 Gopher 0.00
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar Weasel 10.50
Rabbit 3.36
Otter 1.21
Dog 5.57
Total Cost( 642337.50
Length of neutral cables for 2-phase-3 wire (km)
Reach Power at
Moment V @ Reach
Reach Length Phase next node ACSR um (kW- prev Current Voltage V @ next S% voltage dV at prev Resistance Reactance Impedence
Node name name (km) 1,3,11 (kW) type m) node (V) (A) drop (V) node (V) drop brach (V) node (V) Ohm/km Ohm/km Ohm/km

PH-A-B-C-D 3 400.00 400.00 400.00

PH A PHA 0.300 3 16 Dog 4800 400.00 28.87 6.30 393.70 1.58 0.00 393.70 0.275 0.315 0.418
A B AB 0.500 1 5 Rabbit 2500 227.30 27.50 17.60 209.70 8.82 1.58 393.70 0.545 0.335 0.640
C AC 0.600 1 5 Rabbit 3000 227.30 27.50 21.10 206.20 10.35 1.58 393.70 0.545 0.335 0.640
D AD 0.500 1 5 Rabbit 2500 227.30 27.50 17.60 209.70 8.82 1.58 393.70 0.545 0.335 0.640

PH-T1 3 400.00 400.00 400.00

PH T1 PHT1 0.050 3 21 Otter 1050 400.00 37.89 1.60 398.40 0.40 0.00 400.00 0.343 0.328 0.475

T1-T2 11 ### 11000.00 ###

T1 T2 T1 T2 1.500 11 21 Squirrel 31500 ### 1.38 5.00 10995.00 0.05 0.00 ### 1.347 0.355 1.393

T2-E 3 400.00 400.00 400.00

T2 E T2 E 0.300 3 21 Dog 6300 400.00 37.89 8.20 391.80 2.05 0.00 400.00 0.275 0.315 0.418

E-J ( r ) 1 226.21 226.21 226.21

E J EJ 0.500 1 7 Dog 3500 226.21 38.68 16.20 210.01 8.69 0.00 226.21 0.275 0.315 0.418

E-H (y) 1 226.21 226.21 226.21

E G EG 0.500 1 7 Otter 3500 226.21 38.68 18.40 207.81 9.65 0.00 207.81 0.343 0.328 0.475
G H GH 0.200 1 3 Dog 600 207.81 18.05 3.00 204.81 10.95 9.65 207.81 0.275 0.315 0.418

E-M (b) 1 226.21 226.21 226.21

E K EK 0.500 1 7 Dog 3500 226.21 38.68 16.20 210.01 8.69 0.00 210.01 0.275 0.315 0.418
K L KL 0.200 1 3 Dog 600 210.01 17.86 3.00 207.01 10.00 8.69 207.01 0.275 0.315 0.418
L M LM 0.200 1 2 Dog 400 207.01 12.08 2.00 205.01 10.87 10.00 207.01 0.275 0.315 0.418
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 1,2,3,4, 6,12,13,15,16 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project: Gaddi Gad Khola Location: Ladagada VDC, Doti
Developer Gaddi Gad Khola MHP
Consultant Perinial
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Power Output (kW) 96.1 Domestic lighting
Name of the Source Gaddi Gad Khola Average subscription/household (W/HH) 85
System loss 10%
Beneficiary HH (nos.) 471 time 0 5 8 18 20
Plant's operating days330 load 88 0 0 91.1 0
440 0 0 182.2
Loads (kWh or W/m)OperatingTariff (Rs) Probable Business Load Expected after 3 years
Domestic 330 1.00 Operating d/Tariff (Rs) Load From (hr)To (hr)
Agro-processing 330 6.00 Metal Workshop 330 6.00 10 12 16
Bakery 320 6.00 Photo Studio 320 6.00 1 8 20
Saw Mill 300 5.00 Dairy Processin 320 6.00 8 8 18
Herbs Processing 180 5.50 Cold Store 310 6.00 6 8 18
Load 5 330 Load 5
Load 6 330 Load 6

Proposed end uses and operting hours

time (hr) 0 4 12 16 22 Daily Energy Demand (Dd) kWh 1037
Agro-processing 0 0 22.5 0 0 Yearly Energy Demand (Dy) kWh 378578
time (hr) 0 8 14 18 22 Average Load Factor 49.97%
Bakery 0 9 0 0 0
time (hr) 0 3 16 18 22
Saw Mill 0 0 10 0 0
time (hr) 0 3 12 17 22
Herbs Processing 0 0 25 0 0
time (hr) 0 6 8 15 22
Load 5 15 0 0 0 0
time (hr) 0 3 5 10 22
Load 6 12 0 0 0 0
36 0 0 0 0 36.00

