DarkMessiah: Maitreya "Counterfeit Star of Bethlehem" 2008

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Bright star heralds the emergence of

Maitreya the World Teacher
For over 30 years author, lecturer and artist Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the
emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher.
On 12 December 2008 Share International distributed a news release announcing that in the very
near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible throughout the world, night and day. Around a
week later Maitreya will give his first interview on major US television.
Since early January 2009 sightings of the star have been reported from Norway, South Africa, the
United States, Dubai and Qatar. More and more sightings are now expected. Reports have already appeared
in Norwegian newspapers.
A new article by Benjamin Creme’s Master, who is based in the Himalayas, reveals how close we are
to witnessing this sign and the historic events which will follow. Maitreya’s first interview will lead to further
and more frequent interviews in the USA, Japan and other countries.

Maitreya’s first interview

In the very near future, people everywhere will have eager to hear more. It is not for nothing that Maitreya
the opportunity to witness an extraordinary and has waited patiently for this moment to enter the public
significant sign, the like of which has been manifested world; America, for one, would not have responded
only once before, at the birth of Jesus.Then, according to sooner. Now, for the first time in many years, a new
Christian teaching, a star appeared in the heavens and led Administration has to cope with financial chaos,
three wise men from the East to the birthplace of Jesus. unemployment and social unrest on a massive scale.The
Soon, once again, a star-like luminary of brilliant power moment of truth for America and the world has arrived.
will be seen around the world. What does this mean?
Not alone in America but worldwide, people are
How is it possible?
awakening to the need for and the possibility of change.
The answer lies in the fact that this mysterious event The politicians and economists call the present situation
is a sign, and heralds the beginning of Maitreya’s open a ‘downturn’ and a ‘recession’. In truth, we are witnessing
mission. Soon after the sign appears in our skies, the last stumbling steps of the old order. Millions are
Maitreya will give His first media interview on American becoming aware that unbridled competition and greed
television. are not the safest path for men, that such materialistic
doctrines create a ‘slippery slope’ for the unwary, and,
On that open, public occasion, still unannounced as
eventually, the international crisis we have today.
Maitreya, the World Teacher will present His views on
the economic and financial chaos which now grips the Of course, many people of burgeoning wealth stand
world. He will explain its origins and final outcome, and clear of the present loss of confidence in the ways which
present, to some extent, His recipe for amelioration of have made them rich, and think it only ‘a matter of time’
the present heavy burden on the poor of the world.Thus until we are back on course and thriving again.
He will prepare the way for a more detailed and specific
Will they heed Maitreya and recognize the sense of
announcement of His ideas.
His argument? Lost in their arrogance and self-esteem,
How will viewers respond? They will not know His possibly not. However, many are less sanguine about a
background or status.Will they listen to and consider His return to the status quo. Many have suffered painful
words? It is too soon to know exactly but the following losses and have lost faith in the old methods.The peoples
may be said: never before will they have seen or heard of the nations are ripe and ready for change.They call out
Maitreya speak. Nor, while listening, will they have for change and a more meaningful life. Maitreya will
experienced His unique energy, heart to heart. Also, this remind men of the essentials without which there is no
is a unique time in history with whole nations stunned future for man: Justice and Peace. And the only way to
and apprehensive for the future. Therefore it can be both is through sharing.
assumed that many who hear His words will be open and (Share International January/February 2009)
Share International — background information

For over 30 years artist, author, and lecturer religion but as an

Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for educator in the
the biggest event in history — the emergence of broadest sense. He
Maitreya the World Teacher and His group, the will seek to inspire
Masters of Wisdom. Millions of people around humanity to see
the world have heard his information and wait itself as one family,
expectantly for this momentous event. and to create a
Since 19 July 1977 Maitreya has been living in civilization based on
the Asian community of London, gradually sharing, economic
emerging before the public. Long awaited by all and social justice,
faiths under different names, Maitreya is the and global co-
World Teacher for all people, religious or not. operation.
Maitreya’s ‘roving ambassador’ Benjamin For those who
Creme travels the world spreading his message seek signs of His Maitreya as He appeared to 6,000 people in
of hope and creating a climate of expectancy for coming, Maitreya has Nairobi, Kenya, 11 June 1988
Maitreya’s emergence. Trained and supervised manifested miracles
over many years by his own Master, with whom worldwide, touching the hearts of millions and
he is in constant telepathic contact, Benjamin preparing them for His imminent appearance.
Creme has access to up-to-date information on With Maitreya and His group working
Maitreya’s emergence, giving him the total openly in the world, offering Their guidance and
conviction needed to present this story to a teachings, humanity is assured not only of
sceptical world. survival but of the creation of a brilliant new
As a modern man concerned with today’s civilization.
problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of According to Benjamin Creme, we do not
our changing world. The outpouring of His have long to wait to see Him. Soon, Maitreya will
extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for be interviewed on major US television and His
dramatic developments on many fronts: the open emergence will begin.
ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Benjamin Creme regularly lectures
Soviet Union; the unification of Germany; the worldwide, and appears on television and radio
ending of apartheid in South Africa; the growing — in the USA alone he has been interviewed on
power of the people’s voice, leading to demands more than 700 radio and television shows. He is
for freedom and justice; and the worldwide author of 13 books — translated into 11
focus on preserving the environment. languages — and is editor of Share International
Outwardly Maitreya has met with influential magazine which circulates in 70 countries. He
leaders from all fields, informing them of His receives no payment for any of this work.
solutions to our pressing problems. His message Benjamin Creme offers a positive view of the
can be summarized as: “Share and save the future — a message of hope for the world.
world.” He has not come to found a new


Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 (opposite Euston station)
Thursday 12 February 2009 7pm to 9.30pm (doors open 6.30 — admission free)

Share International, PO Box 3677, London NW5 1RU

tel: 44-(0)207-482-1113; fax: 44-(0)207-267-2881 www.share-international.org

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