Annual Available kWh 761112
First 3 yearsAfter 3 years
Yearly end use load (kWh) 117060 147680
Productive end use load factor (%) 15.38 19.40
Total load plant factor 42.36 50.40
Annual total (domestic + end uses) Income 916,050 1,099,770

End Use Load Operation Period Yearly Load Annual

(kW) Hours/day Days/year kWh LF (%) Income (Rs)
Domestic Lighting 44.483 13.987 330 205326 26.98 480,420
Existing/Committed Business Load
Agro-processing 22.5 4 330 29700 3.90 178200
Bakery 9 6 320 17280 2.27 103680
Saw Mill 10 2 300 6000 0.79 30000
Herbs Processing 25 5 180 22500 2.96 123750
Load 5 15 6 330 29700 3.90 0
Load 6 12 3 330 11880 1.56 0
Total 117060 15.38 435,630
Total Annual Income from sales of electricity 916,050

Probable Business Load after 3 years

Metal Workshop 10 4 330 13200 1.73 79200
Photo Studio 1 12 320 3840 0.50 23040
Dairy Processing 8 10 320 25600 3.36 153600
Cold Store 6 10 310 18600 2.44 111600
Load 5 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Load 6 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
In s t a lle d C a p a c it y & L o a d ( k W )

Total additional annual income after 3 years 61240 8.05 183,720

Productive End Use ( 19.40
Load Duration Chart for the first three years of operation of Gaddi Gad Khola

Load Duration Chart for the first three years of operation of Gaddi Gad Khola
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



100 Load 6
Load 5
80 Herbs Proc es sing
Saw Mill
60 Bak ery
Agro-proces sing
40 Domestic
Installed Capac ity

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Time (hrs)
Project Costing and Financial Analyses
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Referances: 1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,12,13 Date 14-Jan-2021
Project Susaune khola pico hydro project
Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd
Consultant EPC Consult
Designed Pushpa Chitrakar
Checked Pushpa Chitrakar

Project size (kW): 96.10
Total Project Cost (Rs.) 12,734,865
Headrace Canal Total subsidy Bank loan Other loan Cash equity Kind equity Others
91500 Rs/kW x 96.1 = 8793150 1,890,044 1,200,000 851,671 0
Interest rate i (%) 3%
Payback period n (yr) 7
Plant life N (yr) 15
Discount Rate I (%) 4%
O & M (Rs) 305,004
Investment Cost (Rs) 8,516,715 Salary 114000
Mechanical components 999,040 Installation 232,500 Spares 0
Electrical component 2,061,717 Commissioning 0 Maintenance 171,000
Civil component 1,363,497 VAT 623,611 Office expenses
Spare parts & tools 57,550 Contingencies 0 Miscellaneous 20,004
Transport. 3,178,800 Others Others

Cost Summary NPV Based on Different Project Costs

Project cost (Rs) 12,734,865 NPV Probable Business Load
Annual Operation, Maintenance and other Cost 305,004 Without With
Annual Income without probable business loads 916050 Total investment cost (3,543,677) (2,010,846)
Annual Income with probable business loads (R 1099770 Total Inv Cost-Subsidy 5,249,473 6,782,304
Annual installment for Bank loan 303364 Equity 3,773,038 5,305,869
Annual installment for other loan NA
NPV on equity without probable business load 3,773,038
NPV equity with probable business load (Rs)+v 5,305,869
Cost/Kw =>>Ok 132,517
Subsidy/HH 18,669

Annual Cash Flows

Without Probable Business Loads With Probable Business Loads
Year Equity O & M costs Loan repayment Income Cash flow Income Cash flow
0 1,200,000 -1,200,000 -1,200,000
1 305,004 303,364 916,050 307,682 916,050 307,682
2 305,004 303,364 916,050 307,682 916,050 307,682
3 305,004 303,364 916,050 307,682 916,050 307,682
4 305,004 303,364 916,050 307,682 1,099,770 491,402
5 305,004 303,364 916,050 307,682 1,099,770 491,402
6 305,004 303,364 916,050 307,682 1,099,770 491,402
7 305,004 303,364 916,050 307,682 1,099,770 491,402
8 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
9 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
10 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
11 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
12 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
13 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
14 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
15 305,004 0 916,050 611,046 1,099,770 794,766
Ulitilities and Short Calculations
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ
Uniform Depth of a Trapezoidal Canal (Y-m)
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTSpreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Susaune khola pico hydro project Date 14-Jan-2021
Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.05

Design Discharge (l/s): 1,000

1/Mannings Coeff (M): 50.0000
1/Canal Slope (S): 300
Freeboard, FB (m) 0.2
Wall Thickness, t (m) 0.3
Width of Canal, b (m): 1.000
Z= 0.50 Z= 0.50
Top width, T (m) 1.572
Uniform Depth (Y-m) 0.572

Canal Wall Geometry

Payment of a loan
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP) Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Susaune khola pico hydro project Date 14-Jan-2021
Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.05

Payback 1
Loan amount (NRs) : 1,800,000 Starting Mont 2
Interest rate (APR): 13.00% Starting Year 2006
Yearly payment and No 10

Yearly Payment 331,721.20

Actual vs AEPC Power (Pe-kW)
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP) Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Susaune khola pico hydro project Date 14-Jan-2021
Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.05

Discharge (l/s): 120

Cumulative efficiency including head loss (n% 80.00%
Gross Head (H-m) 300.00
Actual Power (Pact-kW) 282.53
Power MGSP-ESAP (Pe-kW) 176.58
Spillway Lengths (m)
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP) Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Susaune khola pico hydro project Date 14-Jan-2021
Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.05

Flood discharge (l/s): 2,000

Design discharge (l/s): 500
Overtopping height (ho) mm: 300
Spillway discharge coeff 1.5
L spillway min for Qf m & full height 8.11
Length of spillway Ls1 for Qf m & half heig 17.21
Friction Factor (f) & Net head
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP) Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar
Susaune khola pico hydro project Date 14-Jan-2021
Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.05

Discharge (m3/s) 0.500 Flow

Gross head (m) 63 Velocity, v(m/s) 2.5464790894703
Pipe roughness ks (mm) 0.010 Reynold's nr, (R 1116876.7936273
Pipe diameter (mm) 500.00 Laminar Flow 5.730265E-05
Pipe Length (m) 100 9.170E+00
Turbulent headloss factor (K) 1.50 9.170E+00
Friction factor f 0.0119 Transitional Fl 0.0118931351092
Headloss hl (m) 1.282
Headloss hl (%) 2.03
Net Head (m) 61.718
Voltage Drop

Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP) Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar

Susaune khola pico hydro project Date 14-Jan-2021
Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.05

Reach length, L (km) 1.000

Voltage at 1st node, V1 (V) 230
Power, P (kW) 20
ASCR type 6.00
Phase at 1st node, f1 (1/3) 1
Phase at 2nd node, f2 (1/3) 1
Current, I (A) 108.70
Impedence, Z (Ω/km) 0.4178
Voltage at 2nd node, V2 (V) 139.17
Power loss P loss (kW) 3.95
Voltage drop, dV (V) 90.83
% Voltage drop 39.49
List of References
Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ
1 Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, Kathmandu,
Nepal (2002), Peltric Standards

2 Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, Kathmandu,

Nepal (2003), Preliminary Feasibility Studies of Prospective Micro-hydro Projects

3 Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre , Kathmandu,

Nepal(2001), Technical Details and Cost Estimate

4 Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre , Kathmandu,

Nepal(2003), Guidelines for Detailed Feasibility Study of Micro-Hydro Projects

5 European Small Hydropower Association (1998), Layman's Guidebook on How to

Develop a Small Hydro Site

6 BPC Hydroconsult, Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG), Kathmandu,

Nepal (2002), Civil Works Guidelines for Micro-Hydropower in Nepal.

7 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Report on

Standardiztion of Civil Works for Small Hydropower Plants

8 GTZ/Department of Energy Development, Energy Division, Papua New Guinea, Micro

Hydropower Training Modules (1994), Modules 1-7, 10, 13, 14 & 18B.

9 Americal Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE), Sediment Transportation.

10 KB Raina & SK Bhattacharya, New Age International (P) Ltd (1999), Electrical Design
Estimating and Costing.

11 Badri Ram & DN Vishwakarma, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi (1995), Power System Protection and Switchgear.

12 Adam Harvey (1993), Micro-Hydro Design Manual, A guide to small-scale water
power schemes, Intermediate Technology Publications, ISBN 1 85339 103 4.

13 Allen R. Inversin (1986), Micro-Hydropower Sourcebook, A Practical Guide to Design

and Implementation in Developing Countries, NRECA International Foundation, 1800
Massachusetts Avenue N. W., Washington, DC 20036.

14 Helmut Lauterjung/Gangolf Schmidt (1989), Planning of Intake Structures,

GATE/GTZ, Vieweg.

15 Methodologies for estimating hydrologic characteristics of ungauged locations in Nepal

(1990), HMG of Nepal, Ministry of Water Resources, Water and Energy Commission
Secretariat, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.

Design Manuals for Irrigation Projects in Nepal (1990), Planning and Design
Strengthening Project (PDSP), His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Ministry of Water
Resources, Department of Irrigation. United Nations Development Programme
(NEP/85/013)/World Bank.

17 Salleri Chialsa Small Hydel Project (1983), Technical Report, DEH/SATA, ITECO.

18 P.N. Khanna (1996), Indian Practical Civil Engineer's Handbook, 15th Edition,
Engineer's Publishers, Post Box 725, New Delhi - 110001.

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